Which icon to pray to stop drinking. Prayer to the Monk Moses Murin from drunkenness

A person for whom alcohol has become the only meaning of life, stop drinking without outside help he is unlikely to be able to, and if he does not stop, alcoholism will break his life. Broken families, forgotten dreams, desecrated childhoods and ruined lives, the last days of which are marred by frightening hallucinations: that's the price that alcohol collects.

Alcoholics often don't realize they have a problem

Lord, look mercifully on Your servant (name), deceived by the flattery of the womb and carnal fun. Grant him (name) to know the sweetness of abstinence in fasting and the fruits of the Spirit flowing from it. Amen.

Let's cure addiction

To cure alcoholism, medicine has come up with many ways: treatment with drugs that cleanse the body of alcohol and cause disgust at the mere thought of a cheerful drink. Psychotherapeutic practices to help overcome addiction.

The trouble is that alcoholics do not realize that they have a problem, that they are now a danger to themselves and their relatives. In this case, it remains only to apply the conspiracy so that the husband does not drink or rely on the power of prayer.

help from above

God can save the souls and bodies of men and women who have succumbed to the envious demon of drunkenness. Prayer is designed to draw God's attention to people in need. Relatives can pray for each other: a wife - a husband, a mother - ask to make life easier for a son or daughter. Conspiracies are no less effective, but for them to work, you need to follow the rules. Every hex needs conditions to work.

  • Support requests to God by doing good deeds in the name of the suffering, fasting and giving alms to the poor. The prayer of a person who walks through life in a righteous way will be filled with such power that it will help to cure the alcoholic of addiction forever.
  • Before carrying out the ritual, it is worth preparing. Preparations begin three days before the ceremony: they purify the soul and body with fasting and washing in the bath.
  • The key to success is the belief that everything will work out and the husband or son will be able to stop drinking. A request to higher powers, expressed without due respect and necessity, for the sake of empty curiosity or with internal resistance will not succeed, and serious consequences for the curious may erupt. It is desirable that the person on whom the slander is read also strives with all his heart to cope with the addiction.
  • Day, time of day and location important conditions to read the spell. Slanders on alcohol and cravings for it are pronounced during the outgoing moon - misfortunes will also go away with it. Often a sunset or sunrise is chosen for a conspiracy. Favorable days for reading a slander differ depending on the gender of the patient. So, the first, second and fourth days of the week are suitable for men, and for women - the third, fifth and sixth. On Sunday and church holidays rituals are not performed. They read a spell within the walls of their home, but some miracles have to be done in a cemetery or in another similar place. The best place for prayer to God - consecrated land, churches.
  • Rituals need items on which conspiracies are pronounced. It can be a photograph, a pin, soap, a towel, a mirror, or water.
  • Keep secret from others the desire to seek help from above. Do not reveal the secret even to those who were helped by conspiracies. A rare person is ready to believe in the power of prayer, in something that is strange and illogical. Their skepticism will reduce the effectiveness of your work, worse than that, higher powers will get angry at arbitrariness.
  • The ritual cannot be interrupted. Therefore, before you spend it, make sure that you are not distracted by a call at the door or talking on the phone. It is better to finish the ceremony that has begun and then return to everyday affairs.
  • Speak conspiracies in a low voice, even in a whisper. Read the slander slowly, but clearly and distinctly pronouncing the words. Some spells will need to be read in one breath, tongue twister, but clarity is also important here.
  • The slander must be sincere: words are not so important. Ask a higher power for help in trouble for someone close to you. Repeat the Lord's Prayer at the end or beginning of rituals.

For conspiracies to work, you need to follow the rules

Conspiracies for water

One of the most popular spells disgusting to drink, read on water. For slander, you will need to stock up on water.

Ordinary liquid from a tap, even with a filter installed or from a kettle, will not work. For prayer, consecrated water is required, it is best if it is taken on the day of Baptism. For some rituals, only cold melt water is needed, from melted, pre-enchanted ice. For other rituals, you will need water infused for two to three days or spring, well. There are usually no special requirements for capacity.

There are many different slanders using water.

  • Read the plot over the water, wishing with all your heart that your son would stop drinking. The simplest slander sounds like this: “Heaven, hear, Heaven, see what I want to do over the body of a servant of God (name). The sun is free, ascend to my yard; and in my yard there are neither animals nor people. Red moon, come down to my cage; and in my cage there is neither bottom nor door. Clear stars, descend into the marriage cup; and in my cup the mountain water is purer. Sun, turn the slave (name) away from wine, Month, take away the slave (name) from wine, Stars, pacify the slave (name) from wine. In a clean field, in the blue sea and a key with a lock. Amen." Then add the enchanted water to the drinks and food of the victim. alcohol addiction. You can add enchanted water to coffee or tea and even brew them from this water. The medicine can be added to the soup. Treatment will take time, the main thing is to make sure that the patient drinks prepared water.
  • Holy water is used in the same way. A conspiracy with holy water is pronounced on the 19th day of each month. Read the slander three times, leaning close to the water: the breath should touch it. Close the charmed water tightly in a small container and then add it to the patient's drinks and food.
  • Use the enchanted liquid to wash the windows of the room in which the sick person lives. This ritual is intended for mothers of sick children and is performed on Maundy Thursday.
  • Sprinkle water on the back of your sleeping son, remembering to pray at the same time that he refuses to drink alcohol.

Conspiracy for water

Conspiracies for alcohol

You can also read the slander on alcohol, which the son or another loved one loves to drink so much. Collect leftovers from bottles that have been opened and tasted by the alcoholic. Drain these leftovers into a separate container and when it is filled to the top, read the plot. For these purposes, you can also use a new bottle specially purchased in the store. On it, write down the name of the person you want to stop drinking.

  • Read the plot: “Just as your neighbors don’t need you, they don’t drink in the morning, they don’t hangover, but sleep during the day, sleep at night, with their eyes open, so you, slave (name), don’t think about wine: not with a full moon, neither in the new moon, nor in the sun, nor in the rain. My word is strong, my deed is tenacious. Key. Lock. Language. Amen" and then add such alcohol to those alcoholic drinks that the patient consumes.
  • The bottle can be buried in the cemetery, near the fence. A graveyard is a place where worlds meet, so it's a great place to keep something secret and enhance the spell.
  • Take hops (1 tablespoon) and soak it in the drained remnants of alcohol that the patient did not drink. Dry the plant, chop and add it to tea. If a person has not stopped drinking, you will have to cast spells directly over him. Wait until he returns home drunk at midnight and read the lapel three times, standing from the side of the legs. The main thing is that the patient does not wake up at the wrong moment, so make sure that he fell asleep soundly enough.

Hexes on the photo - strong magic

Conspiracies in the photo

The slander in the photo is strong magic and popular. The reasons for such a celebrity in accessibility: no need to add anything. It is easy to get a photograph, especially if the person is a close relative or lover. The power of conspiracies in the picture is explained by the fact that the photograph contains the imprint of the aura, which means that there is an invisible but strong connection between the photo and the model for it.

Before embarking on a slander, you will have to prepare several items:

  • The photo. The photo should be as recent as possible and good quality. It must necessarily be made at the time when the son fell ill with addiction. You can conspire on yourself, in which case your photo will be required.
  • Three wax candles or holy water. It is advisable to take the latter during Baptism.
  • Remember the slander: “Water cleanses the body and spirit, water will save you from drunkenness. Just as the righteous did not eat alcohol, so the servant of God (name) will forget the taste of the potion, and the water will be sweeter than wine for him. The trouble will go away, the Lord will help. Amen".

Read the prayers over the photo and sprinkle it with holy water. Then put the photo away where no one will see it. If the plot did not work and the son continued to drink alcohol, repeat the ritual over the already used photo. A month must pass between the repeated rites. During another conspiracy over the picture, the photo during the ritual is burned on the fire of wax candles.

Conspiracies for soap and towel

A conspiracy for soap and a towel is popular because it is not difficult to put them on the patient. The son or husband themselves will use the product left in the soap dish and dry their hands on a towel carefully hung on a hook.

For slander, you need fresh, previously unused soap or a hand towel.

Say the prayers over a brand new bar of soap nine times. The slander is strong, but if the addiction is strong and the person cannot refuse to drink, the ritual will have to be repeated several times.

Say a plot over a towel and hang it so that the patient wipes his hands on it. No one, except the victim of alcohol, should touch the thing. When the towel is ready, continue the ritual by tying it in a knot. Hide the resulting knot in a secret place, making sure that no one untied it.

Doctors can not always cure a person from alcoholism

Conspiracies from drunkenness for various occasions

In addition to the above slander, there are still many other options to choose from.

  • The lock locks the doors and the alcohol habits of the patients. Get a new lock and key to it. Pour the rest of the alcohol from the unfinished bottle into the castle. Cast the spell and separate the lock and key. Ideal Solution send the key into the river and bury the lock.
  • Food. Buy food: bread, fruits or vegetables. Read conspiracies over them and feed them to the patient.
  • Fishing. Go fishing and catch fresh fish. A product caught by others and bought will not work, you only need a source of omega-3 caught with your own hands. Place the fish in a container filled with wine (which you can buy) and fry it, reading the hexes in the process. Then the sick person should eat this dish and become disgusted with alcohol.
  • Wax. For the plot to work, you will have to try to get the patient to bite a piece of wax, and then sew this piece with teeth marks onto his son's clothes.
  • Pin. Buy a pin (the simplest one will do, decorative ones are not needed) and speak it so that the patient stops drinking. Sew the resulting amulet on the wrong side of the patient's clothes.
  • Paper. Write down the plot on a piece of paper and hide it in the patient's clothing. Protect, if not save from alcoholism, then at least moderate its use.

Doctors are not always able to cure a person of alcoholism. Therefore, here it is necessary to use an integrated approach: medical and psychotherapeutic medicine, and conspiracies. It is necessary to carry out the "treatment" of the patient at home.

Often people succumb to alcohol for reasons that are important to them: failures at work or in their personal lives, and sometimes following the example of their circle of friends. It is noteworthy that “friends” - alcoholics cannot bear the “betrayal” of a former member of their close company, and if, when he decides to give up alcoholism, they begin to seduce him with a bottle.

Chronic alcoholism cannot be completely cured. The person who suffered from it is ready for a relapse. To prevent this, try to upset his friendship with "friends". If a son is under the power of an evil habit, moving can be a salvation. The main thing is not to give up. The patient can still be saved, and thousands of former alcoholics are proof of this.

When an alcoholic appears in the family, the life of the rest of the household becomes unbearable. If you or your loved one suffers from a harmful craving for alcohol, strong prayers will help get rid of it.

Alcoholism is one of the main problems of modern society. Unfortunately, it is impossible to protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful craving for alcohol, so such a disaster can happen in any family. There are many ways to help fight bad habits. One of the most powerful and safest methods are special prayers. Site site experts have compiled a list of the most powerful prayers with which you can recover from addiction.

Prayer for drunkenness to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is known for his gift to heal people from various ailments. With the help of a prayer addressed to the saint, you can overcome the craving for alcohol or help your loved one in this. It is best to say a prayer over water, which the patient should drink.

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, I turn to you with a prayer. Send us your mercy and deliver (the name of the patient) from drunkenness. Let sinful addiction leave him foreverwillingly or against his will. Let the consecrated water replace the demonic drink, and at every sip, a pure mind returns to him. Amen".

You need to say a prayer for several weeks. Soon a person will begin to feel disgust for alcohol and will be cured of bad addiction forever.

Prayer for alcoholism in front of the icon "Inexhaustible Chalice"

miraculous image Holy Mother of God The "Inexhaustible Chalice" is famous for its ability to rid people of drunkenness and other addictions. Ask for help Mother of God you can in a temple or at home, but for this you need to purchase this icon.

“O merciful Mother of God! I ask you for intercession and I pray: hear my request, save (name of the patient) from drunkenness for the sake of him and his loved ones. Do not leave him in trouble, ask the Lord God to forgive his sin. Send him your mercy, so that she becomes his help in getting rid of the terrible disease. May the will of the Lord be done. Amen".

If you turn to the Mother of God at home for help, then do it with candles lit, looking at the image of the “Inexhaustible Chalice”. Each time after saying a prayer, you should put the icon under the pillow of the patient in order to achieve the desired result as soon as possible.

Prayer for drunkenness to Saint Boniface

Saint Boniface led a sinful life for a long time, and only prayers to the Lord helped him to embark on the true path. Now the martyr is being asked to get rid of addictions, including alcoholism.

“Saint Boniface, I beg you for salvation. Beg the Lord God to deliver (the name of the patient) from drunkenness and other vicious addictions. Help him cope with the demons that are pushing him onto the sinful path with the help of your prayers. As soon as (the name of the patient) thirsts for wine, subdue his desire so that he leaves the addiction leading to sin. Amen".

You need to turn to Saint Boniface every day. If you are praying not for yourself, but for another person, you need to do this only after he goes to bed.

Although it is very difficult to get rid of alcohol addiction, turning to the Higher Powers will help you leave the torment behind. However, prayers will work much faster in conjunction with effective folk methods. We wish you health and well-being,and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.10.2018 15:47

The icon that will be discussed can easily be called miraculous, for it has helped many...

There is trouble in the family - the husband began to drink often. Most women are familiar with this problem. Alcohol addiction becomes big problem, which is able to completely unsettle habitual life and harmonious relations. Where to run for help when all methods of struggle have already been tried and have not brought results?

Alcohol is a real demon that occupies the souls of those who are addicted to alcohol. To remove cravings for alcohol, try asking God for help. Orthodox strong prayer from the drunkenness of a husband sometimes becomes the last hope of a desperate wife.

Prayer to the Saints is a powerful remedy for alcohol addiction

All Old Slavonic rituals for weaning a husband from alcohol can be done independently, at home. But for the effectiveness of the process, you should know some important rules.

  1. A prayer for a husband's alcoholism is read only during the waning moon on certain days of the week. These are Monday, Thursday and Tuesday. The rest of the day is intended to get rid of female drunkenness.
  2. You can’t read conspiracies on Sundays, as well as on the days of patronal celebrations and during Great Lent.
  3. When reading a prayer, a woman should cover her head with a scarf, and there should not be any tattoos on her body.
  4. If the ritual requires water, it must be taken only clean. Do not use boiled and already drunk water. It is better to take it from a natural source or well. Otherwise, you should give her time to settle.
  5. You can not devote to your plans strangers who are not involved in the problem.
  6. When pronouncing a prayer, one should not be distracted and interrupt the reading.
  7. If the conspiracy is read at the request of the drinker himself, the person should refrain from smoking and alcohol for 3-4 days before performing the ritual. These days you should fast.

But the main thing is that the ceremony should be approached with the most genuine willingness to help and at the same time be extremely serious. It is strictly forbidden to perform a prayer service and appeal to the Saints for the sake of fun. Frivolity and curiosity will not only not give the desired result, but will further aggravate the situation.

Help of the Holy Matrona

Mother Matrona is a world-famous Russian blessed, canonized as a saint. She was born blind, and by the age of 16, the girl's legs failed. But since childhood, people came to her for help. Matrona gave everything actionable advice, healed from ailments and prayed.

Blessed Matrona is one of the most powerful and revered Saints in Russia

Our Matronushka is the most revered saint, guardian of family ties, healer and reliable adviser in matters of marriage. Those who have already turned to her face for help claim that the prayer from drunkenness to Matronushka radically changed her life for the better.

Memorial Day of the Reverend Matrona May 2. There is a belief that real powerful miracles happen at this time.

Mother Matrona helps everyone. But there is one main condition for the fulfillment of prayer. When calling on her for help, one cannot simultaneously resort to the support of outsiders, especially go to psychics and other healers.

Actionable Prayers

To pray from drunkenness, you must purchase 9 church candles and the icon of the Matrona herself. We also need water, preferably blessed. A prayer that the husband does not drink is read in a closed room in the absence of a spouse. What is being done:

  1. Three candles are lit near the icon, and a container of water is placed.
  2. The prayer "Our Father" is read three times.
  3. Next, you need to cross yourself and take three sips of holy water.

Blessed Matrona canonized as a Saint

1 prayer. « Blessed is the Staritsa, Mother Matrona. Protect my betrothed husband from a painful libation, and wash your husband's mouth with holy water. Let her banish the pernicious desire for alcohol, may she quench his diabolical thirst. As soon as the spouse takes a sip, he will sober up a bit, as he takes two, drunkenness will go away forever. May your will be done. Amen».

2 prayer. « Blessed Staritsa, Mother Matronushka. I beg you to heal the spouse and free him from the languishing sin, the unrestrained debauchery. In full repentance, I beg you, intercessor, deliver my husband from the gullible drunkenness that takes away his bright, immortal soul.

Ask the Lord for full intercession and show us sinners the path of the pious path. May your will be done. Amen».

After the end of the prayer service, it is necessary to cross again and drink holy water three times. Water in the next three days should be slowly mixed with a spouse in any drinks (and alcoholic ones too).

Saint Matrona is one of the most famous and revered Saints in Russia

If the husband is away. It is possible to appeal to the help of the Matrona even when the drinking spouse is away from his wife. There is one very powerful prayer so that the husband does not drink alcohol, being at a long distance.

This plot is read daily until the spouse returns home: “ Blessed intercessor, zealous, Old Lady Matronushka, I appeal to you with my feminine begging. Not for abundance and arrogance, but for the rescue of a drunkard spouse, I pray you. Release him with the grace of the saint, but do not let him ruin his husband's soul with alcohol addiction.

As soon as his palm touches the bottle, tap on the back of the stupid head. As soon as he swallows alcohol, let thinness come to him, and if he gets drunk, let hysteria come and overcome. Tears are shed from my eyes for the last time, and my husband will drink for the last time. May your will be done. Amen».

Protection of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nicholas the Wonderworker is an extremely respected saint in Russia. All his life, the elder came to the aid of the suffering in saving them from troubles. Great amount Orthodox believers are already convinced of its miraculous power. The saint was born on the territory of Lycia (now Turkey) in 234 AD. e. in the city of Patara.

Nikolai Ugodnik is the closest mediator to God

He began to demonstrate his amazing abilities from an early age. At baptism, having not yet learned to walk, little Nikolai stood on tiny legs and did not sit down in the font all the time of the ceremony. The saint many times saved those who turned to him with requests by the power of his intercession. You can turn to the Miracle Worker for help with drunkenness of a father, son and spouse.

The Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Nicholas Day on December 19th. On this date, the most powerful miracles occur.

Effective Prayers

Nicholas the Wonderworker is a powerful intercessor, comforter and reliable assistant in mournful, sad deeds. Strong prayer from the drunkenness of a son, husband or father will help save loved ones from a destructive addiction. Prayers should be whispered before the face of the Saint.

Prayer invoking Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is necessary that the person asking for help acquire a church candle. It should be bought on Thursday - this day is considered the most suitable for invoking the Wonderworker. Prayer is slandered in silence on holy water (it must then be imperceptibly poured into the drink of the one about whom the ceremony was performed).

Prayer against drunkenness and alcoholism to Nicholas the Wonderworker is read for 40 days, you cannot skip reading! For the ceremony, you can stop at one prayer or alternately read different ones.

Prayer 1. « Wonderworker Nikolai, I beg you, intercessor, for help. Descend generously and remove satanic addiction from my spouse - fierce and merciless drunkenness. Against the will of the husband, awaken his aversion to demonic drinks and devastate his unrestrained desire for alcoholic libation.

He will not pour now, but he will not sip the adversary drink without disgust and shudder. But he only sips and pours out holy holy water into his own womb. May your will be done. Amen».

Prayer 2. « The miracle worker St. Nicholas, our intercessor and protector, calling with prayer to you. Have mercy on my husband, protect him from sinful drinking. Forgive me for my evil indulgence and remove the devilish and vile addiction.

Bring on the spouse a bold will - let him not touch the demonic drink and his cravings will be drowned out. And pure water will be famous for them and will remain for centuries. May your will be done. Amen».

In addition to daily prayers, when conducting a ceremony to get rid of addiction to alcohol, it is necessary to regularly visit church churches. Once every ten days, come to church and leave custom-made notes-petitions for the person who is relieved of cravings for alcoholic beverages.

Help of Boniface of Tarsus

Boniface is a holy martyr who repented of his sins and received the status of a Saint after his painful death. He lived in the III century AD in the Roman Empire, in the city of Thras. The young man was the manager of the estate of the wealthy woman Aglaida and at the same time her lover.

The Holy Martyr Boniface, after death, canonized among the Saints

In those days, merciless persecution of Christians took place. Aglaida and Boniface were Christians. Once, several Christians were executed in the town square. Aglaida, wanting to atone for sins, sent a young man to fetch the bodies of the executed in order to bury them. Boniface, having come to the square, witnessed another cruel massacre of a Christian.

Struck by the courage of the believer and his invincible faith in God, the young man loudly declared that he was also a Christian. The unfortunate was seized and subjected to inhuman torture. The Lord twice saved Boniface from death, increasing the ranks of adherents who witnessed the miracle.

The executioner, seeing the futility of his tortures, cut off the young man's head. The people who accompanied Boniface brought his body to Aglaida. The woman buried the martyr with honors, distributed all the property to the poor and retired to the monastery. At the burial place of Boniface, a Temple was erected, and he himself was numbered among the Saints.

Memorial Day of St. Boniface is celebrated on January 1st. The prayers held to his name on this date have the most powerful force.

Effective Prayers

Before calling on Saint Boniface and reading prayers, contact the local priest to bless him for a good deed. Then a prayer for drinking son or her husband will bring a guaranteed result. Prayers to the martyr are read for 40 days to 40 weeks. Saint Boniface will not only help to overcome an addiction, but also strengthen own forces and faith in God.

Prayer-appeal to the Holy Martyr Boniface

Prayer 1 (for a drunken son). « All-praised and long-suffering Holy Martyr Boniface. Do not reject my prayer and grant your intercession to my son. Release him from the heavy burden of drunkenness, drive away the demonic passion for the sake of salvation. Touch his heart with your spirit and grant grace from the Most High God.

Pray to our Lord for forgiveness for our sins, may he not turn away the face of the Holy One from his servant (son's name). Accept the prayer of a mother weeping for a frivolous child. May my cry come with all-night prayers to the Throne of the Most High. In the terrible hour of the demonic exodus, help your child to embark on a clean path. May your will be done. Amen».

Prayer 2 (for husband). « O our holy intercessor, martyr of Christ. Hear me a sinner, praying from a woman's heart. Help my spouse to be freed from the invasion of the devil, from the destructive drink. Begged our Lord to forgive my gullible husband, who in ignorance commits sin.

Deliver him from the satanic network, free him from the devilish temptation to drink alcohol. This is why I pray and call to you. Holy One of God, help the spouse to be cured of evils and evil spirits. Grace of the Trinity of Saints and God Almighty, worshiped and glorified. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen».

When conducting a prayer service for a son, father or husband, do not be discouraged if the results do not follow immediately. The very appeal to the Holy Martyrs already gives a guarantee that your loved one has embarked on the right path.. These prayers are strong and unique, they will definitely help get rid of addiction.

A person's life is too short to waste it on a meaningless hobby and spoil health, reducing the measured hours of existence. It is better to live your time correctly, only then a person will be remembered with a kind word. Think about it!

If the husband often drinks in the family, and such behavior has already become a habit, then this is a serious problem. Alcoholism is a terrible sin, and many men do not even notice it and consider that one or two bottles of a pleasure drink are completely legal for consumption.

Alcohol is a demon that sits deep in those who like to drink, even if sometimes. It is in such cases that a prayer from a husband’s drunkenness can help, so that the need for drinking is as small as possible, and then completely disappears.

Prayer to the Holy Matrona from her husband's drunkenness

There are several icons of the Holy Face of the Matrona, very revered. Those believers who turned to the image always received the deliverance of their halves from alcohol addiction. Prayer forever takes away a man’s desire to drink, a person stops suffering without a drink, the sacred text literally brings back to life those who once drank and did not stop. This is not just getting rid of alcoholism, this is the salvation of a person from the most terrible disease in the world.

“O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and accept us, sinners, praying to you, who have learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn in all your life, with faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; may your mercy not fail now to us, unworthy, restless in this many-fuss world and nowhere to find comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our sicknesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help me convey my worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, keep the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker from alcohol addiction

If there is a discord in the family because of the drunkenness of the spouse, then this is terrible. The first thing to start treatment with is a daily appeal to the Lord God and to Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is important that the worshiper be alone in the room with a candle, which is important to buy on a certain day - on Thursday. The icon of the Mother of God, Jesus Christ, the Matrona of Moscow and Nicholas the Wonderworker must be placed near the candle. Take a small container of water and add liquid to food and drink to someone who drinks in the family. It is important to read the prayer three times. But that's not all. It is important to order a magpie in any church about the health of the second half. Water must be added to the husband for 40 days, without missing a single one.

“Wonderworker Nikolai, I appeal to you with a prayer. Have mercy generously and deliver my husband from demonic drunkenness. Against his will, find disgust and empty his craving for a drunken libation. He will not take a sip, he will not swallow, and he will not pour harmful drink without a shudder. And he will take a sip and pour out property into the womb of holy water. May your will be done. Amen".

The prayer "Inexhaustible Chalice" will help from the husband's alcoholism

Alcoholism literally eats many people alive. The body is depleted, a person begins to think slowly, actions slow down, and the soul inside cries. According to the church and all believers, alcoholism is a manifestation of demonic possession, the influence of the devil on the human body.

A person who is addicted to alcohol needs any help, even if he refuses it and claims that he is absolutely not sick. To provide support, you can take the icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice" and read a miraculous and powerful prayer from the drunkenness of her husband.

It is to this icon that many who are faced with the problem of drunkenness turn. After reading the prayer, a person is healed, getting rid of alcoholism. It is important to read the sacred text several times with good intentions. For the duration of the reading for 40 days, it is important to fast, go to church regularly, order a magpie about the health of her husband.

Oh, Most Merciful Lady! Now we resort to Your intercession, do not despise our prayers, but graciously hear us: wives, children, mothers and a serious illness of drunkenness obsessed, and for this sake from your mother - the Church of Christ and the salvation of those who fall away, brothers and sisters, and heal our relatives. Oh, Merciful Mother of God, touch their hearts and soon restore them from sinful falls, bring them to saving abstinence. Beg your Son, Christ our God, to forgive us our sins and not turn away His mercy from His people, but strengthen us in sobriety and chastity. Accept, Most Holy Theotokos, the prayers of mothers, shedding tears for their children, wives, weeping for their husbands, children, orphans and the poor, left astray, and all of us, falling to Your icon. And may this cry of ours come, by Thy prayers, to the Throne of the Most High. Cover and keep us from crafty trapping and all the machinations of the enemy, in the terrible hour of our exodus, help us to go through unswervingly air ordeals, with Your prayers deliver us eternal condemnation, may God's mercy cover us in endless ages of ages. Amen.

Life story when reading a strong prayer for husband's alcoholism

A woman whose husband resorted to a bottle every day was almost desperate and did not know what to do with family life farther. Having visited the church, she read a prayer against the drunkenness of her beloved husband Matrona of Moscow. After a while, the husband seemed to wake up from oblivion, woke up from a deep sleep. The man recovered and no longer wanted to drink. And all this despite the fact that he suffered from alcoholism for many years.

Coding, which was about five times, did not help, even the psychologist, whom the family actively visited, did not help. Life literally turned into a living hell when a man is in a rush alcohol intoxication started thinking about suicide.

The wife did everything possible so that her husband would no longer drink. The church was the only salvation, a miracle happened. Now the family lives happily, and the husband no longer reaches for the bottle.

A bit of history

Where did such a miraculous prayer from her husband's alcoholism come from? In 1878, the sacred text became known to everyone. This story happened to one soldier who drank a lot. Once a handsome and intelligent man turned into a man with a low standard of living. The man had rewards, prosperity, a beloved woman, but, addicted to the bottle, he lost everything, often begged and got sick.

In a dream, the soldier saw the Lord God, who ordered him to come to the city of Serpukhov to the monastery to serve a prayer service in front of the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice. Waking up from a dream, the man followed the words of God. The road to the monastery was not easy, as I had to crawl on all fours - my legs refused to drink alcohol. But after reading the prayer in front of the icon, which at that time was still little known, the soldier felt enlightenment and unprecedented relief inside. He was able to stand up, his legs no longer hurt.

This news spread all over the world, because once a dying man got rid of alcohol addiction as soon as he read a prayer in a place that the Almighty himself indicated to him in a dream. This is how the healing prayer and the icon became famous.

Strong prayer from husband's alcoholism at a great distance

There is another very powerful prayer that really helps, even if the spouse is not nearby, but very far away. This prayer is for those whose husband suffers from alcoholism, but is not nearby at the moment. The sacred text is read until the man is nearby.

Oh, Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow, I appeal to you with a prayer. Not for wealth and prosperity, but about a drinking husband. Free him with your grace from alcohol addiction and do not let the immortal soul perish. As soon as he touches the bottle, hit him on the back of the head. As soon as he takes a sip, he will be a little sick. As soon as he gets drunk again, let him immediately beat in hysterics. Tears will spill from his eyes, he will drink for the last time. May your will be done. Amen.

When exactly is it best to seek God's help?

Yes, prayers heal people, brighten their souls, help to atone for sins before the Lord God. But all this is only if the family is on the verge of divorce because of the husband's bad habit. If you can talk with your spouse and come to general conclusion, to find a compromise, to agree, then it is worth trying to help get rid of alcoholism in a different way, more humane.

If the husband refuses to accept that he is sick, that alcoholism is main enemy and a demon, then it is necessary to turn to the divine forces. The sacred text acts as a support, because it is he who directs all the thoughts of the prayer to the recovery of the second half. Also, you can always turn to the Father in the church, he will never refuse a conversation with a parishioner.

The sooner you repent of your sins, the better. Alcoholism is the worst thing that can be. Not only the soul is healed, only good thoughts will be in the head. With a sincere reading of a prayer from drunkenness, this incurable grief can disappear.

If the husband has nothing else to help, nothing can save a person from a terrible addiction, then it's time to turn to God, who will always heal anyone who turns to him. Many girls ask the Lord God that alcoholism is no longer a problem and the main cause of contention in the family. Grief goes away, and husbands become what they were before drinking.

The widespread distribution of alcoholism has become a scourge and torment for many families, and prayer from drunkenness to the Matrona of Moscow sometimes becomes a lifeline that helps those suffering from addiction.

If the family has drinking man(often this is a husband or son), close people wholeheartedly want to help and find a saving straw that will pull their relative out of the abyss of alcohol addiction. Sometimes the methods official medicine do not help or give only a temporary effect. In this case, many turn to spiritual methods of healing. Alcoholism is a very complex disease; all possible methods must be connected to its treatment.

The Matrona of Moscow, even after the end of her life, is an intercessor in many human problems, with the drunkenness of loved ones. Prayer to Matronushka from drunkenness helped a considerable number of those who were suffering and for many became the last hope for salvation.

You can pray to the saint in various conditions:

  • in the church in front of her icon;
  • at home;
  • it is possible to order a prayer service in the monastery.

If a prayer is read from a prayer book in front of the icon of the mother, brother or wife of an alcoholic, three church candles sprinkle his photo with holy water. It is better to do this when the moon is waning at sunset. You need to ask Matronushka for forty days in a row.

The prayer from the drunkenness of the son of the Matrona of Moscow, uttered by the parents, has a special power, and with the excessive use of alcohol by the son or daughter, it must be read.

Life and Miracles of the Blessed Matrona

Saint Matrona was born blind, in her youth she lost the ability to walk. But in return for physical disabilities, she was granted from above the gift of clairvoyance and healing. From early childhood, her favorite place to stay was the church, where she could stay in her favorite corner with images for hours on end. She preferred a continuous dialogue with God to fellowship with peers who teased and laughed at her.

Even during the baptism of Matrona, a light cloud rose above her, and the priest who noticed this said that the girl would be a saint. A fiery love for the Lord and people helped her survive the years of persecution against the church. Mother daily received many people who traveled to her from all over the country.

Having finished her earthly journey, the Matrona of Moscow continues to help everyone who turns to her with prayer. A sincere request for help will certainly be heard by the intercessor.

Accept the problem and gain faith

The prayer of the most suffering from drunkenness and binges has the greatest power. If the drinker is aware of his problem, he must make efforts to overcome it. Back in the fourth century, Saint John Chrysostom emphasized that even those who are completely mired in the vice of drunkenness often do not consider themselves guilty.

In the event that the drinker himself categorically refuses to make a prayer petition, only his relatives remain to fight for healing. When making a request to the Holy Matrona, you must have sincere faith. This is the main condition for a complete recovery from alcohol addiction.

All doubts and hesitation in the correctness of the chosen way of solving the problem should be set aside. No need to wait for instant healing, in most cases this will require long term. Do not lose hope and perseverance. After achieving a positive result, one should not forget about the help received. It is necessary to regularly offer an akathist to Matrona and thank her for deliverance.

Strong prayer

Prayer to the Matrona of Moscow from the drunkenness of her husband is read by the wives in front of her holy image in the women's Intercession Monastery, where her relics are buried. Many go to the chapel at the Dmitrievsky cemetery, where she was buried. The prayer petition uttered in these places has a powerful power to heal the disease of drunkenness. If it is impossible to visit holy places, you can ask for deliverance in any church or at home. It is important to avoid drinking companies and parties with drinking alcohol. Faith in God and hope for help must be present in the soul Higher powers. A strong prayer to the Holy Matrona of Moscow from the immoderate ailment of her husband's drunkenness will certainly have an effect and will be heard. It is good if a prayer akathist to the Matrona of Moscow or Jesus Christ is ordered in any church or monastery.

The words of the prayer to Matronushka should not be read mechanically. It is imperative to delve into its meaning, the request must come from the depths of the heart. You can refer to the saint in your own words or read prayer petition from a prayer book bought at the church. The order of pronunciation is of fundamental importance, because this is not a spell. During the prayer, the name of the drinking relative is necessarily pronounced and a request to heal him from immoderate craving for alcoholic beverages.

The icon of the Matrona should be at home, and the icon should be well worn around the neck drinking husband or son. A prayer to the Matrona of Moscow from the vice of her son's drunkenness, uttered by his mother, will also have a powerful impact. The effect will be enhanced if the mother and wife of the drinker pronounce it at the same time.

Prayer texts

“O blessed mother Matrono, now hear and accept us, sinners, praying to you, who have learned to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn in all your life, with faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come running, quick help and miraculous healing to everyone; may your mercy not fail now to us, unworthy, restless in this many-fuss world and nowhere to find comfort and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in bodily illnesses: heal our sicknesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil, passionately fighting, help me convey my worldly Cross, to endure all the hardships of life and not lose the image of God in it, keep the Orthodox faith until the end of our days, have strong hope and hope in God and unfeigned love for neighbors; help us, after departing from this life, reach the Kingdom of Heaven with all those who please God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father, in the Trinity of glory, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen".

“Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are a helper to all people, help me in my trouble (…..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

“Blessed old woman Matrona, our intercessor and petitioner before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Reason the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solve the problem (....) Thank you for your holy help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The story of a man who received help and healing

Many cases are known when the prayers of the Matrona of Moscow were heard, and miraculous healing took place. Such is the case that happened quite recently. The husband of one woman suffered for a long time from incurable alcoholism. Repeated coding gave only a temporary effect, after a while everything resumed. The father's drunkenness plunged the children into horror and despair. The family was already running out of moral and physical strength to endure all this.

The last hope remained only for the help of the Higher Forces, and the woman decided to go to Moscow to make a desperate request to Matronushka. She sincerely asked the intercessor to heal her husband in the Intercession Monastery. From there she brought a small icon with the image of Matrona and put it around the neck of her drunken husband. The next morning, the whole family was surprised to hear that he had run out of strength to drink alcohol, and the final decision was made to lead a sober lifestyle. Since then, the husband of this woman is completely indifferent to alcohol. He has one goal in life: to live for his wife and children.

One should not be surprised at the outcome of this story, because sincere faith performs real miracles. And requests for help to the intercessor Matrona will certainly be heard. Her entire earthly life was devoted to suffering people and while in heaven, she continues to help everyone who needs her support.