Soothing pills from nerves and stress: list. Best Nerves Tablets: Name

Any medicinal intervention must come from the attending physician. You can not independently assign treatment yourself. Even harmless at first view of herbs can bring tangible harm to health, especially since their use.

In pharmacies without a recipe, you can purchase the following drugs of observed nerves:

- "Persene";
- "Novopalsit";
- "Persevit" ("Persen");
- Vallerian tincture ();
- Motherboard tincture;
- tincture Melissa;
- tincture of mint;
- ;
- peony tincture;
- .

It should be remembered that any sedative preparations reduce blood pressure.

Most of the preparations for calm contain in their composition Valeryan and Mint. But one-time reception cannot be cured. It is necessary to take these drugs for at least a month. In this case, it is necessary to take into account individual tolerability to each component. It is worth knowing that long-term use can lead to constipation. Therefore, people suffering from this ailment, the long-term intake of valerian drugs is not recommended. In any case, consultation with the doctor is necessary.

Sold in pharmacies and special sedatives. It includes:

Peppermint leaves - 33.3 grams;
- The leaves of the triligent water - 33.3 grams;
- Rhizome from Valerians - 16.7 grams;
- Hop - 16.7 grams.

Two tablespoons of collection are brewed with boiling water (400 ml). It insists for about 20 minutes. Then they filter and drink in the morning and before bedtime in half a compartment.

Folk remedies for calming the nervous system

Soothe nervousness and relieve irritation can tea from mint, melissa, yarrow, souls, vowels and hormour in equal proportions.

As a means of insomnia and anxiety, you can use natural honey. For this, enough one teaspoon of honey. warm water or milk. Stronger effect can be achieved by drinking warm herbal tea From the sedative collection.

Beautiful sedative effect possesses. You can prepare it like this: 3 tablespoons of the dyeing are sealed with boiling water (200 ml). The medicine insists for 20 minutes and filter. We need to drink infusion in the mornings and evenings for 15 days across the tablespoon.

The infusion from the thyme will help not only soothe, but also to strengthen the nervous system. Prepare it quite simple. One teaspoon of grass should be pouring boiling water (200 ml) and insisted within one and a half hours under the lid. To drink before bed, adding a little honey to drink.

It relaxes well and soothes a hot drink from Ivan tea. The teaspoon of grass is sealed with a glass of boiling water and leave it to be tentible for ten minutes. You can, if you wish, add a little honey, then the drink will become more fragrant and useful. You can drink such tea for a long time.

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Healing properties motherboard Long known traditional medicine. His ability to remove the nervous tension exceeds even the well-known Valerian. In addition, it is effective in the treatment of respiratory failure, heart disease and base disease. The most effective means of which there is a mother-in-law is a tincture.


With heart rate disorders need 25 drops motherboard on alcohol. Usually, this kind of disease is treated with a course, so you should drink three times a day at least for a week. The tincture is mixed with three tablespoons of water and drinks 30 minutes before meals. After eating tincture, it is recommended to lie down, so the effect will manifest much faster. To calm the strong arrhythmia, you need to accept the medicine, breathe deeply and do not breathe for a while. Cardiac rhythm will gradually come to normal after smooth exhalation.

With cardiac pains, it is impossible to be 30% tincture by the way motherboard. It will also help with, rheumatism and myocarditis. Before each food intake, drink 30 drops of medication. Therapy should continue at least a month.

Netrosy-like manifestations and neurasthenia are perfectly treated with pharmacy tincture motherboard. With these states, the dose of medicine will be quite large - 40 drops. But it should not scare you. Because of treatment are extremely rare, but the dissected nervous system when taking motherboard Restores. With a vegetative-vascular dystonia, the dose of medication will be similar. And the contusion of the head in this dosage is an excellent auxiliary measure.

With poor eyesight, ophthalmologists recommend taking 35 drops of tincture motherboard on alcohol. Of course, one single lattice in this situation can not do, but as an additional measure it is very effective. During the pairs and paralymps, the same. Snapped tone in the postpartum period is fraught with bad consequences. And in this situation, all the same dyeing will help to cope with the problem. Take 35 drops of tincture twice a day.


In arterial hypotension and bradycardia, the alcohol tincture of the mother-in-law is contraindicated.

The peony tincture contains essential oils and organic acids. It is used both in cosmetology and medicine. With it, it is possible to improve the condition of hair and skin, as well as overcome insomnia and vegetual-vascular dystonia.

You will need

  • - PION roots;
  • - Vodka.


For treatment, you can use both pharmacy and independently prepared nastura . In efficiency, they do not give way to each other. Cooking in two, it is as much time that the peony is fill. Use 50 g of fresh roots of the plant as raw materials. Thoroughly wash them, pour the half-length vodka, close the tank tightly and remove it into the dark place. Periodically scolding the liquid, and after the expiration of the required time, resolve the resulting nastura.

Take nastura peony At night, if you suffer insomnia. Dosage for - 3 teaspoons. Teenagers will have a half dose. Children under 14 years old are contraindicated. Continue therapy for two weeks. If against the background of the drug cancellation, problems will return, repeat the course of treatment.

To improve well-being in front of menstruation and for the treatment of gynecological diseases Drink on a teaspoon of tincture peony 2-3 times a day. Preferred medication before or during food. The course of treatment with PMS is a week, and other diseases of the female sexual sphere - a month.


The drug is incompatible with some drugs (antidepressants, tranquilizers, neuroleptics, etc.), so in order to avoid the development of complications, take the peony tincture only after consulting the doctor.

Morning is not the simplest time for most people. Proper to start your day - it is very important. That is why it is so important to drink and eat in the morning proper products.

Drinks - a good way to wake up the body

Sleep slows down each cell of the human body, biochemical processes are suspended. In order to fully restore dormant functions, the body requires a couple of hours, only after that moment you need to start breakfast. However, today this time in the morning does not have a part of people, and wake up and wake up the body, however, it is necessary. To speed up the wake-up process, the empty stomach is desirable to drink a glass of clean, non-carbonated water. This is allowed to compensate for the loss of fluid during sleep, "wake up" and the stomach. In the morning the intestines and kidneys are working, which are engaged in the withdrawal of toxins. Water speeds up this process.

If your body is used to a dense breakfast, try to shift it a little ahead, predatory breakfast in water intake. Glass of water - perfect option For any body. But you can complement it with other options. For example, the European habit of drinking in the morning. Fresh orange juice has a lot of meaning. Essential oils of this citrus stimulate digestion and functioning of blades and gallblades. However, if you have a stomach ulcer, orange juice stands with water.

If, in general, your body is healthy, but in the morning there is no strength to do anything, try drinking a glass of sweet soda. Such a drink will give enough energy for the morning jerk. But this is an option for an extreme case, it is not necessary to use it regularly.

Coffee - not a panacea

In general, natural juices with ballast substances and pulp activate digestive glands, contribute to the absorption of heavy food, so they are also better to drink food. However, if you are used to breakfast with milk porridge, replace juice with a different drink. Coffee or tea in this case can replace juice, but the empty stomach is not recommended for coffee, at least black coffee. So twisted it or cream. If you have atherosclerosis, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach, or gastritis, prefer tea with strong coffee. Black teas, by the way, are also able to cheer well.
If you prefer fermented milk drinks, drink them apart from other products. So they will bring the maximum amount of benefit.

Undeservedly forgotten as morning drink. But that's excellent option. The combination of sugar, hot milk, dry chocolate can provide the human body with energy on long term. In addition, cocoa contains pretty a large number of Minerals, vitamins and proteins.

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Sleep impairment is a serious problem indicating a bitten biorite. As long as you understand the reasons, it is necessary to support the forces of the body and take a sedative in insomnia.

You will need

  • - "Mennovalen"
  • - "Melatonin"
  • - "Valerian"
  • - "Ethylbromisovalerianate"
  • - "Valokordin"
  • - "Phenobarbital"
  • - Mint and Melissa leaves
  • - Beetal juice
  • - Honey
  • - Motherbon
  • - St. John's wig
  • - Yarrow
  • - Romaist flowers


With any ailment, a person does not want to spend time to clarify and in the pharmacy. In order not to impose harm to the nervous system, it is worth taking tablets on from insomnia. Safety sedatives refers to "changeable". It removes stress, practically does not have side effects and is not addictive. This sedentary with insomnia is accepted by courses, the purpose of which is to complete sleep restoration. It is good for the fact that in the morning after his reception does not feel drowsiness.

If you confused the day at night, you should give preference to "melatonin". The medicine is made on the basis of hormone produced by the body at night. This is not sleeping bag, but pills for the natural recovery of rhythm. The drug is particularly suitable for "owls", which are hardly rising in the morning.

People who prefer pills from insomnia will like the soft effect of Valerians. Only you need to agree with the doctor dosage: the tablets will help with a slight sleep disorder. With serious violations in the work nervous system We need concentrated drops.

You can also use the "ethylbromisovalerian", "Walockordin", "phenobarbital" or simply to use the oil of peppermint. But it is best not to be lazy and adhere to the folk recipes to combat insomnia.

Fitotherapy takes longer than the treatment of sleep disorders and. But the effect of it lasts for years. The easiest thing is every night as prevention of drinking tea with mint leaves and Melissa. In the absence of allergies, it is possible to improve the taste of the drink with lemon and honey. But sugar in the soothing tea is superfluous - he, on the contrary, excites the brain, leading to insomnia.

In case of serious stress and depression, the motherboard is shown. First you need to cook infusion, bay 3 dessert spoons of crushed leaf glasses hot water And asking under the lid for a quarter of an hour. Furious infusion drinks on a dessert spoon 4 times a day with the same intervals between receptions. In order not to suffer the regime, which is sometimes difficult to observe, you can drink tea. Welding prepare from mother-in-law, Hypericum, yarrow, mint and chamomile, taken in proportions 2: 2: 1: 1: 1. For 1.5 glasses of boiling water, you need to fall asleep 2 dessert spoons of the mixture. Drink before eating and at night.

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Medicinal preparations for the treatment of insomnia can cause dependence. With a slight form of sleep, it is worth using herbs that will help to normalize sleep, stabilize the work of the cardiovascular system and the vegetative function.

You will need

  • - Fruits hawthorn;
  • - Valerian;
  • - Bosnina Red;
  • - ordinary soul man;
  • - St. John's wort;
  • - Dyagil;
  • - Cyprus;
  • - hemp seeds;
  • - Lavender;
  • - Lucerne;
  • - Melissa;
  • - mint;
  • - dyeing;
  • - pion;
  • - chamomile;
  • - Speech;
  • - Hop;
  • - Clover.


Barrays and Infusions of the Fruit of Blood-Red Fruits Stabilize the work of the cardiovascular system, have a relaxing effect and are traditionally used to combat insomnia in the composition of sedative fees.

Valerian has a powerful sedative effect, normalizes the work of the heart and the vegetative function. It is used to treat insomnia not only as part of fees, but also as a monotherapy.

Oblong ordinary for many centuries is used as folk remedy To stabilize sleep, eliminate the symptoms of vegetative instability, mood lability, irritability.

St. John's wort helps to get rid of the easy form of depression, stabilize mood and sleep. It is used in the form of decoctions, infusions, as part of plant drugs intended for the treatment of depression.

In addition, many other herbs with a sedative action can be used to treat the insomnia and stabilizing: Dyagil, Cyprus, hemp seeds, lavender, alfalfa, melissa, mint, mother-in-law, peony, chamomile, Speert, Hop, clover.

Herbal fees for the treatment of insomnia can be bought at the pharmacy or prepare independently using therapeutic raw materials in the appropriate proportions.

Collect number 1. Mix around 20 g of valerian roots, crushed hawthorn fruits, elderberry, add 10 g Melissa, chamomiles and hops. Brew one tablespoon of the resulting mixture in a thermos on half a liter boiling water. Insist for three hours. Take the effect of a third cup three times a third.

Collect number 2. Mix three parts of the soul mate, lavender, dyagil, valerians, dyeing, add one part of the Veroboy, peony, mint, cannabis seeds. Brew and take the same way as indicated in the first recipe.


Before applying herbs and fees with a sedative effect, it is worth receiving a doctor's advice. Fitotherapy is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, with cardiovascular diseases, against which there is hypotension. Also, phytosborg can not be used in individual intolerance and allergies to any components of plant raw materials.

Corvalol is a sedative vasodilatory drug, which is widely used in insomnia, increased irritability, hypochondriac syndrome, neurotic states. The medicine can be applied to relieve spasms and relieve the symptoms of the functional disorders of the cardiovascular system.


The drug cannot be used in severe hepatic or renal failure. Forbidden the use of "Corvalol" during lactation. If a woman is required to prescribe a medicine, a doctor may be considered an option to transfer the child to the patient on alternative methods Nutrition. It is worth noting that the means is contraindicated during pregnancy. In the process of use, one should not exceed the designated dosage. With the deterioration of the condition, the drug should be discontinued and seek advice from a specialist.

Among side effects Korvalola celebrate increased drowsiness, dizziness, worsening attention. Some patients may appear allergic reactions, as well as symptoms of bromine poisoning, among which depression, rhinitis, movement coordination disorders, diathesis, conjunctivitis are noted.

The means should be taken inside, dissolving in a small amount of water (30-50 ml). Drink medicine should be directly used to eat 15-30 drops, depending on the instructions of the doctor. If necessary (for example, at the time), up to 50 drops can be increased. When prescribing, children should make a solution of 3-15 drops per day. The chosen dose should depend on the age of the child and the variety of its disease. The course of treatment is determined by a specialist in accordance with the individual testimony of the patient.

Since the drug, as well as almost 80% ethanol, during the period of treatment, the patient is not recommended to engage in activities, which requires an increased concentration of attention and response. The medicine slows down the activity of the nervous system, and therefore, after reception, automobile means should be carried out with particular care.

With prolonged use of "Corvalol" in humans, it is possible to develop dependence on the preparation. For complete refusal to the means, a doctor's consultation may be required. Also, with a debt of drug use, a bromine is possible in the body, which can cause appropriate implications for the body. For example, as a result of intoxication, a very strong dream is possible, in which a person fails to wake, or constant fatigue. With severe overdose, the oppression of the central nervous system, amnesia, incoherent speech, euphoria, the drop in blood pressure, and in special cases and coma is beginning.

Daily quarrels, failures in personal life and school, rudeness of the head - all this can wake the beast even in the most balanced person.

Frequent nervous breakdowns show adverse pressure on human mind, destroying neurocytes in the brain.

Unfortunately, the greatest part of the population prefers to calm their nerves with the help of a doctor discharged by Doctor, which often cause addictiveness and no longer affect the CNS.

In addition, pharmacy drugs have a negative effect on the internal organs, the liver, kidney and cardiovascular system suffer the most. Without thinking about possible severe consequences, patients are often alone, another cripples.

Before the development of modern medicine, people treated their ailments with various folk methodsThis also applies to the nervous system.

Our grandmothers still handle the treatment with the help of old proven tools have only positive. They are definitely right and just how to calm the nerves without pills, read below in the cognitive article.

In fact, soothe your swelling nerves can be quite simple. For instance, the most popular sedative techniques are aromatherapy and taking a warm bath..

This method will help to relax, calm down and wash off all the negative per day. Pleasant water temperature, sea \u200b\u200bsalt, bath foam, candles and muffled light will help forget all not the most positive moments day.

A couple of drops of soothing essential oilwill help to truly immerse yourself in Nirvana. When choosing oils, you should be guided by your sense of smell.

However, the most relaxing body and consciousness are the following oils:

Tea tree

In addition to using aromamasel, it is recommended to use herbal baths two or three times in seven days. Take a handful of your chosen herb and pour the glass of boiling water. Let it be wound fifteen minutes, away and pour into the water in the bathroom.

The most relaxing effect is given such herbs:

Having done a complete procedure, you are not only calmness of the nerve and relax, but also satisfy the body with useful vitamins.

Pouring water - This is another of the most effective means to calm the nervous system. The first one who noticed the positive effect of velves on the CNS was the physiotherapist Sebastian Knepe.

Back in the nineteenth century, he determined and made up the technology for which the pouring should be performed.

It consists of steps where each item is fulfilled five days in a row:
First point. Easy dumping with cool water in the morning and after lunch.
The second item. The next step is to pour the body and knees.
Third point. Full damping of the body, taking the bath and pouring the back.

Every day, adhering to the scientist technique and performing instruction, you can easily get rid of the nervous breakdowns and the accompanying depression.

Enveloping salted cloth also seems to be a good method for dealing with neurasthenia. Folk characteristics recommend winding in front of a natural cloth pre-dipped in salt solution.

Embed from above warm blanket, It is necessary to lie down until then, as long as the fabric does not dry at all. After that, you can change clothes into clean clothes. This technique must be repeated with a frequency of once a half weeks, within two or three months.

After completed procedures, you will forget about neurasthenia, if not coming, then definitely for a long time.

Yogait also occupies a leading place among the methods of recreating peace of mind. This practice came to us from India and found their fans.

Yoga varieties have a lot, and they all are designed to influence the physical and psychological level. Choose a suitable direction for yourself will not be much difficulty. Expert will help you master the first steps in this practice.

Subsequently, as you are enough to master the technique, you can safely deal with yoga during mental and mental discomfort.

For proper fulfillment Training, you will feel how the air enters the brain centers and saturates them with oxygen. Therefore, if for any reason the time on yoga does not remain, respiratory gymnastics is not allowed to perform when convenient and anywhere.

Massage not only perfectly relaxes the body, but also calms the nerves. Modern salons provide a variety of massage techniques.

However, before visiting a massage therapist, talk to your doctor who will advise you a certain direction in this kind of practice.

Tinctures and beams of medicinal plantswill help to support your soul harmony. Prepare sedative drinks easier than simple. Recipes are most useful for your nerves we will look at below.

1) chamomile tea
The tablespoon of the color of chamomile pharmacy is poured with a glass of boiling water and leave to appease for five minutes. The drink is to take a dream coming half a glass.

2) Motherboard tincture
Take five grams of the plant "Motherboard" and pour the glass of boiling water. Leave a drink for thirty minutes to fill, then stir the flower honey tea spoon. You need to drink a tincture without hurrying, about two times two hours before taking meals.

3) tincture of peon roots
A teaspoon of finely chopped roots must be pouring three glasses of boiling water and insist about half an hour. It is necessary to take the fluid three times a day, one tablespoon is ten minutes to the feast.

4) decoction from the bark of viburnum
Take aluminum dishesIn which you pour six grams to the edge of the viburnum and pour a glass of boiling water there. Boil the mixture for five to seven minutes on a small light. After the time, let's brew twenty minutes and strain the drink. Take inside the broth recommended on one tablespoon four times a day before serving dishes.

It is not worth overlooking the fact that calm the sailing nerves without tablets is easier simple if you distract your attention to something else.

So, for example, men can release their "couples", engaged in the gym, and women always helped shopping. If you feel the face of a breakdown near, remember your hobby.

Every person has its own hobby, which brings great pleasure. So what else is needed to reduce the boiling point?

Arrange the day off and visit the forest, where you can always shout and free anger. Agree, it is better than to break into people close to you.

In unscheduled cases, do not sin to make an appointment to a psychologist. Qualified specialists will help you deal with problems, listen and help the Council.

Remember that much easier to take care of the problem in time than to spoil the life of yourself and your surrounding!

Rhythm modern life It may remove even the most resistant person from the equilibrium state. Permanent hurry, a collision with aggression, angrily, irritation - all this negatively affects the nervous system. The latter simply does not withstand such tension. As a result, various neuroses arise, depression, nervous breakdowns. But it is not necessary to wait for such serious consequences. After all, modern medicine proposed many drugs that can directly eliminate the symptoms of systematic stresses. In any pharmacy you can buy pills from nerves. However, how to pick up an extensive range most effective?

Important warning!

It is necessary to clearly assimilate that pills from nerves and stress should be appointed only by a doctor. Extremely not recommended such drugs to take on their own. They can provoke the occurrence of consequences dangerous to the human body.

It is allowed to take advantage of medicines if the ailment is temporary. For example, if it is an experience in the entrance examinations or the upcoming wedding. But in the case when stress and depression are observed a long period, it is necessary to contact the doctor. An independent selection of drugs is strictly prohibited.

Varieties of drugs

Tablets from nerves and stress are an extensive group of medicines that provide a positive effect on the activity of the nervous system. They ensure the restoration of the balance between the processes of excitation and braking.

By pharmacological effects, all pills from nerves are divided into groups:

  1. Tranquilizers. Such drugs remove the alarm, emotional discomfort, fear. At the same time, they do not violate cognitive functions. A person can speak, think, perceive information. Preparations do not cause various psychological manifestations (hallucinations, nonsense). This group includes drugs: "Diazepam", "Chlordiazepoxide", "Lorazepam", "Bromazepam", "Fenazepam", "Ataraks". However, such drugs are able to call addiction. That is why tranquilizers can only be used under strict control Doctor and short courses. Sometimes they can provoke side effects, such as muscle weakness, trembling fingers, slow motion rate of mental reactions.
  2. Sedatives. These are medicines that are made on the basis of bromine or plants. Compared to the above-described group, they differ in less severe sedative properties. These drugs gently affect the human body. In addition, they practically do not apply a side effect. Most popular medicines based on mother-in-law, Melissa, Valerian rhizomes. Sedatives are often accepted with rapid heartbeat, hypertension. IN this group The following drugs include "Validol", "Valeriana", "Barbal", "Valokordin".
  3. Neuroleptics. These are very strong pills from nerves and stress. The list of drugs included in this group: "Sonapaks", "Tiaprid", "Azleptin". Such medicines are applied in psychiatric practice. They are appointed by a doctor with severe diseases.
  4. Normatimic medicines.Psychotropic medicines. They are aimed at stabilizing the mood in patients. Such drugs make it possible to soften the phases of psyche disorders and inhibit the development of attacks. Bright representatives of the Group are carbamazepine preparations, "Occarbazepine", "Lookidin", "Valproat Sodium", "Risperidon", "Olanzapin", "Quetiapine".

Contraindications for receiving sedative drugs

It is important to understand that not all people are allowed to use pills from nerves. It is best to consult with your doctor before applying such medicines.

Special attention and caution require states:

  1. Pregnancy. Many women during the baby tool are faced with experiences and stress. However, you should not take tablets or brew fees. Soothing medicines must be appointed by the attending physician. As a rule, valerian-based drugs are allowed, dyeing.
  2. Individual sensitivity. If a person has a tendency to allergies, it should be very careful to pick up sedative medicines. It is necessary to carefully examine the instructions and be sure to consult with the doctor.
  3. Childhood. It is strictly forbidden to independently apply sedatives for kids. Such medicines may appoint a doctor only in the case of psychological diseases. It is not necessary to use sedatives for children who have an emotional state and a nervous system in order. In addition, you should not forget that all the guys can be capricious, roll hysterics. Such manifestations are not a reason for the use of medicines.
  4. Heart injuries. It is not recommended to take sedative medicines in the case of mechanical damage to the head. Doctors argue that these drugs often provoke the occurrence of adverse reactions.

Soothing pills from nerves should not be taken by the individuals who have been identified:

  • brain tumors;
  • epilepsy;
  • narcotic, alcoholic dependence.

Best Tablets from Nerves

Most effective drugs A doctor will be able to choose, having familiarized himself with the history of the disease, finding out the causes of malaise and analyzing contraindications of medicines. Below are popular pills from nerves.

List of best preparations:

  • "Afobazol".
  • "Validol".
  • "Voserdin".
  • "Glycine".
  • "Nitroglycerine".
  • "Donormil".
  • "Pans".
  • "New Passit".
  • "Taoten".
  • "Phenibut".
  • "Citooflavin".

Range effective tools Very extensive. Choosing a safe and high-quality medicine is not easy. Therefore, thinking about which pills from nerves are able to deliver from alarming state, be sure to study their instructions. For example, people whose activities require a concentration of attention, strongly contraindicated with potent medicines. They can carry a real threat to human life.

Medicine "Afobazol"

The active substance of the drug is a selective anxiolytic. Such a means reduces mental discomfort, characteristic of alarming states, eliminates concern, irritability, negative premonitions, concerns. The medicine perfectly relieves the consequences of overvoltage. It eliminates the plasticity, bugness, helps to get rid of insomnia, unfortunate fears. The preparation "Afobazol" allows the patient to relax.

In addition, the medication has a beneficial effect on the general condition. It adjusts cardiovascular, muscle, sensory, respiratory and digestive disorders due to somatic problems. The drug is able to cope with some vegetative disorders, such as dizziness, sweating, dry mouth. The medicine provides a concentration of attention, favorably affects the memory.

A positive effect can be observed in 5-7 days after the start of therapy. The medicine is usually prescribed 30 mg per day. Such a dose is used for 3 receptions. Therapy can be 2 weeks. In some cases, it is prolonged up to 3 months.

Preparation "Persen"

These are quite effective pills from nerves. The name of the drug is well known to the population, since the medicine is very popular. After all, it has a minimum of contraindications. In addition, a medicine made from plant components.

The medicine is characterized by a soft sedative effect. It effectively eliminates irritability, significantly improves the mood and helps the patient calm down. The medication effectively copes with excitation, psycho-emotional voltage. He eliminates insomnia. It does not provoke drowsiness during the day.

Drug "tenoten"

Soothing pills are an excellent homeopathic agent. They perfectly cope with anxiety, anxiety, eliminate excessive irritability, emotional lability.

The "Tenoten" medicine contributes to improving memory and concentration. Such a drug increases the body's resistance to a variety of stress.

Assigned tool 4 times a day for 1-2 tablets. Pill should be kept under the tongue until its complete dissolution. It is recommended to produce such a procedure 30 minutes before eating. Treatment with the drug "Tenoten" can continue from 1 to 3 months.

Means "Phenibut"

Excellent effect will ensure such soothing pills from the nerves. They contain an active substance - tranquilizer.

The medicine helps to cope with fear, anxiety, a sense of tension. In addition, the tool improves sleep. The Phoenibut medication is able to save the patient from headache, irritability, emotional lability.

The drug perfectly improves performance, attention, memory, speed of sensorotor reactions.

The patient is prescribed at 250-500 mg of the drug three times a day. Such therapy may continue 1-1.5 months.

Medicine "Fenazepam"

These are very strong pills from nerves. The tool is a tranquilizer. The drug perfectly eliminates anxiety, fear, emotional instability, increased irritability. The medicine effectively copes with various psychopathic, neurosis-like, neurotic states. His reception allows you to get rid of panic reactions, insomnia.

However, this agent is distinguished by intense sedative effects. It is absolutely not recommended to use this medication without appointing a doctor. This remedy is most often prescribed two or three times a day at 0.25-0.5 mg.


However, do not forget that all drugs have contraindications. In addition, they often cause unpleasant side effects. Therefore, before use, be sure to consult your doctors.

Exclude out everyday life Various stressful situations, conflicts, quarrels or depression will not work. Human psyche instantly notes dangerous and harmful factors ambient And immediately reacts to them. Frequent emotional stresses are able to disrupt the efficiency of the entire body. Taking over how to remove stress and calm the nerves, it is necessary to objectively evaluate the available nuances. Important moments Selection of a certain means are:

  • failure frequency;
  • psychological condition;
  • commodified, often - the wrong day of the day.

How to calm the nerves

Get rid of irritability, excessive susceptibility of events, bring the psyche to normal in several ways. SAME effective methods The use of soothing drugs, natural tools, complexes is considered. folk Medicine or special breathing gymnastics. It is possible to strengthen their efficiency by changing the routine of the day, the diet or failure of bad habits. It is necessary:

  • spend more time on fresh air;
  • do not forget about full sleep;
  • to establish proper nutrition.

With the help of soothing drugs

Strong drugs intended for the treatment of the nervous system are prescribed by specialists in emergency cases. Soothing pills on the recipe are distinguished by a special composition, they are not recommended to be taken without the prescriptions of specialists. The course of treatment should not exceed the specifically established time frame. This period depends on the degree of unpleasant condition. How to remove severe stress and calm the nerves medicinal preparations? Take:

  • "Ataraks" (a medicine with a combined effect, further eliminates sleep disorders);
  • "Glycine" (normalizes the state of the psyche, contributes to the improvement of mental activity, does not have the properties of a sleeping pill preparation);
  • "WIT NERVO" (contains valerian extract, has an integrated effect on the nervous system).


Most of the sedatives produced in tablets have a number of contraindications. We need to take them after consultation with a specialist. They are prescribed in the event of an emergency when stress reaches the maximum degree of manifestation. Traditionally, tablets are used to treat the effects of severe emotional shocks, protracted depressions, nervous disruptions. Common destination to help solve the problem, how to remove stress and quickly calm the nerves - this is:

  • "Tenoten" (produced in different forms, is intended for the treatment of neurotic diseases, stressful states, adopted by a doctor's prescription);
  • "Quattarex" (released in pharmacies for the recipe, refers to drugs wide spectrum);
  • "Penazepam" (high-active tranquilizer, has a sleeping pills, muscular-relaxing effect on the body).

Natural sedatives

The most common soothing means based on vegetable components is:

  • "Persene" (it is recommended to take at the time of neuroses, stressful states, as a prophylactic agent);
  • "New Passit" (has a comprehensive effect, but has some side effects, sold without a recipe);
  • "Motherbon" in the form of tablets or tincture (soothing remedy, is considered safe, it is allowed in pharmacies for non-degree);
  • Valerian in tablets (soothes the psyche, does not break sleep, helps to fight the disturbing, stressful and other states of the psyche).

Sedatives from sleep disorders

To the number of funds from stress capable of reassuring the CNS include:

  • "Adaptole" (remove irritability, normalize sleep, relieve the effects of stressful states);
  • "Defin" (contains an extract of a hormour, has a soothing effect on the body, eliminates insomnia);
  • Melisson (lavender extract and a mixture of other herbs favorably affect the psyche, normalize sleep).

With the help of respiratory gymnastics

Some methods that help cope with the problem do not imply the use of drugs. Rhythoxy will help to get rid of stress to get rid of stress. Special breathing exercises are able to have no less effective impact on the psyche than medicines. Recommended during the execution of gymnastics to listen to soothing melodies. Respiratory exercises for soothing:

  1. Removing the voltage from the shoulders and neck (hands must be placed on the shoulders, while inhaling the maximum to make them on the sides, repeat the exercise several times).
  2. Removing the tension from the back (hands raise up, on the breath as much as possible to stretch the body, putting on the socks, the hands must try to "get to the sky", repeat up to 5 times).
  3. Breathing with belly (the air must be inhaled several times and exhale so that he filled not only the chest, but also the stomach).
  4. Slow breathing to calm down (inhaling the air it is necessary to slowly and as deeply as possible, the exhalation is done sharply, repeat several times).
  5. Active breathing through nostrils (inhale air through the nasal cavity, the maximum exciting oxygen by nostrils).

When solving a problem, how to cope with stress is recommended to use the respiratory reception from yoga. The breath is made on four accounts, then exhale, and breathing is performed for a similar time. You need to repeat such actions several times. Experts note that noticeable relief emotional state Comes in a few minutes.

With the help of songs and music

The influence of certain melodies and sounds on the human psyche over the centuries is investigated by psychologists. It is believed that music to calm the nerves has no less effect than the funds of traditional medicine or drug drugs. Doctors recommend listening to the compositions of S. Rakhmaninov, I. Baha, P. Tchaikovsky. Chopping melodies include favorite songs or musical works that like concrete person And during which he relaxes.

To eliminate stressful state, it is recommended to listen to special musical compositions for meditation, record sounds of nature. Exercise such relaxing sessions not only during the period nervous tension, but also regularly - for preventing breakdowns and neurosis. Melodies will be an ideal addition to gymnastics or preparation process to sleep.

At the Israeli resort, the assistant chef was laid out from the hotel, opened by shooting, and barricaded in the kitchen. Only due to the composure of arrivals of the special forces, it was neutralized. The composure of employees of special forces of all countries is taught first.

Can we - ordinary people - to adopt the technique of self-catering of special forces to be able to control their emotions and do not spare anger, while maintaining their own nervous cells? Only for our readers professional secrets shared Oleg Tarasov, Candidate for Master of Sports in hand-to-hand combat.

How to manage yourself in stressful situations and not nervous

If you feel that the conversation threatens to grow into a scandal, do not let you catch yourself in a trap. It is best to start training on trifles - in small slaughter in transport, store, when you just don't like something, etc. Then in a really serious stressful situation you can quickly cope with you.

The first method. Abstraction.

Very easy way: when and lose control, think about a completely different, pleasant situation or moment. For example, on what tropical island you would like to take the next vacation, or about the excellent film, which yesterday looked.

Result. The point is to distract himself from an irritant factor. Then adrenaline will not have time to stand out and all claims can be expressed calmly, which will speed up the permission of the problem.

The second method. Score.

This method is very similar to the one that psychologists advise: to count to ten, for example, to a child who does not listen.

Result. It appears not to show your uncontrollable emotions.

The third method. Physical.

You can help yourself with any physical actions that you will do with strength: to squeeze-break the fists, hurt with your fingers. You can simply twist in your hands some object. Prerequisite - Fix your attention on what you do ("I squeeze the fists," "I will give a handle in my hands").

It helps to measure and strain every muscle of your body on breathe and relax in exhalation.

Result. You calm down.

How to quickly calm down and take yourself in hand

If you are on the nerves, you can, of course, take a relaxing bath, and hiding the plaid, read your favorite book. But if you are now in the office of the head, or a important speech is to be able to, you need to be able to quickly, simply, and most importantly - imperceptibly calm the nerves. At that moment, when you begin to get angry or nervous, a large amount of adrenaline is thrown into the blood in the body. All "Soothing" techniques are designed to rather reduce its level. When there is a lot of adrenaline in the blood, the heartbeat is expensive, the muscles are in hyperthonus, breathing is knocked down, becomes intermittent. Proper breathing - the most effective method "Burn" adrenaline: the more your muscles will receive oxygen, the faster the adrenaline will become less. You can breathe in several ways.

The first technique.

It is aimed at that during the nervous stress, the breathing is in line with the condition of the body. It is necessary to breathe often and deeply. Make 3-4 deep and fast inhale-exhalation. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Then take 5 seconds pause and breathe how convenient. Then make breaths again. References are so 3-4 times.

Result. A lot of oxygen falls into the body, and adrenaline leaves. And since there are no exciting factors, a person calms down.

Technique Second.

It is aimed at bringing the body to bring the body into a calm condition. Breathe a little deeper than usual. Exactly a little. If you breathe deeply, the head will be spinning, you will achieve the opposite effect. Think about how you breathe right. This technique is less noticeable than the first, and is suitable for those who, for example, at the moment, the nervous boss is currently reported on elevated colors.

Result. Oxygen eliminates the body from adrenaline, and thoughts focused on breathing help "rise" over the situation and perceive what is happening more adequately.


It is associated with small muscular movements. But the goal is still the same - to reduce the level of adrenaline.

On a sharp breath as soon as possible, squeeze the fists, pushing the nails in the palm, and sharply, without a pause, throw away the fingers forward on the exhale.

It is enough to make 10-12 such movements. At the same time, it is necessary to think about what you are doing with your hands to concentrate on it.

Result. With sharp movements you "burn out" adrenaline. Focusing on movements and breathing helps to distract from anxious thoughts.