An abstract of an individual walk in kindergarten. An abstract classes "Winter Walk

Author: Leonenko Lyubov Nikolaevna, Music director MBDOU - "Child Development Center" Kindergarten "Dream", Abakan
Description of material: I offer you a script for the holiday of the birthday in the middle group. This event is dedicated to children born in February. This material It will be useful to music managers and educators of medium groups.
Purpose: creating a festive mood
1) form communicative communication skills;
2) develop attention, memory;
3) instilling interest in participation on holidays.
Holiday move
Children under the song V. Shainsky "Birthday" from the cartoon crocodile gene enter the hall and sit on chairs.
February walks in the yard
And the sort of ears of the defector,
And the cheeks are painted.
Severe February - Spring will come.
And February brought us fun,
After all, we will congratulate those guys
Who in February in February
Meets the fifth year in a row.
All the birthday rooms come to me soon, and all guests, and our friends you show up!
Children - Birthdays overlook the middle of the hall.
You are five years old, which means that
That you have grown up for a year
And for you, our holiday has begun,
You brought gifts!
They will now give them
Your best friends!
Children give birthday gifts made by their own hands.
What is the birthday, if there is no fun!
The dance "Invitation" arr. T Teplitsky
Will we go smoothly
Horror we are head
And wonderful loaf
On the birthday of Burning!
The dance "Causta" is fulfilled, children sit down.
Let frost crack and angry
And the gym is sprinkled,
To visit us for a holiday rushing
Maiden - Metelitsa.
Sounds in recording voice blizzards.
By swamps and plains,
Kosoyram and Valley,

On the forests and fields

I hurried to visit you.

As a gift you have snowballs,

And with them - a new game.

Rather in the circle to get up

And do not make your snow!

The game "Beget snowball"

(Metelitsa shows movements, children repeat after her. As soon as the music feels, the Metelitsa tries to take someone else's snow).

Girls-Metelitsa, Sit down and rest,

Now listen about winter poems.

Children tell poems about winter.


You pleased me, here's a new game:

You are now snowflakes, white guns,

Fly away who is where!

The game "Snowflakes and Santa Claus"

(Under the music of 1 part of Mojuzhelov "Merry Jumps" Children smoothly swarming around the hall and sit down.

How much snow was smelted

It became all white-white.

I need to take a shovel,

Snow in a big snowdrift gather!

(2 part of musical accompaniment sounds, children are going together).


As i'm i'm, Metelitsa, stronger,

Split you, snowflakes, fun!

(The game is held 2 times).


I know one riddle, I will make her. Guess - then there will be a new game.

Who draws white paint

On the carved pattern window,

Pluglet ears, we are in vain

Drive from the street home?

(Children answer - Santa Claus)

Are you afraid of frost?

Well, then soon here

Muck up your hands

The game begins!

The game "Santa Claus and Children" Kishko


We have fun to

Played, got rid,

And now it's time

Particulate, defortion.

I will return to the forests and parks,

And in memory of me

Let the gifts remain

Those whose holiday in February.

Metelitsa presents gifts to birthday women and leaves, and the teacher distributes candy to all the rest of the children.

You guys congratulations

And we wish never

You do not have any diseases,

Be fun always.

(Children with the educator go to the group into the tea party).

Entertainment for children 2 younger and middle group "Birthday"

Each entertainment organized in children's gardenmust leave vivid impressions, cause joyful approach of feelings and experiences in children of preschool age.
"The impressions of childhood," writing N.K. Belarusian, "leave a trace for life. Children's experiences affect the entire further way, for the whole further work man, although they often remain in the area of \u200b\u200bthe subconscious. A person may forget about them, but they, in addition to his will, often define his actions ... "And then the thought is expressed: it is necessary that the kindergarten gives children more joy to the memories of the kindergarten of the guys connected an idea of \u200b\u200bsomething with light, joyful .
And the value of the entertainment "Birthday" is in the fact that it forms such children's relationships to each other as attention, kindness, sensitivity. 1. Registration
A group or music hall must be colorfully decorated. You can use balls, decorative bows, flowers and more.
2. Literary congratulations
Be sure to congratulate the educator. Then children can say their congratulations.
3. Artistic word
Poem about the birth of children's authors
4. Staff of songs, dance
Songs and dances can be prepared by the music director, and maybe the teacher itself to learn with the children under the phonogram.
5. Presentation of crafts - gifts.
The presentation can be traveled differently:
a) wish,
b) Gift Riddle, for example: I am a good toy.
I will girl girlfriend.
I can sit in a wheelchair,
Close up of eyes.
I ask me to love
Do not drop me without beat. (doll)
c) a variety of games, concert, surprise moments.
Some educators consider a surprise as a spectacular number that the festive program. With this opinion, it is hardly possible to agree, since it reduces the educational value of surprise. "Surprise", as you know, the word French. Literally, it means "surprise", "news". These are surprises during the holiday, novelty elements, various options Well-known children's children make a festive program interesting and exciting.
An interesting and surprise point will be poems in which children themselves must finish a rhyming phrase, according to the previous content. For example: "Pie" N.Genet
I wanted to arrange a ball, and I am guests to myself ... (called).
I took the flour and took the cottage cheese, crumbly crumbly ... (Pie).
Pie, knives and forks here, but, what, guests are not ... (go).
Already tolerated did not become forces and I was a piece ... (bit off).
When guests come up, then not even crumbs ... (found).
Amusement games can also make a surprisability element. Interesting such an attraction: go through two dors, not advancing land. Then the "disrupt" the flower lying on the border line and give the birthday to the birthday man in one way, the second child shifts ahead of himself, and then comes to it. So the playing follows to the trace itself, on which flower is located.
Or Surprise moment "Cook":
Favorite characters of children are participating - cook and cook. Four children come out with a dance step - cook. In their hands, they have trays with flour products. The procession is closed by an adult "cook".
1 cook: we baked for you we are buns
2 Cooks: Patties, Biscuit, Wathers
3 Cooks: Kalachi, Kalachi only, only from the furnace
4 cooks: But the buns are simple, and ruddy what,
And wait - they are, here, you will fall into your mouth.
The dance of the chef and cooks. At the end of the dance, the cook says:
-And for everyone a special cake - the first grade.
Host: Who was preparing?
Call a chorus: Yes, we are all!
Cook: Eat, Hold your fingers!
You can use other text. In this case, the cook says:
From flour, Wheat flour baked a cake is excellent.
Called "novelty"! It has a special filling!
Host: Cream? Jam?
Cook: No, not cream and not jam - Healthy Lena!
The cook takes out a red ribbon, a coarse roller, raises it high. She unfolds, and leading with children reads: "Congratulations on the day of birth!"
But a completely simple surprise with the use of traditional punitive. All children are going to dance and sing:
On a fun day, the birth of we baked loaf,
Here is such an embroidery, here is such a low
Here is such a width, here is such a dinner.
Caparaway, loaf, quietly sleep.
The presenter says: loaf still did not sleep!
Horror is repeated. At the end of him in a circle, a girl in Russian suit runs out. In her hands, she holds a tray covered with a Russian ornament. The girl is low and says: "Happy Birthday Congratulations, carabically treat!" The host opens the towel, shows the kids loaf and invites everyone to the table.
The duration of the entertainment is 25-30 minutes in all groups. Held in the middle of each month.
Preparation of the teacher: pick up poems, songs, games; make a list of birthdays by months; Make gifts.
Preliminary work: hold parent-teacher meeting on the topic "Birthday in the family"; Prepare a folder moving on the same topic. At the beginning of the year, to spend ethical conversations with children "How to spend birthday in the family", "How to give gifts", beat in scene-role game "Family" Episode "Day of Mom's Day".

Sample entertainment scenario

Purpose: Formation of a holistic team of children.
Tasks:To form a benevolent relationship in the group, cause a joyful lifting of feelings and experiences. Leave bright impressions.
Equipment: Phonogram, costumes baby cockerel, fox, cat, invitation cards, bag, house, gifts for birthday rooms, guest treats.
Entertainment course:
Birthdays are included in the hall, and the rest of the children form a circle around them.
Leading: Today we want to congratulate our birthdays: (Lists children). They grew up for a whole year! .. (arbitrary congratulations) Our guys also want to congratulate you: (congratulations to children from the group).
Leading: Let's dance with our birthday!
Performed pair dance.
Leading: We invite our birthdays in a fairy tale. Sit down more comfortable and watch.
Children sit on chairs.
(Behind the door): Ka-ka-re-ku!
Leading: Who screams it there?
Children: Cockerel!
"Flies" the rooster. In his hands he has an invitation card. It stops before children and low stands.
Cockerel: Hello children!
Children: Hello, Cockerel!
Cockerel: Congratulations received, fled to you, fled, hurried.
So I was afraid that I met the fox in the forest.
Leading: And she will come, Cockerel!
Music music sounds.
Cockerel: Cherry! It seems to go! What should I do? Here trouble! (runs up to the lead)Hide me somewhere!
Lead(strokes the cockerel): Do not be sad, cock, lie here in the bag! And do not be afraid. Be bold! We will face you with her!
In the corner of the hall lies a bag without the bottom. So that the child was standing there. Leading hides Cockerel in a bag, tie to the top of a bow
Leading:Here you will not find a chanterelle. And we do not say with children. True, children?
Children: Yes! I do not say!
Lisa enters, bypassing the hall, bowing.
A fox:Hello children! Happy Birthday!
Children: Hello, fox! Thank you!
A fox (takes out the ticket from the bag): The invitation received. I fled to you and was in a hurry, to visit the guest, the cockerel to see here. (looks back)
Peter! Petya, Cockerel, where are you a nice friend? For you, I brought both a pea and milk!
Leading: Cockerel came long ago!
A fox: It is very good!
Petushok (from the bag): You, chanterelle, do not fuck. You first find me.
And then from your croup, I weld a great soup.
Well, I look for me. Get ready - once, two, three!
A fox (to lead): How to find me a cockerel?
Leading: We will help, not trouble. You get away away, we will agree, then look for.
Fox goes to the wall, turns away.
Leading: Children, do not speak the fox, where the rooster. And if it is suitable very close to the bag, clap your hands. Fox is scared and run away. And in the meantime, the cockerel will come out of the bag and hide in another place. If fox is suitable there, it is necessary to clap again. Well. Lononka, we are ready! Search!
Lisa is looking for. Seeing the bag - stops.
A fox: Some kind of bag, can the roasting here?
Sanding to the bag. Children clap, she runs off. Cockerel hides behind the house.
A fox: I thought there was a rooster, but it turned out something terrible there.
Leading: Looking for, looking for, Lynony, do not be afraid!
A fox (noticing the house): What wonderful teremok! In it, probably, the rooster!
Suitable for a house. Children clap. Lisa runs away in fear.
Cockerel pops up. Runs around and not finding a place where to hide. Screaming.

Cockerel: Cat, brother, save me!
Cockerel runs throughout the hall, fox behind him. Finally she catches him and at this time the cat enters.
Cat: What's that noise? What's going on here? Who screams? Who do you catch here?
Cock: It's me. Your cockerel! Wear me, my friend!
Cat: See, Petya, how many times I gave you a mad. You did not hear, I ran away and again got into trouble. This time you will ask you for anything and chantechka: "Be kind and good! Let you go shopping! "
A fox:I agree! So be! I will live peacefully with Petya! For our friendship with his birthday women.
Common dance of guests and children to the music of Shainsky.
A fox: Very good, children dancing!
Cockerel: I liked you at your holiday!
Cat: And here, in the bags of bright, prepared for the birthdayricans gifts.
Distribution of gifts. Birthdays treat guests and children with candy.

Nomination: kindergarten, holidays, entertainment, scripts, birthday

Position: Music Head of the Higher Category
Place of work: MKDOU "Kindergarten Sela Shung"
Location: Kostroma region Kostroma district Schung

Scenario of Entertainment "Birthday in kindergarten"

Purpose: Creating a not a forced festive situation.

Equipment: Music center, flowers, box with candies, cord, arc, tambourine, rods, souvenirs.

The course of entertainment.

In the decorated hall, children are cleared on the benches and chairs. The setting in the hall is close to home. Music sounds, and guests appear in the hall - forest residents, bunny.

1Zayatz: Why in the garden fun, all with good mood,

2Zyatsa: Seen holiday here you do not drive us?

Leading: Yes, we have a holiday today! Our guys were born in the summer, invited us to celebrate this event! And we are always glad and invite you to have fun with us! Hares sit down with children.

Leading: We invite birthday women to occupy honorary places in the hall!

Also interesting birthday entertainment in Dow:

1 birthday: As a lot of people in the hall,

We have not called everyone else.

Birthday for everyone

These are songs, jokes, laughter!

2Minnik: We are very glad to guests,

Let it be boring to you!

Birthdays Sing the song "Guests came to us."

3Minnik:Well, we want now

Invite you to the dance! Common dance for choosing a musical leader.

Hare: And we came to you guys, not with empty hands, and we want you to play with us to the game.

The game "Who will quickly collect a bouquet for a birthday boy."

Flowers are laid down on the hall, the task of participating is to collect the largest bouquet. The number of players depends on the number of birthdays.

Leading: And now everything is starting with us! Dance for choosing a music leader.

Leading: Guys, who of you loves to go fishing? Answers children,.

I invite our birthday women to catch a gift for yourself.

The game "Fishing rod".

Participants in the hands of fishing rods (the magnet is glued to the stick), and the souvenirs are decomposed, to which magnets are glued. The task of children is to "catch" blindfolding for yourself a gift.

The presenter invites birthdays to get up to the center of the circle, the children will plant the dance "Caparage".

Leading: What holiday without treat? Only treats need to be mined. Tell me, do you have strong, hardy guys? Responses of children

Then I suggest you to participate in the relay. Here are the candies that you need to transfer to the vase. Opens the box and discovers that the box is empty.

Leading: What's the matter? In the box lay sweets, and now she is empty.

Looks into the box again and takes out a note. Is reading.

Oh, and delicious candy! I deceived you, kids!

All candy for me! Birthday and me! A fox.

How so?

1Zayats But the fox is a birthday today, and we forgot to congratulate it.

What to do, how to be? Reasoning children

2Zyatsa: I have a room cell phone Fox, let's call her!

And what do we say to her? Reasoning children

The hare is gaining a fox phone number and congratulates the fox happy birthday.

2Zyatsa: We wish you ..

The phone is transmitted to each other from hand to hand and say fox in one wish.

A fox appears in the hall with candy.

A fox: You please, forgive me, and invite a holiday,

And I did not eat sweets, however, I wanted to very much . Gives candy master.

Leading: Chanterelle, do not worry, we will definitely treat you with candy. And now the relay!

Children are divided into 3 teams, get the task: bring as many candies as possible for all holiday participants.

Participants of the relay tested:

1. From the edge of the cliff (walking on the cord on the socks),

2.Products through a narrow hole of the rock (under the arc)

3. Scream out the capping of the treats (bounce and touch the tambourine hand)

4 Take the candy and attribute it to the vase.

The holiday ends with a common tea party with candy.


Congratulate birthday birthday women;

Creating a favorable psychological climate in the team;

Call a desire to give good others, bring together children in the group.

Equipment: Baba-Yaga costume, Music Center, CD, Rope, Parachute, Clothespins, Candy for Competition, Caps, Balls, Stretching.

Event flow:

The group is decorated with balls and garlands.

Educator: That summer flew, autumn fell!

To us for the holiday "Birthday".

We ask you mercy.

Today we gathered to celebrate the birthdays of the guys who were born in the summer. We will have fun today, play and dance.

Baba Yaga appears under the music of T.Mozozova "Grandma-Yeah" in the group.

Bh: What are you here for noise and gaps? What are you all so elegant?

Children: We have today holiday "birthday day" we congratulate the guys who had a birthday.

Bh: They themselves decided to have fun, and I forgot me, I am a feast of coming. Now I'll take it and make your gifts for birthday girls. (Baba Yaga sodes.)

Children and educators: B.-YA. Let's have fun with us, you like it. Maybe you are rapid and give gifts to our birthday.

B. - I: Good. And what should I do?

Children and teacher: We invite you to play with us.

The game "So" (all the answers need to show hands.)

How are you? - "So" (show your hands).

How are you going?

How do you run?

How do you take?

How do you give?

How do you threaten?

How is Shawl?

The game is repeated 3rd and every time faster.

B. - I: Wow, I'm tired, plunging on the chair.

Children run up and mashed her.

Educator: We rested a little, and now we have a sweet game.

(Children under music (T.Mozozova) with the help of clothespins and sweets are decorated with B.O. and birthday women. Music stops and choose from the decorated elegant.)

Educator6 Our holiday continues. Now we will learn who of us is the strongest and clever. To do this, we need to divide into two teams. (1 Team - bt. 2 Team - Educator.)

1. Putting the rope:

Participants are taken for the rope and drag on their side.

2. Parachute: children stretch the parachute, soft balls are started, you need to pick up and dropping the parachute to drive into the hole in the middle.

3. The game "Earth - air" (with a parachute for the word Earth - lower down, air-up).

Educator: That ended our small competitions. You were very friendly. Friendship won. Well done!

B.-Ya. Did you like to play and compete with us?

Educator: Can you split gifts for our birthdays?

B.-I: Of course! (Sodes.) I ordered them, just forgot where they are. To find gifts, we need to play the game "hot-cold" (children find gifts for birthday women).

Children and Baba Yaga give gifts to birthday women and drive a dance "loaf".

Educator: On this, our holiday does not end, he will continue to tea in honor of our birthday women.

Children sit at the tables and treat.