Role dialogues in the plot game of preschoolers. Formation of the skills of role dialogue in junior preschoolers in a plot-role-playing game

Olga Belyuga
Abstract Node on the physical education "Summer to visit us came, sports awaits us for a long time!"

« Summer's visit to us, sport awaits us for a long time


Develop physical qualities, attention, improve the skills of performing movements.


1. Educational

2. Educational

Development of the need for the knowledge of the surrounding world, active movements in communication.

3. Improvement

Formation proper posture;

Facilitating the prevention of flatfoot;

Promoting the development and functional improvement of respiratory, circulatory, cardiovascular and nervous system.

Wrong walking.

Everything around came to life fast

The day was gained again.

So summer has come,

We will drive the ball.

On socks go - guys

And listen to the woods - patriot birds,

We will be glad we are colors,

And beetles and grass.

Together we got on the heels,

On the path we will pass.

Admire the nature

Sweet berries score.

Mom welds us compote,

Delicious and useful.

We go to the semi

Strawberries here we will find

Turn to the sun sideways,

And he clings to scarlet juice.

Breaking varieties.

Easy run run

The grass is high.

The summer we are glad we, how to extend summer?

To the whole year warmly pleased with the light.

With the lifting of the hip, we jump on herbs,

And with friends from the courtyard, the sun is very happy.

Behind the leg of the leg run, we rush to the stadium.

Waiting rackets, badminton, and of course football.

Right sideways gallop, we are very cleverly

I will get bumping into the river, I will breathe to sunbathe,

And the grandmother in the village, I will run and play.

Left sideways, yes, schok, as in the grass of bugs.

Downloads rejoice in friendly, warm days and birds.

Everything sings, blooms around, happy summer each.

Exercise of respiratory gymnastics. Patter.

It is necessary to deeply inhale and pronounce invertor in one breath.

On the hillside near the slide

Thirty-three york lived:

OK York, two Egorka, three Egork ...

1. Here on the tree is big,

Cherry has already slept.

Stretching her

And let's give friends a little.

(I. P - Hands on the belt. 1 - Hands up, climb on socks, 2 - and. P)

2. Wind warm blowing trees,

Left, right - look.

He's warm, and very summer,

As if he plays a branch,

And leaflets mechanic.

(I. P - Hands on the belt, 1- Tilt to the right, 2 - and. P, 3-4 the same in the left)

3. Seli - got up, sat down - got up,

Hide-and-seek in the summer we played.

Having fun, having fun

The whole day was not dressed.

(I. P - Hands on the belt, legs on the width of the shoulders. 1- Capture, hands forward, 2- and. P, 3-4 Same)

4. Vaschadd times, drop two,

We warm up friends.

We are in a football playing,

Winning always rush.

(I. P - Hands on the belt, 1 - loud right, hands on the parties, 2 - and. P, 3-4 the same left)

5. Jump - Skok, Jump - Skok,

On the grass in a hot day.

Jump - Skok, Jump - Skok,

Repeat my friend.

(I. P - o. P. 1- Leg pouring apart, cotton above head, 2- and. P)

Main part.

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on the stomach, tightening the hands with two hands with sides.

2. Equilibrium - Walking with overpanding through the stuffed balls laid out three steps of a child's hands on the belt.

3. Jumping on two legs between kegs.

Movable game "Sovka"

Choose watering "Sovka", the rest of the children depict butterflies, birds ... by signal "day!" - Children run throughout the hall, for the team "night!" - Fool and stop in the place where their team found. "Sovka" It comes out of his nest and those who move, takes towards themselves. The game is repeated.

Final part

Small mobility game "Answer quickly"

Participants are built into a circle or rank. The presenter throws some of them the ball and calls some color: for example green. The one who threw the ball must call the subject of this colors: for example, grass or cucumber. And so the game is repeated. Participants who lead the ball throws the ball in a random order from the number of players. The game can be diversified by choosing the basis of not color, but quality or form subject: Round, square, wooden, hot, etc.

Borisova E.Yu., Instructor for Physical Education MDOU D / C №84 G.Naberezhny Chelny

The game form of exercise on physical culture in air is one of the interesting and common forms of children's activities. Basic Educational Value gaming activities It is that they serve as a natural form of transferring to children of the desired knowledge in the field of physical culture. At the same time, each occupation, consisting of moving games of varying degrees of intensity, allows you to solve important tasks aimed at the emotional, physical and mental development of a child - a preschooler.

In the process of games, children make many movements: walking, running, crawling, climbing, jumping, throwing the ball in the basket and so on. At the same time, they show the speed of the reaction, dexterity, endurance, as well as courage, determination, resourcefulness and independence. It should also be noted a positive role of the use of allowances in rolling games for the development of perception of space and time, including to form skills and orientation skills in environment. On the playground There is enough space for children to move freely and implement their creative opportunities.

Game classes are conducted from the middle group. When developing the content of classes, it is envisaged:

  • the use of various types of movements;
  • the inclusion of various games of different intensity: with running, jumping, climbing, throwing and throwing, games - competitions, relay, game orientation games in space, on the development of attention, dexterity.

Motor experience accumulation is one of the main tasks. In the process of gaming sessions, children travel in the world of fairy tales, imitating the actions of heroes, demonstrating their motor skills and skills, gradually acquire a habit of a healthy lifestyle. In addition, they are mastering different actions, learn to manage their behavior.

For the development of the ability to create a creative solution to tasks in rolling games, searching and experimental methods are used: questions, riddles, circuit cards, etc., contributing to the awakening of fantasy, creating game images, new rules, bearing objects and benefits.

The game form of conducting activities in air contributes to the fact that in the process of the game, children show interest and creativity, quickly assimilate the rules.

Each occupation conducted in air begins with a light jogging. To maintain a certain tempo and rhythm of running and to prevent the fatigue of children, the instructor runs ahead, and the teacher is rear. Gradually, from classes to the lesson, the distance increases. Behind the children who are difficult to overcome and that need an individual pace of running, medical control is carried out. After overcoming children of the distance, respiratory gymnastics is carried out. Children should teach correctly breathing and perform breathing exercises: it contributes to the development of respiratory muscles, especially muscles that ensure a deep breath.

Outdoor exercises are distinguished by dynamism and lack of long pauses and stops.

In the warm season, children are allowed to walk barefoot. Comprehensive exposure to sun, air, water (in summer time loss of hose)Freedom of movements contribute to the removal of psycho-emotional stress, creating good mood, the atmosphere of joy, which strengthens the physical and mental health of children.

I offer several exemplary options for planning classes.

Lesson 1 "Cheerful Ball".

Walking in alternation with running. While walking and running to perform tasks: go through and run on the log, jump over bars, stop at the signal. Jogging 80-100 meters in alternation with walking. Normal walking. Retreating the ball up with a turn around and catching it after hitting the ground. Moving games with the ball "Ball of Swimmer", "Captain Ball".

The first subgroup

The game is the exercise "fun play, but do not lose the ball."

The second subgroup

Game - Exercise "Spend the Ball."

For both subgroups

Little-moving game "Do this".

Lesson 2 "We are fun guys."

"Signal" game - walking and running at a different pace with overcoming obstacles, with a stop, with a change of direction and other tasks (at the tutor signal).

The moving game "Snake in the grass", the relay "Who will quickly transfer objects", "Casting" (children can invent the names themselves).

The first subgroup

Games - Exercises "Who has more objects", "find your own cube."

The second subgroup

Games - Yula exercises, "Heron", "Jump and turn", "Fishing Rod".

For both subgroups

Movable game "We are funny guys."

Low-moving games.

Lesson 3 "skill".

Arbitrary walking on the playground. Then children form a circle.

1 child:

Without end in all the yards, the rope is spinning -

Compete in the morning Lena and Natalles.

2 child:

So skillfully, famously jump - any-expensive watch!

And all one task is not to touch for the rope.

3 child:

Very important jumping game - rope,

Preparation in the wizard, faithful hardening.

Calm walking on socks outside Foot with the preservation of the correct posture. Easy running, running "snake", ordinary walking.

Out with rinks.

The first subgroup

Game - Exercise "Change places"

The second subgroup

Game - Exercise "Monday to Sunday"

For both subgroups

Movable game "Fishing rod"

Quiet game with breathing exercises.

Physical culture B. children's garden.

Physical culture in kindergarten is an important component common development Child in a children's institution. Each parent wants to see his child healthy, active and cheerful. So that the child is always like that, the foundations need to be laid from the earliest childhood. That is why in kindergarten in kindergarten pays great attention to the development of muscles of children, their dexterity, strength and endurance.
Among the fixed assets of the right physical education of small guys can be allocated: the right (healthy) nutrition, the production of habits for personal hygiene, walks on fresh air, properly organized day mode, good dream, creating conditions for child creativity, and, of course, physical culture.

Healthy and happy child is impossible to imagine fixed. In our consciousness fidget running down the street, healthier than the child lying in the day on the sofa.

The correct active movements of the child increase its resistance to various diseases, cause the intensification of the body's protective forces, its immunity, increase the activity of leukocytes. Physical culture B. children's garden Promotes comprehensive development in children of mental abilities, thinking, attention, perception, significant improvement in nutritional nutrition, the formation of a skeleton, the formation of proper posture and improvement immune system Child. Movement, physical culture in kindergartens, a healthy lifestyle is a guarantee of the health of our children, our new generation.

The issues of protection and strengthening the health of children, physical preschool children are one of the important activities of our institution. Work is conducted through observance of sanitary and hygienic standards and requirements, the organization of balanced nutrition, the system of hardening children, conducting physical recovery events, creating a favorable climate in Dow.

Dow teachers are held different kinds Physical and recreation work:

Directly educational activities;


Varieties of gymnastics (morning, respiratory, finger, articulation, etc.);

Various types of hardening;

Health days;

Physical Holidays, Leisure

For all groups, the mode of motor activity is drawn up, where in addition to organized species of physical culture in the mode of preschoolers, a significant place is given to independent motor games, taking into account their age and individual characteristics.

As you know, regular physical education classes strengthen the body and contribute to improving immunity. In addition, children, unlike adults, are very mobile and active, so they simply need to periodically "produce steam", and for this purpose, as for improving the coordination of movements, physical education is suitable, like nothing else.

Classes are held 3 times a week, 2 times in the gym (conducts an instructor in physical culture), 1 time on the street (holds a group tutor). Their duration, like other lessons in kindergarten, is from 15 to 30 minutes. This is due to the fact that it is very difficult to keep the child's attention for longer than this time. Directly educational activity in physical culture can be carried out both with musical accompaniment, and without it.

In addition to directly educational activities In physical culture in kindergarten, the morning gymnastics is held daily, which consists of turns and heads of the head, moving hands, slopes of the body, squats. The duration of the morning gymnastics is 5-8 minutes. In the interruptions between "sedentary" classes and after day sleep, the so-called, physical education five minutes, which give the opportunity to the child to stretch the body.

The child must have a special form for physical education - this is, first of all, the issue of hygiene. As a physical education form, shorts and T-shirts from instextectic, breathable materials are perfectly suitable. Czechs or socks can be put on your feet with a rubberized (non-slip) sole. In many groups, the physical education form of a certain color. It produces team spirit in children when performing relay and sports holidays.

Instructor in physical culture conducts physical education and during their holding is fully responsible for the safety of pupils. Controls motor activity Children during the day. Together with the nurse controls hygienic conditions for conducting classes. Like other teachers, the physical education instructor is guided by the approved programs that take into account the age characteristics of children, and during classes takes into account the individual capabilities of each child.

Much attention in the process of directly educational activities is paid to the formation of proper posture, motor skills, as well as the advent of cultural and hygienic skills and interest in physical exercises, which contributes to the formation of moral qualities, volitional features, leading healthy image Life.

During the year, sports holidays, leisure, entertainment, sports games in the fresh air are held.

In the summer wellness period, classes are carried out in the fresh air with direct contact with the natural factors of nature. Summer classes are held in more gaming form, saturated with sports and moving games, sweeping.

The physical development of children needs to continue outside the kindergarten. Morning gymnastics on weekends and moving games for a walk will certainly benefit the baby.

The main goal of physical education in our preschool institution It is to, satisfy the natural biological need of children in motion, seek good level Health and comprehensive physical development guys. And ensure the mastering motion skills and skills; Create conditions for a versatile (mental, moral, aesthetic) development of the guys and educating their needs for systematic exercise.

IN modern conditions A particularly urgent task is to influence children needs in physical culture and sports. Thus, methodically properly organized work on physical education is designed to satisfy the natural need of children in motion and contribute to the timely ownership of their engine skills and skills, form a positive self-esteem, analytical attitude towards itself and the activities of comrades. Currently raise children healthy, strong, cheerful - the tasks of each preschool institution, including our. Being in motion means to strengthen health. We cannot imagine the life of a child in kindergarten without fun entertainment, noisy holidays and competitions, interesting games, fascinating attractions. Some are developing the intelligence, others - the smelting, third - imagination and creativity, but combines their overall task - education in a child needs in motion and emotional perception of life. Knowing that children are particularly susceptible to the positive example of parents, we are trying to actively attract them to participate in joint sports holidays, leisure activities and entertainment that are held in our preschool institution. I think that moving, the child will know the world and himself, learns to navigate and purposefully act in it. Work with children preschool age valuable and in what creates conditions for emotional and psychological well-being, because It has a great influence on the development of the mind, the cultivation of character, will, morality, creates a certain spiritual attitude, encouraging the interest of self-expression, contributes not only to the best learning knowledge and consolidation of skills, but also has a beneficial effect on the children's psyche. We strive to ensure that children have received the opportunity to show their activity, independence, initiative on the sports holidays and entertainment.

Physical classes are the main form of teaching children to motor skills and education of physical qualities. The combination of occupations with morning gymnastics, rolling games and sports exercises on a walk allows you to fully master the program for the development of movements.

In the process of physical education, children prepare for successful schooling, wellness, educational and educational tasks are solved.

Structure of physical education

Physical education consists of three parts: introductory, primary and final. Each of them is solved educational, educational and wellness tasks.

1. The introductory part
Purpose: Increase emotional condition children, intensify their attention, prepare the body to load the main part
Contents: Building exercises, various types of walking, running, jumping, exercises for the correction of posture and prevention of flatfoot, training proper breathing, construction and rebuilding.

2. Main part
Outwearing exercises (yell) for the development and strengthening of the muscles of the shoulder belt, abdomen and back, legs, for the flexibility of the spine.
Purpose: Provides training of all muscles, contributes to the upbringing of good posture, prepares the body to further loads.

Child learning the main types of movements (WD)
Purpose: Promote the development of all physical qualities of preschoolers. Tasks and volume for each age group defined the program of education and training in kindergarten.

Movable game (PI)
Purpose: Enriches the motor regime, promotes the development of all physical qualities - forces, dexterity, endurance, speed of reaction, braking processes, gives maximum motor discharge.

3. Final part
Purpose: Restoration of the heart pulse frequency, summing up the pedagogical outcome.
Content: A low-live or calm game, exercise with a gradual decline in the pace, final walking with a slowdown in the pace, breathing restoration exercises.

Forecast motor density of physical education



Medium group

Senior group





Input part

walking, running, corrective exercises, orientation in space

Main partWire with objects and without


- for the muscles of the shoulder belt

- muscles of the back

abdominal oblique muscles

- for legs

OVD: walking exercise





50-60% (when learning movements)

60-100% (when repetition and improving movements).

Movable game

Final part

walking, Small Mobility Games

The total density of physical education: in the hall is not lower than 80-85%, air classes - not lower than 90-100%.

Methods of physical education on the street, its features

With children of preschool age, 2 sessions in the room and 1 occupation on the street are held weekly. Classes conducted in the room provide the correctness, beauty and accuracy of movements, bring up the overall culture of movements. They can take place with various objects and accompanied by music. Air classes have the highest recovery effect, allow you to perform movements on a large space, enhance physical exertion, provide ample opportunities for sports games, relay.

However, street warm clothes and shoes do not contribute to the accuracy, expressiveness and beauty of movements, in contrast to the form of clothing for classes in the hall. Therefore, the number of repetitions can be reduced, and more places Exercises in running, jumping, throwing, moving games.

Classes on open air Satisfied with game exercises and rolling games with objects and without them. Summer: rackets, turntables, piles for throwing, balls different diameter, checkboxes, dumbbells, objects made of straps (flowers from plastic bottles, dumbbells with filling, arcs from old hoops, fishing rod). In winter, sticks, washers, cones - racks, balls, short ropes, flags.

Preparation of the teacher to classes on the street has great importance, in advance to think about the course of classes, possible movements of children on the site, the distribution of roles, the preparation of the material. When selecting and holding games, the nature of previous occupations should be taken into account (the topic, the topic of the week), after complex occupations requiring reinforced attention, focus, not to offer new game, and spend your already familiar.

A moving game is a mandatory component of each classes in physical culture. The game contributes to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and skills, so a variety of gaming actions should be repeated systematically, modified and complicated.

For example: Change the number of players, add new details (do not pass, but run, do not step, but crawl), change the pace of movements (quickly go by train, go through a narrow track very slowly), change the benchmarks. The same game without change is repeated 2-3 times in a row. Kids must be taught to play, follow, so that the children tried to follow the rules of the game (they can not be able to close, it is possible to break through the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site, scatter the dusty away from leading and from each other, do not escape the circle during the djew game).

IN medium group Children can already share in groups ("whose circle will be quickly gathered"), as well as perform several roles ("Wolf and Hares"). It is important to choose a leading. For this, readers are applied that children should know and be able to use. When carrying out mobile games with children of senior and preparatory group The role of the educator increases. It should not only know the content and rules of each game, but also skillfully direct children to achieve motor problems, forming courage, intelligence, mutual assistance, support.

IN winter time When conducting outdoor classes, exercises and games with singing are not recommended, it leads to inhalation large number cold air and can cause the supercooling of the upper respiratory tract.

Methods for physical education on the street

When conducting physical education on the street, it is recommended to use generally accepted ways to organize children - frontal, streaming, group and individual.

Frontal method - All children simultaneously perform the same exercise (walking, running, guns, various tasks with the ball).

Power method - One of the most common. Children threaded, i.e. For each other (with a small interval), moving, performing a given exercise (equilibrium - walking on the cord, a gymnastic bench; jumping with advance, etc.). This method allows the educator to adjust the actions of children, eliminate errors and most importantly - to provide insurance if necessary. Sometimes this way is performed by several exercises in a row (for example: the children of the column, each other, pass along the log, performing a task on the balance, then go to jumps on two legs, moving forward to a given distance, and finally throw the ball into the hoop).

Group method - Children on the instructions of the educator are distributed to groups, each group receives a certain task and performs it. One group is engaged under the guidance of the teacher, others are engaged independently or in pairs (for example, with the ball). The benefits and equipment are in such a way that the caregiver can see all the children and as necessary to give orders. Usually such a way of organization applies when the children have already seen a certain stock of motor skills and skills. The group method is appropriate in working with senior preschoolers.

The principle of the organization is simple: the introductory and final part of the classes are carried out in the traditional form. During the engine and one, a circular training is organized. To do this, several types of sports equipment should be prepared so that children are subgroups to exercise them at the same time. Inventory to locate in a circle. (For example: For a group of children in 20 people, you can cook 5 groups of objects - rope, balls, bags for throwing, benches, staircase and arrange them in a sequence that provides training for different muscle groups. The subgroup of 5 people stands up to any manual and exercises On it within 2 minutes.

Then, by the pedagogue signal, children go in a circle to the next allowance and so on until the circle is clicked. Depending on the degree of physical activity received by children on a circular training, a movable game is selected. This method of organizing the occupation allows to provide a high motor density of classes, makes it possible for children to show creativity and initiative, inventing the exercise methods themselves.

Classes built on rolling games are advisable to use to remove voltage after classes with increased intellectual load, to secure movements in new conditions, to provide positive emotions. The introductory part of this classes may be short, and the training of the body to the load will continue the game of small and medium mobility. The main part can be included in high mobility games that improve the types of movements. The final part of the lesson should ensure the reduction of the load.

Classes built on musical and rhythmic movements like children and are applied to create a vigorous mood in children. The introductory part of this classes consists of of different types walking and running for musical accompaniment, performing dance movements. RUB is carried out in the form of rhythmic gymnastics. After it musical Games And dancing, finish dance or slow dance movements to reduce the load.

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Smirnova Ekaterina Yuryevna, Instructor in Physical Culture MKDOU № 222 Kirov

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Abstracts of physical education in the fresh air with children of junior preschool age program no content. The course of classes of P / P benefits. 1. To teach children to walk and run after the educator; Learning to walk between two lines, while maintaining balance. I part. Walking and running in small groups in the forward direction after the tutor: the game is held "Let's go to visit". The teacher offers children the first subgroup to go to visit along with her. Toy, two cords. II part. The main type of movement. Walking between two lines (distance 25 cm). From the cords, the tutor lays two tracks with a length of 2.5 - 3m. The distance between the tracks is at least 3 m. Approaching the second subgroup, the kids greets, and on the words "the rain went!" Return home run home (the game is held 2 times). "The rain ran out," says the teacher, "the sunshine looked out, but the puddles around. Let's go on the track, so as not to dunk the legs, like this. (Shows.) Then brings one subgroup of children to the track, builds them with each other and offers to go after it. The tutor goes face to children and holds a toy in her hands, encouraging them to look at her, that is, not to lower his head. Children pass along the first track, return to the second. The teacher invites the kids of the second subgroup to go along the paths. Movable game "Run to me." In the game, children develop the ability to act across the teacher's signal, run in the direct direction by the entire group at the same time. The teacher invites children to get up so as not to interfere with each other, and himself turns to the opposite side of the site and says: "The puddles dried, run to me all, all run." Children run, the teacher meets them, widely open the arm. When the kids gather, the teacher goes to the other side of the site and the game is repeated (3 - 4 times). Before the start of the game, the teacher reminds that it is possible to run only after the words "run to me." III part. Walking with a pack for the educator in the trafficking site, in the hands of the teacher toy. 2. Teach children to walk and run in a circle, maintain a steady balance in walking and running along a limited area, exercise in bouncing on two legs in place. I part. Walking and running in a circle. The rinks are laid out in a circle in advance. The educator draws the attention of children to the circle: "Guys, see what a smooth and big circle we have. Now we will walk around him, not coming on the rope. " The educator gets up ahead of the column and leads children in a circle. Initially, everyone goes in one direction (approximately half an hour), then run (full circle). Then all 4 jumps. stop, rotate in the other side and again go, and run. II part. The main types of movements. 1. Adoption in equilibrium - walking and running between two lines (width 25 cm). Exercise is carried out by the entire group. The tutor lay out two tracks at a distance of 2 - 3rd from each other and at the end of each track so that the children would look forward during walking, puts the rack with the image of anyone or a toy chair. At first, the educator shows the exercise and explains: "It is necessary to go straight, not to lower my head, look forward to the bear." Children get up with each other before the path and just after each other go through it, then the column kids fit the second track and run through it. The exercise is repeated. 2. Jumping - bouncing on two legs in place. Children stand in a circle, and the teacher under rhythmic blows in Tuben offers them to jump in place like bunnies. Movable game "Chickens". Children depict chickens, and an educator - a zeal. The circle from the rope is a house where they live. The actions are accompanied by the words: "The chickey came out to walk, tedding fresh herbs, and behind her guys are yellow chickens. Coco-Co., Ko-Ko-Ko - do not go far, walking the paws - and look for the grains. " Chickens leave the house and walk around the site, pecks the grains. The teacher says: "Big Bird!". All "chickens" run home. (The game is repeated 3 -4 times). III part. The game of small mobility "Find Chicks". The tutor hides the toy so that the children do not see. All walk on the site and seek it. 3. Teach children during the I part. Walking and running in the column one by one with a walking time and running a tutor signal. Children are built into the circle by stop on the tutor signal. The educator asks how shouting geese and educator; With a grooming. "Come on with each other," says the teacher, jumping and when I say "geese," you have to stop and answer "Gagapurine on the ha", when I say "saying", you need to answer "Chicpolitoged legs. Chirik. " Children perform this exercise in walking and running. II part. The main types of movements. Cords or rope 1. Binds - jumping through the cord laid on the ground. The teacher builds children in two ranks (one opposite the other), in front of each cord, and shows how to perform an exercise: "We must close to the cord, slightly put your legs, bend them in the knees and, jumping on the socks." At the signal, children jump out, rotate and jump again (4 - 5 times). Exercise is performed frontal. 2. "Jump to the fact that I will name" with the aim of reminding the names of items, consolidate the ability to jump with advance. Children stand near the educator and listen to what he will say. The teacher explains: "Where I say, you jump there, and you will wait for me." Then pronounces: "To the cube!" Children jumping to the cube. The educator goes for them, in no hurry, providing children to the children to rest. Pravit that everyone fulfilled right, and says: "To the hoop!" etc. Movable game: "Sun and rain" III part. Walking in the column one by one bypassing the site. 4. Exercise in the walking column one by one by performing a task to indicate an educator, in the jump from the hoop into the hoop, teaches landing on semi-bent legs. I part. Walking in the column one by one by performing the task on the tutor's signal, running the sworst. The tutor offers children to go each other in the column one by one. Children go a column and on the teammate of the teacher perform tasks: the words "butterflies" stop and mashed with hands - wings, on the words "bunks" jump on two legs on the spot. Then the children run by the swarming. Exercises in walking and running alternate 2 times. II part. The main types of movements. Hoops, dog. 1. Binds in the hoop and out of the hoop. The educator shows a toy exercise, and then explains: "You need to get up in front of the hoop, the legs are slightly placed, bend the knees and jump into the hoop gently on the socks." Exercise is performed by the entire group at the same time (frontal, 6 - 8 times). Once again, the exercise is performed by those children who are not well coped with the task. 2. Movable game "Shaggy dog" in order to teach children to move around the site, following the instructions that are given in the game form. The teacher puts a bright toy dog \u200b\u200bfrom the veranda and explains to children: "The dog is sleeping, we will try to wake it up." Pronounces the text of the poem, the gesture inviting children to perform the appropriate actions: it lies a shaggy dog, he looked his nose in his paws, quietly, it lies his nose, it was sleeping, it was sleeping. Let's come up to him, wake and see something will be. Children sneak up to the dog, quietly calling: "Doggy, a dog, play with us!" Dog "barks." Children scatter in different directions. The game is repeated 2-3 times. III part. Walking in the column one by one. 5. Exercise children in walking and running a column one by one, develop the ability to catch the ball, thrown by the tutor and throw it back; Gone from a circle to the circle. Big ball, chalk drawing circles asphalt) I part. Walking and running column one by one. The signal to move from one exercise to another is the change in the frequency of shocks in the tambourine. Walking and run alternate. II part. The main types of movements. 1. The ball from the educators and throw it back. The game of the small mobility "name toy". The teacher alternately throws the ball to children, calling the name of the child, who should catch him and, calling some kind of toy, throw the ball with two hands from the bottom back to the tutor. (For 2. Perespurning from a circle to a circle (drawn in chalk on on asphalt). Movable game "Through a narrow track". The teacher draws on Earth circles, which should be more than playing children. Then explains that through the rod you can go through " Pebbles "- mugs, otherwise, wet the legs. The teacher says and shows the actions: on a narrow path, our legs are walking! All children walk after the educator, approach the" pebbles ". Adult shows how to step out from the circle to the circle. Children imitate his actions . Through pebbles, on pebbles, on pebbles! Suddenly the teacher says: "And in the hole - boo!" The teacher jumps out of the circle, dies, and behind him - all children. The game is repeated by the III part. Walking in the column one by one. Small game Mobility "Who screams?" Cockerel sings ... (ka-ka-re-ku!) Cute chickens. Cat Single Sings ... (Mur-Mur-Moore!) Murr-Murr! I scare the chickens. Crow screams ... (Kar-Car! ) Kra-Kra-Kra! Tomorrow rain in the morning. Cow mice ... (Mu-Mu!) Mu-y, Mu-y! Milk who? Mimic Ia: adult pouring milk, children drinking. The game is repeated 2 - 3 times. 6. Learn children to walk and run by dying, using the entire platform; maintain a steady balance when walking on the board, in jumping; Exercising in landing on semi-bent legs. Board (width 15 cm), 6 hoops I part. Walking and swallowing. Children go each other, after a while the teacher comes to a team to walk the Swiss: "Take a walk who wants where he wants," then the team is also served to run. Exercises in walking and running repeated. II part. The main types of movements. 1. Go to the board (15 cm). Children get into the column one by one and go on each other on the board - the bridge. The tutor stands at the end of the board, in his hands he has a toy, he offers children to look forward to the toy. 2. Photographed children return, jumping out of a hoop into the hoop (flowing). The teacher reminds that it is necessary to jump easily like a bunny - from the hole in the hole. Walking on the board and jumping repeated again. The mobile game "At the Bloor" the teacher says that in the fall in the forest there were many mushrooms and berries. Asks who of the guys went to the forest with parents for mushrooms: "Many mushrooms brought? Found in the forest of berries? The bear also comes to enjoy sweet berries, and how to see anyone, immediately growls, distinguishes everyone, wants one berry to collect. Yours, what a bear-sweet tooth! Let's go and we are in the forest! " At the bear in Boru, mushrooms, Berry, I take, and the bear looks, and roars on us: rrrr! Listening to the text, children slowly approach the bear. As soon as the bear buried, everyone sinks in different directions. The game is repeated 3 - 4 times. III part. The game of small mobility "Ladushyadushki". All stand, forming a circle. The teacher tells: "Grandma bake pancakes, watering their oil, treats all children." Baked her grandmother tasty pancakes, oil irrigated, Daddy gave (cotton) times, two! - Tanya, once, two - Vanya ...... The teacher clap on one one, then on the other hand of each child, together they consider everyone two! All two! (Slap on both palms) are good pancakes from our grandmother! 7. Teach children walk and run the first part. Walking and running in a circle. in a circle, without holding hands; to be subject to cord, the moving game "We are writing our legs" without touching the hands of the Earth; We are writing our legs, we slam your hands, keep your equilibrium when we climb the head of walking on the reduced we raise your hands, we lower our hands, we feed and run around. Square support. (Actions in accordance with the text) II part. The main types of movements. 1. Looking down under the cord, without touching the hands of the Earth (height two racks and cord; 50 cm board). The tutor puts two racks and pulls the cord (width 15 cm) at an altitude of 50 cm, explains: "We must close to the cord, sit down in a lounge, like grooves and bring it under the cord, not touching it." The task is performed 3 times in a row (you can subgroups). 2. Go to the board, hands on the belt. Children go 2 times on the board in the column one by one. Movable game "Santa Claus". Everyone remembers that Santa Claus lives in the forest and brings gifts in winter in winter. Pedagogue rude voice Pronounces: I - frost, red nose. Bearded overgrown. I'm looking for animals in the forest. Get out quickly! Go out, bunnies! (Children jump towards the educator, like bunnies). Corroku! Corroku! The tutor is trying to catch the guys. Everyone is scattered. The game is repeated. Each time Santa Claus invites you to leave the forest of new animals (bears, chanterelles), forest birds. Children imitate their movements, then run away from Santa Claus. III part. Walking a column one by one. 8. Find out children with construction and walking pairs; learn to keep a steady balance when walking on the board; Exercise in jumps, moving forward. Board (10 cm), two flag. I part. Walking couples and rogue. The educator helps children to be built with couples (leads each second child and puts it to the first), then invites children to take hands. After walking, the swallowment of the swarming and junction should be walking. II part. The main types of movements. 1. Go to the board (width 10 cm), hands on the belt. 2. Jumping on two legs, moving forward (distance 1.5 - 2 m). The teacher puts up the board, says the line - the beginning for jumping - and puts the checkbox to which children should jump. Children get into the column one for the lead. At first they go on the board, the teacher holds the checkbox, standing at the end, at such a height, so that the kids were comfortable to watch, then they fit the line and easily on the socks jump before the check box. The exercise is repeated twice. Moving game "On the Christmas tree" The teacher reminds that New Year - These are decorated trees, around which all dance dance, sing songs. Dance. Forest animals also love this holiday, come to the children to visit. Listen and immediately follow what animals do. Well, a Christmas tree, light, crave with lights! We invited guests to have fun with us. On the tracks, along the snow, in the forest lawns, rushed to the holiday to us a long bunny (everyone will jump, like bunnies) And behind him, see everything, a redhead fox. I wanted to have a fox with us. (Quietly run like Lononka), a closing teddy bear goes a waddle. He carries a honey and a big bump as a gift. (Slowly grows, turning out) Well, a Christmas tree, light, spurry with lights so that the paws in the beasts dump themselves! Children dance who wants. The game optionally repeats twice. III part. Walking in the column one by one. The game of small mobility "Find a toy" (at the discretion of the educator) 9. Exercise in walking and running with a stop on the tutor signal, to be subject to a cord, without touching the arms of the Earth, form the right posture when walking along the reduced support area. I part. Walking and running with a stop at the tutor signal. The educator builds children in a rank, checks the posture and equalization, then explains the task. After that, the children go to the column one by one, the "stop" tutor signal stops and the next signal is run in the column one by one. Exercises in walking and running repeated. II part. The main types of movements. 1. Looking down under the cord (height 40 cm), without touching the hands of the Earth. The educator puts two racks and at an altitude of 40 cm two racks, cord, toy doggy. pulls the cord. Racks are located at such a distance so that the exercise simultaneously perform all children. The guys are suitable for the cord, they are offered to work out in a lounge, sprinkle, without touching the hands of the floor, stand up, straighten and clap your hands over your head. Exercise is repeated 3 - 4 times. 2. The player exercise "on the snow bridge" kids at each other climb the snow shaft and pass through it to the end, while maintaining the balance. Having reached the end of the shaft, jump from it and return to the column to go through the shaft again. The tutor follows that children do not interfere with those who go along the shaft, did not hurry them, helps timid and insecure. 3. Movable game "Crow and Doggy" The teacher says: near the Christmas trees of green jump, the crows rope: "Car! Car! Car! " Children jump, depicting the crows, publish carcake sounds. The adult is suitable, takes a dog in his hands and says: here the dog came running and the raven dispersed everyone: "AB! AV! AB! " Children of the crows are scattered in all directions. The game is repeated as desired 2 - 3 times. III part. The game of small mobility "Who came to visit us?" - asks the teacher in children, seeing traces in the snow. Children carefully consider traces and determine who they belong. 10. I exercise in walking and running the swarming, learning to walk with variables, through the cords, exercise in jumping from the hoop into the hoop. I part. Walking and swallowing. Children go in the column one by one. After they pass 2/3 of the perimeter of the site, the team is served to walk the swiss, and then to the run. Exercises in walking and running repeated. II part. The main types of movements. 5 - 6 short cords, 6 wrap (or bottle with painted water for drawing in the snow of straight lines and circles); Keheli or cubes different color. 1. Going, stepping through the cords (color lines). 2. Jumping out of the hoop into the hoop. The tutor puts 4 - 5 cords at a distance of 30 cm one from the other and 2 -3 hoop, then shows the exercise and explains: "I need to step over the cords first with the right foot, and then with your left foot, jump out of the hoop in the hoop. Children go a column one after each other, step over the cords, jump out of the hoop into the hoop. You can put cords in two lines, and then the exercise is performed by two columns. Moving game "Find your own color" in different sides of the site The teacher puts on one bow of different colors, one group of children becomes around the shag of red, the other - around the bow green colorThird - red. At the tutor signal: "For a walk!" Everyone diverges or scatter throughout the site in different directions. To the next signal: "Find your color!" Children run to their places, trying to find a bow of their colors. The game is repeated. III part. The game of small mobility of "snipers" on the top edge of the snow shaft The tutor puts a bright cube, a kebul or another object. Children try to knock him down in the snow. You can put several identical or different objects to knock down. In this case, more children will participate in the game at the same time - in terms of targets. Walking couples. 11. Exercise in walking pairs; Fasten the ability to be subject to the cord without touching the hands of the Earth; Throw on a distance. I part. Walking couples. The game of small mobility "Tram". Children become in the column of two (pairs) and are taken on both sides for the cord, the ends of which are connected. One child holds right hand, Other - left. The educator explains the rules of the game: "When the green flag is raised, walking - the tram moves. If the checkbox is raised yellow color - movement slows down. On the red checkbox, children stop. " Cord, one checkbox is repeated 2 - 3 times. Red, yellow and green. II part. The main types of movements. Subject to the cord without touching the hands of the Earth. The mobile game "Mice in the pantry" kids mice are on one side of the site. On the opposite side, the cord is stretched at a height of 50 cm from the ground - it is a pantry. On the side of the playing is a cat (her role is performed by an educator). The cat falls asleep, and the mice are slowly running into the pantry, they will be bent so as not to hurt the cord and penetrate inside. There they are sitting on and as if crushed crackers. The cat wakes up, meows and runs behind mice, which quickly run into their minks. The game repeats and the role of a cat can perform any of the children. III part. Walking in the column one by one. The game of small mobility "Who is next?" Playing become in a rank, in each hand they have in the snow. At the direction of the teacher: "Throw the right (left)!" - All at the same time try to throw the snow as far as possible towards the fence, wood or another reference. Whose snow will fly further than others, he is considered won. 12. Exercise in walking and running in a circle, learning to maintain a steady balance when walking on a reduced support area, gently land in jumps with advanced advance. I part. Walking and running in a circle. Children go in the column one by one (about half of the circle), then they run on the team. The transition from one task to another is carried out when the pace of blows of the tambourine is changed or for the word tutor. After the children run a full circle, they stop, turn into the other side and go back and run. II part. The main types of movements. 1. Go to the cord, laid straight (length 3m), making the heel of one leg to the other one. 2. Bugs on two legs, moving forward. The movable game "Frog" in the center of the site is put on the cord in the form of a circle - this is a swamp. Children - Flags stand in a circle, turning into the center left side. The teacher says: Here are the frogs on the track, stretching the legs, Kwa-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kva-kwa, jump, stretching the legs. During the pronouncement of the text, the kids jump on two legs in a circle, and at the end of the poem jump into the circle - swamp. Then they turn to the other side, and the game is repeated. III part. The game of the small mobility of the "bubble" in order to fasten the ability to become in a circle, to do it wider, then already, to teach children to coordinate their movements with utter words. Children along with the educator are taken by arms and form a circle, standing close to each other. The teacher says: blow, bubble, blow, big, stay so do not be sick. The players depart back and hold hands until the tutor says: "Bubble burst!" Then they lower their arms and squatted, talking at the same time: "Claw!" The game is repeated. 13. Exercise in walking and running I part. Movable game "Varosik" in order to learn in a circle; To introduce children to move in a circle in a different pace, transfer the characteristic features of animals, exercise in lengths in length. Pronunciation of sounds. Two cords. The teacher says to children that you need to get up all after each other - traps, and himself gets ahead, performing the role of a locomotive. Slowly moving, he says: Chuh Chuh! Chuh Chuh! The train rushes to the whole spirit. Children move for adults and utter: "Chuh-Chuh!" Then everyone is pulling out long: "Uuuu!" I puff, puff, puff, a hundred wagons I'm a car. All together: "Uuuu!" Adult continues: "arrived." "Schshsh!" Children repeat over him. The train, steam locomotive, which is a gift to us? - Bear! Children perform imitation motions to be crucified, exercise in sound resistance. The game continues, the locomotive brings as a gift will be engaged, frog, etc. II part. The main types of movements. Long jumps. The tutor from the cords lay out the river, shows the exercise and explains: "We need to get up near the stream, legs to put close to it, bend a little knees and jump, landing at both legs at the same time." Then the children turn and jump over the rod. And so 2 times. The moving game "Okuchechik, Tunechik" on one side of the site is the educator (mouse), to the other - children. Hips on two legs, children are approaching a fishing. The educator says: Okuchechik, Okuchechik, do not go to that horse: there the mouse lives, the tail is sprayed. In the last word, children quickly run into their house (for a line), and the teacher catch up with them. The game is repeated. III part. Walking in a column of two (pairs). 14. Exercise in walking and running with a stop at the signaler; In long jumps. Two cords I part. Walking and running with a stop at the tutor signal. Building in Shan, checking posture, indiscovery. Explanation of the task. Children go to the column one by one, on the command of the teacher "Stop" stop, then again go, at the signal "Run" run, etc. Walking and run alternate. II part. The main types of movements (long-distance jumping). The mobile game "Music Guys" The educator folds on Earth parallel to two cords: it's a river. Here the frog will float. "Well, frog-musical guys, - drawn teacher to children. - Show how you lie loudly! " Children choir: "Kwa! Kva! " KVA! KVA! KVA! (Everyone jumps on the spot) to jump river to us. (Jump into the river) kva! KVA! KVA! You can swim until the morning! (Float.) Once! Two! Three! Gregging legs! KVA! KVA! On the shore it's time! (Jump out of the river) kva! KVA! (Kids jump) Catch the mosquito! (Caught mosquito - imitation) The game continues. III Part of the game of small mobility "I hear - do" in order to test the understanding of children familiar poetic texts and the ability to combine action with a speech. The educator says: "I will tell poems, and you do what you hear." Teddy bear Kosolapi (children walk in the forest, in the forest goes. They sing a gross voice: the bumps collects, "La-la-la!" Soon sings songs. On a narrow track (walk.) Our legs are walking on pebbles, (jump.) On pebbles and in Yamku - boo! (Sat.) Soaps Geese legs ("wash the paws") in a puddle at the groove. One gray, the other white hid in the groove. (Sat.) The game can be continued, reading other poems. 15. Continue to teach children to go column One by one, run the dust; exercise in throwing and catching the ball. Big ball I part. Building in Shan, Equality, checking posture. Explanation of the task. The tutor shows how to walk, high raising legs - like horses. Movable game "Horse - Fire »Children move in a circle of the Jack - like horses. As the tutor is moving, the teacher rhythmically reads the quarters: Hop gop gop! You download, download to gallop! All in a gallop, all in a gallop! Gop gop gop! II part. Main types movements. 1. Finding the game "Airplanes" in order to teach children to run in different areas , not coming around at each other, to teach carefully to listen and act across the signaler. The educator invites children to prepare for the flight, showing at first how to start the motor and how to fly. The guys become arbitrarily on one side of the site. Adult says: "Get ready to fly. Take Motors! " Children make rotational movements with hands in front of the breast and utter the sound "R-R-R". After the signator of the teacher "flew!" Children bore hands on the parties (like the wings of the aircraft) and fly - they run in different directions. According to the sign of the teacher "For landing!" They are sent to the initial position. 2. A picture of a small mobility "call a toy (vegetables, trees, transport, etc.)" In order to exercise children in fishing and throwing the ball. Children are built in a circle. The tutor stands in the center of the circle and, calling the name of the child, throws him the ball. The child must catch the ball and throw it back, calling the toy or ... III part. Walking a pack behind the educator. 16. Exercise children in walking and I part of the construction in Shan, checking posture, equalization. Runs of gossip; Learn walking in a column one by one, running at a slow pace (for bouncing on two legs. tutor). II part. The main types of movements. 1. Looking for children to walk and run the swarming, not pushing at each other, teach them to act across the signaler. Big Ball, Mock Tuchka (in the mobile game "Sun and rain". Depending on the game in the III Adult says: "Sunshine! Go for a walk!" Children walk part of classes) and run throughout the site. After words: "Rain! Most home! " They run to the tutor. When the educator again says: "Sun! You can go for a walk ", the game is repeated (during a walk you can offer children to" collect "flowers, mushrooms, berries, bumps, walk in pairs, etc.). 2. Had children bounce on two legs, listen carefully text. Moving game "My Cheerful Call Ball" Children stand in a semicircle. The educator becomes in front of them at some distance and performs exercises with the ball; He shows the children, how easily and high jumps the ball, if he chopped him with his hand, and at the same time he senses: my funny ringing ball, where did you get to dissolve? Red, yellow, blue, do not keep up with you! The educator invites children to be balls to everyone at the same time and bounce in the pace, which he asks (fast-paced reading - jumping frequent, slow pace - jumping less frequently). III part. The game of small mobility "Where did the tuchka hid (or the sun)?" The game is carried out by the type of game "Find Chicks". 17. Teach children jump with low items, to run the gaspassed; Exercise in equilibrium. I part. Walking and running in the column one by one by performing the task of the educator. On the signal of the teacher of the "Frog" sit down, to the signal "Horses" go, high raising her knees. Running at a slow pace. II part. The main types of movements. Board, small mirror. 1. The game "On the bridge". Children walk along the board, head and back hold straight. 2. The game "Birds fly" in order to teach children jumping with low items, run a swarus, act only by signal. Children are becoming a small elevation - the board on one side of the site. The teacher says: "On the street, the sun shines, all the birds fly out of the sockets, seek the cereals, crumbs." Children jump off the elevation, fly (run, waving their hands), squatted, peely peeling (knocking their fingers on his knees). With the words of the educator "The rain went! All birds hid in sockets! " Children run to it. The game is repeated. III part. The game of small mobility "Solar bunnies" in order to clarify with children directions: up, down, to the side; Learn to perform a variety of movements. In the hands of the teacher, a small mirror, he says: "Look, a funny sunny bunny has rushed to visit us. See how he rejoices, jumps up, then down, then to the side. And piled! (Drives the sun bunny along the wall of the veranda.) Let's play with him. " Skachwings are dripping - sunny bunnies. Jump! Skok! Up - Down - Welcome! Children try to catch the sun bunny. We call them - do not go. Were here - and there are no them here. (Children are looking for a sun bunny.) Where are the shooters - solar bunnies? The abstract compiled an instructor on the physical culture of the highest qualification category Krakosevich Ya.S. Literature 1. Antonova O.V. Cheerful walks. - Novosibirsk: Sib. Unison Publishing House, 2008. 2. Galanov A.S. Games that are treated (for children from 1 to 3 years). - M.: TC Sphere, 2003. 3. Galanov A.S. Games that are treated (for children from 3 to 5 years). - M.: Pedagogical Community of Russia, 2005. 4. Gorkyova L.G., Obukhova L.A. Claims of physical culture in DOU: basic views, scripts of classes. - M.: 5 for knowledge, 2005. 5. Glazerina LD. Physical culture - preschoolers. Junior Age: Manual for teachers Doszhek. institutions. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2000. 6. Kuznetsov V.S. Kolodnitsky G.A. Educational games for preschool children: benefit method. - M.: Publishing house NC ENAS, 2007.