Summary of the lesson senior group sound analysis of words. Abstract of an open lesson in teaching literacy in the senior group

Software content

To teach children to isolate a sentence from a speech stream (coherent speech) to give an idea that there can be a different number of words in a sentence. The words in the sentence are pronounced sequentially, one after the other; to teach children to carry out sound analysis of the words ya and ay, according to the scheme and with the help of neutral chips;

To consolidate the knowledge of the studied letters, the ability to identify the studied letters a and y in words, the ability to highlight the first sound in words, to select words with a given sound;

Develop phonemic hearing children, continue to teach them to listen to the sound of words;

Reveal and determine the level of learning by children of program material, the ability to carefully, accurately perform tasks;

Develop attention, foster a desire to independently acquire knowledge.

The course of literacy classes in the senior group of kindergarten

Introductory part

Our motto is

“I do not just listen, but I hear

I do not just look, but I see

I think and answer-

I notice everything around. "

Gymnastics for the eyes

Eyes are doing exercise

left - right, left - right

Then up and down, up and down

Now we squint our eyes like a kitty

And close our eyes.

Once - I look into the distance

Two - we close our eyes with our palms.

In order to speak words better, we need to do articulation exercises. We begin exercises for the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

We clean the teeth with a tongue - upper and lower.

Let's show our teeth.

A smile is an angry expression.

Delicious jam (with lips).


To pronounce words clearly and cleanly, we say pure phrases:

Ra-ra-ra - the game begins;

Ro-ro-ro - we carry a bucket;

Ru-ru-ru - we continue the game;

Ri-ri-ri - bullfinches in the sky;

Ar-ar-ar - the mosquito hummed.

The main part of the lesson.

Magic chest - consideration of plot pictures, the content of which can be conveyed in sentences of two and three words ("The girl is sleeping", "The boy is catching butterflies").

Children look at pictures, make sentences. Determine who the sentences were made about, the sentence says about a girl, a boy, etc.

Acquaintance with the didactic material for the designation of the proposal (strip). Words are indicated by short stripes.

Didactic exercise "Make a proposal"

Children make sentences from the pictures suggested by the teacher with supporting words (parsing a sentence, determining the number of words in a sentence, marking words with stripes, a sequence of words in order).

Physical education

Didactic game "Rain Cloud"

Children lay out the letters of the Russian alphabet a and y.

Show pictures with this letter in their names.

Pronounce this name clearly with an emphasis on this sound.

Didactic game "Name the words with the sounds [a] and [y] in their names."

Repeated sound analysis of the word ay.

Sound analysis of the word earnings. What is the first sound in this word? What's the second? How many cells do you need for this word? Designation of sounds with neutral counters.

Final part.

Lead children to the conclusion that there can be a different number of words in a sentence; words in a sentence are pronounced one after another sequentially; in the words ay, ya there are two sounds: the first [a], the second [y] and vice versa. They are pronounced one by one.

To mark the children who were active in the lesson, worked well; work with other children individually for better assimilation of the material.

Tasks: teach preschoolers to determine the presence of a given sound and its place in a word; exercise in dividing words into syllables; continue to teach children to distinguish and correctly use the terms "sound", "letter", "syllable", "word"; ; learn to read syllables; to consolidate the ability to write block letters; to consolidate knowledge about the word-distinguishing role of sound; develop phonemic perception, auditory control over speech; : auditory and visual perception, memory, attention; mental operations - analysis, synthesis, generalization; cultivate endurance,.

Equipment:"Sound house"; sound cards; fox cards for sound analysis; task cards (3 types); toys and objects: ball, car, tape recorder, gnome, hedgehog, dog, hare, mouse; "Portrait" of Dunno in a frame; simple pencils; individual sets with tokens for sound analysis of words.

The course of a lesson on teaching literacy to children with OPFR

Educator (V.). Guys, today we are going to play with words. And we'll play the game "Echo". I will pronounce the words, and you will repeat after me only the first sound: whale, cat, sled, needle, alphabet, varnish, scissors.

Well done! And now I will pronounce the words, and you repeat after me only the last sound: whale, cat, sled, needle, alphabet, varnish, scissors.

Dunno enters.

Dunno. I want it too! Can I come with you?

V. We, Dunno, games are unusual, but smart, with words. Do you know what sounds and letters are?

Dunno. I know! There are sounds when you play the trumpet. They are so loud! And the letters are probably the buns so big and delicious.

V. And here it is wrong. Who just taught you this?

Dunno. Nobody taught me. I want to learn, so I came to you.

V. Guys, let's tell Dunno everything we know about sounds. What are they? (Vowels and consonants.) What vowel sounds do we know? (A, oh, y, s, and, uh ...). Why are they called that? (Shows vowel symbols.) What are consonant sounds? (Deaf and voiced.)

Why are they called that? Repeat these sounds after me: [p, f, t, k, s, w]. What sounds are they? (The symbols are shown.) Repeat these sounds after me: [b, c, e, d, h, g]. What sounds are they? (The symbols are shown.) What other consonants are there? (Soft and hard.) Let's play the Name a Pair game. I will call a solid sound, and you call me a pair soft sound (the game is played with the ball).

Dunno plays this game with the children and gives the wrong answers, the children correct him.

Dunno. This is not a good game. Let's play with the pictures I brought.

V. Please show me your pictures. Highly interesting task: The names of which items start with one sound. It is necessary to connect these pictures with lines.

Children and Dunno perform the task.

V. Guys, let's check how Dunno coped with this task (check the work of Dunno and correct mistakes).

V. Well done! Now, guess the riddle.

Sly cheat

Red head,

A bushy tail is a beauty.

Who is this? (Fox.)

Right. And let's show Dunno how we can parse a word by sound.

(Sound analysis of the word "fox" is carried out.)

The teacher suggests pronouncing this word so that everyone hears the first sound well. Then asks what sound it is (consonant, soft) and what chip can be used to designate it (green). The analysis of other sounds is carried out in a similar way. The scheme of the word is laid out on the board and at the same time work is going on at the tables.

Dunno. Thank you, you taught me. Now I myself can divide the word into sounds. Look. Hand. Hand. Right?

Children. No, not right. You have divided the word into syllables.

V. Dunno, imagine that a word is a house for sounds, and syllables are rooms in this house. The most important sound in a syllable is ... (children finish - "vowel"). It is he who creates the syllable. The guys and I will show you how sounds are friends and how syllables are obtained. Let's play with live sounds.

Distribution of roles: children become sounds - [b, a, o, y, s, and]. Child (sound b) in turn puts vowel sounds on the petals of the flower, pronouncing the syllables that are obtained (bah, boo, bo, b, bi).

Dunno. Oh, how interesting! Can I try? Can i be the sound [m]?

Dunno. Remembered! I still have pictures! But I don't know what to do with them.

V. Show the guys, maybe we can figure it out together? Dunno pulls out cards with images of a watermelon, a drum, a beetle, a bucket, a butterfly, a pear, and under them there are circles in a row. You need to complete the following task: name what is depicted and fill in as many circles as there are syllables in this word.

V. Well done, Dunno. And now, guys, and you, Dunno, listen to the poem and be very careful, in some words the sounds are lost. Guess what sounds need to be returned to their rightful place, name the words that, in your opinion, should be in the poem.

It is not known how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Popped into someone's house

And he is in charge of it!

But I barely entered there

The letter is mischievous,

Very strange things

They started to happen ...

They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river.

But then he

The house is hooked (catfish)!

I sewed a shirt for a bump (to the bear),

I'll sew him pants.

V. Okay guys, you've got the sounds back in their place correctly. Dunno. Well, I've already learned to read. I see the picture and read the word.

V. And if there is no picture, how will you read it? Guys, tell Dunno what you need to know to be able to read. (Letters.) We already know a lot of letters. Therefore, let's remember the task: it is necessary to insert the missing letter into the diagram.

Dunno(sits saddened). I realized that I still have to go to school. I'm going to study.

V. Wait, Dunno, the children want to give you a toy as a keepsake, but you have to guess it: there is a sound in the name of this toy [m]. (Children help to choose toys that have a sound in the name [m]: tape recorder, car, gnome, mouse.) The name of this toy has three syllables. Dunno. A car.

V. Well done, Dunno. You guys are also great, taught Dunno how to divide words into syllables.

Dunno. Thanks guys, now I know what a sound is and what a syllable is. I even memorized some letters. And you are all great.

Zhogary toptay ұyymdastyrylғan onu is-әreketinin conspektisi

Synopsis of organized learning activities in withtarsheygroup

Өtkizu kүni / Date: 10/15/18

Turbieshi / Educator: Farafonova N.N.

Bilim take salas / Educational area: communication

Mon / Subject: basics of literacy

Өtpelі taқyryp / Cross-cutting theme:"What makes bread"

Taқyryby / Theme: "Sound analysis of the word" Smoke". The letter " NS".

Masattaras / Objectives:

1. Turbielik- educational: fostering the desire to work actively; friendly attitude to each other.

2.Damytushylyқ developing: developing interest in the sounding word; development fine motor skills hands in the circle of the letter "Y".

3.Ogytu- training: teaching the ability to conduct sound analysis of the word "smoke", to analyze the peculiarities of the pronunciation and sound of the word. Acquaintance with the vowel letter "y", its holistic way. Exercise in correlating the letter with the corresponding sound; in the ability to determine the place of sound in words.

Pedagogicals tehnologolar / pedagogical technologies: health-promoting, person-centered, ICT.

Resurstarmen kamtamasyz etu / Resource support: presentation "Sound and the letter Y", pencil cases with chips, schemes of the word "Smoke", pictures with assignments, a pencil of red and of blue color, ball, writing letter Y, pen.

Көптілдік. Multilingualism: tүtin - smoke - smoke

Kyymdastyrylgan onu Kyzmetinin barys

1.Ұyymdastyrushylyk kezeңi / organizational moment

Slide 1

The teacher shows the mouse to the children and says that today the mouse has come to our lesson. He brought us many games that we will play with you today.

The first person to sit will be the one who names the words starting with a vowel sound.

Informs that the mouse has brought a new letter and a new sound, which we will get acquainted with.

2. Негізі бөлімі / main part

Riddles: (slide number 2)

    Small stature,

long tail,

Gray fur coat,

Sharp teeth. (Mouse) (picture appears)

    She lives in deep forests,

On the ears - brushes, with a mustache.

Big kitty, however,

In size, straight like a dog.

You can't say like that: "Scatter!"

And this means: a cat - ... (Lynx) (a picture appears)

    I'm a brother of curd

Smetanka - matchmaker,

Masloo is a nephew

And milk is my mother. (Cheese) (picture appears)

    Curls, soars,

It rushes into the sky. (smoke) (picture appears)

Mouse, lynx, cheese, smoke. What is the same sound in these words? (NS)

What sound is that? (vowel) How did you define it? (children's answers).

Articulating warm-up.

Listen to me carefully

Repeat everything diligently:

Dy-dy-dy-very bad without water.

You-you-you-I will give my mother flowers.

Ny-ny-ny - bears sleep until spring.

You-you-you-scared we owls.

Zy-zy-zy-ran away from the thunderstorm.

Ry-ry-ry- the guys have balls in their hands.

How can you distinguish the sound Y from other vowels (by ear, by articulation).

Sound S - angry sound.

The lips are smiling and the neck tightens.

The back bends like an angry cat.

Working with a picture. (slide 3)

The teacher gives the task to the children.

    Consider the picture. How does a bear roar when bitten by bees? (S-s-s.)

Repeat: S-s-s. What sound is that? (Vowel, we mark it in red.)

2. Color the “clothes” of the Y sound with a pencil of the desired color.

Slide 4

3. "Living syllable". Listen to the syllables: YK, WE. Perform their sound analysis and color the clothes of the sounds.

d / control "House" (slide 5)

Review and name the pictures. Locate the place of the S sound in these words. Place the pictures in the house: draw a line to the first window if the sound Y is at the beginning of the word, to the second if in the middle, to the third if at the end of the word.

To which window did you not draw a single line? Why? (To the first. Because there are no words for the sound Y.)

Physics minute "Do not rush, Do not lag behind!"

Legs apart, on the waist of the hand.

We need to stretch our backs.

We will bend over, come on,

Do not rush, do not lag behind! (Bends to the sides and forward.)

We spin the mill forward:

One, two, three, four, five.

And then vice versa

We will rotate the mill. (Rotation with straight arms forward and backward.)

Tighten your knee to your chest

And stand a little.

Learn by all means

Keep the balance. (Raise bent knees as high as possible.)

Well we rested

And they returned to work again.

Sound analysis of the word "Smoke"

(Children parse the word, denote sounds with chips)

How many syllables are in a word?

How many sounds?

Name the first sound. What is he? What color do we designate?

Name the second sound. What is he? What color do we designate?

Name the third sound. What is he? What color do we designate?

Acquaintance with the letter

The sound [s] is denoted by the letter "Y" (slide number 6)

Let's lay out the letter "Y" from the fingers: (slide number 7)

Index with large

We will connect in a "ring"

The rest of your fingers are straight

They will go up stubbornly.

Right palm edge

Let's also direct upward, alas!

But how great, friends,

Now we will read the letter "Y".

Now listen, verses about the letter, and then tell me what the letter is like (slide number 8).

Here is the ax. The log is nearby.

It turned out what we need:

It turned out the letter "Y" -

We all need to know it.

And poor thing the letter "Y"

Wandering around with a wand, alas.

Slide 9 The teacher asks the children to take the letter Y from the cash register and find a place (on the card-diagram) in the word "Smoke". Children put a letter on a red chip. Check it out.

d / and "One - many" (with a ball).

Candy is candy

Ribbon - ribbons,

Pumpkin - pumpkins,

Linden - lindens,

Table - tables

Oak - oaks,

Garden - gardens

Berry - berries

Lemon - lemons

Mustache - mustache.

Game "Words scattered" Slides number 9 - 17

Children collect words from letters and syllables that contain Y.

Outline and hatch the letter "Y".

3.Korytyndy / final part

What sound did you meet?

What is the name of the letter?

Do you think we did a good job?

Let's say goodbye to the Mouse. Slide number 18


  • Mastering the sound analysis of words
  • Development of ideas about vowel sounds
  • Development of the ability to distinguish vowel sounds from consonants
  • Teaching the ability to draw graphic lines

Material for the lesson: a picture-scheme of the word elephant, chips of red and blue color, pencils, workbooks, chips, prizes, a pointer, cards-schemes of the word elephant for children.

Lesson plan

I. Organizational moment

II. Main part

Di "Who is attentive?"

Sound analysis of the word

Di "What sound got lost?"

Di "Chain of Owls"

III. Work in a notebook

IV. Lesson summary

Course of the lesson

Good morning friends!

The day has come beautiful

Because it contains you and me!

Let's start our lesson with a smile, because it is always pleasant to communicate with a cheerful, benevolent person. Smile at each other, smiles will make us all more comfortable and warmer! I am delighted to welcome you.

Immersion in the topic of the lesson

Today we have a literacy class. In the lesson, we will learn to do word analysis, play games.

What sounds are there? (vowels and consonants)

What vowel sounds do you know? (uh, oh, u, uh, s, u)

What is the counter for the vowel sound? (red)

How are consonants pronounced? (on exhalation, while teeth and tongue are obstructed in the mouth)

What counter do we designate a consonant sound? (blue chip)

The game "Who is attentive?"

I will name the words, and you will guess which sound the word begins with. If the word begins with a vowel sound, show a red chip, if it begins with a consonant, show a blue chip.

Words: needle, nose, duck, heron, watermelon, bread, cloud, doll, excavator, snow.

Children show the corresponding chip.

Sound analysis of the word elephant

Today we will analyze the word, which you will learn after you solve the riddle.

What is this giant?
Holds a fountain in its trunk?
He loves to wash,
And the name is neat ...! (Elephant)

There is a picture of an elephant on the blackboard, one child is working at the blackboard, the rest are in the field.

Say the word elephant, what is the first sound? (-with-)

Is it a consonant or a vowel sound? (consonant)

What chip is indicated? (blue) We put a blue chip in the first cell

What is the second sound? (-l-)

This is a consonant sound, we denote it with a blue chip, put a blue chip in the second cell.

What is the third sound? (-O-)

This is a vowel sound, we designate it with a red chip, put it in the third cell.

What is the fourth sound? (-n-)

This is a consonant sound, we denote it with a blue chip, put a blue chip in the fourth cell.

How many sounds are there in the word elephant? (4)

How many consonants are there in the word elephant? (3)

How many vowels are there in the word elephant? (1)

How many syllables? (1)

The rule is how many vowels there are in a word and syllables.

When the word is analyzed, the children remove the tokens under the dictation of the teacher.

Remove the first hard consonant, vowel, second consonant. What sound is left? (third hard consonant -n-)


We are funny monkeys, smiling
We play too loud.
We clap our hands, clap
We stomp with our feet, stomp

Inflate cheeks, inflate cheeks
Jumping on toes, jumping up
And we will even show each other tongues, show tongues
Together we jump to the ceiling, jump up

Put your finger to your temple, bring your finger to your temple
Open your mouth wider, open your mouth
And we make grimaces. make faces
The game "What sound got lost?"

Misha didn't cut the wood,

Stove with caps (splinters) drowned.

In what word is the sound lost? (in the word caps)

Speak: Sliver caps

The game "Word chain"

I call the word bow, and you come up with a word that begins with the last sound of the word bow, for example a cat.

For each correct answer, you will receive a token.

Work in a notebook

I will open my notebook
And with a tilt I will put
I won't hide my friends from you-
I hold the pencil like this.

I will not even bend to sit,
I'll get to work.

Pay attention to the seating position at the table. Children should sit straight, without touching the table with their breasts, tilting their heads slightly to the left; feet should be on the floor, hands should be on the table so that the elbow of the right hand protrudes over the edge of the table, and the left hand holds the notebook.

The pencil should be on the middle finger, thumb holds the pencil, and the index easily rests on top (distance from the tip of the rod is 1.5 cm) and governs from above. The left hand moves the notebook up as the page fills

Starting from the direction of the arrow, trace the outline of the elephant and finish by bringing it to the beginning of the arrow.

Then we start shading the legs from the direction of the arrow - horizontally from left to right, we also shade the trunk with horizontal lines from left to right. We produce the body of an elephant with straight vertical arrows. The distance between the lines must be the same. Show on the diagram.

Under the outline we write the outline of the word

Lesson summary

What did we do in the lesson? What was especially difficult for you in the class?

Abstract speech therapy classes on teaching literacy in the senior group of the ONR "In the kingdom of sounds and letters"

The author of the work: Radulova Svetlana Mikhailovna, speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution "Bendersky Kindergarten No. 9 ".
Work description: The summary of the final literacy lesson was developed for the senior speech therapy group. This material will be useful for speech therapists, educators for working with older children preschool age on teaching literacy.

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of sounds and letters.
Correctional educational. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis, phonemic representations, the skill of analyzing sentences, reading. Automation of the correct pronunciation of the sound [p] in words, sentences, pure phrases.
Correctional and developmental. Development of coherent speech, phonemic perception, thinking, memory, articulatory, fine and general motor skills.
Educational. Formation of mutual understanding, benevolence, independence, responsibility.
Equipment. Magnetic board, typesetting canvas, plot picture "That's a toy", "seven-colored flower", sentence schemes, object pictures of animals for sound [k], "traffic light cards", plane images of ducklings, container with stripes and dots analysis of sentences, chips for sound analysis.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.
Speech therapist meets children, organizes a greeting in a circle.
Speech therapist. Guys, today you will find out what happened to one little puppy. But first, we'll do a few exercises.
The speech therapist invites children to the mirror, does familiar bioenergoplasty exercises with them: "Ball", "Clock", "Swing". Children do each exercise 3-4 times.

2. A story about a puppy in the kingdom of sounds and letters.
Children sit on chairs. The speech therapist places pictures of a puppy and a cat on a magnetic board.
Speech therapist. One day the puppy woke up and saw a cat. "Meow! - said the cat, - what is your name? " The puppy was upset because he didn't have a name yet. “Don't be upset, go to the kingdom of sounds and letters,” said the cat. The puppy went to the kingdom of sounds and letters. What is a letter?
Children. We see letters, we read, and we write.
Speech therapist. What is sound?
Children. We hear and pronounce sounds.
Speech therapist. What sounds are there?
Children. Vowels and consonants.
Speech therapist. We met a puppy of the princess of Glas and Consent.

Speech therapist. The puppy said that he has no name. “Go around the whole kingdom and help everyone who needs your help, and in gratitude you will receive letters for your name,” the princesses said. The puppy went for a walk around the kingdom.

3. The game "Find the fish".
The speech therapist places an image of a pond and a fish on a magnetic board.
Speech therapist. I saw a puppy in a pond with one fish. The fish did not know how to speak, but the puppy realized that the fish was bored alone in the pond, it needed friends.
Children find fish with pictures, in the name of which there is a sound [p].

4. Exercise "Repeat after me."
The speech therapist invites children to individually repeat words, sentences, phrases with sound [p] after him.
Cancer, fish, fisherman.
Roma sees a fish.
Taras catches carp.
Roma eats crayfish.
Roma and Raya eat fish.
Ra-ra-ra - the game begins.
Ry-ry-ry - Roma sees fish.
Kra, Kra, Kra - delicious caviar.
Speech therapist. Well done! You helped the puppy find friends for the fish. The fish was grateful and gave the puppy the letter R.

5. Exercise "Cheerful ducklings".
The speech therapist places an image of a duck on a magnetic board.
Speech therapist. Met a duck puppy. The duck lost its ducklings in the meadow. Take planar images of ducklings and traffic lights. If you hear the sound [w] at the beginning of a word, the duckling will walk in a red meadow. If the sound is in the middle of the word, the duckling will walk in the yellow meadow. If the sound [w] is at the end of the word, then the duckling will walk in a green meadow. Listen carefully: feather, reed, noise, noisy, sun, baby, make noise.
Children mark the place of the sound [w] in the word with a duckling on the "traffic light" card.

Speech therapist. Well done! You helped the puppy find the ducklings. The duck gave the puppy the letter U.

6. Sound analysis of the word wasps.
The speech therapist places an image of wasps on a magnetic board.
Speech therapist. Suddenly wasps ran into the puppy, and they want to sting him. If you analyze the word wasps, they won't touch the puppy. Now let's do a sound analysis of the word wasps.
The speech therapist invites children to take pencil cases with chips and strips.
Speech therapist. How many sounds are in this word?
Children. There are three sounds in this word.
Speech therapist. What sound do you hear first? Tell us about it.
Children. Sound [o [. He's a vowel.
Speech therapist. What counter would you designate it?
Children. Red.
Speech therapist. What sound follows after it?
Children. This is the sound [s]. He is consonant, hard, voiceless.
Speech therapist. What color would you mark it with?
Children. Blue.
Speech therapist. And what is the last sound in this word?
Children. Vowel sound [s].
Speech therapist. What color will you mark it with?
Children. Red.
Speech therapist. Well done! You helped a puppy analyze the word wasp. The wasps gave the puppy the letter O.

7. Game "Cheerful Train".
The speech therapist places an image of a cow on a magnetic board, and distributes object pictures with images of animals to the sound [k] to the children.
Speech therapist. Met a puppy cow. A cow with friends goes for a train ride. We need to help place the animals on the wagons. Animals with one syllable should be placed in the first carriage, animals with two syllables in the second, and three syllables in the third.
Children lay out pictures and comment on their actions.

Speech therapist. Well done! You helped the puppy place the animals in the carriages. The cow gave the puppy the letter K.

8. Exercise "Pick a scheme".
A speech therapist places a plot picture "That's a toy" and sentence diagrams on a magnetic board.

Speech therapist. Draw up sentences from the picture that will fit these schemes.
Child."A girl holding a puppy." There are three words in this sentence. It fits the second scheme.
Child."The girls found a little puppy." There are four words in this sentence. It fits into the first scheme.
Speech therapist. Well done! You helped the puppy write sentences about girls. They gave the puppy the letter D.

9. Finger gymnastics"Who is the flower friends with?"
The speech therapist places an image of a flower on a magnetic board and invites the children to walk on the carpet to do finger exercises.
(The palms are folded like a flower, and the fingers are spread apart, like petals.)
The flower is friends with the butterfly,
(thumbs intertwine in the lock - palms away from you and waving your fingers like wings)
The flower is friends with the bees
(straight index fingers revolve around each other. The rest of the fingers are folded into fists)
The flower is friends with the sun
(palms are turned away from you, fingers are raised up and spread apart, like the rays of the sun)
With funny rains.
(index fingers tap one hand on the open palm of the other hand - these are raindrops)

10. The game "Make up words."
Speech therapist. The puppy got into beautiful garden and met a beetle. We will help the beetle read words and sentences. Open the envelopes. Look at the syllables and form words from the given syllables.
Children make up words: knives, toad, leather, beetles

11. Exercise "Flower-seven-flower".
The speech therapist invites children to take petals from a planar image of a flower. Sentences are written on the back of the petals.

Speech therapist. Tear off one flower petal each and read the sentences written on them.
Speech therapist. Well done! You helped the puppy to form words from syllables, to read sentences. The beetle gave the puppy the letter J. The puppy received letters from which you can make a name.
Children make up the word FRIEND.
Speech therapist. This name is very suitable for the puppy, because he has many friends with whom he is friends and never quarrels. The happy puppy went home.

End of the lesson. At the request of the speech therapist, the children list the tasks they completed, tell what games. The speech therapist evaluates the activities of each child.