How to shock a man - severe spells without consequences. It sounds like that

How to shock a man forever

Different situations happen in life, and it happens that some of them do not straighten without magical intervention. Love is a feeling that can come suddenly, and can flare up for a long time, from friendship, from long-standing sympathy. Unfortunately, it does not always happen mutual and causes peaceful suffering unrequited to the girl. It is possible to climb out of the skin, but not to achieve a response sense from who is given to the heart. And here it is already worth thinking about how to shock a man so that he replied, finally, reciprocity.

Conspiracies for love

Love magic - these are centuries proven ways to attract the desired man to gain personal happiness. Many girls who are unrequited, are ready to even neglect moral aspects and resort to black magic to get the narrowed. At the same time, they do not think about possible consequences and ready to attract already married man. Of course, for the energies with which the burner interacts, there is no concept of "his" or "alien" man, but these restrictions act in the field of human morality, and before making a love spell on a man who already has another chosen one, more than once Think - are you ready to take sin on the soul.

There are plenty of ways to shock a loved one. The ancient rituals that took us from our ancestors and undergoing some changes due to the trends of time, everything remains the same powerful weapons In the hands of women in love. All these rituals can be divided into those belong to white magic, and on those belong to black. Of course, it is better to resort to ways to light, so the negative consequences of human intervention will be less, although they completely and not exclude them. The most powerful and terrible consequences are considered to be black magic rites conducted in the cemetery. If possible, such ways, how to confuse a man, it is better to avoid it for obvious reasons: after all, you bring a kind of damage to a person, which will negatively affect it, and on you. Do not spoil your karma when there are other, more gentle methods of exposure.

How do rituals act?

Before you to shim the man of your heart, it is worth learn what are love spells, more.

Magic influences can be subjected to those who are near you, and those who are now far away. Distance is not important. The power of your faith in the positive outcome of the venture is important, it is she who gives rise to the energy impact of the right power.

How will the man behave herself?

First of all, it will be waging interest in relation to you. He will strive to be near, look for meetings with you. It will awaken sexual desire. Wait for calls, sms, messages in social networks with compliments, invitations on a date, gentle words. He will suddenly be supposed to be incolious, where you are - just to see again. If you do not need such attention - think whether it is worth spending a ritual.

Possible negative consequences

If you are thinking about how to shock a man, it is worth remembering about the consequences.

When you were involved in a "someone else's" man, he will become rushing between two lights, bringing himself to nervous exhaustion. There are no cases when the object of the attitude begins to drink a problem with alcohol.

Also awesome can lose appetite, start losing weight. On this basis, health problems arise. It is caused by the fact that the ritual affects the natural course of human energy, the feeding of energy ceases to enter necessary quantity. For the same reason, a person suddenly loses interest in his beloved work, which adversely affects his material situation.

Obsession of the actual woman can cause attacks of aggression, lead to closets, reluctance to communicate with the usual circle of people.

But the ritual spent may affect the "sorcerer". The girl's energy of the in love is heading for the fellowship of the chosen one, leaving it exhausted. Such a violation of the energy balance may lead to health problems.

Naturally, it is impossible to admitting a vorozh if you are in a position, the magic impact may adversely affect the fruit, or lie the curse on the fate of your future child.

If you are deep and sincerely believing, remember: religion does not approve of any magical interventions.

Do not spend rituals exclusively from curiosity. Magic is a serious interaction with a subtle world that can lead to unexpected results if rituals are inattentively.

Do not hold rites out of revenge to the gone man. Otherwise, negative consequences will get you. In general, before doing love MagiaIt is best to pre-put protection.

The probitive rituals are better acting on a growing moon. Consider the day of the week: you need to have a lover in "Men's" days: on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, of course, when the manual for your chosen method is not specified otherwise.

Selecting the ritual of how to be a man at home, remember that magical actions are performed in clean roomBefore this you need to swim, wash off makeup, break. Ritals are held alone, in strict secret from all, in silence.

It is very important in all the trifles to follow the instructions to do everything right and not distort the ritual. The slightest error can adversely affect your future fate.

Reports of conspiracies pre-memorize to pronounce them clearly, clearly, without a stick.

The choice of a way, how to shock your beloved man - remains for you. Magic offers exposure through blood, hair, personal belongings, conspired food and drink, gifts. Their power depends on how much you are confident in your feelings and how passionately want to get the chosen person.

How to wander your beloved man in a photo?

This ritual is suitable, even if the chosen is far away. Love spell on a growing moon, in a male day.

Get a photo of the beloved, on which his face and look can see. Keep in mind that in addition to the chosen one, other people or animals should be present in the snapshot. In addition, you need your picture. Concentrate thoughts at the object of your passion, do not distract more for extraneous thoughts. On the turnover of a sheet with the image of a man Write your name, date of birth. And in your own photo - the name and date of the birth of the lover. Photograph Fold your face to each other and enter the corner of photos of red thread. When the work is over, tie the nodule on the thread and say the conspiracy:

"I associate the slave of God (the name of the man) with the slave of God (your name) internally donate. Amen".

Now cut off excess thread. Stitched photos hide into a white envelope and swipe it with a burning candle wax. During sealing, say:

"Sealing the slave of God (the name of the man) with the slave of God (your name) from the eye of the evil, from the intentions of the unkind, from the cold season."

Envelope hide away from prying eyes. The result from the ritual exercised already on the outcome of the first week.

How to make a love spell on a man on Friday?

Stand very early in the morning on Friday. All your homemade must still sleep. Before the ritual it is impossible to eat, drink, wash, comb.

In a quiet room, where there is no one, burn the church candle. Barefoot Stand on your knees and read the conspiracy three times:

"My Friday, I am your maid. Then the top view, so that the top will turn, eloquently, it would be climbed on the porchochka, and I would have broken it. So the slave (name) would have risen around me, I would have gotten enough for me, I would have grabbed , I would not part with me. As your view, Friday Paraskeva, without a stranger, without a suite, could not live and live, do not kill anyone, do not wash the words, do not wash in the bath, in the bath a broom can not be seized, the masters would not be seized. My word is strong, my business chain. I would, sacked about me, God's slave (name), slave (name). Amen."

After the ritual, you need to go to bed again and fall asleep.

How to confuse a man for eternal loyalty?

This ritual will tell you how to shock a man at home so that he remains forever with you and did not lose his love for you. The rite came from Gypsy, and they always were famous for knowledge in strong witchcraft.

To conduct a conspiracy on a beloved man, you need to get a clay bottle with a dense cork or a ceramic pot with a lid. And most importantly - strand, or at least a few hairs from the head narrowed. In addition, in the ritual it will take a red rose and a candle of red wax.

On the growing moon, put a vessel with lid removed on the windowsill. He must chase the open three days. Select time so that the outcome of the third day has come for midnight. When the time has expired, burn the red candle. In the light of her flame, your hair is twist with hair narrowed so that it turns out a shared well confused beam.

Put the hair on the bottom of the prepared vessel, on top of them add thirty wax drops. Then throw nine petals of red rose from above. Tightly close the vessel cover and hide in the house so that no one finds, especially the beloved.

How to make a love spell on a man with a love drink?

There are a series of love spells on drinking. This is due to the fact that water is a wonderful keeper of information. Moreover, it successfully transmits this information on. No wonder in religion, consecrated water is considered one of the most powerful artifacts.

After speaking a guy, you can attract the attention of one or fall in love young man in yourself. The cost of the rite is not always safe, so it is important to carefully prepare for the event, choose the right time and place, adhering to the rules of the ritual.

Preparation: selection of time and place

Love Guy Love - Event Responsible. Incorrectly selected time or not enough powerful energy can break the rite. Sometimes errors lead to the fact that the ritual does not work or has negative consequences.

Better time for love is the moment when a woman is experiencing maximum desire Be near a man. Well, if you want to be confused on the growing moon, because During this period, even the strongest spells are embodied. It is believed that night time is best suited for the rite. Make a love spell is at midnight. It is important to decide on the day of the week. Men are hit on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Time selection also depends on which spell will use the girl.

The venue is described in the ritual. But there is general rule For all rituals: the place should be quiet and secluded. A woman should not distract televisions, talk people and other little things. In inexperienced goddes, it is better not to use the cemetery territory for the rite.

How to shock guy

There are many ways to shit a loved one. If you are afraid of terrible consequences, it is better to turn to a professional. The person who is engaged in the love spells can be found online or learn about its existence through acquaintances.

Bold girls independently spend a spell. In order for him to affect, the psychological attitude is important. No less responsible occupation is to choose a suitable spell and attribute.

For 40 candles

The spell on the guy with candles is complex, long, but effective. For the rite will need 40 church candles. It is important to gain patience and strength to spend the ritual to the end, because It lasts 40 days. If part of the ritual is missing, then it will have to start again. Special is the day of the start of the label. You need to wait for new moon.

The ritual refers to white magic, so it is necessary to knowledge of the prayer of ours. Ideally know the text you need to be by heart. Therefore, you should prepare and learn a prayer so as not to be knocked out and not to pry. This factor is one of the fundamental completion of the procedure.

Then you need to take every candle in your hands and read the words of prayer over them. After that, put the candles next to each other, better if they fit in hand. Fit all the fittils. The main thing is that the fire spread from one source (matches, etc.). It is not recommended to use a lighter, because It often goes out and the process will be broken. Over the burning fire, pronounce the words Visit:

"How these candles burn one after one, day after day to a single drop of wax, the love and passion of God's slave will light up and burning and burning to the servant of God (your name). As a candle, burn all the insults and dislike the slave of God (name) to the servant of God (name). Amen".

After reading the candles, thinking about the lover, and fold into one container (package, container). It is important that the candles are hidden from prying eyes. Then every day, from the hidden place, you need to get 1 candle at the same time. Preferably in full moon. The candle is placed on the saucer and burns to the base. Looking at the candle flames, concentrate on the image of a loved one.

After the procedure, it is impossible to wash a saucer. Each candle is placed in the same place. You can not miss the days, as not allowed to allow swelling of the candle. Therefore, it is better to choose a closed room. If the rite is not perfect, then you need to start again from the first day.

After all the candles are burned, the wax with the dishes is going and turning into the fabric or paper on which the name of the beloved guy and the godfall should be written in advance. The resulting attribute is buried shallow (but so that it is not flushed by the rain) in the ground near the person's house, which is to be awesome.

And one more option in video:

Via phone

This method of love spell is an untested way. But to make the guy call and invited a date, it is still possible. To influence it will be needed church candle, phone number guy. Good feedback He has a spell from adolescents who study at school.

Rewrite the numbers on paper. Holding a leaf in hand, concentrate and remember the features of the face of a young man, the details of your meeting and emotions. Put the paper on the table. Fit the candle and say the words by heart 3 times. In the flame try to represent the image of the beloved, which calls you by phone. Spell text:

"(The name of the man), I spell, remember our meetings, soul and heart penetrate and dial my phone."

Words to say slowly and distinctly.

On 2 threads

Walking a guy to myself, using the screwdhrum: two red threads. The thread should be bought specifically for the ritual and no longer used anywhere. Cut the thread with a length of 40-50 cm, cutting it into 2 parts and light 3 candles, putting them on the floor in the form of a triangle. If the moon light is falling on this figure, the result may occur faster, and the spell will become more effective. After everything is cooked, sitting on the floor so that the head looks at the triangle.

Tie a weak knot between threads and pronounce:

"Let it be tied (the name of the guy) so how these threads contacted each other. Yes, it will be near until the node is unleashed. "

On the last words tightly pull the knot and hide it. The thread is not thrown away, but is stored at home.

On dery grass

Quickly wander the guy using herbs. It is resorted to such a rite since ancient times. It is believed that such witchcraft is possible to destroy only the strongest leading. It will take RESU to make it necessary. If there is no such possibility, then the ritual can be held in the field with grass. The main thing is that there was moisture. The day of the love spearance is Ivan Kupala. On another day, the spell may not work.

After washing the dew with herbs, words are pronounced:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Until today, there was a Power of Power in water with the ruler. Water goes down from heaven, and in the sky, the Lord God exists. And you, Ivan Kupala, along with the dew, bring longing, dry car for God's slave (name). I wash the eyes of dewing, love in a man call. I, God's Rab (name), with God's slave (name) is forever and infinite. And no report God's world There is dew, no one can separate our teles. Amen".

On the mirror

To create a powerful and mysterious ritual, 2 mirrors will need. Their size is not important, the main thing is to make a mirror corridor, which reflects the candle. The ritual is held three times with a break of 3 days. The rite is best done in a closed room after 12 nights. The remaining mirrors who do not participate in the process must be closed with cloth.

Concentrating the attention on the reflection of the candle in the mirror corridor, clearly 3 times say the words:

"(The name of your loved one) Cherch Moorry Spere."

Every time the word is repeated louder. In mirrors, otherworldly objects can be displayed, you should not be afraid and pay attention to them. If the ritual is interrupted, according to experienced sorcerers, it is possible to release evil spirits that will bring trouble to the house. It is necessary to turn the mirrors down by reflective surfaces after the knoting candle. Look at the flame all this time and think about your love. Good acts on the return of the guy.

Menstrual Blood on Clothing

The spell relates to the field of black magic. Incorrect rite can cause irreversible consequences for both men and women.

Take a piece of white cloth of any size. Throw a drop of menstrual blood and dry the stain on the street. Then the tissue is burned, and the ashes is added to the meal or drink of a man.

There is a more radical way. Add fresh selection to food with the words:

"Eat my blood, give your will and your mind. You will be near and do the way I want. "

"Blood from the body has departed, he does not need, but I need a slave of the Lord (name)."

In addition to an unfamiliar person or friend, you can try your own husband to strengthen the marriage. But often this method Presentation gives the opposite effect.

With blood

On the bitch

Simple plot You can make a spell on former guy. To do this, you need to find a bitch near your home. Crow it with your finger and repeat it three times:

"Like you, a bitch, you dry under the sun, so you, (name), dry by (name)."

After that, the bitch burst into the ground or throw away the place where it will not find it.

On personal belongings

For ritual, personal belongings are suitable for the ritual, which man wears constantly, or a gift that was presented to them. You need to put 3 candles in the form of a triangle and a bowl with holy water. In the container put a thing men. Holding a cup of candles, pronounce text:

"Holy Water, Roda Water, I appeal to you, a loved one (Name) Prickitude, let him not be able without me, like a person without you."

If with the help of such a ritual you need to return love, then these words should be read:

"Holy Water, Roda Water, I appeal to you, your beloved (name) Turn, and let it remain with (name) forever, and let him not be able to live without me, as a person without you and the day will not last."

On the picture

In order for the girl to bring a guy at home, you can not use special attributes, but take only a photo of a young man and church candles. Do not use a snapshot where there are several people.

Light the fire. Holding a photo over the flame, looking to man in the eyes, clearly pronounce 7 times:

"Like me, the slave of the Lord (name), longing the Slava of the Lord (name), so he misses. Yes, it will be so forever. Amen".

Then the photo is burned, and the ashes diffures in the window. The Power of Lithuanote will be more if it is to conduct a ritual in full moon.

With sewn photos

Walking a guy will forever help a spell with a stitched photograph. For the rite will need:

  • red candle;
  • clean envelope that has not previously used;
  • needle;
  • red thread.

The rite begins with the litigation of the candle. Next to the fire put 2 photos: Lodge and a young man. Photos must be a portrait plan and without unauthorized persons. Looking into images, imagine future life with this man.

After that, on the reverse side of the pictures, write your name and date of birth in your own photo and the name and date of birth in the photo of a man. Fold 2 images so that the faces look at each other. Then make nodules on every corner of the photo. Over each loop sentences:

"As I knit nodes in the photo, so tie us, fate, unpaid nodes with (name). Amen".

Stitched cards in the corners fold into the envelope. To seal it, use a red candle wax. Envelope hide and not throw out. As soon as the package with the photo is lost, the power of the attitude will end. Attributes should not see outsiders.

With wine and coriander

For such a love spell, only red wine is used. Coriander grains (7 pieces) are rubbed with a mortar on their own. The resulting dust is laid out in a saucepan. The contents are thoroughly mixed to a homogeneous consistency, and red pepper is added. The mixture is added to a glass with red wine and mixed unnamed finger. A young man must have a glass of wine without a rest.

There should be little time between receptions. A total of a favorite should drink 7 glasses of wine with a coriander.

On water

To fall in love with a guy, you can use simple water consecrated in the church. If using flow water, The probability of a positive outcome is reduced.

Type water in a bath or pelvis. Lower there hands to the elbow to give out its own energy, and spend 3 times the words:

"Holy Water, I appeal to you, take the part of my energy, and let I become for (name) the most beloved. Bless, water, our union. "

Words read by heart with closed eyes. During the progress of the text, the object of lust appear. After that, beware of water and leave it for a few hours so that it absorbs energy to the end. Then pour to earth or pour houseplants.

On red wine

A glass of red wine (or all the bottle) is coarsed as follows:

"The forces of earth and heaven, I ask you about the forces that would not be able to destroy the beloved forever. How wine will flow on his blood, so let love begins in his heart. Let it be intoxicated by the Spirit (girl's name), like this wine. "

To wander the guy, the whole drink should drink it alone. Therefore, fascinate it and make it so that everything is drunk to the bottom. If we divide the wine, the spell will not work. It is also impossible to drink a conspiracted wine to a woman who conducted a rite.

On milk

Light love On the guy you can spend at home. Only natural product is used, not the store.

A drink is poured into the glass, and words are pronounced above:

"As a baby needs maternal milk, so let the beloved (name) I will need me. Let him also need a day, and at night, the whole century. Amen".

While pronounced text, glass must be made of circular movements. Repeat the words 3 or 7 times, depending on the goal goal. Conspited milk offer to drink a man. The glass should not be a drink. If the liquid remains, then pour it into the window.

For any drink

Make so that the guy missed, you can use any drink: Wines, drinking water or juice. Drinking to the chest and send all the energy to the liquid. After concentrating, pronounce the text:

"Get out of my energy into myself and take advantage of her so that my beloved (name) love me strongly. And no one was able to break this connection. "

Such a rite to spend every evening 3 in a row. The conspiracy drink should be destined only to one person.

On Sunflower seeds

Love guy without consequences at home can be carried out using sunflower seeds. Used non-fermented seeds. The product is scattered on the balcony or windowsill. Woman waiting until the seeds begin to peck pigeons or sparrows. As soon as the birds fall and begin to eat, pronounce the text:

"Let the birds bring to the beloved of my (name), as a thirst I am his love. As the doves are worn among themselves, so let (name) misses and wants me. "

Repeat the ritual daily until the young man pays attention to the girl.

With walnut

Walnuts need to split so that the shell breaks into 2 parts. Gently tie them with a needle with a red thread. Lower the shell in an open reservoir (preferably the river to be a flow). And push them so that they swam. At this time, words are pronounced:

"Do not bargains mountains, rivers. There will be my love near forever. As shells float together, I will be your bride. "

With Orthodox icon

Love spell on love guy read in home you can using orthodox icon. To do this, you will need an icon with the name that was given to the chosen one when baptism. If the young man of another religion or was not baptized, then the ritual does not work.

Load the church candle and on the icon 33 times repeat the words:

"Let the Lord loves the Slave of the Lord (name)".

Icon hides from prying eyes, and the candle stays to go.

With prayer

Knowledge of prayers for love will speed up the privilege process, will help strengthen the marriage or make a stranger fell in love. You need to read the text every day until the woman reaches the desired result. The time and place of reading does not matter. The main thing is to believe in the virtue of the words that sound, and represent the image of your loved one. It is better to utter a prayer without an extraneous eye to not be knocked out.

Text of prayer:

"I say the words in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On the island of Golov, the throne is golden. The Lord God himself lives at this place, who orders his servants to find on Earth (name). Make it so that he live without sadness and sadness without slave of God (name) could not. So that I missed and suffered, I always dreamed of her. To love only her alone and no one else looked. Amen".

On the note

For the love spell you can use already written letters. The text that man wrote, squeeze his palms and concentrate on it. After the tide of energy and forces feel, pronounce words:

"Let them remember (name) all the words that wrote and spoke, and repeat them again. It will understand that there is no life without me, and it will love forever so that no one can tell us. How many words written on paper, so much and (name) will be nearby. "

Repeat words with a note in your hand every day.

To the guy wrote an SMS or a letter, this text is pronounced:

"Like me, (name), I miss you, and (name) We will miss the servant of the Lord (name). Let the words fly like birds with a proposal to marry. "

Conspiracy is read every day before bedtime.

On a flower

Walking a guy can be on flowers that a young man presented. Or you can narrow the wildflowers and bring them to the house. Take only those who like the vigorous.

After the flowers are on the house of 1-2 days, there will be an exchange of energy fields of a person and plants, you need to make a decoction in a large container. At the same time, constantly imagine your joint future. Then the decoction is complied and offered as a man's drink.

By the name

To spend a spell in the name of the guy, write it on a piece of paper. Light a candle. Holding paper in hand, rolled twice, and looking at the fire, say:

"(Name), I call you, I wish to talk to you.
(Name), fly, narrowed, enough to raise without love.
(Name), hear me. "

After that, the paper is burned on the flame of the candle, and the ash is thrown into the window.

Love spell on the threshold

Walking to someone who likes, you can immediately on the threshold of the house. In the same way, you can return the gone husband. Stand your legs into the center of the threshold, silence your hands in the shoals and speak firmly, confidently and slowly:

"I hug the threshold so that a loved one without me and home could not live. I spell, crossing the threshold of this house, (name) to leave from here will not be able to more. How will leave, immediately back grinds. "

On shoes

On shoes, you can shimmer a former guy or a new chosen one. In a long marriage, the spell will allow you to revive and update relations. Better fit shoes, because Energy of man accumulates in it.

At night, take shoes, go into the room and sit in the corner. Each shoe is 7 times about the floor. Then get up, turn clockwise and pronounce these words:

"Wherever the beloved go, wherever they fade, will always be bored, will always remember. From me goes on foot, and back runs. Yes, always let it be so. "

At the end, the shoes are placed on the previous place.

From Natalia Stepanova

Very strong and fast love, which is impossible to remove. The main subject of magical attributes - soap that will need to buy in the men's day of the week. Be sure to leave the seller. A pre-conspired soap lay down a man so that he washed him on the same day. After that, soap cannot use it, it is better to throw it away.

Text for love:

"If the soap will wash the face soon, so let my husband love her husband. As after soap, clean and bright will be our love. "

On distance

Is free . In order for the guy to fall in love for life, you can use a photo, threads of red or other conspiracies, love spells, prayers. These methods actually act, even if a person is thousands of kilometers.

On physical attraction

In order to make a love spell on your beloved guy, I need salt, Phateen's photo and seven drops of water. The photo is put so that you can look into the eyes of a man. Water poured onto a white saucer and salt throws with words:

"How the salt absorbs moisture, so let him want (name) to take without a balance. And it will not calm down until I get me. "

When we begin to act

The spell begins to act depending on which type of spell chose a woman. Rarely ritual comes into force in more than a month. The effect of some rites is already visible the next day. For reasons, why the spell does not act, you can attribute:

  • incorrectly conducted rite;
  • incomplete ritual;
  • not the time and place;
  • an attribute that is not suitable for this spell.

How to avoid consequences

Minimize consequences magic rite It is possible, strictly following all the rules that are indicated in the ritual. After the procedure, it is necessary to clean the aura using holy water. A simple trip to the church is suitable.

If a woman is afraid negative consequencesThe use is better to use a safe spell (white magic) or contact a specialist in probability.

How to determine such a spell

It is easy to understand that the guy is lighted. Symptoms and signs that the guy imposed a spell:

  • lethargy, depression and apathy;
  • a man cannot explain his attraction to the girl, leaving the family;
  • health problems;
  • failure bar;
  • loss of appetite, thrust for alcohol.

If it behaves awesome normally, then perhaps the effect of the spell has not yet entered into force.

How to shoot a love spell with a guy

To remove the attitude, it is better to contact the Mago practitioner. If there is no such possibility, the rite is carried out at home. Simple spells Removed using the photo and cross from the church. Under the photo put the leaves of nettle, which will suck negative energy. Then read any church prayer.

Consider a lightweight spell without consequences at home - with detailed description All magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

Love is a feeling of real magic. It is not subject to the laws of physics and instructions. Sometimes it happens that the relationship has lost the former euphoria or people like each other, but something or someone prevents them from reunite. It is in these cases that need to seek help to higher forces. Walking a guy without having his personal photo in the home. How to make a rite for love, without causing harm to yourself and beloved?

Love is a feeling of real magic

Walking a guy without photos and negative consequences

Before proceeding with the fulfillment of a love rite, each girl should know some generally accepted rules and features of the love spell:

  • Ritals are performed on a growing month, sometimes on the full moon. It is during this period that the lunar light is sufficiently strong and influential. Do not forget that the night sun since ancient times was a female patron. Therefore, his bright radiance will always help the weak half of humanity.
  • The guys are read on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Never spend rites on Sundays.
  • The magical force of conspiracies, without a photo, is able to have a strongest influence on the subconscious of a man. As a result, he can begin to think differently, behave, changes the nature and views on life.
  • Be careful with the holding of black rituals. Dark magic practically in all cases causes negative consequences. They can adversely affect both the performer and sacrifice.
  • Do not take a love spell without a photo, if there is no one hundred percent confidence in your feelings for the guy.
  • If committing a rite, you have felt a strong feeling of fear or the presence of a prying look in your room, you should immediately stop the event. In this situation you need to visit the temple, the faster, the better. Get church candles, burn them down and go around all the rooms of your home, reading the prayer "Our Father".

Holding to these instructions and without breaking them, you can be sure that a love spell on the guy, without a photo at home will be successful!

Love guy for monthly blood

This rite partially refers to dark magic. Basic magic force The love spell is contained in the strongest manipulator - blood. No wonder our ancestors were sure that menstrual blood Can cause unprecedented attachment and sexual attraction from male. Their beliefs quite justified expectations.

For the love of a guy for monthly blood will need red wine

It is worth considering how to shock a guy with the help of menstruation yourself.

The rite is made in the phase of the growing month. It is during this period that the beginning of the menstrual cycle is preferably. The blood of the second or third day is purified, so it is most suitable for the attitude. Wait for midnight, only you are in the room. Put a red wax candle on the table. Prepare a drink, it can be wine or juice. And also suitable food (meat, cheese, sausage). Add a few drops of blood to the cooked drugs, burn the candle and say the conspiracy:

"How blood you eat (drink), so I give me your will.

As the blood recently was in me, so you and you with all the love for me! "

After the magic words are pronounced, you can go rest. Now your task is to treat the guy's conspiracted kushan as soon as possible. Attach the maximum effort so that food or drinks are completely filled. If your favorite will ask for an added portion, then higher power Complete to the beginning of your relationship. Make a rite is easy, and a positive result will not make long wait!

Walking a guy on a personal thing

If you have a personal beloved thing, then this rite suits you. The ritual at home and without a photo is carried out. You will need a personal guy's personal subject, it can perform in the form of a combs, lighters, ballpoint handles, nasal handkerchief. Any thing is suitable for which the chosen is often touched.

Make a love spell on the guy is necessary on the full moon. After twelve nights, the table is shining a light tablecloth, put two on the sides wax candles (red). In the middle put an item belonging to the beloved. Touch your fingers to things, cover your eyes and say:

"The strength of the thought of my origin and is realized in the subject. Decoration, conceive, charge through it my chosen one! Amen!".

When reading a conspiracy, think about the desired man, imagine your meetings and romantic dinners. Waking up early in the morning, try to return the conspiracy to your beloved. When the guy is touching things, the energy power of the love spell pierces his heart and soul!

For the love spell, the guy's personal subject, for example, a lighter

Effective spell on candles

Almost all love rituals Candle is an integral attribute. Candles can be church, ordinary, red and green colors. To make this spell on a man at home, you will need two thin, church candles. Wait for the growing moon, after sunset, enter the room, where complete peace and peace. Take the Gypsy needle and write on one waxing your name, in the second the name of the beloved. Scroll candles in your hand so that they become compatible. Connect them by depicting a visual spiral. Apply the match and burn woven candles, pronouncing:

"How the fire burns two candles, so let passion burn two souls (your names)! Amen!".

Words of the guy are read at least three times, all your thoughts should focus on the chosen. Then blend wax items and charge wick smacks. The remaining flags wrap the thread of red and put under the pillow. Conspiracy on candles spent at home, will quickly, after a few days the guy will be crazy about you!

Walking a guy on the hair

Men's hair is a carrier of owner information. This part of the body is maximally charged with energy. Treating the hair cover, there is a connection of the energy fields of a guy and a girl. The trigger is effective and works without failures, instantly. However, the complexity of the rite is to find a hair. If communication with the chosen one is frequent, then you can use it comb. But here caution does not hurt. It is very important that the hair belongs directly to his beloved, and not another person. Otherwise, you can bump a mass of negative consequences. If still the necessary item is found, we will proceed to the fulfillment of the ritual.

To make this rite, the photo will not need! Purchase three candles (red) and a small mirror. When the third day of the growth of the night sun comes at midnight, in an empty room, put the candle on the table. In the middle, put the mirror, and your hair is a loved one. Wax items ignite and spoke three times with a whisper:

"I spell, part of his body spell, part of his soul to obey me, surrender to me and become one of the whole with me. Forever and ever!".

Rimming each candle, bring it alternately to the hair. From each wax item should drop over the wax on the hair. It turns out the strongest, love charm, which must be constantly carrying with me. At the next meeting with the beloved, the conspiracy will make its own business. Your hearts will reunite.

For the ritual it will take red candle

Walking a guy with water or milk

This spell does not imply a photo. It is ideal for couples in love, which often see each other, especially spouses. Very often in families, along with household problems, love is weakening. So that the husband becomes closer, use the spell. Make it easy!

Early in the morning or in evening time Prepare 200 grams of milk or water. Over a glass with liquid, read the magic words:

"Lord Jesus Christ, help your servant of God (name): Give me the power to inspire the slave of God (name) Love to me. As a child does not know how to live without maternal milk, so let the slave of God (name) can not live without me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen. "

Crouching the spell, think about your spouse, remember only the good, the happiest days. Believe in the power of magic, and it will certainly help you be the most desirable and beloved!

Walking guy with moonlight

Making this rite is recommended in spring time. At this time of the year, a full moon should be in the sky. After twelve at night, look at the heavenly smooth. The moon should illuminate each house. If there is neither a single tucca in the sky, then you can proceed to the guy's spell, without a photo.

Many know that conspiracies in the full moon have a special magic value. After all, all the moonline is invested in such a plot.

To make a rite, you need to enter the room, the night sun should shine to you in the window, you must clear it. If something interferes with the penetration of the night rays, they will come out into the courtyard. Stand on your knees, please contact the full moon and say:

"As your face, every night is shining in the sky, and the slave of God (name) let him remember every night."

Referring spell, go rest. On this night you should not talk to anyone. This plot has the strongest magical power. Pronounce it from a pure heart, without malicious intent. Your heart and thoughts must be clean.

The spell was successful. How to determine

Love spell made, how to determine what did it affect or not? The effect of magic will begin to appear in about a week, sometimes in a month. What does the guy feel at this moment? There are obsessive thoughts about the performer, incredible sexual attraction, strange uncharted sensations, which he cannot resist. After some time, all these feelings will develop in love. At this moment, the woman is very important to be nearby. Surround a man with love, warmth, care.

If a love rite without help a photo made on a man, you will notice this immediately. The chosen one will give you various signs of attention, such as the presentation of flowers and gifts, the desire will touch you, talk, dine, join intimate relationships.

Lookings for a man without a photo produced at home, have a huge force and energy. Observing all the rules and recommendations, correctly reading conspiracies, the Beloved is in love with love after a very short period of time.

How to shock a guy without consequences?

Few people know that there is truly efficient and absolutely safe method Walking a loved one is a love spell without consequences. If fate does not favor you, and the man does not meet you with reciprocity, you should contact white magic, to light forces, asking them for help. But it is important to remember: you will not be able to make yourself love yourself. If there is not the slightest hint of sympathy, your attempts to perpetuate a person are doomed to failure. This is the difference between white magic from black.

White Magic: Walking a guy at home

When conducting a rite - eliminate any doubts in your abilities, pre-give attention to thinking about the following question: Does the rite of the love spell of the man itself or should turn to a specialist. Sometimes a little experience in magic or inattention can cause failure.

Why is white magic now popular?

Calling to the help of white spirits at home, you not only increase the sympathy of your beloved man, pushing it to active actions, but also make your relationship from various adversity, such as betrayal, quarrels, family troubles, separation. That is, black magic acts destroying both partners, and white allows you to make a charm.

After some time, a person begins to think about you, he has a need for communication, meetings with you. It happens so easily and naturally that nothing can convince him that the feelings are caused by magical way. There is a special relationship between the initiator of the attitude and his beloved person, which is not destroyed by anything.

Make up after the scandal will help white love without consequences

However, there is a very common misconception that whispeting a few words above the candle or at home using another ritual, you can solve all your problems, trouble, attract the success and attention of the opposite sex, without doing anything for its part.

People who think so almost always remain with anything. After all, if you set a certain goal, you need to take a step towards her, seek your own. Magic only helps, contributes to the achievement of a particular result, attracting a man, but the main role is yours.

White magic is still used to correct, establishing relations between a man and a woman, in case of their quarrel. Sometimes it is very convenient to read a conspiracy at home, make a rite, and the next day already get the result. Absolutely any situation can be resolved by magic, but guided by the main vow, which reads: First of all, it is impossible to harm your neighbor, it is impossible to succumb to Egoism and Gordin.

Photography as a tool for love

If it should be "to invest" on the Internet, familiarize yourself with information from books with conspiracies and rites, you can find great amount rites for love, which at home is absolutely easy. But the simplest, affordable method is to use the photo of the man who you are planning to excite love. It will also serve and the photo taken mobile phoneEach person has. It is desirable that the photo is new, made in the recent time.

Love spell in the photo - Effective white magic, helping to establish relationships

All you need is to read these simple words, leaning towards a photo and putting her palms on it, visualizing how energy goes from you. How your whole love is passed to the photo. It is important to submit it as bright as possible, as if you actually see this picture.

"The true owner, the slave (name) can not live without his shadow, longing for me, your servant (name) will not overcome. Go, stumble, from the longing suffocate. As the sun in the sky, so you are with me, the servant of the owner (name). "

Read magic words at home three times: in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. Take the patience, ask the idea that you will read this conspiracy for love until the result appears.

Candle rite

Back in ancient times, women knew that he was very effectively used in the attractions of a red candle, as it had a strong energy. The procedure for holding a ritual aimed at love is:

Burning red candle for rite

  1. Write on a newly purchased specifically for the rite, your thoughts about how the person should do to which you are not indifferent. What are you waiting for him.
  2. After that, roll the sheet, adjust its scarlet color with a candle and keep the tag of the lover, saying not too loud and not too quiet.

"What will pass over your head - it will fall into it. As behind the back marks - the heart of the robin slave (name) will break up. "


This is pretty a complex method of attitude, accessible only to those who have no problems with imagination. It is performed non-completely due to the fact that it is necessary to relax, focus and proceed as follows:

  • it is best to spend it at night, at home, in your bedroom. Need to lie in a convenient position, good result Relaxation or meditation also contributes. You can light the aromatic candle, but in this case try not to fall asleep;
  • immediately imagine the object of your sympathy before your inner eyes. Feel his energy. You must see it also distinctly and good, as in life. Then say my desire to myself, putting all my love in it, presenting how it comes to your loved one;
  • put the photo of this person under the pillow, without saying a word.

After that, he pays attention to you, he will unwittingly appear about you. During the day after the visualization, carefully observe his behavior, if your favorite person began to look for meetings with you, began to treat you somehow differently, then the rite worked.

For someone spell - easy way To embody your desires in life, in order to attract love, in other people it is harder. It all depends on whether you have a tendency to esoteric hobbies, from how much your desire to be with the object of love.

If all the conditions are met, and you have some magic abilities, everything will be in the best way. Otherwise, you need to visit the professional white magician.

How fast at home and without consequences to shock a beloved man?

It happens sometimes that people fall in love with no mutual. In such situations there are many different ways to solve - from trying to please a man with makeup, good manners and their abilities in the farm, to love Privorot. Often women make a love spell not only on the guy liked, but also on the former husband.

Few people venture to apply magical rituals, especially at home, because everyone knows that it threatens with dangerous consequences, but there are several ways of absolutely safe love spell.

How to spend a ritual at home?

In many people, the phrase "love love spell" causes unpleasant associations - a dark ritual is presented using blood, hair and other unpleasant magic ingredients, and after - a man who turned into a haired doll, which only may have to pursue the one who put a spell. Pretty gloomy, and fortunately, an incorrect picture.

There are really dangerous practices aimed at depriving the object of one's own will and make the girl to whom he was indifferent, but it is not necessary to make such rituals, especially at home. This article describes white magic rituals that can be held at home.

Before making a spell, read the prevention and rules below:

  1. The object should not negatively relate to you. The better it applies to you, the less chance to harm him
  2. Cancel Action Argent is difficult, so think goody, do you really love the man so much that you are ready to spend months with him, years, or even all your life
  3. If you decide to make a love spell not at home, and I ordered it from the magician, you will need as many things that store information about the object of love - photos, personal belongings, hair, etc.
  4. The actual action is not forever, remember this. However, in most cases, the couples combined with the help of magic, during the actions of the priority are strongly tied to each other, so when the action ends, they continue to live in love and harmony
  5. Failure to comply with the order of the ritual is very dangerous

The most simple love spell

By photo

Time spending: Moon in the growth phase, dawn.

What will take: Church Candle, Phatele Personal Photo, White Paper Leaf, Handle / Felt / Pencil.

The ritual should be performed alone. Light a candle. Looking into the eyes of the chosen one in the photo, concentrate on your love and try to mentally pass it.

On the sheet of paper, rewrite a love plot:

The sun rises in the morning, the love of cute (chosen) to me (you) floats. As the red sun shoves, it will shine his feelings, will become hotter. All living, both people, and beasts, and herbs, and trees stretch to the Red Sun, and you, a cute (chosen one), pull to me (you), sincere and strong love We broke up. May it be so.

After that, slowly and clearly read it three times, holding a photo in front of you. Burn the written sheet, the ashes, spray a photo from it. Wait until the Dnick Candle. The ritual can be considered finished.

Using apple

What will take: Red juicy apple, thick red thread, round piece of red paper (you can paint red white paper), knife, pen / felt-tip pencil.

On different sides of the paper mug write yours with the chosen full names. Cut the apple with a knife in half (vertically), place the circle between halves, connect them and bind the thread. Sliver over the fruit: "Apple from the Sun dries, and you, (chosen name), from longing for me dry." Put an apple on the sun lit place. The ritual is over.

On candles, without a photo

Time spending: In the evening before bedtime.

What will take: White candle, red candle, cat, brush for feline wool, paper sheet of red, saucer, milk.

Close in the same room with a cat. With the help of a brush, spread the cat, collect wool from the brush, it will be needed for the ritual. Put lit candles and sauce on the table.

On the sheet, write your full names with the chosen one. Put the wool on a sheet, bend twice in half. Fit the leaflet from two candles at the same time, put it to go to the scenes. While paper does, pronounce a love plot: "How paper burns, let the heart burn (chosen name)." When paper burns, wash the saucer under the crane, pour into it with milk and let the cat. Thank Cot for help. Go to bed.

Visual love spell

Time spending: Preferably midnight.

What will take: Comfortable bed and clothing, photo chosen.

The effect of this attitude depends on how powerful the inner power of the person who imposes it.

Go to bed. Try to accommodate as convenient as possible. Looking for a short time on the photo, put it under the pillow. When midnight occurs, start visualization. Looking into the ceiling, direct all your inner energy towards the beloved. Pass your feelings and thoughts, imagine that hesitate to his ear word in his ear. The better you will submit the separatist's face, the greater the likelihood of a successful attitude.

In case of failure, do not be discouraged. This kind of love spell can be repeated unlimited times without harming for you and your chosen one.

How to shock a guy without consequences with the help of white magic at home

White magic rituals are characterized by safety, as the love "signal" is gently embedded in the men's field and has an influence on it even at a distance. How to shock a guy without consequences: White magic at home comes to the rescue! However, remember, even if the ritual is generally safe, the performer can independently distort the technique of its execution and thereby bring to himself and its object of desire for unwanted side effects.

If you want your actions to bring harm, carefully follow the recommendations for rites.

White love spells: In what cases will they help?

In order for the ritual to work as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to understand for whom it is intended:

  • For a close friend with whom you have a good relationship, and you would like more;
  • For work colleagues, you have a mutual sympathy with him, but he can't decide on the first step;
  • For a former young man, you broke up not so long ago and by mutual desire, but the passion has not subsided yet.

Option 1: Protective plot

To begin with, consider how to shock the guy with words at any distance.

  1. Three days before the ritual, vote if it allows your health.
  2. During the attitude, it is desirable to have a photo of the object of desires, but if you do not have it, nothing terrible.
  3. The essence of the ritual is the strongest visualization of your chosen one with you together and repetition words of conspiracy, the more times the better:

"As I eat, I drink without you (name), so you are not either drinking without me (name)!"

For convenience, not to be distracted from visualization, memorize these words by heart. If you want to know how to make a spell on a cigarette, you can read here.

Option 2: love spell on your former guy

If you want to make a love spell on a former guy without consequences using white magic in the photo, then we can offer you such a ritual:

  • On the night of the third day of the growing moon, he lit a red candle;
  • Take the photo on which you are depicted together during your relationship, it would be good if this photo was not associated with you with some kind of quarrel from those times;
  • Put on the photo of his gift, it should be something small, for example, ring, keychain or pen;
  • Cover the subject with your palms, close your eyes and read the conspiracy three times:

"It was time, you loved, and gifts giving me! How to be with you I want, and I will get you! "

Throughout the ritual, do not forget to represent how you again with your young man and love each other. It is important not to represent the pictures of the past, try to come up with new plots that bind you two. Returns to the thoughts in the past may entail the rest of the relationships and the problems that the parting provoked. At the end of the attitude, fold the photo in half and keep it under the pillow.

Option 3: Quick spell on a friend or acquaintance

Ideally, if you prepare the treat yourself, for example, bake a pie.

And finally, we will analyze how quickly the guy is white magic without consequences. The speed of obtaining the desired result depends on several factors:

  • You must be extremely concentrated;
  • You must fulfill the entire ritual with utmost accuracy, not allowing errors;
  • The decisive role plays your attitude to a positive result;

One of the most effective love spells of white magic to the love of a guy is a conspiracy on candy or a piece of any other food, the main thing is that it comes to taste the chosen one and caused his positive emotions.

  • Early in the morning of the Sunday, go to church, bring holy water and three small church candles;
  • In the same morning, feed three coins in three;
  • On the way home, do not talk to anyone and no longer go anywhere;
  • If you prepare yourself, add ingredients with three equal portions, for example, if you need 150 grams of sugar, then you need to add sugar in a bowl of 50 grams to a bowl;
  • If you are going to buy a treat, then do it in advance and pay for it three bills or coins;
  • On the night of the full moon, burn three candles and alternately cross-protect each candle specially prepared for a conspiracy.

At the same time whisper the following probitive words:

How is my treat sweetly yes the eye is nice,

So I will be sweet and pleasant to you!

As soon as you taste it,

So you will love me right away!

The next day, treat your chosen to the conspiracy as soon as he will eat it, the spell will begin to act.

Online divination "Does the white spell affect?"

Are you sure about to make you a spell or not? Try to do this not a complex express online fortune telling on a spell and learn what he will affect your chosen one or not. Fill in the corresponding fields in the form and click the "Guess" button.


If you have any questions or you need help in the current life situationYou can consult with our experts.

Is it possible to make a love spell without consequences? This question is quite relevant among some ladies who are unable to attract a beloved man with their own attractiveness, wisdom, charm and charm. The trigger, as a rule, fails, unsure own powerwho are not capable of anything. That's right, it is not necessary to shock a lot of mind, but to cause sincere feelings from your beloved man, it turns out far from every representative of the beautiful sex, especially if she is a near-mind of the complete egoist, which brought himself the Lord God.

So, the attitude without consequences is simply not in nature, therefore, on the question that delivered at the beginning of this article there is only one answer - "no".

Any spell is a violent effect on a person's personality, subordinate to him someone else's will without his desire and consent. Someone else, and not even the creator, suddenly decided to change the fate of an unfortunate victim without her knowledge, not even deigning to ask, but does a person want to be with the author of the ritual? If the one who hits, at least for a moment, he wondered if he would like to be on the site of the attitude of the attitude, especially when there are no love, nor even sympathy, could be a lot less. But those who go to this black action, as a rule, do not think about anything other than their selfish primitive person.

If someone hopes that there are white love spells that do not have the consequences, they are deeply mistaken - such rituals simply do not exist in nature. Any violence is punished, and the more powerful the spell, the worse than the payback for it. And pay for the sins of parents very often has their children.

Unfortunately, if a person decided to wander the unfortunate chosen one, it is almost impossible to dissuade not to do this, and he will still find a way to accomplish what he conceived, so it is useless to discourage him.

Types of love spells and their consequences

The consequences of sure magic impact Directly depend on the type of ritual and its strength. There are the following types of love spells:

  • simple rituals without using photos or biomaterials (saliva, blood, sperm, hair, etc.), based on the strength of thought and visualization. Not every person will have such a spell, but only the one who has a powerful energy. The consequences of such rituals are minimal, but they will still be;
  • visits via photos are much more serious than previous ones, as they affect the person at the energy level through photography, penetrating with its help in the aura of the victim. Punishment for such rituals will be more rigging;
  • rituals using the biomaterial of the infection object (blood, saliva, hair, sperm, etc.). The most dangerous of them is "bloody." Applying a monthly blood with a rite, you can bring an unhappy victim for a long time. The consequences of such rituals are disappointing;
  • the most terrible are the guidors of cemetery, demonic, gypsy, voodoo rituals and with a doll volt. There is a complete zombie of the awesome. It is quite difficult for such an impact rather difficult and for a long time, but for the customer and its relatives can come far from sweet times - the consequences can be unpredictable and terrible, up to the curse of the genus.

Sometimes unrequited love pushes into non-resident actions. Many girls in the desire to get a man ready to deal with the devil. How to wander the guy without consequences should know every girl. Before carrying out such a ritual, you need to know all possible risks and think well about whether it is worth it. Any interference in the human energy field can turn into bad consequences.

Features of white and black magic

Conditionally all magic is divided into good (white) and bad (black). In the first case, it is impossible to harm the person, in the second - you can. Primigrants are aimed at different results. Some of them just enhance the sympathy of a person, pushing it to decisive actions. By and large it is a small charm. Light spell can:

  • make a man think about a girl;
  • call the need for communication;
  • initiate a magic connection;
  • help to make it.

Some think that white magic makes nothing to do. The main thing to pronounce the correct spells and the problem will solve itself. At home, perhaps a man is easy, but it is not enough to spend a ritual. White magic only gives an additional chance to achieve the goal.

Black magic uses dark forces. Before you contact them, you need to think well: Perfume spirits, evil and others may require fee for their services. Neglecting safety rules can end badly for a person conducting the ritual of the attitude. It is better to turn to the experienced MAG, as you can reduce the risk of consequences.

Rules for rituals

Before without the consequences of the permanent guy at a distance, prepare the necessary attributes. This is usually candles and a photo of a loved one. It should be fresh ( perfect option: Made on the day of the ritual). You can use a photo made on a mobile phone.

To carry out a simple magic ritual, a volt may be required (doll). It is made of wax. Volt must be like a frost object. Inside the wax hide their hair or nails of the beloved.

Observe the safety rules - this is how to shock a man without consequences at home. The technique of the ritual affects not only its effectiveness, but also on the absence of negative consequences. Total rules several:

Do not neglect the safety rules, use spells and observe the ritual technology - this is how to be a loved one at home. As side Effects Aggression, inadequate behavior, pernicious addictions may appear.

Some rites on a love love

Even the correct ritual does not guarantee that the man will forever remain with a woman. Much depends on its behavior.

A simple love spell is carried out using a photo of a loved one. It is necessary to print it (the electronic version is not suitable), take a photo in the hands and imagine how the energy of love with the fingers flows into the image. It is important to visualize the process, to submit it as brighter as possible. Then read a special conspiracy: "The slave (the name of the man) cannot live without a true owner, the body can not live without the shadow, so you are a slave (name of a man) dry and suffocate without the owner (Women's name)." You need to read it three times a day until the result will appear.

In order to initiate the activity from the guy, women spend a certain ritual. For him, a red candle and a piece of paper will be required. On the sheet you need to paint in detail, which steps should make a man. It is important not to miss small parts. Then the letter is folded into the tube and ignite candles from the flame. While the paper is burning, they read a plot: "As the flame burns, so the love of the slave (the name of the man) will break up to the slave (the name of the woman)."

It's not so easy to find a way in black magic, which will help to shock her husband without consequences and independently. Communication with otherworldly forces only experienced magicians. The ritual will require volts (doll). You need to take two needles and a black candle.

One needle is heated in the flame and stuck in the head with a pupa, uttering a spell: "Mighty and strong fire, penetrating the mind of a slave (name of a man). Miscellaneous in it is a passion for the slave (the name of the woman). The flame buys and the slave (the name of the man) from the love of the slave (the name of the woman) burns. " The second needle is stuck in the heart and read the following spell: "As the needle is stuck in the heart and pain causes, so the slave (the name of the man), longing for a slave (the name of the woman) eats." Then the pupa is hiding. Needle from it can not be taken. Apply love spells or not - everyone's business.