Classes in the speech therapy preparatory group on the ZKR. Directly educational activities in the ZKR "Tiger Roma" for the preparatory group

Sections: Work with preschoolers


  • teach children to differentiate sounds [sh], [Well] for rumor (isolated, in syllables, words, sentences);
  • secure the correct pronunciation of sounds [sh], [g].


  • develop auditory and visual perception, attention, thinking, creative skills;
  • develop an articulation, shallow motorcy and coordination of movements.


  • to form a positive installation to participate in the class, friendly relations, the skills of interaction and cooperation;
  • brigade careful attitude towards nature, animal.

Equipment: Doll tongue, glade with daisies, tree, rods, hillock, "dry" pool with cereal and small toys: acorn, scissors, giraffe, pearl, bump, machine, mouse, cheburashka, frog, tire; Soft toys: bear, mouse, hare; Massage tracks, rug with elude; Toys for the game "Learn to the touch": Cube, Doll, Pencil, Bryer, Machine, Scissors, Comb; Cocktail tubes, connective crosses, blue pencils, stencils, letters [sh], [F].

The course of organizing educational activities.

Today we will have an unusual lesson. We will go for a walk along with a funny tongue. (The tutor shows a toy - tongue. Children greet him and sit on the chairs.) It turns out guys, the tongue does not like angry and frowning children. Let's smile to each other as the tongue smiles to you, and we will deal with a good mood. For a walk we will meet with friends of the tongue, which will ask you to complete you different tasks. To cope with them, you need to be attentive, disciplined, and most importantly - friendly. The tongue is thinking that before you go for a walk, we must do exercises, after which you will be better to see, hear, remember, think, talk.


Rubbing hands (children rubbed hands).
And heating, (clap your hands).
And the face with warmly gently washer washed (the laughes are carried out in front of the face down)
Fingers crush all the bad thoughts, (robbed movements spend fingers from the middle of the forehead to the temples)
Ears rub on top down we quickly (rubbing ear shells on the edge from top to bottom)
They are flexing forward, (bend the hands of the ears ahead)
I pull down the liner, (pull down the lobe)
And then we touch the cheeks with your hands (we can easily pat with your cheeks).

Articulation exercises.

(Repeating 5-6 times.)

"Delicious jam. "Smile slightly, in a wide language in the form of a cup, slowly lick the jam from the upper lip, smoothly removes the tongue for the teeth.

"The ball burst. "Smile slightly. We rest in a wide language in the form of a cup of bumps behind the upper teeth, the side edges of the tongue are pressed to the upper teeth. Smoothly exhale warm air with sound [sh], as if the air ball is blown away

The ball is stealing, puffers,
He burst and hurt

Sh-sh-sh-w (movement with hands).

"Chafer. "Smile slightly, in a wide language in the form of a cup, we rest in the tubercles behind the upper teeth, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed to the upper teeth, we breathe smoothly warm air With sound [F], the buzz is bellish, like the May Beetle.

Beetle flies, puffed, buzz
And sheams mechanics (movement with hands).

But now we will go with the tongue for a walk (the children get out of the chairs and go through the massage path.) In front of you two "dry" pools. It is necessary to find items lying in the "dry" pool, and call them (the children perform the task.)

Guys, guess what the same sounds we hear in the title of items lying on the right of me? And to the left of me? (Children's responses.)

Today we will learn to distinguish sounds [Ш], [g].

What do you think, what is the difference in pronunciation (articulation) sounds [sh], [g].

The characteristic of the sound and its articulation (using sound snake).

Language and guests want to listen. How we can pronounce the sound [sh]. What do our sponges do? Where is the tongue? What is it a narrow or wide? As we pronounce sound-with voice Or without voice? Does it sound firmly or gently? Can you sing or have a barrier? (Children's responses.)

Arcticulation of sound [sh].

Sound characteristic [sh].

If we cannot sing the sound, if something interferes with us, i.e. There is an obstacle, then such a sound is called consonant. Sound [Sh] has a secret: it is always solid.

How are our lips when pronunciation of sound [W]? Where is the tongue? What is it a good or wide? How do we pronounce sound-with voice or without voice? Does it sound firmly or gently?

Arcticulation of sound [F].

Sound characteristic [F].

If we cannot sing the sound, if something interferes with us, i.e. obstacle, then such a sound is called consonant. Sound [F] has a secret: it is always solid.

The bee flew, buzzed
Fly her paw shook Zhr.

Who hid under the chamomile? (Snake.) What song is a snake? (Sh-sh-sh.)

Do not eat snake porridge -
Just know yourself hissing: Sh-sh.

(Children depict a snake and a bee, hiss and buzzed.)

Snake and bee offer to find out the sounds [F], [W] in a number of sounds. On the sound [F] - you need to slam in your hands, to sound [Ш] - boys stupid.

[t] - [Ш] - [h] - [k] - [z] - [p] - [Ш] - [d] - [l] - [z] - [sh] (children perform a task.)

Exercise "Repeat".

Shi Shi Shi - noisy reeds,
Sha - Sha - Sha - Komans for Shalash,
Sho - sho - sho - in the halate is good,
Zh - Zhazh - Four Hosh,
Zh - Zhi - Ezhi ran from mezhi
Zhu - Zhu - Zhu - Beetle said the hedgehog.

(Children are clearly primarily primarily pronounced and cross the rug with his owns through the stream.)

Behind the stream is a hillock,
Many mice lives there in minks.
Merchant mice will not let you be bored
And everyone invite you to play.
To the touch items need to know
Fingers will have to look

Game "Find on the touch". (It is necessary to name items and say whether there are sounds studied in their name today: a cube, machine, comb, pencil, doll, scissors, bump.)

Red horse rust in rye.

(Children pronounce the patter quietly, loud, slowly, quickly. Together and individually.)

Fizkultminutka "Beetles".

Beetle on the twig sat down,
Put your song:
He buzzed, buzzed, buzzed,
Yes, and from the twig fell!
Raised. looked like
Wings waved
"Bye! "Said and flew away.

Children come to school for animals. The beasts have already gone home, as classes are already over, but the bunny teacher - I was still here. Bunny - Znayka greets with children, invites to a lesson, children sit at the tables. Rings a call - the lesson begins. Bunny - Zakina offers children to perform tasks:

1. Designing letters "F", "sh" from cocktail tubes.

Finger gymnastics.

Once, two, three, four, five (connect the pads of the fingers)
We will consider words (squeeze and sprink your fingers)
Sword, steering wheel, cat, mouse, frog,
Beetle, Giraffe, Crane, checkbox and hedgehog (bend fingers in turn)
Clear-ka, do not be lazy, but look not mistaken! (compress, sprinkle cams)
Five yes five (squeezed cams), and ten together (hands in the castle)
All toys counted, we are not tired at all. (Knock the lock)

2. Touching stencils in the title of which there are sounds [F], [sh].

The game "Third Excess." (Sound music sounds, singing forest birds, murmur of the stream.) Bunny - Znayka checks the execution of tasks, praises children.

The call rang, the lesson ended. Children say goodbye to a bunny - a badge, go out of the tables, become a circle.

Our walk comes to an end. Each of us has become smarter, wiser. What sounds did you learn to distinguish? Who we met today? What would you like to tell other children? First I will tell you what I liked (the teacher says and stretches his hand to the child). Now each of you will take turns to talk and stretch your hand to another. (Children say that they are new and interesting learned.) Guys, do you feel warm hands of friends? Are you nice? (Children's responses.) Excellent! Try to keep a good memory of our walk all day. You have worked fine today, well done! Bye.

Municipal budgetary preschool institution « Kindergarten "Rainbow" R.P. Basal Karabulak Saratov region "
ABSTRACT direct educational activities in preparatory group Education area "Communication" Topic: Sound Culture Speech. Preparation for literacy

Software content :
- to form the ability to call words with a given sound;
- exercise children in the ability to highlight the sound [h '] against the background of a whole word, determine its place in the word;
- to form the ability to determine the number and sequence of words in the proposal.
- improve auditory attention and perception of children;
- develop the phonmematic rumor of children, small motorcy;
- educating the ability to listen to the speech of an adult and each other, work throughout the lesson.
Demonstration material : Card diagrams, chips, magnetic board, offer schemes.
Handout : Cards with numbers from 1 to 5, diagram cards, chips; emoticons.
1. Greeting. Check availability to the lesson.
- Hello guys! Check if you have everything you need to have on the tables.
2. Psychological attitude, motivation of upcoming activities.
- Today we are waiting for many interesting work, We will recognize new, rejoice in the success, and with failures to cope together.
- Each of you are on the desks lie emoticons, please show your mood with them (the teacher also shows emoticons). I think that you don't have to miss, and by the end of our work your mood will only improve.
- So guys, for work!
3. Work on the subject of classes.
"I will now pronounce words now, and you, if you hear words with the sound of h, we will flame once in your hands.
Kettle, heron, crane, swing, oven, hare, clock, beetle, bee, hoop, daughter, noise, vase, cup, river.
The teacher takes note of those children who are mistaken, or react to a word with a delay, focusing on the response of peers. With these preschoolers, it is later necessary to work in addition. But this can be done in class, offering only these children to fulfill a new task (explaining the reason): it is green, pumpy, Top nobolich, in the meadow all day streaming.
-And now you will come up with words with sound h.
- Hello, you did everything! I suggest listening to telling and think about what kind of sound is more often found.
Bin, Sichka - Sisters Sparrow.
- Practice: We repeat everything together tweigh slowly, now quickly.
- Sewing the riddle:
what per miracle? Like this miracle:
Top dish, bottom dish.
Go miracle on the way to,
head torch Yes legs.
- Guys define how many words in the text of words with the sound of Ch. (5)
4. Fizminutka
If I deliver the sound with you imitate washing hands. If I delive the sound of you imitate the flight bees. If I deliver the sound, you imitate the beetle flight.
5. Continuation of work on the subject of classes. Independent work.
- Guys, take, please cards - schemes. I will read you words with the sound of h, and you must define the sound of sound in words:
Clock, key, handle, kalach, tea, cottage, seagull, rag.
Children using the chip, mark the position of sound in the word. One child performs work at the board.
- The guards at the last occupation, we met with the concept of the proposal. What is the offer?
- Offer is a few words related to each other.

Today we will continue work on this topic, and get acquainted with the structure of the proposal scheme. The proposal consists of words, at the end of each sentence a point, an exclamation mark, if the offer is full of calling, exclamations, a question mark, if there is a question in the proposal, if the proposal is not completed. Every sentence has a basis and the letter it is noted like this

Each word is marked with a separate strip ____ ____.
This scheme indicates that in this sentence three words at the end there is a point.
And now the guys let's try to come up with a proposal according to the scheme (schemes are given with three, four, five words).
Well done boys.
6. Work in the notebook.
(if there is time)
7. Outcome classes. Reflection.
- What was the most interesting in the classroom? What task would it be difficult to perform?
- Please show your emoticons: What is your mood now?
- I am glad that your mood and mine also improved!
- The lesson is over. You all worked very well today! Well done!

Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten" Rodnichok "

Abstract of direct educational activities on sound culture of speech for children of the preparatory group "Tiger Roma"

Compiled by the Senior Educator Dow

Shitting Elena Gennadevna

Agreed with the head of the Dow

_________ / Scytico Galina Yuriev

g. Okhansk, 2015

Purpose: Automate a clear pronunciation of the sound [P] on the material "Tiger Roma" theme.


fasten the correct pronunciation of the sound [P] is isolated, in syllables, words, sentences, cleanlaisors;
clarify the correct arcticulation of sound [P];
Exercise in the ability to determine the place of sound in the word and connect the subject with the scheme;
Secure the visual image of the letter [P].

develop the mimic muscles of children;
Develop visual and phonderatic perception, memory, thinking, thin, general and articulation motility, coordinate speech with movement.

Formation of a positive installation for participation in the lesson;
Formation of goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility.


    Chamomile with tear-off petals, with a syllable chain written on them

    Technical equipment: Video projector, screen, tape recorder;

    Stock foot : images of tigers, gnome, images of objects, in the title of which there is sound[R],

    Musical and noise tools: Spoons

    Music material: smoke "Hello", Funtka Song (minus one)

Travel course.

Org. moment.

Educator: Today guest will come to the lesson, and what is this guest you will learn to guess the riddle.

It is fluffy, striped, yes, so still pretty.

Naughty, well, like a kitten, and his name is ... (Tigrenok)

Educator: So he himself. Tigrenok knows how to growl: R-R-R, this is his favorite sound. And today we will learn to say the sound [p] beautifully and correctly in the syllables and words. And Tigerin will help us. He prepared you many different tasks.

Preparatory part.

Let's say hello to the Tiger and our guests.

Luggrooic exercise "Hello"

Development of articulation motility.

Educator: Now you need to prepare our tongue. So that the tongue becomes strong and clever, you need to do exercises.

The tongue at the sports ground is charged.

(Slide with the "Swing" exercise)

Although it is not easy, stretched high.

Slended low, to the chin close. (swing)

(slide with the exercise "Gorka")

Deftly made the bridge, he hid the tail.

(Slide with the exercise "Horce")

Hurried at the racetrack, sat down on the horse.

(Slide with the exercise "fungus")

The tongue stopped, in the mushroom on the leg turned.

(Slide with the exercise "Drum")

And now the language as a ball behind the teeth from above jumps.

(Slide with the exercise "Sail")

We have a gymnast tongue, wrapped up now.

(Slide with the exercise "Shovel")

We have tired tongue and a little bit flew.

(Slide with the image of Tigement)

Main part.

Educator: How do you think, what is the favorite sound of Tigement Roma?

Children : [ r]

Educator: right. And he wants, so we rushed with him. And in order to be beautifully buried, it is necessary to remember where the tongue should be located, in which position of the lip and teeth.

Let's look at the picture

(Slide S. sound Arcticulation Profile [P] ).

We open your mouth, we raise the tongue, we rest in the hooks,

The edges to the teeth we press, and they start blowing hard

The tongue is our aspad, will not run anywhere.

And now lever as tigers: r-r-r-rr. Well done. And now you have a rush. Do not forget that the mouth is ajar.

Educator: Guys, tigers love to walk in the jungle on various paths, let's walk along with him. And we will do it with a pencil.

(children drawing on cards (individual drawing places) "pass" - draw paths, pronouncing [R])

Educator: Well done guys coped with the task of Roma, at the same time and walked. And Tigerin brought you your favorite flower -romashka . The letters are drawn on it. To see which letter is located in the middle it is necessary to blow off a leaf from a flower. In the middle of the letter P, and on the petals: a, o, y, s, e.

Educator: Do you like to play with Tiger?. Let's learn about him a poem:

I have a tiger,
He comrade my games.
He is almost a child,
But growl like an adult tiger.

Usage text.


Educator: Let's play a little, get up because of the table.

Luggage exercise on the development of a feeling of rhythm - the game "Sound Echo" (children with wooden spoons beat a rhythmic pattern, simultaneously persuade the sludge chains with sound [P], following the teacher)

Educator: And now, Roma has prepared for you very interesting task - pass bymaze. A labyrinth begins with a picture with the stars, pass along with the tiger of the labyrinth along the arrows and call the picture and direction of the shooter: up, down, right or left. The names of all pictures in this labyrinet begin with the favorite sound of Tigrins [P]. At the end of the labyrinth under the merry screen, a friend of tigers is hidden. You will know who it is when you get to the end of the labyrinth.

Slide with the image of the gnome

Children: (Call)

The speech therapist: Gnomes are a small people and they are small. Spend a tigers in the maze to the exit and all picturesname affectionately so that they turn into small pictures. Sound [P] must be pronounced clearly. Very good.

Game on the formation of the words "big - small"

Educator: Well done. Now tigers with a gnome want to check your memory and, play with you to the game "Hyperships".

Game on the development of visual memory "Hyperships"

Educator: Well done. All pictures remembered.Did you like the tasks of tigers? We must thank him, give him beads from words with his favorite sound. Do you remember what kind of sound? That's right, sound [P].

Game "Fun Sounds"


Educator: Well done. We worked well.BUTtiger Roma also prepared you as a gift here such drawings, but unfortunately, he did not have pencils. I suggest taking these drawings and paint them in the evening.

Size: px.

Start showing from page:


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Children's garden "Olenenok" Speech at the district methodological association. "Sound culture of speech, preparation for learning literacy in the preparatory school group" Educator: Lukyantseva N.A. P. Taza 2015

2 Sound culture speech. Literacy learning. The purpose of the work of the teacher to develop the speech of children preschool age is the formation of the initial communicative competence of a child. The implementation of this goal suggests that by the end of preschool age it is to become universal means Communication child with surrounding people: Senior preschooler can communicate with people of different ages, gender, social situation. It implies free language proficiency at the level oral speech, the ability to focus on the features of the interlocutor in the process of communication: to select the content and speech forms adequate to his perception. According to GEF to: "Speech development includes speech ownership as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; the development of a connected, grammatically correct dialogic and monologic speech, phonderatic hearing; Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, understanding of the texts of various genres of children's literature; The formation of sound analyticosynthetic activity as a literacy training background. " Preparation of children for school learning is an important aspect In working with the children of the preparatory group. Population of speech from preschoolers is prerequisite full-fledged personality development. IN last years There is a sharp decrease in the level of speech development of preschoolers. This is due primarily to the deterioration of children's health, violation of the central organ of the speech function. Every year the number of practically not speaking children is increasing, one of the reasons is not proper speech Children insufficient accounting for adult needs of the child to absorb speeches around others (the articulation of sound is not shown, the interest in the correct pronunciation) is not called. The upbringing of sound culture is one of the important tasks of speech development in kindergarten, since it is the pre-school age most sensitive. Sound culture of speech combines: the development of speech respiration to the voice of the mobility of the organs of the articulation apparatus. Staging and clarifying the pronunciation of sounds to the production of a normal pace, the rhythm of speech. Development of expressiveness of speech. Development of phonderatic hearing. Education of sound analysis skills and synthesis. The educator helps children to master the right speech breathing, the right pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language, a clearly pronunciation of words, the ability to use a voice, teach children not to speak, intonationally expressive. The education of the sound culture of the speech is carried out simultaneously with the development of other sides of speech: vocabulary, connected, grammatically correct speech. Work on the upbringing of sound culture of speech is carried out systematically on special speech classes: Sound culture Speech Development of speech Acquaintance with fiction literature Literature, but it can also enter into the maintenance of other classes, in regime moments, for walk, in game and artistic activities, in individual work with kids. During the morning speech gymnastics, it is possible to practice the articulation apparatus of children, clarify and fix in gaming form Pronunciation of one or another sound. For a walk of individual children, practice in a clear pronunciation of words, in the proper use of intonational means of expressiveness. In the evening, individual and group movable, dance, speech didactic games are organized, for example, in order to consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds, training children in a long exhalation of air through the mouth. For the formation of the right pronunciation of the SPOL'SION Articulation Gymnastics Exercises for Breath Spear Cleaner Readings Fingering Finger Games Speech Games Games for the Development of Shallow Motory

3 PhondeMectic perception is the ability to perceive on rumor and accurately differentiate all speech sounds close by sound. Games for the development of auditory attention: "Who hears what?" - Children are invited to close their eyes and listen to sounds and noises that have been coming from the street or corridor. "What am I doing?" - Children with closed eyes according to characteristic sounds and stacks determine the action produced by the tutor. "Who called you?" - Children are asked to close their eyes and determine by voice, who called his name. "Guess what is played?" - children introduce with sounding toys ( musical instruments), Then children in turn turn away and guess what toy (tool) sounds. Work on the development of phonderatic perception: - acquaintance with an isolated sound - the distinguishing of insulated sounds - recognition of sound in the word - the definition of the sound of the sound in the word - distinguishing on rumor in words of sounds close to sound or articulation - inventing words for certain sound I use a variety of methods and techniques : Reading artistic works, visual material (substal pictures; toys; geometric shapes; plot pictures); Diverse I. entertaining games (didactic; verbal; games with tasks) games and exercises for the formation of the sound side of the word: "What kind of sound is in all words"; "Gifts in forest animals"; "In what words the sound is superfluous, what is missing?"; "What is the difference between the words." Games and exercises to familiarize yourself with the sound side of the word "find a delicious word"; "We will pick up the dolls of clothes"; "What a parsley wrote us", etc. Preparing for literacy training is closely connected with sound culture of speech. If the child will not correctly pronounce the sounds, it will not be able to distinguish them and allocate, select words with a certain sound, then the process of mastering the initial elements of the letter will be difficult. We continue to work on learning: teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, distinguish between vowels, solid and soft consonant sounds; distinguish shock and unstressed sounds; divide two-sided and three-sided words on syllables; find and call each part of the word; determine the consistent sound of the syllables in the word; to work out diction: clearly and clearly pronounce words; To make proposals, sharing words indicating their sequence. Games: "Catch the sound in palm"; "Name the 1st sound"; Chain words "; "Think of the word to sound"; "Name Bratcher"; "What is the sound of a vowel?"; "Score"; "Build a house"; "Who is attentive?" In our work, we use the working notebooks: "Training of a diploma"; "Speech Development"; We work with each child individually. Cooking your hand to the letter: work in working notebooks "Propacy" (printing of letters); in mathematics notebooks (prescribing specified figures; different sticks; circles in cells); In the albums "hatching" (sample hatching; Doring, painting the subject). Starting from the middle group, I started working with children on the topic - Development of the dictionary with the means of Russian folklore, the acquisition of children to folk art: - Widespread use of folklore (fairy tales, songs, functions, proverbs, sayings, unprecedenters, etc.) - Acquaintance with traditions folk signs and rites, ritual holidays - acquaintance with Russian folk games, counted - theatrical activities of children - acquaintance with the musical folklore (Russian folk songs, dances, Russian folk dances) - familiarity with decorative applied creativity. SO senior group Organized the creative association "Sudarushka", developed the program. The program is aimed at the acquisition of children to folk creativity by means of theatrical activity, the learning of small folklore forms, acquaintance with fairy tales (playing them), customs, the subjects of Russian life. Through the acquisition of children to folk creativity, the children of children are actively developing and enriched. For articulating I. finger gymnastics Use sweetes, songs. This contributes to the development of the Hand Motoric, produces the ability to prove the text together with the actions performed. Shafts, lullabies, patters, Pestushki contribute to the ability to adjust the tempo, volume, breathing. Great value of the folklore in the formation of auditory attention, phonderatic hearing and proper pronunciation, since the sound orientation of the folk vehicle is filled with abundance of rhymes, repeats, consonant. Children learn to memorize and intonationally expressly reproduce words and phrases from the text in the process of theatricalization; learn to guess riddles; Learn to understand and evaluate the characters of the characters, to transfer the voice of the voice and the nature of the characters; Play Russian people

4 fairy tales, stage Russian folk songs; use in everyday life counting, proverbs, shallows; ability to play Russian folk games; Take part in Russian national holidays. Develops lexico- grammatical Stroy, expressive intonation and phonderatic hearing. Forms of working with children: learning of flowes, chain, readers, patterners, cleanrs Russian folk games for dramatization drawing folklore mobile games showing the puppet theater Folklore entertainment Folk holidays Horovodnaya Games Using Lego when preparing for literacy learning, consolidation of sound prevention, familiarization with the surrounding world. For example: when preparing for learning, the literacy of the little man in red dresses can depict vowel sounds. Hard consonants in blue suites, soft consonants in green. Men in blue suit can be called "C" and "T". The teacher explains the child: "Look he in a blue suit, because he is consonant and solid." And then for consolidation, asks the question: "What is the color of the sudden consonants?". When a child plays with Lego men, work on sound Analysis The syllable passes in the game form, which contributes to the best absorption of the material. Children also really like to compose from Lego Letter. Using Lego in the process of fixing the correct sound mode, you can offer the child to make a tractor or car from Lego or car and come up with a small fairy tale. And you can offer to make the heroes of the fairy tale and tell. Lego can be used when familiar with others: "Transport"; "Furniture"; "Robots"; "Animals"; "Buildings", etc. Children make buildings on a given topic and talk about them. You can consolidate for example: what kind of sound at the beginning (end of the word); What is the sound (vowel or consonant); Come up with a sentence with the word, etc. Constructive-gaming activities of children with Lego allows you to identify the speech capabilities of the child, set the level of its communicativeness.

5 Monitoring Speech Development Speech Development Start of year High medium low preparatory 18% 23% 59% Senior 0% 36% 64% Average 0% 5% 95% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80 % 90% 100% speech development End of a year high medium low preparatory older 18% 23% 59% average 13% 39% 48% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

6 Parents play a key role in the speech development of the child. The interaction of educators with the family significantly increases the effectiveness of pedagogical impact on children, makes it possible to overcome many difficulties and problems, and get the desired result in the speech development of each child. Forms of work with parents: Consultation "How to develop speech during walks" Round table "Development of the speech of children of the fifth year of life" Parent-teacher meeting "The development of the dictionary by means of Russian folklore." Showing Russian children folk games. Folder Moving "Finger games"; "Tales on the tips of the fingers" memo "The child does not say what to do?" Workshop Workshop "Preparing for School: Develop Speech» Recommendations "Games and Exercises for Speech Development 5-6 years" Consultation "Development of the right speech important condition Mental Development and Preparedness of the Child To School »Folder Moving" Spearing. Cleaners »Memo" Didactic Games and Exercise. Development of connected speech and creative thinking" Equipment of the objective development environment for sound culture of speech: - allowances for speech respiration - subject pictures for examination of phoney and sound suspensions - complexes of articulating and finger gymnastics - Didactic manuals for the development of shallow motility - wall-printed games - Didactic manuals: "Development of children's speech" - Handout; "Grammar in pictures" (antonyms; multiple number; multivalued words) - Card Species, Cleaners - different types Theater - Card School of Russian Folk, Folklore Games

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Madou "Malinovsky Kindergarten" Consultation for educators "Sound culture speech as component common speech culture. " Prepared: Teacher's speech therapist Maria Aleksandrovna Kucher p. Malinovka 2017

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Experience in the second youngest group of the educator of Dulce Olga Petrovna "Development of the speech of children of junior preschool age by means of oral folk creativity" is the topic of my self-education. how

Forms of working with children according to GEF, corresponding to the conditionally every type of activity. Educational areas. Socommunicative development is aimed at learning the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society,

Methods and techniques of pedagogical work on education in children Skills of properly pronunciation of sounds Culture Speech This skill is correct, i.e. in accordance with the content of the outlined, taking into account the conditions of the speech

Presentation of the Working Program of the Teacher's MKDOU D / C 77 Combined View Adamovich T.V. This work program is designed in accordance with Federal law "On education in the Russian Federation"

System of work on the education of sound culture speech APK teacher: Donchenko E.A. Forms of work on the upbringing of sound culture of speech mastering the pronunciation of all the sounds of the native language by five years

Map of self-education tutor surname, name, patronymic of the teacher: Asaliyeva Irina Magomedovna. Topic Title: "Materahnika as a means of developing a coherent speech in children. Objective: Increase its theoretical

13 forms of work on the speech development of preschoolers in the conditions of introducing GEF to the speech of Kalashnik TS, the teacher of DC Preschool age is the period of active assimilation by the child of the spoken language, formation

"Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity." Circle "Zaryazar" is part additional education For children visiting the middle group "Droplet"

Speech development of a preschooler as a priority task of GEF pre-school education: the creation of pedagogical conditions has fulfilled the teacher-speech therapist: Hertz Tatyana Mikhailovna Relevance: -Social order for

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Raspennensky kindergarten 1" Star "of the Razzolnensky District of the Republic of Crimea" The state of working with children for OO "Speech Development" has fulfilled

Calendar and thematic planning for the development of speech 36 hours P \\ n Date Subject Classes Software Contents Wood Number of hours Plan Fact Speech: speaking, listening speech: reading, letter to introduce children

Prepared: Hasanova Yu. N. Teacher-speech therapist MDOBU 33 "Word and his sound structure are perceived by a child as part of the thing or as a property of it, inseparable from other properties." L.S. Vygotsky for what is needed

Report on the self-education of the teacher Sixkiv E.V. Age from 3 to 4 years is of particular importance for the child's speech development. The children of junior preschool age need the comprehensive development of speech, including

Report on the topic of self-education during the implementation period of events practical stage For the 2018-2019 uch. Year of the teacher, (position) Yakunin O.V., Educator 1. Report plan: the topic of self-education "oral

Consultation for parents, educators, teachers Theme: "Features of the development of children in preschool age: Sound culture of speech, grammatical system, a coherent speech." Logooped teacher: Nesterova

State budgetary preschool educational institution Development Center of the Children's Garden 115 Nevsky District of St. Petersburg Pedagogical Council "Speech Development of Preschool Children

Didactic benefit LapBook "Develop a speech" relevance in the context of the modernization of education Each teacher is interested in introducing innovative technologies in pedagogical activity, in the search

Municipal autonomous pre-school educational institution municipal Education The city of Nyagan "Children's garden of the general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities on the physical direction

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 18" The Self-Development Program fulfilled the educator Migunov Love Alekseevna theme: "The influence of oral folk creativity for development

Plan for self-education in older - preparatory group. Topic: Development of connected speech of children of senior preschool age relevance of the topic: Educator: Budko E.V. This topic is important for me, because

Municipal cassenger preschool educational institution of the city of Novosibirsk "Kindergarten 21 combined species" Plan of self-education on the topic: "Development of children in the second youngest group" Simonova

Tuesday Monday Daily: 1. Morning gymnastics 2. Walking on health tracks 1. The skill of communication of the child with adults: - Observation of the communication of parents and child (1) * - Individual conversations with parents

Integration of educational areas Cognitive development is numerous questions-answers, explanations, setting problems, refinement, reading. Physical development - rules, teams and explanations. Artistic and aesthetic

The project in the younger multi-year group: "The development of children's speech by means of oral folk creativity." Prepared and held: Mishchenko O.N. The relevance of the project: "The language of the nation is the best, never fading

Project in the preparatory group of GBOU School 319 pre-school department, ul. Amur, 21 Influence of theatrical and gaming activities on the development of speech and phonumatic hearing of the preschooler. Responsible for the project

Mastering the speech as a means of communication and culture Enrichment of the active dictionary Development of a connected, grammatically correct dialogic and monologic speech Development of speech creativity Development of sound

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the municipality of the city of Nyagan "Kindergarten 1" Sunshko "of the overall view with the priority implementation of activities on the social and personal

The system of work on the formation of expressiveness of the speech of preschoolers has prepared: Sotpa AB Suctermaa A.K. 1. Teaching children of intonation expressiveness of speech using such components as melody, pace,

Municipal budgetary pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten 9 combined species" prepared teacher-speech therapist Paramonov E.A. Objective to increase the level of competence of teachers and parents

Explanatory note Working programm The "speech field" is designed in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents: - Federal Law "On Education in Russian Federation»N 273-FZ from

Features of familiarization of preschoolers with fiction in accordance with GEF to Balaeva Larisa Yuryevna Senior Educator I quarter. Categories Madou 25 "Ryabinka" Fiction FGT FGOS

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten "Red Cap" Plan of work of self-education For 2017-2018 The educational year of the educator of the Middle Group "Yelochka" Theme "Use

Development of creative and speech activity of children Consultation to the pedagogical council Senior tutor of the skin R.I. This is the most important creative mental function of a person, the field of manifestation of the inherent

"Speech Development of Middle Group Preschors" under the program L.A. Hungarian "Development" Presentation was performed: Sokolova O.A Toropova S.M. The development of speech is the most important task of educational, education,

Development of children's creativity through theatrical activity Author: Kazakova Galina Vasilyevna Educator MBDOU DS 28 PGT. Black Sea Theatrical activity in kindergarten is good opportunity

Consultation for teachers: "The influence of folk creativity on the development of the coherent speech of children." Teacher-speech therapist: Volkova Yu.A. Belomorsk 2016 Presentation Plan Introduction Dialogue and Monologue Development Methods

Department of Education of the city of Moscow State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School 199" recommended approving the Methodological Council Director of GBOU School 199 Protocol V.V.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a combined species 1" Sibiryachka "Working program for speech development for preschoolers 3-7 years old" spoke, so that I saw you "

The topic "Teacher's interaction of a speech therapist and parents in kindergarten. MBDOU D / C 7 Posanodnogova N. R. has prepared a teacher of MBDOU D / C 7 Posannogova. In recent years, the number of children encountered with various

Explanatory note to mastering the initial reading skills requires a certain readiness of the sensorine and intellectual spheres of the preschooler. So every child needs different time for

"Enrichment of the dictionary of senior preschoolers in different activities and its importance for the development of communication abilities of pupils" The teacher I Qualification category of MBDOU 32 Lchiknetnets

GBOU School 1194 to K.1511 Speech Development on Gos worked Material: Tarasova O.A. Salikhova N.M. Developing Speech Wednesday Junior group 3-4 years 1. Assistance in communication 2. Interaction with each other

Tuesday Monday Mandatory activities Days of the week of cyclogram of educational and educational work in early age groups Morning watches Walk evening hours Morning gymnastics (through

Municipal budgetary dosheyol educational institutional garden 78 "Ivushka" (MBDOU 78 "Ivushka") st. Decembrists, 4, Surgut, Tyumen region, Khanty, Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Ugra, 628416,

The role of theatrical activity in the development of connected dialogic and monological speech in children Integration of theatrical activities with educational areas Cognition Communication Reading Artistic

Grishina Elena Vladimirovna Educator GBDOU Kindergarten 4 Pushkinsky District Sankt-Petersburg Theme: "Development of the speech of children of junior preschool age when familiarizing with nature." Native language playing

Card file didactic games And exercises for children of senior pre-school Did. Game "Store" Did. Game "Finish the word" Goal: Continue to teach children to determine the first sound of the word. Purpose: develop the ability of children to divide words to syllables. Stroke: Educator - Seller, Children - Buyers. The seller releases the goods if the buyer correctly calls the first sound in the Word, which indicates the necessary item. The move: children stand in a circle. Pedagogue with a ball in the center: "Children, now you will end the word I started. I'll throw the ball with any of you and call the beginning of the word, and you have to throw me the ball back and say his end (Ko, chapter). Did. Game "Sound Lotto" Objective: Teach Children find a word with the desired sound from a given row of words. The move: Lotto cards with pictures and small empty cards are distributed. The lead calls the sound and asks the players: "Who has a word with sound ....? It is not necessary that this sound is at the beginning of the word, it can stand at the end, and in the middle. " Children answer and close a picture with a properly found sound card. Did. Game "Guess the Word" Goal: Develop the ability of children to divide words to syllables. The move: the teacher offers children to guess the words, while retries 2 times. Children pick up words with a given number of syllables. For the correct answer, the child gets a chip. Did. The game "Journey to the country of sounds" 1 Option Objective: Develop a phonmematic hearing. The move: the lead selects 3 signs with letters that insert into the slots of wagons, and 9 pictures with animal images, explaining to children: "The train arrived for animals and birds. It has 3 cars, each animal can go only in a certain car. In the first car, animals will go in the title of which there is sound [t], etc. Settings can be changed. 2 Option Option: Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis words, develop a phonmematic hearing. The move: the presenter inserts signs with circles in the slots in the wagons (3, 4, 5). Tells children pictures and offers to select passengers, focusing on the number of sounds in the word. Children in turn clearly called the animal, highlighting each sound, consider sounds and put pictures on the window of the corresponding car. 3 Option Objective: Continue to teach children to divide words to syllables. The move: in the slots of the wagons are inserted plates with one, two, three rectangles. In the first car, animals must go, the names of which consist of one syllable, in the second car animals whose names consist of two syllables, etc. Did. The game "Bus" Did. The game "Raise the right card" goal: develop the phonmematic rumor of children. Objective: Teach children distinguish vowels and consonant sounds. The move: children are sitting on the chairs, the teacher gives them toys (pictures). Rides a big car. Children must put such toys into it, in the title of which there is a studied sound. If toys are collected incorrectly, the bus does not touch off the place. Did. Game "Gate" Goal: Exercise children in distinguishing vowels and consonant sounds. The move: the tutor calls the sounds, if this consonant sound is hands on the table together (there is an obstacle). If a vowel sound - children put hands on elbows (no barrier). The course: the teacher says the sound, and the children on the rumor determine the vowelny sound or consonant (solid, soft). Children raise the color card, what the sound indicates. Did. Game "Words - Friends" Goal: Teach children to pick up the words close to the sound. The move: the tutor leads an example of a similar sound of words (a cat is a spoon). He then utters one word and invites children to pick up other words for him, close on the sound (gun - toy, drying, frog and others). Did. Game "Sound Watches" Goal: Teach Children Measure the length of words. The move: the teacher, setting the arrow in front of the picture, offers to determine the number of syllables in the word. Did. Game "Find a common sound" Objective: Develop a phonmematic rumor of children. The move: the tutor offers children to see the pictures to determine the same sound found in all these words. Did. Game "Call Sound" Purpose: Develop a phonmematic rumor of children. The move: the teacher calls various words with the intonation allocation of one sound. A child who caught the ball calls a highlighted sound and throws the ball to the tutor. Did. The game "Remember the Word, Beginner from the vowel (consonant) sound" Objective: I exercise children in distinguishing vowels and consonant sounds. The move: children are divided into 2 groups, call words from a given sound. The teacher lays counting material. Wins the group of children who will have more chips. Did. Game "Flowers - Pettles" Goal: Teach children distinguish vowels and consonant sounds. Turn: The tutor calls the sound. Children raise the flower of the desired color (blue, green or red). Did. The game "Third Emless" Did. Bratz - Acrobati game Goal: Continue to teach children to determine the first sound in the word, distinguish solid and soft consonant sounds. Purpose: Teach children distinguish hard and soft consonants. The move: the teacher lay out the card on which 3 items are depicted. Children define the first sound in each word. Find differences (hay, fat, catfish). Did. Game "Find a mistake" Goal: Continue to teach children to spend sound analysis of words, teach group words starting with the same sound. The move: the teacher offers to look at the card on which 3 items are depicted. Children define the first sound in each word. Among 3 items are excess, starting from another sound (Som, Owl, hand). The move: the educator calls a solid consonant sound, while throws the ball to the child. I caught the ball, the child calls a soft consonant sound and throw a ball tutor. Did. Game "Name words" Goal: Continue to teach children to call words with a given sound. Stroke: The tutor offers children to call words with a certain sound. For each correct answer, children get chips. Did. The game "Who will come up with the end, will be well done." Purpose: develop speech attention and speech rumor children. Stroke: The educator invites children to finish the phrase. I do not run to the doctor, I myself (leaving). We did not eat, we did not drink, Baby Snezhny (Lepii). Like our daughter, the sun shines very bright, pink (cheeks). Hippo has become (hot). The sun shines very bright, suddenly the sky tightened, the hippo became (hot). From the clouds of Lightning (sparkled). And a number of hippopotics, I wondered early in the morning for (tumors). Washed from under (crane). And the elephant is trembling, our older sister and sat on (hedgehog). Knit from the same (in the morning). We are a couple with Tamara, Sanitars we are with (Tamara). Did. Game "Name the last sound of the word" goal: to develop a phonmematic rumor of children. Did. The game "Find a house 1" move: the tutor in turn causes children, shows pictures. The called the child calls the item, highlighting the last sound and pronounces it isolated (Sharrr - sound [P]). Objective: Teach children distinguish vowels and consonant sounds. Did. Game "Find a couple" Goal: Develop a phonmematic rumor of children. Street: The tutor gives each child gives one substitution, the rest puts on the table. By the signal: "Find a pair" children find an object, the name of which begins with the same sound that they have (the bag - the sun) move: the teacher has a substantive picture with animals. According to the tutor signal: "Find your house" every child puts its picture into a house of a certain color. If the first sound is solid consonant, then the picture puts into a blue sound, a soft consonant - a green house, a vowel sound - a red house.