Is it possible to eat bedbugs. Search and destruction of bedbugs in the apartment

The problem of bedbugs in the apartment is faced not only by residents of private houses, but also by high-rise buildings. They do not care about the condition of your home, clean or dirty, damp or dry, wet or cold - they appear everywhere. Sometimes they can start even in apartments with European-quality repair and perfect cleanliness. It is necessary to answer the main questions: how to find out if there are bugs in the apartment, why they appeared there, their favorite places and how to get pests out of the room.

Are there bugs at home


Elena, Moscow

Early rise

This method will help you find out if there are bugs in the bed. To do this, you need to make the bed with a white sheet and go to bed, having previously set an alarm clock for four in the morning. After waking up on the alarm clock, carefully check the sheet for the presence of small bloody spots, if you are lucky, you can find a small number of insects.

Using the listed methods, sometimes it is possible to find a single individual, which makes you wonder whether the bug can be alone in the apartment. To do this, you need to carefully examine it, determine whether it is a female or a male. They can be distinguished by the shape of the body, in females it is round and convex, which indicates the presence of eggs in her body. If a female is found, then there is a high probability that she is not the only representative of the "bloodthirsty" family.

From this article you will learn:

Sometimes we may not even guess that there are bedbugs in our house. But soon you will find it anyway when you start waking up and seeing red spots on your body. But even this method cannot give guaranteed results. Firstly, it is not a fact that it is bugs that bite you. And secondly, your body may simply not perceive bites properly. But it is better not to get to this, otherwise it will be a little more difficult to disinfect.

The picture shows a bug trap

Signs by which you can check for bedbugs in the apartment

  1. The first sign is, of course, bites. Bedbug bites can be distinguished by the characteristic red dot in the center of the bite mark. This is due to the fact that bedbugs do not secrete a substance that allows blood to quickly clot. Therefore, in the morning, you can see dried blood at the site of the bite. This is the main distinctive feature from the bite of other insects.
  2. If you suddenly find unusual black dots near your sleeping place at home, do not think that it is dirt. Most likely, this is a waste product of bedbugs. It also suggests that it is time to take certain measures.
  3. Some time after the settlement of bugs, you may notice their hard shells on the bed. This can only be seen after they molt.
  4. And, of course, if you yourself have already seen bedbugs or their larvae, then you should not have any doubts. Put on light-colored bedding and turn on the lights abruptly in the middle of the night. Most likely, you will see a lot of bed bugs near the bed.

How to find a settlement of bedbugs in an apartment?

If all the previous methods did not help you, and you continue to think about how to find out if there are bugs at home, then read the article further.

The figure shows how to make a bed bug trap correctly.

Always remember that bed bugs only go hunting at night. You don't even need to look for them during the day. You should look for them in hard-to-reach places... For example, under skirting boards, in the joints between furniture or behind gas stove... Do not mistake their bites for allergies if you have discovered other signs of their presence. And also if you started waking up with bites in late autumn or winter, then, of course, they simply cannot be mosquitoes. There is no doubt that these are bedbugs. In order to dispel doubts, immediately after a new bite, contact a dermatologist, he will easily make a diagnosis right away, since bedbugs always bite in one line.

Important! If you suddenly notice a strong deterioration in well-being, it may be a severe allergy. Do not self-medicate, but see a doctor right away.

To spot bed bugs, you need a flashlight and a magnifying glass. With these two items, you can easily find bed bug eggs or droppings.

A method for determining the presence of bedbugs in the house using glasses

If you do not notice traces of bedbugs on the bed, but you have suspicions that there are bedbugs in your house, then this method is for you. To do this, you will need 8 plastic glasses. 4 of them should be slightly smaller in diameter. Place one glass in a smaller glass and place the bed leg in them. Process sandpaper the outside of the glass. This will make it much easier for bedbugs to climb into your trap. In a glass that has a smaller diameter, pour a little sunflower oil and sprinkle with a little talcum powder. At night, when the bugs go hunting, they will try to climb up the legs of the bed and stumble upon a trap made of plastic cups.

The figure shows a way to determine the presence of bedbugs using a glass

Feedback from a woman who experienced this method:

For a long time I began to suspect that bedbugs settled in our apartment. Sometimes my child complains of bites, but we still cannot find traces of the presence of bedbugs. We have tried a lot of store baits, but nothing helps. I read the method with glasses on the Internet and decided to try it on the same day before going to bed. In the morning, 10 bugs fell into my trap.

Elena, Novosibirsk

Plastic Trays for Bug Detection

  1. Take a regular plastic plate and turn it over.
  2. Take regular automotive lubricant and lubricate the outside of the plate.
  3. Fill the inner area with talcum powder.
  4. Place this trap before you go to bed and bed bugs won't keep you waiting long. They will simply become entangled in talcum powder and will not be able to get out.

Pictures show talcum powder traps

Review of a woman who tried this method:

Not so long ago, my son began to approach me and constantly complain of bites. I read on the Internet that most likely these are bedbug bites. Because they mostly bite only young and delicate skin. But I could not find traces of these insects. I tried to turn on the light at night, all in vain. I read about the dish trap and decided to give it a try. Somewhere 20 bugs were caught!

Margarita, Voronezh

How to find out if there are bugs at home without using additional traps?

Of course, if they do not fall into your traps, you can try to find them in the most secluded corners during the day. It could be under a carpet or behind a painting. And also if you have had bugs for a long time, then, as a rule, there is a bitter aroma in the apartment. You may not notice this. Call your neighbors or other acquaintances, they can easily feel bad smell, which is exuded by the populations of bedbugs. If you find this smell, then it is better to immediately carry out a general disinfection of the room.

Remember that you will not be able to destroy bedbugs with the help of traps alone. These methods are only suitable for detecting them.

Video: how you can find bedbugs in your home

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If your neighbors have bed bugs, then it will be useful for you to read this article. It is better to carry out all the necessary measures to protect against insects in advance, than then spend your health and funds for their removal. Do not be lazy every week to clean and get rid of unnecessary things. And also if you move to new apartment, remember that these insects can live with your neighbors.

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If you have recently settled bugs, then you must immediately take measures to destroy them. Of course, the best thing is chemical treatment the whole room, but if for some reason you cannot order it, then you can try to do it yourself. But before that, it is advisable to find all the places where bedbugs live in your apartment. If the bugs have settled in you relatively recently, then the

Usually, immediately after the bedbugs appear in the apartment, the following signs can be noticed:

  • The appearance of bites. Often, the "authorship" of red itchy spots on the skin is attributed to mosquitoes. But if the bites are multiple and are located in characteristic "chains", then mosquitoes, most likely, have nothing to do with it;

Advice! When piercing the skin of its victim, the insect injects its saliva into the wound. This liquid contains anesthetic substances, so the victim does not feel the moment of the bite and continues to sleep peacefully. In addition, the saliva of bedbugs contains a substance that prevents blood from clotting, so it flows out of the wound for some time, baking at the top of the bite in the form of a dark crust.

  • The presence of specks on the sheet. Due to the introduction of substances that thin the blood into the wound, small bloody specks often form on the sheet;

Advice! Sometimes larger bloody spots can be seen on the sheet. They are formed due to the fact that bedbugs drunk with blood become very vulnerable and they can easily be crushed by turning in a dream.

However, the most reliable sign is the detection of live bugs (adult insects, larvae, eggs) in the apartment.

How do bed bugs live?

Bed bugs do not form organized communities like ants or bees, but nevertheless they live in large groups. When examining an infected house that has bedbugs, so-called nests can be found.

Basically, a nest is just a large swarm of insects. In it you can see both adult insects and larvae of various ages, as well as numerous egg clutches. In addition, many discarded shells, empty shells of eggs can be seen in the nest, as well as a large number of excrement and dead insects. In short, the nest looks very unattractive.

There may be several such nests in an apartment, it depends on the degree of contamination of the premises.

Where insects live

When examining the bed, special attention should be paid to mattresses, it is worth carefully examining the seams, stitching places, seamy side... If there is a mattress topper, then bedbugs can be found under it. If someone in the household is sleeping on the couch, then bedbugs are most likely to be found in it. In the sofa, you need to examine the internal cavities, folds, seams of sofa cushions.

Advice! Often, clusters of insects can be found in places where the wallpaper has moved away from the wall or in cavities formed by linoleum that is loosely attached to the base.

  • cracks under the windowsill, at the threshold, along the perimeter of the door frame;
  • space behind the radiator.

Having fixed themselves in the apartment, insects immediately begin to actively reproduce and each individual is capable of laying up to 10 eggs per day. During this period, bites can be minimal and 90% of people simply write off incomprehensible redness on the skin for bites of some other insects or allergies. It’s even worse when the residents of an apartment infested with bedbugs begin to treat allergies by taking more and more powerful medications.

Let's try to classify the degree of bedbug infestation, so that you can more clearly understand at what stage your situation is, and what measures should be taken in this regard.

We have conditionally divided the degree of infestation by bedbugs and their eggs into three stages. Based on these stages, we offer an adequate answer for uninvited guests - insects.

For this case, it is quite suitable standard treatment of an apartment from bedbugs, which is spraying with an insecticidal solution of the main places of resettlement and habitat of insects in the apartment. Bed bugs disappear within a few days.

The middle stage of infestation of an apartment with bedbugs

In this case, the standard treatment for bedbugs is no longer so effective and the poison will not get into all secluded places where bedbugs and their larvae can hide, therefore a more powerful treatment should be carried out with a cold fog generator... Its advantage lies in a fine dispersion, which helps small particles of poison to penetrate into the tissues of bedding and other hard-to-reach places.

Based on our many years of practical experience, this method helps get rid of bedbugs completely the first time in 9 out of 10 cases!

Severe stage of infestation of an apartment with bedbugs

Traces of insects and themselves can be seen not only inside the bed, but also on surfaces, while insects can be seen not only at night, but also in broad daylight. There are many bites, and they bite almost all family members. At this stage, bedbugs spread to almost the entire apartment and their removal is a serious problem.

Complex treatment for bedbugs

For such neglected cases, it is best suited complex treatment for bedbugs in the apartment - disinfestation from bedbugs is carried out in two stages, namely, the treatment of the main habitats with a pneumatic sprayer with one component, as well as spraying the entire space of the apartment with the help of an electric ULV fog generator of another drug. This method gives maximum effect and does not give bedbugs the possibility of getting used to one of the drugs.

In any case, regardless of the degree of infection, absolutely any problem of populating your house with bedbugs can be solved, the main thing is to correctly determine the stage of infection of the apartment and start disinfection!

Do not give insects a chance to settle in your apartment or even take over the whole house - contact the SES service.

Bedbugs in private houses appear much less often than in apartments in multi-storey buildings. Moreover, they settle in both old Khrushchev buildings and modern apartments. The signs of the settlement of bedbugs in the apartment are bright and significant, but they appear with a large infection. This is the whole difficulty. How do you know if there are bed bugs in the house?

Why do bloodsuckers smell? The sense of smell plays important role in the life of insects. Thanks to this feeling, they orient themselves in space, find food, mate and give signs to their relatives. The scent glands are especially active during the mating period and the approaching danger. What do home bugs smell like?

If you suddenly smell of raspberries in the bedroom, you need to start looking for bloodsuckers. They stink the most when mating, so after 1-2 weeks you can wait for a refill.

Insects do not like drafts, bright light and excessive moisture... They prefer to settle closer to the victim. Therefore, you need to start the search in the bedroom or in the room where the person sleeps. Each apartment has a place to hide. In this case, insects create nests and families. There is no strict structure, so there may be several bedbugs. In them you can find adults, larvae, skins after molting, eggs. They go hunting in an unorganized manner. And it looks like this. So, you should check:

  • Mattress;
  • Pillows;
  • Bedding, especially seams;
  • Bed frame;
  • Sofa;
  • Armchairs;
  • Skirting boards;
  • Cabinets;
  • Shelves with books;
  • The reverse side of mirrors, paintings, carpets;
  • Doorways;
  • Stuffed Toys;
  • Sockets;
  • Places where the wallpaper has come off;
  • Cracks in the floor and wall.

Clues in bed

Signs of bloodsuckers can be found in your own bed. Household pests are active at night. During the day they hide away from sunlight and human eyes. Catching on a hot one is quite difficult. Since they wait until the person falls asleep and becomes motionless. Hungry insects are very mobile and practically invulnerable. What can not be said about well-fed relatives. They can be killed with the slightest push. There are traces of blood on the bed. Small insects 3-5 mm. Black dots are excrement.

During bites, domestic bloodsuckers let a substance with an analgesic effect under the skin. You can feel the bite in 5-7 minutes. During this time, the insect calmly eats and crawls away. In sleep, the sensitivity decreases. And in most cases, strange bites on the body are found in the morning. Another clear sign of the presence of pests in the apartment. You can catch it hot. If you set the alarm for 3-4 in the morning, suddenly turn on the light and remove the blanket.

Characteristic bite marks

You can identify bedbugs in the house by their bites. They look like traces of mosquitoes or ants. Swelling, redness, red dots in the center with clotted blood. However, a track can be traced. Bites are located a short distance from each other. This is due to the fact that initially the insect seeks out an artery with blood, then changes the source. A full meal lasts about 20 minutes. During this time, you need to make 5-6 bites.

The frequency depends on the degree of infection. You can determine the number on sleepless nights. In general, bed bugs cannot be called gluttonous. They eat once a week, and they have enough stock for a "rainy day" for a month. They can go hungry for up to 1.5 years. Therefore, it is almost impossible to get rid of pests by means of food deprivation. If the population increases, meals can be observed every night. To begin the full development of the larva, she needs to taste the blood.

Most often, women and children suffer from attacks. It is much easier to bite through delicate skin. Husband and wife can sleep in the same bed, and only the woman will suffer. There are also such cases.

Reasons for the appearance

  • humidity 60%;
  • air temperature - about 20 degrees Celsius;
  • presence of food - a person in an apartment;
  • shaded areas;
  • lack of natural enemies.
  • from disadvantaged neighbors;
  • from the store with furniture;
  • on clothes that have been in a contaminated room;
  • thanks to animals - birds, rodents or pets.

As a preventive measure, you need to check all things that come from other houses or a store. This also applies to business trips, travel and recreation. Upon return, wash and wash everything. Then just put it in its place.