Than rub the zipper for better slip. How to fix zipper if it dispels: practical advice

Already a long time ago, these comfortable clasps appeared on our clothes, and now we cannot imagine life without them. Compact, comfortable, aesthetic - and this is not all the positive characteristics of these locks.

But they have and disadvantage. Such locks sometimes come into a malfunction at the most inappropriate time. How to fix zipper if it diverges? This will be discussed in the article.

Of course, there are different situations. Sometimes you have to give a thing to repair, but mostly zipper can be repaired independently, special skills are not required for this.

Lightning Runner Clip

Difficult lightning on a bag? How to fix this accessory yourself? Usually zipper diverges precisely because of the runner - it is squeezed and fastening the edges of the zipper. It is important here to remember that it is possible to clamp the slider only 1-2 times, then it will just break. If this happened, it is better to prepare a new slider in advance.

How to fix zipper if it dispels:

  • First you need to try to hold the slider. Conventional pliers will help. It is important to do everything right: take turns to clamp the slider from each edge, without applying a lot of effort. In this case, the "dog" does not compress, only tools will help here.

  • It is not necessary to put on the slider very much - it can crumble from it.
  • There is another method. Slide the edges of the thing and put it with a slider on a table or stool. The lock at the same time you need to fasten (even if it will diverge). It is to fasten it up to about half, clamping the pliers and knock on it with a hammer. After that, try to fasten the zipper again. If there is no effect, then the procedure is to repeat.

Repairing zipper in the absence of teeth

How to fix zipper if it dispels due to the lack of teeth? At home, it is difficult to do enough, but maybe. If lightning consists of metal teeth, you can remove them from another lock. It is important to choose the teeth in size. Insert them into place is difficult, so if it did not work out on your own, you will have to take the thing to repair.

Capron and plastic lightning minimize much easier. To do this, you will need only a thick fishing line. But it is necessary to fix this line so that the ends do not make it difficult to move the movement of the lightning runner.

There are cases when metal Lightning The teeth come out of the general building. At the same time, lightning is equipped with difficulty, sometimes due to this lightning on the jacket diverges. How to fix? This question is solved quite easily: you need to knock the hammer on the lightning itself where the cloves came out of the general row.

Problems when unbuttoning and zipper

Sometimes the slider begins to "walk" badly on the castle, while unbuttoning and fasten the zipper on things is difficult. This problem can be solved in several ways:

  1. The people's method suggests that it is possible to smear a slice of a slice of Sala. It is suitable for things from leather or dense coarse tissue. Otherwise, fat traces may remain on things.
  2. A more secure method is to lubricate the lightning to ordinary wax. To do this, the wax candle is suitable - with its help "Doggy" will move easier.
  3. But the perfect lubricant for zipper is a pencil stylist. Just need to choose a soft pencil. It is necessary to carry out the blade several times, and then unbutton and fasten the lock several times.

Lightning care

In order to avoid breakdowns of lightning, it is important to care for her correctly. Some nuances should be taken into account:

1. The main enemy of lightning is sand. When the sand falls in a zipper, it is inevitably diverged. Therefore, it is important to keep shoes clean, use special cream and sometimes brush the castle with a regular cotton waller or an old toothbrush. This advice is relevant specifically for shoes, so that lightning does not dissuade on the boot. How to fix zipper, we looked at higher. Here I also want to notice that if the castle does not want to unbutton in winter shoes, it will help the fixing of its tongue with a small crochet (for example, from the old dress).

2. In order for lightning to do not disperse, it is necessary to erase things correctly. Lightning in front of the washing should be fastened, and the product is turned inside out.

The article gives the answer to the question "How to fix zipper if it dispel?". As a result, it can be said that if problems arose with a castle of this type, do not rush to give a thing to repair. You can always try to reanimate it yourself.

Note "5 steps. How to fix the lock on the jacket" is a format that offers and qualitative material, and a great solution (one of the best in the world, editors are very thrown, sincerely friendly), and independence if desired (busy can always resort to external assistance). Great place to solve your problems with castles. Pleasant design, big photos, atmosphere of luxury :)

Summary! Excellent recipes, 100% steps, overall a chic locking solution for locks!

Find a jacket, down jacket, bag, boots, or something else where you have come back the castle. For example, for example, the son of Pavlik reached the castle so that the castle on his jacket began to press and lightning began to disperse.

Make sure the lock is disperse, trying to fasten it. If zipper diverges, try to fasten the zipper so that the lock does not disperse, for this tilt the castle a little longitudinally.

If you managed to fasten the zipper, then this is our patient, if the castle does not give in to zasya under any corners, maybe it is already very cool and will not lead to further latch

Find pliers, you can use nipples, or even a hammer

Find a place from the fastener where inner space Empty, not where the partition is. This is a part closer to the bottom of the jacket as a rule.

Try to squeeze this edge to the extent that the upper and lower walls of the edge touched each other. After releasing the pliers, the edges will again go back to some distance, but already smaller.

Try checking the zipping lock button, if it has become butched, then everything is fine, if it is still not very good, you can make a little more effort to compress the zipper lock

If you have broken the castle while fixing, then nothing terrible. It is enough to buy in any sewing store exactly the same lock and insert it, you can also use the services of clothing workshops. But we are crazy handles - isn't it?

3 simple rules for using the lock for long work. (Edit)

Never pull the castle that there is a Duri, that you increase the blockage between the upper and lower part of the zipper lock. The property pull is especially in children who can pour that they do not fastened zipper. Show them how to correct the jacket.

Before the fastening, position the zipper of the jacket so that at the fastening it does not appear stretched places and all zipper was as close as possible. Check out in the glance whether the lightning can freely go up.

If the castle is tight or fastened when fastening (especially from metal locks) You can lubricate the castle with soap

If nothing helped and the castle diverges, what to do? (Edit)

  • Check if there is no microcrack on the lock, once I rejuvenated, and then she slowly suppressed my finger and see that when pressed with my fingers it is easy to see that the metal shifts. It was an aluminum clasp and it was easily cracked when squeezed by flatwhas. In this case, you need to change the fastener
  • Well, I exclude a variant of the campaign in the studio. In this case, it is necessary to surpasses the lock but from above and below, and from the sides. A little, bend the sidewalls of the lock so that they are more pressing on zipper from the sides. After that, the castle began to work as a clock.

Instructions for the repair of lightning, which is hired.

Lightning is a comfortable and widged clasp. Its main advantage is inconsistency. There are invisible lightning that allow you to sit beautifully beautifully. At the same time, it is not visible traces of the fasteners, and the clothes are sitting like a glove.

Very often after the acquisition of a new product zipper is badly fastened. It is quite normal, because such a lock is not designed and the teeth may easily lie down to each other. In this case, you can try to develop a castle. For this, the teeth can be gratened with lubricant material.

Types of lightning lubrication:

  • Fat. This option is suitable for leather clothing. After all, when sledding, fat stains may remain on the fabric. Teeth rubbed a piece of salary. Excess fat are removed with a dry napkin.
  • Camphor. Just with a pipette, apply camphor oil to the teeth and distribute it with a napkin.
  • Pencil. It is necessary to take a conventional gray simple pencil and pour in the zipper. Graphite particles penetrate between the teeth and make a slip smooth and light.

Plastic lightning, like metal, can be quite difficult to close after purchasing new clothes. You should not pull it and pull, otherwise you risk damaging the clasp. Most the best way - Lubrication of lightning.

Lubricant options for plastic lightning:

  • Candle. Close the zipper and on the reverse side of the candles. Shake the surroundings of paraffin and open and close the lock several times.
  • Soap. Manipulations are conducted, as with candles. You just need to rub the cloves just a piece of soap.

There is a mass of tips that will help bring the lightning in order and prevent her breakdown. For these purposes, you can use soap, pencil or candle. Below are several tips that will help to cope with the zipper:


  • After purchased, it is neatly unbuttoned and button. If the runner is tightly moving, lubricate the lightning with a candle or lard.
  • If the runner stopped and does not move, you should not pull it. It is necessary to try to find out the cause. Often the threads come from the cloth. They must be removed.
  • If the slider fastens zipper, but then it dispels, you need to hold the "dog". To do this, use pliers. Just in front and drop the slider. Try not to press the middle. First, the zipper will be tightly walk, but then it will become well moved.
  • If the runner broke or still, it is badly buttons with time, you can remove the locks from above and pull the slider. Put a new one. It can be purchased at the store fittings. Put the clamps back and attach them.
  • Do not pull and tear zipper. You risk breaking the castle. In this case, you will have to replace.
  • It is impossible to iron plastic zipper iron. From high temperatures Teeth can melt.
  • Look at inner side Lightning, maybe there is a piece of fur between the cloth. In this case, near the problem space, cut the fur, rooting his pile.

As you can see, it's easy to fix the zipper. The main thing is not to rush, and everything will succeed.


Contact your shoe repair. Master competently and quickly replace part or self lightning. In this case, there will be no traces, everything will be very beautiful and neat.

Repair lightning in . Perhaps partially broke part of the runner - this is the movable part of the design that buttones the lock. If the tongue broke on the runner and it became difficult to fasten, replace it on the clips in the color of the shoes. It can be removed in the moments when you need to go. And you can leave hanging constantly.

Replace the slider if he cracked and falling apart. At its reverse side, look at the number and pick up the same in the store of sewing accessories. Remove the limiter. Take it up with metal bodies. Try not to break it, as it is useful in the future. Open new detail In place former. Dress the remote sensor, carefully hold it.

Repair the slider if there is no external damage, and the zipper diverges. In this case, we have weakened the restrictive clauses that clamp lightning. With the help of pliers, squeeze the slider at the edges, where the connection links lightning occurs. If you fail or no result, remove the slider. To do this, break the limiter. And squeeze the runner, but do not overdo it. If you extell too much, you will not be able to return it back. Dress again and check how functions. Do not forget to put the limiter again. If it did not work, replace the slider.

Change lightning In the case when several units are missing. But it is necessary to do it in the shoes carefully. Carefully disperse the seams, select the desired fastener and open to your previous place. For shoes, special threads and needles will be required. It is better to put it on the typewriter. There is a special lap for stamping lightning. The seam must be perfectly even so that there are no bends and chances.


  • stack

Runner It is part of the complex design of the modern clasp. Zippers quietly became an indispensable satellite modern man, Because it allows you to quickly get dressed and better protects from the cold, unlike your fellow. Only a person with certain skills and sewing machine can replace it in the event of a malfunction. But do not hurry to do this, in some cases the question of the time-consuming replacement of the whole zipper can be solved by an easily performed runner replacement.

You will need

  • Runner of suitable size, pliers. May need sewing threads, needle and scissors.


Consider the option with the replacement of the runner makes sense if your castle is large. If your lock is counted, or small and thin, stitched to buttons, skirt, will not change. In this case, take the castle in, the cost of its replacement will not be high. If you are confident that the castle failed in itself is unsuitable, immediately change it. You can try to change the slider, and if it does not help, then change the castle. The cost of changing the runner is low (especially if you do it yourself), but a qualitative and technology change the castle - the procedure is expensive. It depends on the price of the lock, from its length, as well as from technology. So, decide on tactics.

Do not throw off the spoiled slider. It specifies the number for which you will pick up a new one. Remove it from the castle. For this, it is not worth "reaching" the castle - it is needed entire. Fully castle so that the runner remains on one of his sides.

If the lock with iron cloves, you need to gentle tools carefully break the upper lock limiter on the side where the slider remains. Remember, after all procedures, the limiter will need to put back. If the plastic lock, the limiter will have to be removed permanently. It is necessary to do it so as not to damage the castle and the castle fabric.

Remove the slider. Without a limiter, it will easily slip.

Go with a runner into the fittings department and ask the same. If your lock is typical, and the runner shows the number (size), then there will be no problems. If difficulties arose, not everything is lost. Pass on other departments with accessories, capturing with you and the runner, and then the chances of finding the desired slider will be more.

When you have a slider in one hand, and in the other -, insert a new runner in the same way that you removed the old one. Try to fasten the lock. If everything came out, and the lock is fastened, the last step remains. Install the fixer back and hold it. If it is already impossible to install it (plastic lock, or iron, but broke), secure this side of the castle with threads. To do this, pick up the threads in the tone and make 3-5 imperceptible stitches.

Helpful advice

If a thread fixer is impossible to install for aesthetic reasons, it will be necessary to break the seams on both sides and hide the castle ends there (must be symmetrically). This can be done in the atelier or try yourself.

If the ends of the lock are harnessed in the seams of the apparatus, and there is no limiter, instead you can remove 1-2 cloves of the lock.


  • how to change the castle yourself

Lightning is a small detail of clothing. But her breakdown completely displays jackets, bags and shoes. Do not hurry to throw out a thing if the broken lock is the only defect. Caider lightning And continue to use your wardrobe.

You will need

  • - pliers;
  • - Shilo;
  • - a new lightning slider;
  • - lace;
  • - Wire;
  • - New zipper.


Problems can be of different types. SAMI frequent problem - This is her discrepancy. At the same time, on the lightning itself may not be visible damage. So the problem is in. Take the pliers and sewage (instead you can use manicure scissors). Bend the metal restrictive bracket at the base of the lightning and remove the slider. Gently squeeze the poloza pliers. If you do it too much, expand the gap without breakdown the details you can hardly succeed. Return the runner into place. Try like lightning now. If everything is in order, put the bracket to the place and hold it. If the design of the thing allows, squeeze the slider without removing it with zipper.

If the slider cracked, in the same way to remove it. Pay attention to the digit that is knocked out on its back surface. Buy a new slider in the sewing store, according to the number and insert it in a zipper. If, during these manipulations, you damaged the bracket or the base of the zipper began to crumble in itself, do as follows. Pour into this place transparent superclauses. When he freezes, he will become a runner limiter, and from the tissue base of lightning will stop climbing threads.

If the cloves fall out in the zipper, better give a thing on professional repairs. Of course, insert cloves can be at home, but it is a very complicated and painstaking job. Repair will cost you enough cheaply, but you will significantly save time. It is even easier in such a situation just to entertain a new zipper. To do this, first need to remove the old castle. Carefully cut it off, without damaging the fabric. Buy a new zipper suitable color and size. Select the edges of the fabric and the camp of the lock manually or detect it to sewing machine.

Video on the topic


  • no zipper is fastened

Each of us is familiar with such a situation when treacherously ceases to function normally. Despite this, the fastener can be fixed on their own with the help of healthy means and without contacting the specialist.

30.11.2016 9:25

Hello. Bought another Siver Jacket - Wash 3.0, 2015.
Unfortunately, once again there was a problem with the fastening of the main zipper (the first time with such a misfortune collided on Yushman).
The problem lies in an incredible complexity to fasten the double slider. I, having a lot of experience in dealing with this attack, after fifty attempts came out to correctly insert the right side of the lightning in a double slider from each second attempt. Wife cannot do it even with fifth (trying to combine both runners as much as possible) - and this is on a lying jacket; On dressed for obvious reasons, it turns out even less often.
The tyk method is defined optimal method Closing - inserting the right side of the lightning in both runners (at the same time the main problem is the castle through them, it goes with unnatural difficulty), you need to push the outer lock up lightning. Those. The main problem is to push the lock through both runners until it stops, without pushing the outdoor runner up, it is impossible to close the lock.
There are also a pair of Sieler down jackets with double runners on basic lightning - there are no such problems.
Actually, the forecast is obvious - through n + days / closing procedures, the lock breaks: either refuses one of the runners, or from an excessive load will be damaged by a discharge limiter.
I would like, without waiting for such a probable finals, to solve the question is radically. Is it possible to send a jacket to you as a manufacturer to determine the problem and (in case of confession) of its solution?
I can try to convey a jacket through the assault in the region (I didn't buy them, but they don't seem to be refused in such cases). The only thing is to confuse the prospect of getting a jacket back in the spring ...


Brand_artem. 9:56 30.11.2016 new comment | Hello.

I can not say that they came across this before. Lightning problems after long operation Or physical damage may occur, but on the new product is unlikely. I do not remember this. The supplier of all zippers for our products is currently ykk, which is not yet doubtful in terms of reputation, nor in terms of real quality and reliability. By the way, on Yushman, the voiced feature is quite explained due to the greater rigidity of the toothed moisture protection zipper (expensive Swiss Ri-Ri). I dare to assume that in the case of the way, the case is in a not quite faithful "procedure" of the fastening of two scam lightning. In addition to the combination of two runners, you should make sure that they are in the extremely lower position and then insert and push the opposite part until it stops. As a rule, when zipper stood on its place, it is accompanied by a quiet click. For proper sequence and proper quality of action it should not cause any excess effortAlthough the new zipper force may be slightly higher. Over time, the effort is reduced, and you get used to the process and do on the machine.

Segal1975 10:39 30.11.2016 new comment [Answer to...]The coolant zipper procedure is carried out on Marale 2.0 and the beasing 2.0 - without any difficulty and periodically on Yushman (with voiced difficulties, but not so critical, in any case, in Yushman, I am not afraid to break the zipper, as on the wast 3.0).
Of course, when fastening the way the runners are in the extreme lower position, combined, after that the encountered part is inserted, but it is possible to push it on the fourth-jammed time. At the same time, to push the oncoming part until the stop has to make abnormative efforts, which is obviously good will not end. The reason is not in the invertation of lightning. I can turn to the same assault staff so that they confirm the reality of the problem. I do not want to be through the definite time to be broken lightning, which is regarded as inability to combine the runners and hear characteristic clicks.

trifonov. 2:45 01.12.2016 new comment [Answer to...]Hello!
The problem that is often found from buyers accustomed to one-name lightning.
Our standard recommendation:
1. Buttoning zipper only in a vertical position
2. Shoot the runners down
3. Do not touch them with your left hand (they can shift from it)
4. Left hand hold the edge of the jacket for the edge
5. right hand insert right part lightning until you stop and keep in a stretched state
6. left hand to intercept the top slider (the right continues to pull down the zipper) and raise up.
7. In no case do not move the runner "towards" - guaranteed overcast.

I did not come across a zipper on which it would not have worked. But on some other, standing on the contrary, it is always more difficult to fasten it, it's easier to get up on the side and fasten as on yourself.

Segal1975 7:51 01.12.2016 new comment [Answer to...]Hello. Thanks for the detailed explanation.
All this is done. I repeat, is many years of experience operation of 2-lock lightning, and mainly on Sieleov products.
The problem is that "5. The right hand insert the right-hand side of the lightning until it stops and keep in the stretched state" - it does not work - it is not inserted until the lightning stop. At the same time, the runners are at the very bottom, both runners are parallel, but the edge of the zipper, having passed the first slider, passes the second almost to the end, and stuck - it does not go further (it remains literally 2-3 mm). Insert and button can be passed from 4-5 attempts.
Believe me if the case was in ignorance of the technology of closing 2-cast lights or its ineperation - I would not worry.
Today I will go to the assault and ask for employees to carry out the colabuting procedure.

petrg117. 3:17 09.12.2016 new comment [Answer to...]Good day. Faced the same problem on Yushman. Namely, considerable complexity is to combine both halves of zipper for fastening. The problem was solved quite simply: on the secondary limiter, from the bottom, the protruding threads were visible, after their cutting with a sharp blade, halves of lightning began to be easily combined. Naturally cutting the threads need to be very careful not to damage the fabric. At Yushman, try to make it so, maybe the problem is in this.

Segal1975 8:13 08.12.2016 new comment | I unsubscribe on the basis of exploitation of lightning jacket. It took more week, the jacket is worn every day. I can not say that Zipper was developed, according to his wife, rather, she adapted to the peculiarities of the process of its operation. It is possible to fasten the jacket from 2-3 times (sometimes from the first attempt), which compared to the first days of progress, with unbuttonation is noticeably better. Judging by the peculiarities of specifically this zipper - it is unlikely that it is designed to a state of trouble-free fastening, it remains to hope that in any case its strength of the strength is enough for the life of the jacket itself.
Unfortunately, the local in the rustle storm was not, therefore, nothing to compare with. I repeat only that on other 2-lock jackets, also operated continuously (Maral 2.1 and Busov 2.0) zipper are fastened literally with one hand. The rest of the jacket fully justified the waiting on the functionality.