How to connect linoleum at the junction: choose the best way. How and what to glue the joints of linoleum at home Linoleum joints between rooms

It is necessary to join the edges of adjacent sheets, and as neatly and evenly as possible.

The most convenient way to dock linoleum:

  1. The edges of the individual pieces of linoleum that we want to glue, you need to put a friend on overlapping friend. The overlap should be 5-6 cm.
  2. In order for the linoleum joining to be dense and almost invisible, it is necessary to simultaneously cut through two layers of linoleum (the upper one, which overlaps, and the lower one).

    If the linoleum lies on a hard surface, then we advise you to put something softer under the cutting line in order to cut through the linoleum immediately.

    Pressing the ruler tightly along the cutting line, use a clerical knife to cut the linoleum. We remove the cut pieces and the backing. We connect linoleum. If you cut two pieces at once, you will get an even, inconspicuous joint.

Linoleum hot welding technology

This method is suitable for joining dense commercial linoleum and guarantees high quality seams. Hot welding is used when the floor covering is already glued.

The sequence of actions for hot welding of linoleum

    Individual parts of linoleum fit tightly to each other.

    A small groove must be cut along the joint to accommodate the welding cord.

    The surface of linoleum should be degreased, cleaned of dust and debris.

    It is necessary to pick up a welding cord (preferably from the same collection of linoleum) and fill it into the welding gun.

    We draw the gun along the groove. Under the action of heating, the cord melts and, after cooling, forms a strong connection of linoleum.

At home, hot welding is usually not used, since it takes place at a temperature of 300-400 degrees (high temperatures can damage household types linoleum). In addition, if the patterns and seams to be joined are very complex, then it is better to use cold welding.

Cold welding and its types

The cold connection of linoleum is carried out using a special glue, which can be bought at any hardware store. The advantage of this method is that you do not need to call a master (which is necessary when gluing linoleum with hot welding).

What glue to use

There are several types of cold bonding adhesive for linoleum.

Cold welding: type A

Type A cold welding is used to join new, hard or commercial linoleum. Due to its liquid consistency, this glue allows you to make fine seams. If the linoleum is tightly and precisely docked, then the seam is not visible at all.

Cold welding: type C

When renovating old linoleum where wider joints need to be filled, type C glue is used because it is thicker. After drying, such a seam may have a protrusion, which should be cut off with a knife.

Cold welding: type T

To connect PVC linoleum on a polyester base, type T welding is used. This view cold welding is less common, but it is most often used by professionals.

How to glue linoleum with cold welding

To work you will need:

    Cold welding (glue)

    Masking tape

    Stationery knife

How to glue linoleum with cold welding

    It is necessary to tightly dock the linoleum.

    Cold welding can damage the front of the linoleum, so masking tape should be glued to the joints.

    With a clerical knife, you need to cut the tape along the seam line.

    We apply glue to the seam, connecting the linoleum at the joint.

    After drying, we can remove the masking tape with excess glue.

Despite the huge variety of offers on modern construction market, linoleum as flooring used quite often. This is explained by the moderate price and high practicality of the mentioned finishing material... Unlike, for example, laminate, it can be washed without any fear with a wet cloth, minor mechanical damage on its surface is not so noticeable.

With linoleum, you can quickly change the look of floors

Is it correct to lay linoleum on concrete and wood floors

It is quite possible to lay the coating on a concrete floor, it is only necessary that there are no noticeable differences in heights, bumps and depressions on it. Subsequently, they will perform on the floor, so before installing it concrete base should be aligned. The best effect is given by self-leveling compounds that level irregularities well. If necessary, the concrete screed is re-made.

Smooth wooden planks are also suitable for mounting the discussed coating. Do not be afraid that the boards will start to rot: if they are well dried and not infected with pathogenic microflora, this will not happen. A well-laid and ventilated boardwalk will not rot.

If hardware is used to fasten the leveling coating, the heads of the fastening material should not protrude above its surface. IN otherwise they will begin to gently wipe finishing... The caps of the fasteners are covered with a silicone sealant, while the sheets should be connected and glued carefully.

The wooden floor should be leveled better before laying the linoleum.

Additional treatment with antibacterial ingredients helps to minimize the risks. In addition, a properly equipped linoleum coating does not allow moisture to pass through; for this, well pressed wide skirting boards and a sealing tape are used. Water will not seep inside and have its destructive effect.

In some cases, when installing linoleum, a substrate is used, which is an insulating material laid on the base. Whether or not it needs to be applied is a debatable question, nevertheless, it is capable of smoothing out small irregularities. In addition, it helps to save heat if there is a cold basement below, and also has a sound absorption effect. The most commonly used types are:

  • made from jute;
  • crushed cork;
  • composite materials;
  • foamed polyethylene.

When laying linoleum on concrete, it is preferable to use a substrate

Extruded polystyrene foam should not be used for this purpose, since its sheets about twenty millimeters thick will make the floor covering unnecessarily soft, and it will be completely uncomfortable to move through it. Synthetic materials that emit a pungent odor that does not disappear over time, cannot be used: this is a sign of a manufacturing defect that is dangerous to health.

Is it possible to put linoleum on an old coating

It is often tempting to lay the material on top of the old coating, but it is still better to remove it before that. In some cases, this is very difficult to do, and then you have to work without performing the laborious work of cleaning the base. This is only possible if the previous coating is even or lends itself to leveling.

Depending on the nature of the irregularities, the hollows are putty, the protrusions are cut off, and the gaps between the facing tiles are rubbed special mixture... Preparatory work should be carried out carefully, in compliance with all technological subtleties that ensure the reliability and durability of the alignment.

Linoleum can actually be laid on the old coating without dismantling it

Laying can be done on old flooring made of parquet boards, facing tiles or on the surface of the same linoleum. If there are bulges on it, they are pierced and repaired with an adhesive. The cracks are sealed, and usually this is not a problem. Possible complexity lies in the fact that the final surface turns out to be rather soft, and the legs of heavy furniture can go deep into it.

Before laying the topcoat on a plank or parquet surface, it is advisable to provide a substrate of sheet material, as the boards, bending, can damage the coating. For this purpose, a material such as plywood can be placed, since chipboards swell from exposure to moisture, and their surface deforms, impairing the appearance of the finish.

Better to lay with or without glue

You can cover the topcoat by fixing it with adhesive composition or without attaching linoleum to the base. Supporters last way claim that the coating is pressed by the legs of heavy furniture, large household appliances, and the use of glue is unnecessary.

That's how it is, but in summer heat thermal expansion of the material occurs, and the coating is displaced from under the household items, and when it gets cold, it does not return back. Thus, bulges are formed on the surface of the linoleum, therefore experts advise to glue the material. It must be understood that it cannot be partially glued, as this leads to deformation of the coating. Consequently, both the connection of the individual parts and the gluing to the base are carried out over the entire area.

This can happen when laying linoleum without glue.

The modern construction market has big choice of various compositions, so the question is natural: which composition is better to use? You should definitely choose a composition that is well compatible with the substrate. Before laying the flooring, the roll should be unrolled for a while for leveling. Note that gluing to the base also makes it possible to ensure high-quality joints.

Choosing an adhesive for laying linoleum

Depending on the specific conditions, a dispersion or reaction adhesive is used for the installation of the flooring. The first type does not emit a strong odor and is made on a water basis. Such formulations do not pose a health hazard and have good elastic properties. Depending on the constituent components, the following dispersion adhesive compositions are distinguished:

  • Characterized by excellent adhesion to the surface - acrylic. They are used for natural and synthetic materials.
  • Strong and elastic - bustilated. They are composed of latex, chalk and cellulose-based thickener components. Such compositions hold thick felt material well.
  • Humilax, obtained by mixing rubber with latex. A mixture of these components provides ease of application and high adhesion to the surface.

Assortment of glue and cold welding for laying and joining linoleum

Reactive glue is called so because its working part is formed as a result of a chemical reaction when two components, consisting of epoxy resin and polymer components, are mixed. The solvent gives it a pungent odor and the property of being flammable when exposed to an open flame. At the same time, it is very high quality to connect and stick the material with a similar composition.

The reaction composition is resistant to water, does not undergo the shrinking process, therefore it is most often used for processing joints and repairing surfaces. You need to work with him very carefully, since, getting on face surface, the glue dissolves it, leaving an irreparable mark.

DIY linoleum laying instructions

The instruction on how to lay the flooring is not difficult. First of all, before starting the work, the material must be cut without errors. In the event that a decision is made to glue the coating, it is very important to correctly process the joints.

With regard to joining, hot welding gives a reliable result; the so-called cold welding is considered a modern means. A popular method is sizing with mastic; sills are considered a universal solution. In some cases, the use of double-sided tape is sufficient to get the job done.

It is best to lay PVC linoleum at positive ambient temperatures ranging from fifteen to twenty-five degrees Celsius. The point is that for low temperatures ah material becomes brittle and breaks off easily. IN winter time the roll introduced from the cold should be kept in a warm room for at least twelve hours, then roll it out on the floor so that the surface is leveled.

How to crop material without errors

A sharpened knife or large scissors is used to trim the material, to whom and how it is more convenient to work. A homemade boot knife is well suited; for a clerical knife, the holder should be metal so that the blade does not shift under load. A deep cut is made with scissors, and then the sheet is cut in the desired direction without displacement of the cutting halves of the tool.

Linoleum trim options

In order to cut the linoleum without errors, adjacent canvases are stacked with an overlap of about five centimeters. A cutting line should not be drawn close to the wall; you need to step back about one centimeter from it to compensate for thermal expansion. Subsequently, the resulting gap will be covered with a plinth. The overlap of the strips is cut off after the covering has been fixed.

If you decide to glue linoleum

In the event that a decision is made to glue the material, the order of work is as follows. The spread roll is rolled up in half, and an adhesive is applied to the base in strict accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Then the roll unfolds and presses well.

It is best to use a special roller with a long handle weighing about fifty kilograms for this purpose. It removes well air gap under the cover.

Laying linoleum on glue

You can replace the roller with a board wrapped in felt, a wallpaper smoothing tool, and so on. Exactly the same actions are performed with the remaining half of the roll. The work ends if the coating was carried out in a single sheet, well, if there are joints, they must be processed according to one of the following options.

Docking with each other and with other coatings

Fastening of sheets is carried out different ways... In some cases, a wide double-sided tape is sufficient for good fixation. Reliable mating is achieved by hot welding, in order to glue the edges of the linoleum together without the use of a heating device, a more modern means is used - the so-called cold welding.

Installation of overhead thresholds is in a universal way fastening sheets. Let's take a closer look at the proposed options and decide which docking is preferable.

When there is enough scotch tape

When laying the material in one piece in rooms of a small area, the use of adhesive tape will be enough to fix it. Bending back the edges, it is laid along the baseboards and interior doors.

The simplest is to seal the joints with tape.

The coating returns to its place, and the absence of irregularities and distortions is visually checked. If everything is in order, the tape is removed protective covering and the commit is done. The mating points of the two sheets are connected in the same way: a line is drawn, which serves as a markup for laying the tape, the canvases are pressed and smoothed.

Reliable hot-welded joints

The most reliable and durable alignment is done by hot welding. For its implementation, a special burner with a compressor is used to supply compressed air and solder in the form of rods of various configurations.

Linoleum hot welding process and related tools

The seams between the mating canvases are welded with a molten burner with solder. This method of embedding is most often used at high operational loads on the coating in rooms with high traffic.

The modern tool is cold welding

The so-called cold welding, being a more modern means of joining, does not require the use of special equipment... Cold welding is a special compound that, when applied to the edges of the sheets, actually melts them, creating a waterproof seam.

For joining, the superimposed sheets are cut with a sharpened knife to form a tight joint. The scraps of material are removed and masking tape is glued to the joint. Next, the tape is cut exactly along the seam. Cold glue is carefully inserted into the resulting incision.

Stages of cold welding of linoleum

After the cold welding has solidified, the protruding parts of the glue are removed with a sharpened knife, and the masking tape is removed. At correct execution this manipulation produces an almost invisible seam, and the geometric pattern is not disturbed.

During this process, harmful substances are released into environment, therefore, the windows and doors in the room should be opened, and all manipulations should be performed using personal respiratory protection. Previously, it makes sense to practice on unnecessary scraps if there is no experience with such compositions.

The universal solution - overhead sills

Overhead thresholds, which allow you to simply close the joint, are a universal method of attaching mating canvases. Most often, they are installed on the border between two rooms, for which the overlay, hiding the place of mating of the canvases, is fixed with hardware.

This method of fastening is much cheaper than using adhesives, but there are some difficulties with the choice of a harmonious color of the applied element. In addition, with this method of organizing the joints, a protrusion is formed, which can interfere with walking.

Options for joining linoleum using overhead thresholds

Installation of sheets of thick material on felt is carried out only by overlaying thresholds, since this method provides sufficient reliability of fastening such a coating, in contrast to the same adhesive tape or adhesive composition. In addition, when performing this work, there is no release of harmful substances into the environment.

How to properly care for the coating at home

In order for the coating to retain its attractive appearance for a long time, it must be properly looked after. When washing, do not use aggressive chemical substances, otherwise, over time, the coverage will lose bright color and cracks. The use of abrasive cleaners will result in a dull, glossy material. Use commercially available special floor cleaning compounds.

Caring for linoleum is easy and pleasant

When moving heavy large-sized furniture, special underlays made of soft material, otherwise traces of its movement will remain on the surface. Moreover, under significant loads, the coating can break. In general, especially complex home care of the coating is not required.

A number of methods are used to connect glued linoleum sheets to each other and to other coatings. They differ in technology and place of application.

Moreover, some of them do not require specific skills, but only the basic skills of the master. Some technologies require special expensive equipment, therefore, they are applicable only if similar operations are carried out by a master with sufficient frequency.

Consider the following questions in the article:

Common ways to connect linoleum

To connect linoleum sheets to each other, a cold or hot method of soldering is used, as well as gluing with adhesive tape. Such methods of joining linoleum seams are applicable both for straight and curved joints, for example, when creating design patterns or appliqués on the floor surface.

Hot method is the most problematic in terms of implementation. To implement it, you need a special construction hair dryer and the cord needed to fill the seam. This method allows you to make the connection airtight, waterproof and hygienic, and with proper selection of material - invisible. However, the need to use special equipment reduces the scope of application.

According to the technology, in this case, the gap between the sheets should be minimal (no more than 1 mm). The edges of the sheets are trimmed with a construction knife or chisel to obtain an angled groove, which will be filled with molten linoleum cord. A cord is tucked into the tool, which melts and fills the groove, connecting adjacent sheets. At the end of the operation, the excess polymer is removed with a knife to ensure a perfectly even coating.

The simplest technology is using double-sided tape, but it does not give a tight seam, is short-lived, and the seam does not remain invisible. However, this method makes it possible as quickly as possible and with minimal cost make a seam. So, a wide 2-sided tape is glued to the floor under the joint.

After that, both edges of the sheets are glued on top of the adhesive tape. In this case, the connection of the joints of linoleum should be with a minimum gap, because dirt and debris will accumulate in it. Instead of 2-sided tape, you can use construction tape, but this is also not an optimal option and has its drawbacks.

Cold-welded linoleum

The cold welding method is more applicable at home. It assumes the use special composition which melts the edges of the linoleum and solders them. In addition to it, masking tape is also required. The composition used is an adhesive for connecting linoleum . It happens different types... There are 3 main varieties - grade A, grade C and grade T.

The above-described connection of linoleum seams by cold welding involves the use of grade A glue.It is liquid and in its composition contains harmful substances, therefore, when using it, special protection is required, for example, gloves. Its volatile components evaporate quickly, so the room must be ventilated.

Usually linoleum is made from PVC, but if the composition contains polyester, use brand T glue, which has an adapted formula. The technology for its application is similar. First, the edges of the linoleum are covered with a layer of masking tape to prevent melting of other areas, then using a tube, if it has a needle, a puncture is made in the adhesive tape at the joint, after which the gap between the sheets is filled with glue with a gradual advance from the beginning to the end of the joint. After drying, masking tape with glue residues is removed from the surface.

Grade C is used in cases where the distance between the sheets is large, or the composition of linoleum cannot be melted. It has a different composition and a denser viscous structure. It does not melt linoleum, but only polymerizes in the air and so connects the sheets.

Connecting linoleum with sills and strips

For interior straight joints and the connection of dissimilar coatings, for example, for connecting linoleum and laminate, sills are used. They come in different configurations and mounting methods. There are sills that are used to connect linoleum and floor tiles, there are also those that connect 2 types of linoleum, while there are those that have a difference in height or are the same on both sides.

The type of fastening depends on the material used. Therefore, you need to select it based on this. The connection of linoleum with a strap is used for both already sewn sheets and loose ones. There are no problems with how to set the bar on the linoleum joints. There are 2 main types of planks: with visible and invisible fastening.

The first option is attached from above to the seam using self-tapping screws through the mounting holes. The second option has 2 versions. The first assumes a hidden fastening with guides installed for fastenings under the bar, the second is simply glued from above. In this case, no additional glue is required, because the adhesive has already been applied to the strip.

Linoleum is the most unpretentious, undemanding and cheapest option for flooring. Moreover, it can be laid in rooms with elevated level humidity, for example in the kitchen. This is very often decisive when choosing it. And after the acquisition, very important questions arise: is it worth gluing linoleum to the base and how to glue linoleum so that it is a single canvas? Within the framework of this article, we will find out in which cases it is necessary to glue linoleum to the floor and how to do it, and also figure out how to make the joints invisible.

"Cold welding" for gluing linoleum - and the joint is almost invisible

Why is it necessary to glue linoleum

Laying linoleum, I want it to be a whole monolithic layer on the floor, and no joints were visible. To date, it is not difficult to purchase material of foreign production, which is produced in rolls up to 4 m wide. This size will be enough for it to occupy the entire area in the premises of domestic construction. In this case, you do not have to glue the joints: you can choose linoleum exactly for the size of the room.

Domestic manufacturers produce linoleum 1.5 m wide. By purchasing it, you cannot do without careful adjustment of the canvases and gluing the joints.

Bonding linoleum to the base will create a more durable monolithic coating

Of course, you can lay linoleum without gluing it to the base. But the so-called free-laid linoleum has a number of disadvantages.

Firstly, in the process of operation, potholes and bulges from the legs of the chairs will appear.

Secondly, when the furniture moves, a wave will "go", the linoleum will swell, it will be difficult to straighten it without removing all the heavy furniture from the room.

Thirdly, the distance between the joints of the canvases may increase over time, they will "disperse".

Fourthly, non-glued linoleum is easier to damage with a sharp cutting object.

Bonding linoleum to the base will avoid these problems and create a monolithic coating. Even if you have purchased a canvas that will be wide enough to cover the entire room, it is still worth using glue. This will extend the life of the floor covering by 40-50%.

There are several types of glue for linoleum, different in composition and purpose. When choosing which glue to glue linoleum with, it is imperative to take into account the type and material of linoleum.

Dispersion adhesives

Dispersion adhesive is used for gluing linoleum to the substrate

Dispersion adhesives are aqueous suspensions and solutions of acrylic or carboxymethyl cellulose with various additives. Such adhesives are non-toxic and practically odorless. Among the disadvantages can be identified exposure to moisture and low temperatures. So, for example, dispersion glue, frozen during transportation or storage, loses its properties.

Acrylate adhesive used for stacking heterogeneous and homogeneous linoleum in rooms with moderate and high traffic.

Bustilat used for gluing linoleum with felt base. It contains carboxymethyl cellulose, latex and chalk.

Humilax suitable for laying natural linoleum. It is based on latex and rubber.

Conductive adhesive used in rooms with big amount electronic equipment. In this case, an antistatic coating must be installed.

Bituminous mastics fix linoleum on a fabric basis.

Dispersion adhesives are used to adhere linoleum to the substrate. To do this, a layer of 0.5-0.6 mm thick is applied to the floor using a notched trowel, after which the coating sheets are laid. Depending on the variety, the consumption of glue for linoleum ranges from 200 g / m 2 to 500 g / m 2. The exact quantity will be indicated on the package.

Adhesive for cold linoleum welding

The second name of this type of adhesives is reactionary... It is dictated by the properties of the glue itself. He enters into chemical reaction with a linoleum base, practically melts it, turning the joints into a strong, rigid intermediate strip. This effect is also called diffusion: the glue connects the linoleum canvases together, dissolving their edges into each other.

Reaction Adhesive is ideal for use with commercial linoleum.

Such glue is a complex chemical compound based on polyurethane and epoxy resin... It has a very pungent odor and is also explosive and flammable.

Reaction glue is called “cold weld” because it is used as an adhesive for linoleum joints. Gluing two canvases together is very similar to "welding".

There are several types of glue, each of which is used for laying linoleum of a certain type and age and at different stages of work.

A-type cold welding glue is used for gluing the joints of new linoleum

Has the most liquid consistency of all. It can only be used for gluing the joints of new, freshly laid linoleum. To do this, the canvases are tightly glued to the base, the pattern is aligned and the joint is coated with type-A cold welding. As a result, the seam will be transparent and durable, it can only be detected by touch. By the way, linoleum should be commercial or household, but solid.

C-type cold welding glue is used for gluing joints with large gaps

Has a thick consistency. It is used for gluing "dispersed" joints of old linoleum. As a rule, the distance between the canvases of the old linoleum is quite large. Such glue not only glues the joints together, but also creates, as it were, a strip of linoleum between them. Cold welding C-type is used for gluing gaps 3-4 mm wide.

Cold welding T-type

It is used for bonding PVC linoleum with a polyester backing.

First of all, it should be noted that in the process of using glue for joints, it is imperative to wear gloves on your hands. And it is better to protect also Airways, as the glue has a pungent odor and is very toxic.

Important! It is undesirable to allow glue to get on the surface of linoleum. It will not be possible to completely remove the blot. Even if you follow the advice of experts, wait for the glue to dry and knock it off with a sharp knife, there will still be a noticeable mark on the surface. To prevent this from happening, it is convenient to use a rag or rag. When opening, wearing, using a tube of glue, always hold it over a cloth, in which case drops of glue will fall on it. Then the rag must be immediately thrown away to a place where it cannot stick to the linoleum.

Cold welding technology is quite simple:

  • We clean the gap that we will glue from dust and moisture.
  • We glue one-sided tape at the joints along the entire length.

We glue the tape at the joints and cut along the gap

  • Before applying the glue, carefully cut the tape at the junction.
  • Squeeze the glue from the tube into the slot.

Extrude A-type cold welding into the gap between the linoleum sheets

  • After 10-20 minutes, the tape can be removed.
  • You can walk on the floor in an hour.

Important! The shorter the seam, the stronger and more invisible the connection. Taking into account the fact that it is practically impossible to make the floor perfectly flat, there is always the possibility of height differences and bulges on the floor. If you glue the linoleum along the entire length at once, at the site of the defect it will begin to bulge and bulge. This can be prevented by gluing the joints in pieces of 50 -70 cm, each time waiting for the glue to dry. In this case, the seam will turn out to be smooth and inconspicuous.

Glued linoleum will last much longer than loosely laid, will not budge and puff up. And the joints, glued with cold welding, will be simply invisible. Try to follow the technology and follow the instructions on the package with the glue.

Any homeowner needs to know how to connect linoleum, since this type of flooring is most common in our country. In this case, usually its installation is done independently, therefore, all responsibility for this operation lies with the owner of the premises. Considering all of the above, you need to know exactly how to connect linoleum to each other, otherwise the whole impression of the repair you carried out will be disrupted.

Laying options for linoleum

Important! The solution to the question of how to connect two pieces of linoleum depends entirely on which way of laying it you choose.

To begin with, you will need to decide which linoleum you will use when carrying out renovation works... In particular, the material is allocated, intended for use in commercial purposes and in everyday life.

Moreover, the main difference between them is the thickness of the material. The same commercial linoleum is much thicker than household linoleum. As a result, it is much easier to connect two linoleum used in everyday life than the same pieces of commercial material. Therefore, even before the very beginning of the repair, it will be necessary to decide what kind of material will be used in this case.

Further, what will need to be decided before starting to lay linoleum is the method of laying it. There are only 2 of them: place sheets next to each other, or place one sheet on top of another. The last option has many disadvantages. These include the following circumstances:

  • poor contact between the top and bottom sheet, as a result of which the piece superimposed on top will quickly peel off;
  • the joint in this case will not be even, since one of the sheets will puff up and interfere with walking on the floor;
  • during the washing of the floor, water will enter such a joint, then the lower sheet will begin to rot, as a result of which both the linoleum itself and the floor will be damaged.

In connection with these circumstances, it would be best to use the first option, deciding how to connect linoleum at the junction. If you join the linoleum with the edges, then you will achieve not only a flat floor surface, but also protect the floor covering from damage. At the same time, modern industry produces a large assortment of a wide variety of docking devices that not only reliably protect the docking site, but also fit perfectly into general interior premises.

If you know how to connect linoleum and have decided on the type of such a connection, you will also need to decide in what form such a connection will be made. The fact is that before it was possible to connect linoleum sheets only with straight edges, now you can given type connections are made in the form of a zigzag, waves, as well as other geometric lines. As a result, you will be able to create your flooring in the form that the best way suitable for its look and color.

Methods for joining sheets

Important! Most masters, when deciding how to connect linoleum, it is necessary to take into account the tasks that this connection will have to solve.

For example, they include:

  • creating a pleasant appearance floor covering;
  • ensuring the evenness of the floor, as well as smoothing it with a difference in height;
  • ensuring the protection of the floor from moisture, and the premises from noise emanating from neighboring rooms, as well as the basement and cellar.

There are types of joints, based on the types of adhesive used for this and other joining methods. Usually, so-called cold and hot welding is used to perform work on joining linoleum sheets. You can also solve the question of how to connect linoleum at the junction by using a special nut. Usually this method is used when docking different types floor coverings such as linoleum and ceramic tiles.

At the same time, before using all of the listed methods of connecting linoleum, careful implementation is necessary. preparatory work... These include:

  • cleaning of dirt, stone chips of foreign objects from the floor;
  • elimination of irregularities;
  • sealing gaps in the floor.

Sometimes soundproofing material is laid on the floor before laying linoleum. It suppresses noise coming from below, and in turn, prevents sounds from your room from reaching down. If you are going to make a warm floor indoors, this will also require compliance with some conditions, for example, you will have to take a less thick sheet so that the linoleum does not rise too much above the thresholds of the interior doors.

If you decide to combine different floor coverings in the same room, you will have to stock up on T-shaped sills. They allow you to solve the question of how to combine linoleum with other types of flooring. As for linoleum, the use of such sills in this case is justified only when this material has a relatively small thickness. If the linoleum used in your apartment is thicker, it is better to join its sheets by hot welding or using special glue.

In any case, if you do not have a lot of experience in finishing and repair work, you better consult with an experienced finisher before laying linoleum. He will tell you not only the method of joining, but also, with examples, will show you how to connect linoleum at the joints. This will give you a guarantee of quality work done by you.

Cold welding of linoleum

If you know how to connect linoleum to each other, and decide to use cold way welding, you will need to choose the appropriate glue for these works, since cold welding is performed using adhesives. There are glue groups A and C. With their help, you can do everything Finishing work independently, unlike hot welding, which requires the use of special equipment. It is for this reason that such welding is used when laying exclusively commercial linoleum.

As for glue, type A glue is usually common in everyday life. In order to make joints with it, it is necessary to clean them from dirt and dust, as well as from traces of any other contamination. They must be cleaned very thoroughly and it even makes sense to rinse them.

Further, using masking tape, it will be necessary to glue both sheets of linoleum so that it can completely close the seam with their part. After that, the adhesive tape is cut exactly in the center and the tube with type A adhesive is opened. It is carefully applied to the adhesive tape in the area of ​​the cut so that the height of the adhesive layer does not exceed 4 mm.

After applying the glue, you will need to let it dry. Usually 15-20 minutes are enough for this. After that, the tape is removed and the glue is left to dry. It takes about 30 minutes for type A glue to dry completely. Using a construction knife, you will need to clean the remaining adhesive tape from the linoleum.

The second option for solving the question of how to connect pieces of linoleum is to use type C glue. If type A is usually used in order to install new linoleum, then the second type is needed in order to repair the old linoleum. At the same time, assembly tape is not used here, since this type C adhesive has a thicker consistency.

The technique of working with it is similar to the technique of working with the composition of type A, while it is more sensitive to various dirt and foreign inclusions, therefore, before using it, both the linoleum and the floor itself must be thoroughly washed.

In any case, when working with glue, you must follow the safety rules. For this, special gloves and a mask are used. In addition, the premises where these works are performed must be well ventilated, otherwise you can get quite serious poisoning.

Using hot welding

The second way, how to connect the seams of linoleum, is to use special equipment for working using the hot welding method. It should always be remembered that this method is only good when the linoleum has a commercial purpose.

If you do home renovation, then in this case the linoleum must be connected with glue.

This is due to the fact that hot welding occurs at a temperature of 300-450 ° C, linoleum household use it just can't stand it. Since this type of flooring is usually used where there is a lot of walking, it is thicker. Therefore, it must be well glued to the floor before welding. After the glue has dried, you can start doing basic work the next day.

As for the description of the works themselves, first it will be necessary to lay the floor covering so that the gap between its pieces is minimal. In such a gap, it will be necessary to make a groove for laying a special lace. It is with its help that the welding process will subsequently take place. Before this, the joint is thoroughly cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.

The welding itself is carried out directly with the help of a heat gun-hair dryer, into which a heat-shrinkable cord is tucked. The prepared thermo-gun is taken in the hand and with its tip along the entire length, a piece of this cord is carefully pressed into the groove in order to firmly fix the cord in it. A similar procedure is performed along the entire length of the thermal cord.

After all the necessary manipulations have been performed, the excess cord is cut in 2 approaches and embedded in one level with the floor covering. There are several nuances of this work. All of them are associated with the use of the described cord, which is available in several versions: for natural covering and for linoleum made of PVC.

Fastening linoleum with tape is a waste of time, since this connection is short-lived

Separately, it is necessary to dwell on such a topic as the use of various improvised materials for joining linoleum, for example, double-sided tape.

The fact is that this option for fixing linoleum is considered the worst. But despite the speed of the work performed, a joint designed in this way is visible to the naked eye. In addition, it will not be airtight and dust and debris will constantly be crammed into it.

It would be better to spend additional money and do all the work according to the technology of this process.

The connection of linoleum with other materials

Sometimes designers and homeowners use different floor coverings to decorate and decorate their rooms. In this case, when you do not know how to connect laminate and linoleum, you will need to use a device such as a sill. It can be placed on the transition between two adjacent rooms. If such an element is placed in the center of the room, it will look very ugly.

As for the advantages of the nut, if necessary, for example, in the event of a repair, it can be easily dismantled. In addition, the nut allows you to walk freely without touching the linoleum. The materials from which it can be made are very different: metal, plastic, MDF. This allows you to choose such decorative element the color of the floor.

If the material is not cut in a straight line and you do not know how to connect linoleum with tiles, then a flexible profile will come to your aid. It can be used to connect multilevel surfaces of almost any configuration. The same function can be performed by cork expansion joint, having a thickness of 1 cm, while under load it can change to expansion or contraction. If you need to dock linoleum and tiles urgently and without any special aesthetic delights, you can do this using an ordinary sealant.

As for the work on joining floor materials using a T-shaped threshold, it is usually installed on the floor. To do this, holes are drilled in it, dowels are hammered, and the sill is mounted using self-tapping screws. There is a hidden model of such a nut, consisting of 2 halves, one of which is attached to the floor.

As this detail able to dock different materials floor covering only when they are on the same level, it is necessary to "bring them out" correctly; for this, a sheet of plywood can be placed under the same linoleum. If you follow all the steps in strict accordance with the instructions, you will get a beautiful and even floor.