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The soul of man is the true particle of God. So approves the book "Tanya", the fundamental work of Hasidism Khabad. We can find the same thought in other greatest works of Jewish religious thought. However, for thousands of years, the existence of Judaism people were disturbed by numerous questions. If the Most High is kind, then where is the evil in the world? If the soul is part of God, who is sinless, how are people, owners of the soul, can sin? The study of these issues was engaged in Kabbalah, namely, her section, which studies "Clipotes" - the forces of uncleanness, the "shell" of the material world. And although in the Talmuda, in the Hagiga treatise, it is said that it is forbidden to ask "Ma Lemate" - "that below" (meaning the world of "Clipot"), Jewish mystics significantly succeeded in solving these issues.

Let's start immediately from the second (in Jewish, from the end to the beginning). Why are people sinners - owners of a sinless soul? Of course, they would never have done this if not "Cathegoras" - an angels accusers (these are those who are called demons in European mystics). Their task is to blame the Jews before Most High. To do this, they provoke the Jew for a violation of the commandments, for a while that is dimming before his spiritual gaze, the vision of God. Therefore, they are called "clipot" - shell.

But what is the origin of the clipot themselves? Kabbalah explains it this way. In order to create a world, the Almighty had to "chase" - to create such a place where his presence was not so concentrated (of course, all these words should be understood in a figurative sense - we are talking about things that exist only on the spiritual level of compression - and appeared Our rough, material world, referred to as Aya Kabbalah). The abyss between the worlds of spiritual (koi three) and the world material is huge. Accordingly, there are huge compression powers that the material world would not return to its original condition - not "dissolved" in God. These forces are "clipot".

Do you think they perform a negative function, hiding God from our world? By no means. That was the desire of the Most High - so that the inhabitants of this world had a free will. The reasons for the same desire to know is impossible: as the first Lubavichsky Rebbe said, "Lo Shokalim Shaalot Al Taiwa," do not ask questions about the reasons for desire. Although it is in principle that it is possible to understand the Jewish philosophy that "Ein Meh Bel am" ("No king without people "). In order to realize his category "Tsar", the Almighty took someone who worship him. In three spiritual and one material worlds "Energy" from God comes in ten channels, referred to as "Sefirot" (this is not from the word "sphere" , and from the word "MISPAR" - number).

However, the material world is so hard to hold from the collapse, that the energy of 11 channels comes to "clipot"! These channels are called "antisphi". If channels-Sphyoto wear the names of the qualities of God ("mercy", "Surovation"), then the channels-antisifiot are called by the names of forces, personifying the department of a person from the Most High. And this is the secret of the fact that the incense that was intenseed in the Yeusormic Temple consisted of 11 -The components - in order to neutralize the malicious effect of 11 "antisphi".

It is believed that Sefirot and antisifiot are connected with each other analogue of the "law of energy conservation" - the number of complete "energy" sent from God, constantly, and antisphiotrium can take their energy only from Sefirot. When the energy selection is too large, then there is a phenomenon, called "Estter Pan" - "Hiding Face." At the same time, the presence of God in the material world is practically not felt. Pogroms, catastrophes, terrible natural disasters - All this manifestations "Esther Pan."

In addition, the so-called "Malhei Habala", "Angels" appear in Jewish demonologies. These are the angels who subjected the sinful souls in hell (hell, according to the Jewish ideas, has a rather complicated structure). In all this we want to introduce our reader: the world of antisifioto and his lord, the levels of hell and its inhabitants, finally ordinary Devils I. folk customsRelated to them - Mentally put in the place of Dante, and we will be your versgiles.

Avriel. His name, as readers familiar with Hebrew can guess, comes from the word "Aer" (sin). He is considered to manage all sins of the world. In Zoare call him Samael uncircumciated - implying, obviously, that it is associated with a part that is removed during circumcision. (An interesting moment is Samael himself, he is Satan, while supposed to be cropped).

Avryron.. One of the 12 servants of Samael. It has the color of thunderstorms, which brings natural disasters into the world.

Admiiron. One of the 12 servants of Samael. It has a blood color mixed with water (hence his name - from Hebrew "hell", red).

Agirosion. This demon lives in the Head of the Hall, called "Opple" - Darkness. He is responsible for the death of the First People - the first children in the family (boys). True, not in infancy, but from 13 to 20 years. Like all Jewish demons, he carries some kind of "positive" (if you can say so): it kills only those firstborn who must warm in the future. He sees them "signs" of the future sinful behavior and deprives life so that they fall on the world, not burdened large quantity sins. Where are the age framework? Until 13 years old - the age of Bar-Mitzvah - the child can not be accused of sin, after twenty people already burdened with his own family. In general, it is necessary to consider that the Jewish firstbirds have always been on special accounting. This is due to the fact that the last execution of the Egyptian was the defeat of the firstborn - Egyptian. The Jewish Lord did not touch. Therefore, all the Jewish firstborn were considered dedicated to the Lord, to this day, the first child in the family buy out in Koenov (descendants of temple priests) for 5 sacred shekels (approximately 110 grams of pure silver). Interestingly, the Egyptian firstborn destroyed not Agirosion, but "Angel of Revenge of the Lord ", Referred to as" Finger B-Rock ", named Yachh.

HELL. According to the Jewish tradition, blood pressure is divided into seven levels - in accordance with the torments that the soul of the sinner is exposed at each level. We list them in order, from top to bottom:


Gate of silence

Gate of death

Gate of primitive mud

Mogileum Yama



In each of the subsequent levels, the fire is 61 times stronger than the previous one (that is, the fire of silence gates is 61 times stronger than the fire of the geenoma). And about the fire of Genoma, it is said that it is 61 stronger than the earthly fire. Naturally, only in the sense of sensations. Apply your hand to the candle flame, and then imagine that the feeling only from the fire of the geenoma, the top level of hell, should be 61 times stronger. What to say about the lower level is Sheole! Each level of hell has a depth of 300 years of hidden (it should be understood in a figurative sense - it is meant that each level is associated with the three "heavens of impurities", which we will speak below). The torment in the hell may continue not more than 12 months. Therefore, the Jewish tradition is read by Kadis on the depletion of no more than 11 months. The meaning of this is such - only the greatest sinners are in hell full of 12 months. It can not be that the one for whom we read Kadish, was the biggest sinner! Each of the levels of hell has its "leader" (the work of this demon is usually lies in the fact that he conveys sinful souls in the hands of Malhei Habala - Angels-tormentors - with accompanying, what torment and how much time to expose each soul). Beraite (addition to Mishnah) "Genom" describes in detail the device of hell, where fire rivers flow, and in Sheole there are also compartments with a hail, with snow-filled with scorpions. Malhery-Habala alternately exhibit the souls under degrees, then they felt in the fiery river, they stuff in the gap with scorpions - depending on what kind of instructions of the Duma (Duma - the demon-head of the hellish office). "Book of Hanoha" mentions also On the office in the hell, where the angels who have fallen off from the god (for more details, see an article Azazel).

Azazel. Strictly speaking, this fallen angel cannot be counted for demons, for initially it was created for the benefit of people. But it turned out that the azazel performed a demonic function. Commentaryaries to the Tore say that after the creation of a person, the angels were filled with jealousy, since all the b-rival love was aimed at creating this creation, and in every way tried to blacken humanity before Most High. Then the Lord offered the angels to dry out the flesh (as an angel is a clean spirit, and does not have the flesh), and go to Earth. Two hundred angels under the leadership of Azazel went down to Mount Hermon (hence her name originating from the word "Herge", the branch - so the fallen angels separated from God). But with the flesh they received and the bad beginning, which is in man. Angels began to enter into marriages with earthly women, and from these marriages giants were born. In addition, the fallen angels taught people with such arts and sciences that they would be better not known. Azazel taught people to make swords and iron knives, shields and armor, taught people to break through the mines, produce metals and precious stones, and also told about the properties of precious stones. So the world appeared envy, people began to kill each other because of precious metals and stones. Shamkhazai - Assistant Azazel - taught people witchcraft and use magic properties Plants. Brakel taught people to watch the stars, that is, I instilled astems of astronomy, Kohviel and Tamiel taught people of astrology, Sakharael - gave a decline about the period (phases) of the Moon. In itself, it was not so bad, but people all these knowledge began to use themselves. Iron swords they killed each other because of jewels, and where the weapons did not help - they used witchcraft and vegetable poisons. The same, who born from the angels and earthly women were giants. Possessing a huge physical force, they did not have that moral principle, which was from their parents-angels. They worked on earth lawlessness, using force and witchcraft. They needed a lot of food to satisfy, and they took it away from people, and when they lacked food, they even fed on human meat, causing the travelers. All this led to the fact that the Most High sent four of his angels - Uriel, Michael, Gavriel and Rafalev - For the Idianism of the fallen angels from the ground and the corresponding punishment of them. Each of the angels received the appropriate sentence in hell - besides Azazel, who remained in this world, and was sharpened in the Jewish desert under one of the rocks. And this famous place, which is approximately three kilometers from Jerusalem, and sent a goat during Yom- Kiphur ("Seir Le-Azazel" - "Scape Guide"). Only the goat was not sacrificed azazel (such a common erroneous opinion), and dropped from the cliff in the place where the azazel was sharpened.

Alfofanies. In the Jewish tradition, the king of all demons is the Ashmter. As he believes the king, he has the queen - Lilith (there are a couple of these demonits - two sisters, the second married to Samaela). From this marriage they have a son - Alfofaniesh, also called Ashmodew's sword. He manages thousands of demons, and his face is like a fiery torch. The main task of Alfofaniesh is to be the prosecutor against the people of Israel at the highest court, as well as to repair Jews all sorts of goats, to be then, what to blame them. Self, Alfofanies is called another gur - a puppy, but not only because he is the son of Ashmodew , but also because he "Mitger" - quarrels with Israel. It is that on the moment the Alfofanies was born, the prosecutor of Israel was born, three angels were sodans - Malhiel, Aturile and Negreel - Defenders (Heavenly Lawyers) of Israel. And in the moment of his birth, the "Prince of Holy" appeared on the world - Angel, called the sword of King Mashaiha, and the Angel of this there are two names - Mashhiel and Kohviel.

Angricho. This demon stands in the third entrance to the hall of darkness, and is called the "prince of fever". He controls all diseases burning the body, satisfies high temperature etc.

Antisifiot.. In Kabbalah, it is known that the Most High manages the world with the help of ten channels, "Sefirot", according to which the energy from him comes into this world. However, in order for the world to be returned to the initial state - to the Almighty (this is similar to the gas bubble pops up in water or the flame seeks to break away from the candle), shells surrounding and darling the divine light are required. Such shells are called "antisifiot" because they "delay" the light from the real "Sefirot". "Antisphiot" exists eleven:











You, of course, noticed that if "Sefirot" have the qualities of the Most High (for example, Hesed is the grace of God, Gvura is the severity of God), then "antisphi" is "personal", independent names. This reflects the idea of \u200b\u200b"Esther Pan" ("concealing the face" of God). Each "antisfira" is independent and has an independent existence. However, this is refuted by the presence in the names of many "antisphi" derivatives of the "rivers" - empty. "Antisifiot" themselves are empty, the light does not go on them, and they can only pull it out of "Sefirot".

Arira. Unclean spirit, inhabiting in the fourth hall of hell. He is subordinate to several tens of thousands of angels-tormented by "Array Yom" ("Sinflowing Day"). They do that people in anger curse themselves. "Cursing Day" take these oaths, represent them before the highest court and awaken Empty snake (Leviafan - Snake manifest). And he, in turn, awakens the curses written in Torah. Also "Array Yom" in the preceding parish of the Masha battle between Leviathan and Wild bull Woomed Leviafan.

Arron.. One of the twelve Assistants of Samael, full of evil (the root of the word "Arron" - Methatez Hebrew "RA" - evil.

Askara. The demon, which is at the fourth entrance to the Mraka Hall. Manages murder and death. This concept is due to the fact that from 918 species of death, known Kabbalah, the most difficult is the death of the disease, called "Askar" - diphtherite. Talmud says that during diphtherite, the soul comes out of the body as hard as the stuck buckthorn goes out of cotton. Askar also manages the death of babies. It is believed that he has the form of a female crumline, plays with babies, gives them milk and unnoticed. Askar is opposed by Angel Azriel, which is in the third holy hall.

Astriya. One of the princes of the level of hell, called Beer Shohat - "grave pit." He manages people allowing the useless shedding of the seed. The angels sent to them appear in this world, capture the seed spilled in vain, and the power of uncleanness is obtained from it.

Afrian. The evil spirit from Hall Eva is a host. He controls fruitless land (hence his name - Efer is the dust of the earth. Afrir is closely connected with the snake shouting - after all, it is the earth of the earth, according to Torah, was put in food a snake, seducing Adam and Havu. Afrira makes the Earth not fruity. However In the Jewish tradition, even the most harmful characters can carry beneficial features - And Africa is associated with the land from the gender of the Jerusalem Temple, which is mixed into the water, given to drink "Sota" - a woman suspected of married infidelity.

Africron. One of the twelve Assistants of Samael, having the color of the ashes ("AFAR"). With Africa, they are not relatives and not even the same name, as Africa begins on the letter "Alef", and Africron on the letter "Ain", and only because of the inconsistencies of the Russian and Hebrew alphabets, they were near.

Ashmai.. Demon, called "old and stupid king". It has green colorAlthough it is called differently "Lavana-Aramaites". Lavevan - the father-in-law of the Poshtsi Jacob, who wanted to leave him forever in Mesopotamia (then the Jewish people could not develop). Since then, the Laban in Judaism is associated with the forces of "clips" - unclean. Ashmat causes people to do nonsense, for which they are then cruelly paid. It has already been said that the forces of uncleanness are opposed by the forces of holiness. Ashmyai opposes "Sfire" Hesed, the grace of God, which is symbolized by Abraham-Avin, the Grandfather of the Jewish people. Advanced to him - old, but stupid Ashmyai. "Sfira" Gued also white color (Lavevan) - contrast to this Ashmyai, he is the Lavan Aramerica (here we face the meaning game of words: the color "Lavevan" (white) is the name of Lavevan).

Ashmter (Asmtell). One of the favorite characters of the Jewish folklore. With his name, many legends are connected, everything will not seem to be given here. But there are several versions of the origin of the name Ashmode size - either from the Persian expression "Aisha Deva", translated as "an ammunition demon," or from the Hebrew word "Shmad" - destruction. Perhaps both options are correct, since in Judaism, the names usually carry a greater semantic load. Ashmode is traditionally considered to be the king of the devils. He knows a lot, knows how much, and no wonder he captured Tsar Solomon to help in the construction of the first temple. Ashmodez suggested the king, where to get a stone, called "Shamir" (iron processing material for the construction of the temple was prohibited). In today's Hebrew "Shamir" is called Corundum. According to another version, Shamir is a worm that can break the stones. Ashmodeh also handed Solomon to the Witchcraft book, called the Ashmodey Book (links to it in Zohar). The original of this book was lost, but I saw references to her in modern magical literature - it means somewhere this book still exists, although it is possible, and in not quite adequate translation. After the construction of the temple, Ashmodez, hectares, was able to free himself and throw king Solomon to the edge Light, and himself took his throne. Returning, Solomon was able to prove his rights to the throne and send Ashmodey back to hell. This legend in a figurative sense is used by the Jewish sect "Netores Map", which believes that Ashmode is still sitting on the throne of King Solomon (an unequivocal hint of the current leaders of the Jewish state). In the legends of Ashmér, contrary to his terrible name, often helps Jews, voluntarly or involuntarily speaking on their side. It helps a completely disinterestedly, since Judaism does not recognize the eternal stay in hell (we have already talked about the maximum period - 12 months), and about the "sale of the soul" Ashmeodey and speech can not be. Ashmodey is married to Lilit Alimta, evil spirit having a view of a beautiful woman. They have a son of Alfofanies, which we have already spoken about, as well as Ashmodew, there is a father-in-law and mother-in-law - Parents Lilith Alimta, Mitbael and Kafzifony. Legends say that Samael looks at the beautiful wife Ashmodey, causing his jealousy. In general, everything is like people.

Badarguong. In the Scriptures of Arizal, a demon named Bardarguong is mentioned. If a person defeats him once, the demon dies; If two times, then the daemon will survive, but the man who hit his man will die. This demon according to the legend is completely flat, it has 50 heads and 56 hearts. He "sucks" holiness from all the letters of the Jewish alphabet, except for the letters "Mem" (open and closed) and the letter "TAV". Please note: both of these letters make up the word "Met", the dead. Bardarguong can be a little dog or cat, or field mouse. It is considered a demon who satisfies various diseases. The Money, prisoners in the description of this demon, are so complex and diverse, which requires too much explanation. We can send particularly interested in the collection of "Likuti Rabbalist" the Great Kabbalist Rabbi Shimshon from Gospeci.

HIPPOPOTAMUS. One of the demonic animals mentioned in the "Book of Job". The word "hippo" multiple number (one animal - "Behaema", a lot - "Behemot"), that is, as it were, one beast is equal to many. This is how the hippopotamus "Book Job" describes: "Here is a hippo, which I created, like you, grass, like an ox, eats. Here is his power in his silence, and his power in the muscles of his abdomen. Pulls his tail like a cedar; Humors of the thighs awlively. His cozles - copper pipes; His bones - like iron rod. He is the beginning of the creations of God; Only created it can bring his sword to him. For the mountains bring him food, and all the animals are playing there. Under the lotus it lies, under the cane and in the swamp is hidden. Lotus covers his own shadow, surround his willows of the stream. Does the river sway - not scary to him; There will be calm, at least Jordan rushed into his mouth. Who grabbed him near the eye, the bug will try his nose? "In Hasidism, it is believed that the hippopotamus symbolizes the animal beginning in man.

Behamiron. One of the twelve helpers Samael. It has black and gray - Skin color hippopotamus. Hippo as a formidable animal is mentioned in the "Book of Job", however why demonal qualities are attributed to this swamp fatty - unknown.

Gamaliel. The inhabitant of the ninth hall of uncleanness. "Drinks", that is, sucks the energy from the world of "Sefirot", as a camel ("Gamal") drinks water, for which he received his name. Able to predict the future. If it gets energy from the world of "clipot", then the name of Nahshiel and manages snakes, frightening people.

Gzar Dina. The inhabitant of the hall of hostility. Manages those who have not made circumcision without valid reason, as well as those who did not take care of making circumcision to their children. The souls that fell on that light immediately drags into Sheol - Lower level of hell - and there already judges.

Gimgemia. Located in an uncleaning room, here is an empty pit (due to the description of the pit, where Joseph was thrown, "the pit is empty, there is no water there, and there are snakes and scorpions"). This demon has a red color like a rose. He controls dirty, obscene words, curses. His special care is to interfere with prayer, to make sure that the person stutter during the prayer ("Legram" in Hebrew) is from here and his name.

Dagdagiron. One of the twelve helpers Satan. It has a color of a certain fish - a muddy-silver, like the skin of fish, not having scales and is considered to be unsuccessful in the Jewish law. Says people to eat in the food of uncerny marine creatures (not only as noticeable fish, but also shrimp, squid, etc.)

THOUGHT. The ruler of all "clipot" - the forces of impurity, and he is the prince of the angels-tormentors in hell. Its name comes from the word "DMAM" - silence, this demon, as itchies symbolizes the silence of the grave. For the first time, it is mentioned in Pslas, where it is said: "Not the dead praise the Lord, and who have not come down to the Duma" (here it is meant to "come to hell"). It is said that when the soul appears in front of the Duma in hell, he carefully studies all her sins, and then decides what punishment it should be subjected. After that, with the accompaniment, he transmits the angels to the painters.

Demonians. Female characters in Jewish demonology is only four. This is Lilit (we will talk separately), Naama - she is also Lilith Alimta (presumptive translation - "Cruel Lilith"), who is considered the younger sister Lilith, - the wife of Ashmodey Agrat Bath Makhlat - the catering of diseases, the daughter of Makhlalat, Razing on the Golden Chariot and Blowing gold arrows (fever symbol), and finally MakhlatThe image of which Jewish sources do not detail.

Safely. Angel of Bhoi Wrath ("Zaaf" in Hebrew "Anger"). Considered the patron saint of Agaga, the king from the Amaler's tribe, taken captive, and then killed Shaul. Agag was considered the ancestor of Aman, memorable in Purim events. The story with Aman is considered a symbol of the warning of God about possible punishment. The demons in the Jewish tradition became associated with the concept of anger. The Jewish religion sternly blames angry people. A man who is angry, resembles a worshiping idol. That is why the demons try to cause a feeling of anger in man.

Pattern. In his power, to punish those sinners, which are imposed "Care" - the verdict of the Heavenly Court, which consists in the fact that the "Karet" has not lived for more than sixty years. It is believed that the Jew is subjected to "carriage" for various secret, but serious contiguities - for example, eating a chame (kagasny) in Pesach. The pictures are considered to be the generation of Tehomyl - the head of the demons, since the Teemiel also carries the name of the ketrile (from the word "Keter" - the Crown), imagining itself "crown", the king of all "clipot", the forces of uncleanness, and opposing the highest "spin" kaiter - the crown of God.

Cafzofoni. Ashmodey's father-in-law, father Nama (she is Lilith Olime). Named because all the time jumps from place to place ("Cofquets" in Hebrew), from one end of the world to another. Sometimes, together with his wife - Maitbael - they help people get rid of the persecution of the devils. Sometimes people in human doors are and opening them the future at the same time can and britter. We will have a European Kabbalist practitioners, causing Cafzofoni with Maitbael in order to learn the future, tried to tie them to the oath so as not to fall the victim of deception from the cunning demons. Predictions that can be obtained from these demons is the good part that is in "Clipotes" - the shells of this world.

Kafziel. Prince Anger, forcing people to be angry (from the word "Cecef" - anger). This demon is still identified with the "antisphira" by the Erevea ve-Rick (called the "Cruel Raven" - since it was believed that the Raven had no mercy even to their chicks). So and the man in anger loses mercy even to his loved ones.

Clipotes. The name comes from the Hebrew word "clip" - the robe. In Kabbalah, it is forces that do not give the spiritual essence of our world to merge with the root cause. The whole material world, strictly speaking, consists of "clipot", which enclose spiritual content. Therefore, Kabbalists share "clipot" on the "Clip Leg" - a shining clip, that is, items that can potentially be used to serve the Lord (for example, the usual cow is in the category "Clip Noga" - as you can make a parchment from her skins Which to write a scroll of the Torah or Mesuzu), and three types of unclean "clipot" - things are absolutely not suitable for disposal as religious items. These three clips are called "Seara Rui" - a raw wind, "Anan Gadol" - a large cloud (meaning - thunderstorm) and "Ash Mitlakahat" - devouring fire. An example of absolutely unclean clipotes are considered things that have already been used for idolatry. So, for example, a tree dedicated to the Babel goddess of the fertility of Ashtart (such a tree was called "Asher") forbidden to use in any way - nor as a source of wood, no fruits from him, and even climb on such a tree to remove it The bird's nest was considered a sin.

Kathev Meriri. Demon midday heat. The Jewish Legend says that somehow children who went to Header met this demon. From the heat that proceeded from him, everything, except for two, immediately died. The talmudic era was not recommended to leave the house at noon alone. The appearance of this demon is most likely due to the fact that the Israeli midday heat is difficult to the locals even for local residents.

Cafene. The demon, manifested during the war. He does so that food is not saturated (that is, it deprives the food of nutritional properties). I heard from the old Rava that during World War II, people could not improve the same number of foods that they would have enough peaceful time.

LEVIATHAN . Another demonic creature with an extremely rich symbolism. For the first time, Leviathan is mentioned in the "Book of Job": "Can I pull Leviafan fishing and a rope to press him a language? Do you extend the reed to him in the nose and spike if the cheeks pierce it? Will he get to multiple the plea and whether to talk to you Krotko? Does he make a contract with you, will you take him into slaves forever? Will you play with him, as with a bird, and will you contact your girls for fun? Will they trade their comrades fishing, will it share him between the Canaan merchants? Do you pierce your skin with arrows and fishing oster - his head? Put on it to him yours, remember the battle of this and no longer be covered. Here, hope about it is vain; Even a look he throws him. No so brave, which would disturb it; Who cares about me to become? Who deferred me to pay him? Under all the sky is mine. I would not keep silent about the members of it, about the action of the power and the beautiful proportionality of it. Who will restrict the edge of his clothes? To double squeezal, who is suitable? The gates of his face (fall) Who will assume? Circles of teeth is horror! The magnifies of the shields of scales it, fasten the seal dense. One to one is approached, and the wind is not "leaving" between them. One to another closely pressed, clips and not divided them. From his cho shines light, and his eyes - like the eyelashes of dawn. From the mouth its fire comes, the sparks of the fiery are flying out. From the nostrils it goes smoke, as from a boiling boiler or from a burning reed. The breath of his coal is splitting, and the flame is out of grazing. The power is resting on his neck, and fear is in front. The layers of flesh it is cohesy, like the cast on it - do not disperse. His heart is firmly like a stone and rigidly as the lower reserves. When it gets up, trembled silica, the waves subside. We raise the sword on him - (the sword) will not stand, nor a spear, nor a drill, nor the arrow. He honors the straw of iron, for the tree drunk - copper. Do not turn him into the flight of the arrows, the stones of the Paramy become straw. He believed to be a makeup, and a sweeper whistled him. Under him sharp tiles, he lies on the bed to the gear, among El. Boil, like in the boiler, the puchin, the sea turns into a boiling brew. Behind him, the trail is lit, the abyss seemed to be sad. No on earth like him, he is created fearless. He looks at all: he looks: he must be the king with all the pride. "The tanya is mentioned two species of Leviafan - Leviathan, snakes straightforward and Leviathan, serpenting. According to the Talmuda, these two Lefiafnes of diverse, and the Most High made so that they will never be able to meet, otherwise their giant offspring would float the whole world.

Lilit. One of the most popular characters of folk jewish stories. In the Torah, it is indicated that at first God created the "man and a woman", and on the then referring to the creation of Hava (Eva). It is believed that Adam's first wife was Lilith. She did not want to obey her husband, as he considered himself the same creation of God as Adam. Having said "Shem A-Metorash", the secret name of the Most High, Lilith rose into the air and flew away from Adam. Then Adam prayed to God with a complaint to the fizzly wife. The Almighty sent a three angels, famous for the names of Snuh, Sansanui and Sanglay. At the Red Sea, they inspired Lilith, who flatly refused to return to her husband. Then, Lilith took away the body body, leaving only the spirit, and Adam God made a new wife. Lilith became the wife of Satan, and from their marriage there were a lot of night demons called "Lilin". Melith is a dangerous demon who hunts to babies. Therefore, near the cradle of a Jewish child always hang amulet with the names of the aforementioned angels - when Lilith sees these names, it is forced to retire. Also, the leading of a red thread on hand (usually make a baby) is associated with this tradition - it is believed that Lilith is afraid of red. The night is especially dangerous before cutting the baby - in order to protect the child from Lilith, his father should all night long to read excerpts from Zohar and other books Kabbalah (such a night at Ashkenazic Jews is called "Vakhtnakht"). Especially dangerous Lilith at night (this is evident from her name - from the word "Laila", night). Therefore, it is considered very dangerous to sleep alone in an empty apartment - you can attack Lilith. Another occupation of this demonitsa is to be in a dream with unmarried young men and seduce them.

Mara. The demon living in the highest (i.e. lower) the hall of sewage. This demon is making people to look in the mirror, embellish and wrapping, dressing well. From this, as the tradition says, the pride and rudeness of the spirit speaks into people. The name of the demon "talking" is the word "Mariee" in Hebrew means "mirror", and Mara is like a "mirror". Mirrors in the early Judaism attached great importance. And now, when someone dies in the house, all the mirrors are hung, because the mirror is a symbol of beauty, decorations, and the grumbling must forget about the worship for the time of mourning. The mystical tradition says that the mirrors are closed because "the soul of the deceased looks in the mirror."

Meitbael. Caferefoni's wife, mother of Nama, mother-in-law Ashmodey. On all its properties - look in the article dedicated to the Cafzofoni (here it is true that the husband and wife is one Satan).

Nama "Ashmoda's wife, she is Lilith Oliment," Cruel Lilith. " In the Jewish tradition, the role of "Sukkuba", seducing men. Night demons are also called "Nama Children". Because of the night demons, by the way, it is forbidden to walk on the roads one at night. Usually imagine beautiful woman - Before the belt. Below the belt it looks like a blazing torch.

Nagdael. The demon standing in the hall of the darkness at the gates of the court. Under his beginning there are several tens of thousands of the angels. Causes hostility and contradictions in this world (his name comes from the Hebrew "Negad" - "against")

Nasira. The demon, which is in the geenome, in that part of its part, which is called "Lower Earth". From there he penetrates into this world and creates miracles contrary to the laws of nature. These wonders occur not from the power of holiness, but from the forces of impurity, therefore it is said that some miracles are poring "from the" Clipot ", sewage." The task of nasira is embarrassing honest believers miracles contradicting Torah. Such, for example, are the wonders of the Egyptian priests and Zoroastrian Persian magicians - they occur under the action of viray and his subordinate demons. Namira name - from Hebrew "carried" (miracle).

Nahashiron.. One of the twelve helpers Satan (Samael). It has color poisonous snakes. What exactly the color is in mind, no source indicates.

Nashmiron. One of the twelve helpers Satan. It is usually indicated by the last account. Takes the form of "evil women" (from the Hebrew word "our" - women). It is said that this demon can harm the most other assistants of Satan, combined. These words are attributed to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai, which is very reliably because the Talmud gives numerous evidence that Rabbi Shimon perfectly understood in the female character.

Nehashtiron. One of the twelve helpers Satan having copper color. Its name comes from Hebrew "Rich" - copper. Why copper, and what kind of danger in himself, I could not find out.

Nicariel. The demon who lives in the level of hell, here, beer Shohat (grave pit). There is that when the Angel of Death (he is Samael, he is Satan) comes at a man, he keeps a served knife in his hand, at the end of which three drops of poison are at the end. A man at the sight of a black angel opens his mouth in horror, drops go there - and man dies. The first drop stops life, the second drop is bile death, the third drop enshrines the started. Niacriel is, in fact, the Spirit, which controls these three drops of poison on the Angel of the Angel of Death.

Oghel. The demon, which is in the second hall of uncleanness and in different hypostasses opposing that "Sphir" Hochma (B-Jewish Wisdom), then "SFRE" Tifret (B-Sysshed Beauty). He is also called Ish Bial (man is useless). His task is to sharpen the manifestation of a b-rival essence in our material world.

Ozriel. One of the manifestations of the omnipresent Samael (Satan) when he is in the fourth "antisphire". Associated with the way "pig pigs" and, obviously, makes people have a pork - one of the most disgusting types of food in Judaism. There is an opinion that the pig meat to taste is closest to human meat, and the one who is used to eat pork is much lower The threshold of conventions in relation to the "eating" of human flesh, which since ancient times was used by sorcerers for rites associated with the manifestation of "Clipotes". Perhaps in some rites, the present human meat was replaced by pork.

Patch. Deputy Head of Genoma - Duma. His task is to reject a person from the right path, to seduce it (especially women). The name comes from the Hebrew verb "Lefiatot" (seduce).

GROIN. Kabbalists are considered the "prince of dogs" - a demon who commanded dogs. The dog has always been considered the Jews unclean, despised animals - so much that even the money reached for the sale of PSA could not be sacrificed in the temple. You can weaken its strength with the help of one psalm, in which there is the following line: "... A-Pah Nischbar, Ve-Anakhn Nallant" (the jug is smashed, and we ran away). The word "pitcher" (paхs) here can be perceived as the name of the demon - the Lord of Dogs.

Puta. The demon, managing forgetfulness (it is about the fact that this demon causes people to forget the studied by them from the Torah). In the time of Talmud, the expression was even told - "Nafal Le-Bor Puta" (fell into the pit of the way, that is, I forgot the Torah studied by him. Just as the Greeks talked about the sleeping person "dwells in the arms of Morpheus"). The second name of the way - wt. Both of the hematosis name (sum numerical value Hebrew letters) are equal to one hundred. Therefore, the tradition says that if a person wants firmly to memorize some fragment from the Torah, he must repeat it at least one hundred times. Up to one hundred times - he can still get under the action of the way (whose name is equal to one hundred). But it is worth repeating a hundred for the first time - and confused already above it is not dominated. The opponent of the way, by the way, the angel acts - the defender of the Jewish people Mikhael. What is amazing, the name of Michael on hematodia is just one hundred one. Perhaps that is why Angel Michael is also considered angel memorization.

Rahav. Mentioned in the Talmuda as "Sar Sheln Yam" - Prince of the sea. When creating the world, refused to help the Almighty to share the upper and lower waters. For it was killed, but his carcass published such a strong SMRAG, that I had to revive Rakhava. Since then, Rakhav has been considered to be sleeping, then awake (obviously, the personification of the sea, then calm, then stormy). In "Agada" it says that when the Jews had to move through the Red Sea, Rakhav tried to prevent this.

Rogziel. Demon, angrier control ("Ragez" in Hebrew). Demons, governing anger, quarrels, etc., so much in Judaism because in Hebrew for different degrees quarrels and anger there is a separate name.

Sagrit. Another demonica having a type of lepers (according to Torah, the lepers should have been poked in the dress "to the mouth"). So this demonica - it is impossible to see her face (or she does not have a face at all), like a leamental cloth. Satisfies and skin ulcers.

Saktufa. This demon encourages men to dress up and wrapping women to look at them. "Works" in a pair with a daemon of mari (forcing people to look into the mirror for the purpose of wrapping).

Samael. Perhaps the most famous of the demons. The word Samael is translated as "sheln El", the poison of God. It is believed that he picked Adam and Havow to the fall (snakes - just a bodily manifestation of Samael). For this, as the "Book of Adam and Hava" says, he has touched six of the former twelve wings (translated into more understandable Kabbalists a language - it was transferred from the world of Beria to a lower spiritual world Jetzir). Samael performs three main functions assigned to it: he is the "Yetter A-RA", an evil beginning, provoking a person to commit sins; "Catagor", that is, an angel-prosecutor who represents the sins of a person to the highest court; Finally, the Angel of Death, coming by man in his last hour. Samael in the form of "Malah A-Mavet", an angel of death, is a terrible black figure, a complete eye. The angel of death holds a ridden knife in his hands, from which three drops of poison run, and he only comes for sinners. The Angel Gavriel comes behind the righteous with the perfectly smooth knife in his hands (the harness of the soul of the righteous is compared with the "Kosher Shhith", while what Samael does with sinners, "Schita is notocher").

Sathan- just one of the many nicknames of Samael, and comes from the word "asat" (interference). Satan is most often called Samael in the image of a bad beginning in man and an angel accuser.

Samhel. We have already spoken about the three halls "clips", sewage. Sumliel is considered the keysticker of these halls, he has all three keys.

Sannelia. Moves men to unproductive seed spills.

SARTY. Prince of unclean dreams. Under his beginning there are several tens of thousands of the angels. When a person is sent to the dream "from the saintness", the angels-tormentors intervene in it, turning a dream into a nightmare or a bad vision. Because of him there is no person of something sleepSo that there were no lies at least there. Therefore, in general, Judaism applies not very positively to the interpretation of dreams. Sundar is generally considered "one sixtieth part of death." Because of this, a woken man is considered unclean, it is immediately necessary to wash his hands, and Hasidi is trying to go to Miku every morning (as the uncleanness of sleep with something is uncleaning the dead man).

Satriel. The demon located in the third hall of uncleanness. His occupation is to hide the grace of God from people. The name of the demon comes from the Hebrew "Soter" (hide). It compares with enveloped people with a wet cloud shadowing a b-rival mercy.

Seariel. A demon compared with Esau, Hairy Man - Brother Yakov. It is considered the root cause of all malicious qualities attributed to Esau. It is in order to calm him, Esava was sent from Yakov to ten donks, ten dons, etc. Seariel loves to pretend to be the idol deity, inciting people to be worshiped.

Tagarinun. Prince quarrels, causing a quarrel ("Tager" in Hebrew) between kings, leading to wars.

Tritridge. Demon, striker on lonely travelers. Judaism generally applies negatively to ensure that people go to a single way. Speaks in the Talmud that when a person is one goes on the road, devils see him and can harm him; When two go, the devils see them, but can no longer harm; When three are coming, then the devils do not even see them. For the same reason, it is forbidden to enter one in the destroyed building - it is believed that devils live in ruins and can harm the lonely person there. It is even said that there is a feature living in ruins, which every time a lonely man comes to these ruins, begins to beat his head about the wall to cause the collapse of the building.

Taninier. The demon, "sitting between Samael and Lilith." It is referred to in Kabbalah "blind crocodile" or "blind prince". The experts of Kabbalah say (naturally, it should be understood in a figurative sense) that it floats in the sea, and the eye or at least the eye orbits does not have Tanininer. And if he was created with his eyes, he would destroy the Lord, the whole world.

Teumiel. Supreme Demon, head of the entire antisphi system. He received his name from the word "Teom", the twin ("Teumim" - Gemini), because in Gordin, his Teemiel imagines himself with a twin, "twin" of God. Of all the antisifiot Teemiel was created first. The second name is "a monkey of God", because he seeks to imitate everything, which makes the Almighty, naturally, seeking it to benefit the forces of clipotes, sewage. Kabbalists prefer to call him a tomel, as if the letter "Aleph" from the name of the demon - since this letter is the first in the alphabet and symbolizes God - "Alufo Shel Olam", the ruler of the world. The very presence of the letter "Alef" gives strength, so in the Kabbalistic books often "Aleph" from the name of the Teemiel is disturbed, so as not to give strength to the demon .Toemiel is also called "El Ahersher", the deity is someone else - in opposition to God, called "El Ehad", God Only. In the daily prayer "Shma, Israel, Adonai Elohin, Adonai Ehad" one can see that the letter "Dale" in the word "Ehad" - one - noticeably more than others. It is also written in the handwritten scrolls of the Torah. This is done because the draws of the letters "Dalet" and "Reish" seems to be, and if not allocate "Dalet", then it will be possible, the Lord will be taught, in return "Ekhad, God is the only one, read" Ahersher "- a deity of someone else's teemiel.

Callel Demiron. One of the twelve helpers Samael (Satan). It has the color of the blood drunk.

Tsfoni.. Among the "halls of uncleanness" there is one hall, which is called "the elegant wine" hall. It is meant that the wine that brings death into the world - according to one of the versions, Hava gave Adam precisely grapes as a forbidden fetus. It is also worth remembering how Noah got drunk (which led to the curse of the peoples of Canaan) and the lot drove. Guards of wine as a source of drunkenness inhabit this room. One of them, named Cfony, rules unclean souls. The name can be translated as "northern". The fact is that in Judaism North is always associated with the concepts of "Gvuri", the severity of God, the quality of a strict court. This is simply explained: if you get face to east, to the rising sun, then the north will have from the left hand. The left side is the traditional Human Resource, no wonder in the "Tikundi Zohar": "Gvura de Droa resin", "Gvura - left hand" Here it is understood that in the conditional drawing of a "space man", the part of the body of which symbolize "Sefirot", the Gvura will be symbolized with her left hand. And a concentrated expression of this severity, hypertrophied quality of a strict court, called "Dean Hazak" - an evil spirit name named Tsfoni, "Northern".

Devils. In Jewish folklore, they are called differently: "Sedim", actually devils, "Rukhin" - perfume, "Lilin" - Robin to Lilith, "Mazikin" - harmful. It is believed that the devils were created in the creation of the world in the eereyr Shabbat, on Friday night the on the eve of the offensive of Saturday, along with other wonderful things, such as rainbow; Man, with whom the Jews fed in the desert; Staff Moshe Rabein, etc. The devils are usually characterized as "Nesham Bed Guf", shower without a body. Talmud (Treatise "Blessings") reports: "They are more than us. They surround us like a tree - pit. " It is believed that devils have paws like birds. To check whether they do not want to hang around your bed at night, the Talmud recommends the following measure: scatter as in the bed ash or river sand. Then in the morning in the form of bird paws may remain in the morning or assela. The devils can also be seen as follows: Take the charcoating shell of a black primor kitten, whose mother was also black, and burn it (shell). Formed ash, put yourself in the corner of the eye - and you will see the devices. The remaining ashes until the next use should be poured into the iron tube and seal it to the Kabbalistic stamp, because if the devils will kidnap it, then you will have to be tight. This experience did one of the wise men of the Talmud, Rav Bibi Bar Avaye (known for his own burden to mystical experiments). The impression of what he saw was such that the equivalent fell unconscious. The righteous of the generation was prayed for him - and he recovered. The old favo, whom I studied, told me: "I would have done such an experience for himself for a million dollars. And you, if you know Mignan Righteous, who will pray for your health, you can try. "The prayers are doing so that in the synagogue it is closely, so that people are tired during the Saturday prayer, they are torn Saturday. The fact is my silk coat, dressed only on Saturday prayer, for five years I have acquired such a look as if I unloaded the cargo cars. Damnity can and gradually attract money from people - but only if the money lie without a wallet and unbelievable. The devils themselves are as money as money (according to other information, Lukova) husk. As I said, there is no ordinary body like our devils. However, there is a body created from the elements of fire and air, "there must have a soul to have some kind of shelter. As the entire material world is divided into" Dom "- silent, non-living objects; "Tsomeah" - the growing, plant world; "Hai" - the world of animal, and "Medabers" - the person and the souls of the devils have a similar separation. There are devils, the soul of which comes from the category "Dom", a non-living world, and they live in a dust of the earth. There are devils, the soul of which is in the category "Tsomeah", vegetable world, and they live in water (see, for example, chain), mainly in rivers and sources. These devils are considered very malicious. Unlike the devices of the category "Dom", these devils have sexual differences, can multiply and bring offspring. Deal with a soul from the category "High", the animal world, live in the air. And finally, the highest category of devils, with the soul of "Medabers" (like a human) dwells in the fire. These people are satisfied with the weddings - for this they choose empty houses (and if you have chosen your home, you need to free it for three days - otherwise troubles), - They give birth to children and even make this children circumcision (the legend about how the greedy Muelo was invited to circumcise the devils, is given in the book "Kav A-ball", "straight line"). The devils, if they are too smoked, you can invite to the Rabbinate court, and they are obliged to perform a sentence. Finally, in later legends there is a division of devils on the "Jewish" and "non-Jewish". The existence of the Jewish people. Legends about the hell has accumulated so much that it is already impossible to say that it is a generation of folklore, and which represents a valid ontological essence. Israeli stories about Hells may not worry - the legend claims that King Shlomo expelled the devil from the Holy Land.

Shabrery. Demon that lives in rivers, lakes and wells. He poisoned with its poison, after which the consumption leads to blindness. Day Demon is harmless, he is dangerous only at night. Therefore, it is forbidden to drink water from sources at night (if a person is alone). If there is a satellite, then you should even wake it up, just not to drink the water to one - two people the Demon is no longer able to damage. If it is impossible, you need to knock on the lid of the well or that tank from which you are going to drink. On the extreme case of the Talmud leads a plot, annuling Shabrery: "Shabryry, Brryry, Ryri, Iri, Ri." This is a plot of the evil demon water shabrery turns In the angel rain Ri.

Shahriron.. One of the twelve Assistants of Samael (Satan), a gloomy black.

Shelhaviron. One of the twelve helpers Samael (Satan), color and shape resembling a flame language.

Wedded. A demon who inhabited in the fifth hall of uncleanness, called Eva - a host. Schoden manages the wake-up in this world and lives in the mountains, deaf forests and rocks - where the robbers usually hide. Together with Kefan, he leads hunger into the world. Its name comes from Hebrew "Shod" - robbery.

Eyva. Demon, causing hostility in the world. His name is called the 5th Hall of Cleaning.

Eliezer Sar A-Dapim. Demon, in a simple referred tond (sheet). When a person examines some religious book (for example, Talmud or Zohar), and then leaves the room, leaving the book open, then the book is sanguated by Eliezer Sar A-Dapim, reads everything that man read before that, - and man Immediately forgets the studied. Therefore, among the religious Jews there is a custom - be sure to close the study

To start the divination online for free, click on the rune at the bottom of the page. Think of what or who you are guessing. Hold down the rune While the feeling comes that it is time to finish to interfere with the runes.

Extremely advanced fortune telling, giving a very large number of answers to various questions. It is impossible to call it simple, precisely because of the number of issues under consideration, but if you have even a little experience in divination with the use of runes, then you will not experience any difficulties, you just need to spend some time to understand the result. You should not perform this fortune telling often for one person, it is not intended for this.

Divination technique online for free

For divination we will use 24 runes of the older Futark, not symmetric runes have various interpretation Live and inverted. Mix the runes well without ceasing to ask the question of waiting events. Remove and post them as shown in the figure below, you have to remove nine runes. Considered Questions: Career and Work, Personal Life, Health, Finance, Effect of Karma, Creativity or Children, Education, Outcome or Council and Main The First Rune Specifies the whole tone of fortunening, in case it is positive, but there will be no pitfalls and unexpected Eleaches, in the case of a negative rune, unpleasant surprises are expected and the runes should be interpreted in a negative key, neutral does not allow additional tips to all say the ruled runes. To perform divination with our help, click on the rune just below on the page.

Foreign Odin - 1 Rune - It is believed that fortune-telling on one man is the clearer, because it will not allow you to distract to extraneous ideas, so far excess in your life situation. In this, fortune telling on the runes comes closer to the eastern systems set forth in our encyclopedia, - Chinese and Tibetan, which are also recommended to restrict ourselves to one gadethal symbol at a time.

Fortune telling Norn - 3 runes - This method was used even 2,000 years ago. It is suitable for most cases. It is necessary to clearly formulate the topic of fortune telling and alternately pull out 3 runes. The first rune describes the current situation, the second is the required direction of actions, the third is the situation that will follow.

Divination Norne \u003e\u003e\u003e

Runes- These are magical and alphabetic signs that carved on the stones, cut out on the tree. Many rounic signs have ancient origin - They rise to the magical symbols of Celtic priests-druids, from which they subsequently moved to Germanic, and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

To help runes Apply, using two different channels: visual and auditory. First, the rune depicted. For example, it could be put out of wooden sticks, and it was possible to put on a stone or a birch bark, on a spear of a spear or the surface of the clay vessel. Secondly, to enhance the impact of the runes, her name was pronounced or sowed in a special song. Such a multilateral feeling resulted with magic signs into an extraordinary excitement, incredibly aggravated with her perception. Everyone addressed the runes in their special need: the healer expelled the disease, the warrior asked victory in battle, the hunter, attracting prey, prayed for good luck.

TO runic oracles You can handle any question. You may inquire that it is the situation that interests you, or ask for advice from Higher ForcesHow to do you. Try to relax and fully focus on your question. Without looking, get one rune from the bag, put it in front of you. Pay attention to the way it turned out to be - in direct or in an inverted: the answer that she will give you strongly depends on this. And then you can read what the specific value of this rune says. Remember: The deeper you try to penetrate her unique secret, the more detailed and useful will be the answer to your question. Therefore, as in other divination systems, the more experience with the runes you draw, the easier it will be to get the necessary information.

There are many ways fortune telling on runesEach of them can correspond to your chosen topic. We offer you 2 most famous from them:

Clearly formulate a question that most interests you at the moment. This may be some kind of common problem, and maybe a separate situation. It is not recommended to ask the subject of items that are not related to each other in your emotional perception. For example, do not ask simultaneously "about work" and "about love", if for you it is two different topics.

Divination on the runes is not just a ritual, but the most ancient cultural heritage of our ancestors. Regardless of each other, developed civilizations from all ends of the Earth opened or received over this inexhaustible storehouse of knowledge.

At the heart of each Runic tradition lies the alphabet - a set of abstract icons of forming an ordered system, that is, Futark. The runes inherit the semantic load from the rock paintings of the stone age. The abstract heads of bulls, bird paws, the celebration of hunters - the natural symbolism of gestures and poses simplified and eventually transformed into features, cuts, dents, mysterious glyphs. There were centuries, and maybe the Millennium, before the collection of elegant icons, they were united into a single system, common in one or another location. So all the modern alphabets, numbers and, of course, the runes appeared. The latter are a unique alloy of magical, mythological and written traditions.

Traditionally, fortune telling on the runes was made during the actualization of key life milestones, the intersection of peculiar Rubicon - the birth and death, marriage, the upcoming military campaign, the outcome of an unequal struggle or a dubious enterprise, success in trade affairs, Waiting for the range, crop and other unknown faces of the future. People talked with runes, asked for advice, they trusted not so much the fate of a separate person, how much is the whole generic tribal community. The peoples living in the northern edges in the harsh isolated from the rest of the world conditions were able to look at the future with hope, because it teaches the Runic tradition - an inflexible will to victory and faith into change for the better.

It is believed that the birthplace of the Runic Futarka is Scandinavia, the so-called runes of Odin. Meanwhile, if you carefully search, then you can find your alternative to every civilization and the people of Europe, Asia and Native America. Moreover, legends, beliefs and rituals encrypted in writing and glyphs served as a kind of marker or pass to the community of people who lived in a single geographical space. According to such a principle, there was a cultural exchange between the disassembled and fragmented German tribes living on the islands of the Celts, Baltami and the Slavic Birth Communities Lost in the Forests.

Runic fortune telling online

Runic divorities are only one of the applications of runes. We collected one of the most complete selections for fortunes. You, in turn, remains to choose that Futark, who can entrust his most intimate dreams and showers of the aspirations. But before proceeding with fortunate, please note: the practice of divination on the runes is ancient, tested by thousands of years and a very powerful predictive tradition. Set the runes small, everyday questions about the affairs of the urgent - this is how to fill out of the guns on the sparrow. Also, note that the interpretation of the fallen scenario is very thin, it is precisely the main difference between the runes from other ways to divine. To get a comprehensive answer, it is enough to pull one, two, the maximum of three runes. Alternately. And already do conclusions.

Run values \u200b\u200bin scenaries

You can start your acquaintance with the runes at any time. To do this, it is enough to choose your starting system - Futark, with which will continue to work. Gradually, studying the values \u200b\u200bof individual runes. You will learn to see the entire system of worldview and the world order of the people who used these runes.

Runic magic

Runic alphabets (either the founders) are not only a popular tool for fortune investment, but also a variety of special creative and coast of the Runic magic, a famous person for several thousand years. The first traces of man's magical activity on Earth are specially coated symbols and formulas carved on zipal (travel) stones. Very often, such finds are found in modern Germany, the United Kingdom, Denmark and other Western European countries. It is these nations that owns the opening of the classical and Armanic Futarkov.

A modern man is surprising, but in the VII-X centuries in the territories of the North Sea surrounding the North Sea were widely used in the daily life of the variation of the currently popular Scandinavian or classical Runic Futark. Its direct "competitors" are the Armal and Slavic Ruve Alphabets. Before joining these lands of Christianity, Runic writing, mythology, the coated symbolism did not just adorned household items, dwellings, clothes, weapons and bodies of representatives of the Slavic-Aryan and Finno-Ugric tribes - they literally united and ordered the daily life of a person. Connoisseurs of Runa Magic (Writing) - Masters Runnecra were allocated to a separate branch of priest castes. In many ways, thanks to the efforts of their followers and reached our days, the Runic Old Times or the formula (scripts), the witch runes (Hemex signs), Haldres, Bindruvents, Hieroglyphs and Slavic Slavic Symbols.

Ancient Scandinavians, Germans, Slavs, Chinese, Indigenous Americans and other nations have created and used in practice Runic magic. Carrying, fortune telling, treatment, magic rites, initiation, rituals of name and meditation - Runes will always come to the rescue, protect and prompt the shortest way to happiness and harmony.

Popular fortune telling

The fortune telling that was favorite in Empress Catherine II, according to the legend, was quite simple. 40 characters were depicted on 40 cards that had classical decoding, however, for a specific situation, they could have a direct value and denote exactly what they were depicted on them. Of the 40 treated top shirts, three and, depending on the question of interest, they interpreted the result. Try this fortune telling to predict fate or clarify the question of interest.

Divination for the exercise of the desire on two playing bones is one of the most simple species predictive ghosts. Just just throw two playing cubes and learn the decryption of the sums of the numbers that have fallen out. In decoding, your desire will come true or will not come true.

Love fortune telling on Gypsy Maps Tarot will tell you how you feel about and what a mandated person thinks about you. Also, this alignment shows what feelings in relation to you are experiencing the person you are interested in, what does the relationship demonstrate, and what does it hide what goals puts in your relationship, what plans to take you in the future and what is the result of communicating with this person. Think your question and select maps from the deck.

The fortune telling on the runes of one "One Rune" is the easiest and simple and at the same time accurate layout of the runes. You can ask a question and get instantly the answer to it pulling out only one rune. If the question implies a unambiguous answer, then the direct position of the rune means "yes", the inverted position of the rune - "no", empty rune of one - the answer is indefinite ..

Love alignment of tarot cards "Will we be together?" It is used to predict the future relationship, as well as in cases where it is interesting to find out what the basis of the relationship, which brings, and what disconnects it with a partner, is and what secrets in relationships and what needs to be taken to improve and strengthen relations. Before the start of divination, ask your question, then select Cards from the deck.

Online divination on the runes of Odin

Runes are magical alphabetic signs, which since ancient times cut out on the tree, stones, decorated with runic symbols of clothes and dishes. Runa Everything has the ability to describe almost any situation, and the combination of runes carry important explanations and additional information Regarding fortune telling. There is a great multitude of ways of layouts of Runes Odin, we tried to collect the most popular and useful of them for you.

With the help of fortune telling on the runes of Odin "What does a person look like?" You can find out what the people you are looking for, but an unknown person, for example, a detractor, direction, or a person who in other slanders appears as a friend, but you do not know what it looks. This divination sometimes complements other fortune-telling on the runes or maps, in terms of deciphering the appearance of the appearance of the appearance in the scenario. Four positions are taken into account: the color of the hair is taken into account. Eye color, face shape and body type. For each of this item, one rune is involved in which the corresponding appearance feature is considered. What is noteworthy, the rune returns every time and can participate again, so sometimes one and the same rune indicates different features of appearance.

The fortune telling on the runes of Odin "Dreams and Reality" shows the characteristic of human life, as he perceives certain things. With this scenario, you will learn the characteristic of illusory ideas about life, which feeds these illusions, as well as what the connection between the reality and the illusory representation of a person. This divination is intended primarily for subconscious psychological analysis and self-knowledge. Think your question and select runes.

The fortune telling on the five runes of Odin "Achilles Fifas" will show you what you have the weakest and vulnerable place (perhaps physically, and the nature of character), from where the threat can come from, the reasons for the appearance of this weak place and how to protect the vulnerable place. Before the start of divination - concentrate and ask your question, after selecting runes from the placer.

Fortune telling on six runes of one "3 wishes" will show the three most cherished desirewho conceived gigging. Carefully read the decoding, two runes fall out for each desire, each of which complements the meaning of the second and discloses the meaning of your desires. Before the start of the divination, think about three desires by numbers (number one is ..., two .. etc.) and select Runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on the runes of Odin "Nine Worlds" is intended to analyze the situation and find a solution and exit from it. With this scenario on the runes, you can find out what can be changed, and what is not in the current situation, which prevents you from, and what will help in overcoming the crisis, which there are obstacles and means of overcoming them. Before the start of divination - focus and select nine runes from the placer.

Fortune telling on the runes of Odin "Roads" - love fortune telling For couples who live together with a civil marriage. This Runic alignment will highlight questions about the feelings and love between a man and a woman, reveals the prospect of the official of the official and gives a forecast for the development of relations. Also with the help of this divination you will find out what your partner thinks about you and what feelings he is experiencing in relation to you.

The fortune telling on the runes of Odin "Three Norns" helps to understand the interest of the interesting nuances of the past, present and the future. Three goddesses of the Norna in ancient German mythology personified fate of the Spirits, each of the goddesie defined the fate of a person in a temporary segment of life with the help of magic yarn, gossip patterns and creating the situation. Three runes for the present, past or future determine the three most important circumstances for the specified period. Think your question and select runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on the runes of Odin Zodiac is used to detailed learning events taking place with you. This alignment is the most complete for the study and characteristics of the personality and life of a person. Twelve runes corresponding to the zodiacal value of each rune give the most complete description of a vital sphere. Focus and conceive a person on which a divination will be carried out and select 12 runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on seven runes of Odin "Runic Celtic Cross" is used to predict the future, assessing the causes and consequences of the situation. This divination will help to find answers to the questions you are interested in, find out your destiny and the reason for the current situation. Before the start of divination, focus and think about yourself the situation and the question. Then, choose seven runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on the runes of one way to himself helps to understand the situation and its reasons based on the subconscious and karmic causes that are laid in each person. With this scenario, you can find out why this or that repeating situation occurs in your life, what your quality attracts this event. Ask your question and select 9 runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on the Slavic runes "Creek Crow" is a simple fortune-in-one man. Choosing a rune - ask your question and carefully read the decoding that does not always give a specific answer, but the value of the rune is always related to the topic of the question, pointing to alternative options Development of events or on the cause of the situation.

The fortune telling on the three Slavic runes of "Veles Staff" can be used to answer the question "yes or not?" (At the same time, it is necessary to calculate what runes more negative or positive, so there is no answer in the first one, in the second yes) or for the prediction of fate or the development of the situation, while the first rune means the past, the second present and the third future. Choose three Slavic runes from the placer and ask your question.

The fortune telling on the runes of Odin "Runet Lot" is used to clarify the causes of the current situation, the direction of energy flow and what will be the result. With this scenario, you can guess for various themes from love relationship Up to the characteristics of the person of the person of interest to you. Before the start of divination - focus and ask your question.

The fortune telling on the runes of Odin "RUN Wheel" is used for detailed studies of the personality, characteristics of character, life, material and spiritual component. The fortune telling is ideal for analyzing the events occurring in a person's life on the basis of the root causes of character and lifefriend. Before the start of divination, conceive a person on which you will guess and select runes from the placer.

Fortune telling on seven runes of Odin "Mimir's Head" is universal fortunecapable of showing the problem explicit or hidden, which led to such a situation, the Council and how will end this situation For you. In this fortune, it is very important to be able to compare two pair runes, as they complement each other and the answer to the question lies in both decodes. Before the start of divination - focus and ask your question, then select Runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on the six runes of Odin "clarification of relationships" is used in cases where relations with the partner do not add up or for some reason they will not move serious stage. To understand what feelings is experiencing your partner in relation to you and that prevents your love will help this not complicated, but very informative alignment. Ask your question and select 6 runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on the six runes of Odin "Pregnancy" is used to predict the health status of a woman and her child during pregnancy. The alignment is carried out in the form of the outlines of the rune Berkan, which in turn means the feminine beginning in the runic fortune telling. The first two runes denote the first trimester, the second two runes are the second trimester and, accordingly, the third pair of the runes of the third trimester of pregnancy. Focus and ask your questions to runes.

The fortune telling on the three runes of Odin "to work" is simple, but responds to the most exciting questions regarding work and career. Total three runes give ideas about the situation at this time, what is your potential in the future and what needs to be taken to improve your potential, avoid a conflict situation or achieve the goal. Think about your question, it is the third rune that gives a response and select Runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on the runes of Odin "predestination" is used to find out whether you could affect the events of this or past. What depends on you, and what is predetermined by fate - Runes will tell in simple. But the time is very good fortune. This universal alignment is suitable for any life situation. Before you start, you think about your question and select Runes from the placer.

The fortune telling on the five runes of Odin's "Cross Aphrodite" is used to clarify the meaning and interesting nuances of relations between two people. This divination will indicate what you expect from a partner what it expects from you, as your relationship is characterized at the moment and how to develop in the future. Set your question and select runes.

The fortune telling on the five runes of Odan's "Snowball Wheel" is used to find out the causes of the situation or the problem, what actions should be taken to solve the situation. Divination gives a forecast for the future, how the events you are interested in certain actions. Each of the 5 selected runes corresponds to the side of the light, after all the runes are selected, you will make the decryption of divination. Focus and ask you an ancient runes who worries you

The fortune telling on the six runes of Odin "Fate" is used to predict the nearest and distant future. Runes will explain to you the essence of the situation in the past, they will give the characteristics of the events in the present, which will happen in the near future, will prompt who or what can help and give a useful advice. For this scenario, you can ask questions about you or a conceived person or situation.

The fortune telling on the five runes of Odin's "wisdom look" is used to predict the nearest and distant future. Runes will explain to you the essence of the situation in the past, they will give the characteristics of the events in the present, which will happen in the near future, will prompt who or what can help and give a useful advice. For this scenario, you can ask questions about you or a conceived person or situation.

The fortune telling on the three runes of Odin "on the situation" is used for those cases when it is necessary to deal with the problem or explain the incomprehensible moment. The first rune in the scenario symbolizes the essence of the current situation, the second - gives advice that it is necessary to take and what actions are required from you, the third rune - gives a forecast for the near future, which will end the conceived situation or what will change it.