Conspiracy on Ivan Kupala - folk traditions and customs. What a conspiracy to Ivan Kupala at home to read

On our site we have already given many conspiracies that should be read every year so as not to hurt. And how can you talk yourself from diseases on more long term? For example, for 7 years. Immediately I want to note that 7 years this is the maximum period for which chambers are read. We will give you a few ...


Now we are in our everyday life Not so often come across all sorts of poisons. People managed to tame a snake poison and make medicines from him. Mushrooms are not so many people, and controversial mushrooms prefer to throw out. And before in the old days, when people, to survive, had to come across ...


In the middle of the summer, one of the loved ones is celebrated every year. Of course, this day Ivan Kupala on July 7th. This holiday was waiting for this holiday to read a conspiracy for themselves and family members from diseases. People who knew this plot could be sure that no illness and an unknown ...


Once a year you can hold a plot to get rid of pain in the heart. Do it on Ivan Kupah or July 7th. To read a conspiracy from pain in the heart you need not only to wait for the holiday of Ivan Klapala, but also to find aspens. Take a new cut red fabric and tie two aspen branches together. ...


Previously, the holiday of Ivan Khapova was very honored in Russia. He was celebrated on July 7. Few people know that the holiday of Ivan Khapov has pagan roots. In the evening before the occurrence of the holiday, many flew away from curious eyes to perform rituals to attract luck, good luck and happiness. ...


On the night of Ivan Kupala on July 7 in many villages burned fires. Girls and guys holding hands jumped through a bonfire. Songs, folk dances - all this was accompanied by this beautiful rite. By the way, it was on the night and day of Ivan Klapala (July 7) the largest number was done love Vostormotov. Delivered ...


You can't find your only love? Do not despair. In the old days, many girls put out love in the summer holiday - on the day of Ivan Khavuhu (July 7). The girls after reading certain prayers found their love and got married during the year. Try and you. Early in the morning...


In the middle of summer (July 7), a beautiful holiday is celebrated - Ivan's Day Kupala. Many customs and traditions in Ivanov's day go to paganism. People believed that if on the night before Ivan Kupala to make a certain ritual and read a certain prayer, then luck and sudden luck in the money ...


What do you know about the night to Ivan Kapahu? Someone remember that if you go at night in the forest on Ivan Kappava and find a flock flower, then you can find a wigbed treasure. Someone will say that it is on the night of Ivan Khakuhu to collect herbs, which are then applied in treatment. ...


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If you want to position the person you like, then it is better to do this in Ivanov's day. Moreover, it is this day that the most strong conspiracies on love. For a conspiracy, you need Datura-Grass or Belen. You also need to know where the person you want to locate ...


In an old holiday, Ivan Kupala was very loved by the girls. Young beauties wondered on a cute, hit her beloved. Many girls did a secret ritual for an increase in beauty. The words of prayer reached the present day. Now any girl can read on Ivanov Day (July 7) prayer for ...

Ivan Kupala rites rituals plots

Ivan Kupala is a day when magic reigns unpolished in nature. With her spell, a person is able to overcome all the boundaries and incarnate any of his dreams.

On this day there are many rites for love, money, wealth, health, beauty, special conspiracies are read and special rituals are being held.

The most famous - jumping through the fire, described in both art and special literature. It is believed that having jumped through the fire on this night, a person removes all sins off himself, all the dirt, all the negative accumulated over the year.

Kupali rituals make up a complex ritual complex, including: collection of herbs and colors, searching for a fern flower, weaving wreaths, decoration of the greenery of buildings, burning fires, the destruction of stuffed, jumping over a fire or through bouquets of greenery, pouring water, fortune telling, etc.

Kupali herbs:

As a chaff, we were plastered grass (Derbennik to search in raw places along the reservoirs to collect flowers and roots at the dawn), capable of cast out unclean power From everywhere, treat skin diseases and shoot a hanging syndrome and generally indispensable herb in food poisoning.

Hardeane-grass (water lily - the plant everyone is known), helps overcome all obstacles. With it, it is possible to walk on various judicial institutions to win litigation, and the girl's heart inherent, and save the cattle. And how killed you are going on the road trade Affairs or the birth to spend, definitely pour grass and, coming out for the threshold, protect yourself with the next spell:

"I'm going in a clean field, and in the pure field grows a dental grass. Picky grass! I didn't water you, I didn't give you the way: my mother-cheese earth spawned you, you walked you. Property girls, Baba-self-waders (ie, wean). Picky grass! Odes you evil people: Loom would not think about us, there were no bad things: you chopped a magedian magician. Picky grass! I defeated me mountains high, low, lakes blue, steep shore, dark woods, hemps yes decks ... Spring me, lean-grass, at the rheetic heart all the way and in the whole road " .

With such a spell, with the root of magical, it was possible without fear of any, even to the largest and difficult way to go. And besides, helped a lentra-grass from dental pain, from poisoning.

The rupture-grass (Balzamin, Ladright, Belt-Grass, Wet Vanka, and the British is the troubles of Lizzy - all this names of the same flower), allowing you to open all the locks and doors, and nine to attract love.

If there is no strength and desire to ritual rituals and hold rites, then there is a simple, but miraculous way of execution of desires at this time, which will not create any special difficulties in the peaceful bed. Our ancestors believed that if the Kupalsky evening climb at 12 selfiece gardens, That will come true any desire. Complicated? Where are the gardens to take?

The essence is solely to get to someone else's territory 12 times: "by chance" go for the counter in 12 stores, etc. - Nevertheless, nothing is given absolutely gift, turn on the fantasy and find your 12 gardens.

Since at this time there is a period of the highest bloom of nature: the sun in the zenith, vegetation at the peak of flowering, the beginning of the ripening of fruits. Promotion to this power ensured good luck for the year.

Sun holiday bathing in waters, Accordingly, the elements, how our ancestors appeared are the same - fire and water, from here and fires and cleansing fire, and bathing, whether in the baths, or water bodies.

Protective rite for Ivan Khapov

In Kupalskaya night from 6 to 7th of July, you can hold a protective rite of yourself or loved ones. Best in advance with a wreath of birch twigs, and it is better to glow it yourself, buy, without taking passing, three wax candles in the church. Fake a candle wreath by forming a kind of triangle. In the evening, about midnight, go to the river in a deserted place or one or with those who you want to put protection. In the second case, they should also have a wreath with candles. Divide the bonfire, very big is not needed, too much here. Stand up by the fire at midnight and read:
"I, the slave (name), the mother born, the Holy Church is shortted, I put the chalk on myself and slaves (slave) of God (God's names). Fire Kupalsky! The name of Light John the Forerunner bless us and relieve from the enemies and opponents, from the sword and guns, from the rivers and the sorrows, from interior pain. I spell with God the unbreakable barrier for one year. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

After that, you need to jump a bonfire, representing how the fire forms the unreal wall around you. Next, swim in the river, representing how water is washes off with you "Dirt", negative. After read:
"As the Lord in Jordan was baptized, so I, the Slave of God (name) from Likha and his browsing. Amen".

(In the event that there are still people, then let them read, the same, individually)
Then burn the candles on the wreaths and lower them into the water so that they swam and read:
"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As a wreath in the water leaves, and my guard will save me. Amen".

Conspiracy for beauty on Ivan Kupala

Girls, at dawn committed a ritual ablution of dew. To assemble the dew, we dragged on the wet grass and squeezed it then into some kind of ass. It was believed that washing the dew face and hands, thereby drive diseases and purifyzhu At the dawn on July 7, to collect early dew and silent saying:

"The power of the royal, the power of the earth! Give the beauties endless. Youth eternal. Amen".

Attract love.
One of the main characters of the holiday is a fire. And, of course, with him is connected highly strong love on love. In the old days, the girls who wanted to tie their beloved forever, jumped with him, tightly holding hands, through a ritual bonfire. They did not even doubt that from this point on, their fate would be forever woven with each other.

And the second, no less powerful conspiracy on love, is associated with the other "main character" of Ivan Klapala, water, which this night acquires special magic properties. Pay along with your favorite bathing night - and he will be yours forever!

Conspiracy for good luck.
Try a very simple spell for success in all matters. Be sure to join the conception around the fire and ask the fire to bring you good luck. Main, move clockwise, and do not shout, and say your requests with a whisper or even mentally. Do not worry, there you will hear.

Conspiracy for money.
At Ivan Kupala, you can spend the rite that will help you improve your financial situation. At night, type bathing water into deep glassware and throw coins there. The higher the advantage of the coin, the better. Big money is always pulling a lot of money, and a trifle attracts a trifle. So, try to find silver or gold coins - you won't lose. Hold coins in magic water until dawn. In the morning, remove them and hide into a secluded place. You yourself will see that weakness will immediately come to your home.

Conspiracy on health.
In a bathing night, not only make a ritual ablution, but also put something from your clothes, a shirt or a T-shirt in a magical water. If you get sick - put on the wicked thing on yourself and go to bed in it. Harvest as a hand remove!

During all rituals, special conspiracies can be pronounced. But, frankly, it is optional. The main thing is to ask the magical forces on help sincerely, with faith and love in the soul. And you will definitely work out!

For happiness and good luck on Ivana Kupala:

Conspiracy Stepanova for happiness and good luck to Ivan Kupala

To do this, go to the river or lake and, splashing on yourself with water, read this plot:

The first tree islin, the second tree - the cortuary.

The third is a feigned. Lord God conquered.

So that happiness will come to me (name).

Under the tree feigned. Lord God submissive, the SIZY fern grows.

Under the Sizem Fern, great happiness lives.

It grows, it grows up to my body Bella falls.

Who Ivanov has a plot know, nine times under Ivanov reads a day,

To how this water, happiness and luck stick.

I close your words, the matter is closer.

Also in running water You can talk to glory and good luck to people and wealth.

To do this, enter the river (the lake is not suitable, as water must be running) and, pouring itself with water, read this conspiracy:

As in the morning the sun rises to the sky, the sunset flashes flames.

In a light embroidery. Wide width. How God is high, so be my fame away.

And as in Christ the holiday, the bell in the temple rings,

So let me, the servant of God (name), around the whole people speak.

Lord God on the throne is high, and glory about me, God's slave (name), be far away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids.


Cash ritual on Ivan Kupala

If you want to talk to wealth, then Ivan; I can smell from silver coins and tell me:

How do people kindly silver love

So let my wallet do not forget.

Go to me, liput and stick.

Now and in the eyelids.


For money

From modern rites and rituals, the most effective, is Kupaal money ritual. It is believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala you can "order" money for a year ahead, it is believed that this is a special night, precisely cash.

In order to carry out the "order", you need to put all the money under the pillow under the pillow, and in the morning, waking up, get them out of there and quickly waiver them before our eyes, creating the feeling that they are very, very much. Unlike the search for fern flower is quite affordable for any man ritual.

Cash conspiracy on Ivan Kupala

This conspiracy needs to be read at midnight from July 6 to July 7, when Ivanov comes. Prepare for a conspiracy on Ivana bathd three handfuls of the earth, a handful of coins and a little water. Exactly at midnight, pour out the ground and coins into the pelvis, dilute with water to the state of thick dirt. Start to wash the earth and say this plot to Ivan Kupala:

Ivan night night I am not sleeping, I do not reveal, the keys take the keys, the land is laundering, I let go of the dew, I add zlatto.

After a conspiracy, wash your hands and set the pelvis on the eastern window. The window must be open (you can take it on the balcony if it goes to the east). Leave the pelvis for a day, after which (also at night) put the pelvis on the street and shake the earth with the coins on the intersection. Who will do that, that whole year (until the next Ivanov of the day) will take money with money.

For good health

Ubyspetedly believed belief that the bath on the day of Ivan Kupala contributed to strengthening and restoring vital energy and health. Only water in the bath should be on the wrames of Kupali herbs and brooms special - Kupali. In the evening, herbs were gathered and brooms were preparing, and the bath was treated in the morning. What and you recommend to do.

In the Siberia "Ivanov", the dew was used in case of eye illness: the dew washed the eyes in the morning of Ivanov's Day and collected it in the container for further treatment.

The bonfires were everywhere in Kupalskaya night, through which he should have been jumping to get health and fertile power. Therefore, through the fire, jumped and girls, and adult women wishing to give birth to a child.

Conspiracy Stepanova from female diseases on Ivan Kupala

They read on the dew, which then wipes itself, or the patient. Consulting words such:

How fire cleans and devours everything

So would this dew all the disease was washed away and lit.

How not to resist the flying in a flying, crawling crawling,

I will jump to the champion before the great storm,

So do not resist the sickness-bells in front of my strong word.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For home

Also, the dew was made to wash the dishes so that food from it was distens and healthier. Kupalskaya dewing frozen beds and walls of houses so that cockroaches and bugs do not drive.

If this night break flower Ivan-da Marya and put in the corners of the house, the thief will not suit the house: Brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers Ivan-da-Mary) will be talking between themselves, and the Warmer will seem to speak the owner with the master.

For personal life

It has long been on the day of Ivan Kupala, the most free communication of the floors was allowed, which allows you to call it "The most erotic Russian celebration", "Holiday of universal marriage."

According to legends, all the prohibitions on the Kupalskaya night were shot love relationship between men and women. And therefore, all the crowns of the chief, damage to loneliness, generic curses and other big and smaller horrors preventing us have a full-fledged personal life are removed. And it is worth using everyone who is not satisfied with their personal, or sexual life.

In order to remove all the prohibitions for happiness in his own personal life, you can use any of the countless number of rituals, or in the old manner, just enter into an intimate connection.

To get married this year, you need to collect a bouquet of 12 before bedtime different herbs (Thistle and fern must) and put under the pillow.

On the night of Ivan Kapahu, a special birch bath broom is made, with the help of which you can resurrect the departed love and again toggle the heart of the spouse. To do this, take the Kupali broom and, having come to the bath, pat them on the body (below the waist) and read the following conspiracy:

Like a bath leaf to the body of modeling and chains, and you, my husband, the slave of God (name), be up to me to the model, to my body chains.

Bulb, firm, always not unflash.

My word is hard, my lopko is.

Until the birch from my broom will stand, until then, the slave of God (name) will be at my legs.

Key, lock, tongue.

July 6, the famine treat female diseases. To do this, they collect Dew on the meadows, which has a miraculous healing force at this time, read a special conspiracy over it and wipe the patient. Consulting words such:

How the fire cleans
And everything devours,
So this dew all the disease was washed away
And rooted.
How not to resist the flying in a volatile
Crawling crawling
Snacking Skakuch
Before the Great Storm,
So not to resist
Before mine
Strong word.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To help in treatment diseases of the heart, Under Ivan Kupahu tie a red rag two birch branches and read this plot:

Holy, holy, holy!

Holy bitch, holy branch,
Holy leaf.
You have no sorrow
You have no disease.
Would not hurt so slaves
God (name) heart,
It would not be broken.
Not Mostelo:
None at noon, nor at midnight,
In no morning,
Neither after dawn, no dawn,
Neither on Monday
Neither on Tuesday
None on Wednesday, nor on Thursday,
Neither on Friday nor on Saturday
Not on the last day is a skins.
None in February, nor in March
In no in April, nor in May,
In neither June or July,
Neither in August
Neither in September
None in October, nor in November
Not in the last - December.
Here are my words,
Here is the holy image.
Strong, Lord
A heart
Slaves of God (name).
Holy branches
Do not unleash
My words, do not interrupt.
Key, lock, tongue.

Then find the aspen and go around it with a circle counterclockwise. The rite should be carried out in full solitude.

On Ivan Kapahu (July 7) rEMOVE PERFECTED HOUSE HOUSE. To do this, the patient at noon must enter the river and pour himself with water first with his left hand, and then right, reading the following conspiracy:

Mother of God,
I stand in the river,
My feet on the sand,
Water in my hand.
As adds
In the river water
Also my sides
Will be added.
The body is white, be hurt,
Cavern, failure.
Ivan Kupala,
Bless my fat.
And how true and right
That you every year
On the seventh of July
The people remember
So let my sides
From this day
Salom thrifting.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

For cleansing and getting rid of unnecessary

Kupali bonfire (bathing) - ritual fire, an indispensable component of Kupalskaya ritual (Ivan Kupala), was the center of youth festivities in Ivanov's night.

Kupali fires lit the day before the holiday, on the night of Ivan Kupala. For the Kupavskaya Campfire, the old trash was brought from houses: unnecessary harrows, brooms, wheeled rims, etc. There was a custom of throwing a sorrocious baby in the Kupali bonfire. It was believed that his illness was burned with her.

It is believed that on Earth, the Kupali fire can not be breeded, so it is to throw in old barrel All unnecessary trash and attributes of "unnecessary" (unpaid accounts, certificates with diagnoses, beer banks, or cigarettes, etc.) set fire and dispel ashes on 4 sides - business Available to each dacket, for the absence of giving and barrels, you can use a disposable brazier sold in any supermarket, or something else. The main thing in advance to prepare "shirts with a sick child" - attributes of unnecessary.

In the Vologda province, the belief was common, according to which, in order to sink sins, you need to lie down at Ivan Khapupa at Ivan the Fern thicket.

All rituals and rites associated with finding at night in the forest require an understanding of protection methods. The easiest and most accessible every way is a circle - if you decide to find out the grasses of herbs, or went to search for a fern, the soul crushes a grave sin and in the deliverance decided to lie down in the thickets of fern - silence around themselves with a rowan branch.

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In Kupalskaya night there is predominantly love magic

The Kupalskaya night in the consciousness of Slavs is associated with pagan magic, a sudden gain of wealth, love and success. The holiday of Ivan Kupala is a mystic, the mystery and a variety of natural magical rites. The coat was associated with the summer solstice, so the conspiracies and love spells on Ivan Khapov were very effective.

What can be achieved from otherworldly forces on this day? Ivan Khapov is called a herbalist, color, love and walking, not just like that. In Kupalskaya night, predominantly love magic is going on, but there are conspiracies for other purposes. For example, to gain wealth, beauty, health and good luck.

Waking up at dawn on July 7, hurry to swim in the nearest reservoir. The strength of Kupalskaya water is so great that any diseases can heal. During swimming, a simple ritual can be held. Stand up to the river (or lake), beat three times and say:

"Kupala, good owner, be merciful to me. Mother's Mother and Good Kupali Spirit, Calves from Bone, lived, wobbies and heads. Give me, God's slave (called the name) of health and longevity. Amen".

Okatsya, thank the mother of the mother three times. The words are: "Water-driver, thank you, the health gave, all the disease washed". If your child got sick, you can dip it into the river and carry out a similar ritual. In the conspiracy instead, mention the name of the sick baby.

Kupal Knitness

The ritual knitting on a bath has long been practiced by our ancestors. Things related to this day possess a powerful charge of positive energy. Threads should be natural (ideally woolen) with the predominance of blue and yellow flowers. Here is a complete list of colors that can be used:

  • yellow - mental activity;
  • blue - spirituality, healing;
  • red - Health, Life Force;
  • pink - love;
  • orange - joy;
  • green - wealth, creative growth;
  • white - spiritual protection;
  • purple - confidence;
  • black - binding.

Knitting is held for the holiday of the campaigns of the swimsuits (July 6), in front of which you should clean in the bath. The broom must be spectable or birch. Going to bed, and on July 7 (at dawn), we will sharpen a beam of nettle, on which the dew does not dry. Additionally, collect the dew in a small flame.

Take the dew and nettle to the house (the grass you need to decompose in the corners) and proceed to knitting. It can be a sweater, sock, hat or something else. Having completed the process, sprinkling the product by Kupalskaya water. The associated thing can be used throughout the year - until the next bedroom.

Books with Kupali conspiracy and love spells

Modern folklore researchers often turn to Kupali beliefs. Special place scientists are discharged by conspiracies and attractions, which have long been practiced in Russia. Belarusian researcher Ivan Kirchuk outlined the main stages of the holiday and the features of rites in the book "Yarila-Kupala". The manual was published in 2005 (Minsk) and affects aspects of the reconstruction of Kupali rituals.

In one of the books, Vladimir Yuzhina, she talks about Kupali rituals against the evil eye and damage. The author teaches to make the wubblers, read prayers and conspiracies. Separate chapters are devoted to fortune tells and Slavic signs.

"The big book of conspiracies," written by Magi Wellesla, focus on fiery and earthlings. Here are therapeutic conspiracies and spells for beauty. With the request of Muck advises to turn to Mother Earth and Veles.

For happiness, success and good luck

To attract good luck and luck, Kupalsky in the evening needs to be returned and perform the appropriate ritual. On the eve of the holiday, go to nature and find the reservoir by reservoir. Go to the water after 18.00 and read the spell:

"One tree is a cortuary, the second - John, the third - pretended, the holy fathers submissive. Come to me, luck, conquer, happiness. Let a good luck grows under the preliminary trees. Lord, happiness conquers, the night fern is covered. Nine times the spell read, success in life will find. Let the water Kupalskaya run on me, the lucky to the body lipnet is sticking. Amen".

Spell words need to pronounce, sprinkling themselves with water. The text is repeated nine times. After completing the ritual, let water dry on your body and go home. Towel to wipe it impossible, look around - too.

Success in financial matters

On the eve of the holiday, visit three neighbors, each of them score a pinch of salt. Wait for midnight and mix the salt from the neighbors with home. Cut a piece of black bread and salt him. Conspire text:

"A person will not live without salt, so let the happiness will certainly come to me. Salt anything is necessary, and I (call the name) with money and I will be loved by money. Behind me, lucky, on the heels of Hod, settled in my house, and do not run to the neighbor. Live, luck, in the house of God's slaves (name). Good word. Amen".

To avoid misfortune

In Kupaul, the Earth is literally impregnated solar energyTherefore, rites from the troubles are turned powerful and durable. To protect yourself from life adversity, try to make a simple wubble. In the Kupalskaya night go out into the street, outline yourself around and remove the shoes. Crossing, read the conspiracy:

"My relatives, friends and saints, get rid of me from all kinds of adversity. Let the evil person won't be offended by the enemy with a bad intent, let him bypass me. Give me a strength to dilute troubles with your hands, see your eyes with my eyes, realize them with mind. The saints will protect me from any evil obscure. Bless me, Mother Virgin Mother. Amen".

As a chap, you can use a coin or sleek stone taken on the banks of the river. The main thing is that throughout the entire ritual artifact was within the circle. Having completed the ritual, thank the forces of nature by a three-time bow.

How to achieve wealth and well-being

To gain wealth, our ancestors used "Silver Washing". Having waited for Ivan Kupala, Venuner walked to the nearest reservoir, taking the handful of silver coins and the Cup. Coins were covered in the Cup, after which the container was filled with water. Next you need to read the conspiracy:

"How everyone is still stretching to the Child, so let my coin wallet do not cost. Let him lipnet to the wallet, pours into it the river without end. Breed the money, in the name of our Lord. Amen".

Our ancestors were looking for the sake of achieving the well-being of a fern flower, but this is a long and time-consuming process. Modern rites are made easier, for their execution does not require special training. Consider a classic example.

Rituals with a pillow and earth

Collect all the money available in the house, and hide them under the pillow on the eve of the Kupalnaya night. In the morning you need to get money and start swing in front of me. You must create a feeling of abundant money. There are more complex rituals, here is one of them:

  1. Wait for the holiday of the Kupala.
  2. Prepare more metal coins, earth (3 handstone) and water.
  3. At midnight, fill the pelvis with coins, earth and water.
  4. Stir everything to a mud-shaped state.
  5. Read the plot.

Spell need to be pronounced in the process of kneading. After that, the hands must be flushed, and set the pelvis on the eastern windowsill. After a day, go to a secluded intersection and unwind all the contents of the pelvis. And here is the text of the spell:

"Night in the battleship is not sleeping, wealth and wealth Kui. I take the gold keys, I crude land. Away let go of the dew, Zalotishko will attract to his house. Help me, Yarilo, went grace. "

Vigors conspiracy

To create powerful love magicYou will need a fern. You can get a twig where you want in the square, the park area or in the forest. It is necessary to tear the plant at midnight, on the same place the signs recommend and hold the rite. Procedure:

  1. Remove the photograph of the lover, twist it with a tube.
  2. Gently tie the tube with a fern.
  3. Say a plot.
  4. Hide the photo in a secluded place.
  5. Pack the picture with a strong thread (for the reliability).

The photo should be minimized so that the beloved face is inside the tube. Pay attention to the "Behavior" of the branches - a broken fern means discontent higher Forces. The ritual in this case should be stopped. Spell text:

"Kupali fern, you have seen the jewels of the royal, trees underground. Gold and silver do not ask, connect better my heart with a cute (called the name). Human hearts gold dries, and let her love love without me. For the sake of wealth, the man forgets forgets, and my narrowed let him think only about me. Sturdy my words. Helps me a cottage fern and a star night. May it be so".

Ritual with Kostroma

Love magic on the bath is often associated with the bone. Fire and love spells are inseparable in the consciousness of Slavs, because they are associated with the power of Yaril. You can shock your beloved if it is present with you on the holiday. Look at the flame and read a plot:

"A hot flame buys, illuminates the night brightly. The mystery of love bonfire will save, narrowed (called the name) will be brought to me. How to take your hands, so they get together forever, do not divide us, do not separate. Screens, fire, our love, connecting hearts. "

The ritual will be completed when you jump through the bonfire with your loved one. To do this, you must take hands. Then tighten the guy into the Kupali round dance and do not part with it to dawn.

On youth and maiden beauty

To strengthen the natural attraction, the girls in the old days were resorted to secret magic. The prayer below is suitable for those who have a house in a village or cottage. Buy a nightgown (old one is not suitable) and go to the village. In the morning I'm sneaked in a shirt on the field, gathering Rosew. Remove the shirt and read a plot on it:

"Beauty with dew will be contacted, on my body, the young one will be hung. Let the bright flame of my beauty grow up, all surrounding the surrounding. Let honest people look like, admire and admires. There will be nothing to find out among women. Let forever be so. Amen".

Prayer should be repeated three times. After completing the reading of the conspiracy, put on the shirt and lie on dew - let the clothes fit well. Soon you will notice the changes that have occurred.

Sex appeal

To achieve sexual attractiveness, you need to go to the forest and break there a few souls. It is necessary to do this in the third hour of the night on a bath. Return home, put the soul in front of the mirror. Looking at your reflection, read this text:

"In the mirror ordinary people It looks, and let the peasons do not care from me. Will brighter sun, Moon whiter, Sky Mile. I will become beautiful and desirable for men, let them admire me and dream of a secret. My words will be revealed to reflect, the mirror will not be distorted. Keys and lock. Amen".

Vintage and modern conspiracies

The oldest Kupali rituals include the use of fern, thistle and other herbs. You can assemble a bouquet that includes 12 components, put it under the pillow and gain happiness. It is possible to resurrect fading feelings using a bath and birch broom. Clapping himself a broom in the steam room, say:

"A bath sheet is lying to the body, and my narrowed again clings to me. Bulb, Favorite (called name), Fight, forever with me a hitch. My business is lpko, the word is tight. While there is a birch in the field, my beloved at my feet lies. Amen".

Ritual ablution

The purchase is activated both fiery and water elements, so the ablution will bring real benefits. Powerful love ritual Located with a river flow. We persuade the beloved to enter the river and with a joint bathing, say a plot:

"Water, ohmo body Our and souls, open to love my heart narrowed (called a name). As the favorite is dumb in the water, so the soul will rush to me. Today we are together for step, and in the life of life will come together. "

Rite in the bane

Another effective duty ritual is associated with water elements and a bare bath. The personal presence of a guy for the ritual is not required. Procedure:

  1. Go to the bath.
  2. Fill the pelvis with water.
  3. Throw salt into the water.
  4. Crossbet the basin of black bread.
  5. Read the spell and eat bread.
  6. Remove the handkerchief and rinse well in the water.
  7. Place the artifact in the chosen one's pocket.

Conspiracy can be applied to her husband, who cooled to you over the years. In this case, the scarf changes to a shirt belonging to the spouse. This shirt has a man must be to wear and carry some time. Conspire text:

"People without salt, bread and water do not live. So God's slave (called the name) without your beloved (your name) and step to step up will not be able. Water will sew, bread feeds, and you will remember forever. May it be so. Amen".

Kupali signs

All rites, conducted by young people in Kupalskaya night, are associated with solvice, water and fiery elements. The best spirit of the Kupali festivals is felt in the village - there are still pagan signs. We give the most interesting of them:

  • climb through 12 fences - to the right dream;
  • fern with nettle - best defense from the witches if we put these plants on the threshold;
  • night collection of herbs - to a quick healing from the ailments;
  • plantain under the pillow (for girls) - to whether to sleep About the groom;
  • jump through the bonfire - loyal protection from otherworldly.

If you want to protect the dwelling from the thieves, decompose in the corners of Ivan-Da Mari. Flowers need to lay out, then the robbers will bypass the house side. If you write bad events of the year and throw a piece of paper into a fire, these events will not repeat.

Love Signs

Put the plant in the head and ask Yaril to show the future groom in a dream. Separate: "Trainter trait gun, live on the paths, you will give me a narrowed to me". The dream will be proper and will reveal the whole truth.

The most famous love sign is to let a wreath on the river. If the wreath is fast sink, love is not mutual. If your wreath with a candle piled further than the rest, get ready for a long and happy life.

Remember: Ivan Kupala is associated with the pagan beliefs of the Slavs, so the forces of nature are determining. Water and fire must be respected, take praise to them, thank Yaril for help. In accuracy, observing the pagan traditions, you will achieve astounding results.

How in 63 look at 37? and Just take in the habit of night ...

How did I grow strawberries in the apartment? Everything is very simple! Now you do not need to wait summer. It is necessary to take a home berry and ...

Tamara Globa: Remember! Money always come in abundance, if in the house keep a small ...

Only time and practice are offered. Verified solutions that allow you to quickly achieve the goal.

In other articles of this dream book, you can find no less interesting conspiracies, love spells and everything that is required for any woman for every day to achieve success in all matters.

Signs on Ivan Kupala for unmarried, married, for conception, marriage, pregnant, divorced, unmarried and health

Ivan Kupala, celebrated on July 7, one of the most mystical nights a year. Besnowing at night wakes up, there is no better time for fortunes and conspiracies.

- In order for the desire to come true, it is necessary to climb through 12 fences.

- In order for thieves to go around the house, the Flowers of Ivan-Da-Marya are folded in the corners.

- The unmarried girl is put under the pillow of the plantain, saying: the narrowed, crumbled come to me fit.

- If you write the problems of this year on paper, then burn, then the bad burns in the fire.

- Woman who wants to get pregnant at midnight to open the window, look at the beam and ask for pregnancy.

- Collected herbs on this day are considered healing, then used by sick people to improve health.

- Rosa collected in the early morning also has a greater force, she can wash the patient, reading the prayer: as Rosa is silent in the sun, and your illness will dry and die. As a fire, everything burns and the dew let the infection.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, conspiracies on the night of what and prayers do

Before entering the river, so that the marriage is tightly say holding hands:

Water is clean, give us strength with (name) all trouble to survive. Having plunged into the water with (name) to leave all the grief. As the drops in you flow, and we are with the (name) all my life will be nearby.

Conspiracy to good luck, personal happiness is done at dawn: the sunshine is clear, the sunshine is beautiful, the sun is red on the sky going to go to me luck. Happiness will add, the forces will multiply, everything in my life will turn out.

Ivana kuped signs and rites on a narrowed house for sleep, fortune-telling with a comb

In Russia, it was accepted on the night of July 7 unmarried girls put a comb under the pillow with the words: I am waiting for you cute, I'm waiting for you beautiful, sleep at night, show me.

Fortune telling on Ivana bathing in a wreath, plantite, to sleep, wax

The seeds of the plantain are finely tick and mix with a goose feather, spread around the yard, saying: Herb of an ant, help my cute find a track to me, help, point, bring it.

Wreath weave from fresh colors, make a desire and let go into the water. If the wreath sailed away, then a desire will come true if I did not swim or stopped in sight not to come true.

With the help of a burning candle to pour wax in the dishes with water, see which figure it turned out. Ring to the wedding, star to happiness, heart to mutual feelings. Sun or circle to change.

Carefully remember the dream disked in this unusual night, it will come true soon. Either in a dream will be a randering, the answer to the exciting question.

Folk signs on Ivana used the weather and if it rains

Rain foreshadows warm summer, a large number of stars to good harvest Cucumbers. Fog to the cold winter.

To put money before bed under the pillow put the most large billsThat is in the house, waking up in the morning first to recalculate. Throw several silver coins into the water, if not, you can use any other. After a couple of hours, wash the hands of this water sentencing: the driver of the handle will wash, the wealth will be impact.

Signs of belief and superstition on Ivana bathdow

Young guys and girls gather at night on the banks of the river, burn the fire and jump in turn. It is believed that fire and water nearby bring each happiness. Early in the morning to collect the dew and pour to the one whom it wants to shock. At the same time, it is necessary to boil: whom I love, that Husk. (Name) Let him be next to me how dew in the sun dries and sighs for me.

Rites on Ivan Kupala black magic and runes at home and what can not be done on this day

For calm in the house, the expulsion of evil spirits take a piece of raw meat and walk around the house three times, rubbing meat with the wall as chalk. Speaking: Witches, sorcerers, come out. I did not invite you, I expel you. The sun is not for you, the stars are not for you, my house is not for you. After that, give a piece of meat to someone else's dog.

On this day you can not swim in the water, just read the conspiracies on the shore wet a little leg. It is believed that loose and water can drain. It is impossible to borrow money to not be impoverished. For the same reason and do not give anything. Do not lift the coin on the road, they will bring misfortune.

Holiday Ivan Kupala (Kupalskaya Night, Ivanov Day, Ivan Colored, Ivan Travnik, Ivan Grass, Ivan Cleannik, Ivan Love, Ivan Clean, Ivan Cheerful, Ivan Swimsuit, Ivan Locks, Ivan Walking, Ivan Venichny, Ivan-Gray, Zarborkos, Yarilin Day, Yaril) is celebrated from 6 to 7 July and is one of the main holidays of our ancestors, which coincides with Christmas of John the Baptist in the Christian tradition.
This date is "on a new calendar", so many Slavic communities and European countries celebrate it in old style, on days summer Solstice - From June 20 to 26.

On this day there are many rites for love, money, wealth, health, beauty, special conspiracies are read and special rituals are being held.

The most famous - jumping through the fire, described in both art and special literature. It is believed that having jumped through the fire on this night, a person removes all sins off himself, all the dirt, all the negative accumulated over the year.

Kupali rituals make up a complex ritual complex, including: collection of herbs and colors, searching for a fern flower, weaving wreaths, decoration of the greenery of buildings, burning fires, the destruction of stuffed, jumping over a fire or through bouquets of greenery, pouring water, fortune telling, etc.

Any rite, ritual, conspiracy, works only under the condition of understanding the circumstances and context, if you do not understand why the rite is recommended to be held on this day, or for some reason, it will not work. And understanding it can be found only in the history of the issue. So what is this holiday, where it came from and what good and useful for myself can be taken out of it.

The Kupali holiday since ancient times was one of the brightest and revered from the Eastern Slavs. His pagan character was preserved over the centuries. The Russian people, instead of visiting the temples, pray strongly and behave with appropriate Christians with a feeling of humility, stayed in rampant and inconsistencies. This was reported in the 16th century. Wives and girls and heads of nominations, and their creek are disliked, all the bad songs, and the ridge of their wincing, and their feet of their jumping and tramplement; That there is a husband and the lads of a great fall, honey, female and maiden whispering, a prodigal lesions and wives with a muted desecration, and to the waters of the plant "(Kalina I.P. 1997. P. 139). The significance of the holiday was determined by the fact that he was noted at the turn of two periods of the solar annual cycle, which lay at the basis of an ancient agricultural calendar. It was the time of the highest solar activity, the time when all the forces of nature, all plants, herbs, flowers and people at the peak of their activity and are filled with life forces to the maximum.

Kupali herbs:

As a slaughter, we used the grass-grass (Derbennik to search in raw places along the water bodies to collect flowers and roots at the dawn), able to escape the unclean power from everywhere, treat skin diseases and shoot a hanging syndrome and generally indispensable herb in food poisoning.

Hardeane-grass (water lily - the plant everyone is known), helps overcome all obstacles. With it, it is possible to walk on various judicial institutions to win litigation, and the girl's heart inherent, and save the cattle. And how do you gathered on the road on shopping or relatives to spend, definitely pour grass and, coming out for the threshold, protect yourself with the next spell: "I'm in a clean field, and in a clean field grows a dental grass. Picky grass! I didn't water you, I didn't give you the way: my mother-cheese earth spawned you, you walked you. Property girls, Baba-self-waders (ie, wean). Picky grass! The defeats are evil people: they would not think about us, they didn't think about us, they didn't think that you were chonii. Picky grass! The same mountains will be high, dollah low, lakes blue, coarse shores, dark forests, hemps yes decks ... Spring me, lean-grass, at the rheetic heart throughout the path and in the whole road. " With such a spell, with the root of magical, it was possible without fear of any, even to the largest and difficult way to go. And besides, helped a lentra-grass from dental pain, from poisoning.

The rupture-grass (Balzamin, Ladright, Belt-Grass, Wet Vanka, and the British is the troubles of Lizzy - all this names of the same flower), allowing you to open all the locks and doors, and nine to attract love.

How it works?
If the grass is clear - the grass at the maximum of their useful properties, so we collect, how is the case with people? Here, everything is simple enough: a person has the maximum forces, it is filled with an excess one and this excess should be sent to a peaceful direction, because so many rites of conspiracy accounts for this holiday, and rites and rituals for the year. Forces accumulated a year ahead, here are rituals ahead. What happens to people who did not send an excess of forces in a peaceful channel as well known from domestic observations and others from psychological and esoteric literature.

No, the principle of "tears like a tuzi-warmer", it does not turn on, if only in terms of health, in the rest. Excess energy causes a stream of random events to which this excess energy and is spent if the targets and tasks are not indicated: begin small problemsSmall troubles, something somewhere on the little things does not develop, then in the hillonutor, then I was late for work and does not pass and the month, as all sorts of small difficulties and lazys "buried" the entire excess of the energy reserve.

If there is no strength and desire to ritualize rituals and hold rites, then there is a simple, but a miraculous way of execution of desires at this time, which will send energy into a peaceful direction and will not create any special difficulties. Our ancestors believed that if the Kupalsky evening climb into 12 foreign villages, any desire will come true. Complicated? Where are the gardens to take?

The essence is solely to get into someone else's territory 12 times: hackers can break 12 sites, each self-respecting blogger and user social networks It has a program for hacking foreign accounts - 12 hacks and your desire you have in your pocket, "by chance" to go for the counter in 12 stores, etc. - Nevertheless, nothing is given absolutely gift, turn on the fantasy and find your 12 gardens.

Since at this time there is a period of the highest bloom of nature: the sun in the zenith, vegetation at the peak of flowering, the beginning of the ripening of fruits; The day is the longest per year, and the night is the shortest. In the minds of our ancestors magic force Fire, water, land, vegetation was so great in this period that they were attributed to the protective, cleansing, producing, healing properties. Promotion to this power ensured good luck for the year.

The holiday of the Sun bathing in the waters, respectively and the elements, to which our ancestors appealed the same - fire and water, from here and bonfires and cleaning fire and bathing, whether in the baths, or water bodies. In many places it was believed that refusing to swim on this day - the sorcerer!

For happiness and good luck on Ivana Kupala:

Conspiracy Stepanova for happiness and good luck to Ivan Kupala
To do this, go to the river or lake and, splashing on yourself with water, read this plot:

The first tree islin, the second tree - the cortuary.

The third is a feigned. Lord God conquered.

So that happiness will come to me (name).

Under the tree feigned. Lord God submissive, the SIZY fern grows.

Under the Sizem Fern, great happiness lives.

It grows, it grows up to my body Bella falls.

Who Ivanov has a plot know, nine times under Ivanov reads a day,

To how this water, happiness and luck stick.

I close your words, the matter is closer.

Also in running water, you can talk to glory and good luck to people and wealth.
In Starin, they read the conspiracy on the glory among people (this conspiracy helps the singers, actors, people of public professions well). To do this, enter the river (the lake is not suitable, as water must be running) and, pouring itself with water, read this conspiracy:

As in the morning the sun rises to the sky, the sunset flashes flames.

In a light embroidery. Wide width. How God is high, so be my fame away.

And as in Christ the holiday, the bell in the temple rings,

So let me, the servant of God (name), around the whole people speak.

Lord God on the throne is high, and glory about me, God's slave (name), be far away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids.

Cash ritual on Ivan Kupala

If you want to talk to wealth, then Ivan; I can smell from silver coins and tell me:

How do people kindly silver love

So let my wallet do not forget.

Go to me, liput and stick.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and in the eyelids.

Of the modern rites and rituals, the most effective in our opinion is the Kupalsky cash ritual. It is believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala you can "order" money for a year ahead, it is believed that this is a special night, precisely cash.

In order to carry out the "order", you need to put all the money under the pillow under the pillow, and in the morning, waking up, get them out of there and quickly waiver them before our eyes, creating the feeling that they are very, very much. Unlike the search for fern flower is quite affordable for any man ritual.

Cash conspiracy on Ivan Kupala
This conspiracy needs to be read at midnight from July 6 to July 7, when Ivanov comes. Prepare for a conspiracy on Ivana bathd three handfuls of the earth, a handful of coins and a little water. Exactly at midnight, pour out the ground and coins into the pelvis, dilute with water to the state of thick dirt. Start to wash the earth and say this plot to Ivan Kupala:

Ivan night night I am not sleeping, I do not reveal, the keys take the keys, the land is laundering, I let go of the dew, I add zlatto.

After a conspiracy, wash your hands and set the pelvis on the eastern window. The window must be open (you can take it on the balcony if it goes to the east). Leave the pelvis for a day, after which (also at night) put the pelvis on the street and shake the earth with the coins on the intersection. Who will do that, that whole year (until the next Ivanov of the day) will take money with money.

For good health

The belief was common that the bath on the day of Ivan Kupala contributed to strengthening and restoring vital energy and health. Only water in the bath should be on the wrames of Kupali herbs and brooms special - Kupali. In the evening, herbs were gathered and brooms were preparing, and the bath was treated in the morning. What and you recommend to do.

Girls, at dawn committed a ritual ablution of dew. To assemble the dew, we dragged on the wet grass and squeezed it then into some kind of ass. It was believed that washing the dew face and hands, thereby drive away diseases and purify the skin.

Werewing, sentenced a plot of beauty: "The power of the royal, the power of the earth! Give the beauties endless. Youth eternal. "

In the Siberia "Ivanov", the dew was used in case of eye illness: the dew washed the eyes in the morning of Ivanov's Day and collected it in the container for further treatment.

The bonfires were everywhere in Kupalskaya night, through which he should have been jumping to get health and fertile power. Therefore, through the fire, jumped and girls, and adult women wishing to give birth to a child.

Conspiracy Stepanova from female diseases on Ivan Kupala
They read on the dew, which then wipes itself, or the patient. Consulting words such:

How fire cleans and devours everything

So would this dew all the disease was washed away and lit.

How not to resist the flying in a flying, crawling crawling,

I will jump to the champion before the great storm,

So do not resist the sickness-bells in front of my strong word.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Also, the dew was made to wash the dishes so that food from it was distens and healthier. Kupalskaya dewing frozen beds and walls of houses so that cockroaches and bugs do not drive.

If this night break the flower Ivan-da-Marya and put in the corners of the huts, the thief does not fit to the house: Brother and sister (Yellow and purple flowers of Ivan-da Mary) will talk between themselves, and the Warmer will seem that the owner is spoken with hostess.

For personal life

It has long been on the day of Ivan Kupala, the most free communion of floors was allowed, which allows him to call it the "most attractive Russian celebration", "the holiday of universal marriage." According to legends, all the prohibitions of love relationships between men and women starred in Kupalskaya night. With you this moment, it is extremely important to us at all because it can be referred to the ancestors to take and go to the left "left". It is important that all bans for love relationship are removed, which means all the chief of cellars, damage to loneliness, generic curses and other big and smaller horrors interfering to us have a full-fledged personal life. And it is worth using everyone who is not satisfied with his personal life, whom girlfriends, or psychologists have long hinting on the inner blocking preventing the creation of relationships, or the presence of some energy-information lesions. In order to remove all the prohibitions for happiness in his own personal life, you can use any of the countless number of rituals described in the network, or in the old manner, simply join a close connection. With whom? Yes, with anyone, yes, yes, AIDS does not sleep, but in the presence of brains and random relationships can bring tangible benefits.

To get married this year, you need to collect a bouquet of 12 different herbs before bedtime (thistle and fern necessarily) and put under the pillow.

On the night of Ivan Kapahu, a special birch bath broom is made, with the help of which you can resurrect the departed love and again toggle the heart of the spouse. To do this, take the Kupali broom and, having come to the bath, pat them on the body (below the waist) and read the following conspiracy:

Like a bath leaf to the body of modeling and chains, and you, my husband, the slave of God (name), be up to me to the model, to my body chains.

Bulb, firm, always not unflash.

My word is hard, my lopko is.

Until the birch from my broom will stand, until then, the slave of God (name) will be at my legs.

Key, lock, tongue.

For magic power

Kupalskaya night (night on the eve of Ivan Kupala, Ivanova Night) - the most short night In the year and, on popular beliefs, this night barrier between the world, our, material and subtle worlds, the thinnest.

It was this night that wishes could find magical knowledge and objects. To become a sign, it was necessary to go to the forest. Having found a place where it grows the greatest number grass different varietiesShe should wait for midnight. "At midnight, the herbs will talk, and every grass will begin to tell her voice, from what kind of disease she treats. She will say: I am flying from hoarseness, the other: I'm from the lobes ... and there will be a conversation between them, conversations, every grass will start boasting, and you are just sitting and listening "(Tobolsk; Neklepayev I.Ya. 1903. P. 202 ).

Fern (Forep, Kocheznik, Kochestnik) - a plant that occupies a special place in the folklore of the holiday of Ivan Kupala: The foolish properties were attributed to his flower, blossoming, on belief, once a year.

The people believed that exactly at midnight on the ferner appears a gold flower with a flame-red sweat, blooming only a few moments. The man who saw this flower or carved them, did the ability to learn the past and look into the future, to see and mine the treasies hidden underground, understand the language of animals, birds and plants, open locks, becomes invisible; Burning flower gave power over the world.