How to make lysun without glue. How to make lysuuna

Lizun or "Hand Gum" is an unusual plastic toy, changing its shape, which can easily be made independently at home. How to do it? In our article you can learn a few simple ways Cooking Lizun.

Shampoo and Sol.

Make lizun from shampoo and salt is quite simple. To do this, you will need the following components:

  • thick shampoo - 4-5 ch. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp.

In a small container, lay out shampoo and salt. Then mix thoroughly and remove in refrigerated Camera for 15-20 minutes. Such a "gum for hands" will somewhat different from the shopping option due to greater craving and stickiness.

multicolored lysuns

Hair spray

Hair varnishes have a special substance in their composition - polyvinyl acetate, which forms a film on the surface of the hair, due to which it turns out to be saved. From any lacquer for hair, you can easily make lysuine. Take:

  • hair varnish - 20-25 injections;
  • pVA glue - 95 g;
  • gouache or acrylic paint - 1-2 drops.

In a bowl, pour the PVA glue and begin to injected hair polish, constantly stirring the mixture. After the future lysun begins to thicken, add a gouache or acrylic paint to give color. Continue to interfere with a homogeneous mass.


For the preparation of "manual chewing" from plasticine, such ingredients are needed:

  • transparent glue - 250 ml;
  • soft plasticine - 15-20 g;
  • boiling water - 300 ml.

Take a small bowl. Put on it to half a teaspoon of the sodium tetractural and pour boiling water, mix thoroughly to completely dissolve the "boos". Give some time to cool the mixture. Prepare the second container for mixing plasticine and transparent glue to homogeneous mass. Then mix all the ingredients completely until the stickiness of the composition is disappeared. Such a lysun should be quite crazy.

PVA glue

Oddly enough, but PVA glue can help in such an interesting lesson, like the manufacturer of lysun. Ingredients:

  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • acrylic paint (any shade) - 1 tbsp.;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • contact Lens Liquid - 1 ChL.;
  • food soda - 1 tbsp.

In a small plastic container, pour the PVA glue and stir it with water. We gradually add acrylic paint - in the end there should be a liquid uniformly shade. Now take another container and pour water into it and pour out the food soda - blend thoroughly until the sodium sodium is dissolved. The contents of two containers mix each other to form a thick mass.

elastic bright lysun of different colors

Sodium tetraborate

Sodium tetrabrate is a sodium boric acid salt, widely used in industrial industries. Of this substance It is enough just to cook lysuine. The following ingredients are needed:

  • cold water - 250 ml;
  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • sodium tetrabrate (Bura) - ½ Ch.L.;
  • gouache - 2 ch. l.;
  • glycerin - 2-3 drops.

In a shallow bowl, pour water and glue PVA - mix thoroughly. Then add some guaishes (color at the discretion), half a teaspoon of sodium tetraborate, glycerin - mix until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. Put the mixture into the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Shaving foam and plow glue

Lizun can be made even from an ordinary shaving foam. Take the following:

  • shaving foam - 200 ml;
  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • sodium tetrabrate - ½ CHL;
  • gUASHEW Paints - 50 g

In a plate with high sideboards or a bowl, lay out the "boor" and pour water, mix thoroughly until the tetraborate is completely dissolved. Then add shaving foam, PVA and paint glue. Mix all the ingredients again. As a result, it should be a soft lump, which will stick to the hands, so it is necessary to stop it in hand to get rid of stickiness, and then put for 10-15 minutes in the refrigeration chamber.


Making a "hand feed" yourself can also be as well as starch. Components:

  • starch - 100 g;
  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • water - ½ cup;
  • food dye or acrylic paints -50

In a shallow bowl, pour half a glass of water, pour the starch, thoroughly stirring it until completely dissolved. Then add food dye or acrylic paints (color optional). Give the resulting mixture a little cool by putting it in the refrigerator. Put starch to the bag or cellophane package and mix with PVA glue. How to shake the contents of the package before the formation of a homogeneous mass.

lizun with amazing consistency


There are 2 ways to prepare lysuine based on toothpaste. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

On water

It is necessary to take the following ingredients:

  • toothpaste - 100 g;
  • water - 200 ml.

Issue in a flame toothpaste. On medium fire in a small saucepan, boil water. We put a bowl with pasta on a water bath and prepare for 15-20 minutes. Do not forget to stir constantly. As a result of the above manipulations, a dry mixture should be turned out to be coated for a while. Lubricate hands olive oil And start kneading the weld. You will get a drum and elastic lysun.

In the microwave

For the manufacture of lysus in the microwave based on toothpaste, you will need:

  • toothpaste - 100 g;
  • cosmetic oil (for example, for hair or face) - 10 ml.

Squeeze toothpaste into shallow dishes intended for microwave ovens. Put warmer in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Then remove the plate, thoroughly mix the paste and again send it to warm another 3 minutes. As a result of all manipulations, you should get a dry mixture. Apply cosmetic oil for future lysun and how to disperse in your hands.

Dishwashing liquid

Make a "hand gum" from the detergent is very simple. Ingredients:

  • dishwashing detergent - 100 ml;
  • food soda - 2 tbsp.;
  • hand cream - 1 tsp;
  • acrylic paint - 1-2 drops.

Lay in the container of a small size detergent, then add some food soda, hands cream, as well as acrylic paint - mix the contents very carefully. The mixture should be sufficiently thick. Put the resulting mass into the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.


For the preparation of lysen based on flour, you need components:

  • wheat flour - 100 g;
  • hot water - 100 ml;
  • cold water - 100 ml;
  • acrylic paint - 1-2 drops.

Wheat flour seek with a sieve into a shallow container. Add to her first cold waterAnd then hot (in no case do not use steep boiling water) and dye. How to mix the contents of the dishes. Put the mixture into the fridge for 2-3 hours.

an example of making lysus

Air freshener

Make a "manual chewing" from the air freshener possible, but only with the help of additional components:

  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • air freshener - 20-30 brenoes;
  • sodium tetraborate - ½ tsp.

In a shallow dishes, pour PVA glue and add air freshener to it - mix thoroughly. Then pour the sodium tetraboate tea spoon and again everything should be mixed. Give the mixture obtained in the refrigeration chamber for 10 minutes.

Nail polish

As the main component of Lizun, an ordinary nail polish can be used. Take:

  • nail polish - 3-4 drops;
  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • water - 100 ml;
  • sodium tetraborate - ½ tsp.

First, mix the cosmetic varnish and PVA glue. Then add some water and half a teaspoon of sodium tetraborate. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.


It is possible to prepare lysuer without using PVA glue. To do this, you will need:

  • plasticine - 100 g;
  • gelatin - 50 g;
  • water is 100 ml.

Add gelatin to the water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Then let's stream within 1-2 hours. Boil on slow fire for 2-3 minutes. In a separate container, mix the plasticine with water and gelatin. How to break the mixture in the hands until the homogeneous mass is obtained.

Chocolate paste "Nutella"

Lizun made from chocolate paste "Nutella" is edible. It includes:

  • paste "Nutella" - 4-5 tbsp.;
  • marshmallow Marshmallow - 10-15 pcs.

Melt the marshmallow in the microwave oven. Add chocolate paste "Nutella" to it. Mix thoroughly - it will take enough time, but the result is worth it. By readiness you will be able to eat the obtained Lizen, happier on bread or cookies.

Candy "Fruxer"

For the preparation of edible lysuine, the following ingredients will be required:

  • candy "Fruux" - 6-7 pieces;
  • sugar powder - 100 g;
  • water - 300 ml.

Melt candy on a water bath. Let cool. Add sugar powder and cut your mixture in your hands until it loses its stickiness.

Silicate glue

"Hand gum" from silicate adhesive will be completely transparent. For its manufacture, it is necessary:

  • silicate glue - 100 g;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sodium tetraborate - ½ tsp.

In a small bowl, pour 250 ml of water and add the sodium tetraborate - mix until the "borants" is completely dissolved. Then squeeze the silicate glue and blend all the components between them.

homemade lysun

Salt and soap

Let's analyze another unusual recipe for the manufacture of homemade lizen. Take the following:

  • liquid soap - 100 ml;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • acrylic paints or food dye - 1-2 drops.

Pour 100 ml of liquid soap into any container, then add salt and dye to it. Mix thoroughly. Put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Metal chips

Cooking recipe lease metal chip It is considered unique since it is magnetic. Ingredients:

  • metal chips - 100 g;
  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • boric acid - 1 tsp

In a shallow container, mix the iron chips, glue PVA and boric acid. Mind until the mass becomes sufficiently thick. Then take the magnet and bring to Lizuun - it should stretch out.

Polyvinyl alcohol

Polyvinyl alcohol or PVA is often used for the manufacture of lysus as a component that replaces PVA glue. Ingredients:

  • polyvinyl alcohol - 3-4 tbsp ..
  • "Bura" - 1 tsp;
  • food dye or gouache - 1-2 drops;
  • warm water - 200 ml;
  • medical bandage - 30 cm.

Divide alcohol in water, and then boil on slow heat for 30 minutes. In a small bowl, dissolve the "boor" in the water, skip through the bandage to remove the extra liquid. Mix sodium tetraborate with PVA and gouache. Put in the plastic bag and remember your hands. Place the lysus in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Food soda and glycerin

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • food soda - 100 g;
  • glycerin - 2-3 drops;
  • sodium tetrabrate - ½ CHL;
  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • dye - 1-2 drops;
  • water - 200 ml.

Preheat the water without bringing to a boil. Add sodium tetraborate to it, glycerin, PVA and dye glue. All of the above ingredients thoroughly mix before the formation of a homogeneous mass.

Hydrogen peroxide

For the manufacture of lizen on the basis of hydrogen peroxide, you will need:

  • hydrogen peroxide - 1 tbsp.;
  • pVA glue - 100 g;
  • water -100 ml;
  • dye - 1-2 drops;
  • food soda - 100 g


You will need the following components:

  • water - 200 ml;
  • food soda - 100 g;
  • dye - 1-2 drops;
  • soul gel - 2 tbsp.

Dissolve the food soda in the water. Add a pair of dye drops, as well as 2 tablespoons of the shower gel. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly. Put the resulting mass to stick into the refrigeration chamber for 20 minutes.

In a separate container, mix the food soda with water. Add dye and PVA glue - mix again. At the very end, pour hydrogen peroxide to give weight. Lizun will become foamed.

Glue stick

The following ingredients will be required:

  • glue-pencil - 1 pc.;
  • dye - 1-2 drops;
  • sodium tetrabrate - ½ CHL;
  • water is 100 ml.

Remove the glue from the plastic shell, put in a special dish to die in the microwave oven for 2-3 minutes. Add a dye, water and sodium tetraborate to the glue - mix thoroughly. Put the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes.

In our article you met the most interesting and unique recipes for cooking toys-lysun at home. All of the above ingredients are safe subject to the rules for working with chemicals.

Lizun - an unusual children's toy, developing motility of hands and imagination. However, the purchased foreign countries are very toxic, so the creation of such a toy at home from safe components will be not only saving money, but an interesting pastime with a child.

The simplest recipe for Lizun consists of 100 grams. Plasticine, packaging of food gelatin and 100 ml of water.

Soch cold water In the metal dishes gelatin, leaving an hour to stand. Then warm to a boil, then remove from the fire. Self-softening plasticine and mix it in a plastic bowl with 50 ml of water. Here are the gelatin and stir until you get a hard mass, which it is advisable to put in the fridge or any other cool place.

As soon as it freezes, the toy is ready.

Sodium Tetraborate Recipe

This method is the fastest and cheaper, but the lysun from the starch is different by fragility and only serves a day or two.

From soda

Mix B. plastic dishes 50 gr. , fourth piece of glass warm water And the dye, mix well the substance. Separately mix the water and food soda (tablespoon), then add this solution into the adhesive mixture.

Stir, blind the ball and enjoy the game with a ready-made treasure.

From soap or detergent

Take the detergent or liquid soap, glue titanium and. Stir soap with glue in a 2: 3 ratio, then add a food dye and thoroughly prevent the mixture. Place it in a plastic bag and diligently frolize your hands to remove the lumps of glue.

You can play with lysun immediately.

How to make liquid and transparent lysun?

Transparent liquid lysun is made a bit more complicated than the more thick and color analog.

To create it, you will need:

  • polyvinyl alcohol - 100 gr.;
  • plastic dishes;
  • - 25 gr.;
  • wand for mixing.

All that is needed is to pour alcohol in the dishes, stir, fall asleep with sodium tetrabrate and quickly stir so that the mixture becomes like the desired lysun. Cooking takes 10 minutes (you need to interfere long and painstaking), you can immediately.

Step-by-step recipe - video from YouTube:

  1. You can decorate the lysun, additionally adding sparkles and pearl or fluorescent paints so that it shines in the dark. And in order to possess a pleasant smell, add your favorite essential oil during cooking.
  2. The child will be interested in touching the toy if you use foam balls, which will be found in any market for creativity or construction store.
  3. Did not find a comfortable wand for mixing? It can be done with your hands, but be sure to wear latex gloves.
  4. remember, that

Hello everyone! In touch with you, I, Tatyana Kashicin. And we will talk about a very popular toy for children, which is not only fascinating, and also develops small motor. But for adults, she acts as a kind of antistress. They guessed what would we talk about? And speech about lysun or as it is also called, Velcro, jag, slide or handgam.

Our conversation will be simple and at the same time cognitive. We will learn to make a lizunchik at home. After all, it will be very cool to please our toddlers toys that are made with their own hands. Moreover, the costs of large will not be, because all the components have every home.

Well, if you don't like the idea with such a product, you prepare and make the pets of animals, is also very useful and entertaining.

Let's start with the most common method, thanks to which your slider will succeed at 100%. True, I advise the starch to use only corn, and not potato.

Well, ready to create your favorite hero of many kids from the movie "Promotions" movie ?? Then get to work.

We need:

  • Corn starch - 1 tbsp.;
  • Warm water - 1 tbsp.;
  • PVA glue - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Dye - any;
  • Sequins - at will.

Manufacturing process:

1. Starch powder Personalize in a bowl and pour a quarter of a glass of water.

2. The rest of the water you need to boil and interfere with the operated starch in it. Next, boil our mixture for about a minute, stirring constantly.

3. Now take a tight package and pour a third volume of liquid starch in it, then a couple of drops of dye, glue and sparkles.

If you add a lot of glue, then Lizun is sticky. And if you are overdoing with starch, it will fall apart.

How to make a toy from the sodium tetraborate at home

Well, this is the so-called classic version of the lamp toy. The method is very simple, and in quality is probably one of the best. After all, he sticks well, jumps and even washes.

And the sodium tetrabrate that we will be needed is available in all pharmacies and in the departments of radio services. It is better to buy a ready-made 4% solution, or take a powder and breed yourself (1 tablespoon on a half-table of water).

We need:

  • PVA glue - 100 gr.;
  • Sodium tetrabrate - bottle;
  • Dyes to choose from - gouache, greencraft, acrylic paints, food dyes;
  • Dishes with more than half of the liter;
  • Wooden stick - for stirring.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take the glue and pour it into the container.

2. In the next, send any selected dye and stir.

3. Gradually add a solution of the tetraborate, continuously stirring the mass.

4. The mixture should thicken excess moisture Remove with a napkin. Put our jump in the cellophane package and remember some hands about 3-5 minutes.

5. That's all, our toy is ready.

Slile from shampoos and salt

This option is also not bad, and most importantly practically harmless, but not everyone has to make a toy from these funds. What, try, maybe you will get !!

Instead of shampoo, you can take any gel, but without comprehensive particles.

We need:

  • Shampoo - 3-4 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - a little bit;
  • Dye - at will.

Manufacturing process:

Pour the shampoo into a deep tank and add quite a bit salt, stir well. If you move with salt, then Handgam will not work. Well, if all the proportions are observed, then you will see how the mass becomes thick and lure.

Such a drawing is very similar to sticky jelly and with it you can also play fun.

Video about how to make Handgam without glue and sodium tetraborate

And now I suggest you to see all of the first, if you doubt that you will not succeed. In this recipe we will use liquid soap.

Lesuchik from toothpaste with his own hands

We need:

  • Transparent toothpaste
  • Titan glue in powder
  • Plastic bag.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a robust package and squeeze into it paste, and then add powdered glue.

2. Package button or well typing. Then we shake the contents so that the components are mixed into a homogeneous mass.

Slum without glue and starch

Here is another magnificent in my opinion the way of cooking Handgam. And if you do not add a dye, it is safe, and you should not worry that the child can try the taste toy or will mess around with her in hand.

We need:

  • Flour - 300 gr.;
  • Cold water - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • Hot water - 1/4 tbsp.;
  • Any dye - a couple of drops.

Manufacturing process:

1. Mix flour with cool and heated water.

2. Add dye of any color.

3. Stir the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, and then remove into a cool place for three hours.

That's how it's easy and simple. A couple of minutes and everything is ready!

Easy way to manufacture from foam for shaving

Well, if you have a shaving foam, you can make our anti-stress from it. I looked at the video story, and I say "wow", such a huge slider turned out, climb, I share with you:

And at the end I want to still give a couple of tips for the care of slides:

  • It is better to handle toys with alcohol solution, so they will last longer.
  • But the water is not advised to dip.
  • To preserve the shape, inside the alcohol should be injected with a syringe.
  • It is better to store them in a closed container, and in a week it is better to make a new velcro.

That's it. It turned out everything shortly, briefly, but at the same time and in detail. I think now you will surely want to make lysune yourself, and you will not buy. For me, it's easier to the toys and do not come up with.

Lizun is a stunning toy for both children and adults. Few people know that Lizun can be done himself, and even at home. His cooking will take a little time, and not even need great amount Materials! Consider several ways to manufacture lysunov.

Bor is a tetra borate sodium. It can be bought in any pharmacy, and it is inexpensive. For the manufacture of lysuine you will need: Bor (floor of a teaspoon), water, colorless glue (small bottle), harmless dye, two preparation containers.

Master Class

Lisun ready! Store in a closed tank. I recommend to view the easiest way to manufacture lysuine.

Lizun from PVA and Starch

You will need: PVA glue, liquid starch, dense polyethylene package, harmless dye.

If there is no liquid starch, then you can take dry and dilute it with cold water. Proportions 1 Spoon of water on 2 spoons of starch. Food natural dyes are considered the most harmless dyes. You can use gouache paints.

Master Class

Lisun ready! Store in a closed tank. I recommend to view this video.

Lysun from soda

You will need: Food soda, detergent, natural dye, water. There are no specific proportions in the ingredients. The mixture should be thick and homogeneous. Lisun can be small, medium or large depending on the thickness of the detergent.

Master Class

  1. Take the capacity and pour a small amount of detergent.
  2. Add water, dye and soda.
  3. Mix to thick homogeneous consistency.

Lisun ready! After the game with him, you should definitely wash your hands. Store in a closed tank. We recommend viewing this video.

Lysun from shampoo

You will need: Shampoo, shower gel, cooking capacity.

Master Class

  1. Take the container and pour the shampoo tablespoon.
  2. Add a dining room with a shower gel.
  3. Put in the refrigerator per day.

Lisun ready! Such a lysun should be stored only in the refrigerator. I recommend for watching video: how to make a lysuer from shampoo and salt.

Lizun from powder

You will need: Gelema powder for washing, natural dye, stationery glue, storage packaging, rubber gloves.

Master Class

Lisun ready! Store such a lysun follows in a closed container. If it over time, it has become softer, store in the refrigerator. Recommended for watching video: how to make a lysoon from a washing powder.

Lysun from flour

You will need: Flour, natural dye, cold and warm water.

Master Class

Magnetic lysun

You will need: Bor, iron oxide, neodymium magnet, dye, phosphorus stationery glue, water, two preparation containers.

Master Class

Before making any lizen, pay attention to the shelf life of the ingredients! If the lysun is sticking hard to hand - add water and starch to it. If the lysun is highly stretched and does not stick it - add glue. Do not forget to wash your hands after the game with Lizun!

Lizun (Handgam) is a popular jelly-shaped toy, to the touch similar to soft rubber. Children, and adults play with pleasure: stretch, cool, break and glue back. And she appeared thanks to the cunning and voracious hero from the cartoon "Hunters for the leadership" - green bringing, which was so called - lysun.

Do you like this character too? Then do Handgam yourself by connecting to the work of your son.

How to do at home lysus using borants

There are many ways to manufacture lysus, consider the most popular. You will need:

  • 100 gr. White PVA glue;
  • breaker Bura - Sodium Tetraborate, Sold By Pharmacy without a recipe. There is still a bora in powder - Borax, is also suitable, but it will have to breed it with water, according to the instructions on the label;
  • zelenka, gouache or food dye - to give the desired color to the Lysunchik;
  • capacity, wand for mixing, napkin.

Everything is cooked, begin to make:

  • Share the bubble with glue and pour the contents in the jar. Add 5 drops of green tsight. Stir.
  • Pour in a mixture of 1 tsp. Boers and carefully disperse for five minutes. In the process of work, you will need about 4 spoons of sodium tetraborate.
  • Put a viscous substance on a cotton cloth so that an extra moisture is gone.
  • A few minutes later the mass will connect. Remember her good hands - a toy is ready.

Tip: Store Lizun in a cool place so that the sun rays do not fall on it.

When a child plays, remove the lysus into the package, pull the rubber band.

How to do at home lysen from starch

If you failed to find a solution of borants, make a toy from starch.

  • Divide 4 tbsp. l. Potato starch in 1/2 cup of water. Measure 100 ml of the resulting solution and pour it into the cellophane package. Add 4 drops of liquid blue for color.
  • Enter 3 tbsp in the mixture. l. PVA glue. Mix the content with your hands before the formation of a dense bunch.
  • In addition to the thick mass in the package, water will appear, so remove the lysuine and blot it with a napkin.

Such a toy will serve for a child about a week. Keep Handgam in a jar with a lid so that it will not be covered with dust.

How to make lysun at home from shampoo

Funny lysuuna can be made from an ordinary shampoo, with the addition of dyes and polymer glue, type "Titan".

  • Pour 100 ml shampoo in a bowl, add the food dye - 0.5 teaspoon, mix.
  • Connect the painted shampoo with 4 tbsp. l. glue.
  • Pour the liquid into the package, mix your hands to the desired thickness.

Remove the resulting substance, possess storage in the closing container.

How to do at home lysus from food soda

It is quite easy to make lysuine with the use of soda, however, it will turn quickly quickly. Prepare: a half-table of water, 100 ml of PVA glue, dye, water - 50 ml, 2 cups, wand.

Pour glue and 1 tbsp into the first cup. l. Water, add dye. In another cup, stir the soda with the remaining water until uniformity. Place the mixture in the bowl from different tanks. Break 10 minutes until the lysun thickens. Roll off his kolobom, give the child - let him play.

How to do at home lysen from alcohol

This unusual way It assumes the presence in the house not only the boos, but also a polyvinyl alcohol - powdered thermoplastic polymer.

Mix 1 tsp. Dry alcohol with 250 ml of water, put on a slow fire, half an hour. While the mixture will cool, dissolve 2 tbsp. l. Sodium tetrabrate in a glass of water. Mix alcohol and boor 3: 1, send the dye there. Stir up to the required consistency, cool, use.

Many ideas, what you like, choose. In any case, you make an unusual toy that you will enjoy the children and come in handy. Having come from working with a terrible mood, frow leasing in your hands, cut the face out of it, in the end, smear it along the wall, and all the troubles will seem full nonsense.