Detergent for dishwasher: types and reviews. How can I replace the detergent for the dishwasher? Cooking tablets, powder and gel for dishwasher do it yourself

Our century of technical progress is almost every house there is such an assistant in the kitchen as a dishwasher. Agree, this is a very convenient invention that the world carries in each family, as it is now there is no need to install duty in the kitchen and argue to headaches who will wash the dishes today. But with the advent dishwasher The question arises than washing the dishes to extend the life of the magic unit and is it possible to make a means for the dishwasher with your own hands, so as not to spend money on not safe chemistry.

Types of funds

If we generalize, the detergents for dishwashers are represented by three main groups.

Powder detergents

They are the most affordable. If you buy large packages, then the powder is enough for a long time, since one cycle goes on average 25-30 g, and it turns out cheaper.

Important! As minuses, you can specify that:

  • powder can scratch the walls of the dishes;
  • when placing it in the compartment, the powder may wake up.

Recently, concentrated and low-abrasive powders appeared, and the dispenser is even attached to them so that it was possible to miss the amount of powder.

Gel detergents

The gels soften the water, do not oxidize metals. They are often produced in the form of balls that are laid in the car compartment. In addition, it is believed that the gels are the safest for "health" of the unit.


One cycle comes one tablet. They rank first place in the detergent ranking. But at the same time, they are the most expensive of all means - when using them, you have to include the machine for a full cycle so that they have time to dissolve. But despite this, their reviews are the best.

Important! Now there are tablets with dosing stripes so that they can be "adjust" to different amounts of dishes. Tablets are manufactured by single-layer, multilayer, and the most convenient option is three in one. Three-layer tablet, which includes detergent, rinse and softening means.

Those mistresses who have chosen the option without rinsing means, but they want to see their dishes without divorce and white spots, should acquire a liquid rinser. It is he who prevents the formation of the droplets, forming a thin film on the dishes.

Important! Such means for the dishwasher are completely harmless, besides completely washed off over the rinsing cycle. But if you do not completely trust them or in your family there are allergies, then experts advise to launch the program of additional rinsing, which is in each technique of self-respecting manufacturer.

Recipe rinse for dishwasher do it yourself

The rinser for the dishwasher can be made with your own hands.

Option 1

The easiest option is apple vinegar. Fill it into the compartment, and everything is ready.

The main thing is the proportions: there are 1 tablespoons of 9% apple vinegar on 6 sets of dishes.

Option 2.

This recipe includes essential oil, lemon juice and wiper. The ratio is:

  • 5 pieces of lemon juice;
  • 2 parts essential oil;
  • one piece of the wiper.

Important! There are 1 tablespoons of the mixture on 8 sets of dishes.

Care for technicians

So that your dishwasher serve you for a long time and did not give you trouble, you need to provide her careful care:

  • Very dirty dishes are better to pre-pump, wash the remains of food under running water.
  • Periodically, it is necessary to clean the inner parts from scale. Then your "assistant" to serve you for a long time.

When choosing detergents, you need to consider what kind of dishes you will wash them:

  • For capricious dishes, such as crystal, silver products, faience need to choose special means For dishwasher. Well, under such dishes it is necessary to choose the corresponding settings in the car: the cycle with minimal temperature and the minimum wash time.
  • Do not wash the dishes on which there is a sign pointing to the handwashing dishes.
  • You can not wash the devices containing wooden handlesWooden cutting boards, copper or tin dishes.

Important! Many discussion causes the theme of washing children's dishes. Well, here you can decide. There are no contraindications on this issue, and you can with the same success you can wash the dishes of your baby and in the car, and manually.

How to make money for dishwasher do it yourself? - the simplest recipes

If you do not trust manufacturers of detergents and want to be sure that your dishwashing detergent is safe, then you need to contact the recipes of our grandmothers. Maybe they did not have dishwashers, but experience in production safe money For washing dishes at least debug.

Recipe 1.

The easiest recipe for the detergent tablet is very simple: food soda, bora, salt and lemon. This remedy for dishwasher do it yourself like this:

  1. Soda, salt and borah are thoroughly mixed and lemon juice add slowly.
  2. This thick mixture is laid down according to the molds and leave until complete drying.

Important! Such pills are good because:

  • it costs cheap;
  • you can be confident in their safety.

True, how good this tablet will wash off the dishes, is another question. Check in practice.

Recipe 2.

If you look more close to the tablet, we will see that there are conventional surfactants (surfactants), salt, phosphates, enzymes, a defoamer, fragrance, soda. Everything except soda is part of an ordinary powder for washing machine machines, since it actually has the same function - remove dirt, proteins and fats.

So - if you take washing powder And add a soda there, it turns out a means for dishwasher with your own hands.

Tablets for dishwashers

As we have already noted, it is the pills because of the convenience of use are in great demand than other variations of detergent products. For the manufacture of such a product for the dishwasher, your own hands also have recipes.

Recipe 1.

The composition includes washing powder and soda, in proportion 7: 3. Conventional water is used as a bundle.

We prepare the product for dishwasher do it yourself:

  1. Mix with powder soda.
  2. Add water to get a thick mass.
  3. Then we declare this mass in the molds - here it will tell you how your fantasy will tell.
  4. We leave all this to frozen.

Important! Keep in mind that the molds should not be large, otherwise your tablet does not fit into the compartment in the dishwasher.

Recipe 2.

The composition of such a tablet for the dishwasher includes:

  • children's powder - 8 parts;
  • soda - 1.8 parts;
  • detergent For dishes - 0.2 parts.

Important! Children's powder for this product for the dishwasher with their own hands is used due to the fact that it is less aggressive. But his minus is that it works at a temperature of up to 40 degrees, that is, it will have to put a cycle with a small temperature in the dishwasher.

The cooking process is the same as in the first case.

Is it worth using self-made means?

Now let's see if homemade tablets are wellhed well or wonder we spend our time. We carry out experience in practice and get such a result:

  • The first tablet was worn into dishes, but worse than the cheapest tablet - not all the places were washed well. Most likely, this happened due to a strong defoamer in a washing powder.
  • The second composition showed itself better, since its composition includes a dishwashing detergent, albeit in small quantities.

Important! There is a natural question: is it worth it for homemade means at all or easier to buy ready? Let's look at such an important factor as the price.

Based on the minimum price of finished industrial tablets and the costs of those tools for dishwashers, which can be prepared with their own hands on the above recipes, savings are about 80%.

Recipe Gel for Dishwasher

In some old models of dishwashers, the tablets are not provided at all. Here you have to use or powders or gels. Consider a recipe for a universal gel that is easy to cook with your own hands.


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50 grams of soap chips;
  • 45 grams of soda calcined (do not confuse with food);
  • Essential oils.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring water to a boil, add a soap chips and mix thoroughly.
  2. Add a calcined soda and interfere with its complete dissolution.
  3. When the mixture is cooled add essential oils, you can even add a few drops of blue ink to enhance whiteness.

All, universal gel is ready.

Tablets for dishwasher do it yourself? Why not! You will need the most elementary components to make a cleaning agent, which is not inferior in efficiency with its store "colleagues".

Who has this miracle unit, he knows that without pills it is impossible to thoroughly clean the contaminated dishes. It is quite natural that the more often the equipment is used, the greater the "primary means" consumes. Unfortunately, they cannot be attributed to the cheapest products in the category household chemicals. But there is good news: for those who want to save, there is a way out - homemade tablets for the dishwasher. How to make them with your own hands? There is nothing difficult in this.

What do you need?

Contrary to popular belief to prepare tablets for the dishwasher, some complex ingredients ingredients are not required. Need a set of simple and all well-known products, namely:

  • 2 glasses of food soda;
  • 1 glass of salt;
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1/2 Glakana citric acid;
  • it is also necessary to prepare ice tanks - plastic or silicone.

How to make tablets for dishwasher do it yourself?

  1. First, it is necessary to change the consistency of the part of the soda prepared by us. Pour 1 cup of soda on a baking tray and place it in the oven, heated to 200 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. From time to time, mix so that the soda does not burn and do not stick to the metal. After extracting out of the oven, it will be more loose and matte, which will make an excellent base from it for homemade tablets for the dishwasher.
  2. Pass heated soda in a bowl. Send there remaining soda, salt and citric acid. Stir a slightly spoon, then add some water. The substance will begin to foam, so that subsequent portions of water need to be added when the foaming process stops. It is necessary not to provoke leakage of the whole mixture outside the vessel. Mix well everything.
  3. In the mold for ice, lay 1-1.5 teaspoons of the mass. It is necessary to quickly distribute the resulting substance in tanks, since it exists a tendency to rapid thickening. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. After this time, remove the tablets made from the molds with your own hands for the dishwasher and put them in a hermetic jar.
  5. Use them as needed.

Not so long ago, our editors shared with you ideas non-standard use Tablets for dishwasher. The article caused a rapid discussion, and our favorite readers struggled to find out the recipe for the preparation of efficient, and the main thing is to safely with the dishwasher. In general, we did not resist. Catch a stunning recipe.

Dishwasher powder

Who has a dishwasher, he knows that the monthly purchase of detergents flies the winner of the wonder-unit in a penny. Why this product of household chemicals is so expensive? Fortunately, our edition has excellent news: homemade tablets for washing dishes is easy to cook at home. Excellent solution for those who want to save.

To prepare tablets for dishwashersYou will not need any secret ingredients. Everything is easier than simple!


  • 2 tbsp. Food Soda
  • 1 tbsp. Sololi.
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 1/2 Art. citric acid
  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil (optional)

The combination of such simple ingredients will cope with pollution of any complexity, remove fat, soften the water, make the dishes clean and sparkling. Well, not a find!

Cook powder for dishwashers It is very simple, but still we recommend using gloves and a protective mask to protect the mucous membrane of the respiratory organs from the aggressive impact of soda.


The recipe for cooking a homemade dishwasher can be improved on your own way. So, instead of salt, you can mix the powder for washing baby clothes with soda in a ratio of 7: 3. The authors of the recipe guarantee the result of akin to washing the dishes to the store. And if you add a little magnesium sulfate to the mixture, you will improve its detergent and antiseptic qualities at times.

The main substances that are part of the finished detergents of all species are surfactant - surfactants. It is they who split fats and proteins that capture them and remove from the surface of the dishes. All other components enhance their action, create conditions for uniform dissolution, defoaming, flavory and can be preserved.

Buying finished funds in a big packaging more profitable than in small. Homemade pills and gels are much cheaper and safer.

Homemade gel is much cheaper and safer

If you wish, you can make a product for dishwasher with your own hands with surfactants. It will be less harmful because everyone itself establishes their number for itself, and which specifies, since their list is several dozen compounds of natural and chemical.

The homemade drug for dishwasher is based on familiar substances, widely used in the household:

  • soda;
  • soap;
  • lemon acid;
  • bura;
  • liquor;
  • mustard.

As part of a homemade gel, familiar substances are used widely used in the household

For the mustard argue, some say that she clogs the holes of the rocker, others that, on the contrary, cleans and they have become less common to disassemble the car to clean all the nodes. Right both sides. Cause B. different designs Machines and grinding grains - dried mustard fruits. When manufacturing with a handicraft method, larger fractions and fragments of millstones can be in a pack with mustard.

Clicks can only be used at high temperatures. IN cold water It is knocked into pieces, solid, like a stone.

Lemon Acid heating elements. It is suitable for detergent equipment of all types.

The easiest substitute for the purchase of detergents for dishwashers is apple vinegar. In contrast to the usual, it acts less aggressively, does not destroy the rubber and parts from aluminum alloys. It is necessary to pour it into the branch for bulk funds immediately before turning on, approximately 40-60 ml, 10 ml per one set of dishes by the volume of the chamber.

Also before turning on 2 teaspoons of bread soda and citric acid. Both methods are used by the hostess in the case when it is necessary to urgently run the mode of washing the dishes, and there is no necessary tools in the house or the cooking time. To clean the saucepan and pan, they are not suitable, weak.

Before turning on 2 teaspoons of bread soda and citric acid in the compartment for bulk agents

Effective means that does not require cooking - soda and a bora. Mix across the tablespoon of each substance and fall asleep in the powder separation. Instead of the rinsing, pour vinegar, better apple, but possible white, 10 ml. If there is in the car large number Glass dishes shine will be provided. Cans and frying pan.

Make a lot of powder for washing dishes right away and then only pour it, conveniently and practical. For example, the composition with mustard, reckon and mix in equal shares:

  • mustard powder;
  • bura - Sodium Boric Acid Salt;
  • almits - calcined soda.

Place the mixture into the container and tightly close the lid. Store in a dry place. On one cycle pour a tablespoon with a mountain.

How to replace tablets for the dishwasher and get clean dishes with fresh aroma. The liquid means is dissolved faster. For all types of dishes and devices, the composition is suitable.

  1. Grate on a large grater for rapid dissolution of a quarter piece of dark economic Soap or a piece of children.
  2. Heat the liter of water, pour the soap and interfere until complete dissolution.
  3. Add floor glass liquor, dissolve.
  4. Bring the composition to boil, remove and leave cool.
  5. To the warm remedy add a few drops of essential oil.

The fully cooled mixture is broken into a bottle from under detergent for dishes or a similar bubble with a lid. Pour 50 - 60 grams before starting the car.

For plates and glass the dishes will suit gel:

  • 10 ml of wipers;
  • 20 drops of essential oil;
  • 50 ml of lemon juice.

Gel is suitable for plates and glassware

On one cycle of a sufficiently tablespoon of the means.

Most of the old models of dishwashers are designed to work with tablets. They include an active substance for cleaning from fat and other dirt, softening salts and means against scale. Standard weight of one Sasha 16 grams. We make tablets for dishwasher do it yourself.

  • 150 grams of soda;
  • 200 gr Buras;
  • 500 gr magnesia;
  • juice from one lemon.

Compound tablets for dishwasher do it yourself

Magnesia is more known as English salt, sold in a pharmacy. Mix all powders. Then add juice and actively mix before the end of the hiss - reaction. Immediately decompose into ice molds or pick up suitable for cookies. After a few hours, the mixture will dry, and it will be good to keep the shape. It is necessary to store without air access, especially wet.

To enhance the detergent effect, you can add a glass of washing powder. Children is more suitable not only because in nature, the content of surfactants is less. It is designed to disrupt the milk mixtures, spots from joining other animals and vegetable proteins, amino acids, fats.

Mix the washing powder and soda in the 7: 3 ratio. Add a product for dishes until the composition begins to get into a lump, and not to crumble, about a drop of 20 grams. Fill the molds and let it dry.

The means for dishes to add, while the composition begins to get into a lump, and not to crumble

Washing for dishes can be replaced with water, and soda salt extra. But such pills are used only at low temperatures.

For dishes used in dishwashers, it will cost hostesses cheaper purchased several times, and harmful substances Almost no in them. It has such savings and its minuses that will be shown only through time.

such savings and its minuses that will be shown only through time

Soda and click faster score small holes Roots I. drain system. Pumps work with a larger load to create the desired pressure.

As a result, the life of the dishwasher is significantly reduced.

When ringed dishes used water, heated to high temperatures and steam for drying. The surfactant and other substances are washed off by jets drowning under pressure. Each hostess itself decides what to wash the dishes.

How can I replace the powder for the dishwasher without harm to it?

    I advise you to replace anything, otherwise it can harm the typewriter. And I like Sun All In 1 tablets. Wash the dishes well, no one oily shine, is economical and no harm for the dishwasher I noticed. The price is certainly not small, but for me the health of the family and the service life of the machine is more important ...

    After buying a dishwasher, I also searched for a means of replacing the powder not even in order to save, but for security purposes. I read about soda and about mustard powder. I do not think that it is possible to harm the car with simple soda, but the quality of washing will suffer accurately.

    My husband is a master of repair of washing and dishwashers, with his consent and approval for several years my dishes in the dishwasher mixture calcinated Soda (launders) and citric acid (gives shine), the quality of washing is excellent and the state of the machine too. But the salt and the rinser use specially intended for the machine, they are not so expensive and enough for a long time, I do not see the point of thinking something else.

    Without harm to the dishwasher, we do not advise you to replace anything, as there is a bitter experience.

    Two weeks saved the detergent - powder for the BRAVIX dishwasher (broken leg - you will not go anywhere, and home buy forgot;), swaying to a teaspoon without a slide powder for a dishwasher, a teaspoon without a slide of a common cook salt (was not in The dishwasher salt for the dishwasher is already) and a teaspoon without a slide of ordinary food soda.

    The result of this creativity did not make himself wait. First, the dishwasher started the cycle, the cycle was walking, and there was no water in the dishwasher. I turned off the dishwasher interruption of the program and started the cycle again. So for 2-3 times the dishwasher was still turned on. But soon broke away at all, although I have long bought a normal detergent for the dishwasher.

    The served to repair the dishwasher Master said that a pump broke. This is how to experiment with detergents for the dishwasher - for yourself. Repair on the replacement of pump for dishwasher I was worth 5,000 rubles. So much I would not save money in any self-made detergent for the dishwasher even over the years of use.

    No longer stupid and not experimenting. If the powder ends for the dishwasher - my dishes with the hands of a husband, but usually starting a new package, I immediately buy a spare.

    My other reviews about the dishwasher and answers to questions about washing dishes in the dishwasher:

    Harmful wash dishes in the dishwasher