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The main value of the Card 9 Taro Swords is fears and experiences, but if you consider it a detailed interpretation, you can find out that the map is in itself a more multifaceted prediction.

In the article:

The value of the card 9 Tarot swords in a broad sense

Map 9 Swords Taro says that the life of the gadget turned into a nightmare. In his sense, now the usual way to collapse and falls into the abyss. Fear and the number of current problems are so much so that it would seem, and there is no need to live.

However, swords drawn on the map are not touched by a person. Problems are not so great, as you may seem, and do not touch you directly. You are too much worried about problems that do not have an obvious relationship, and you have enough of your concerns. Do not worry and deal with your everyday affairs, do not think about imaginary problems, and your condition will come to normal. Do not load yourself with other people's challenges, especially, regardless of the ability to cope with them.

Nine Tarot Swords can point out residual experiences after serious difficulties. The bad mood and pessimism in this case is great to be treated everyday affairs, work, creativity. But more often, this card indicates the concern with imaginary problems, and also expresses despair, doubts, hopelessness. Sometimes she talks about shame who gnawing from the inside. He will have to admit and overcome.

The value of 9 Tarot Swords also concerns insomnia. It is she depicted on this map. May imply flour conscience that do not fall asleep, as well as waiting for the consequences of a certain act, anxiety for their own life or life close man or excitement before performing a complex or dangerous task. In addition, the card can mean nightmarish dreams and problems associated with sleep.

Turn over This card suggests that trouble will end not instantly, however, the end of a bad period in life has already appeared on the horizon. The future promises the hope and end of the problems, as well as pleasant news.

Nine Tarot Swords - Value when you fortunate on business and work

Variants of the nine meanings of Tarot swords at digestion to work, business and affairs are many, but at the same time they do not come against the main value of this card. It can mean despondency and oppression by the team or boss. Work does not bring you pleasure, perhaps you are mistaken when choosing a specialty or workplace.

In addition, the card can mean overwork after high loads or fear cannot be cope with the task. When you fortunate to study, the mandal may be expressed before the exam or intake, the fear of a public speech or other cases that will have to face soon.

There is a possibility that the questioning allowed serious mistake Or enabled dishonest in the past. Now the awareness of this fact, waiting for the consequences and attempts to find out whether the misdemeanor was discovered or remained unnoticed, they did not give him to sleep peacefully at night.

Nine Tarot Swords - meaning in relationships

Meaning in relations 9 Tarot swords - fear of separation. This card can identify and concerns about the life and health of the spouse - both reasonable and those who are controversial. You are afraid to lose your loved one. Perhaps you made a deed that can disappoint him very much, and now you expect with horror that he learns about it, and the consequences will be serious.

The meaning in the relationship of the nine Tarot Swords, if this card falls a lonely person, means the depression due to loneliness, the desire to find a couple and at the same time the inability to believe that it is quite realistic to establish personal life.

Inverted Map talking about good newsrelated to personal life or a loved one.

Nine Swords Tarot - People and Places

IN live position Nine Swords means a man who is in the depressed, concerned. He has something to worry about, but these experiences may well be contrived. This person may suffer from insomnia. There is a possibility that he is sick, perhaps in currently Preparing for surgery. Often, nine swords means bachelors, virgins, monks and spiritual persons, as well as reasons. It may be an enemy of gadget.

Inverted position This card suggests that you are dealing with those who survived the grief or really a nightmare situation in life. He is saddened, however, has hopes for a good future. Perhaps this man suffers from chronic insomnia. He is unreliable and does not affect what you ask Tarot's cards.

Sometimes during the divination there is a goal to learn a certain place, and it is quite real. Nine Swords with such a fortune telling the church, a monastery or another sanctuary associated with any religion.

Nine Swords + Tuz Swords and other combinations of this card with the rest

One of the most unpleasant options for combinations in Tarot - nine swords and. It means betrayal and tears, disappointment and inability to discard the suffering. Combined with this card promises a divorce and life alone, sleepless nights in thought about how to live after parting.

Several combinations of nine swords with other maps promises problems. So, for example, with this card foreshadows the difficulties that will grow like a snowy to whom. The five rods near the nine swords promises not only the problems, but also enmity. Six wands near this card guarantees defeat gadget.

There are also combinations that can specify the fears of the questioning. For example, Page Wands or the jester say that fears are associated with the child, the queen of the wands - the questioning worries about the woman, the king of the wands - about a man. Arkan lovers says that experiences are associated with a preservation with her beloved and relationship with him.

In general, despite the fact that nine swords can not be called a positive card, the forecast may not be so gloomy. Despite the difficulty of the current position of the extinguishing, his problems can be much less than it seemed to initially.

Astrological meaning:

Saturn / Moon as a symbol of concern, depression and feelings of guilt.

Direct position:

Nine Swords symbolizes fear of future, hopelessness, restless love, suffering, disappointment.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: the danger of illness or violence, dubious offers.

Nine Swords

Map title: Lord of despair and cruelty.

Compliance - Earth (without additions from the name letters); Sephira - form.

Explanation ( general value): Fears, bad premonitions (reasonable), remorse. Non-good karma.

Event: bad premonitions. Prophetic dreams (not necessarily, but more often about bad). Damage. There is something to be afraid.

1. Business before bankruptcy, liquidation. Serious threats from competitors (in words and in practice), mental attacks.

2. The state of a person who put a very dangerous or mortal diagnosis. Night before the hard operation.

3. Premonition of long loneliness (especially in combination with hermit). Fear of loss of beloved. Spell trimming. If there is a more eventful card, for example, the Troika Swords, - 100% loss.

4. Increased sensitivity. Clairvoyant, mediums, senss.

5. Tip: Listen to premonitions and dreams.

CAUTION: Possible misfortune.

6. Answer "Yes" (oddly enough). Period of bad premonitions and suspicion.


Explanation (general meaning): fears and bad premonitions (fictional or exaggerated).

Event: false suspicions, immersion in your own fantasies and negative emotions, manicality.

1. Delivery without resistance. No money.

2. Exaggerated fears for their health. Phobia. With the moon - manic-depressive states.

3. Pathological (unreasonable) fear for a beloved, loved one.

4. Suspicious, anxious, eternally concerned.

5. Tip: stop afraid.

Caution: You can stick to your fears.

6. "Fear has big eyes".

General value:

This image of sleepless nights corresponds to a state of deep concern and depression. There may be an unclean conscience that does not give to sleep, or a feeling of some danger to life, for example, illness or severe loss. The map depicts night fears when we are lying without sleep, tormented by our thoughts, and waiting for dawn. At the same time, she does not tell us that it is us so inhibits: a sense of one's own guilt or shame, which drives a dream away, the feeling of uncertainty in his abilities to a difficult test or some real danger threatening our life. It shows only our despair, longing, concern, sudden nightmarish awakening, sleepless night.


Sad, pessimistic attitude due to the fact that the work, the head or atmosphere in the team depress us. It may be afraid not to cope with the assigned task, overwork due to increased load, the feeling of increased risk or mutrgence before the exam, public speech, etc. Or a unclean conscience that prevents us from sleeping, because we made a mistake somewhere, carelessness and now we fear that it will be discovered.


Our horizon is tightened with clouds, we lost the clarity of the view because of fear, concern or feelings of guilt. These feelings can be reasonable, and may not, but they still intervene in our consciousness, knock us off the pole and deprive self-confidence. Or perhaps we made a certain unpleasant discovery for themselves and now we fear the consequences.

Personal relationships:

Fear of being "abandoned", pain separation. Depressed mood because of loneliness or fear of losing a favorite partner, which throws us into the puchin of spiritual torment and doubt. These may also be our concerns about close - both justified and unjustified. Sometimes it's a shame because the partner suddenly found out about us (or almost did not recognize) such things that can drop us in his eyes.

Nine Swords in combination with other tarot cards

With the map "Jester" - worry about the child.

With the map "Mag" - vain beginnings.

With the map "Supreme Priestess" - nightmares and premonition of troubles coming from the subconscious.

With the "Empress" map - the threat of miscarriage.

With the emperor card - the cruelty in the family, at work.

With the map "Ierofant" - fear, shame.

With the "Lovers" card - sleepless nights and experiences about relationships; quarreling.

With the chariot map - incessant torments, nightmares; showdown.

With the "power" card - powerlessness; Fell in spirit.

With the "Hermit" card - stay alone with his pain.

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - unstable and alarming time.

With the "Justice" card - a sense of guilt.

With the "Hanging" card - paralyzing pain

With the "Death" card - inevitably an impending nightmare.

With the map "Moderation" - pain becomes not so acute.

With the "Devil" card - nightmare experiences, the cause of which is a pernicious passion.

With the "Tower" card - worry about divorce, parting or serious illness.

With the map "Star" - to hope that the pain once subsides.

With the map "Moon" - to worry about betrayal and insecurity in the future.

With the "Sun" card - good will triumph.

With the Court "Court" - to worry about what you have to pay for your sins.

With the map "World" - survive pain and make faithful conclusions.


With the map "Ace of Wands" - "Love was held, tomatoes began"; pain, emptiness; Nothing warms the soul.

With a "Deuce Wands" card - travel; Sleepless nights about how to live on.

With the map "Troika Wands" - pain and problems growing like a snowball.

With the "Four Wands" card - failure in the house; Sad feast.

With the map "Five Wands" - failure and enmity.

With the map "Six Wands" - defeat.

With a "seven wands" map - humiliation; Dismissal.

With the "Eight Wands" map - fear that saved the will and paralyzing mind.

With the map "Nine Wands" - an extreme concern and bad premonition.

With the map "Ten Wands" - hopelessness, loss, broken spirit.

With the "Page Wands" card - experience associated with the child.

With the Knight Wands card - anxiety associated with its own inexperience and incorrect steps.

With the map "Queen of the Wands" - experiences associated with a woman.

With the map "King of Wands" - experiences associated with a man.

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What associations occur in a person who looks at the image of nine swords of tarot cards? The most about there is negative. After all, in many interpretations, this card carries a negative meaning, even when falls out in a positive combination with other cards. It is necessary to be frightened if the nine of swords came across in the scenario or not - here and discuss.

Nine Tarot Swords - Map, Causeing Negative Emotions

Decryption of the image and the main values \u200b\u200bof nine swords

Images of this card in the deck of any author are identical to each other. This is a person (man or a woman) who woke up on the bed among the night and closed his face with his hands while nine swords hang next to him. Symbols are depicted on the blanket Zodiac circleAnd the wall is decorated with a picture with a dragon and fighter. This card speaks about fright, some negative events that are afraid of a person. Concerns with their unclear future, fear and hopelessness - that's what this card expresses.

But is it? Or such a picture symbolizes excessive imperidity, short-term nightmare? In the image, no sword concerns the shape and all of them are turned by the edge of the person, and this means that the problems are not so not solved, but it is not at all the relationship to the asking. It may be a warning that talks about the need to bring everyday affairs in order and not worry about everything.

From the point of view of astrology, 9 swords correspond to Aries and Scorpio. Planet - Neptune, which is a symbol of compassion, love, but at the same time empty illusions, excessive fantasy, which prevents living in reality. And also the appearance of the card denotes the completion of the old one and the beginning of something new, more positive and fruitful.

In the financial sphere, nine swords promises success in trade, travel, but can also predict unexpected waste for repairs or acquiring expensive things. If we wondered to create something new, it is better to postpone the idea to better times, as it will hardly be successful.

Nine swords can designate like the most peak of the "black strip" of bad luck and the ambulance permission. However, the latter may not take place if the asking does not take itself into hand and will not begin to actively do something to solve its problems. In this regard, its meaning is similar to a dozen swords card.

Values \u200b\u200bof nine swords in direct position

Usually, when the cards lie in the direct value - this good signBut not in the case of 9 Tarot Swords, whose value is changeable. These are the qualities of character, events and sensations opens this card:

  • mountain, suffering;
  • parting with loved ones;
  • dishonest actions in relation to the asking, resentment;
  • the problem with the opposite sex; childlessness;
  • care from worldly life, highlighting;
  • excessive sensitivity to the words of others;
  • unnecessary experiences;
  • operational intervention;
  • serious health problems;
  • unpleasant "surprise" in any sphere of life.

Nine Swords in direct position promises health problems

The keys of this card, which speak about the asking: sleepless nights, nightmares, strong depression, physical pain, sense of unnecessariness, loss of life guide, slander, disgust to itself, empty dreams And fears, the threat of death, excessive self-criticism.

Council on the situation: in the direct position and without adjacent maps, "softening" the action of nine swords, this card speaks about someone's evil influence on you, your devastation, fear. But anxiety is not justified, if you think about it, then all bad thoughts will be only a mirage, which is not easy to get rid of.

However, it is necessary to do this, otherwise inevitably spiritual exhaustion and serious health problems. It should be referred to such a sign as the final test, which will interrupt the worn of obstacles and mental thoughts in life.

If we talk about people around people, often nine swords signals that the person who is close to you is seriously sick mentally and you need to take care of him. And you are surrounded by impressionable people who have problems with sleep and health or have a serious operation.

The meaning of nine swords in an inverted position

When nine swords are turned over, it predicts positive events and moments in life, but depending on the scenario and adjacent cards, negative influence May increase:

  • good news from a loved one;
  • comfort;
  • the end of the "black stripe";
  • sudden support or help;
  • severe physical work;
  • isolation from society;
  • teaching to suicide;
  • loss of a loved one;
  • problems with the law, up to the conclusion.

Keys of nine swords: good news, unexpected support from the side, the end of problems, completing dreams, successful circumstances, recovery period. But there are negative values: malice, restriction of freedom, loneliness, depressive condition, you were slandered, depressed condition, death desire.

Council on the situation: yet the bowl in the inverted position of the nine swords means the end of the problems. The consequences from the experienced still remained, but the pain already subsides, hope for the future appears. In fact, not everything is so scary, as it seems, but still there are doubts in the future.

In the scenarios, where many cards fell in a negative meaning, nine swords indicates a mitigation of a bad omen. But after a long depressive state, the asking expect serious changes for the better.

According to the interpretation of N. Dryuri (the book "Tarot. Step by step instructions For the study "), the map of the nine swords is different called the" master of cruelty and despair. " Mostly nine interpret as an ambulance loss of the beloved (or already actual parting), which will occur due to serious health problems.

In addition, the fallout of nine swords is a sign that man takes too much on himself, lives not his life, carries not his cross. For an asking such map is given as a sign of revaluation of values, self-criticism, understanding of internal problems.

The value of nine swords in different aspects of life

Depending on the sphere of life that the gadel looks through, the value of this card is changing.

Path to self-development

Nine Swords - Symbol of insomnia and negative emotions

Want to know what you need to change in your life? Nine swords signals a feeling of shame, anxiety, insomnia and a possible loss. To deal with the luggage of negative emotions, asking only you need to find their source.


The consciousness of the asking influence the concerns, some of them are justified, but most of the empty. The appearance of nine swords means deadlock in spiritual development, lack of confidence without possible prospects for the future. This is a temporary stop, a passage to give a rest to your subconscious, rethink everything that happens and move forward.

Sphere of work

If the asking is wondering, the appearance in the defold nine swords means problems in this area as already available and the upcoming. They can be associated with a negative atmosphere in the team, gossip, too demanding chief or decrease in position.


Opening a nine prevents parting, and painful. And may also denote the fear of loneliness. Concerns for the fate of close people, family members, including their health.

Other values \u200b\u200bof nine swords

In the literal position, the nine can talk about the following events - failure in affairs, the high probability of death, an accident, delay, deception. On the nine client, the nine swords can tell, as a man who is on the verge of suicide.

The only thing that slows it is to condemn others and incomplete things. No wonder this card symbolizes the cruelty, the likelihood of violence and illness. For a gadel, such a card should be a warning to be more delicate with sensitive.

In the inverted position, the nine means distrust, but having the basis, shyness, excessive species, proposal. This is a sign that a person needs to strengthen its faith, change and appearance of hope. From the point of view of people surrounding the questioning, a direct map of nine swords - a symbol of unscrupulous and unreliable people who affect life.

IN worse manifestation Such a card speaks about Zaradnaya problems, not a walled circle, from which a person cannot get out independently. Moreover, he does not have a desire to fight or try to somehow change the situation. In general, you can advise the client who came across nine Tarot Swords, to show resistance, collect reserve forces and wait for a storm negative eventsAfter all, they will inevitably come to the lumen.

I caught fear myself. Despair is more contrived. Blocking the future. Like to be in sadness and Handing. Insomnia. Nightmares. Experience at the moment. Temporary depression. Disease. Evil eye.
Go through your own fear to the end and, if necessary, make repentance.

Do not dwell on your nightmares or on those feelings and deeds in which sooner or later a person has to repent.

Map of the day
If you have been woken up with remorse of conscience, if you are doubtful, and the pictures of the future are drawn one more terrible than another - immediately, at all costs come out of this nightmare! If you really threaten the danger from the outside, then there are two possibilities: Gather with the Spirit - and take the blow, since it is not avoided. If this can be avoided, then, of course, it is better to use alternative option. Perhaps you will help if you sincerely felt in the previous one.

Inverted Map
Shame is worse nowhere. Jail. Loneliness.

Teresa Francis-Chong, Terry Silvers. "Taro for beginners."

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A woman sits on the bed and crying, clasping his head with his hands.
Or she prays?
Nine swords are suspended above her bed.
The image indicates what pain can cause at times awareness that the not always desired coincides with reality.

Swords are not wounded by a woman, they just hang in the air.
This may mean that someone suffers, the woman is worried about, or that suffering is only imaginary, and not real.
This card invites us to ask yourself if the way out of our horrible position is visible.

Questions who need to ask yourself, stretching nine swords
  • Why are you so sad?
  • What are you trying to get sick with?
  • Do you suffer the need to take a kind of solution?
  • On your shoulders lies all the pain of this world?
  • Do you feel that you misunderstood you?
Key ideas
It seems to you that anxiety changes something, but nothing can be achieved with one alarm.

Everything that is capable of alarming is to make you sick.
If you can help situations, do it.
If you can't do anything - do not cling to the alarm.
Most often, what we worry about, it does not happen.

So stop spending time on the alarm and start just live.

Direct card: Disagreements with a friend hang out like smoke, and in the future will still strengthen your friendship.
Inverted Map: Many disputes moving on personality.

They upset everyone and worsen the situation.
Time to find a compromise or leave.

Direct card: You are very worried about the results of the exams.
Do not.
In the end everything will be fine.

Inverted Map: Your constant anxiety complicates life not only to you, but also your parents.

Direct card: The lack of confidence in itself is the only thing that holds you.

Inverted Map: Perhaps you are very worried - right up to insomnia.
Unfortunately, he (or she) is not worth it.

A family
Direct card: Try to support your family at this hard time.

Do something positive.
Inverted Map: Family problems look a crushing blow, you feel broken.
But there is a person who you can tell about everything and trust his advice.

Direct card: Find something that at some time will distract you from current problems.
Read something good, go for a walk, write a story or picture, bake the cake - options are infinite, if only this action has captured you.

Inverted Map: If you are scary, additional problems follow from this.
To find the root of all troubles, carefully look into yourself.

Health / appearance
Direct card: If you like yourself, then you look great, and feel great.

Inverted Map: Map means disease and poor health due to stress and excitement.

Direct card: Reimbursement of financial losses will come quickly.
Inverted Map: A sign of financial failure.
Fortune telling for half a minute
Jane worried about his girlfriend Dallen, who regularly occurred panic attacks.
Everything was already so bad that Dallen often missed school.
The map showed that the girl lacks forces to cope with the situation on their own.

Now it all depends on her parents, they must take care of the treatment of daughter.
Jane is able to provide Dallen support - and emotional, and active - but should not try to live her life.
Jane cannot control what is happening, so it should focus on his own life.

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide. "

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Swords mean melancholy and confusion of the mind.
Negative thoughts.
This card is known as the "nightmare card", because the fears predicted by it can be terrible, even if they are unreal.

Nine Swords is often accompanied by the feeling of threats who have hung over us, but it is necessary to understand the distinction between our nightmares and real reality.
In the Middle Ages Taro Skapini on this map shows a man lying on top of a coffin; Nine crosky on the right corner of the swords threateningly hung over his head, but a person retains peace of mind, which is not an indication that the reason for our fears should not be sought outside, but within us.

In other decks on this map, related hands are drawn, crying woman or a dead animal.

The feeling of despondency inherent in this map is emerging rather in mind than in real reality.

We can feel unreasonably pessimistic, or consequences complex situation Still over us and poison our thoughts about the future.
What we are most afraid is hardly happening, and our situation is not so terrible, as it seems to us, however, recently suffered suffering stain all in the dark tones.

We can pursue nightmares or painful fantasies, or we are not able to get rid of the state of depression.
It may be useful to detect the true causes of our fears whose understanding will help us to get rid of them forever.

As soon as we realize that they are absolutely unreasonable, we can enjoy life again.

Nine Swords suggests that you are overcome internal doubts that do not actually have real soil.

You can feel the longing and confusion, although absolutely nothing to fear.
Perhaps you need to take a difficult decision, or you ended up in a difficult situation, but anxiety, compressing you in your vice, is much stronger than they deserve the established circumstances.

Your negative thinking further aggravates the situation, but sooner or later you will have to be reckon with real facts.
Your position will seem much less depressing when you feel the desire to get rid of your obsessive thoughts and their painful influence.

As soon as you dreamed of a new way of thoughts, your eyes will open to new favorable opportunities, and you can get rid of any problems of your health caused by stress.

Stewart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, fortune telling. "

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Value for gadania
Worry about loved.
Value in an inverted position
Continuing gossip.

Dubious personality.
Reasonable fear.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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Nine swords predicts death, failure, extreme despair.

Note: If you did (or plan to do) something inappropriate, then this card warns that you will be caught and punished; The ruthless enemy is not necessarily the villain, if the questioning himself makes misconduct.

Internal meaning
In most interpretations, nine swords are considered the worst card in the deck.
She prevents death, failure, extreme despair.
Even surrounded by the best cards, it can mean disease, loss of money or property, misfortune.

This means the presence of a ruthless enemy or just bad luck.
Projects on which this card affects is inevitably ended in failure.
You only have to hope for domestic forces that will allow to stand the storm.

Note: If you did (or plan to do) something inappropriate, then this card warns that you will be caught and punished; The ruthless enemy is not necessarily the villain, if the questioning himself makes misconduct.

Meaning in Slade
Direct, or positive: death, hopelessness, extreme failure.
Delay and deception.
Irreconcilable enemy.
Evil fate.
Inverted, or negative: shame, fear, doubt, suspicion.

Unreliable person affecting your situation.

Mary Mirr. "Full book of inverted tarot cards."

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The crisis described in the eight turns into despair, condemnation, shame and closing the eye to cruelty.
In nine, we see depression, longing, the feeling of guilt, fear and remorse of conscience - all kinds of spiritual suffering that can literally crush a person.

This card can mean insomnia and nightmares, "Dark Night of the Soul" or wounds and illnesses.
You are waiting for losses and failures, especially if you are to blame for themselves.
Swords on a direct map are similar to the staircase, on which you cannot climb due to despair and decline of the spirit.

You lost hope, and with her and spiritual peace.
Depressed by Rock, you wait for the sword damocles.
On the other hand, the patchwork assumes that in your life there is still some kind of heat and comfort.

The signs of the zodiac are embroidered on it remind that time heals.
In the ordinary level, tides of heat and chills, abundant night sweating, temporary depression.
You can hug in pessimism, become thoughtful, make a habit of pre-imagine the worst and sit, not knowing what to do with it.

Perhaps you learned the bitter truth, they received frightening news, you have a unwanted pregnancy or suddenly it turned out to be an unpleasant diagnosis.
Probably grief about the loss and related changes or regretful of the pain caused to anyone.

As with all other nine, with this card, a sense of isolation and loneliness is connected, resembling how people perceived the chastity and monastic life in the XVIII century.
Such old interpretations, as "piousness" and "piety", in the modern picture of the world can mean the remorse of conscience, punishment and rupture.

Traditional meanings: Chastity, abstinence.
Priest, monk, hermit.
Piousness, piety.
Integrity, faith.
Ceremonies, rituals.

Danger, doubt, grief.
Soul flour.
Injustice, hatred, envy.

Inverted nine swords
An inverted nine swords can mean a way out of depression.

Nightmares ended, everything went to the way.
Recognition facilitates the guilt, the self-ruling stops, as well as the attacks of acute pity for themselves.
However, it is still difficult to find energy and faith to explore the current state of affairs and not surrender.

Perhaps you deny the feelings of shame, depression and loneliness and try to compensate for them to be behavior or protests.
Or you can cover the delayed response to a serious loss.

If other cards confirm this, look into your soul for an unconscious depression that has already passed into chronic, and therefore is even more severe and dangerous, form.
On the other hand, it can be psychological work with a shadow or search for the soul, for which you consciously explore your fears and the causes of hate.

One quantist just before the divination session dreamed that he was descending the stairs, the steps of which looked like swords, right in the basement, where he was waiting for all his fears.
Perhaps you will also have the opportunity to look in the face of your fears.

Your alarms can be justified, and suspicion is to receive confirmation.
Therefore, perhaps a card means real, reasonable pain and suffering.
You should avoid dangers and doubtful dating.

If you turned out to be a gossip object, and self-criticism pours water to their mill, you can decide for a while to hide and stop being in humans.
Or you, on the contrary, feel pushed and want to restore the submool reputation.

When the projection of this carp on others, they seem to you frightened and crushed life or mired in unhealthy fantasies.
The inverted nine swords can also mean an offender who declares repentance, but actually ready to attack again.

From a shaman point of view, this card represents the "death of youth or Virgin", the fear of loss and dismemberment, a terrible meeting with an uncharted or disruption of taboos.
All this is an integral part of the initiative tests.

Traditional inverted values: slander, gossip.
Fair call.
Justified fear or suspicion.
Shame, dishonor, shame.
Spiritual struggle.
Pedantism, cheepingle.

Larisa Moon. "All Tarot Secrets."

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Key phrase
Roby, God, I am from the enemies, help survive in this situation!
Description of the map and its inner meaning
Nine Swords are considered in the deck of junior arcanes itself strong card Of those who have a negative meaning.

She prevents trouble, illness and even death, so almost always on this arcana is a person lying in bed.
His figure expresses complete impotence.
The influence of nine swords is so powerful that even surrounded good cards It can mean unhappiness, catastrophe, loss.

All about this card is doomed to failure.
In this case, one thing remains to hope for its internal forces that will help relive this life period.
In addition, the nine swords says that there is worst enemy, ready to apply a crushing blow at any moment.

Card connection with other occult sciences
Letter - and / th, number - 9, is managed by the planet - Mars, zodiacal sign - Twins, compliance according to the book of change - 9 hexagram ("raising small"), weather conditions - clear (direct position), fog (inverted position), the corresponding color is white, according to Kabbalah - corresponds to Sephir Esode.
Map value
Direct position
In a direct position, this Arcan has the following meanings: hopelessness, extreme failure, black stripe in life, cash loss, disease, fear and against the background of all this - the need for someone's help, because alone with problems can not cope, the presence of rivals or dangerous enemies, ready to destroy everything htched.

Surrounded by adverse maps, nine swords can predict physical death.

Inverted position
The negative effect of nine swords in this case is not so destructive, but also unpleasant.

The questioning should be prepared for mental pain, to suspicion and even to the shame, as well as to the influence of his life of some kind of stupid person.

Daniel Chris. "Magic book Tarot. Prediction of fate. "

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Nine Swords - the threat of a catastrophe hung over you.
You are experiencing cruel mental torments - a sense of guilt, depression, anxiety, horror, and from this confusion is born confused and hatred of themselves.

Symbolic image of a card - crying person.
What to indulge pessimism, is it not better to seriously wonder if everything is so good in your life, how do you want to show others, and is it time to drastically change the situation?

Inverted - softens the pain of the straight value.
New Hope He will help come to themselves after experience.
Best patience, soon everything will change for the better.

The original values \u200b\u200bof the cards running with the Taro Ride Watter.

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IX. Nine - Woman sits on his little boy and crying; swords over her lie.

Direct position: Death, bankruptcy, failure, obstacle, deception, disappointment, hopelessness.

Reverse position: Conclusion (in prison), suspicion, dubious reputation, shame.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tutorial on tarot.

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Astrological significance: Saturn / Moon as a symbol of concern, depression and feelings of guilt.
Nine Swords This image of sleepless nights corresponds to a state of deep concern and depression.

There may be an unclean conscience that does not give to sleep, or a feeling of some danger to life, for example, illness or severe loss.
The map depicts night fears when we are lying without sleep, tormented by our thoughts, and waiting for dawn.

At the same time, she does not tell us that it is us so inhibits: a sense of one's own guilt or shame, which drives a dream away, the feeling of uncertainty in his abilities to a difficult test or some real danger threatening our life.

It shows only our despair, longing, concern, sudden nightmarish awakening, sleepless night.

Tarot Ridera White.Toria and practice. Series "Secrets of Predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Cruelty The second decade of twins from 1 to 10 June.
Astrological equivalents: Cancer, Sagittarius, Fish, Moon, Jupiter, Neptune, Houses twelve and ninth.
The second decade of twins, managed by Mars, expresses the idea of \u200b\u200bactive inclusion of his own will into a rational analysis of the world.

The mind, facing opposites, rigidly dissectably dissected unknown to the part in order to re-create the world from pieces, comparing them between themselves and setting logical connections.
This decade develops the sharpness of the mind and puts questions to the edge.

Mars proposes to judge things from a personal position and feel free to talk about everything, but, on the other hand, the mental preparation of the living organism of the world replaces the initial integrity (let the perfect, but dead scheme), so this decade has the name - "cruelty".

This is the cruelty of a cold reason in relation to the feeling body.
In the end, the feeling turns out to be the right, and the reason is not right because the attentive soul can always be quiet and imperceptibly destroy those obstacles with which the fierce mind leads a protracted and bloody war.

And yet representatives of this decade tend to emphasize the obstacle to the mind.
Arriving with the shortcomings of the present, the mind communicates the connection of the past and the future.
At the map Tarot depicts a woman sitting on the bed and closed her face with his hands: Waking up, she suddenly realized what was happening.

Her insight sorrow.
But nine swords above her head point forward - to the future.
On its bedspread, symbols of the planets and signs of the zodiac, controlling invisible life processes of the world organism, are depicted.

Mind, impassive the world on the part and the fate of the fate of the past and the present, given to comprehend the predetermination of the future.
Nine Swords symbolizes the results that are about to manifest itself, and resonates with the sign of the Sagittarius and his governors, Jupiter and Neptune.

Moreover, Jupiter gives this map religiosity, Neptune of this religiosity can give the most inflated forms and introduces fear of unknown, uncertainty, concerns, the desire to remove from reality, the inability to survive contact with reality, improper understanding, hopelessness, suffering.

At the level love relationship Nine Swords can give an excessive concern about his beloved man when love takes hysterical, annoying forms.
Hysteria is generally connected with this card.
Neptune means not only blind, unconditional, fanatical faith, but also distrust, suspicion, doubts that have sometimes taking a maniacal form.

Neptune, in general, in astrology enjoys the glory unkind planet, therefore such "joys of life", as poverty and disappointment, are associated with this card.
Direct position: In the literal position, the nine Swords symbolizes the temple, the monastery, the sanctuary, the cult and attitude towards it, as well as virginity, indispensability, holiness, unearthly purity.

The monk living in anticipation of the phenomenon to him a miracle, signs, is an example of a subject of nine swords.
Inverted position: In the inverted position, nine swords can give fear of diseases, violence, doubts, wicked and dubious offers.

The pueness of the position of this card is expressed in constant balancing between the holiness and some completely disgusting blasphemy.
Moreover, all - both positive and negative manifestations that go on nine swords are social.

The nine swords can also contribute to a radical change in worldview, for changes go through the firing, and swords are radical.
Sharp and sudden social ups and downs (idol for an hour) - also a typical situation of nine swords.

This card means a change of everyday environment, and moving, and separation in wide sense Words (not only with people and objects, but also with ideas).
In the old guides, the nine swords bind to the notice of death; Inverted - about the death of a loved one.

(It should be remembered that the word death in the maps means not only death, as we understand it, but also any transformation, change.) It may concern anything: appearance, social status, views.

Monk, taking a standing in the monastery, - dies for the world.
Nine swords can be known as higher power Liberation.
Wake up suddenly and suddenly the situation is terrified, realizing it to the end.
In such a moment, a huge force, impersonal and merciless, is released.

This is not an improvement in the fate - this is one blow - and freedom.
And the more terrible the situation, the worst of this blow.
No compromises.
Freedom or death.

Evgeny Wheels. "ABC Taro".

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A woman sits in bed by covering her face with his hands.
In the dark space for her in the air, nine swords are filled.
Life has become a nightmare, says this map.
The whole world is rolling into the abyss.
Your fears and concerns are so great that, it seems to be on and not to live.

In "Taro Aquarius" (and some other decks) on this map, instead of a woman, a man is depicted.
But this nightmare he (or her) only seems: None of the swords hurt the figure shown on the map.

Your fears and care are quite explained, this card says, but rightly they do not affect you.
You think too much about the problems that do not have a direct relationship.
Meanwhile and you have cases that require attention.

Do not worry, this card says, do not worry about "global problems", in whatever they concluded: deal with urgent affairs, and your condition stabilizes.
This card is similar to a dozen swords in the sense that foreshadows the close end of the "black stripes".

However, the nine indicates a rather mood and pessimism as "residual phenomena" from those who have already passed or in general problems than the problems themselves.
In an inverted form: This means that the "black strip" ends not so soon, as I would like, but it still remains for a long time.

In the "Egyptian Tarot", this nine, like others, indicates a Gurdzhiev enneagram as a symbol of the need for internal and external harmony or as a call to it.

Arcana description:

This is an image of Ananda, a cousin and student Gautama Buddha. He was all the time near the Buddha, accompanying him for forty-two years. It is said that when the Buddha died, Anand was still near him, crying. Other disciples condemned him for this delusion: Buddha died completely satisfied; He needed to have fun. But Ananda said: "You are mistaken. I'm crying not on him, but by myself, because all these years I was constantly with him, but still did not reach." Anand was awake all night, deeply meditating, feeling pain and despair. They say to the morning he became enlightened.

Direct position of the map of nine clouds - sadness:

At the moments of the great grief, the possibility of the Great Transformation was enclosed. But in order to have a transformation, we must go deeper to the roots of our pain, and to experience her as it is, without charge and pity for yourself.

The meaning of the card:

Remember, this pain should not make you sad. That's where people continue to miss ... This pain should make you only more vigilant - because people become vigilant only when the boom penetrates the depth of their hearts and wounds them. Otherwise, they will not be able to become vigilant. When life is easy, calm, comfortable, who worries? Who worries about becoming alert? When a friend dies, the opportunity appears. When a woman throws you - these dark nights - you are alone. You loved this woman so much, you put everything on a map. And suddenly she leaves when you cry from loneliness, this is a suitable case. which can be used to become conscious. Rained Arrow: This can be used. The pain should not do you unhappy, the pain should make you more aware! And when you realize, suffering disappears.

Original values Cards going with a deck.