Fish bouquet Lenorman. Original meaning of "Fish" (Oracle Lenorman)

Numbers surround people everywhere, therefore it is believed that with their help the power of the universe communicate with humanity. In various occult teachings, the symbolism of the numbers is attached great value. One of the applied areas of this is fortune telling and prediction of the future. We will talk about it in the article.

Pythagorean tradition

One of the first to pay close attention to magic value Numbers, was an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist Pythagoras. He believed that the numbers are the basis, initially being, and therefore the one who learns their importance to know the secrets of nature and their own soul. Those values \u200b\u200bthat Pyfagor gave a numerical row, became the basis for what we call "the magic numbers". Divination is only one possibility of using the huge occult potential of numbers. In addition, the numbers allow for various influences, as well as describe internal qualities and the nature of any phenomenon, situation, subject or humans.

Pythagorean value of numbers

To understand what fortune telling, numerology, the magic of the numbers and the like things in line with the Pythagorean tradition, you need to lead the main values \u200b\u200bof each of the numbers from one to ten.

1 is a monad, the source of everything. 2 - the opposite and pledge of equilibrium. In 3, the creation is concluded, and in 4 - the basis, reason, stability and order. 5 is the speaker. 6 - logic and love. At 7 hidden luck, health and spirituality. 8 - embodiment of the result, result. 9 - understanding, wisdom, experience, and 10 - return to source, to 1.

To, for example, to calculate your number, it is proposed to fold all the numbers of the date of birth until the unequivocal result is. It will be the number describing the basis of your creature. Similarly come with all things and phenomena in the world.

Numbers and Feng Shui

The magic of numbers, fortune-telling and other manipulations with numbers and the Chinese Feng Shui system are known. In general, within the framework of this tradition, the first nine numbers are considered. They are interpreted as follows: 1 - individuality. 2 - Dualism Yin and Yang. 3 - Dynamics and development. 4 - peace. 5 - variability. 6 - harmony. 7 - mysticism. 8 - abundance. 9 - Completion.

Numbers and tarot

Numbers play a significant role in what is known today as a fortune-telling tarot. The magic of numbers is captured in this tradition primarily in the symbolism of junior arcanes from the ace to dozen. In the most vintage decks, these cards have drawn simply and schematically the right amount Objects that personify the masters - wands, cups, pentacles and swords. In the future, on the basis of the interpretations attached to them, the plots illustrating these arcans began to draw. However, I must say that here the author of each deck shows a significant degree of personality, expressing his own views. therefore general meaning For junior Arcans do not exist.

Most often, however, in decks use Pythagorean or close to them interpretation. The main sphere in which Tarot's cards are applied today - fortune telling. The magic of numbers, expressed through various manipulations with arcanes, also takes place. For fortune telling on the maps it is required to make one of the layouts that there is a huge set. Then the dropped cards are interpreted on the basis of their own values \u200b\u200bthat have fallen out combinations and symbolic positions in the scenario.

Fortune telling & hundred &

The sphere of personal relationship is one of the main in which the magic of numbers is applied. The fortune telling for love was probably always, and there are their huge many. From numerological, you can offer such equipment as & hundred &. The algorithm of action is this:

  1. A specific person is made, and then on a piece of paper, the number of numbers from 1 to 100 are written. The zeros are lowered. The first string may consist of any number of numbers. And everyone else should be equal to the first. When all the numbers are written, at the end it is necessary to attribute the date when the fortune telling is carried out.
  2. Now it is required to cross out the sequentially all numbers nearby, which in the amount are given the top ten (3 and 7, 4 and 6 and so on) or are the same (1 and 1, 3 and 3).
  3. When numbers are crossed out, the remaining will need to rewrite in the same order and again continue crossing out. So you need to do as long as there is no number that cannot be deleted. In it and hides the answer to the question.

Although it is not quite the magic of numbers, fortune telling with & hundreds & nevertheless popular, especially among girls. The results are calculated according to the scheme proposed below.

- 3, 12, 21 - indifferent.

- 4, 13 - experiencing sympathy.

- 5, 14, 23 - draws attention.

- 6, 15, 24 - not experiencing anything.

- 7, 16, 25 - you are waiting for communication.

- 8, 17, 26 - seeks relations.

- 9, 18, 27 - the novel is waiting ahead.

Simple fortune telling by numbers

In general, the magic of numbers, divination and the like things are quite complicated matter that require long-term study and exhausting skills. There is, however, a simple way of divination, which can be conducted independently at home without any preparation. True, the results it gives very vague and generalized.

The essence is that ten cards are made from cardboard, which are consistently numbered from 1 to 10. Then they add up to the bag or mean, as ordinary maps. During divination, you need to ask a question, for example, what expects in the next two weeks at work, and then pull one of the cards at random. She is the answer to your question. It can be interpreted using the proposed Pythagorean scheme or intuitively. Experience with time will teach you to determine the more accurate value of each number.

For predicting esoteric, it is recommended to use an ancient fortune telling on a table of numbers from 1 to 100, which originated during the period of the Middle Ages. The magic object is made independently, only the owner should touch the surface. The results of the divination are accurate if the question is specified correctly.

Special preparations are not required, you need to stay alone, bring thoughts in order, formulate clear questions. Important faith in the truthfulness of predictive equipment, otherwise the result will be false. The fortune telling is aimed at business, career, business relationship, moving, travel. From hand or using a ruler, a medieval fortune-out table is created, the square is drawn, the number of cells: 100. In each in any arbitrariness fit numbers. The smallest -1, the largest - 100. Listen to the intuition, create a system, you do not need to be guided by logic. Use the black, red, green marker, brown to create a magic attribute.

For fortune telling, put a table with numbers in front of yourself. Telephone, disconnect, close the door to the room.

At the end of the divination, thank the number for the help. Magic object hide into a secluded place. Treat the numbers carefully, otherwise magic will cease to act.

Step-by-step instructions for fortifying numbers

Set out loud or mentally the question of interest. If the situation is related to concrete person, accurately say the name, surname and visualize the image. It is recommended to cover the eyelids and at random to put a finger on the table. In other variations, a small object is thrown on the attribute - a silver coin.

Experienced esoterices for divination are used by the pendulum: they are casting a pebble on the rope above the attribute until it starts to actively swing, spinning clockwise.

What number will fall out - this is the answer to the question. Per day is allowed to ask 4-5 times. The same question is forbidden to repeat.

When a feeling of weakness is appeared or, if the results became meaningless, set aside the divination. Numbers from the magic table prefer specific questions. Due to the incorrect formulation, you can get an erroneous result.

Decoding results

To find out the result of fortune telling from the Middle Ages, if a number falls within 30, use the table:

Interpretation when you fortunate in numbers

Figure sadness and failure.

Favorable outcome while maintaining hope.

Sad, at first glance, events.

Improving the mood due to the receipt of money remuneration.

The figure indicates the need to develop their own talents.

The figure is successful if listening to intuition.

Honesty, sincerity will bring fruit.

The fortune telling says it is important to show restraint.

Award for caution, self-control will be victory.

A bad act will bring consequences.

Sharp, cardinal changes.

Success when manifesting perseverance.

The desire is impracticable.

Man does not hold down the word.

In the table of divination means deception.

Betrayal, treason close.

Fortuna turns away.

The attached efforts will not pay off.

Refuse to meet, friendship, cooperation with man.

Bad influence will change life for the worse.

The table means the past you want to let go.

It is impossible to return the past.

The desire will turn, but you need to wait.

Divination warns about the need to be patient.

Figure Success in the career, study.

Full well-being in the family.

It is impossible to concentrate on yourself.

The importance of helping close, to a friend, relatives.

Health problems with a native person.

Experiences, disorders.

The figure will bring luck.

Do not listen to the environment.

For a good deed, get a reward.

The table means success if you are honest and fair.

The collapse of cases, in the event of manifestations, maliciousness, incontinence.

Dream will be embodied.

The need to manifest the power of will.

Strong emotional shake.

Events emerge from under control.

For the evil made will have to be rigidly paid.

The digit is gossip and overcame.

Pain in the soul will retreat.

Divination predicts soon happiness.

Family dream.

Disappointment, unjustified expectations.

The number is hissing that good actions will pay off.

Former guy, husband, friend or girlfriend will again appear in life.

The need to keep the tongue for the teeth to execute the desired one.

If a number in the range of 30-60 drops, see the value in the table:

The value of the number when the situation is fortunate


The importance remain calm, cold-blooded.

False hopes.

Financial success that will not please.

Hope for a positive outcome is meaningless.

Throw frivolity.

You need to act calmly, thoughtful.

Disclosure of secrecy.

Divination warns about an unexpected sad event.

Beware to do this.

Take control of emotions.

Anger will destroy plans.

The possibility through a bad act to achieve the desired.

For evil will have to pay.

Execution of the desired.

Power on your side.

The table means sadness and disappointment.

Harmful tips from outsiders.

Success will be turned by a person if they show altruism.

Do not dissolve gossip.

The dream will turn, but not soon.

Intelligence of the consequences of previously incorrect decisions.

The loss of one entails the acquisition of another.

The black strip will soon end.

Health problems.

The subsidiary will return to boomerang.

Dishonestly htched means will bring sadness, not joy.

The table means a sad, destroying life love.

Good acquisition.

Need to do not think, but to act.

Incorrect target.

Parting, disintegration of the family, marriage.

It will happen incredible.

Vital turmoil.

To interpret the value of the magic numbers from 61 to 100 at fortunes with the table:

Number at gadania

Interpretation of a number at fortune

It remains hope.

Everything will be resolved safely.

Possible loss of money.

The importance is attentive.

At night, stay at home.

The divination says to show perseverance.

The table means an incorrectly selected road.

Hold out, do not swear due to the smallest things.

Careful with words.

Harmony on his beloved.

Divination warns of an unsuccessful date.

Overly dramatize events.

There is no reason for sadness.

Meaningless bustle.

Financial success time.

It is dangerous to act on the wave of emotions.

Narget of new friendship.

Experiences are meaningless.

Trust will be undermined.

Do not envy, appreciate what you have.

Unnecessary expectations.

Decide the conflict with relatives.

Acquisition of real, sincere love.

The period of failures.

The bad time will end itself, you do not need to act.

Helpful advice.

Do bad - everything will come back.

Financial success, career is not important. You can lose your relatives.

Colleague is gossip, substitute.

In the table, the digit means good luck.

Ending cases, relationships.

Presence at the funeral.

False information misconceptions.

Incorrect solution.

Disappointment on the trip, journey.

Positive changes.

The figure speaks of the gift.

Useful tips from others.

Successful acquaintance.

Digit of joy, happiness.

The problem will be resolved without your intervention.

Senseless spending.

Death of a friend, friend, family member.

The fortune telling claims the disease will bypass.

Happiness will give a child.

Problems arose due to self-deception.

If, when you fortunate the finger pointed to the border of the cell, then the interpretant need 2 numbers together. One digit is not enough. In case of hitting the intersection of 4 lines, see the number of numbers in 4 table cells.

Is it worth perceive the answer literally

Medieval fortune telling on a table from 1 to 100 has established itself among esoteric, thanks to the exact results. A simple method with numbers works unmistakably analyzes the current situation. The resulting answer will help make a decision, rethink the problem, start acting in the right direction. Fate is not predetermined. Numbers from the table perceive like a hint. Throughout divination, the universe is trying to convey a certain thought, push the right way, which positively affect the person. The sad result on the table says that you need to change the targets, pick up other means to achieve the desired one.

Numerology The magic numbers is the most ancient occult science about the world. Having delighted in her secrets, you can know the universe itself.

Independent divination magic numbers for the future

To a certain extent, the magic of numbers is an exciting, mystical and extremely intriguing sphere of magic. Following, you certainly come to understand that the simplest components of our reality have an image of magical symbols and special values \u200b\u200bof codes.

When a person is driving to get closer to this aspect of being, then, together with the magic numbers, he gets a chance to gain new knowledge about himself and about the world, look at reality in a new way. Esoteric science of numbers is called numerology. This science considers numbers as a combination of certain occult characteristics.

The magic of numbers offers esoteric the opportunity to expand the space for self-knowledge. The divination in numbers on the situation opens up a number of patterns in the nature and nature of man, the magic of numbers determines the fate of a person.

Free online divination magic numbers - as a methodology for calculating future fate

  • The numerical vibration of the date of birth allows you to read the fate of a person and his karmic role. To do this, you need to minimize the date, month and year of the birth of a person, for example: 26 + 03 + 1985 \u003d 2 + 6 + 3 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 5 \u003d 7. In addition, the number vibration of the date of birth indicates the level of development of the soul man.
  • The fatal number of personality, which is also happy, can be found by folding the numbers of the date of birth, for example: 2 + 6 \u003d 8
  • The number of character is the last digit among the date of birth. This number correlates with the Patron Planet: 1 - Sun, 2 - Moon, 3 - Jupiter, 4- Uranus, 5 - Mercury, 6 - Venus, 7 - Neptune, 8 - Saturn, 9 - Mars.

Moreover, the alphabet is effective when gadasing magic. All letters have a digital counterpart, which gives a specialist additional information About man and upcoming events of his life. The source of these knowledge is the name, surname and middle name of the person.

That in the fortune of numerology the magic numbers mean numbers

  • 1 - principle, independence, strength, individuality, creation,
  • 2 - the ability to negotiate love relationship, softness, artistry, charm
  • 3 - creativity, happy life, number of trinity, spirituality, talent
  • 4 - integrity; unhurried, struggling with obstacles, but steady progress; Number of seasons and elements
  • 5 - Changes, variety, feelings and pleasures
  • 6 - house and family hearth, balance, harmony, trust
  • 7 - spirituality, intelligence, experience, success
  • 8 - money, infinity, duality
  • 9 - love, blessing, result, crown of creation

Divination online for free on the table numbers - the magic numbers

To find out your destiny for the near future, use fortune telling online for free on the table of numbers. The virtual oracle system will instantly give answers to the questions exciting you. Make a desire or ask the question most of all interests you at the moment, and the magic table of numbers will allow your doubts. Divination online on the table numbers is true magic Numbers with an accident element.

In this section collected free fortune telling Online from various systemsSuppose to open your intuition, improve relationships, predict your future, get the necessary answers and take the right decisions.

The art of prediction can be traced through the entire history of mankind and got its beginning before the appearance of writing. Any fortune-telling online uses basic secret knowledge hidden from the uninitiated. It is no secret that many signs lie literally on the surface, but see their few. All we need to do during a divination session is tune in and set right questionswhich will answer the universe.

We are glad to imagine various tools For fortune telling on the Internet. You go to the magical journey during which you should leave your everyday logic. Read the answer that is related to your problem, and listen to your own intuition, which will allow you to go beyond simple reasons and consequences.

Options online gadas:

Traditional fortune telling: Domino, Book of change, fortune telling on simple maps Online, fortune telling on quotations, layouts of the priest Lenorman, Tarot, online divination on crystal ball, folk divination (for coffee, wax, etc.)

Vintage fortune telling: Book of Fate, Catherine Divination, Oracle Sibilla, Mirror of the World, Tibetan divination MO, fortune telling Pythagora, Oracle Mahjong, Wheel Fortune, Arabic fortune telling.

Modern fortune telling: Goldfish, fortune telling on hearts, fortune telling on a guy or a girl.

Old fortune telling with the help of the Book of Fate. The most important questions in the life of every person, answers on the Internet to help open the veil of your fate.

The ancient fortune telling, built on 40 characters - Favorite fun Freinin at the courtyard of Catherine I, is implemented as online prediction.

In virtual fortunes, a little-known translation of the ancient Chinese book of wisdom with the additions of the philosopher of Confucius is used.

Divination on ancient magic symbols Online. There are many ways of fortune telling on the runes, each of them can correspond to your chosen topic. We offer you 2 most famous from them: and.

Tarot cards, probably, the most famous and most mysterious of all famous systems Predictions. These cards may give answers to almost any questions.

Collection of various fortunes: alignment on one card, alignment for three cards, card divination By behalf, a card fortune telling on four kings, fortune telling at a desire, divination for the success of the enterprise.

Divination is based on the system zodiacal constellations And their features. With the help of this divination you can look at your question from the point of view of astrology.

Divination Online for four cards, alignment "Cross", " Gypsy layout for 36 cards. "

This fortune telling will help you better understand how things will be formed during the day. The fortune telling is based on the action that crystals on a person and his fate.

Numbers facial side Domino will predict this or that event. Just online fortune telling.

With the help of this love fortune telling You will learn everything about your loved one.

Find out what the desire will come true faster?

With the help of this divination, you can immediately illuminate the most important parties to your life and get advice as a specific deal decides.

This numerological fortune telling will help learn how to act to solve the issue.

The magical fortune telling the "Wheel of Fortune" created by the medieval occultist will help to know the future.

Specify your question to the prunee.

Ask your question to the mirror and find out whether your desire will come true.

A collection of traditional fortunes that you can do on your own, and the base of the values \u200b\u200bof the figures that can be used when you fortunate in tea and coffee, as well as fortune tells by shadows, mirror and wax.

This divination gives an accurate answer to the question. The basis of this fortune telling is Arabic kabalistic, which is aware of the future and predictive by the fate of each person.

This is one of the modern fortunes giving a forecast for the near future. It is necessary to guess more often than once a month, or with a significant change in the situation on which you wondered.

This fortune telling is based on ancient game Domino, originally from China. The wisdom of Mahjong predictors will help you find a solution and learn more about your situation.