Lovers knight cups. Cup Knight - Tarot Card

If you have not yet decided on choosing a deck, but already understood for yourself what you want exactly a dark deck, then I present to your attention to the choice of popular dark decks with symbolic examples:

Tarot Shadows - Tarot Of The Shadows - The deck is not for beginners, but for experienced practitioners, although, as everywhere there are exceptions, as a born black practitioner, which immediately "grows" into the dark deck. Ordinary and everyday, household layouts on them are not recommended. The deck has been published in 2003 and gained wide popularity, proven itself, as an energetically strong deck. Choosing this deck, the practitioner must have even greater energy to control it, and not the opposite. IN otherwise A person will make card adjustments, and not he himself. Also, Tarot shadows are suitable for those who want to know all the hidden and hidden corners of the human soul and determine the negative on another person.

Tarot Demons - Tarot of the Demons - It is usually like a main deck and auxiliary to Taro shadows. The deck is good, not consisting of the demons alone, work without experience with it is quite difficult. The deck is not talkative with a person who has no work. Claude is similar to the classic tarot in its meaning but has its own characteristics. This one is dark deckthat is not recommended to pull on trifles. I use to determine the negative, not only on a person but also in the premises. The deck either accepts the owner immediately or simply allows him to periodically use it. Before choosing this deck, you need to listen well. Interpretation can easily pass on the associative level.

Tarot "Necronomicon" Black Grimoire - Dark Grimoire Tarot - One of the well-known black decks. The initial character of the deck is not suitable for everyone, choosing this deck be prepared for what the most pleasant sides of your character and soul will open. The deck can be immediately close to you immediately and you will begin to work as if it was always done, inener and easily. But I don't need to forget that this is one of the subordinating decks, so choosing exactly necronsons need to be extremely neat and careful. From the deck immediately goes the flow of energy that can charm, but then start working against the owner.

Gothic Taro Joseph Wargo - The Gothic Tarot Joseph Vargo - This dark deck works well when they consider personal relationships and mental experiences, but in essence of their deck universal. It is more loyal than all the previous ones, so even a beginner will be able to work with the absence of doubt with her.

Tarot Toto Alister Crowley - The Aleister Crowley Thoth Tarot - This deck is saturated with esoteric symbols, including from Egyptian mythology. The deck is created for those who can show fantasy and compare symbolism. Maps will not speak with everyone in a row, you need to configure it up to it before making a purchase. If a person touches, he does not hear the resonance, then you should not take on these cards, because they will be silent with the owner in spite of the brightness and abundance of characters. If the cards are easy, you can do different layouts and pull out a day map.

Tarot Giger Bafeet - Baphomet Tarot - This is one of the darkest and dark decks, consisting only of senior arcanes. Not everyone is ready to work with it, since the strongest energy of these cards is not suitable for everyone. The deck is engaged in pumping out the energy of the owner if not approaching it competently and with caution. There are not much wishing to work with this deck, it is contraindicated to impressionable people with a very mobile psyche. The deck consists only of senior arcanes and is not used for household layouts and is tightly connected to the other world.

Tarot Voodoo New Orleans - The New Orleans Voodoo Tarot - A strong deck personifies life and death. The beginners are not recommended from it to begin, because the deck aligns the energy flows of symbols of Voodoo magic and terrological features. For household layouts for every day or answers to questions about their own position in any matter, she will answer, only takes too much from the questioning, and it is dark for this. It is better to use it to determine the negative and love prospects. Only here for reading it is difficult to a person with whom immediately has grown. These tarot depart from classic interpretation, which echoes between other decks.

Tarot Lucifer - Tarot Lucifer - There are many rumors about this deel. It is not possible to say one hundred percent that the deck is stronger than some of those that are presented here. She is peculiar. It is impossible to write about it nor good nor bad. It is just there and if these cards say they mean, they are suitable for you, although sometimes the interpretation that comes from them into consciousness can be false. But perhaps that this deck most likely chooses the owner itself, from the very moment when a person looks at her.

Tarot Legends - Favole Tarot - Beautiful, interesting and unusual dark deck. Sufficiently talkative, suitable for a person calm, not emotional. A person who knows how to listen to silence. It becomes completely quiet when trying to tell me and if you constantly pull it and make a reservoir, it will not say. On these maps you need to make the calculation and listen. If you hear how they whisper with you, then this is your deck if not, then you will have to say goodbye to these maps. Speak will be bad and barely audible, will not lead to the depths of their values.

Taro Hard Things - Cruel Thing Tarot - This is a relatively young deck. And at first glance, it may seem completely not serious and not attractive. But it is only worth looking to her, as you can immediately feel how aggressive its energy is. A person can transform this energy in itself can be very easy to control with this deck. And it will be mutual education. It is desirable that its owner is not older than thirty years.

Before you choose your choice on a dark deck. Think again whether you are ready for it. If the decision is finally, then when choosing a deck, it is not based on the reviews of other tarologists, but on your own sensations. This is one of the most popular dark decks. Some really goes very strong and dark energy, with which the owner may not cope, so we assume seriously and scrupulously to the question of choosing cards from a dark category.

If you are the owner of one of the deck presented here, you can leave your comment.

In a fresh understanding of Taro figured arcanes, it is customary to consider as parties of the nature of the wrong or surrounding. However, they all have a purely eventful meaning. The appearance of the knight of the bowl in the scenario always meant the news, the offer (usually excellent). This is a map of love letters and seductive invitations. According to the knight, we hurry on a romantic date (if there is also a knight of the wands - then laying your head), we render and accept courtship.

This is a "New Spring" card, a romantic wind blowing life. It extremely accurately reacts to the approach to the love and mystical side of life, an emotional lift (sometimes to the seventh sky). This Arcan may say that the actions of the questioning are due to feelings going from the depths of the soul.

If the wands knight traditionally always interpreted, like someone missing or "in the runs", then the knight cups has the opposite value - this is the arrival, approaching something or someone is pleasant.

And for men and for women knight cups traditionally interpreted as "messenger true love", And as a rule, mutual. From here and more modern, and quite justifying in practice interpretation: a messenger, a faithful ally, a visit, also rapprochement, reconciliation, the alliance, a successful resolution of unresolved issues in relations with others. The atmosphere of goodwill, heartiness and warmth. Knight bowls are extremely favorable in the scenaries on conflict situations, foreshadowing reconciliation and consent, elegant difference of disagreements, finding a valuable compromise.

Surrounded by negative cards, the knight cups becomes a seducer and a deceit, a blessing walk or " good boyfriendwhose deeds are bad "(and the questioning is invited to play the role of his assistant or savior).

Arkan foreshadows time, not burdened by any difficulties, good mood and heart communities, as well as romantic interest. This map has leisure and entertainment, the satisfaction of emotional needs, the joy of the soul. Getting and acquiring perfumes and outfits, pajama parties, campaigns on theaters and restaurants or walks on Montmartra or admoniming the sunset over the nearest lake - the knight of the bowl is important only that the action caress the soul and "included" unrealistic, dreamy modus. And there - at least contemplation of Christmas showcases, at least the Vienna Waltz, at least one hundred and ten Ameli account. Perhaps, it is French culture that has an almost magical ability to create vibrations of a knight, bowls on an even place, literally from nothing ... what is famous for. What is so romantic in untidy Montmartre? What is so special in all these handkerchiefs from the carden and bottles from the diora, croissants, chanson, champagne, scabbed speech ... You can not understand enough to listen. In the German detective, the main thing is the inflexible police, in English - inheritance and poison, in French - love, and almost inevitable affair with the criminal. Knight cups is the eternal "midnight in Paris." See and ... Come.

"On the seventh sky". Even if this is not a love in the ears (on which the card responds very sensitive), then spiritual lifting, carelessness, dreaminess, good mood is ease on the heart, peace and consent, a very complicated and happy state. Absolutely non-flying way. Creative blind, when the imagination is completely in the mercy of feelings. This is a map of poetics, inspiration, romance, as well as healing from heart wounds, obtained in the past.

The power of emotions and creative imagination, update. And, oddly enough, in this rather euphoristic condition, it is possible to go into matters and a lot to successfully do and solve. Perhaps this is because the harmony of the mind and the heart agrees, they do not interfere with each other and do not create internal barriers in affairs.

Traditional human roles Knight Czash - Good brother, true friend or beloved. As a character, the knight bowl is very charming. He can practically do nothing for this, be silent, to be dressed something - all this will remain unnoticed. It is very easy to project the desired, hearing the words he did not say and attribute to him feelings in accordance with his expectations and desires - no wonder this card personifies the ideal of the lover. It always has an element of riddles, secrets, but not tense and not disturbing, unlike the moon, for example. Rather, it is due to the fact that the sensitive and creative knight bowls for himself always remains a little mystery. He is not at all peculiar to typical men's self-confidence in that spirit that I myself know all about myself, an open book. The Knight Chash knows that there is still a lot of things in it than he can surprise both himself and others.

This person is difficult to decide on a profession or relationships (and sometimes with sexual preferences as such). It is not malicious, but does not differ in stress resistance, as everything takes close to the heart, and it is easy to scare difficulties. This one is the type of "beautiful man", which is worth not to sleep (while the swords of swords himself, rather, will bring to the bottle of others).

Knight cups personifies such features as romanticism, sensitivity, dreaminess. Even if he lies, he does it, believing in what he says. Rshot cynicism is absolutely alien to him (but the imagination, torn off from life, at least debug).

In general, this is a very bright person, kind and gentle. He is happy when surrounded by friendly attention, and to his honor, it knows how attention is not only consumed, but also to give others. He is always ready to provide a service, to do something good, and suffers if his motives are understood. He first presses the button in the elevator not because he is heard before the bosses, and gives the woman's flowers not because it is sexually concerned. He is elegant and kindly not because gay. His halanery in his blood.

This is a seducer, comforter, historically - the courteous ladies. It is clear that it was more expensive to send such guys to the battle, but at the court without them it was not to do. The ladies missed, the yard was deprived of the brilliance and turned into a barracks.

Knight bowls - an excellent lover, although rather in an old sense than in modern. This lover is not for the color of the face, but for the flowering of the soul. He is a master not so much to donate the body, how much to delight the heart, and captivates rather tenderness, kindness and sensitivity than the Masculinity and primitive rage (this is, please, to the knight of the wips). He instinctively perceived by a woman as a gift, like psychological salvation, like a ray of light in the dark kingdom, and in general, this very precisely corresponds to his archetype. The trouble is just that in the beam of his light the dark, almost all other kingdoms begin. That is why a couple of absolutely innocent dates can cause a terrible jealousy from a representative of the masters of the wands, swords or pentacles. They can be said, bones lay down, creating their serious men's kingdoms, including for her lady, and here was this Balabol, and that's it! Lady as drunk ... nothing is needed, only him. Here you can get angry (the classic of the genre - "ACCA"). Like the king of the bowl, he plays the field of feelings, inaccessible to other masters directly.

The map describes that period in spiritual developmentwhen it was time to bring himself to harmony with the strongest his feelings and try to express them in life creativity at the very high level. The desires and feelings are an ubiquitous power of life, they can be mastered only through attention and awareness, but not through suppression and oblivion. They help us travel in our inner world, just like to hold and create in external. The knight cups inspires to recognize his emotional needs, passion, suffering and live them with full awareness, completely given to this experience and observing themselves in it.

The knight cups personifies the air (mental) aspect of water, and therefore corresponds to the heights of the development of figurative thinking. This gift can be successfully applied in practice, but its role is most significant in spiritual development. The Knight Chash personifies the noble seeker of Grail, "hovering in the clouds" and who worshiping the eternal feminine aspect of God. Esoterically, this is Loangrin, the Son of Parsifaha, who had to leave the bride immediately after the wedding, because, contrary to the ban, she asked him about his genuine name. Knights of the Castle of Holy Grail helps others incognito, anonymously, that is, it happens only until they are unrecognized. They keep their genuine high rank As the greatest mystery. This self-denial corresponds to the highest aspect of scorpion (IPOSTAGE ORLA, exiting the EGO). The knight cups personifies the core of courage - idealism and tenderness, the ability to remain kind and noble and in pain, and in happiness. In the metaphysical sense, this is a symbol of neophyte, full of idealistic aspirations, strong feelings and hopes for dedication.

In the deep psychological sense, the knight cups bridges, reunites the archetypical energies of male and female. He was not fully reconciled with his inner femininity, but the process of finding this reconciliation turns it into a very creative and charming person capable of manifestation of huge kindness.

This is a fish card - emotionality, intuitiveness, imagination, which is in the power of romantic feelings, creative forces. He describes the cult of mental ease, the illive of waters of the unconscious light of consciousness (the knight's helmet on the head walked the wing is a symbol of the air conscious element). Cloak of blue tones, decorated with alami fish, river, a bowl symbol sent astrologically to the sign of the fish. This is the final sign of the zodiac, embodying the victory of the Spirit over matter, achieving an absolute merger with the flow. White horse is a symbol of the nobility of intentions. The direction of his movement is opposite to the zeal of the knight of the wands and knights of swords. From the mystery of self-affirmation, he returns to eternal source, to the bottomless utopia of love. The highest feat of the knight of the bowl - give her life.

Professionally used imagination and creative talents. All classes associated with the expression of feelings and the satisfaction of the emotional needs of people are artistic, poetic, psychotherapeutic. In particular, this is a map of actors, as well as musicians. Artistry and ability to hear the music of spheres as a key to success. Dancers, poets, aesthets, less often designers, restaurants (needed the energy of pentacles) or showmen (with the energy of the wands). Consultants, priests, teachers of elegant arts, travel specialists and pilgrimages, organizers of meetings and dating.

The dependence of productivity from mental comfort and creative inspiration. Often, this card hints at the need for the support of a skillful manager, a patron, impresario, since the independence of the knight bowl is creative, but not administrative.

Work in the social sphere, assistance to people, companion status, human resource management. This card can describe a small business, oriented on vacation or personal development with an emphasis on harmony, health and beauty.

The atmosphere of benevolence and cooperation in the organization. Forest offers, soft negotiations, diplomaticity and willingness to go to meet.

Tip:dON "T WORRY, BE HAPPY!" Relax and enjoyed. "Knight Chash advises to forget about problems, in the sense - enthusiastically and totally use new opportunities without hesitation. And, of course, try to fulfill your promises. Go to reconciliation.

A warning: Idealization and feeling of feelings. We see something very idealized through "pink glasses." It is not necessary to sneak in your fantasies, to replace the actual desired and go with feelings about.

A quick receipt of money or at least a beneficial offer encouraging information. This value works clearly in practice. Prepaid expense.

Inverted knight bowls (like an inverted king chash) Isxtari is considered a loss sign, especially as a result of fraud, sell or cheating. This is a map of the contents of all stripes, including gigolo and marriage sweeps.

"Honeymoon". Harmony, pleasant pastime, warm spiritual situation, unity and intimacy. Knight cups unrestrained partner and inclines to the same.

Actually, this map is happiness in love relationship, emotionally rich connection with a creative, dreamy person. The most traditional value of the knight cup is the proposal of the hand and hearts. If there is a ace of pentacles next to the ace, then it will most likely look like a diamond ring as a christmas gift. On the knight, the cups are poems, letters, recognition, a variety of manifestations of sensitivity and enthusiasm, recognition in love, open manifestations of feelings. Fullness of feelings, peace and calm, good location Spirit, care, comfort and caress.

Knight cups can describe and not so advanced, but still quite a real stage of relationship, similar honeymoonWhen nothing is bad happen, because both are hard to project each other and see each other only good. All curious water arcanes are dealing with not a reality, but with a projection, a special inspired method of its vision, replacing the actual desired. There is love, attraction, thrust to each other, an open expression of feelings, a great desire to spend time together, romantic charm, feelings close to climax. According to Knight, the bowls are not hidden, but express - bouquets and sweets, romantic invitations and gifts with meaning, compliments, verses and kisses. The symbol is unusually important here. Sometimes its meaning is imprisoned simply to mythological scales, and some attribute (ring, cross, bracelet, key, mirror, photo), a specific dress or shirt, a certain date, name, place, ritual or a specific detail of the appearance begin to play an incomprehensible global role , incommensurable with their objective scale. It seems to be a trifle. Blue handkerchiefs ... diamond pendants ...

Sometimes the "symbolicity" of the knight of the bowl in combination with the projections typical of the water element gives an unexpected effect - the relationship itself becomes only a symbol of something. The range of manifestations is surprisingly wide, ranging from their "replacement" character (partner or partner does not even suspect that it serves only a more or less pale copy of some other person, relations with whom the knight once broke out, collapsed or did not work out) And ending with "Love in love itself" (the object is clearly secondary). Sometimes this character turns out to be involved in relation to the will, inhibited by the complexes of the unconscious and not able to firmly say "no". He is typically regret and helping him, he can climb and sleep from sympathy, becoming a "medicine for wounds" - and to be sealed in a bubble and twisted in the first aid kit for ten years. Now the Savior is already required to himself ... In general, it is interesting, what would the literature and cinema without a knight of the bowl? His stories can be operated to infinity, for their water emotional Development The fluid, and the possibilities for a new awareness and rethinking (air) are huge.

In love, the knight cups are much more romantic than, idealistic and delicately knight wands. Here the instincts appear more gently and sophisticated. He is gentle, hearted and romantic. He is close to the high ideals of love and he does not at all consider them "naive." His love can be safe to trust (even if in the future the relationship will be interrupted, he will do everything to not offend anything).

As a lover, the knight cups are insecure, shy, silent (that for some reason does not charge his attractiveness at all). It is frightened with persons with persistent, strong and rigid, which may have a power over him - and, naturally, it is precisely such that he attracts with terrible force. He is able to behave altruistic and sacrificial. In sex, he is given, regardless of the floor (and feels "taken").

In general, the knight cups very seriously perceives his feelings and sincerely believes that they will last forever. As far as it will be serious, other cards will be prompted.

The trip or the expected news is delayed, postponed. A meeting of something prevents from all the desire.

Uncertainty and timidity that interfere with achieving desired. Flight from reality, inactive dreaminess. Superxistence, insecurity, a tendency to obsessive fears. Sometimes - an indicator of dependencies from sex, alcohol, drugs and other things, mainly of fear before reality. An inverted knight cups usually have something to hide. It may be a betrayal or a humored novel, dependence on drugs, financial difficulties.

According to Mary Merr, this card has one traditional interpretation - "Love that does not dare to call yourself" (so in the XIX century called same-sex relationships). In combination with the tower, it would probably be interpreted as coming out.

Rice driver, leaf, treacherous and deceptive young man, intrigan. Doubles, showing. Incomprehensible feelings and sensations, ambiguity, need clarification. Cheating, fraud, trick, dexterity, focus, sell, lie.

To learn to guess Tarot on the maps, it is important to be able to interpret all the symbols of the deck. Senior and younger arcans in it are equally important. For example, the Knight of the Cups, in the tarot the value of which is impossible to check without connecting intuition. Only the inner flaw will help to understand what the deck wanted to say with such a mystical suit.

General description of suit

The entire deck of tarot is divided into two groups. The first includes senior arcanes, and the second consists of the younger. The deck of a small mystery is divided into four masters. Any of the masters posted in a row personifies the life path of man. Each masters refers to a certain sphere.

So, what cups symbolizes the emotional state of a person. It is responsible for emotions, experiences and feelings. This includes not only love, but also other strong emotions. Anger, joy, fear, disappointment, excitement, anticipation and delight.

If you hold a parallel with playing dealerthen the suit of cups is identified with the worms. In the zodiac row it corresponds to the elements of water. Like its representatives, the suit is connected with intuitive light and sensitivity.

Often, court cards mean the person born under the constellation of the water sign. It can be cancer, scorpion or fish. Most likely, this is a young man. Its age is within 17-30 years.

Map Knight Cups

Map title - Warrior Cups, Knight, Horseman. It shows the rider, squeezing on a horse light suit. In the hands of a man is a cup. He holds the bowl on an elongated hand, so it does not know, it is filled or empty. The horse froze in anticipation of the team. At the feet it flows the river.

In some embodiments, there are other heroes in the image. A woman is sitting on the bank of the river, and a man waving a man standing in a distance. The symbolism of the card indicates a person going on the road. It can be like the road in the literal sense and "path" in new events.

Man on a horse - a character with a high mission. Lover, friend or diplomat. He is confident in himself, he does not care about public opinion. But he is ready to cooperate. The rider shares everything that has. But this man is not as simple as it seems. He can easily inspire his point of view and influence people.

Like any map of the cup of cups, the knight personifies the emotional side of the question. In the way, which is to have the rider, Tarot does not indicate the road itself, but on emotions caused by the movement. The knight is protected by armor, he dare and ready for adventure. On his helmet there are wings. This means that there will be not only inner strength on the way, but also a creative approach. Do not drown the voice of the heart. Listen to it in the same way as a common sense.

The value of the right direction

Knight cups symbolizes a new page. It can be like the next head of the already available history and a completely new novel. In any case, he will be harmonious and prosperous, even if before that the questioning was the hero of sad events. Brief value Rider:

In the right position, the map speaks of gentle manifestations of emotions. This is romanticism, love and cordiality. Only positive values \u200b\u200bare characteristic of such a map. This is a diplomatic symbol.

Often the court card denotes a specific person. This is a young man. He is intelligent and well brought up. His heart is brave and noble. However, he clearly knows what he wants from life, and does not allow him to mislead himself. Itself perfectly manipulates the feelings of others. But behind this is always the good intention.

Interpretation of an inverted symbol

When analyzing the received cards, not only their value should be taken into account, but also the position in which the characters were posted. So, the Knight Cups inverted describes a less attractive picture. The summary of the inverted rider:

  • credulity, suggestibility;
  • dependence on someone else's opinion;
  • inexpensive, which is equal to lies;
  • illusions and excessive dreaminess;
  • unwillingness to be responsible;
  • lie, deception and fiction;
  • insolvency;
  • weakness, bulkiness;
  • disappointment, broken heart.

In the wrong orientation, the rider says about insincerity. It can be a lie around the surrounding, but also dishonesty before yourself. It may be that the questioned itself turned out to be deceived. He is too trusting and naive.

When sampling, the knight in the wrong position speaks of an unfavorable sentence. Do not make this transaction. The essence of the situation will help to open the neighboring arcanes. The devil indicates some non-revision facts. Having agreed says that the point will not reach further conversations. Moon - silence, storage important information, unwillingness to open the truth.

Analysis of the personality and consciousness

When analyzing personality The map speaks of a man noble and sincere. This is a knightly nature that believes in high ideals. This is a pleasant person for whom feelings are very important. Perhaps this is a creative character for which the realization of his talents is most important than mercenary motives.

When describing the emotional state The rider talks about the illusory perception of the world. A man looks at all through the prism of his emotions. On it, pink glasses, and he lives in a fairy tale. There is a superficiality of views and actions. Indicate the depth of thoughts in this case, only the moon and the Supreme Priestess will be able.

If the quantum received a Cup Knight's Day card, then a favorable period is waiting for him. Today it will seem to him that he has wings behind his back. Positive emotions will feed asking the whole day. Joins and good health, because thoughts are material. This day will be a wonderful opportunity to settle all the cases started, as well as work on relationships.

Career alignment and finance

In the defold O. financial position And self-realization it is important to draw attention to the position of the Knight of the Cups. This will determine the true attitude of the increasing business.

Interpretation depending on the orientation

Proper rider In gdeania on a career, he speaks about the case, which is the vocation of Qleant. He gets moral pleasure from him, and profit is interested in it. This is a character, the improvement of which does not stop. He is always ready to receive new knowledge and the exchange of useful experience.

If the questioning is only in finding the case of your life, Tarot speaks about the successful completion of this case. Especially this value enhances the empress in the neighborhood.

Inverted symbol Speaks about superficial attitude to work. A person does not want to delve into the subtlety of the case and study new skills. However, his dreams regarding earnings are quite high. He wishes to receive a reward, but does not attach to this the slightest effort. If Querier acts as a team leader, then Arkan Cup rider speaks of insincerity subordinates to the authorities.

In matters of new starting a deck warns a person about fraud. If the situation was expected to get a specific answer, then Tarot says solid "no".

When analyzing the defold, pay attention to neighboring arcanes. They will give additional information. For example, the priestess indicates thoughtless trifles. More attention should be paid to small nuances. The tower prophesies the fall of the authority and, most likely, dismissal.

Fortune telling and love

The suit of cups is in the mercy of feelings and emotions, so getting it in the scenario on love speaks of strong feelings. Understand what is hidden behind them, the position of Arkana will help.

Straight and indirect position

About strong feelings says the knight bowl of Taro received in the scenario. The value in the relationship is positive. In the existing pair, the symbol speaks of all-consuming love. Partners sincere with each other. They are ready for self-dedication for the sake of a loved one.

Map speaks in the language of intuition. It does not indicate actions, but only the thoughts personifies, therefore the symbol often embodies the unspecified words and recognition. Perhaps someone in love, but never uttered it out loud. IN live position The map often talks about the love of a young man to a woman. She probably older than him.

If the card received a strong sex, then the deck advises him to harmonize relations. You need to be able to love and take love to equally. Do not create an amplua of the egoist in the matters of heart.

In a situation where partners are in a quarrel, the neighborhood of maps and their belonging to positive or negative will be decisive. The force speaks about the imminent reconciliation and the desire of the partner to compromise. Death tires about warm feelings that bring to a person to reconciliation.

Inverted Knight Cup Tarot, the value in the relationship of which is weighty, indicates significant problems in the Union. Partners are at the stage of clarifying relationships. He led to this, most likely mercantile thinking of one of them. It may be that someone from the halves is too in love with itself. Polygamy is possible.

If the question stood about the future of the existing relationship, then the cards speak about the soon disappointment. Everything will go wrong.

If the divination concerned the person unfamiliar, then Tarot warns Qvers. Perhaps, this is not one who gives himself no one who really is.

The decisive in the analysis will be the Arkan, standing next to the rider. The jester warns of frivolous intentions. The tower indicates an inevitable break.

Question of health

The card indicates good health, even if at the time of fortune telling the quantum is not in better form. If you analyze ways of treatment, the deck advises to work on mental and emotional state. The exit from the apathetic mood and depression is important. Communication with loved ones will also help. It is necessary to think positively, because all diseases begin with heads.

Combination with senior arcans

All maps of any scenario are interrelated, therefore, it is necessary to interpret them together. So, the knight cups can gain the most different interpretations in a pair with senior arcanes:

If, when analyzing neighboring Arcans, there are still questions, an additional arrangement of three cards for a particular symbol is allowed. Three cards are laid out separately from divination and analyze their relationship.

ATTENTION, only today!

By the rank of the knight of the Cups younger than the king, but older is a group (messenger). In traditional Tarology concepts, this court card personifies a man who has no more than forty years.

In some decks, the knight carries the rider name and is depicted in the form young man At horse.

In this article

The value of the Knight Cups in a broad sense

On the map from the Wate deck we see a knight in rich armor, in his hand he is victorious of the Cup. He is no walking anywhere, rejoices of life and suggests dividing success and pleasure with all those who want.

Knight Cups from Wait deck

He is sure in own power, you can even say that admires the impression that produces people.

The same image we will see on the map from the deck released at the beginning of the last century, Tarot-93, which was Nicholas Wheel. In the book "ABC Taro", the author gives a detailed description of the representative of this younger Arkana. She is slightly different from the one that is adopted in the classification of Ridera-Wait, but we will study the interpretation of the traditional school. It is clear for memorization and is suitable for a beginner.

Beginner masters working with maps, I advise you to study in detail the classical Tarot symbolism. First you need to get academic knowledge on the subject, and only after that move to the development of new decks.

The video is devoted to the value of the Knight Cup of Cups from the Deck Wild Unknown Tarot:

The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe card is formulated in several points:

  1. Communication, sincerity, friendly attitude towards people.
  2. Confidence in yourself, the ability to plan actions and anticipate the result.
  3. Developed intuition that helps find answers to complex questions.
  4. Ability to manipulate others to achieve the goal.
  5. Love for luxury.
  6. The ability to find and maintain the necessary contacts due to natural charm.
  7. Congenital sense of beautiful.
  8. The pursuit of excellence.
  9. Care from reality into the world of fantasies.
  10. Narcissism.

Horseman Cups Tarot-93

Please note, many card values \u200b\u200bcannot be called positive. But the Knight of the Cups will not reproach in augment or deception, everything that he does is sincerely and from the soul.

Good and bad qualities manifest themselves in the rider bowl depending on what position the symbol fell in the situation.

The value of the map in the literal position

In the direct position, the Knight of the Cups is flawless. He personifies such virtues like:

  • sincerity;
  • honesty;
  • openness;
  • a tendency to romanticism;
  • generosity;
  • gauntness.

In combination with favorable arcans, the rider bowl points to a good man, always ready to come to the rescue. He is tacty, loyal to other heades, does not allow himself to talk about people badly. Knight cups idealist and wants everyone around were the same. Faced with a harsh reality, it closes in itself, becomes selfish and worn.

Map value in an inverted position

In the back position we see that plus changes on minus. The rider bowl points to the insincere, false and dangerous manhiding a true face under the mask of good.

Why this happened, the neighboring cards will tell.

In the situation, an inverted symbol indicates the lack of perspectives. The man is mired in concerns, does not know how to enjoy life, denies the bright parties of being.

Cards often fall in an inverted value, but not always it is worse than direct. I advise novice peckers to practice small layouts for five to seven cards. So it will be easier to see the picture of the divination entirely, to compare the symbolic pairs, assess the situation.

Detailed analysis of the knight card Cups for beginners:

Value of knight cups when fortunening on business, work, finance

Cups characterize the situation at work not as pentacles. Monetary suggests the benefit and material side of the case. Bowls draw an emotional picture of what is happening. They help to understand relationships with people, because it is a quarrel and conflicts that cause failures. A heavy moral climate does not allow to work productive.

In the direct position, the Knight of the Cups says that you are fine. Work brings satisfaction, it means that the material side does not suffer.

The rider bowls intuitively what is not available to others, knows how to notice the details and use them in the work.

If we talk about a professional orientation, which takes place under the map, then a person should think about the creative career. A good journalists, advertising agents, designers, interiors designers are obtained from riders. Art is your meager, say cards.

Over time, the interpretation of the symbols of Taro changes. What was relevant in paws and Rider-Way are outdated. The decks created in our days help look at the situation otherwise, in a new way.

Use different cards for thematic layouts. Create your own symbol decryption system based on experience and observations.

In a reversing position, the Arcan indicates tension. A person fails to be realized in the profession, the conflict is brewing in the team, the bosses do not appreciate the employee.

Emotions and excessive impulsiveness interfere with looking at the situation critically. Perhaps a person moves a banal envy to the success of others, so he cannot focus on fulfilling his duties.

Value of knight cups in relationships

Emotions and feelings are the elements of the Cup knight. In the literal position, it means comfort, a pleasant pastime, intimate connection. Depending on the question set by the cards, the rider bowl points either on a young man, the meeting with which will be held soon, or on a non-night romance, light flirt. Most often, such relationships are not designed for long term And do not end in the wedding. The knight bowl is not a family man, he is in an eternal search and only after forty, or even later, finally finds the soul mate.

Women looking for happiness, the appearance of a card in the scenario warns about the unreliability of the partner. Do not excite about the new lover, he will not be a permanent satellite of life.

Lonely people appearing a knight promotion acquaintance, moments of joy, pleasant pastime. Happiness and joy are already on the threshold, but they will not be long. Kept the fact that it gives fate here and now, do not plan a joint life to old age.

Knight cups from the Tarot Witch

In a reversing position, the rider cups symbolizes the negative sides of love: jealousy, groundless suspicions, whims.

An inverted map speaks of relations in which one partner is completely obeyed by another. Manipulations from the lover or spouse, stupid insults, infantal attitude to life.

Do not count on support and understanding, if an inverted Knight of Cups fell on the question about his attitude towards you.

Each fortune-up has favorite folders that it uses in the work. Interact with cards daily, so you will accumulate experience and easier to memorize characters.

Cup Knights and Places

As already understandable from the description of the map and its key values, it symbolizes a person creative, impulsive, loving.

As a signifier of a knight, Cups take for a man over 30 years old, idling.

Places to be denoted by this card:

  • art workshops;
  • designer bureau;
  • leisure organizations.

The list is easy to add, determining the rider bowl as a map of the day. Watch your life with what people will give you life, analyze the experience gained, use it to work with a magical instrument.

Psychological condition and knight cup

Cards are advised to follow emotions. Do not give in to the temptation to force events, if the rider bowl caught in the scenario.

Cup with wine that he keeps in hand, full, try not to spill gem!

The person who fell out the map is set aside, listening to the advice from the side, trying to control the emotions, although it does not always work.

Congenital sensuality pushes on adventure, makes chasing the mirages, which leads to sad consequences, disappointment, apathy.

In the right position, the rider bowl does not dilute on trifles, it does not know how to take long time to be offended, forgives people small and large misses, does not hold evil on others.

He avoids harsh judgments, but not wearing pink glasses, tries to find a golden middle. Before us is a healthy person, his psyche is stable.

The video is devoted to the value of the Cup Knight card from the point of view of socionics:

In a reversing position, we see that the knight becomes unnecessary emotional, it is easy to involve in doubtful adventures.

Cards advise soberly look at life, stop the illusions; Start working, rather than building projects.

In the inverted state, the knight cups means communication problems, cognitive dissonance, the inability to distinguish the truth from the fiction, pathological falsehood.

Classic combination with senior arcans

Consider how older arcans are affected on the knight.

Knight cups with senior arcans

  • The jester is a unprofitable proposal that is tempting tempting. It should be refused.
  • Magician - new position, changing place of work.
  • Supreme Priestess - listen to the opinion of people. They will help the good advice.
  • Empress - interesting news, proposal for cooperation.
  • Emperor and rider bowl for women - get married. When you gadania on work - the transition to a new position.
  • Lovers - responsible selection, marriage, joint living.
  • Chariot - rapid changes, moving to a new home.
  • Strength - conflict is resolved by a peaceful way.
  • Hermit advises to abandon unfavorable cooperation, to move away from affairs, take a time out, think.
  • Wheel Fortune - everything will happen as a person planned. The changes will affect the side of life that most worries the questioning. The map says that you should rely on the will of Providence and wait.
  • Justice is a truce, the end of the quarrel.
  • Having excreted - deal with things, you have many plans to implement.
  • Death - Friends need support, do not forget about them.
  • Moderation. Mutually beneficial cooperation, joint projects.
  • The devil is dubious offers, temptation, be afraid of envious and ill-wishers.
  • The tower predicts breaking relationship with a loved one or a friend, a large quarrel. When you fortunate on the state of affairs - bankruptcy of the organization, loss of work, a series of unpleasant events.
  • Star - you won. Enemies and competitors are capitula.
  • The appearance of the Moon in the scenario next to the knights of the cup is a symbol of ghostly hopes, ambiguous and dubious offers from friends and partners. You are in difficulty, the risk of becoming desired for valid.
  • Sun - fate gives a chance, do not miss it.
  • The court - you need help, do not push the hand of friendship.
  • The world says that relations with a loved one come to a new level.

Classic combination with the goal of cups

Consider how the appearance of a number of diameters affects the knight.

Knight cups with cards of your master

  • Ace Czash and the rider promise a romantic meeting, a pleasant relationship with the opposite sex.
  • Two - a date.
  • Troika says that the questioning is determined, and his intentions are serious.
  • Four - Union bonded by a contract. In the situation on the relationship, this combination recommends to progress and draw up a contract between spouses.
  • The five reports that there is no understanding between partners. In matters of business, advises with caution to get involved in the project. For beloved means the absence of spiritual unity.
  • Six guarantees success on a love field. When you fortunate to work - colleagues are respected and appreciated.
  • The seven advises to count on strength and resources, you spend vital energy wasted.
  • Eight - an unexpected gift, the execution of a dream.
  • The nine promises that the union with his beloved will be harmonious.
  • A dozen - relations with people will be adjusted soon.
  • Page - likely a marriage proposal.
  • The queen of the cup indicates a lady to which the gigging feeds affection or love attraction.
  • The king of Cups guarantees a truce after a quarrel, a long-awaited meeting.

Classic combination with a fault of pentacles

Knight of Cups and Pentacles: What combinations should be paid to the situation.

Knight bowl with masts of pentacles

  • Ace Denariev promises the replenishment of the wallet. Your income will rapidly increase in the near future. Sources will prompt adjacent maps.
  • Two coins - acquiring financial independence. It's time to change the attitude towards money, start independently earn. Option: Owning your own business is associated with difficulties; Fuck the trick from partners.
  • Troika advises to learn, receive knowledge.
  • Four recommends strictly follow the principles, do not succumb to dubious offers.
  • The five promises a minor improvement in the material situation. There are no long-income on big income.
  • Six - Observe with debts.
  • Seven - the current situation leaves much to be desired.
  • The eight is all in the hands of the gadget. Success depends only on its actions.
  • Nine - doubts and uncertainty prevenge on moving forward.
  • The tent of the pentacles predicts that you will have to protect your own interests.
  • Page - problems in life from lack of knowledge and experience.
  • Knight - Stop it, not too late. Time for decisive action has not yet come.
  • Queen - for the implementation of the project in an inappropriate experience, he squands in vain.
  • The king is an increase in income, sponsorship.

Classic combination with a mystery of swords

Swords and Knight Cups: Examples that are most often found in popular scenaries.

Knight bowl with masts of swords

  • Ace promises joyful news. Option: the presence of a secret adorable, patron, fan.
  • Two carries quarrels, squabbles, misunderstanding in the family and with friends.
  • Troika is a frank, but unpleasant conversation.
  • Four - You will have to fight for our own interests.
  • The top five promises a business trip, an important trip.
  • Six - challenging life situationrequiring immediate solution.
  • The seven says that the questioning floats in the flow, thoughtlessly spends precious time.
  • Eight - for everything you need to pay, cards say. Probably, it is likely to answer for past errors and pregrockers.
  • The nine advises to overcome the fear and take the case.
  • Dozen - all problems from uncertainty.
  • Page swords - intrigue, gossip, whipping ill-wishers behind their backs.
  • Knight - rivals.
  • Queen - you can count on support.
  • The king is the patronage from the powerful and rich man.

Classic combination with the layer of staff

Sour and bowls: Consider the main combinations found in the scenaries.

Knight cups with masts of staff

  • Ace of Wands - Love, the beginning of a new relationship.
  • Two promises a change of residence. Option: New horizons in the career, promotion.
  • Troika - you can safely count on partners, they will not let down.
  • Four of the staff is a marriage union.
  • Five - dissatisfaction, self-criticism.
  • Six - progressive movement forward.
  • The seven promises obstacles in the life path. The difficulties are temporary, say cards, they are easy to overcome.
  • The eight predicts a meeting with his beloved, joyful event, good news.
  • The nine is a proposal that will not bring income, reject it.
  • Dozen - failure.
  • Page - joyful, long-awaited news.
  • Knight of the wands - Follow the voice of the mind, do not commit a rapid act.
  • The Queen of Scepteetrov promises a quick sentence about marriage.
  • The king is inspiration, the implementation of creative plans.

The value of the Knight of the Cups when fortunate on health and vital energy

In a direct position, the Map Knight Chash speaks about the beautiful well-being of the questioning. He is full of strength, energy, ready to work in the day and night.

In a reversing position, the Knight Cups warn that the safety margin is almost exhausted. A person is experiencing difficulties in communication, becomes closed, problems appear with sleep, the nightmares are tormented.

Often the card indicates an excessive passion for alcohol, depression, sharp drops mood.

Cards advise to take themselves in hand: contact a psychologist, control the amount of alcohol.

Often the appearance of the knight of the cup foreshadows problems in the intimate area: check for infections and sexually transmitted diseases.

The Knight Cup advises to get rid of excessive emotionality, soberly look at life, not to indulge in their weaknesses.

Try to move away from templates and prejudice to people and events, it will allow to expand the boundaries of consciousness, find answers to complex questions.

The map warns from evaluation judgments, hanging labels, stinging comments. Keep an opinion with yourself, watch the surrounding. The best way Achieve the desired - cold calculation and excerpt.

A little about the author:

Esoteric Tarologist for me is universal key, opening a lot of doors, followed by new knowledge, opportunities and prospects.

More than 20 years ago, I first took Tarot's cards. Since then, I have been using them not only for predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, plunging into which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.


Knight cups in combination with other tarot cards

With the map "Jester" - to offer something with an open heart.
With a map "Mag" - a proposal for work.
With the map "Supreme Priestess" - offer information.
With the "Empress" map - offer something worthwhile.
With the emperor map - a proposal to create a family or project.
With the map "Ierofant" - a merger offer.
With the "Lovers" card - the proposal of the hand and hearts.
With the chariot map - the offer of moving.
With the "Strength" card - a desire to reconcile.
With the "Hermit" card - a rejected offer.
With the "Wheel of Fortune" - carry changes.
With the "Justice" map - throw away the white flag.
With the "Having" map - intentions will remain only intentions.
With the "Death" card - to be consolation.
With a map "Moderation" - understanding.
With the "Devil" map - a dubious offer.
With the "Tower" card - a proposal to dissolve; Dismissal.
With the "Star" card - hope for reconciliation.
With the Moon map - a dark offer.
With the "Sun" card - consent to the proposal.
With the Court "Court" - ask for help from Angel.
With the "World" card - a gift of fate.

With the "TUZ Wands" card - love.
With the "Two Wands" card - relocation.
With the map "Troika Wands" - fruitful cooperation.
With the "Four Wands" card - the proposal of the hand and heart.
With the "Five Wands" card - criticism; discontent.
With the "Six Wands" map - successful promotion of the sentence; Taking conditions.
With a "seven wands" - obstacles; barriers.
With the "Eight Wands" card - good news; The arrival of a beloved.
With the map "Nine Wands" - a dubious offer.
With the map "Tens of Wands" - attempts of reconciliation are doomed to failure.
With the map "Page Weszov" - a love message.
With the map "Knight Wands" - impulsive, but short-lived gust.
With the map "Queen of the Wands" - the proposal of the hand; Recognition in love.
With the map "King of Wands" - creative inspiration; petition.

For other sources:
V.Stlyarova "Great Book of Combines".

Knight Cups (CHASH) in a literal position with senior arcans

Mago PR and PER - Crystoral "Lanting" trap, Beware of networks
Priestess - Cleaning Holy Water
Empress - noble plaintiff
Emperor - Getting a Big Prize
Priest - Teacher, Guru, Centaur Chiron
Lovers - Be prepared for reconciliation
Chariot - soldiers on the first time on vacation
Justice - the approach of trouble
Hermit pr and lane - look inside yourself, restraint of gusts, help
Fortune wheel - shape dominates content
Power is an insistent invitation. Persistent offer
Hanged - professional mistakes, dangerous to lose everything
Death - discomfort, pilgrimage, it is necessary to break
Moderation - benefit, demand, offer
The devil is a fall in confusion, disastrous passions, gust
Tower - excessive fear, exacerbation
Star - Romeo without Juliet
The moon is a deceptive offer
The sun is a military visit in the average ranks, Captain
Court - Programmed Over Partnership
The world is the illusory world. Illusions
The jester - sincere friend will help in trouble

Knight cups (cup) in a literal position with junior arcans

7 Pentacles - a profitable visit
10 Pentacles - Return home