Sleep bright bird. What is the birds dream? Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

Guessing Yes No - the easiest way to make a decision or make a choice. The main feature fortune telling yes no from other fortunes is that it gives unambiguous answers. It is extremely easy to guess: focus and extremely definitely specify your question with which you appeal to fortune-up.

Some believe that this fortune telling appeared relatively recently and is the prototype of divination "Eagle or Rusk", others seriously consider the version of origin from Egypt. But regardless of the sources of this divination, one thing is important - the ability to get an answer to the question.

Foreign yes no is very easy to use. It is very accurately specifying the question with which you access to fortune-out do not, focus and press the guess button. After these simple actions, you will receive an answer to your question.

The main feature of fortune telling yes no of other fortunes is that it gives unambiguous answers, so try to ask questions extremely accurately. Avoid wording of the form "What should I do?", "How do I do?"

In addition to the positive and negative answers, the fortune telling Yes, you can not give you a message "I don't know" - it can mean either the timely of your question (you are too taking the events) or you should postpone for some time those plans that were interested in the question, because . Their outcome is not defined.

There is a very simple fortune telling on tarot - yes or no. It gives to get an unequivocal, simple and understandable answer to any question. The fortune telling is great for beginners, but it will be interesting and more experienced fortunewrites.

In the article:

Fortune telling tarot cards - yes or no

The alignment of Tarot "Yes - No" refers to the most simple options fortune telling. How easy to understand from the name, he is aimed at obtaining a clear and understandable answer to any question. The fortune telling on tarot "yes - no" is suitable for any sphere of life. So you can get an answer to the question associated with relationships, work and any other affairs.

The fortune telling on tarot "yes - no" to the relationship is a good way to get accurate information about the partner's feelings. The main thing here is to know what question to ask. Get in response yes or not with tarot you can at any time and even anywhere if you have a deck with you.

For fortune telling on the maps of Tarot "Yes - No" to interpret only 1 card. No complex combinations of cards among themselves, no analysis of all maps lying on the table. Drag a deck and spread it on the table, then select one card. You can guess both on the whole deck, and only on younger or senior arcans - choose the option to which you are more accustomed or, on the contrary, you wish to master.

Fortune telling on tarot - yes or no, the values \u200b\u200bof the younger arcanes

The value of the cards in fortune telling on tarot "Yes - No" should be interpreted depending on the position in which the map was. It is straight or inverted. Be sure to take into account this difference in reading cards.

Figure cards have separate interpretations. For example, all aces, regardless of their position and suit, answer "yes." Parn Indicate what to talk about the answer is too early, perhaps the events are not yet formed, and everything can change a few times.

Knights Always give a positive answer. FROM Kings and Queen Somewhat more difficult:

Queen of Wands and Cups - Yes.

Queen of Swords and Pentacles - not.

King of wands and pentacles - Yes.

King of swords - not.

King Cups - both options are possible with equal probability, it all depends on luck.

Rods in the literal position

- Uncertainty, no answer.

Troika - Yes.

Four - Yes.

Five - not.

Six - No questions about money and material values, in other cases the answer is positive.

Seven - No, but remain at my own.

Eight - Yes.

Nine - not.

Ten - not.

Wands in an inverted position

Two - not.

Troika - No, but not final.

Four - nor yes nor no, the occurrence of events is not fully.

Five - No either yes, but against your will.

Six - not.

Seven - not.

Eight - Uncertainty, a delay is possible.

Nine - not.

Ten - not.

Fortune telling on tarot - yes or no, the values \u200b\u200bof cups in the literal position

- Yes.

Five - not.

Six - Yes.

Seven - not.

Eight - uncertainty, communication with everyday patterns.

Fortune telling on tarot - yes or no, the values \u200b\u200bof the cups in the inverted position

Two - If the question of termination of something or parting with a partner, the answer will be positive. In all other cases, the answer is no.

Troika - Yes, but you will not be glad a positive answer to your question.

Four - not.

Five - No or yes, but without achieving the goal.

Six - No change, everything will be as always.

Seven - not.

Eight - not.

Nine - not.

Ten - No or yes, but not fully.

Fortune telling on tarot - yes or no, values \u200b\u200bof straight swords

- not.

Four - uncertainty, cards offer to think about himself.

Five - not.

Six - Yes, if you make efforts.

Seven - No, but if you do not attract attention, remain at my own.

Eight - not.

Nine - Yes, and your bad premonitions are justified.

Ten - not.

Fortune telling on tarot - yes or no, values \u200b\u200bof inverted swords

Two - not.

Troika - not.

Four - No, but if yes, then only for coercion or acute necessity.

Five - not.

Six - Nor yes nor no, the situation is stopped.

Seven - not.

Eight - not.

Nine - Uncertainty, while seeing the answer too hinders the fear of gadgetting.

Ten - not.

Taro, yes or no - the values \u200b\u200bof the pentacles in the literal position

- There is no accurate answer, as it will change several times.

Troika - Yes.

Four - Yes.

Five - not.

Six - Yes.

Seven - Yes, but the results will not be so pleased, as I would like.

Eight - Yes, but there will be many difficulties.

Nine - Yes.

Ten - Yes.

Tarot, yes or no - the values \u200b\u200bof the pentacles in the inverted position

Two - not.

Troika - Yes, but the results will not be too pleased.

Four - uncertainty.

Five - not.

Six - Yes, but it will cost you expensive.

Seven - Yes, but many difficulties are expected.

Eight - Yes, but with great efforts.

Nine - not. A positive answer is possible, but then the result will not be so significant as you expected.

Ten - Yes, but not in full.

Yes, or not - the values \u200b\u200bof the senior arkanov tarot

does not give an accurate answer to asked question. This is a map of uncertainty. The inverted jester indicates a positive answer, but with some conditions and pitfalls.

Straight Mag - Yes, inverted - no. Also to interpret Empress and Emperor, as well as Justice and Court.

Priestess Can not answer the question because the gigging something does not know or does not take into account the important moment of the question. If it is inverted, the answer is positive.

Jeropant in live position Replies positively to all spiritual issues. If you asked about something material, the answer is negative. An inverted hierofant does not know the answer and you need to ask a question differently.

Lovers - Yes, but if they are inverted, the likelihood of a negative response appears. The same value has Star.

Chariot Replies positively, but puts the condition - not to throw the process at half the way. If the question concerned a trip, it should take place successfully. An inverted chariot - yes, but later. If the question has been associated with a trip or transport, the answer is no.

Hermit It gives a positive answer if the essence of the question was the purpose or knowledge, as well as what you would prefer to make alone. For questions related to money, relationships and especially marriage, he responds negatively. Interpretation of an inverted hermit depends on the essence of the question. If he is about the meeting - yes, about reconciliation - yes, but we will not be happy, about work - yes, but there is nothing to rejoice about housing or health - no.

Direct Wheel of Fortune Replies positively. Inverted - too, but only if the question concerned the continuation of something or an old case. If the question of something new, the answer is negative.

Force - Yes. Inverted force - no, but if the question was about the cessation of something, the answer will be positive.

Hanged - No, if the map is inverted - yes.

Death Always responds negative. But if it is inverted, and the question concerned the disease, the answer can be positive.

Moderation It suggests that the answer is positive, but everything will be far from the way. The inverted card is more often responsible negatively, but sometimes it is "yes" with the conditions that you guess will not like.

Straight Devil Replies positively to all material issues, however, it warns that free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Inverted Devil - the answer is negative. In both cases, the devil can say that you incorrectly ask the question or do not think about.

Tower Responding negatively, with the exception of real estate issues. If it is inverted, all values \u200b\u200bchange to the opposite - the questions about real estate have a negative answer, and all others are positive.

Moon Does not always give a certain answer. Only if the question concerned the woman, the answer will be positive.

The sun gives a positive answer anyway as well as Peace.

In general, with this simple fortune telling You can quickly get an answer to a given question, however, it should be carefully approaching it to avoid interpretation ambiguity. As well as with other fortune tells, the same question is not recommended.

In contact with

Online fortune telling yes-no truthful and accurate quickly and free will answer! For one session, you can ask an oracle to 5 different questions. Fortune telling yes no - this is the most popular tool For predicting fate.

Oracle is ready to predict!

Ask Oracle a question that can be answered "Yes" or "no". For example, "Did guests come to me today?" Or "Will I go on vacation this year?" Receive need information Will the fortune telling Yes No online - truthful prediction from Oracle! At a time you can set up to five questions.

You may be interested in other online divination:

Want to know your destiny?

Are you tired of the unknown, do you want to open the veil of the coming? Of course, you can decompose solitaire "Celtic Cross" and do, however, this method is suitable only for experienced gadels. If you do not have a desire to develop subtleties yourself card layouts, then you will help fortune telling online for free "Yes / No" - truthful prediction from the virtual oracle.

What can I ask the all-seeing prophet? In principle, you are not limited to anything for this method Divination There is no forbidden topics. However, it is necessary to take into account that the more accurate the question, the more specific answer will be. For example, if you ask "Will it take me this year?", Then the short phrase "yes" or "no" is unlikely to clarify the situation. A business - the answer "yes" or "no" to the question "Will I get a premium this month?"

If you are interested in fortune telling yes no online for free, exact prediction You can get a site on the site. To do this, just just mentally formulate the question of interest to you and click on the "Get Answer" key.

Is it possible to change the prediction?

The fortune telling "yes no online" is a truthful agent, an analogue of divination "Eagle or Rusk", which people use for several centuries. However, if you are not satisfied with the answer, you can try to change your future. The ancients believed in Fatum, but they were mistaken - every person is waven to choose his destiny. Accurate free fortune telling "Yes No" is not a final sentence of fate, but a guide to action!

It is not necessary to rely entirely on the prophet, if we are talking about important matters. Virtual provider will not be able to solve for you:

  • Does it make sense to change the place of residence
  • Is it necessary to marry / get married
  • Do Credit
  • Did the time to change work
  • Do I need to change business partner

However, in small current cases, the providers will be the right assistant for you! So that he can make a faithful prediction, you will need to focus as much as possible on the problem of interest. Practice has shown that the online fortune telling Yes, it remains true only until the visitors start to ask the oracle comic questions. The winning provider does not like when he is trying to play, he begins to chat in response!

Do not abuse virtual predictions and consult with the Prophet for each minor issue. Do not forget that Fortuna favors those who rested and decisive. And God will be with you!

Looking for an answer to the question? Divination and no - this is a simple online divination, which you can use to help in solving many life situations. Divination is suitable only for questions that there is a specific answer. Yes or Not. If your question does not apply to such, for you, fortune telling Tarot and runes.

Divination and no is based on the principle of mental strength, to which clairvoyance and other ability to see, hear and feel a person, the subject or event at a distance in space or time. Enough such abilities does not mean something outstanding or what you should be born with them. In fact, each of us possesses mental strength and intuition, which can be developed by practice. This helps, among other things, the fortune telling. This is a simple online divination and no will help you establish contact with your intuition, which will give you a right answer.

What questions can I ask? Examples of such questions: Does he love me / she? Will I get a job? Does he marry me? Does he miss me? He / she deceives me? I will meet true love? And many other questions. Fortune telling and no will help you in everyday life When searching for answers to questions that can disturb you. Remember that the same question is in despusting and no can be set only once. If you specify the same question several times, only the first answer will be correct.

How to guess yes and no

Focus and ask a question. Choose one of the three characters of the question that see below. Spend the cursor over them and stop exactly the vibration of which you will feel. Then click "Show" and you will open the answer to your question.

Questions for which man wants to get unequivocal answers, life puts in a variety. We doubt, we cannot make a choice, break between people and circumstances ... And meanwhile, there are ways to get a clear and unambiguous answer "yes" or "no", which will finally be a bowl of the scales to bow the right decision. We offer you free fortune telling Yes No online in several options. Choose the one to which the soul is. Your intuition will tell you the most reliable and truthful, which will be sure to work for you.

Or do otherwise: use each of the fortunes in turn for greater persuasiveness. The main thing is to formulate the question for sure that you can answer "yes" or "no", and try to completely concentrate on it.

Divination "yes no" online:

Before you, fortune telling yes no, which gives a clear answer to a specific question and is never mistaken. Moreover, this oracle will allow you to understand how categorically in your case sounds "yes" or "no", because circumstances change, and the unrelativeness of the fortune may suddenly turn into favor. Oracle does not deprive hopelessly on that reason, as well as does not give rise to it, it does it, and it makes it even more attractive for ghostas.

The fortune telling is not on Tarot cards - the perfect means to know an impartial, objective and exclusively truthful answer to any question. Moreover, your question you can put clearly and even categorically. And the tarot will answer ... and it will not be a simple "yes" or "no", but also the Council about what to do is to minimize the likelihood of a negative outcome or bring the positive result of the intended.

it free online fortune telling on the playing cards Clearly and unambiguously answer "yes" or "no". There is no inappropriate or ambiguity in it, on the contrary, everything is extremely specifically and concrete. That is, in front of you, in fact, the operational way of divination, with which you can get an answer in seconds to any question.