Simple and truthful fortune-telling on the old New Year: for the future, marriage, money, the fulfillment of desire. Fortune telling for the old new year and ways to make the desired

This holiday is called still "rich" or generous Vasilyev evening. Why generous? It was believed this evening to generously cover the table, treat everyone who enters the house. But what is especially interesting for unmarried girls- This evening could be guessing on fate!Popular marriage divinations are able to predict the future and tell about the narrowed-ripped, writes

In Vasilyev, in the evening, according to the following person, the witches steal from heaven a month to forever restore the kingdom of the night. But their plan fails, under the power of a gradually growing day, the darkness is scattered and the sun comes to the sky, which shortens a long winter night.

In the midst of the shin, the eighth day is celebrated by St. Vasily. In the people of this day they said: "The maiden's red guys will lie to the old New Year - everything will come true, and what will come true - it does not happen!" The expected and favorite entertainment of unmarried maids under the Old New Year has always been a fortune telling on the old New Year.

To create a mysterious, magical atmosphere, the girls gathered in a dark room, which was covered with a candle. In her and wondered using the sinic attributes and for fortune telling under the old new year, the generous evening on January 13th.

Divination on ring, bread and hook

Three items - hook, ring and bread - put in a bowl with pieces of white bread, angle, stones and other small things on the night of January 13-14, 2017. A bowl is covered with a towel, then the girls take turns pull out the first thing from the bowl, which got into her hand (every time before the next girl is returning to a bowl). If you got a piece of bread - the rich men will be rich, stretched out the ring - the handsome will get, well, and the key is not good - poor or poor.

Vintage divination On chopsticks

Take three wands - red, white, blue - put in the box. Pull sticks three times. For the first time you can see how rich will be future husband. A red wand means a rich, white - middle aged, blue - poor man. The second time you can see the appearance: red - handsome, white - cute, blue - unattractive.

In the room, where the fortunelist sits alone, the dog is imparted. On the behavior of the dog, they judge the fate of the girl: if the dog will run away immediately to her - the girl will be happy in marriage, he will first sniff - angry and harsh will be a husband, and the married life will not fit, well, if the peak will become immediately caressed, wag the tail Fit gentle.

Fortune telling on shoe

Traditional fortune telling, in which girls threw on the road any subject of shoes. Sock of the shoe that fell on the ground showed. Which way the girl marries. If the shoe turned to the toe to the house - not see the Virgin Vental this year.

Fortune telling on conversations

The girls went on the village where the conversation was heard, came to the hut and listened - what they say, they will turn out: in the house there is fun - to a fun life, in the house of Branch - to the swearing, etc.

Divination: When you want to marry

In the old days could easily find out when the girl is time to marry go. We had to pour a Christmas tree into a glass. And near the glass - on both opposite sides, there were two candles near the walls. With the help of a mother's or grandma wrap, which was tied up on the maiden's hair, learned the future. It was necessary to lower the ring into the glass so that the water surface does not concern. The ring began to swollen quietly, and the girl listened. They used to say that the ring could rush the name of the future husband and catching up the wedding date. Of course, they could not solve the name of the narrowed, but then they thought how many times the ring would knock on the wall of the glass: then and married a girl to go.

  • Book
  • Glass with water
  • Black cat
  • Paper snowflake
  • Bulb
  • Leafles with desires
  • Coins
  • Method number 1. Stranger
  • Method number 2. Glowing windows
  • Modern fortune telling
  • Fortune telling for the old new year for the fulfillment of desires

    Each of us on the eve of the New Year holidays dreams of a miracle, because I want the wishes to be performed, and the fairy tale has become a Jaw. There are many different fortunes on the execution of the most cherished desire. The chosen rite should be held on the night from January 13-14 in full silence.

    Let's consider the most effective fortune telling at a desire:

    Golden ring

    Prepare an opaque bowl with clean water And the ring. Say a whisper of its cherished desire And throw the ring into the water. Calculate the number of water circles. An even number will mean that the desired will certainly come true, odd - no.

    Take a glass or jar and fill out to the top of Rice. Put the palm of the right hand on the neck of the tank and make a desire (you can ask a question that can only be "yes" or "no"). After you get a small handful of cereals and count the number of grains. An even number - the desired to be this year, an odd amount will mean a negative answer.


    At midnight, make a desire and open your favorite book with eyes closed. Pick your finger to one of the lines. Open your eyes and read. The chosen blind sentence will have to give you to understand, a desire will come true or not.

    Glass with water

    Fill one glass to top of clean water, and leave the second blank. At 12 Night, commend your desire and over the table over the table from one glass to another. The dry surface of the table will mean the design of the dream. If there is a pouring a lot of water - your desire will not be fulfilled this year.

    Black cat

    If there is a black cat in the house, the rite can be carried out in this way: take the animal to the next room, and by guessing the question or desire, call it to yourself. If the Pitomian cross the threshold of your room with the left leg - the dream will come true, right - no. And if the cat does not come at all - then the fulfillment of cherished desire will be completely dependent on you.

    Paper snowflake

    On the evening of January 13, make a snowflake from paper and write your desire on it small letters. Put under the pillow and with the onset of the night and throw away from the balcony (or from the window). At the same time, while the snowflake flies to the ground, it is necessary to say his dream 3 times with a whisper.


    Prepare three bulbs in the peel (the heads must be approximately the same) and 3 glasses filled to half with water. On the night of January 13-14, write on every bulb at one desire and place each head into a glass with water. Everything, now you just need to wait. That bully who will sprout first and tell you how desire will come true. Important! For this fortune telling, a spoiled and bothering onions will not fit.

    Leafles with desires

    In the evening, January 13, prepare 12 small pieces of white paper. On each piece before bed, write different desires and put them under the pillow. In the morning to the touch, get any piece of paper and read what it is written on it. This is the desire that will come true in the coming year.


    Take 13 coins and sweep them in your hands, while saying your desire. Throw them so that they fell on one surface. Consider the number of eagles and grills. If more Orlov - celebrate success.

    The most important thing should be remembered that at the time of his desire, you need to believe in a miracle and the power of magic, as well as as much as possible to represent that in the coming year your dream came true.

    Fortune telling for the observation of the street

    If you want to spend fortune telling in a circle of friends, then it is not necessary to sit at home. You can go outside and hold a rite on fresh air. There are some interesting ways To find out the desire or not.

    Method number 1. Stranger

    Go outside after midnight and walk down the street. At the same time, you should have two coins in your pocket - one silver, other copper color. As soon as you see a person unfamiliar to you on the horizon, think about your dream and, approaching the stranger, ask him to choose one of the coins. Silver will mean a positive result. If a copper coin is selected - the desire for this year will not be fulfilled.

    Method number 2. Glowing windows

    If you live in the city, then go to the street at midnight, turn your back to your home and make a desire. Turn the face and count the amount of luminous windows. An even number - the odd - will not come true. You can also walk with friends through the night city, at any time close your eyes and make a desire. Collect around the axis of the axis a couple of times, and count the windows at home opposite.

    Method number 3. Fingerprint in a snowdrift

    At midnight you need to go into the courtyard, find the territory on which the snow remained untouched by people. To lie back and leave the body imprint, while making your desire. On the morning of January 14, you should come to this place and see what happened to this pattern. If nature and people do not touch the nature and people, it means you can rejoice, because this year the desire will come true. If someone comes or contours of the body imprint blur winds - it is worth waiting for next year.

    Modern fortune telling

    There are a couple of modern fortunes that can be spent on the eve of the holiday. It is not difficult to spend them, and it will be necessary very little time.

    1. Elevator. Let's go to the platform and make a desire. Wait until someone causes an elevator. If it stops on your floor or above - the desired will come true, below - no.

    2. Mobile phone. Think about the desired and wait for the call. If a man calls, the dream will turn, if the woman is not worth wanting to wait this year.

    3. Chocolate. Per festive table Fill the glass with champagne. Throw a chocolate cube in 1 minute to midnight and think about desire. If sweetness is poured - it means that you will come true and you need to quickly drink content if the chocolate remains on the surface - the answer is negative.
    Choose the right time for the rite and stick to all the rules, and of course, believe in your dream.

    Radiating relatives and close to gifts and drink champagne, fun sparkling from a variety of New Year's lights.

    This is a fabulous day when I want to believe in a miracle and feel your children. Let in our lives there will be more magic, and then the world will become kinder, and all our desires will be fulfilled!

    What is an old new year, why this holiday still exists in which countries is it still relevant?

    On January 24, 1918, in Soviet Russia, the Council of People's Commissar decided to catch up with the progressive world and move from the Archaic Julian calendar to Gregorian. On the same day, the corresponding decree was formulated and accepted. Two days later - January 26 - he signed Lenin.

    Go to the Gregorian calendar Bolsheviks tried back since November 1917, but could not agree on the form of the transition. Discussions were reduced to two projects. According to the first one, it was supposed to go to new calendar For 13 years, swinging every year to 24 hours. The second project, for which Lenin was performed, assumed a simultaneous transition, which eventually happened.

    - In order to establish in Russia the same in almost all cultural peoples of the calculus of time, the Council of People's Commissars decides to introduce a new calendar in civilian use after January. Because of this first day after January 31 of this year, it's not the 1st of February, and the 14th of February, the second day to count the 15th and so on, - it was said in the decree text.

    And on the night of January 13-14, 1919, the Soviet citizens appeared an additional reason for drinking, because they have already noted the new year on a new style, and old style It was still used by the church and was not long forgotten.

    Thus, traditions celebrate the old new year for almost 100 years.

    In Ukraine, Belarus on this day celebrate a generous evening, which includes celebrations, festivities and fortune telling. The generous evening on January 13 is very similar to Christmas Eve before Christmas. However, dishes are already cooking no longer: on the table there must be sausages, meat, fat, pies, dumplings, pancakes.
    Behind the festive dinner should collect the whole family. Ask for each other forgiveness and wish happiness and prosperity in the new year.

    In addition, the old new year is also celebrated in countries that were part of Yugoslavia. This is especially actively done in Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in Montenegro, where the church uses the Julian calendar.

    Finally, celebrate the old new year and in North Africa. Do this Berbers. True, for them, unlike Europeans, this is the most real new year, because the Berber calendar, in fact, is not very competent track from Julian. Holiday they celebrate January 12th.

    Fortune telling for old new year

    Old New Year is a special, mystical time. It is believed that it is on the night of January 13-14, it comes best time For gadas.
    Although orthodox Church It categorically does not approve of various rites on guessing the future, to which people resort to the shints, nevertheless, fortune-telling remains beloved Russian fun.

    Start for famous soda fortunes gave Christmas holiday, but you can guess until January 19 - baptism.
    In the segment between January 8 and 18, it was customary to ask the names of rapid passers-by in the hope of find out the name of the future chosen one, throw a shoe in darkness and watch who will raise him, guess what awaits us, on the coffee grounds or in the outlines of the burned paper.
    Of course, all this is just entertainment for people who gathered the company to think about. But here is one of the most faithful and mysterious fortunesIt is known in Russia - try to see the narrowed-dressed in the mirror - a few are solved.

    For popular beliefs, on the night of January 13-24, all the prohibitions are removed, mysterious forces rushed to the ground. Some - to harm people, others - to help.
    Vasiliev evening was specially recognized - January 13, when the result turns out to be highly accurate, even the prophetic. No less successfully in despondency and January 18 - the Epiphany Christmas Eve.

    In the old days of the girl, going to pay, tune in serious way. They mentally got off from the real world and turned to supernatural forces.
    Put two mirrors: one - big, other - smaller, facing one to another facial side. Between the mirrors placed two candles and looked through the top of a smaller mirror. Received long corridor, little to get a darker and depth.
    In this deep part it is necessary to rush, and after a while you start to see various items for which the future is determined.
    By the way, it is better to guess in non-residential room Or in the attic.
    At the beginning of the divination it is necessary to say: "Daughty-rude! Two me, dressed! " .
    It is said that sooner or later a person designed to you fate appears in the mirror.

    By the way, there is a more mystical, in my opinion, the option of this fortune telling. It is necessary in absolute darkness opposite the mirror with the candle in the midnight.
    Important condition - More than anyone should not be in the room!

    It is necessary to carefully look into the reflective surface. Somewhere in 5 minutes she will swell. Then the glass will reflect the narrowed, or rather, the devil adopted it.
    The girl should begin to figure out that he disappears, uttering "Chur me!" IN otherwise The evil is materialized.

    Preparation for fortification:

    Need to tune in to a serious way;
    - dissolve the hair;
    - unleash all the nodes, which are on clothes (belts, belts, decorative elements);
    - remove bracelets and rings;
    - mentally surgery from the real world;
    - To define the question.

    On the night of the 13th on January 14th, we have another chance to make something that did not have time for the new year, or say the main words close and expensive people.
    The old new year is the day when you need to spend old thoughts, old mood and open your heart for a new one, for something coming and upcoming!

    Let the year be easy, but bright! Pleasant, but not empty!

    Happy holiday!

    Divination at the desire for the old New Year, which, by the way, is celebrated from January 13-14, they are practically no different from those that can be used specifically on New Year's Eve.

    The most popular for the old New Year in 2019 will be divination on dumplings.

    In every dumpling in the cooking process, put:

    • ring;
    • coin;
    • sugar;
    • salt.

    Depending on what comes, a person will hold the coming year.

    How to guess for old new year

    Fortune telling on melt water and needle

    To learn your future in this way, it turns out only those who have snow to fall on the old year.

    Fortune telling on melt water and needle is very simple. On the eve of midnight, go outside and score a little snow in a bowl. When it melts, a needle is put into the container. At this point, you should focus as much as possible at your desire. By the way, it is better to choose some one of them, and not to spray on everything at once.

    If the needle drowned, it means that in the near future the desire will definitely not come true. If the needle remained on the surface, intended to be 100%.

    "Book" divination

    One of the most common new Year's fortunes - "Book". How to predict the future on the book? Enough to take favorite work, Concentrate on your desire, open a book on the specified page and read the coming construction. It is possible that it is in these words that will be the answer to the question of whether the new year will come true in the new year.


    Such divination is calculated both by one person and on a whole company. Those who celebrate the New Year in the circle of relatives and loved ones can exchange a book for fortune telling with a close man.

    Fortune telling with pillow and paper

    In the new year most often guess the desire on paper. There are many ways to open the curtain of secrets over your future using the most ordinary paper. One of the simplest - Write wishes on separate leaves, put under the pillow and go to bed.

    Waking up in the morning, you should pull one sheet with desire. What is written on paper will surely come true.

    You can also take 12 cardboard cards and write their desires on them. Next, manipulation is repeated. Only now from 12 cards can be pulled out in the morning, but three.

    Fortune telling on a chain

    To find out whether the conceived will come true, you will need a thin gold chain. If there is no such decoration at hand, any other golden color jewelery will suit. If the chains are short, you will need 2-3 products. If the decoration is long, you should use it in a single instance. Also need a crystal vase.

    The chain is thrown into the vase and shake well. At the same time, the one who performs such manipulation should think about his desire. Next, you should pull out the chain and calculate how much the nodes are tied.

    Divination on the mirror

    The absence of nodes means that the desire is not fulfilled. The presence of one node says that the desire is most likely to be fulfilled.

    Two nodes say that the conceived can come true, but this can be prevented by this. The presence of three nodes means one hundred percent fulfillment of desire.

    If there are more than three nodes on the chain, it means that in fuss, it is not destined to come true.

    Foreign on paper sheet

    Perhaps this is one of the most ancient fortunes. Acting in accordance with the rules, it will turn out to open the curtain of the secrecy above its future.

    To find out if dreams come true, a piece of paper will be required that is well lit. Ideal for cigarette paper.

    Divination on Bengal lights

    Another way to learn your destiny on the old new year is relevant for large companies. For fortune telling, the packaging of Bengal lights will be needed.

    Fucking the desire, one wand should be lit and wait until it goes out. Next you need to look at her tip. If he is bent, then the desire is most likely not fulfilled. A robust tip suggests that there are no obstacles to the way to conceived.

    Traditionally better period For the girls' gadas for the future and the shints are considered for love. At the same time strong days From a magic point of view is a new year and Christmas. These holidays have already passed, but for those who still want to try their destiny, there are fortune-telling for the old New Year. This most paradoxical of all Russian holidays, also coming for the period of the density, is celebrated on the night of January 13-14, and it is believed that this night, the soda divisions on the narrowed will be the most truthful.

    Skatful fortune telling on a chain

    Fortune telling on the old new year is largely similar to the usual saty fortune tellingHowever, there are those who are considered specifically for this day. For example, one of the most vintage fortunes It offers to open the secret of its future with the help of a chain. It is necessary to conduct it immediately after midnight and necessarily alone. Silver or gold chain have to take right hand, sick it, and then throw on a flat solid surface, for example on the table. After that, they look at what figure was formed.

    For example, if the circle lay down in the form of a circle, it symbolizes what a girl in next year Waits a lot of difficulties and she will have to make a lot of effort to overcome them. Oval means almost the same thing, though, in a slightly softer form. If the chain formed smooth lineIt is recommended to start new things - in all of them gadgetting will be accompanied by luck. Triangles and rectangles are also signs of speedy success.

    A figure that resembles his outlines of a bow, foreshadows success in love - a romantic date or an ambulance wedding, depending on whether the girl has already groom or lover. If the chain lay on the table in the form of the letter is to a new relationship, and it will be the name of the cavaller to begin on this letter. The snake warns about cunning and that it is not possible to trust everything, even among loved ones. And if the chain is confused by the node, then the year will be not easy in all respects.

    Divination on champagne

    Those who did not have time to pay through the traditional New Year's drink on the night of December 31 on January 1, you can also try to do it on the old new year. For this, while they beat the chimes in a glass filled with this drink, throw a small piece of chocolate and follow how he behaves. If he picks up - it is necessary to prepare for the fact that the year will be quite difficult, and if it remains to swim on the surface - everything will be accompanied by luck. It is best if chocolate for divination will be bitter.

    Another option - while the chimes are beaten, write their cherished wish on a small piece of paper, set fire to her and throw ash in a glass with champagne. When the clock is hit last, you need to drink all together. If the leaflet completely burns - the desire will be fulfilled, and if not, it is doubtful.

    Saty fortune telling on dumplings

    One of the traditional Russian fortunes on the old New Year is a divination on dumplings. For this, the hostess of the house, inviting guests, is preparing dumplings with potatoes, some of which puts filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what the dumplings will fall with him, and just on his stuffing determine that a person is waiting next year.

    The filling can be the most diverse. For example, a piece of meat or bread foreshadows wealth. The same is a coin. Beans, rice or other grain - also symbolize wealth, profits. Sugar - to sweet, pleasant events, salt - to tears. Thread or peas - to the road, traveling. The ring - to marriage, sweet candy or red pepper pod - to a new fan, and nuts - to two cavaliers immediately. Cherry bone or fish scales - to replenish in the family.

    Saty fortune telling before bed

    Like any other day, the density, you can try to see your narrowed in a dream. For example, a four-card kings are put under the pillow and the following words are pronounced: "Who is my narrowed, who is my rich - that you dream in a dream." It is believed that in a dream, the girl will certainly see her future spouse in the form of one of the kings. If you guessing sympathizes some particular young man, under the pillow, you can put only a bubne king and make a specific question, referring to it. In a dream, she must receive an answer.

    You can learn from divination and the name of your future narrowed. To do this, in the evening, on the ngazda with mirrorial, small sheets of paper are written various male names And put them under the pillow. In the morning, waking up, get the first piece of paper: what a name on it is indicated and the future husband will call.

    Divination with mirrors

    The mirror is not accidentally considered one of the most mystical objects and is used in many fortune telling. On the shield can be paid with mirrors in several ways. For example, you can take a mirror and go out with him to the intersection. You need to do it, of course, at night. It is necessary to outline the circle around yourself and say: "Daughty-dressed, come to me along the road, and on the white snow." After that, peeled in the mirror. As they say, you can see the most different visions. Ideally, this, of course, should be an image of the future narrowed. If something bad is pregnant, you need to read the prayer of ours "Father", and there will be no harm.