Dirty coat in a dream. Dream Interpretation to try on what dream of seeing to see

Do you like new clothes? Do you know what they appear in dreams? What is trying to say the subconscious to which everything is open when he throws the plot with a new dress, costume or coat? Dream interpretation about this argues with knowledge of the case. After all, new clothes are not modern gadgetsThey were interested in all times. Therefore, a rather significant experience has accumulated. Let's rather wise sources of interpretations and deal with how to perceive this pleasant sign.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Buy a coat - feel the proximity of the spirit of a person who is currently very far away. He thinks about you and keeps loyalty, try not to bring his trust, recommends a dream book. A new coat is sewing in atelier, means that the correct life path is selected. Sooner or later he will lead you to great success. If such a plot was in your dream, it means that it is for what to fight in reality. Be sure to insist on implementing your ideas. They are very promising, let people do not understand this yet. But if you have tried a new coat, the dream book recommends looking at the surrounding more realistic. Those who you are confidentially committed, secretly prepare betrayal. Such a plot foreshadows bitter tears. They wore a strange coat - feel unpleasant inattention from the beloved person. If they gave their own someone, hear the deserved praise to their address from the side unfamiliar people. To see Latany Swingers, in which you flawed in the country of Morpheus. This is a sign of whether friends will definitely come to the profile in complex situation. The plot in which you were overclocked by a coat, the dream book considers extremely favorable. He foreshadows the most execution of the most

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

See that you wear a new swinger or down jacket - to good events. Desires will be fulfilled without special efforts from your side. If this piece of toilet is small, then lower the bar of dreams. Now you are striving for the fact that it is still unattainable. If they drew attention to what they dressed in a very large coat, the dream book predicts a good configuration of the circumstances, a happy occasion. Catch the moment, because not all the same lucky! Trying to put on someone else's upper clothes - to an unpleasant situation. Most likely, you are accused of what they did not think or did not. We will have to be explained, absolutely not understanding how this could happen. Surprise to detect in a dream that your coat is stolen, suffer from slander. The most bitter will be the fact that gossip will spread very close people. It turns out that Navate transfers friends or relatives to others. Do not wait for disappointment, talk to these people to understand the essence of their claims or offensive. Everything can be fixed, if the coat in a dream was found. The jacket or down jacket, stolen by you, foreshadow the manifestation of unreasonable anger, for which it will later be ashamed.

Modern dream book

In life is not very nice when the upper clothes are torn. The same feeling occurs if such an event occurs in a night vision. And it is true! Saw a torn coat, wait for large troubles. But admire the new swingers, down jacket or other outerwear - to great pleasure in real life. Will be exactly what you dream and consider unattainable. The case will be on your side, encourages the dream book. A red coat is a sign of glory for whom it was causing. Highly good dream. Just need to work a little more, overcome the last obstacle to universal approval and respect. So, do not lower your hands and do not give in depression. Everything will definitely work out, Fortuna will raise you to the top of fame and success. Loss of outerwear in a dream foreshadows full collapse. We will have to re-arrange your destiny. Woman married should be prepared for the divorce. Men - to the loss of the current high-paying place.

Dream of Simon Canonita

They put on a new coat - the honor you are guaranteed, foreshadows this wise source of interpretations. Bad when they found dirt on top clothes. This is a sign of shame and poverty. Baryshne should be prepared for humiliation from insincere friends, viciously envy its popularity from the opposite sex. Do not hone in your heart offense on these unfortunate. Sorry them, recommends a dream book. Negative emotions badly affect the color of the face and shine of eyes, charming cavaliers. Why do you need such trouble? If you discovered that they dressed a large coat, we will survive the fright. Meet the Morpheus of the robber, encroaching on your upper clothes - to get into trouble. Well, if you managed to repel the toilet item at the thief. So steadically, to endure all the tests, without dropping the dignity, without admitted by the principles. If the robber turned out to be stronger or cunning and took possession of your upper clothes, then fasten, friends will not come to the rescue, you will have to fight with the transformations of fate alone, the dream book is crushed. Well suitable in size, foreshadows a man special honors from colleagues and the favor of bosses.

Vintage french dream book

Wipe coat, beautiful, black - beautiful night vision plot. This is a sign that the dedication of the dream will reward. But when the outfit turned out to be red, it is necessary to prepare for someone else's cruelty, meanness or hypocrisy. We do not always manage to communicate only with sincere and open people. Do not worry, recommends an interpreter. You will be able to cope with the enemies if the outerwear in a dream was new and intact. In other cases, you will suffer from the malice of others, and absolutely unreasonable and unfair. Female playful cape, flashed in night vision, promises young people passionate passion. It will be mutual and will become the basis of future happiness. Catch the moment! Open the love of love with all the soul, recommends a dream book. A coat to try in the semitime - to participate in intrigue. Beware of being drawn into someone else's love story, recommends a wise interpretator.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

This source considers the upper clothes by the familiar disorder relationship. The one who saw him in the Astral will need support for loved ones, but will not receive it. disappeared in a series of boring everyday life, evaporated. Most likely, the dreams himself is a little to blame for this. He refused closest in simple joys, dishwashed when they tried to talk to souls. Now you have to suffer from inattention on their part. A bitter sense of loneliness settles in his heart. But it is not necessary to put up with him, recommends an interpreter. Burn for love and trust of loved ones. Let you now weaken and need help, stretch your hands, open the heart, and heat will gradually return to the relationship.

If the coat is lost irretrievably in a dream, then you will have to look for new friends. Those people who were previously considered close, actually mocked your sincerity and gullibility. In front of difficult times. It will be necessary to accept the loss of expensive people, to find the strength to believe with a new acquaintance, to open them.

Dream Miller

You should not show stubbornness in any situation without parsing, this famous interpreter believes. It can lead to troubles and losses. It is from the current turning of the events warns the dream book of one who saw the Morpheus coat in the country. Having leaning over time. Upper clothes are to suffer from someone else's mistake. Do not trust your interests to people who do not have experience in important matters, warns the dream book. See the coat on the mannequin - to indulge in empty dreams instead of worrying hard. This will not lead to an increase in well-being, nickname to gain authoritative in a circle of friends. The big sorrow is coming to someone who wore ribbon or dirty upper clothes in dreams, Mr. Miller said. Loss of this item toilet is a sign of bitter regrets about negligence in financial affairs. Most likely, the rampant solution will lead to loss of state, for which you will curse your credulity.

Dream interpretation for lovers

Put on a new coat - familiarity with the beautiful young lady for young man. If he has a beloved - to the temptation. Lost the upper clothes - there is a failure in a personal life. A married plot foreshadows a divorce or a serious scandal.

If a soft and cozy coat dreamed, this is a sign that you lack attention and spiritual heat. It is also a reflection of the need for protection and understanding. More detailed decoding Give popular dreams and concrete interpretations.

Coat in a dream by Miller

Mr. Miller is confident that in a dream, the coat reflects his own stubbornness. If you happened to wear someone else's thing, then misses others will bring a lot of difficulties. It also means that there will be support for friends in a difficult situation.

To see a new unusually beautiful palishko - to an exceptional luck and execution of a cherished dream. Torn and the old thing is thrust sorrow and difficult period. Worst of all losing a coat in a dream. This means that it is not possible to start everything again, because negligence and short-sightedness in financial issues deprivates the most necessary.

Interpretation by Sleie's Dream

A coat in a dream is a reflection of the image of a person, external manifestations of character. In addition, the image can symbolize the mystery or some protection.

Did you dreamed that you walked in the mong of Manto in the summer or did they go in room in it? Try to keep your secrets better. Put on someone else's thing means you are trying to keep visible success. Although actually mired in debt. If you have made the caustic, the circumstances will be in the worst way.

The opinion of Dr. Freud.

Mr. Freud characterizes a coat in a dream as a men's phallic symbol and a certain, often aggressive behavior in sex life.

Wailed to buy a new manot? In real life, you are thinking about changing the partner. Did the whole wardrobe with outerwear? You probably have several novels at once or you only dream about it.

Ripped and dirty products symbol of impotence or disease in sexual sphere. Torn buttons - a sign of sadistic inclinations. If it happened to lose the coat, then you are ready for the rupture of current relations.

Dreamed of a coat - by dream from A to Z

Very good to buy in a dream. New Paltishko. This is the sign that you have a close man. Sew the product in the studio means that you are standing on the right track, which will invariably lead to triumphal success.

I happened to try the pal property? You will cry because who trust the whole soul. If you gave a stranger to displacing your thing, then I will hear a lot of complements and praise from strangers. To wear someone else's coat itself means that you experience a lack of attention from close and very worried about this.

Did the old, battered battered with holes? A highly confusing situation is coming, in which you need help from the side. Change the product in a dream - to good luck, the right path, the execution of the desired. To lose it in a public place - it means that the device has to do its own destiny. If the coat was stolen, then be afraid of wobbies and perekov.

What does the coat mean a female dream book

Wailed to see your coat? You will experience because of your own stubbornness. Take to displacing someone else's - you will correct other errors. It is also an omnory of circumstances in which extinct support will need.

Buy, measure or wear new clothes - to exceptional luck. Ripped caftanchik dreams to large trouble. If you lose worse in a dream coat. Discoverable financial transactions will not bring money, and will have to work a lot to rebuild secure life.

What dreams new coat, old

New Outerwear is a symbol of respect at work and at home. To see and carry it - to the creative rise, the incarnation of desires, good luck. If you like the new finish, it happens to change for the better. If you do not like it, everything will change to the worst.

Dreamed old, and even a dirty paluit? Test humiliation and poverty. See old - to failures and losses. If you have taken displacing old thing, I will suffer from other people's mistakes. Wear a draine and worn jacket in a dream literally means that you barely reduce the ends with the ends.

What dreams of trying to try

I happened to try in a dream coat? Fuck cunning friends or real robbery. Measure the product in the store - to tears because close man. Fitting a worthwested selection promises a complex situation in which it is impossible to do without someone else's help.

If the store happened to try on a coat, and in fact it turned out to be old, then failure will bring misconduct. The little thing came exactly at the time? Will luck. If she was small or great, you will not be able to adjust the circumstances.

What does it mean - buy a coat

If a thick drape coat had to buy in a dream, then in reality, in reality in a hopeless incident and fail. Buying a new, unusually convenient and pretty down jacket promises the acquisition of a friend, close in spirit and worldview.

Did you have bought a fashionable and terribly expensive product? To deserve respect for hard work. If you happened to buy a coat, then it's time to change something in appearance. It is also a sign that you need an assistant, successor or heir.

What dreams to wear a coat, wearing

Wearing a coat of another person in a dream - to a lack of care and attention, mental torments and spiritual loneliness. Dressing your own finish means that you will find peace only thanks to your own efforts. If a girl on granting dreamed that she was wearing a coat under which she was completely naked, then married would come out without bold.

What dreams coat with collar

To interpret the similar image is in the presence of a pronounced detail in a dream. For example, if the collar is made of easily recognizable fur or has a memorable form. Coat with collar Rack literally means resistance in difficult conditions. The postponed gate transmits the importance of an event or a person, a deep neckline opens all hidden and secret.

Did the product with a collar of fox or beaver? Financial position will be better. If you were presented with a man with an expensive fur gate, then marry a real owner, wise and economical.

Try to trying to fish with a fur gate for women - to an inner spiritual conflict, men - to an expensive friend, which will download money. Couple in a fur collar - to a cold or frustration.

What dreams of a hooded coat

The hood itself symbolizes some secrecy, the secret and desire to save it. Wear or wear a palfast with a hood means that you are fully satisfied with the current position.

It is also a sign that you have something that you have to hide from others. If the hood on the coat only interferes, then it is worth a smaller chat and frank.

Outerwear with a hood guarantees that in reality you will find a worthy assistant or opposite a serious patron.

What dreams Women's coat, male

Outer clothing like "Unisex" marks receiving news and valuable information that will help complete the started. The female coat dreams before the appearance of the opponent or an irreconcilable competitor. Male calls for refusing reckless steps and think through every action.

What dreams coat black, red

Red clothes warn about meanness and cruelty, but also promises passion and bright emotions. Brightly Scarlet calls for gathering, as difficult times will come soon. Dark-red robe promises long and quiet life.

If the black palishko dreamed, then your efforts and the main qualities will soon be appreciated. New black coat Promises sadness, disappointment and disorder. For unmarried ladies, the purchase of black apparel marriage marriage.

Coat in a dream - other interpretations

Detailed decodents will help not only understand what the coat is dreaming, but also to make a truthful prediction for the future.

  • sleep for Women - Male Protection Symbol
  • for a man - justified risk, thoughtfulness
  • new - to a sudden interference, random slip
  • old - to the long-awaited acquisition
  • not in size small - to a difficult situation
  • big - to freedom, expression of opinion
  • too long - to fright
  • very short to trouble
  • sitting badly - get rid of affection, dependence
  • good - luck lucky
  • like - to a quiet period, well-being
  • i do not like to break, rivalry
  • drap coat - to a friendly meeting, party
  • woolen - to health, endeavors
  • silk - to a profitable case
  • kriflented - to the memories
  • leather - to voluntary solitude, as well as endurance, cruelty
  • from sheepskin - feel homemade warm, make stupidity
  • blue - to the execution of desires
  • raspberry - to change the intention, goals
  • burgundy - to get rid
  • green - to hope, prosperity
  • yellow - to merry
  • orange - to financial success
  • purple - to luxury, chance, new features
  • brown - to empty troubles
  • white - to need to show caution
  • motley - to unexpected changes
  • two-color - a combination of bad and good
  • break up to failure
  • change - to an incredible luck
  • strip new clothes - to gaining energy
  • old, Wailed - to long testing
  • fear of losing - to the possibility of loss of faith
  • leave somewhere - to independent earnings, hard life
  • stolen - Fear woven
  • selected - to difficulties that will be addressed alone
  • voluntarily give - to passion, seduction
  • present - to a kind relation, new love
  • walk in the house in the coat - to the mystery
  • wear on a naked body - do not show your emotions

In general, a coat in a dream warns about a sharp change of weather. At the same time than an unsightly look, the worse there will be the weather. If the unusually strange thing dreameded, but at the same time do not hold the extreme views of the fashion, then the real weather anomaly comes.

If you have acquired a red coat in a dream in a dream, then do not be lazy to "rummage" in dream books, what is the dream of such an image. According to the most famous interpreters of dreams, the outerwear personifies the inner world of the dream, and softer fabricfrom which she sewed more difficult to man Change with difficulties in reality.

Miller's red coat

Gustav Miller assures that the palte in a dream personifies the stubbornness of a dream. Was it bloody red? This means that a stubborn character may lead to unpleasant situations.

At the same time, in Miller's dream book there is also such an interpretation of sleep: if you see in a dream that you were presented with a beautiful new semi-coat brightly red, it can mean friends to "reach out" to you, for your mind overshadows anger or resentment on Someone.


Many interpretations offer dreams to what the red coat dreams. However, decrypting these visions, also focus on the fabric from which it is sewn. For example:

  • drap - come across rudeness;
  • cashmere - under the mask of differentity you hide uncertainty;
  • cloak - symbolizes indifference to everything that does not apply to you personally;
  • fur or plush - you are a very soulful man, but quick-tempered;
  • skin - you confidently go to victory, whatever it cost you.

Guest About me: from illness to love

What dreams of seeing yourself in a red coat will tell Miss Hasse's dream book. If it was put on a naked body, then you should fear the disease.

Did you dream that you put on someone else's brimpto color of blood? In the dream of Tsvetkova there is a couple of explanation to this: either you need help close, or, listening to other people's advice, you make a mistake.

But, to see yourself in a very long winter coat in bordeed tones - a sign that you are a very vulnerable person who is accustomed to hide their resentments under the larger excessiveness.

Love will not know difficulties if the red semi-trap in a dream you gave you a loved one.

Holder Filter - Aren't you? To change.

If you dreamed that you saw a beautiful red coat on a woman, then try to remember whether you were familiar with her, tells the East Interpretator. So, for example, the outerwear that you saw in a dream on a woman unfamiliar to you, promises the beginning of a new stage in life. And if you were familiar with her, then similar plot may display your envy.

What does golden mean in which you decide to buy a dark red palfast girlfriend as a gift? This is a sign that you have intense relationships with this girlfriend. You should talk about it, suggests Medele's Dream Interpretation, otherwise it will lead to the cessation of friendship. Buy her Pilshko advised you a general friend? This man wishes your quarrel.

The coat brings the autumn thoughts, memories of the yellowed foliage, bright, but not heating the sun. We can say that the coat is enough emotional signcarrying internal experiences. To understand what the coat is dreaming, it is worth paying attention to the inner sensation that accompanied you in a dream and look into the dream book. Coat, according to many interpretors, connected with the ability of the dream to make compromises.

Children's dream book considers a coat with a symbol of a dream dissatisfaction in human warmth and attention, the disadvantage of which can develop in a person bothering on the world, nervousness, aggression. In the near future, you should pay the family time and spend as much time with it.

The scientist and psychologist Gustav Miller clarifies in his dream book, what dreams of a coat: this can mean its own stubbornness and inability to find a common language with loved ones. Ask someone else's coat in a dream - to failures and problems for the fault of an outsider. Perhaps even because of the one whose coat you lent.

To seek or walk in a new coat in a dream means that you will soon be awaiting victory and improvement over all fronts. Great luck will suddenly fall from the sky and illuminates with its shiny all the spheres of the dream of a dream. However, if the coat belonged to another person, it will be foreseen heavy situation, to get out of which friends and loved ones will help. Without assistance will not cost.

If a man dressed in a coat, hence, soon you will find an influential patron or a friend in a circle of high-ranking persons who will give reliable protection In a risky business scheduled for the future.

What dream of a giant size coat? To solve a difficult task, to cope with which you will have alone. It is worth accurate, relax and in good location Spirit to solve your problems.

Man in a huge coat - to big and sincere love, full erotic pleasure.

Exterior of clothing

White coat in a dream personifies successful search for a partner for life, says Dream Interpretation. Coat in this interpretation is a symbol of great and sincere love. Often the object of adoration becomes one who used to be perceived by a dream only as a good friend.

Coat of blue color Speaks about the existence of ill-wishers who are trying to spoil the dream of a dream in every way, to throw reputation. But you should not worry, all their attempts will not bring the expected result, but will bring offenders from themselves that it will not affect them themselves.

The black coat dreams to a large moral, and possibly financial reward for the excellent personal qualities of the dream: the ability to listen to, assist in the first call of loved ones. For these valuable qualities will be generously gifted by fate. Defenselessness, modesty and hard work - here are your main strengths.

What dream of a black coat with a man? To a big award for the services rendered.

A green coat with his interpretation should be delighted with avid travelers or those who dream to radically change their lives. Such a dream foreshadows pleasant changes that will be associated with the long-awaited and long-lasting train, change of residence, great prospects in another country.

Pink coat, according to the dream, can be compared with pink glasses. If it dreams, it means that it is time to say goodbye to children's naivety and take responsibility for life in your hands. Excessive dreaminess and tendency to build air locks in the real world can lead to large painful disappointments. Of course, you do not need to kill the child in yourself, but the bust in this question will be superfluous.

What dreams of a red male coat? To the danger associated with deceivers, scammers, fraudsters. Women are such a dream foreshadows meeting with true loveAnd those who are married to improve and update married relations.

Yellow is a lie color and deception according to a lot of belts, the dream book says. A coat of this color, dreaming of a lady - to evil gossip, slander and various events that are adjusted to investigate the name of the dream. Try to protect yourself from ambiguous situations. For men, a yellow coat is a warning from a meeting with a woman in the mind of which only on and deception. You should not believe everything that she will say, and even more so not to get involved in dubious adventures.

New coat

Interpretation of sleep in which you had the opportunity to see a beautiful new Pilishko depends on what exactly you did with him.

  • Wear a new job - Soon the dream finally will be able to complete all the important things that have been delayed for a long time, and new growth prospects in various fields of activity will open in front of it.
  • To engage in fitting new coat, it means to be a happy owner of a sharp mind, flexible thinking. You probably want to change the lifestyle, dwelling or your image. Dare! Now the right time for long-awaited change.

  • A coat with fur speaks of the acquisition of high status and well-being. Finally, the works will be rewarded in dignity.

Actions in a dream towards clothes

Admiring himself in the mirror, trying on a coat, indicates the need to agree to the rescue influential personSo how to achieve the goal without it will not succeed.

Buying a coat suggests that the dreams are very popular and respect among people of their circle.

The loss of the coat often indicates the absence of tact and the flexibility of the dream. It can offend his friends and loved ones.

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday 03/20/2019

Sleep from Tuesday on Wednesday is overflowing with activity and abundance of a variety of plots. It is almost unrealistic to find the only correct semantic thread in this chaos. ...

The coat seen can foreshadow the events that are associated with the image of sleeping or its internal experiences. Different dreams about the coat in its own way interpret such a dream, more accurate interpretation You can get, turning attention to what color was clothing, and what role in a dream it was playing.

Female dream book

For women to see in a dream, coats may be precursors of spiritual experiences and torment. New, beautiful outerwear - a sign of what pleasant events and joy are waiting ahead. And to wear someone else's coat - losing everything htched. Also not good if the torn coat had dreamed, the failures will follow soon.

Children's dream book

The dreams associated with the upper clothes are talking about spiritual concern, confusion, finding out the difficult situation. It is necessary to find someone who listens and help.

Dream Interpretation Psychologist Milera

Sleep, in which you see a coat, warns that the fault of another person is coming. This is the main interpretation of dreams. New coat - wait for trouble from a stranger, trust the surrounding less.

    wearing someone's coat - suffer from other people's mistakes;

    new - good luck;

    ripped - grief;

    lose - repent.

Dream Interpretation Medium Hasse

    coat bigger size - get frightened;

    alien in your coat - a new love passion;

    lose - to the troubles;

    dress on someone - vital difficulties.

Dream Dream of the Apostle Simon Channel

In life there will be a difficult period if you have seen someone else's coat or someone dressed in your. Beautiful and new outerwear - to great happiness, calm.

Dream Interpretation Phonda

This dream interpretation interprets the dreams associated with the coat in more detail. To explain the dream and understand that he foreshadows, you need to pay attention to all the details.

Color coat

    white - to a like-minded man, buy a coat of this color - your undertakes will support close;

    red - there is a risk of becoming a victim of hypocrisy, pay attention to the close environment;

    black - your good deeds in relation to other people will be estimated;

  • green - all difficulties will be solved thanks to your persistence.

What did you do with a coat in a dream?

    lost - incorrectly arranged priorities will lead to loss of money;

    presented - wait for a stranger who will play important role in your life;

    they stolen - gossip and goats of relatives.

The female coat in a dream says that you lack emotions, but soon love will come.

Dream of Freud.

Freud believed that coat (outerwear) in dreams talks about sexual experiences, uncertainty or warns about the dangers that can happen to partners.

    Sleep about the new coat - to the change of sexual partner;

    dirty - sexual diseases;

    torn buttons - the desire to have several partners;

    lose coat - to rupture relations.

Also from sleep in which you saw a coat, you can judge about the upcoming weather. The worse the clothes, the more random will be the weather.