Izospan Modification A - Innovative Waterproofing Material: Amenities, Advantages, Purpose. Membrane isoPan A as a means of reliable protection of the insulation from moisture Windproof film Izospan A characteristic

One of the safety layers used in the process of insulation is vaporizolation. It implies the presence of good protection of buildings and structures from the effects of condensate and the wet environment. Similar layers provide more long term Services buildings in general and personal elements in particular. Widely used for similar purposes isoPan A, specifications which allows maximum protection.

Many producers are engaged in the release of similar means in the form of a quickly mounted membrane film and all sorts of multi-layer sheets, covering walls, overlaps, ceilings, roof. Methodology of use of funds may differ slightly depending on operational parameters Products.

Technical characteristics of membrane

The membrane material manufacturer is marked by the manufacturer so that each type of isostan is used solely for its intended purpose. In this case, the entire range of products is designed to protect structures from precipitation, wind and condensate formed indoors.

The manufacture of nonwoven canvas is carried out on CNC machines with mandatory quality control at each stage of production.

The branded membrane has a number of certificates and certificates:

  • hygienic certificate;
  • fire certificate;
  • certificate of conformity SNIP and GOST;
  • certificate of the passage of quality control.

Isolation isolation today for the scope of application and quality has no analogues among russian manufacturersWhat confirms a guest certificate.

Product range

There are such varieties on sale:

It is a permeable membrane, which is used to protect the walls of the room and the roof from the condensate temperature produced due to drops. The resulting evaporation of the fluid among several layers complements the resistance of the collapsed materials. In the roof, such isospan features positive shows when the beams are not more than 40 degrees. Roll price 35 sq.m. 766 rub.

It is represented in the form of a two-layer vapor barrier sheet used exclusively within buildings and buildings. This density brand is able to effectively protect attic room either attic, and also in demand for the roof, all kinds of basement levels, walls and in the form of an additional insulation layer. Layers have high density. Roll price 70 sq.m. 1087 rub.

The sphere of application of this nonwoven canvas is the lavety roofs, is a two-layer membrane. The characteristics of the formation are consisting of vapor and waterproofing. Application for attics is allowed. 1649 rub. 70 sq.m.

The technical characteristics of the material are very universal, can be involved in different areas. It is suitable not only for hydro, but also vaporizolation of overlaps between floors, bases made of concrete, roofs that are not insulated to finish the foundations. 35 sq.m. costs 535 rubles.

Unlike the Izosuna, and the technical characteristics are higher, as the metallium membrane film is high strength. The structure presents materials that increase protection from all sorts of mechanical damage. Laying is carried out directly on top of the heat insulator, which helps protect against weathering and droplets of condensate. Roll price 70 sq.m. 2323 rub.

Endowed with special characteristics. One of the layers is kraft paper, which, on the one hand, is metallized with such material as Loven. This ensures the vapor and waterproofing of the ISOSPA. For such qualities, the structure is in demand for flooring on scanty roofs. It also involves it to create thermoconstant wet bed conditions, saunas. Although such an invoice has a fairly high price tag in comparison with analogs, but it is absolutely indispensable for certain purposes.

Netless canvas are made of kraft paper with a subsequent coating with a metallized lavsan. Due to this treatment, the material maintains the temperature in the range -60 ° ... + 120 ° C and is used for heat and vaporizolation of walls, gender and ceiling in pairs, baths, saunas, hamamam and other similar rooms. 1056 rub. costs 35 sq.m. Films.

This type is made of polypropylene film and also apply a metallized layer of Lavsana. In variations of FD, the database D is used as a base, and in FS - V. and although the strength of the canvas is not in doubt, it is recommended to be used for vapor polypolescence constructive elements From the inside, including for parillas, attic and attic floors, as well as the heat transfer screen in pairs. 1987 rub. Roll of 70 sq.m.

As a base layer, foamed polyethylene, closed with a metallized layer. Due to the abundance of air bubbles, the Izospan is used as sound insulation, as well as the heat-reflecting screen, for which Lavsan is responsible. Compared to other options, this canvas possesses the greatest number Pluses, but due to the fact that the foamed polyethylene is based, the maximum operating temperature does not exceed 90 °. It can not be used for decoration of walls, gender and ceiling in rooms with elevated temperatures.

It is much more efficient to use FX as a substrate when installing a warm floor, for finishing walls behind radiators for heat reflection and as a heater in residential premises in combination with finishing materials.

FX has a zero vapor permeability threshold, so it is prohibited in this segment. A cloth with a thickness of 2 mm with an area of \u200b\u200b36 sq.m. It will cost 1566 rubles.

Video: Application of vapor insulation membranes

Instructions for laying

During the work, a certain preparation will be required. It will be necessary to stock up tools and materials. We will need wooden rails, and they have a self-tapping screw. Cutting blanks is carried out well sharpened scissors. The joints are hidden by scotch, and for fixing is used construction stapler.

Metal profile participates in the calculations. The required area is calculated taking into account the allen on both sides. Usually, 15-17 cm is assigned to it.

Material "Izosan A" is not intended for use as the main roofing

Appangean is used by the necessary brand according to a specific algorithm based on important rules:

  • All fasteners are recommended solely on the side of the room. It is possible to work with sheets at a temperature not lower than -25 ° C. Roll protection is allowed both outside and from the inside. If it is required to work with the roof, only the internal reservoir "Pie" is in demand.

  • Fixing the vaporizolator is carried out building stapler Along the perimeter of the walls. Subsequent sheets are superimposed on the previous 150 mm, the seam is sinking with scotch. The material is not allowed, a small sagging is ensured. The finishing operation can serve as the final attraction of sheets with wooden slats to walls, roof or rafters.
  • For the plates, it is necessary to choose a step from the range of 30-50 cm. After punching them all over the area, you can fix the selected isospan on top. Folded ventilation pocket provides emergency evaporation of excess moisture.
  • Parpolator sheets can be attached to a specially designed frame on the walls of the room. For the base, metal / wooden rails are used, fixed on the walls of self-draws. All joints are definitely skidded with scotch.
  • Ventilated insulated facade is processed twice with similar protection. The first present is placed behind the layer of the insulation, the second is put in front of the insulation. Accordingly, a three-level thermo- and a vapor barrier system with a high degree of efficiency is formed.

It must be borne in mind that for reinforced concrete structures The use of vapor barrier is mandatory for both walls and floors / floors.

Features of the use of the popular brand

Thanks to its individual properties, each material is in demand in various operating conditions. It should be relying on physical characteristics They are to properly choose the desired coating.

A feature of the material with the brand A is high tensile strength. Its outside of it has a smooth structure that is not able to absorb or skip water. The inner surface is with a rough anti-condensate texture. On it, drops are easily held and then evaporate into space.

The main task of the material is the quality protection of the insulation and the entire design from the condensate from the outside. The "A" brand is based on modern polymer structures.

The main advantages over the analogues are:

  • excellent meh improit;
  • high degree of environmental friendliness, since it does not stand out harmful substances in atmosphere;
  • long period does not lose its high characteristics;
  • standing tolerates impact chemical substances neutral to bacteria.

Due to its durability, the ultraviolet is actively used in the processing of roofs, attics, caps. The density is reached 110 g / cm3. Usually sold in fifty-meter rolls, the width of which is 140 cm.

It is necessary to take into account that the brand A is customary to be laid as the main material, unlike "C" or "D", which are recommended by the manufacturer for use in temporary protective structures.

For ventilated facades multi-storey building Izosan A is placed on top of the insulation so that the smooth side remains outside, and inside the ventilated clearance was provided. It is necessary to ensure the maximum adjacent to the insulation and did not have unofficiated areas. IN otherwise Acoustic cotton will be formed due to enhanced wind loads. The panels must provide stock of excess moisture.

Video: An example of mounting

When building an energy-intensive house, the main task is to ensure effective thermal insulation. There are many types of thermal insulation materials allowing it to do. But sometimes one it is not enough to successfully solve the task. It can well hold warm inside the house in stable conditions - with moderate humidity. But when the weather changes on the street - the temperature decreases and the humidity increases, the effectiveness of thermal insulation is reduced in place with this, since without special protection, its humidity also increases. Therefore, other materials are required to achieve their goal, allowing to protect thermal insulation and various design designs from negative influence moisture. One of these materials is the isospan.

What is the isospan - what is it needed for?

Izospan today is widely known on Russian market building materials, this domestic brand is manufactured in the form of a membrane film has wide spectrum Places of application. It is an excellent means of protection against moisture affecting, both outside of the room and inside the room.

Characteristics of Isosta

Izospan is effective protective aneg against moisture of any type: water, couple, condensate, etc. it happens different speciesDepending on this, some species are used to protect the insulation in the roof, others are used to protect the design. cold roof. By all this, it serves good waterproofing for the walls, in inter-storey floors, on ground floors - in concrete and other moisture absorbing floors.

There are several kinds of varieties each of which has its own functional accessory.

What is the isospan

Types of Isyostan and Specifications

Izospan can be divided into four large groups - a, b, c, d, each view has its own characteristics in the design, which determines them functional purpose

Izospan category A.

The design of this category has effective moisture protection properties, as well as allows you to protect against wind. The main task is to protect the thermal insulation layer of the house with outside. The structure of the membrane is the following - the surface is smooth and does not miss moisture. The inner side is porous, which allows you to effectively eliminate the accumulated moisture from the insulation. The material is mounted from the outer side of the insulation layer, under the roofing material or if it is a wall, then under facing material.

When used on the roof, technical recommendations The angle of its inclination should be at least 35 °. It should also be noted that styling it should occur in the absence of precipitation.


  • Structure: Propylene 100%
  • : 190/139 N / 5cm
  • Vapor permeability, not less: 3500 g / m2 / day
  • Water care is no less: 330 mm. Factory,
  • Temperature application: -60 to + 80 0 with
  • Gabarits.: Width 1.4-1.6 m,
  • Area: 35; 70 sq.m

Izospan A - Photo

Izospan category B.

This species has a two-layer design, upper layer With a smooth surface, the bottom without roughness - it keeps the droplets of condensate and contributes to their rapid evaporation.

Izospan in protects the internal building elements from water vapor outgoing from the inside of the room. He is stacked by S. inner Premises on the insulation, suitable for both walls and roofs, can be used in overlaps.

Specifications of ISOSPAP B

  • Structure: Propylene 100%
  • : 130/107 N / 5cm
  • Resistance to vapor permeation m2 hour par / mg, not less: 7.0
  • Water care is no less: 1000 mm. Factory,
  • Temperature application: -60 to + 80 0s
  • Gabarits.: Width 1.4-1.6 m,
  • Area: 35; 70 sq.m

Izospan b photos

Category C.

This type allows you to effectively protect internal structures Buildings from steam, condensate. The structure is similar to the species described above, is excellent for paro and waterproofing of the roof of any type, including flat. Used to protect wooden structures In the roofing of cold type (also suitable for insulated roof).

It is used isoPan with the same in cement concrete screeds In the basement overlap and in the bases of any wet premises.

The modern market of thermal insulation materials is great. On the change of antique methods of insulation, such as straw, sawdust, chips and clay, as well as glass gamble, more modern - Kermazit, mineral wool, foosen, polyurethane foam and others.

And if part of the insulation is resistant to moisture, then materials such as: mineral wool, crumples or foamizole, have increased water absorption, which significantly reduces their thermal insulation characteristics.

Here, various couples and waterproofing films come to the rescue, which helps to keep everything beneficial features such insulation. One of these vapor-waterproofing is the filling of the isospan. The use of films and membranes in construction is an important component without which it is not necessary.

What it is?

This film, a membrane that helps protect against moisture and wind is not only insulation, but also walls, and roof. Produced from polymeric materials. It has an interesting property - one side passes steam, and the other is not.

Important. The use of this material is quite widely both as vapor insulation membranes and as a reflector of infrared radiation (species with a metallized surface).

Varieties of Isospan

  1. Izospan A. has a property to deliver the underpants space from condensate, well protects the insulation from moisture. There is a variety with flame retardant additives (ladding labeling), the appointment of which not only to protect against wind and moisture, but also to prevent accidental fire, for example, when conducting welding.
  2. Izospan in. Membrane-Parobarrier. It must be stacked to protect the insulation from the penetration of condensate from the room.
  3. Izospan AS. This diffuse membrane can be put directly on the insulation, without leaving the ventuzor, it saves both physical labor and money. It consists of three layers, has excellent water and vapor permeability.
  4. Izospan am. It has the characteristics close to the uzospan, vaporizolation also consists of three layers. It is necessary to put it right on the insulation, so that a special doomb is not needed.
  5. Izospan AF and AF +. Parosolation is designed to protect mineral wool and glass plates from wind and moisture. Absolutely nonsense - the class of fire hazard NG. Used in mounted facades.
  6. Izospan AQ PROFF. The universal three-layer membrane, perfectly protects against moisture and wind, is used as vapor barrier from moisture from external environment. You can put right on the insulation. In addition to excellent moisture resistance and vapor permeability, there has increased light resistance and durability.
  7. Izospan FS. Parosolation plus the ability to reflect infrared radiation, in fact two in one. Pins between the wall / ceiling of the building and insulation, performing functions steamwaterproofing and aluminum foil.
  8. FB isoPan. Kraft paper and metallized lavsan, combines the capabilities of foil and vaporizolation. It has increased heat resistance, due to which it can be used, for example, in saunas.
  9. Izospan C. Two-layer vapor barrier, with one rough side. Condensate accumulates on it, and then evaporates.
  10. Izospan D. Two-layer polypropylene tissue fiber. Very strong on the gap. Protects from moisture outside.
  11. Izospan FD. Polypropylene woven and metallized polypropylene film. Successful symbiosis, combining the functions of aluminum foil and vapor-waterproofing. Moreover, the material protects against moisture penetrating both inside the room and outside.

Scotch line and adhesive film includes FL, FL TERMO, SL, KL, ML PROFF labeling

This metallized tape, adhesive metallized tape, butyl rubber adhesive tape, double-sided nonwoven sticky tape.

One-sided adhesive marking tape ML PROFF is applied in particularly difficult situations. It has a magnificent adhesion, to any type of foundations, including uneven, is used to fix waterproofing to concrete, brick and other surfaces, as well as to strongly porous materials.

Types and variety of materials of the ISOSPan affect the imagination. You can find the material suitable for your needs. In addition, the ruler is supplemented with sticky ribbons and tapes, which is important, since the windproof of the IOSPAN should be properly applied - without gaps, both between themselves and between the insulated base, for which various tapes and ribbons are applied.

Product specifications

Where can I use such membranes?

The use of such waterproofing and vapor insulation membranes found its niche both in private house-building and in industry, where refractory membranes are successfully used.

In private house-building, they are used in the insulation of the roof from wind and moisture, they must be laid smooth side To insulation. If you confuse and laid the other party, all work will be a pump. So carefully read the instruction before starting work, where it is always precisely written, which side to the insulation is necessary to put the isospan of a certain brand.

The same recommendations can be given for pair-or waterproofing the ceiling by the attic. Before rigoring the film or membrane, skip it by defining which side is smooth, and what is not, then learn the instruction to do everything right. If the latter, on some strange coincidence, is missing, remember the simple rule:

if you have a film, one of the sides of which is rough, it is necessary to drain this side towards the street (or room). A smooth side must be addressed to the insulation.

Parosolation membranes work on the principle of input, but not release. Therefore, if you decide to sharpen the wrong side, violate the entire design of vaporizolation and thermal insulation cake. In this case, make the insulation correctly will not succeed.

Izospan - domestic vapor and moisture protection material having a very wide range of products. If you want to insulate your home correctly, do not forget about vapor and waterproofing. It will protect the insulation from the penetration of moisture and destruction. Strip parosolation membranes You need strictly according to the instructions. So you can do everything correctly, avoiding further unnecessary alterations.

Any building is now building, or already built, industrial or dwelling, literally oboiasano from all sides. heat insulating materials. They create comfort in the room, save heat, reduce the effect of atmospheric phenomena, such as rain, snow, wind, etc.

But, as it turned out, this reliable heat insulating layer, Protecting the structure itself requires protection and moisture, and from the wind. And such protection serves modern material100% polypropylene called izospan A, b, c, d, instructions for use on which we will look at.

Creating a barrier for an already existing barrier is the main destination of Isupain. Let's consider the general technical characteristics of the new Heat-insulator of the Zespan, let's see photos and videos, talk about his views and on installation methods different types Material and which side to the insulation to lay it.

Izospan: Specifications

- Highest strength
- Good elasticity
- Environmental safety (IOSPAN does not emit harmful substances)
- the ability to withstand high pressure

To the above, it is still possible to add that some types of Isyospan have fire-fighting properties, if special refractory particles have been added at the production stage in them. All kinds of Isyospan are well opposed ultraviolet rays and withstand temperatures ambient from -60 to + 80 degrees.

Taking into account the fact that the ISOSPA is developed in several species, let us touch in detail the characteristics of the main modifications of the insulator: this is the type A, B, C and D. It is necessary to know if you intend to use the ISOSPA in construction or insulation of buildings.

Roof coating isospan

Izosan A. - This is a peculiar membrane that protects the structure from moisture (waterproofing), and contributing to the removal of water vapor from the insulation. It is used to protect walls and facades of any destination. Its protective properties it extends the service life of the insulation. It can be safely called the wind and waterproofing protection of your home.

Strength of material: 190/140 mm (Prod. / Popper)
UV stability: 3-4 months
Water treatment: 300 mm
Parputability: at least 2000

Izospan type and reliably ensures the heat shield of the insulation and has:

- good resistance to external mechanical influences
- Resistance to the effects of malicious substances (chemistry, bacteria)

When installing Josupan often arises such a question: which side to the insulation to lay it?

Izospan A is mounted from the outer part of the insulation. When it is installed on a warmed roof, cuts into wide stripes and put the flares so that the smooth surface remains outside.

Mounting begins with the bottom of the roof. Do not allow when working with the isooching and its contact with himself, since the waterproofing properties of the izospan with such direct contact are much reduced.

Make sure that when installing the Izospan of this type there is no different kind of swelling or sagging, because With wind gusts, it will create flaking, tapping and other unpleasant noises indoors. Majesan is attached and rakes with nails. There is a free space of 5 cm between the sides of the insulator. We look at the video about the isospan: which side to the insulation to lay it.

If the isospan A is used in the form of wind and hydrocker for insulation, then izospan B. You can call it a parobararier. Any insulation, even the most modern, in time is impregnated with aqueous pairs. Task isospan in creating a barrier to these pairs inside the building.

The material has 2 layers and is used to save the surface:

- inclined roofing
inland walls
frameless walls
- attic, social overlaps

Properties of Isyospan B.:

- Break load Prod. / Popper. N / 5 cm at least 130/107
- vapor permeability around 7
- waterproofability 1000 mm water.st.

Since Izospan B consists of two layers, each side has its own functions. Its smooth part carries out the strength of contact of the insulator to the main layer of the insulation. A rough or darous side helps to hold moisture particles and output condensate.

The isospan in is placed from the insulated side of the heat insulating layer when using a stapler. Installation is made in the direction of the bottom, a muster, while ensuring the dense contact of the materials. The side having a darous surface must be created free space of at least 50 mm.

Izospan B.

Izospan S. It has very similar characteristics with the Izospan in, they are similar in structure, also have a structure of 2 layers, but the Česospan C is a more durable, ultra-durable used to protect the floor, inter-storey overlaps, Cold roof. Superproofness and special reliability this type Conduct its price, which is above the price of Isyospan V.

Properties of Isyospan S.:

- Made from one hundred percent polypropylene
- discontinuous load 197/119 Prod. / Popper. N / 5cm
- Punch resistance - 7 m2chp / MCH
- waterproofing - 1000 mm water.

Using Isyospan S.:

1. Water and vaporizoation of non-insulated inclined roof
2. Flat roofing
3. Water and vaporizoation of frame walls
4. Vaporizoation of wooden floors of horizontal type
5. Paro- and moisture insulation of the floor of concrete

On the pitched surfaces, the roofs are installed horizontally, a muster (15cm), the work occurs from below-up. A special tape is superimposed on the formed joints. Fasteners are made with the help of rails.

When working with overlaps, the isospan with plates on top, a mustache with leaving a small gap of 50 mm from film, heat insulator and floor. When working S. concrete floors, the isospin of this type is mounted directly on concrete surfaceand from above the screed is carried out.

Waterproofing roofing isospan

Izosan D. It is a modern vapor and waterproofing material of increased strength. This species of the isospana can be called a polypropylene mushroom blade having a two-layer structure.

The feature of the Isyospan D is that compared to other types of polypropylene materials, it has the ability to withstand very essential mechanical impacts carried out during installation, and is also able to withstand a large snow load.

Uzospana d

Used in construction as a hydro and vaporizolation of the underpants, in non-insulated scanty roofsas well as to protect different designsmade of wood. It serves as a reliable barrier on the path of the subcoase condensate, as well as atmospheric phenomena in the form of snow, wind, especially in those places where the roof is laid enough.

Izospan D is used to form a temporary coating layer for waterproofing the roof and walls of buildings (up to 4 months). Also, this Type of Isyospan has proven itself as a waterproofing layer when working with floors on a concrete and earth basis, and when insulating the basement overlaps in high humidity buildings.

Used when insulation:

flat roof
- Floors on concrete basis
- Ground overlaps
- roofs of inclined form

Izosan D.

Physical and mechanical properties of Isyospan D:

- Break load Prod. / Popper. N / 5cm: 1068/890
- Resistance to the permeability of the pair M2CP / MCH: at least 7
- waterproofing: 1000 mm water.
- UV resistance: 3-4 months.

ISOSPAN D finds its application when working, in order to save internal parts Houses and insulation from the influence of water vapor accumulating indoors. It should be noted that the installation of Isospan d, as well as other types of isospan, is fairly easy, which in itself provides a good, constantly growing demand for this modern insulating material.

When styling isospan d on the non-insulated roof of the inclined form, the material is cut directly on the rafters. It does not matter which side of the insulator will be mounted for the surface. Celebration panels are stacked horizontally, brace.

Work begins with the lower section of the roof and continues towards upwards. The joints formed in the process of laying the material are connected by a special adhesive tape. Stretched, already ready for use material, strengthened on rafters vertically using wooden Reques and carnations.

As you can see, with very good characteristics, modern insulating material izospan It is quite easy to use and does not require any special skills and knowledge when it is laying. But those functions that the ISOSPAN lay will ensure the reliability and durability of the entire heat insulating system. We watch the video.

Everyone modern building It cannot exist without the heat insulating layer. However, this layer itself requires protection. For salvation come parosolation materials, for example, Izospan A.

Initially, we define whether vapor barrier for the walls and roof is important? Of course. It will save the roof insulation, walls. Waterproofing is used on overlaps and partitions that are exposed to all sorts of climatic changes.

There are the following types of vapor insulation materials:

  • Standard film. It contributes to condensate protection that may appear on internal surface walls, roofing, insulation.
  • Membrane film coating. These materials are derived excess moisture and evaporation from the premises. In addition, there is its subspecies with a property of vary permeability, which increases proportionally humidity.
  • Fungalized with aluminum coating. Performs steam and thermal insulation functions by reflecting property.
  • Cruising membrane. Resistant to temperature drops and ultraviolet radiation. Is different high rates Strength.

Izosan a and "What is eating" with

The Izospan is an innovative building material that shows itself with the erection of many modern buildings. Excellent protection of insulation and structures from climatic influences - these are the main qualities that provide the Izospan authority in the construction business.

TO technical features Variazolation isosan and should be attributed:

  • Material strength;
  • Elasticity;
  • Environmental safety;
  • High protection against mechanical influences.

The isospan is divided into four types: a, in, s, d. This article focuses on the first variation of this product.

Groups of group A are used to protect the outside of the premises.

The letter "A" on the material says that we have the usual film of this group, without any modifications. The technical characteristics of the ISOSPAN AM and AS are distinguished by the fact that they are made of three layers, which makes it possible to increase the level of protection of buildings. In addition, in this group of materials there are both fire-resistant films.

Izospan and from OGOs (with flame retardant additives) - waterproofing filmwhich not only protects from the effects of air masses, but also from random fires (when welding works, with inaccurate handling of fire).

Izosun A is used as a certain membrane, which is caused by waterproofing properties of the material. This film is protected by roof, facades and walls of premises of any types. Thanks to its wind and moisture protection function, this film It will help keep the insulation in excellent condition for a long time. The film itself exists on the market for about 12 years, and has many positive feedback.

The use of the ISOSPA is possible at all stages of construction. It will protect the root perfectly, which is constantly exposed to warm and cold air masses.

Izospan A - Specifications

Despite the fact that the isospan is divided into several categories, the latter are also divided into several modifications. For example, the difference is as follows the difference between the individual variations of the isospan A: Česospan A (density 110 g / m²), Izospan AM (density of 90 g / m²), Izosan AS (density 115 g / m²), Izospan AQ PROFF (120 g density / m²).

Vaporiozolation of Izosuna and the technical characteristics of which indicated by the manufacturer:

  • Stretching material: 190/140 millimeters;
  • Stability when exposed ultraviolet radiation: 3-4 months;
  • Water treatment: 300 millimeters;
  • Parry permeability: not less than 2000.

Instructions for use of isospan a

The instructions for the use of this material begins with the question of many builders: "Which side to the insulation need to lay the ISOSPA Ah?".

Steamproofing isoPan A is mounted from the outer part of the insulation.

Before starting work on the processing of film walls and roof, you need to make sure that the following tools are prepared:

  • metal profile and wooden rails;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • to fix individual sites, a building stapler and scotch may be required;
  • cutting scissors;
  • the required amount of vapor barrier, calculated as the sum of the surface of the surface coated and overlap 15 cm on each side;

When installing vapor barrier is the isosun and on a warmed roof, the material is cut by wide stripes and put the flame. The smooth surface of the vaporizolator should remain outside. Installation of isospan and should be started from the bottom of the roof. It is impossible to allow the ISOSPA to contact the insulation, as this can significantly reduce the waterproofing properties of the material.

Pay attention to whether there is no swelling when installed. This can create noises with severe wind gusts.

Majesan is attached and reiki with self-tapping screws. Between the sides of the insulator, leave 5 centimeters of free space.

If you are using isosan and to create a wind and hydrober, then we would recommend you to complement the protection of the Parobarrier. For this purpose, the Izospan V. Izospan B has two layers and is used to save surfaces:

  • Oblique roofing;
  • Inland walls;
  • Frame walls;
  • Cherical, basement overlaps.

Installation scheme depending on the purpose:

  • Unheated and inclined roofing: the main design is a vapor insulation layer - wooden flooring;
  • Attic: overlapping - vaporizolation - insulation - Reiki - beam;
  • Concrete floor: base - screed - insulating film - finishing layer.

It is worth noting that you need to accurately observe all the subtleties of operation. this materialnot to disappoint after. Take into account and what exactly you are insulating: the insulation of the walls, the roof, or this car or panel covering. These aspects can create certain subtleties during installation.

Positive and negative sides of vapor insulation isosan

Like everything in this world, vaporizolation of the isospan has not only positive sides, but also negative. Let's start as accepted, with good. The advantages of the waterproofing of the Izospan include:

  • This is high strength;
  • Terms of operation perseverate the mark of 50 years;
  • Climatic resistance of different kind: evaporation, wind, atmospheric precipitation;
  • Safety and environmental friendliness;
  • Application isosan and does not cause extra difficulties when installing.

As for negative qualities, it is only the fact that the material is flammable. However, we have already mentioned the Izospan and from the LD, which levels this problem.

How important is the vapor barrier for the walls and roofs?

Parosolation is the necessary thing for any buildings, which and tried to tell at the beginning of the material. Membrane isosan A is a light and not costly solution this issuewhich will ensure the safety of your walls, roof, and insulation. Many underestimate waterproofing, and this is despite the fact that it is significantly insulates the room. In addition, they protect the insulation, which will avoid excess costs for sudden repairs.

Izospan A and characteristics of which are universal, suitable in any situations associated with vapor barrier. A large range of modifications will allow you to purchase a film according to the requirements that will occur in the process of repair work.