Palmistry for beginners: the meanings of the lines in the palm. Preliminary hand analysis

Many people perceive fortune telling by hand as a way to have fun, some use it for self-knowledge, and a small group of people are professionally engaged in studying, even making a living in this way. The latter are called palmists, specialists in reading lines on the hand.

Palmistry is one of the most ancient systems of divination, which, thanks to the reading of the lines on the hand, could tell about the fate of a person, his health and interests. This art of discerning the future has been passed down from generation to generation, and thus has come to us. It allows you not only to read by hand and find out your fate, but also by any possible ways improve it.

The accuracy of predictions read by hand is sometimes simply amazing and delightful. In addition, it allows you to learn a lot about yourself, open your unexplored sides. For professional palmists, a cursory glance at the shape of the hand is enough, and they can immediately draw up a psychological portrait of a person with accuracy.

Anyone can learn the science of fortune-telling by hand. This requires a good memory to memorize all the line designations, as well as the presence of associative thinking. The latter is needed so that all data can be grouped and combined into one big picture.

Fortune telling on hand

This science also says that we are born with a predetermined destiny. After all, our hands and these lines are also formed in the womb. There are cases when the lines on the palm after a certain period of life can change.
All people have different lines on the hand, and none of this drawing is repeated. Some have pronounced clear lines, others have thin, barely noticeable. All this just tells about different character traits, and special attention is paid to this.

Hand prediction begins with a preliminary examination and study of this part of the body. Fortune-telling takes place on the hand that is working and most active. The skin on the hands and the length of the fingers are taken into account. So, the owners of short fingers are energetic and superficial, people with long fingers are pedantic and sophisticated.

Clarifications and clarifications

Detailed explanations are presented in numerous publications of literature, and on many thematic sites. Immediately, it is better to familiarize yourself with what this or that feature of the hand means. Then you can move on to the lines and hills.

On initial stage hand study book with explanations should be near you so that you can quickly peek at the designation. The study itself is fascinating and addictive, you will not even notice how to reconsider all the hands of relatives and friends.

There are not so many lines on the hand, but it is important where they specifically begin and end, these indicators may just differ. Well, the second indicator is the clarity of the line.

Hand lines

Important lines

In the science of palmistry, the lines are responsible for the manifestation of certain areas of life. The very first thing they get to know is the main one. This line shows what kind of attitude a person has towards life, his optimism and energy level. It is important to notice how far this line is from thumb... The further, the greater the potential for resilience and cheerfulness a person has.

The heart line is equally important.

This line will tell main characteristic person, will tell about his emotionality. This line starts under the little finger and ends at the middle or index finger... The third main line is the indicator of intelligence and intelligence. It originates under the index finger, but the ending is located in all people in different areas. Such a line tells not only about innate mental abilities, but also about how a person disposed of this in his life. There is also a line of fate in the palm of your hand, but it is a symbiosis of other lines.

She talks about what a person is intended for and whether he performs this throughout his life.
In palmistry, all lines are important and equally taken into account, even if they are not the main ones. There is a lot that can be said about the split or interruption of lines.

Potential opportunities

In general, fortune-telling is publicly available to everyone, and because of this, such big number interested. Studying your palm, knowing your potential capabilities can be not only useful and developing, but also a pleasant pastime.

Knowledge along the lines of the hand was used even in ancient Rome and ancient greece... Palmistry as a science was studied by Aristotle, Hippocrates, Paracelsus.

Alas, today, fortune-telling palmistry is perceived by many as a joke.

Knowledge is forgotten, attention is paid less and less. However, there are countries where this science did not stop developing, and through the millennia the attitude towards it has not changed. A striking example of this is China, where there are schools of palmistry. And before making an important decision, the Chinese prefer to ask an experienced hand line specialist for advice.

Marriage and love

Many are interested in the line of marriage and love. It is located on the hill of Mercury and is best viewed on the right hand. The marriage line is horizontal stripes that begin at the edge of the palm. The marriage line talks about a future or present relationship with a boyfriend or girlfriend.

Kid and happy parents

Life line

When you look at the palm of any person, the life line will immediately catch your eye. It is more pronounced than the rest, moreover, it is located almost in the center of the palm. Ideally, the lifeline should be distinct, continuous and pink in color. Many argue that the lifeline speaks of the duration of life. In fact, it is an indicator of a person's quality of life.

Examines the location of lines and signs on the hand, the structure of the palm and fingers. This science is very many centuries, during which knowledge was replenished with practical material. How to start studying the palms of your hands? First you need to study the meaning of the lines and basic signs. For beginners, we will try with explanations and photos to help master the basics of the ancient occult science.

What does the shape of the hand and fingers mean, what is the meaning of the mounds on the palms of a person? Palmistry states that the shape of the fingers and hands, as well as the hills (or bumps) on the palms, determine the potential of the individual. Lines on the palms fix the opening of the potential given from birth. The lines can be used to judge the inclinations and behavior of the individual, his past and future. Signs and markings on lines and bumps characterize the nuances in the course of life events, defined by the main lines.

It is believed that the lines on the palms are formed in a child even in the prenatal state - these are the three main lines of the heart, mind and life. All people, without exception, have these lines, they remain until the end of their days. Ideally, palm lines should be straight, well-defined, long, and the color of a person's skin. Any deviation indicates a lack of energy, indicated by the lines.

Direction of lines

The life line, as it were, goes around the thumb and goes down to the wrist (see photo). The heart line starts between the index and middle fingers and ends at the edge of the palm. The line of the mind is formed from the index finger and can be directed both horizontally and diagonally.

Vertically located lines of fate, sun and health are formed at the fingers and change throughout life. The fate line begins at the middle finger and descends to the wrist, the sun line originates at the ring finger, the health line forms at the little finger.

Character of the lines

For clarity, you can look at the nature of the lines in the pictures. Lines are deep, wide and thin, wavy, uneven and with branches at the end, even and discontinuous. The lines may contain signs:

  • islets;
  • chains;
  • dashes;
  • branches;
  • points.

Lines can have doubles - sister lines, end with a crochet, tassel or fork.

Deep lines show the powerful energy potential of a person, thin ones speak of a lack of mental and physical energy, wide ones show a person's laziness or indecision. Additional parallel lines are always positive.

The brush at the end of the line shows the waste vital energy in vain, a wavy line speaks of an instability of the psyche and a lack of self-confidence. The forks at the end have different meaning on the lines. A hook is always an unfavorable sign.

Crossing lines is not considered a positive sign. This always speaks of difficulties and problems. Intersection must be distinguished from connection. Only those lines can be connected that have a common direction: horizontal or vertical.


The islets symbolize obstacles on the way. Chained lines represent difficulties. Crossing lines show the stresses on a person's life path. Branches directed upwards strengthen the positive value, while those directed downwards weaken it.

The dots symbolize significant obstacles on the way, emotional pain. The discontinuity of the line also speaks of obstacles and the inability to accomplish what was planned. A person is haunted by failures, his energy potential is interrupted and thinned out.

Signs are always warning in nature and are an incentive to action. If the sign is positive, implementation should be started immediately. If the sign is filled with negative meaning, steps should be taken to eliminate it or mitigate the force of the blow of fate.


Hills or bumps on the palms speak of the inclinations of the personality. Palmistry identifies eight main and five additional hillocks. Where are they located? They can be seen at the base of the fingers and on the sides of the palm.

The main bumps:

  1. Venus;
  2. Mercury;
  3. Mars (large and small);
  4. Apollo;
  5. Saturn;
  6. Moon;
  7. Jupiter.

Additional hillocks include the mounds of Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, Rahu and Ketu. Some palmists do not consider the meaning of these hills, considering them not important.

When considering the bumps, the density, bulge, and arrangement of signs are taken into account. Ideally, the hill should be moderately developed and resilient. Overdevelopment, like underdevelopment, negatively affects the fate of a person.

The Hill of Jupiter tells about the love of life and nobility of the individual. It is located at the index finger of the hand.

The bump of Saturn talks about the prudence and independence of the individual. It is located at the middle finger of the hand.

Apollo's tubercle speaks of the presence of talent in a person. It is located at the ring finger.

The hillock of Mercury endows a person with intelligence and ingenuity. It is located at the little finger.

The mound of Venus is at the thumb. These are emotions and feelings of personality, love for the beautiful and the sublime. An overdeveloped tubercle speaks of depravity, an underdeveloped one - of coldness.

The hillock of the moon is located opposite the hillock of Venus. In the sphere of influence of the Moon is the spiritual life of the individual, his religious feelings and the desire for self-development.

There are two hillocks of Mars, they are located in different places. Lesser tubercle - in the space between the index and thumb, large - between the little finger and the moon. Mars is responsible for aggressiveness, strong-willed pressure, the ability to stand up for oneself.

We examined the main areas of the palm with lines and bumps located on it with examples. Next, you will need to study in detail the meaning of all lines and hills, as well as the meaning of the signs on the hand. - a simple process if you understand the basic principles.

The lines on the hands of each person are individual. And often beginners have to deal with various difficulties in positioning and on the arm. Palmistry with explanations for beginners will help not to get confused in decoding. Here are the answers to the main questions that concern amateurs and professionals.

Where to begin

Very often, the lines on the right and left hand do not coincide or are present only on one palm. Also in palmistry there are basic and additional lines that will help you understand where to start the interpretation. Palmists advise starting the interpretation from the main lines and hills. But first you need to decide how to choose the right hand for fortune-telling.

Palmistry: which hand to guess

Fortune-tellers usually choose the most active hand for fortune-telling. For right-handers it is right-handed, for left-handers it is left. However, some ancient sources write that you need to determine fate on both hands and there is an explanation for this. Left hand shows what cannot be changed, that is, fate, right - what depends on the person himself. The past is on the left hand, the future is on the right. However, for beginners, palmistry prescribes the following in relation to which hand to guess by - choose the one that the person most often uses when carrying out any actions. The right hand is also active in archers - those who, by virtue of nature or profession, can equally perform actions with both hands. There are many such people among musicians, dancers, conductors and many others.

It is best to guess by the right hand, as it shows what you can change. But, if you are left-handed, it is better to offer a prediction on the left hand.

Palmistry: basic lines

Life line starts from the extension of the index finger and goes down, creating a circle in the palm of the hand. Pay attention to its length, clarity, kinks, intersections. For some people, it is duplicated.

A clear and long life line means good health, long life and the absence of various dangers, disasters and diseases that threaten human existence. Faintly drawn, it shows the fragility of a person, his instability to life's difficulties and problems. If it is long, then, despite poor health, a person will live for a very long time. A dashed line can mean an accident, coma or mental illness, as well as drastic changes in lifestyle "before" and "after".

Another line, which is considered one of the main ones, is heart line... It starts under the hill at the base of the little finger and shows a sensual and emotional condition person. For people who are used to living by reason, it is usually short and does not determine a person's life. A long and clear line of the heart shows a very emotional person, capable of unreasonable actions, illogical decisions and even stupidity. If small lines cross it, then a person's life will be full of stress, shock and experience. An island in this line or a cutting edge means a risk of stroke.

The next main symbol is the line of the mind. It shows the mind of a person, his thinking. Well drawn, means a clear mind, that a person in life is guided by reason, and not by feelings (especially if the line of the heart is interrupted and inaccurately expressed). A sharp cut in the line of mind means the danger of a stroke or head injury. Also, a forked line of mind means madness in old age, or that at one moment a rational person will commit madness under the influence of life circumstances.

Palmistry interprets the main lines in detail, since they are considered the most important ones, giving information about the main directions of a person's life.

Wealth signs on the hand: palmistry

At the base of the ring finger there is a hill of the Sun or Apollo. There are several lines on it that indicate the presence of luck and wealth. However, there are other signs that indicate a person's material achievements. These include:

The so-called "Wealth Triangle". If the line of fate crosses the line of the mind in the palm of your hand and there is another line to the line of the heart that forms a closed triangle, this means a person's wealth.

The line of fate crosses the line of life at the base - a person will be rich.

The head line crosses the hill of Mercury - you can earn a lot with your abilities.

If other signs of wealth and financial luck on the hand that palmistry gives accurate interpretations... However, they need to be explained in conjunction with other signs and lines.

Palmistry bracelets on the wrist: meaning

Most often they show the continuation of the life line. Palmistry explains that bracelets on the right or left wrist reflect a person's level of health, years of life and opportunities. Some interpretation books write that their number means children. Convex bracelets show boys, concave or straight bracelets show girls.

Palmistry: a triangle in the palm of your hand

They are rarely seen in the palm of your hand. However, most often they show the success of a person, except for the triangle of death, located at the intersection of the line of life, fate and mind. The pyramids on the Mount of Venus mean the number of children in marriage, as well as happiness with a pronounced line of fate.

In addition, palmistry interprets the triangle on each palm as a sign of a special mission, destiny. Its presence on the lifeline can mean the finest hour.

Palmistry: Sun Line

Shows the bright talent of a person and his stellar future. Located on the edge of the palm and crosses the line of the heart. It means that a person has a rare talent and will be successful. Also, palmistry interprets the line of Apollo or the Sun at the intersection with the vertical of fate as a sign of a higher destiny and a rare gift, vocation. However, its absence does not mean that a person will not have luck. It's just that some lines are not indicated on the palm of your hand - this is an indicator that a person is not ruled by fate, but by himself. And in the absence of the line of the Sun, he will be able to achieve success with the help of his own efforts.

Also palmistry notes intuition line... Forms an arc from the hill of Mercury to the base of the palm. Not all people have it. Can show a rare gift of foreboding in a person, the ability to guess events and circumstances, as well as his talent in mysticism, psychology, psychiatry.

Palmistry: the line of marriage

It is located on the edge of the palm and consists of one or more lines. It means the number of marriages, in some interpretations - children. However, if it is not in the palm of your hand, do not worry - palmistry considers the line of marriage and marriage to be auxiliary. Its absence does not mean celibacy or that you will not have children. It's just that in some cases, marriage will not work. crucial in your life. In some books, the interpretation of the lines of marriage refers to the number of children out of wedlock. If the lines of marriage or marriage cross the hill of Mercury or the line of the mind, then the marriage in your life will be according to the calculation. At the intersection with the line of fate or heart, the line of marriage means a desired child, and also a union for love. If the marriage line is bifurcated, then soon you will be waiting for a divorce by mutual consent. Crossing can mean an accident or an abrupt departure of the husband or wife from the family.

In palmistry, they interpret the marriage lines of a husband and wife on their right hands. If they do not match, then this means the birth of children out of wedlock or the re-creation of a family by one of them.

Palmistry with explanations for beginners advises to start fortune-telling from the main lines and hills. Then you can get a lot of interesting and informative.

Having begun to study all the "roads", everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life in our hands. Each stroke and branch means something and can tell a lot to the owner of the hand. It is especially difficult for beginners to deal with additional traits. What is palmistry, lines on the hand, deciphering each detail, we will try to disassemble in part and help a novice palmist to gain simple knowledge in this matter.

As a rule, fortune-telling takes place on the dominant palm: for a left-handed person - the left one, for a right-handed person, respectively, right. First, you need to focus on the 4 main stripes:

  1. Love or heart.
  2. Mind or head.
  3. Destiny.
  4. Life road.

The road of heart or love

What roads of the heart meet and how they characterize the personality, deciphering the lines in the palm of your hand:

Long Speaks of an idealistic personality.
Short It is characteristic of an egocentric person.
Pronounced Characterizes a person prone to stress.
Poorly expressed It can mean a weak heart or a very delicate fortuneteller.
Simple straight line Represents a person with a strong sensitive character.
He says that a fortuneteller often has difficult relationships with people in his life.
Dashed or ragged line In life, a fortuneteller will face an intertwining relationship.
Curved line Propensity for intellectual development.
In the form of a chain Divorces and disappointments in relationships.
There is no cardiac streak at all Before you is a cruel, judicious person. He is guided by strictly logical thinking.
The line goes to the index finger Personal life is going well, the fortuneteller is happy with everything. Before you is an affectionate and tactful person.
The heart road goes to the middle finger Selfish person, in family life everything for him.
End of line between middle and ring finger Characterizes an amorous person.
Straight and short He talks about a non-romantic person, everything is simple in a relationship.
Heart road close to fingers A very passionate and jealous person.
Heart and life stripes intersect Warning signal, it is easy to break your heart.
Head and heart line parallel A person knows how to control his emotions.
Wavy road Talking about a lot of contacts.

You can learn more and clearly about combinations with a strip by watching the video in the article and get acquainted in detail with all the nuances.

Mental road

The mental strip is one of the main positions in the palm of your hand. You can learn a lot about a person from it. Roads meet different on them, you can say a lot about the intellectual level and character of the fortuneteller.

How to decipher the lines on the hand and what they mean, let's take a closer look:

The line is clear and pronounced The fortuneteller has an excellent memory, the fortuneteller is guided by reason.
Weak trait speaks of poor memory. A person lives in some kind of illusion.
Straight, clear line Characterizes a person who pursues material wealth. Realistic outlook on life.
The mind road has a broken structure Before you sits a person who often has disappointments in his life.
A career change awaits the fortuneteller.
Double dash A talented person.
In the form of a chain Cloudy, confused mind.
Hands where there is no mental road Characterizes a lazy, sluggish personality. Laziness and complete imbalance in the psychological aspect.
The mental streak is short The person is practical, does not like preludes and goes straight to the point. The intellectual level is at a height and intuition is well developed.
Long road Here we will talk about a successful and concentrated person, but selfishness and ambition are not alien to him.
In the form of a wave There is anxiety, there is no concentration on what was conceived.
The line goes down Before you is a creative person.
The path of the mind starts from the line of life Strong-willed personality.
Mind and life trait are separate from each other An adventurous character, a fortuneteller loves adventure.
Broken line There is no consistency in thoughts.
Road with intersections Depending on the additional bands, it means important decisions that will affect fate.
Islets and chains They characterize emotional conflicts within the personality itself.

You can learn more about what the mental road will tell us by watching the video:

Examining the road of life

This trait determines the general physical condition, including the state of health, as well as various vital decisions of the client:

  1. Change of residence.
  2. Physical injury.
  3. Various cataclysms.

What is the road of life, palmistry, deciphering the line on the hand and which palms are found, we will consider in more detail:

Long Predicts excellent vitality and excellent health.
Short Vulnerable health and vitality.
Clear, well-defined Characterizes a person who has a calm measured life.
Fuzzy line The person is not energetic enough.
Broken line This suggests that the fortuneteller will have a struggle and tangible losses all his life.
Bifurcates The personality is very scattered and the division of energy is envisaged.
Two lines Next to the man is his Guardian Angel.
Complete absence of a life road A very disturbing life with experiences, guessing all the time on the nerves.

Palmistry of the line on the hand, transcript and additional information:

Long and deep Everything in life is great, including energy and health.
Deep and short Such a person will easily overcome physical ailment in life.
A very energetic person is sitting in front of you.
Straight and close to the edge of the palm Such a palm predicts caution. The personality carefully thinks through all life plans.
Life trait near the thumb This combination speaks of quick fatigue.
A semicircle around the thumb Strength, enthusiasm, energy.
Two or more roads of life A person has patrons nearby, which has a great effect on vitality and energy.
The gap in the life line At some point in life, there will be major changes... If a tear occurs in both palms, it predicts injury or illness.

The life line reflects the most significant moments, which the video in this article will tell you about in detail:

What will the streak of fate tell us, how to decipher the lines in the palm of your hand?

Excellent pronounced road Sustainable life rules and path. Such a person has no chances to change anything in his life, his fate is predetermined. This line starts from the very base of the palm and reaches the middle of the middle finger.
Weak, not clear In life, a person will face disappointments and setbacks.
Forked fate line A person has several destinies. Depending on the auxiliary signs, it can predict frequent conflict situations.
Torn line Characterizes not decisive, always warlike nature.
On the path of life, injuries and serious difficulties are possible.
The line of fate ends with a fork In life, there are frequent partings that arise for an incomprehensible reason.

Detailed deciphering of the lines on the hand, palmistry of a fateful line

  1. What does the absence of a combination mean in palmistry... There is no unique personal path, goal. This situation occurs in people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  2. A common trait, neither fragmentary nor long... It is present on the hand, but does not extend across the entire palm. This speaks of a person who has their own life path. And the character is determined by the clarity of the road.
  3. The fateful road is assembled from various fragmentary lines... Predicts the distortion of fate due to the influence of some external factors on it: family, love, work, career growth. A person is subject to systematic stress, change of place of residence or work, and under the influence of informational influence.
  4. A clear and deep line... It symbolizes a strong self-confident person who is able to resist anyone who disagrees with him.

What is destiny?

Additional roads, without which reading by hand is indispensable

In addition to the main stripes on the palm, there are auxiliary, but no less important ones, which cannot be ignored when reading the palm. Let's take a closer look at what palmistry is, deciphering the lines on the hand: fame, road, marriage, money and travel.

Where are the auxiliary roads located?

  1. Health starts from the little finger and runs all the way down to the base of the thumb.
  2. The Streak of Glory runs from the base of the palm and goes up straight to the index finger, parallel to the fateful road.
  3. Marriage is characterized by small lines under the little finger.
  4. The money line can differ in the palm of your hand in different ways. Thus, the value can be defined in different ways.
  5. The journey runs from the edge of the palm to the hill of the thumb and runs horizontally.

All about family and marriage

Pronounced roads. The number of such dashes indicates marriage or close relationships.
If the streaks are blurry and not clear. This characterizes the usual romantic attachments in relationships that do not really matter.
One line, crisp and straight. Talking about one long-term relationship.
Broken combination. Divorce or separation.
Double line. Says that a person will have a connection with two partners at the same time.
The plug is at the very beginning. Initially, the relationship is extremely difficult.
Fork at the end of the road. Parting.
Lack of a marriage streak. Characterizes a person who does not show interest in family life.

Note. If at the end of the marriage "path" there are additional signs that cut off the main one, this confirms the break with the partner. But if, after the break, they lay on top of each other, then the partners will restore their relationship.

Video, what does the line of marriage and family talk about?

Health line: decoding the hand line

A clear, pronounced trait It characterizes the body's rapid fatigue and poor physical health and resistance.
There is a line, but it is barely visible Characterizes the complete absence of vital energy.
Twisty Health Bar Talking about digestive problems.
Very deep and merges with the heart and the mind Will talk about inflammatory brain processes.
There are divisions on the health bar at the end He will tell about the achievements in science in medicine.
Warts found on the line Various internal diseases.
The health line touches the path of life He talks about a disease that will become a threat to human life.
Lack of stripes Good health and excellent physique.

Palmistry, lines on the hand, additional decoding of the health bar:

  1. A combination of layering of some fragments. Such a "scheme" means a serious fight against the attacks of the disease. But at the same time, we can say that the struggle will be successful and the fortuneteller will cope with the illness.
  2. If the line is present on the palm, but disappears between the lines of the heart and head, then this sign speaks of release from the disease in a certain period of life. Then she should clearly go under the little finger.
  3. The road to health does not touch the life line, but runs separately. This indicates a high resistance of the body against various diseases.

Advice. The health line should be interpreted along with the life line, this is the only way to correct all the signs and real details about health.

When studying a health trait, you need to pay attention to its pattern and color. For example, a road with a red chain characterizes a nervous, easily excitable person. You can learn more about the health line by watching the video:

What does the road of Glory or Success mean?

This trait determines, for the most part, success and life achievements. If we talk about the correct line, then it starts from the wrist and goes across the palm to the ring finger.

Details a beginner palmist should know about:

  1. The absence of a strip does not mean something terrible. Either it should be looked for in other traits, or a person can be successful, simply without attracting wide public attention.
  2. If the line has taken its correct position, but at the same time is interrupted in several places, then this indicates some falls and ups.
  3. There are hands where the line of Glory departs from the index finger, this suggests that a person can become famous in the field of art.
  4. The hand where the road departs from the mind and passes through the line of the heart speaks of great work that will bear fruit only in adulthood.

Videos about the signs of success:

Money line

The welfare streak does not indicate material status, it only directs a person's ability to make a fortune or tells how it can be done.

Banknotes are identified by the palm card

Before teaching, a beginner should learn the differences between the basic concepts of fortune telling by hand. Chirology is the study of lines and signs, which includes the treatment of moles, spots, the shape of fingers, nails (an extensive art of divination).

In the article:

Chirology and palmistry for beginners

Palmistry can seem daunting. The training will take a lot of time, but if you want, you can master this art.

Correct analysis and prediction have two parts:

  1. Basic knowledge.
  2. Constant practice.

The Master must remember that he is responsible for what he says. This information turns out to be the coding of the person.

An experienced palmist is able to evaluate the set of facts that he will receive by examining the palm of a person. By comparing the indicators on both palms, the master will understand which hand is worth guessing.

The basics - where to start

Taking the palm of a person in your hands, you need to determine its type. There are four generally accepted types.

Hand of the earth

A person has a square palm, fingers of the same size, the skin is dense and rough. Such people are down-to-earth and practical, honest and self-confident, do not disdain physical labor, are friendly, adore nature. They do not tend to dream and fly in the clouds. Representatives of the earth are easy-going, energetic, physically and mentally tough.

Hand of fire

A characteristic feature is a long palm with short fingers. Such people are full of energy, have developed intuition, often take risks, infect others with enthusiasm. Fire representatives are practical, charismatic, achieve their goals, often hold a high position.

Hand of air

People of this type have a square palm and long fingers. They have a rational mind, are practical and are able to realize themselves in creativity. People are ambitious, emotional, in the clouds.

Hand of water

It is a beautiful, long palm, elongated fingers, thin, pleasant skin. Such natures are vulnerable, impressionable, emotional. Representatives of the hand of water are highly imaginative, but suffer from mental disorders.

After a general analysis, you need to continue to examine the hand: determine the condition of the skin, the color of the palm, the displacement of the tubercles. Do not forget to constantly compare both hands: the larger one reflects a person's activity, the smaller one is considered passive.

The Science of Fingers in Palmistry

Having fully evaluated the palm, you need to pay attention to. You need to look at their shape, curvature, the size of the phalanges and the signs that can be placed there, vertical or horizontal stripes, crosses, lattices.

Each finger reveals aspects of the personality. will talk about a career, - about reason and money, - about emotions, - about connections and spirituality, - about willpower.

You need to estimate the total length of the fingers. If they are short, a person has grandiose plans, but the strength and endurance to implement them is clearly not enough. Long fingers speak of love for little things, but this harms the person himself. It is necessary to compare the fingers in length in relation to each other, starting from the size of the ring.

The distance between the fingers will tell Additional information about the personality. The large space between the long and forefinger says that a person has a strong character: it will take great efforts to make him accept someone else's point of view.

The gap between the index and middle fingers speaks of ambition. A large distance between the middle and ring fingers indicates logical thinking, the presence common sense, about big plans. If there is a large distance between the little finger and the ring finger, the person does and says what he thinks.

You need to focus on what may be on the nail plate. This will tell a lot about the character of the client, the stressful experiences.

Hills in the palm of your hand

"Bumps" on the palms

Novice palmists should be aware of the hills (bumps) on the palms.

You need to pay attention to them in order to get a complete picture. Bumps are certain areas of the arm that can be convex or flat. They report the positive, negative aspects of a person's character, peace of mind or depression.

The bulge says that an aspect in the mental or physical state of the individual plays important role, pronounced. A flat bump indicates that the aspect has no effect.

A total of 8 hills on hand:

  • ... Responsible for the expression of ambition, for leadership qualities, symbolizes the Ego and my Self of each person.
  • Hillock of Saturn. Responsible for intellectuality, mental development, the ability to take a serious approach to solving problems, a craving for science, research.
  • Apollo Hill. It symbolizes creativity, talent, attractiveness, emotions, external beauty, a sense of beauty, subtle mental organization.
  • Hillock of mercury regarded as a kind of receiver. Responsible for a person's ability to express themselves, to be sociable. Associated with spirituality, religiosity.
  • It personifies desire, lust, passion, the inner essence of a person, which can be a secret from prying eyes. This site is responsible for the hidden desires of a person.
  • Responsible for strength, temperament, fighting spirit, courage, courage, physical fitness (as positive aspects), can be a sign of aggression, resistance (as negative traits).
  • Hillock of the Moon. It symbolizes sexual desire, imagination, fantasy, the degree of absence of phobias.

Palmistry for dummies at home - hand lines

Palmistry - hand lines

After examining the palm, fingers, nails, bumps, you can start. A beginner should remember the main 8 lines, without which it is difficult to make an accurate forecast of the future, to describe the character of a person.

The main lines should be deep, bodily or color pink... Ideally, there should be no breaks on the main lines. Any deviations indicate the presence of certain problems in the area described by the line.

Responsible for the ability to develop, the mentality of a person, probability. By examining this line, you can establish the presence mental disorders, stress, psychologically difficult moments in life.

Symbolizes the power of emotions, feelings, reveals secrets love relationship... If the streak is broken, this indicates problems with a partner, emotional difficulties.

Life line is able to show the reserve of the individual's vitality. If it is interrupted or faintly visible, this indicates a decrease in forces, global changes.

Mars line considered the second, inner line of life, not every person has. Its presence indicates that a person has an additional reserve of strength, which does not give up and helps to overcome the difficulties encountered on the path of life. Such people are lucky, able to get out of any adversity safe and sound.

(career) is responsible for important events in the life of every individual. With its help, they determine how much a person believes in his own strength.

responsible for health, has a double meaning. Indicates the presence of physical or psychological illnesses. Helps to detect the likelihood of bankruptcy.

is responsible for the recognition, fame, fame that is received thanks to talent. Does not appear on every hand. But if there is, it indicates realization in the creative field and advancement through ambition.

does not actually indicate the presence of a stamp in the passport, but the number of these small lines means the number of strong emotional ties with other people. It would be more correct to say that this line symbolizes a romantic relationship.

Additional information for beginners