Games fire and water ice cream. bad ice cream

Some games become hits and some don't. And there is no algorithm, adhering to which, you would have succeeded. Of course, you can make a certain list of criteria, but it’s not at all a fact that after fulfilling them your game will become a hit. But for some projects, it turns out to become successful without any rules. It's just that the creators put their soul into their creations. Bad Ice Cream is one such project. The developer company Nitrome put their soul into it and they got a really high-quality arcade game. Moreover, the popularity of the arcade is so high that we do not even doubt that very soon new ones will be released. Online Games Bad ice cream 4, 5 and 6!

In this simple game, all you have to do is move around a square area while picking up fruit. After you complete the task and collect all the fruits, you can move on to the next level. But the collection of fruit will be hindered by terrible creatures, unlike any other terrestrial animal. These creatures will have a variety of abilities, but you will have to deceive them and collect all the fruits. Already from the middle of the game, the creatures become so strong that it becomes very difficult to complete the level on the first try.

Separately, we highlight the collective mode, thanks to which you have the opportunity to fight terrible creatures not alone, along with your true friends. Moreover, if in the first two parts only two players are supported, then in the third there are already four. True, for battles four of you will need a special program on your mobile phone but you can download it for free. The only downside is that only Apple phones are currently supported. Since this mode has already been introduced in the third part, we can already say for sure that the games Bad Ice Cream 4, 5 and 6 will not only be for two, but will also receive the support of 4 players! And by the time they appear, the app will most likely be available in the Android store.

When will the new parts come out?

According to the Nitrome website, the last part 3 appeared on December 20, 2013, which is a very short time for a game series. And given that the two previous parts were also released in December 2012 and 2010, we can conclude that the 4th part of the arcade can be expected either at the end of 2014 or at the end of 2015! So visit this page often and you will definitely not miss the appearance new version games!

Nothing cools and pleases in the summer heat like delicious and cold ice cream. This dessert has been at the head of all desserts for many years. Everyone without exception loves it, but not everyone knows yet that ice cream can:

  • run,
  • fire,
  • overcome difficulties,
  • to have fun.

You will also become a witness to all this incredible action if you discover online entertainment called free games bad ice cream. Right now you have such an opportunity, because the game bad ice cream online will start as soon as you press the Play button. Our site does not require registration or payment, so with us you have no barriers to truly enjoy a good game. This entertainment is so positive and entertaining that the time spent on it will give you a lot of positive emotions and joy from the successful completion of the levels.

Game Features Bad Ice Cream

The peculiarity of the game bad ice cream for free is that there is an opportunity to choose - to play alone or with someone together. Together with a friend or loved one, it will be even more interesting and fun to deal with ice cream enemies. going deep

in the plot, note that main character here is a glass of ice cream, the taste of which you

choose at the very beginning of the game. V certain moment game you will need to close your eyes and remember what kind of ice cream you like the most. Further, the hero will have to try with all his might not to meet small harmful creatures who just want the ice cream to melt. For defense, however paradoxical it may sound, ice cream can shoot, destroying walls of ice and building barriers in the form of ice blocks. All this is done with the space bar. The hero himself is controlled using the arrows, that is, by pressing a certain arrow, we direct the ice cream to the left, right, down or up. The reaction speed of the player is very important here, because it is very important to orient yourself and make the right movement in time. Otherwise, cute, defenseless and very tasty ice cream will melt before your eyes and they will write about it - “bad ice-cream”.

But in fact, ice cream is not bad at all - it wants to quickly collect all the fruits for new portions in order to delight people with its unique taste. Playing bad ice cream online is a cute and funny action game with a pleasant plot and a tasty character, so absolutely everyone, both adults and children, can play it - without exception, it can bring joy and pleasure to everyone. Perform feats in the name of your favorite dessert and enjoy a pleasant pastime with an exciting game.

Ice cream games combine logic, enemy combat and extreme sports. It would seem that it could be easier than adding fruits to ice cream, but no, our ice cream has to get them on its own, and everyone is concerned about becoming tastier. At the very beginning, you should decide not only on the number of people. And also with which portion of ice cream each of the people will manage.

During the game, you need to collect various fruits and berries, as well as other food additives that can improve the delicacy and make it good. To cope with this task, you will have to confront enemies, each of whom is a lover of sweets. If you try, they can be neutralized by immuring them into walls of ice. However, be careful, each of the enemies has certain abilities. Some of them themselves can destroy ice walls or arrange all sorts of small dirty tricks for you.

Online games bad ice cream for two stand out for one feature - a collision with an enemy is deadly. However, when playing in pairs, the surviving portion can always finish the level alone. The goal will be completed if there are no fruits left on the field. Be careful when building ice traps. If you accidentally immure fruits, then you will have to release them from the icy shackles afterwards. Do not be surprised if suddenly bananas, kiwi or coffee beans decide to run away from you. Some of the ingredients in this game obviously just don't want to be eaten.

Released versions

The first part of this exciting logical adventure was released back in 2007. Despite this, she has not lost her popularity today. It is quite clear that each of the subsequent parts is distinguished by more advanced graphics. Ice labyrinths shimmer brighter and fruits look more appetizing. The game bad ice cream 2, in addition to graphics, received a number of other improvements, for example, the enemies have become smarter, and it has become even more difficult to get fruit. In addition, the arcade drop games have become more interesting and varied, and the abilities of evil monsters have become more balanced. The recently released free game Bad Ice Cream 3 brought even more changes. Here and even more improved intelligence of opponents, and their new types, and new abilities for our main characters.

Sometimes during the game you just catch yourself thinking that eating strawberries or eating a juicy bunch of ripe grapes would be not bad at all. By the way, all fruits appear on the field in a well-defined sequence. So, without collecting all the fruits of one type, it will simply not be possible to transgress the collection of others. On the bar at the bottom of the playing field, you can see which fruits or berries you need to collect at each individual level. Fragrant coconuts and fragrant oranges, juicy cherries and bunches of ripe grapes, coffee beans, kiwis and lemons, all this delicious abundance should fill your delicacy and turn it from bad to the best.

Tactics of the game and features of managing your favorite treat

In any of the series of games, the levels change from simple to more difficult. Before you go into the endless ice labyrinths, you should develop certain tactics and deal with the controls. Your ice cream, moving, builds ice blocks or destroys them if necessary. In order to do such tricks, just use the spacebar. Note that the character himself must be turned in the right direction. All movements are controlled using the arrow keys. In the case when there are two people passing by, the second person uses the WASD keys to move.

This player will have to control the ice blocks using the F key. And so, the enemy can, and even needs to be neutralized, and for this you need to deprive him of the ability to move, immured in an ice labyrinth. At the same time, keep in mind that fruit picking is a delicate matter, it is possible that the next variety of sweets will appear right under the nose of the enemy. Playing bad ice cream 2 and 3 for two or even alone is not at all easy, but the most important thing is not to forget about the time, it is limited to complete each level.

The ultimate goal of the level is, of course, to neutralize the enemy and collect all the tasty ingredients. However, there is another important point in the pair game. Gathered large quantity fruit becomes the owner of the crown. However, you should not be particularly zealous about this, because the struggle for the crown can end in failure. Defeating a common enemy and successfully moving to the next level, investing in the allotted time, is much more important. In addition, if one portion of ice cream dies, the second one can lead the team to victory by completing the collection of items on its own. Bad ice cream games are exciting and interesting, and wandering around the icy archipelago, moving from one island to another and mastering new labyrinths is very cool. Play and win, and then your ice cream will be the most delicious in the whole world.

You might think that the phrase "bad ice cream" is silly, since everyone loves ice cream, it is the most real treat of all time. It's just impossible to imagine ice cream being bad, right? However, everyone's favorite dessert is also a great idea for entertainment. Now, however, there are very few games dedicated to this yummy.

Rules of the game

Players will have to manage ice cream to collect the fruits that are located on this level. Fruit will be in ice cubes. Using the cursor, you can not only move from cube to cube, but also create cubes, as well as destroy them. If there is a line of ice cubes in front of the character, just press the spacebar and the line will collapse. If there is no line of cubes, you should also press the spacebar - ice will appear in front of you. To collect the maximum number of points you need to collect fruit as quickly as possible. The timer can be found at the bottom of the screen. If the timer shows 0, don't worry, the game is not over, but you won't be able to get extra points. The further you advance in the game, the less you need to look at the timer.
For more interest, because everything is not so simple, your opponents will appear on the level, you should evade them. Each enemy has its own unique movement strategy and ability. We'll have to identify the pattern and continue our mission. Do not miss the opportunity to fight the enemy using your super power to destroy ice blocks. Further more interesting!

We play together

The main advantage of an exciting game is that you can play it with a friend, together at once. You can both play the game together, and take part in the competition against each other on the same computer. Whoever collects more points wins. At the start there is a special menu, you can choose the game mode: for one or for two. Also, everyone can choose the type of ice cream: strawberry, or cream, or vanilla.

Bad ice cream for two

There are several parts of this exciting game, different difficulty levels. Unites them all one is good mood, the opportunity to brightly spend free minutes.

The application "Bad ice cream" invites the hero to engage in a terrible business associated with a stitched dessert. Haven't heard of the toy? So, quickly fill in the gap - the game world is fascinating, although not aesthetically pleasing. If you are not afraid of poisoning, hurry to the computer - the disgusting smells of spoiled food are not felt through the screen, so you don’t need to wear a gas mask. You will find out who had the audacity to declare war on delicious fruits and you will go to finish the rest of the business.

Villain in a waffle cup Different things happen in the sublunar world, but for the cone of rotten ice cream to come out against humanity, this is perhaps the first time. The Bad Ice Cream games are considered clones of Pickman, but with different characters. The individuality of this video application is in a forgotten dessert. It got offended. Go through a couple of levels with him, and snatch the same victory. Move through special holds, freezing everyone you meet. There are no people there, only creatures that look like animals, there are so many furs on them. Warm clothes will not hurt them, because the building is damn cold.

Haven't been to lunch yet? Now you will try. If you don't want to be eaten, defend yourself. "Bad ice cream" is always unhappy, because at any moment it can be in someone's mouth. It is not responsible for the consequences of the act, but it will not refuse to spoil the polar explorer that he wants to dine. Therefore, before you sit down at the computer, carefully review your gastronomic preferences, otherwise you will fall under the distribution.

Why he destroys fruits is unclear. What they did remains a mystery. Perhaps a natural desire to mischief came into play here - to take away food from the villagers. Maybe "Bad Ice Cream" wants to improve by adding a delicious treat to its composition and masking an unpleasant aftertaste. The more berries you collected, the faster the prize will come to you.

I left my grandmother... Our main hero is a 100% Kolobok of his time. He ran away from everyone and took revenge on the villains. Probably, this is how the pancake that escaped grew up if the fox had not eaten it, but we will not know if this is so. The Bad Ice Cream games show the fate of a desperate brick that everyone turned their backs on. The guy did not cry for a long time, but went into battle. Without filling, he went berserk and decided - if the manufacturers forgot to spend necessary procedure, he will finish everything himself, simultaneously venting irritations on those who come thoughtlessly close.

Expect an influx of bread, cereals and other kitchen tenants into the video game market, soon the evil one will get bored and will pull friends to deal with offenders who are malnourished breakfasts and dinners, or forgetting to clear them off the table on time. That's when the fight starts. It’s a sin not to watch, and if it works out, then to participate in it for such a fighter. Open the freezer, maybe you have something forgotten lying around. If yes, get ready for war - frozen cutlets are very suspicious. A serious mass movement is planned, try to take the position of the luminary and choose the best player. The game "Bad Ice Cream" puts up a choice of several video heroes, you have to guess which one will become the leader of the operation and lead the offensive of offended grubs. It is logical that it is more pleasant to play for his team.