Characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa". Psychological analysis of the characters of the main characters in the composition of NM

The story "Poor Lisa" - "The Tale is not very intricate." Plot story simple. This is a story of love poor peasant girl Lisa and a rich young nobleman Erast. EAST - a secular young man "with a fairious mind and good heart, kind of nature, but weak and kept". Public life And the secular pleasures are tired. He constantly missed and "complained of his fate." EAST "read idyll novels" and dreamed of a happy time when people who are not burdened with conventions and rules of civilizations lived carelessly on the lap of nature. Thinking only about his pleasure, he "sought him in the fun."
With the advent of love in his life, everything changes. Erast falls in love with the pure "daughter of nature" - the peasant of Lisa. Chaste, naive, happily trusting to people, Lisa seems to be a beautiful shepherd. Having read the novels in which "all people were carelessly walked around the rays, bathed in pure springs, kissed, as the gorols, rested under roses and peace," he decided that "found in Lisa that his heart was looking for a long time."
Lisa, although "the daughter of rich settlement", just a peasant woman who is forced to earn a living herself; "... Without sparing your gentle youth, without a rare beauty of my own, the day and night worn - the canvas tails, knit stockings, rolled flowers in the spring, and in the summer I took the berries and sold them in Moscow."
Sensuality is the highest value of sentimentalism - pushing the heroes in his arms to each other, gives them a moment of happiness. Picture Pure first love is drawn in the story very touching. "Now I think," says Lisa Erant - that without you, life is not life, but sadness and boredom. Without your eyes, your daekene is a bright month; Without your voice, the nightingale singing ... "Erast also admires his" shepherd ". "All brilliant fun of great light seemed to be insignificant in comparison with the pleasures that the passionate friendship of the innocent soul fell his heart." But when Lisa is given to him, an adjacent young man begins to cool in his feelings for her.
In vain Lisa hopes to return lost happiness. Erast goes to the military campaign, loses all his state in the cards and eventually marries rich widow.
And Lisa forgets his soul in the best hopes and feelings of Lisa "- rushes into the pond near Simonov Monastery. Erast also punished for his decision to leave Lisa: he will always rod himself for her death. "He could not comfort himself and read himself a murderer." Their meeting, "reconciliation" is possible only in heaven.
The story "Rich Lisa" is essentially opens in Russian literature the topic " little man"Although the social aspect against Liza and Erast is somewhat muted. Of course, the abyss between the rich nobleman and poor settlement is very large, but Lisa in the story least is similar to the peasant, rather on the cute secular young lady, brought up on sentimental novels.
Subject " Poor Lisa"Appears in many works A. S. Pushkin. When he wrote the "young lady - the peasant", it was quite definitely focused on the "poor Lisa", turning the "sad job" in the "Roman" with a happy ending. In the "Stanna Core" the Dunchie seduces and takes away the hussar, and her father, without preparing grief, drinks and dies. In the "peak lady" there is a further life of Karamzinskaya Lisa, the fate that would expect Lisa if she did not commit suicide.
Lisa lives in the novel "Sunday" L. T. Tolstoy. Seduced Nekhloud Katyusha Maslova decides to rush under the train. Although it remains live, but her life is full of dirt and humiliation.

The history of the creation of "Poor Lisa"

karamzin Lisa Tale Literature

Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin - one of the most educated people His time. He preached advanced educational views, widely promoted Western European culture in Russia. The identity of the writer, multifaceted gifted in the most different areas, played a significant role in cultural life Russia of the late 18th - early 19th centuries. Karamzin traveled a lot, translated, wrote the original artwork, engaged in publishing activities. With his name, the formation of professional literary activities is connected.

In 1789-1790 Karamzin traveled abroad (in Germany, Switzerland, France and England). Upon return N.M. Karamzin began to publish the Moscow Journal, which published the story "Poor Lisa" (1792), "Letters of the Russian Traveler" (1791--92), who set Karamzin in a number of first Russian writers. In these works, as well as in literary and critical articles, an aesthetic program of sentimentalism was expressed with his interest in person, regardless of the estate affiliation, his feelings and experiences. In the 1890s, the interest of the writer in the history of Russia increases; He meets the historical writings, the main published sources: chronicle monuments, notes of foreigners, etc.

According to the memories of contemporaries, in the 1790s, the writer lived at the cottage at Beketov under the Simon monastery. The surrounding situation played a decisive role in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe story "Poor Lisa". The literary story of the story was perceived by the Russian reader as vital and real, and the heroes are like real people. After the publication, the story included a walk in the vicinity of Simonov Monastery, where Karamzin settled his heroine, and to the pond, in which she rushed and subsequently called the name "Lisin Pruday". As researcher V.N. The axes, defining the place of Karamzinskaya story in the evolutionary series of Russian literature: "For the first time in Russian literature, the artistic prose created such an image of a genuine life, which was perceived as stronger, sharp and convincing than life itself."

"Poor Lisa" twenty-five-year-old Karamzin brought real fame. Young and before that, not a well-known writer unexpectedly became a celebrity. "Poor Lisa" was the first and most talented Russian sentimental story.

N.M. Karamzin wrote an extremely touching and dramatic story about simple and together with the versatile situation: she loves, and he is not. But before answering the question of what the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa", you need to at least at least refresh the plot of the piece in memory.


Lisa - orphan. Left without a father, she is forced to go to work: Sell flowers in the city. The girl is very young and naive. In one of his "working days" Lisa saw in the city young man (Erast), who bought flowers from her, paying 20 times more than they cost. Erast said that these hands should collect flowers only for him. True, the next day he did not appear. Lisa was upset (like all young girls, she was very pardka for compliments). But the next day, Erast himself visited Lisa at her house and even talked to her mother. The old man's old man seemed very pleasant and polite.

So everything lasted for some time. Erast swept the virginity and the blamefulness of Lisa, and she (the peasant girl of the 19th century) was simply stunned by the courtships of a young beautiful nobleman.

The turning point in the relationship came when Lisa said his possible sorry Marriage. She was upset and depressed, but Erast calmed her down and painted her the future and said that the sky would be in diamonds.

Lisa had a little cheerful - she believed the east and in the wave of relief gave him his innocence. As it should be expected, the character of the meetings has changed. Now ERAST has mastered the girl again and again, without a branch of conscience using it for his needs. Then Lisa, and the relationship with her Erasta was bored, and he decided to escape from all this to the army, where he did not serve as Fatherland, and rapidly missed his fortune.

Returning from the army, Erast, of course, nor Palslov said Lisa about it, she herself somehow saw him on the street in a carriage. Rushed to him, but after not a very pleasant conversation that happened between them, former beloved Lisa put out the door, putting money.

Lisa from such a grief went and drowned in a pond. The old woman followed her in as soon as she learned about the death of her daughter, then she immediately had a blow, and she died.

Now we are ready to answer the question of what the characteristic of Liza from the story "Poor Lisa".

Character of Lisa

Lisa was actually a child, despite the fact that she had to go early to work early, as her father died. But she did not have time to learn how to learn. The inexperience of the girl and attracted the young surface nobleman, seeing the goal of his life in pleasure. Poor Lisa is also in this row with her admiration. The erastie is very stolen the attitude of such a young and so fresh girl, and she was naive to extremes. She took the attitude of a young honey for a clean coin, and that was all a game from boredom in fact. How to know maybe even Lisa secretly hoped to the position of Baryni over time. Of the other characteristics of its character, it is worth noting the kindness and immediacy.

Perhaps we described not all the facets of the personality of the main character, but, as it seems, there is enough information here that the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa" was understandable and covered by its essence of its being.

Erast and its internal content

The second main acting face of the story - ERAST is a typical aesthetic and a hedonist. He lives only in order to enjoy. He has a mind. He could be brilliantly formed, but instead, the young barin just burns his life, and Lisa for him is entertainment. While she was clean and immaculate, the girl was interested in Eraste, how he was fascinated by the ornithologist recently to them the species of birds, when Lisa surrendered to the erasta, then it became the same as everything, which means it was boring, and he, who was driving a thirst for pleasure, moved on , not particularly thinking about the consequences of his nasty behavior.

Although unethical behavior of a young man becomes only through the prism of certain moral values. If a person is unprincipled (in which ERAST was), then he cannot even feel the share of lowness that is contained in his actions.

A person seeking only pleasure in life, superficial by definition. He is not capable of deep feelings. And, of course, he is an adaptation, which proves Erast's marriage for money with a meal widow.

Confrontation of Liza and Eras as a struggle of light and shadow, good and evil

At first glance it seems that Lisa and Erast is like a day and night or good and evil. Accordingly, the characteristic of Lisa from the story "Poor Lisa" and the characteristic of the Erast is intentionally opposed by the author of the story, but this is not quite so.

If the image of Liza is good, then such good does not need to be neither the world nor people. It is just unsuitable. However, in general, it is well written (albeit slightly sentimental) the story "Poor Lisa". The characteristic of Lisa, which can determine it exhaustively, is naivety, reaching nonsense. But this is not her fault, for it is about the peasant girl of the 19th century.

ERAST is also not evil in pure form. For evil, the power is needed, and it is not endowed with her a young nobleman, to his regret. Erast is just an infantile boy running from responsibility. It is absolutely empty and languid. His behavior is disgusting, but it is difficult to call him, and even more than the embodiment of evil. This is all that we have opened the story "Poor Lisa". The characteristic of the erast is more than exhaustive.

Poor Lisa (Tale)

Poor Lisa

O. A. Kiprensky, "Poor Lisa", 1827
Original language:
Year of writing:

1792, "Moscow Journal"

Separate edition:
in Wikitek

History of creation and publication


After the death of the Father, the "wealthy postlane", the young Lisa is forced to work without stopping hands to feed himself and mother. In the spring, it sells the valley in Moscow and there meets a young noble entrant, who falls in love with her and ready to leave the light for her love. Loves spend together all evening, share bed. However, with the loss of innocence Lisa lost to Erast and its attractiveness. Once, he reports that he must make a goal with the regiment and they will have to part. A few days later, Eraste leaves.

It takes several months. Lisa, being in Moscow, accidentally sees Eras in a magnificent carriage and finds out that he is engaged (he lost his own estate and is now forced to marry rich widow). In despair, Lisa rushes into the pond.

Artistic peculiarity

Simonov Monastery

The story is borrowed by Karamzin from European love literature, but moved to the "Russian" soil. The author hints that he is personally familiar with Erast ("I met him a year before his death. He himself told me this story and led me to a lysine grave") and emphasizes that the action takes place in Moscow and its surroundings, describes, for example , Simonov and Danilov Monasteries, Sparrow Mountain, creating an illusion of reliability. For Russian literature of that time, it was an innovation: usually the work of the works unfolded "in one city". The first readers of the story took the story of Lisa as a real tragedy of contemporaries - it's not by chance that a pond under the walls of Simonov The monastery was named lysine pond, and the fate of Karamzin's heroine is a mass of imitation. The oaks grow around the pond were dressed with inscriptions - touching ( "In the jets, this poor crocheted Liza Days; If you are sensitive, passerby, reed! ") and caustic ( "Here I rushed into the Pond Erastov Bride. Tweet, Girls: Pretty Places in Pond! ") .

However, despite the apparent lobes, the world depicted in the story, idyllic: the peasant Lisa and her mother possess the sophistication of feelings and perception, their speech is literate, literary and no different from the speech of the nobleman Erast. The life of the poor Pasthalan reminds Pastoral:

Meanwhile, the young shepherd on the banks of the river chase herd, playing on the swirls. Lisa rushed his eyes to him and thought: "If the one who occupies now my thoughts was born, was a simple peasant, shepherd, - and if he had handed me a herd: ah! I would bow to him with a smile and would say a friendly: "Hello, kind shepherd! Where are you going a flock of your own? And here is growing green grass for your sheep, and here are flowers, from which you can weigh the wreath for your hat. " He would look at me with a kind of gentle - I would take it, maybe my hand ... Dream! " The shepherd playing on the swirls, passed by and with the pilot herd His hidden behind the Middle Hill.

The story became a model of Russian sentimental literature. In contrast to classicism with his cult of mind, Karamzin argued the cult of feelings, sensitivity, compassion: "Ah! I love those objects that touch my heart and make me shed tears tender grief! " . Heroes are important above all the ability to love, surrender to feelings. There is no class conflict in the story: Karamzin is equally sympathized with Erast and Lisa. In addition, unlike the works of classicism, "poor Lisa" is deprived of morality, didactism, editing: the author does not say, but is trying to call the reader with the heroes.

The story distinguishes both "smooth" language: Karamzin abandoned old-places, high pollution, which made a work easy to read.

Criticism about the story

"Poor Lisa" is because he was adopted by the Russian public with such a delight that in this work Karamzin the first one has expressed the "new word", which the Germans said to Goethe in his "vertier". Such a "new word" was in the leaders of the suicide of the heroine. The Russian audience, accustomed to the old novels to the comforting junction in the form of weddings, believed that virtue is always awarded, and the vice is punished, for the first time in this story met with bitter truth.

"Poor Lisa" in art

In painting

Literary reminiscence



  • 1967 - "Poor Lisa" (Telesplex), director Natalia Barinova, David Livnev, Cast: Anastasia Voznesenskaya, Andrey Soft.
  • - "Poor Lisa", director Idea Garanina, composer Alexey Rybnikov
  • - "Poor Lisa", director Glory Zuckerman, Cast Irina Kompyko, Mikhail Ulyanov.


  • Toporov V.N. "Poor Lisa" Karamzin: Experience reading: to two hundred years from the date of release. - Moscow: RGGU, 1995.



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Watch what is "Poor Lisa (Tale)" in other dictionaries:

    Poor Lisa - Tale N.M. Karamzin. It was written in 1792 and at the same time printed in the "Moscow Journal", which published the writer himself. The story of the story that has been reproduced many times many times in the European Meshchansky Drama of the XVIII century, simple. This is a love story ... ... Linguistant dictionary

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Karamzin did not accidentally take the action of a story in the surroundings of Simonov Monastery. He knew this outskirts of Moscow well. Sergiev Pond, according to legend, died in Sergey Radonezh, became the place of pilgrimage of loved couple, he was renamed to the lysine pond.

Literary direction

Karamzin - Writer-Novator. It is rightly considered the founder of Russian sentimentalism. The readers accepted the story enthusiastically, because the society has long been craving for something like that. Preceded by sentimentalism classic direction, which was based on rational, tired by the readers of the teachings. Sentimentalism (from the word feelings) reflected the world of senses, heart life. Many imitation of the "poor Lisa" appeared, a peculiar mass literature, which was in demand by readers.


"Poor Lisa" is the first Russian psychological story. Feelings of heroes are revealed in the dynamics. Karamzin even invented a new word - sensitivity. The feelings of Lisa are clear and understandable: she lives with her love for the east. Feelings of Eras are more complex, he does not understand them. At first he wants to love simply and naturally, as he read in novels, then he detects a physical attraction that destroys Platonic love.


Social: the estate inequality of lovers does not lead to a happy junction, as in old novels, but to tragedy. Karamzin raises the problem of human value, regardless of the estate belonging.

Moral: the person's responsibility for those who trust him, "an inadvertent evil", which can lead to tragedy.

Philosophical: self-confident mind tramples the natural feelings, which French enlighteners spoke in early 18th century.

main characters

Erast - a young nobleman. Its character is prescribed by a versatile. Erast cannot be called a scoundrel. He is just a weakly accrastful young man who does not know how to resist life circumstances, fight for his happiness.

Lisa - peasant girl. Its image is not registered as in detail and contradictory, remains in the canons of classicism. The author sympathizes heroine. She is hardworking, loving daughter, chaste and innocent. On the one hand, Lisa does not want to upset the mother to the refusal to marry a rich peasant, on the other - the erasta conquers, who asks not to speak his mother on their relationship. Lisa thinks primarily not about himself, but about the fate of Erast, who is waiting for disgrace, if he does not go to war.

Mother Lisa is an old woman living with love for her daughter and memory of the dead husband. It is about her, and not about Lisa, Karamzin said: "They know how to love the peasants."

Plot and composition

Although the attention of the writer focused on the psychology of heroes, external events that lead the heroine towards death are important for the plot. The plot of the story is simple and touching: the young nobleman of Eras in love with the peasant girl Lisa. Their marriage is impossible due to the estate inequality. Erast is looking for clean fraternal friendship, but he does not know his heart. When relations will develop into intimate, the Erast is cooled to Lisa. In the army, he loses the state in the card. The only way to fix things is to marry the rich elderly widow. Lisa accidentally meets Eras in the city and thinks he loved another. She can't live with this thought and token at that very pond, near which he met with her beloved. Erast aware of his guilt and suffers to the end of his life.

The main events of the story take about three months. Composite They are decorated with a frame associated with the image of the narrator. At the beginning, the story story reports that the events described by the lake happened 30 years ago. At the end of the story, the narrator again returns to the present and recalls the grave of Lisa about the unfortunate destiny of Erast.


In the text, Karamzin uses internal monologues, the narrator's voice is often heard. Landscape sketches are harmonized with the mood of heroes and consonant with events.

Karamzin was an innovator in the literature. He was one of the creators modern language Prose approximate to the conversational speech of the formed nobleman. So they say not only Erast and the narrator, but also the peasant Lisa and her mother. Sentimentalism did not know historicism. The life of the peasants is very conditional, these are some free (non-serfs) Warm women who cannot process the Earth and buy pink water. The goal of Karamzin was showing feelings equal to all classes that can not always control the proud mind.