How to make a bug for a bath: Aromatic geyser with his own hands. How to make a bath bomber at home

So, proceed. We prepare everything you need.

You can use as a filler sea salt, dry cream, starch, cosmetic clay, oatmeal, etc. Remember that bombing with a light filler (dry cream or dry milk) rise to the surface of the water, and with heavy (salt) be buried from the bottom of the bath.

If you wish to make a geyser (bombs) color, then for a start, it is necessary to paint the filler to the right color and dry it well, since if the ingredients are wet, then the bombs will start "hiss" and "bubble" ahead of time. You can also use the finished painted bath salt.

We use the classical ratio of components - one part of citric acid, one part of the filler and two parts of Soda (1: 1: 2). Typically, salt and citric acid are quite large grinding, they must be chopped in a ceramic mortar or grinding. Be careful, citric acid can annoy the respiratory tract!

Neatly sifting the crushed painted salt, soda and lemonic acid.

Now mix all dry ingredients in a comfortable dry capacity. Do not forget to put on gloves.

To the resulting mixture, add base oil, emulsifier (optional) and flavoring. If you use solid oils (shi, cocoa, coconut), they must be pre-melt in a water bath. Also, you should enroll with the emulsifier. The amount of oil depends on many parameters - humidity in the room, the initial humidity of soda and salt, etc.

If you make a bomber without oils and an emulsifier, then slightly sprinkle the resulting mass with alcohol. Do not overdo it!

Mass must keep the form when compressing, if it does not hold the form, then sprinkle it again.

Fill the mass of both halves of the form.

Pretty press the half to each other and remove the surplus of the mass.

Our boiling ball is ready

Now give geysers 15-30 minutes to dry. Best place bombing into rounded shapes with large diameter, so on. On a flat surface of a barrel of a ball can be soaked. After a day, you can use fragrant geasers for the purpose.

That's how our balls are buried in water


Bath bombs are a great way to make a swimming more pleasant. Bombs are different colors, forms and sizes and can have a different smell. Often they contain moisturizing oils, useful skin. But how to apply these dust and hard lumps? From this article, you will learn not only how to use bombs, but also how to choose them and how to use them as efficiently as possible.


How to use bombs for the bath

    Select a bomb. Bath bombs are of a variety of colors, shapes and sizes, and may also have different odors. Some inside have floral petals or sparkles, others contain oils that are well moisturized skin (for example, almond oil or cocoa oil). Pick over the bomb, the smell and the color of which you like the most. If you have dry skin, look for bombing with oils - this will allow moistening the skin. In bombing, there may be the following substances:

    • Essential oils (lavender, chamomile, rose). They not only give the bombing a pleasant smell, but also contribute to relaxation either beware.
    • Mitigating and nutrient oils and butters: almond, coconut oil, butter shi or cocoa. Such oils are suitable dry skin.
    • Other additives: glitter or flower petals that float on the surface of the water. They are needed only for beauty and can raise the mood.
    • Salt, clay in the form of powder or grass. They soften, moisturize and nourish the skin.
  1. Try to wrap a bomb to the cloth. In some bombing there are petals that can be stuck in stock bath. So that this does not happen, put a bomb in a small rag bag or nylon stocking. Detergents, flavors and oils penetrate into water through the tissue, and the petals will remain inside. When you finish taking a bath, you will need to just clean the bag or throw it away.

    Try divided bombs into two parts. Babies for the bath are quite expensive, but you can split bombs in half with the help of a knife with teeth - so you will be enough for more long term. Use one half now, and last postpone the next time.

    Plug the plum in the bathroom and type water. If you make a bath for yourself, you should be comfortable there. Dial so much water as you like, and adjust the temperature. When score the right amount Water, close the crane.

    Put a bomb to the water. When the bomb will be in the water, it will start bubble and foam. Then it will fall apart and dissolve, and all useful oils And the salts will be in the water.

    Undress and stand up in the bath. You can do this after the bombing is completely dissolved, and you can not wait for this moment.

    Sit in the bath. Take a convenient posture. Close your eyes, relax, remember or read the book. The bomb can be dissolved, and essential oils, nutritious and moisturizing oils and all other substances: petals, sequins, dyes will be in water.

    When the water cools out, exit the bath and wipe out. Gradually, water will become colder. You can get out of the bath and pull the water. Do not stay in water for a long time, because the skin will shrink from moisture.

    Take a shower. Take a shower after a bath with a bomb not necessarily, but if you used a bomb with dyes or sparkles, it will be useful. Swing the water, rinse under the shower and wash the oil from the skin. You can also wash with washcloth and gel for the shower.

    Wash the bath. In some bombing contains substances that can paint the bath. The paint is easiest to wash off moist. Take a sponge for washing surfaces and pull the painted areas. If petals or sparkles remain in the bath, get them with your hands or wash them with water.

    Other Bath bomb applications

    1. Remember that bombs can not be stored for a long time. Bombs retain the form only in a dry room, however, the fresh bombing, the greater the foam in its dissolution. If the bombing is stored for too long, foam and bubbles will be much smaller.

      Get rid of the nasal congestion. With a cold, you can clean the nose with a bombing with eucalyptus oil. Fill the bath warm water, Throw there such a bomb and climb into the water.

    2. Spend an aromatherapy session. Many bombing includes essential oils that have a positive effect on the mood and help to relax, get rid of stress or vice versa - feel cheerful. Choosing a bomb, pay attention to the composition and find out which essential oils there are. Essential oils also smell, so choose such a smell that you will be pleasant. Below we give a list of the most common oils in the composition of bombs and their possible application:

      • Lavender essential oil has a classic smell with fresh floral notes. It helps to cope with anxiety, depression and stress.
      • Rose essential oil also has a classic fragrance with sweet floral notes. Like Lavender, it struggles with depression.
      • The essential oil of lemon is fresh and pure smell. It raises the mood, refreshes and charges energy.
      • Mint and other similar essential oils Fresh invigorating smell. They help to loosen the headache and cope with nausea. They also charge energy and refresh.

If you want to turn the routine bath taking into a real SPA-ritual - add to water bright colors, rich fragrance and useful substances. How? With bath bombings that are easy to cook at home!

Unlike the ordinary bath salt, bombs are not only useful, but also spectacular: when you get into the water, these colored balls begin to spill, creating a rich foam and a saturation of the bathroom with your favorite flavor.

Form and color of domestic bombing depend only on your imagination!

Bulk bombing do it yourself

So, you will need several basic ingredients:

  • baking soda;
  • lemon acid in powder;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt;
  • food dyes (in liquid form);
  • essential oils;
  • water.

In the manufacturing process will be useful:

  • latex gloves;
  • spray;
  • bowl;
  • kitchen scales;
  • gauze face mask;
  • molds.

First, try to make one or two bombing to master the technology. Then you can make several pieces at once. Soda and citric acid should always be added in a 2: 1 ratio. This is a prerequisite, otherwise it will not happen the right chemical reaction.

Additional components of bombs You can choose: basic and essential oils, dry flowers, cereals and herbs. In the process of creating boiling balls, use gloves and a marlevary mask, because soda and citric acid in dry form aggressively affect the skin of the hands, and also irritate the mucous membranes respiratory tract. So, proceed to the manufacture of bombs.

Stage 1: Preparation of the main composition

  • Carefully sweat the wedge in a bowl of soda and citric acid, breaking the formed lumps.
  • Add your favorite essential oils drops. Tip: If after adding oils (for example, citrus), the mixture begins to hiss, quickly mix it until uniformity.
  • Divide the mixture into several parts and add a couple of drops of different dye, vigorously mixing the mixture until the color is uniformity.

Stage 2: Shape giving

  • With the help of the pulverizer, spray a little water into the mixture, all the time watching the consistency and rubbing the mass in the palms. Add water until the mass becomes plastic, but not too "rubber".
  • Put the mixture in the form, gently pressing the walls. If you use special spherical forms for bombs, then just secure them with each other (do not scroll!), Wait a few seconds and carefully remove without damaging the bombing. You can also take ordinary children's molds or figured forms for baking.

Stage 3: Drying

  • Finished bombs fold on a paper sheet and let dry for several hours.
  • Dried durable balls Pack in cellophane packages or food filmto minimize moisture on them.

Remember: the fresh and land bombing, the more active they are hissing in the water, so do not keep them for a long time, especially in the open state.

Recipes homemade bombing

There are many different interesting recipes Bully balls. Adding one or another cosmetic ingredients, you enhance beneficial features bombing. Depending on the mood, you can add tonic, soothing, warming, softening many other additives.

Bomber "Chocolate Delight"

This fragrant hissing geyser will become a real find for chocolate lovers. For one raging ball of medium sized, you will need:

  • soda - 60 g;
  • citric acid - 30 g;
  • sea salt food - 30 g;
  • dry milk - 35 g;
  • cocoa powder - 2 ppm
  • food fragrance "Chocolate" and "Cherry" - 5 drops.

Mix using all the ingredients and give the bombing the desired shape.

Morning coffee bomb

Fragrant coffee bobbing will help to quickly wake up in the morning and add cheerfulness for the whole day. In addition, coffee is also an excellent skin to peeling. Ingredients:

  • soda - 50 g;
  • citric acid - 25 g;
  • sea salt - 30 g;
  • dry cream or milk - 30 g;
  • ground coffee - 25 g;
  • cocoa powder - 1 tsp.

Bomber "Good night!"

By dissolving this raging ball during the evening bath adoption, you will ensure yourself not only a strong and healthy sleep, but also a complete restoration of forces, because at the heart of the recipe - soothing lavender. For 3 balls you will need:

  • soda - 90 g;
  • citric acid - 45 g;
  • sea salt - 35 g;
  • dry lavender flowers - 10 g;
  • lavender essential oil - 15 drops;
  • turquoise and purple food dye - 5 drops.

Divide the mass into two parts and in each dissolve a different dye. Gently stir colors - so that they do not merge, but contrasted with each other.

Bomb "Orange and Cinnamon"

A geyser for baths from orange and cinnamon has a warming, toning and stimulating exchange processes. This recipe will come up with all the owners of oily skin, because the orange narrows perfectly and purifies the pores. So you will need:

  • soda - 70 g;
  • citric acid - 35 g;
  • milk dry - 15 g;
  • bitter orange essential oil - 10 drops;
  • cinnamon hammer - 5 g;
  • cinnamon essential oil - 5 drops;
  • orange food dye - 5 drops.

Bomber "Eastern Fairy Tale"

Thanks to this geyser you can arrange a real aromatherapy session. For one bombing you will need:

  • soda - 60 g;
  • citric acid - 30 g;
  • sea salt - 30 g;
  • jojoba oil - 7 drops;
  • essential oils: Patchouli, Ylang-Ilanga, Gerana, Mint, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass - 3 drops.
  • red food dye - 8 drops.

In jojoba oil, mix the rest of the essential oils and enter them into the finished dry mixture, vigorously stirring and tracking that lumps are not formed.

As you can see, create geasers for the bath do it yourself very simple. Bulk balls can also become an ideal gift for your friends. Experiment with dyes, oils and dry herbs. Find your perfect recipe!

Surely they met in the stores of natural cosmetics. Bright, fragrant and ... quite expensive. You can pamper yourself much more budget wayIf you organize a home spa salon yourself. Make the raging bobbers for the bathroom with your own hands! You will be able to add your favorite aromamasla, flower petals, sea salt and much more by creating a unique product that can be used not only for yourself, but also to prevent girlfriends as a gift.

How to make a bug for a bath

For the manufacture of domestic bombing, you will need thin disposable gloves, a large bowl, a pulvizer with cool water, sieve, as well as molds - they can be both round and any other. Fully suitable forms for cupcakes, cookies or ordinary eggs for eggs. In addition, you will need these ingredients for the foundation:

    250 grams of food soda

    100 grams of citric acid

    5-7 ml of vegetable oil

Additional ingredients:

    10 ml of Aromamasla

    food colorings

    All prepared? You can start creating bombs! The size can be any - it is better to start with small so that they keep the form and not fall apart. So, first, ask soda so that there were no lumps. Mix it in a big bowl with citric acid.

    Now add oils - aromaaslo and a bit of vegetable (it can be any - olive, for example). Mix quickly so that the mixture does not hide.

    It's time for a food dye - add it a little bit and immediately mix it until you reach the desired color.

    Spray the resulting water. The consistency should be such that you can form something with your hands, but at the same time rather crumbly.

    Fill the molds and leave to dry by 6-8 hours in a dry warm place. Ready! It is advisable to use them fresh and not stored for too long.

Bathroom recipes for bathroom

What oils, dyes, salts and other ingredients can be added to the classic recipe? We offer several combinations:

    Lavender + sea salt. To create this beautiful and aromatic bombing You will need 20 drops of lavender oil, 1 tbsp. Dry leaves lavender (if any), 1 tbsp. Sea salts and 2 tbsp. Oil jojoba. Do not forget about the pinch of a lilac dye!

    Rose with cocoa butter. A real gift for romantics! Ideal for taking a bath together. By the way, you can make such a bathrobe in the shape of a heart. You will need 50 ml Cocoa oil, 10 drops of rose oil and 5 drops of oil ylang-ylang. As well as pink food dye.

    Honey and Lemongrass. Tender tool that also cares for the skin! To create it, you will need 10-15 drops of lemongrass oil, a bit of solid, dense honey and handful of oatmeal for decoration. Additionally, you can add a couple of tablespoons of dry milk. It turns out very fragrant!

Make home the raging ball for the bath is very simple and accessible. Attit to the process of children - and they will love even more bath procedures!

And how pleasures and it is useful to use! The boiling ball will fill the air with aromas of essential oils, and the water will turn into a healing emulsion, feeding and moisturizing your skin. After taking such a bath, it is enough just to get into the body with a towel. The skin becomes just silk!

Recipes for the preparation of hissing bombing many. You yourself can easily make it up, leaning on the basic recipe:

  • 2 pieces of food soda;
  • 1 part of citric acid;
  • 1-2 parts of the filler: milk powder, dry cream, corn starch, sea salt, magnesium sulfate (English salt, magnesia), clay, riming oatmeal;
  • 0.5 pieces of base oil (olive, almond, macadamia, etc.);
  • essential oil (the choice depends on the desired effect, for example, relaxation / excitation, etc.).

Step 1. Sail through sieve soda, citric acid and mix thoroughly. It is very important that the mixture becomes homogeneous, otherwise the unpleasant granules are formed in the texture. Therefore, mixing, twice sifting the mixture through a sieve.

Why bombs "explode" ahead of time?

Sometimes swiming balls For the bath can begin to grow, as on the yeast, right on your eyes, immediately after you got them out of the form, or the next morning you will find a neat bath ball, but a broken pancake. This happens for several reasons:

  • too many oils or water were added to the bombing;
  • indoors or on the street increased humidity air (it rains, boils the teapot, prepares food with the selection large number Couple, etc.).

But sometimes you can cope with these problems:

  • if you understand that the bomb "explodes", do not get it out of the mold, and tightly wrap in the plastic bag right in the form and put in the freezer;
  • if you put too much liquid components Try adding a bit dry, for example, sea salt - it is easily absorbed by an excess moisture;
  • try anhydrous way of making bath bombs using alcohol for these purposes or adding more oil.

For the manufacture of two bombing, the "Large Sphere" form was used:

  • 10 tbsp. Soda spoons;
  • 5 tbsp. span