Olive oil, benefits, properties and application. Olive oil: beneficial properties and contraindications

Olive is a tree that is considered a symbol of nobility, maturity and wisdom. From Olives, the European turns beautiful vegetable oil - olive.

This is unique dietary productwhich is most valued for what is perfectly absorbed by the body. It is also immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, painkillers and rejuvenating means.

The main energy value of the product is fats. Their percentage is 99.8 grams.

Also high and the nutritional value of this product is also:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - 13.2 g;
  • Saturated fatty acids - 16.8 g.

Olive oil is especially valued for the content of vitamins:

  • E - 12.1 mg. This is 127% of the daily norm of the necessary person. It is the strongest antioxidant and is responsible for beauty.
  • K is 60.2 μg, which is 50% daily dose. We are necessary for normal blood coagulation, as well as for the formation of bones.

It is also the richest food source of monounsaturated fatty acid - oleic acid. Its amount is 80%, while, for example, in lean oil - only 35%.

Also, minerals are also located:

  • Potassium - 1 mg
  • Sodium - 2 mg
  • Phosphorus - 2 mg
  • Iron - 0.4 mg.

Calorie - 898 kcal.

There are the following varieties of olive oil:

  • Refined - natural product is not.

The benefits in therapeutic and cosmetic procedures will not bring. But for frying is an excellent means, since it does not entail the formation of carcinogens - a substance causing cancer. It also does not smoke and does not fance. It has neutral taste, without a mustard, acceptable price and long-term storage. A mixture with high-quality Extra Virgini in an amount of no more than 20% is called Oliveoil.

  • Unrefined - obtained by pressing, is a natural product.

Keeps all their own useful qualitiesis a very valuable product for the body.

  • Ozonized - natural product, applied in the field of cosmetology.

Effectively suitable for combating skin problems, wrinkles, for massage, for wound healing.

ABOUT useful composition and oils of olive oil, its use and action on the body - about all this is told in the video.

Medical Properties: Use of Hair Application, Face and Body Skin

Benefit medical properties due to primarily the fact that olive oil is used in pure form, while maintaining all his beneficial features.

  • Oleic acid is a catalyst for dissolving cholesterol plaques in blood vessels, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Antioxidant properties of this substance prevents the development of ischemic heart disease and aging.
  • The elements included in the oil can take lead from the human body.
  • Calcium strengthens bone tissue.
  • Studies conducted in the field of use of the funds confirm that women who use this food product are subject to a smaller risk of breast cancer.
  • Help with spin pain caused by pinching nerve endings.
  • Thanks to the maximum content of vitamin E, it is capable of fighting the aging of the skin and increase its elasticity.
  • It is a popular and effective component of cosmetology.
  • Used for weight loss.

For a comprehensive positive effect on the body, olive oil is recommended to include in its daily diet. But if you decide to use it in therapeutic purposes, Be sure to consult your doctor.

You can take both inside and externally. Daily dosage For an adult, it should not exceed 40 grams. If you want to replace it with oliva, then for this you have to eat 8 medium ripe olives.

You can use body oil. It will moisturize your skin and make it silky.

  • Dry hands.

Lubricate your hands with olive oil, and wear thin cotton gloves overnight (or other gloves that are specially sold for hand care). In the morning, the handles will be soft and gentle.

  • Nails break.

Periodically make them baths from olive oil with the addition of lemon juice. For such a procedure, 30 minutes is enough.

  • For a healthy hair view.

Make a head massage using a product. Apply some quantity to the palm, wrap in the head and make a massage. Then put the cellophane cap and wrap your head towel. After half an hour, wash your head with the usual shampoo.

  • "Youth elixir".

From 2 lemons, squeeze the juice, add 50 ml of olive oil, 200 grams of flower honey and mix all. We drink the resulting mixture of 1 tsp. In the morning on an empty stomach.

Using this fund for 2 months will increase immunity, it will make the work of the gastrointestinal tract and will contribute to the skin rejuvenation, improve the complexion.

  • Cleaning the body.

Reception on an empty stomach of 1 tsp. Product (and 30 minutes after not drinking food) will help to clean the body from slags, and return weight to normal.

  • For gastrointestinal tract and liver.

To improve the operation of the gastrointestinal tract for 1 month, take 1 tsp. Olive oil on an empty stomach. Put the glass of water.
For oral cavity.

  • Parodontortosis (gum inflammation).

Each morning rinse your mouth. For a better effect, it is recommended to heat the toothbrush and moistened in it to rub into the gum.

  • Perodontitis.

Mix 1 tbsp. l. Product and 30% of the tincture of cleanliness. Lubricate the gum 2-3 times a day.

  • Snabs on the lips.

Preheat olive oil to warm state. Dry cottage disks in it and attach to problem places. Put the towel from above. Hold for a while.

Medical recipes

On an empty stomach of 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and drinking her glass of water diluted with adding citric acid. Pass 15 minutes.

  • To remove sand and stone.

6 hours after the last meal, drink 4 tbsp. l. Olive oil and write their 1 tbsp. l. Lemon juice. With a period of 15 minutes, you must drink 0.5 liters of feet.

  • When forming stones in bile ducts, take oil olives at 0.5 h. half an hour before meals.
  • In chronic gastritis.

In 500 ml of fresh juice Kalanchoe, add the same amount of olive oil. Leave it to push 3 days in a dark place. Then add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. Honey and keep 2 hours in a water bath. The course consists of 10 days and includes the following: 1 tbsp. l. For half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

  • Osteochondrosis.

Mix 100 grams of healing mud with 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Sittail the spine with a mixture, blame with polyethylene and turn on with a wool handkerchief. The time of procedure is 3 hours, the course is 1 week. It is necessary to conduct every other day.

  • With neuralgia.

Mix 3 h. Olive oil and 7 drops of geranium oil. Apply for head massage daily for 7-10 days.

In this video, it is described how to distinguish the present olive oil, which legends are associated with this product.

Contraindications and harm

Like any product, excessive use of olive oil can cause harm.

There are contraindications for people with individual intolerance to such oil or means of its components.

There were cases of an allergic reaction to this component.

Considering the fact that olive oil is a choleretic agent, it is contraindicated with cholecystitis.

It is a calorie product, do not abuse them.

Do not forget that olives are a bridal product and they do not grow in our country. Do not abuse olive oil and use it along with other types of oils.

How to choose and store olive oil

The manufacturer offers us a large range of species of olive oil.

To do right choice, you need to know some subtleties of this product.

There are three types:

  1. Extra Virgin (Span. AceiteDeolIVAXTRAVIRGEN) is the most expensive look of oil.

Acidness in it does not exceed 0.8%. It turns out with the help of cold spin of olives mechanical method, i.e. without the use of chemical and biochemical additives. The quality of this product and nutritional value is the maximum. Storage period is 18 months. It tastes olives and must be pattering. The label must be written to Virgin (Vergine, Vierge). The average price is from 200 to 600 rubles. This is the most expensive product.

  1. Oil of the second spin (IP. "FINE VIRGIN OLIVE").

Judging by the title, this oil is obtained after the second spin. In this process, organic solvents and high temperatures are already used. The nutritional value is not so in the previous form of oil, but also vitamins, and minerals remain in stock. The cost ranges from 100 to 200 rubles.

  1. Chemical extraction (Olive Oil) - This variety is obtained by chemical extraction of olive oil produced from the pulp.

Manufacturers mix a certain amount of higher grade oil, but taste And the food value is such a product much inferior to the first two types. The lowest and acceptable price (up to 100 rubles), but the quality is appropriate.

When purchasing olive oil, remember that this is a gourmet product and it cannot cost a penny. Be prepared to pay for quality.

In order for this product to save its all useful properties, it needs to be properly stored. Do not bring contact with air and close the lid tightly. Also choose for storage warm dry room with a temperature not more than + 15 ° C.

Enter the tool into your life. Naughty unique properties It will not only enrich your diet with useful food, but will give the body and the body youth and beauty.

Olive oil is rightly called liquid gold, as it has miraculous properties and is one of the important components in nutrition modern man. However, people were about the benefits of this unique product, the people were taking legends even in ancient times. Rome and ancient Greece, Egypt and Mesopotamia - in all these countries, olive oil, which was considered a gift of the gods, was used not only for cooking, but also in cosmetic purposes. In addition, it was used to conduct ritual rites and the treatment of people with various diseases.

Useful properties of olive oil

The composition of olive oil is unique, since it completely lacks proteins and carbohydrates. In turn, the fatty acids that this product rich is responsible for the normal operation of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and vessels, strengthen the bone system and purify the entire body from slags. It should also be noted that fatty acids contribute to the correct and more complete learning of food, and also act as a natural antioxidant, which stimulates tissue updates at the cellular level. It should also be noted that olive oil is rich in vitamins B, C, K, PP, and E, and the content of the last of them is so large that olive oil is recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from the problems of the musculoskeletal system, as well as children whose organism Constantly grows and develops. Useful microcomponents in olive oil are not so much, but potassium, calcium and sodium, which are included in its composition, are responsible for the operation of the heart muscle, improve the color of the skin, nails and teeth. Plus, it is not necessary to discount the fact that sodium helps to extend excess fluid from the body, preventing edema to occur.

It is famous for olive oil and the fact that it includes oleic acid. It is she who is responsible for and, in particular, prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of the vessels. In addition, due to oleic acid, they become softer and elastic, so olive oil is one of best tools For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth noting that its composition includes linolial acid, which not only contributes to the healing of wounds and burns, but also has the cleaning of the so-called free radicals. It is for this reason that olive oil is recommended to eat people who suffer from cancer, as well as to use as universal means To update the tissues of the whole organism.

Based on olive oil created great amount medicinal and cosmetology preparations that help effectively fight in premature anti-aging processes, return the elasticity of the skin, shine hair and eliminate small wrinkles. In addition, olive oil from time immemorial is used in folk medicineAnd with it you can get rid of a wide variety of diseases. For example, people who want to clean the body from slags and harmful toxins are recommended in the mornings before cleaning the teeth to hold 1 tablespoon slightly heated olive oil in the mouth approximately 3-5 minutes. During this time, it perfectly cleans the taste receptors and removes a huge amount of harmfulness from saliva.

To normalize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract, olive oil need to drink approximately 15 minutes before each meal of 1 tablespoon. This simple recipe will help prepare the stomach to normal operation, neutralizes the excess of the acid and will help heal the wounds, which is very important for people suffering from ulcer or gastritis.

When problems with intestines, accompanied by constipation, Olive oil for 1-2 tablespoons is recommended to take before bedtime. Due to this, it is possible for 7-10 days to fully restore the intestinal peristalsis, having achieved soft and natural withdrawal of hiding masses from the body.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil is often used in treating cold illness. In the case of a strong runny nose, it is necessary to heat in the tablespoon a little oil and drip it into the nose. With an angina olive oil, it is possible to lubricate the throat, using the usual cotton wand for these purposes. In addition, this natural product helps to effectively deal with various species Allergies, as it binds and neutralizes the substances that contribute to its occurrence. For example, with an inadequate reaction of the organism on dust or flower pollen, it is enough 2-3 times a day on a teaspoon of olive oil to get rid of unpleasant symptoms In the form of cough, runny nose and red eyes.

Olive oil is an excellent tool to combat all sorts of skin diseases.. During the dermatitis, it is enough to lubricate the affected parts of the body several times so that the wounds are dragged down without leaving the scars. For the same reason, olive oil can be used to treat burns, and even trophic ulcers. This product is an excellent tool for skin care of newborn children. True, it should be borne in mind that before applying olive oil in this case it is necessary to boil.

Olive oil in cosmetology

Separately, it is worth mentioning the importance of olive oil in modern cosmetology. On its basis, you can cook a lot of masks that are perfectly fed, moisturized and soften the skin. In addition, during dry and brittle hair, the oil is recommended for 10-15 minutes before bathing rubbing into the skin of the head. This recipe also contributes to getting rid of dandruff and prevents the development of alopecia. With a slightly heated olive oil with a slightly heated olive oil, it is necessary to apply on the face before leaving the house in cold and windy weather. In addition, it perfectly protects the epidermis from ultraviolet, so such a tool can be boldly to apply on the beach to avoid burns and get a uniform tan of a pleasant golden shade. Plus, olive oil perfectly protects the skin of the hands from premature aging and external influence Environment. Cracks, corns and roughness can be completely removed from the palms, if during the week before bedtime rubbing this natural product into the skin.

Olive oil during pregnancy and feeding

Thanks to its useful properties, olive oil is indispensable for future mothers. It stimulates the processes of digestion, saturates the organism by amino acids and vitamins, helps to avoid the swelling of the tissues, toxicosis and constipation. Plus, which contained in olive oil is one of the important components for normal growth and the development of the baby. When lactation, olive oil should also be regularly eaten, as the substance included in its composition is very necessary to strengthen the bone system and the immunity of the child. However, it should be remembered that for a nursing woman, a daily dose of this product should not exceed 40-50 g, otherwise the kid may have a stomach disorder.

Harm of olive oil and contraindications

Despite the fact that olive oil is a very valuable and absolutely hypoallergenic product, some people from his use in food are best refused. This concerns those who suffer cholecystitis or has problems with the liver. In addition, limit the use of this product is to be overweight, since olive oil is considered a rather calorie product.

Olive oil is obtained from fruits olive tree (Olive European), mainly in the Mediterranean regions. It was used by humanity over the centuries. Oil is obtained by pressing integers. It is usually used in cooking, both for frying and for salads. Olive oil is also used in cosmetics, pharmaceutical preparations and soap, as well as fuel for traditional oil lamps and has additional applications in some religions.

Olive oil is one of the three main herbal products in mediterranean cuisine; Two others - wheat and.

Olive trees are grown in the Mediterranean areas from the 8th millennium to our era. Spain is the largest manufacturer Olive oil, followed by Italy and Greece. Nevertheless, the consumption per capita is the highest in Greece, the Spain, Italy and Morocco follow him. Consumption in North America and Northern Europe is much smaller, but steadily growing.

The composition of olive oil varies depending on the variety, height above sea level, harvest time and extraction process. It consists mainly of oleic acid (up to 83%) with fewer fatty acids, including linoleic acid (up to 21%) and palmitic acid (up to 20%). Olive oil "Extra Virgin" must have no more than 0.8% free acidity and, as it is believed to have favorable taste. ()

Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of olive oil

In 100 grams of olive oil, it is contained (in% of the recommended daily consumption rate) ():

  • Calorie: 884 kcal (44%).
  • Carbohydrates: 0 g (0%).
  • Fats: 100 g (154%).
  • Protein: 0 g (0%).
  • Vitamin E: 14.3 mg (72%).
  • Vitamin K: 60.2 μg (75%).
  • Fitosterols: 221 mg.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 761 mg.
  • Omega-6 Fatty acids: 9763 mg.

Olive oil also contains in a small amount of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and sodium.

Olive oil benefits for human body

The use of olive oil contributes to prevention and helps in the treatment of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, alzheimer's disease, stroke, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, etc. This is how olive oil for the human body is useful:

1. Olive oil contains mono-saturated fats

Olive oil is natural oil extracted from olives, oily fruits of olive tree. About 24% of olive oil make up saturated fats, and ().

But the prevailing (73%) fatty acid in olive oil is a mono-saturated fat called oleic acid, which is extremely useful for human health.

It is believed that oleic acid helps reduce inflammation and can have a beneficial effect on genes associated with cancer (,,).

Monounsaturated fats in olive oil are also quite resistant to high temperatures, which makes it a good choice for cooking.


Olive oil is rich in monon-saturated oleic acid. It is believed that this fatty acid has a versatile positive impact on the human body and is a good choice for cooking.

2. Olive oil contains many antioxidants

Olive oil is quite nutritional. In addition to healthy fatty acids, it contains a large amount of vitamins E and K, as well as rich in powerful antioxidants. These antioxidants are biologically active and can help combat serious diseases (,).

It includes antioxidants that can fight inflammation and help prevent cholesterol oxidation in our blood, which is the most important steps in the process of preventing heart disease (,).


Olive oil is rich in antioxidants, some of which possess powerful biological effects.

3. Olive oil has strong anti-inflammatory properties

Chronic inflammation is considered one of the leading factors contributing to the development of many diseases. It can cause cancer, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease, arthritis and even obesity.

Olive oil can reduce inflammation, which may be one of the main reasons for its health benefit. The main anti-inflammatory effects are associated with antioxidants contained in it. The key among them is oleocantal, which has been identified, works similarly to ibuprofenu - anti-inflammatory drug ().

Some scientists believe that oleocantal in 50 ml (3.4 tablespoons) of olive oil has the same efficiency as a 10% adult dose of ibuprofen ().

There are also studies that suggest that oleic acid (basic fatty acid in olive oil) can reduce the level of important inflammatory markers, such as C-jet protein (,).

One study also showed that olive oil antioxidants can inhibit some genes and proteins that lead to inflammation ().


Olive oil contains nutrients capable of fighting inflammation. These include oleic acid, as well as antioxidant oleocantal.

4. Olive oil can help prevent stroke

The stroke is caused by a circulatory disorder in the brain due to blood clot or bleeding. In developed countries, stroke is the second in frequency of death, immediately after the disease of the heart ().

The relationship between olive oil and the risk of stroke development was widely studied. A large review study, which included more than 841,000 subjects, showed that olive oil is the only source of mono-saturated fat associated with a reduced risk of stroke and cardiovascular diseases ().

These results are confirmed by another major visual research, in which 140,000 participants participate. The researchers found that those who consumed olive oil were subjected to significantly less risk of stroke ().


There are many major studies whose results show that people who consume olive oil have a much smaller risk of stroke - the second largest killer in developed countries.

5. Olive oil protects against cardiovascular diseases

Heart diseases are the most common cause of death all over the world ().

Supervisory studies conducted several decades ago showed that cardiovascular diseases are rarely found in the Mediterranean countries. This led to extensive studies of the Mediterranean diet, which was revealed, significantly reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (,).

Olive oil is one of the key elements of this diet and protects against cardiovascular diseases by numerous ways ().

It reduces inflammation, protects the LDL cholesterol from oxidation, improves the function of the endothelium of blood vessels and can help prevent unwanted blood coagulation (,,,,).

Interestingly, it was also revealed to reduce blood pressure, which is one of the strongest risk factors for the development of heart disease and premature death. In one study, olive oil reduced the need for preparations that reduce blood pressure by 48% (,,).

The truth is that dozens, if not hundreds, studies have shown that olive oil is incredibly useful for heart health.

If you have cardiovascular diseases, family history of heart disease or any other serious risk factor, then you may think about the inclusion large number Olive oil in its diet.


Olive oil is very useful for heart health. It reduces blood pressure, protects particles of LDL oxidation and has a beneficial effect on many other risk factors.

6. Olive oil does not cause weight gain and obesity

Numerous studies have tied a Mediterranean diet rich in olive oil, with a favorable effect on body weight (,,).

In a 2.5-year study, in which more than 7,000 students of the Spanish College participated, it was revealed that the consumption of a large amount of olive oil was not associated with an increase in body weight ().

In other words, significant consumption of olive oil is not associated with increasing weight or obesity in observational studies.

A 3-year study involved in the participation of 187 subjects showed that a diet rich in olive oil increased the level of antioxidants in the blood and led to a decrease in body weight (weight loss) ().


Consumption of a large amount of olive oil, apparently, does not increase the likelihood of weight gain. It can even be useful for weight loss.

7. Olive oil can help fight Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease is the most common neurodegenerative disease in the world. One of its key features is the accumulation of so-called beta-amyloid plaques inside the brain cells.

One study on mice showed that the substance in olive oil can help remove these plaques from the brain cells ().

Another study, this time in humans, has shown that a Mediterranean diet, including olive oil, has a beneficial effect on the brain function ().


Some studies show that olive oil can help fight Alzheimer's disease, but more studies are required to confirm this.

8. Olive oil can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus

The beneficial properties of olive oil include its ability to protect very well from diabetes mellitus. In several studies, it was found that olive oil has a beneficial effect on blood sugar and insulin sensitivity (,).

A randomized clinical study with the participation of 418 patients who do not suffer from diabetes, confirmed the protective effects of olive oil ().

In this study, the Mediterranean diet with olive oil reduces the risk of a type of diabetes mellitus 2 by more than 40%.


Observational studies and clinical trials show that olive oil, combined with a Mediterranean diet, can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus.

9. Antioxidants in olive oil have anti-gas properties

Cancer is one of the most common causes of death in the world. People in the Mediterranean countries have a lower risk of developing certain types of cancer, and many researchers believe that olive oil can have something to do with it ().

Antioxidants in olive oil can reduce the oxidative damage applied by free radicals, which is considered one of the leading risk factors for the development of cancer (,).

Many studies in the test tube showed that compounds in olive oil can help fight cancer cells (,).

In order to find out whether olive oil can really help prevent cancer, it is necessary to conduct more research on people.


There is preliminary evidence that olive oil can help prevent cancer, but it must be learned properly.

10. Olive oil can help in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease characterized by deformed and painful joints. The exact reason is not entirely understood, but it includes an immune system of the body, by error the attackering normal cells.

Olive oil seems to improve inflammatory markers and reduces oxidative stress in people with rheumatoid arthritis (,).

Its use, apparently, is especially useful in combination with fish oil - the source of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids.

In one study, olive oil and fish oil significantly reduced the pain in the joints and the morning stiffness, and also improved the power of the compression of the hand into the fist in people with rheumatoid arthritis ().


Olive oil can help reduce joint pain and swelling with rheumatoid arthritis. Favorable effects increase significantly in combination with fish fat.

11. Olive oil has antibacterial properties

Olive oil contains a lot nutrientswhich can inhibit or suppress harmful bacteria (). One of these types of bacteria is Helicobacter Pilori - Bacteria that live in the stomach and can cause ulcers and gastric cancer.

Studies in test tubes showed that olive oil effectively against eight strains of these bacteria, three of which are resistant to antibiotics ().

The study conducted in humans showed that 30 g of olive oil can eliminate infection Helicobacter Pilori 10-40% of people in just 2 weeks ().


Olive oil has antibacterial properties and, as was revealed, especially effectively against Helicobacter Pilori - type of bacteria that can cause ulcers and gastric cancer.

The harm of olive oil for the human body

So, what is the olive oil for the human body? This product is probably safe if you use it (taking) inside properly. The use of olive oil should be limited to 14% of the total consumption of daily calories. It is about 2 tablespoons (28 grams) per day.

Used olive oil is well tolerated by most people, but some can cause nausea. When applied to the skin, allergic reactions and contact dermatitis were reported. When used in the mouth after dental treatment, the roth cavity can become more sensitive.


  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding: Not enough reliable information about the safety of olive oil use, if you are pregnant or breastfeed. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, to avoid unforeseen side effects, do not use it in excessive amounts (more than 2 tablespoons per day).
  • Diabetes: Olive oil can reduce blood sugar levels. People with diabetes must check blood sugar levels when using this product.
  • Surgery: Olive oil can affect blood sugar levels. Its use can affect blood sugar during and after surgery. Stop using this product 2 weeks before the operation. ()

How to take olive oil

Drugs.com. Reports that olive oil is safe to take in an amount up to 2.7 tablespoons per day. It is not recommended that pregnant or nursing women consumed it in larger quantities ().

  • When laying: 30 ml (about 2 tablespoons).
  • At high blood pressure: from 30 to 40 grams (from 2 to 2 ½ tablespoons) as part of your diet. In other words, if you take so much olive oil every day, do not add it more to your products.
  • With high cholesterol: 23 grams (slightly less than 2 tablespoons) instead of other fats in your diet.
  • For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases and infarction: 54 grams (about 4 tablespoons). To avoid increasing body weight with this amount, make sure that other products that you eat are healthy health and contain less calories and fat. The risk of side effects can increase when consuming higher doses.

If you do not tolerate the taste of olive oil in its pure form, you can add it to morning coffee, juice or cocktail.

Click on the desired item in the table of contents below.

Valuable fat is pressed from fresh olives. Ideally, the Maslin flesh is crushed within a few hours after the collection, the period of which lasts from November to March. Otherwise, the high-speed oxidation spoils the raw materials and the final product.

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Chemical composition

Calorie and juicy product (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) are similar to all vegetable oils.

Per 100 grams - 884 kcal. The composition we present on the main expenditure unit in nutrition - on 1 tablespoon, which contains 14 grams of oil.

  • Calorie 1 tablespoon - 120 kcal.
  • Fats - 14 grams
  • Proteins and carbohydrates - 0
  • Vitamin E - 10% DN
  • Vitamin K - 10% DN
  • And meager inclusions of minerals - up to 0.3% of the day.

* DN - average daytime nonra for an adult at a diet in 2000 kcal.

Note, according to the Department Agriculture USA in the natural product there are no vitamins A and D, The myth of which is common in RuNet.

With a loaf on the bud of the product, the healing properties of olive oil seem to be exaggerated. Just liquid fat, where there are no proteins, carbohydrates, dietary fibers, trace elements and moderate quantities of vitamins E and K. Why nutritionists strongly recommend it for salads and other dishes, especially EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL?

Beneficial features

What is useful olive oil? We will talk about the best image - an unrefined first cold spin.

A brief list of very valuable characteristics for human health.

  1. No harm from skew to omega-6 fatty acids.
  2. Polyphenols as powerful antioxidants and advocates from inflammation.
  3. Oleic fatty acid - therapeutic omega-9 for the cardiovascular system.

Therapeutic polyphenols

These are complex organic substances wide spectrum actions. Studies show that polyphenols from Extra Virgin olive oil contribute to a decrease in blood viscosity and harmonize a lipid profile with elevated cholesterol.

Also, these biosoctions have pronounced antioxidant properties, protect the cell membrane and help to fight inflammation.

Harmony Omega without skew to class 6

Excellent properties for health! And the main thing is a positive difference from other oils of popular in Russia (sunflower, corn, sesame).

Important! Only oil, where omega 6 LCD is less than 30%, it is possible without harm to take daily (olive, almond, peanut, peach bones).

  • Oleinova (Omega 9 LCD) - from 60 to 80%
  • Linoleic (Omega 6 LCD) - from 5 to 14%
  • Palmitic and Others - from 15%
  • Miserer Omega 3 LCD - up to 1%

Modern food is oversaturated omega 6. This leads to accelerated age inflammation. A huge contribution to our mobile and sound longevity makes a reduction in Omega 6 LCD and the enrichment of the omega's diet of 3 LCD.

Different protection for the heart and vessels

The benefits of oleic acid and oleokansala were deeply studied.

  • Reducing inflammation of the inner shell of vessels. This prevention of atherosclerosis development.
  • Protection of low-density lipoproteins from oxidative processes - up to 72%. It also insures the heart and vessels from a heart attack and stroke.
  • Reduced thrombosis and blood pressure.
  • Cutting autoimmune reactions in all organs and systems. This means less allergies, heavy arthritis and other diseases when immunity cells erroneously attack their own tissues of the body.

Curious study of 30 tablespoons of olive oil. The force of therapeutic effect is equivalent to the 1st adult dose of ibuprofen. Including in a diet 2-3 tbsp. Spoons daily, we regularly get microindoses of the anti-inflammatory complex. ()

Benefits during pregnancy and in the children's menu

The benefits of olive oil during pregnancy and in the nutrition of children are significant.

We repeat about Omega: It should be striving for the omel ratio of 3 and 6 as 1: 4. In the usual food of contemporaries, this proportion is about 1:20.

There are two ways to reduce harm from excess Omega-6:

  1. Remove extra;
  2. Add Omega-3.

When a pregnant woman goes to neutral Omega-6 oil, she insures himself and baby from many troubles. Entering this product, and not popular sunflower, we create the best table with the right proportion of the LCD for the child.

Do not forget to enrich the omega-3 menu using fish oil, where not less than 450 mg of DGK. We drink 1 teaspoon here. Daily, the whole family.

Universal leather and hair

Olive oil is a valuable ingredient in cosmetology. Softens, nourishes, rarely leads to pore clogs. Ideally cares for hair, including brittle and dull. In summer, healing fat helps to reach a smooth tan. One of the best means for preventing stretch marks during pregnancy. In many ways, this is the merit of vitamin E and polyphenols.

Use high-quality (\u003d cheap) food sample cold spin, and not shopping creams where oil is added. Strong properties are only in pure natural components.

Compare popular vegetable fats

What is more useful olive or sunflower? The answer lies on the surface if you read the information above.

Forget about vitamin E and oleic acid! Yes, in sunflower more first and there is also the second. Yes, this is the product of our latitude. But positive factors insignificant in comparison with harm to skew to Omega-6.

Always for health what sunflower oil - This is a linoleous LCD - Omega-6 - up to 54%. Such a high percentage makes sunflower oil by the enemy of health. It sharply increases the risk of myocardial infarction, provokes inflammation and depression, increases the risk of oncology.

In search of a response to a question than to replace sunflower oil and whether it is necessary to do it, rely on the omege's profile in vegetable fat. Will wrong.

Our choice is at least replacing oil for salads for fat from olives. It is even better - to maximize the combination of coconut and olive for all dishes.

Olive oil on an empty stomach - benefit or harm

Let's figure it out. Any oil on an empty stomach will cause an active bile outflow. Any liquid in the volume of 1 cup and more will lead to a sharp activation in the work of the biliary tract. And when drinking a contrast temperature, the effect will be expressed even stronger.

Important! People with stones in the bile ways can not drink neither oil on an empty stomach, neither contrasting fluid temperature.

Hence the beneficial consequences of olive "panacea" with lemon and honey during constipation. Strengthening peristaltics - Promotion of food lump - the yield of gases and emptying of the intestine. Exactly the same effect will cause sesame, sunflower, almond - anyone! - butter. Plus, the visions are only that olive oil does not overload omega-6 us.

In addition, we are wary of the honey in the nutrition of children, allergies and people with hyperinsulinism. And allergic and violations in the exchange of carbohydrates - mass problems of contemporaries. For myself, we do not see the point to exaggerate the menu by the sugar on an empty stomach. Therefore, the morning choleretic in our routine is 1-2 glasses clean water, cool or warm, depending on a particular family member.

Gastritis olive oil before meals also does not treat. If the stomach is worried, you need a gastroenterologist and a test on Helicobacter Pilori. A diet is extremely important in treatment. If an infection is detected, do not be afraid of antibiotics under the guidance of a competent physician.

Contraindications and possible harm

1) I remember the high calorie content.

Olive oil is the maximum calorie liquid fat. 1 tablespoon is capable of covering more than 16% of the average daytime need for energy.

If this figure seems to you insignificant, imagine that you eat two a day, or even three generously seasoned dishes. Purchase overweight with such a diet - a pair of trifles.

2) Exclude a giller effect if there are stones in a bustling bubble or cholecystitis.

Do not accept an empty stomach! Adjust the amount in dishes - up to 2 tbsp. Spoons per day.

3) Ideally, it is better not to fry food on Extra Virgin versions.

Because heating the healing polyphenols are destroyed. And in general, fry food - not the best choice For thermal processing. This was not heard of the savage from the tropical island.

If you drop the importance of preserving polyphenols, you can rely on the latest safety studies. They answer the question on which olive oil you can fry. The average heating in a frying pan is not more than 170 degrees. It means that it does not provoke the formation of carcinogens in high-quality cold spin olive oil. After all eXTRA VIRGIN Version Point Not the lowest - from 191 to 215 degrees.

Still safer refined Fat from Olives - 240 degrees. But this is a "dead version" of Superfud. Useful biosotes completely destroys rafination.

Our choice is more likely to prepare recipes for a couple and fill with oil after removing from the fire. Stew on medium heat with water adding. It is to eat more salads from fresh vegetables.

Personal experience

For yourself, you can find another combination of solutions, how to reduce omega-6 in the diet and remove trans-fats. Do it if you want to live longer and healthier!

If I really want to fry, then the best choice is. It has no more than 3% PPGK. Abundance of trans fat is simply not about to form. And you can stew with water on both vegetable fats - from olives and coconut.

Today we try to replace both sunflower and corn oil. Opinion is nontrivially, but relies on modern knowledge Nutrotic and medicine longevity.

Types of olive oil and reception dose

Daily dose varies depending on age and goals. On average - from 1 to 4 tablespoons per day for an adult. From 0.5 teaspoon for children, starting with dust of 7-8 months.

Important! If you simply add Support to Harmful products, the healing effect will not be.

The composition of the product determines the place of growing olives and technology. Below brief certificate about each form Which can be found on sale. You will learn what olive oil is better for salad and what characteristics are important.

Oil type /

What is important

Extra Virgin.Virgin.Refined.Olive Oil, Pomace, Light, Pure, Purified and others
How to produceFirst cold post., mostly green olivesOnly less valuable ripe olives, cold spin, incl. repeatedRafination (heating from 200 degrees Celsius, incl. With the use of hexane)Not perfectly extracted fat, which is not enough, in breeding with refined, cheap rapeseed or sunflower, or purified, enriched with synthetic vitamins, and the like.
AcidityUp to 0.8%Up to 2%Up to 0.5%Up to 3.3%
How best


Ideal for refueling salads without heating and in cosmetologyPermissible for salads, preservation and bakingCheap frying option, incl. Fast Fud.Better not to use food

How to choose and store

Let's focus on the healing version of Extra Virgin.

High-quality product is not cheap. The price in Europe begins from 8 euros per 500 ml.

Main producers - Italy, Spain, Greece. It does not always mean the fruit rose in the same country. Italian oil is often pressed from Turkish and Tunisian raw materials.

Most of the polyphenols contain unplanned (green!) Olives. But from the mature easier to squeeze. Therefore, the cheaper the products on the shelf, the higher the likelihood that the fat was produced from ripe, not green fruits.

Olives that grow on young trees are inferior in saturation with polyphenol similar fruits from trees aged. The most healing raw materials are unrivable fruits from old trees on the Greek Island of Crete.

It is also important how the fruits were retracted from trees, as the preparation for the squeeze occurred, how long the workpiece was stored before processing. This directly affects the content of polyphenols. Long storage and coarse automatic cleaning reduce the cost of oil, and, accordingly, reduce its quality.

From air, heat and sunlight, fat becomes vocomble. Imports in Russia is carried out from the countries of the Mediterranean. It is difficult to say only the type of bottle, in what conditions and how long the transportation took place.

Output. The inscription "EXTRA VIRGIN" on the label is necessary, but not a sufficient quality condition. "Extra Virgin" speaks only about how the squeezing was shown, but not what the raw material was used, as it was obtained, and what happened with oil after bottling.

Will not help I. product coloring. There is no relationship between the color of olive oil and its quality. Only the level of chlorophyll in olives affects. In close analogues, the color varies from light yellow to a bottle-green.

Storage time. On the package most often indicate 2 years. They reflect the maximum of time for which good oil Do not have time to roam. However, useful compounds in a year becomes significantly less.

Home should be stored Olive oil in a tightly closed dark bottle in a cool place. After opening, let's say a refrigerator. Being in the cold for a long time good sample Forms a muddy precipitate. This is a simple quality test.

Personal experience and 6 trademark selection rules

For myself, we brought several rules for searching for the best olive oil.

  1. "Not!" For products in colorless glass and plastic or with any other words, except Extra Virgin Oil.
  2. "Yes!" A bottle of dark glass and Greece as a country of manufacturer. Tightly fitted lid and rank time less than 6 months ago. The point of sale is a large supermarket with an active turnover or a popular "grocery boutique", where the goods are also not selected.
  3. On the bottle, there must be a marking of acidity - up to 0.8%.
  4. We buy without a reserve, following the shelf life ("Expiry Date"). It should remain at least one and a half before its end.
  5. When olive oil is baptized, it is normal. Perfection peak is an easy barely noticeable bitterness with an admixture of herbaceous aroma, as if the smell of green tomato or freshly acted herbs. If the smell like the fierce sausage or old socks - the sample is burned, and there is no longer polyphenols.
  6. The taste of olive oil can be said "clean", "fresh", "grassy". Olive oil must be patched. But the degree of bitterness, as well as color depends on the initial raw material.

As you can see, the choice among decent samples is similar to the decision to taste your beloved wine or a variety of coffee. Depends on personal preferences.

Besides general rules, not unnecessary to ask the results of recent market research. The Russian Agency NPE "TEST" In 2014, he headed the comprehensive comparative examination of the 11 trade brands of olive oil Extra Virgin.

Higher score received TM MANA GEA, Prize, Borges. The brand of Maestro de Oliva became good. The remaining samples did not comply with high quality criteria.

We will be glad if they could understand and fully tell about the healing product. How to take olive oil, benefit and harm, contraindications for receiving, scientifically based foundation of useful properties and the rules of choice will accurately use you on the way to healthy ration In part of fats. And God will be with you when shopping!

Thank you for the article (8)


Good olive oil (it is also called olive) made from selected olives grown under the Mediterranean Sun and with a saturated taste and aroma. It is obtained by cold spin - this is the most technology that has been used for several thousand years ago.

The only difference is that now modern machines and mechanisms are used for this. The product obtained in this way is rich in useful substances. This is a product that can be recommended to everyone without exception. We learn everything about the benefits and medical and healing properties olive oil for men and women, how to take it, about contraindications and potential harm organism.

Property useful for the body

Among the beneficial substances that are contained in the olive product are the most valuable are:

Regular use of this product has a positive effect:

  • On the cardiovascular system: Monounsaturated fatty acids reduce the level of "bad" in the blood, while increasing the number of "good" cholesterol. As a result, cholesterol plaques in vessels begin to dissolve, and the probability of developing many significantly decreases.
  • On organs digestive system : The inflammatory effect on the stomach and intestines contained in the olive substance (including the vital activity of the main pathogen - Helicobacter Pilori bacterium) and reduce the intensity of inflammation with non-specific ulcers.
  • On the skin: Its condition is improving, and healing wounds is faster.

In addition, the regular use of this product leads to slow down the processes of aging, bone strengthening, improving the work of immune and nervous systems.

Women will be interested in masks that improve the condition of the skin and hair. Men regularly consuming this product in food will preserve good potency due to improved blood circulation.

How to use

There are two ways to eat this product in food:

  • fry on it;
  • create cold.

To fry on an olive product, how many do, do not. When heated to high temperature most of the beneficial properties will be lost And carcinogens are formed. This is what happens in your skillet, when she is shit and go smoke.

It is important to know that with strong heating, carcinogens are formed in all oils, including in sunflower, which is usually poured by the hostess into a frying pan.

There are many in different ways Cold use:

Thus, you can choose from the proposed list one or more for yourself instead of frying on it, turning exclusively useful product in harmful.


Product very calorie, Therefore, you need to observe the measure. Those who want to lose excess weightIt is recommended to eat at least one tablespoon per day. In order not to harm the body nutritionists advise to take olive oil inside an empty stomach, and then not for half an hour, only in this case will be benefit. In this case, extra kilograms will leave faster.

Increased weight - the only problemThe reason for which this product can be. Otherwise, there are no contraindications - if you observe the measure, there will be no harm for the body. Those who do not have overweight problems can be used 2-3 spoons every day.

Find out from video, is it useful to drink an empty stomach oil:

Other ways of application

In addition to eating, this product has other applications. Masks based on it are very popular. What is useful olive oil for hair and skin of women?

For hair

In very simple version You just need to apply olive oil on your hair, before applying heated for three minutes in a water bath - the effect in this case will be more noticeable.. After applying, we look at the hair in polyethylene and leave for an hour.

Such masks were used yet in Ancient Greece. They improve the condition of the hair and moisturize them, give them shine and volume. To achieve an even more impressive result, you can add egg yolk, lemon juice, pepper tincture or hu.

For skin face

Simple option - warm it in a water bath to a warm, but not hot condition and apply on the face, and after 15-20 minutes, remove the napkin. For a larger effect, you can add egg yolk, honey or lemon juice.

Such masks moisturize, soften and feed the skin, slow down the processes of aging and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. After these procedures, the person acquires even and beautiful colour.

How to choose and store

Choose in the store oil of the first cold spin. It is in it that contains the most useful and nutrients. Such a product is indicated by labeling Extra Virgin..

As a package can be used:

  • Metal banks: Some of them are made of metal, which over time is oxidized, and it kills useful material. Most often small banks are made of such material.
  • Glass bottles: The best packaging is a bottle of darkened glass. It is protected from sunlight and longer saves useful properties.

It is believed that the best profound is made in Greece, Italy and Spain, where it is a national product. In these countries, the rich history of the cultivation of Olive, production from their fruit oil and use of it in food.

In addition, Greece, Spain and Italy are very strict control Quality. But a good product They produce from olives and in some other countries of the Mediterranean region - for example, in Tunisia and Morocco.

You can store olive oil in the refrigerator or in the cabinet in the kitchen. Many prefer exactly the first option, but it is not necessary to keep it in the refrigerator. It is perfectly stored at a temperature of from 5 to 25 ° C, retaining your useful properties until the expiration date.

Keep in mind that when cooled below seven degrees, it can thicken to such an extent that it will stop poured out of the bottle. In this case, it will have to be kept warm until it gets warm. Moreover, when stored in the refrigerator, the oil becomes muddy and a precipitate falls in it. However, useful properties are not at all decreasing.

The shelf life for good olive oil is one year from the date of production.

Choosing a product in the store, look for the latest bottle. And such olive oil will have an excellent taste and contain maximum valuable substances. It will bring the greatest benefit to your body.

In conclusion, we suggest you to see an interesting video in which Dr. Agapkin will tell than useful olive oil and is it possible to take on an empty stomach:

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