Why complain if there is no heating in the house? When, to whom and where to complain about the lack of heating? Poor heating in the apartment: what to complain about

Moscow. Heating hotlines. Where to call?

    On offensive matters heating season, as well as for all other problems with heating, utilities, complaints about poor-quality heating supply to the house, you can call here:

    The same organizations also accept all kinds of comments on the supply of electricity.

    if they cannot solve your question, they communicate with you incorrectly, then you can still call here:

    Of course, if residents and citizens have questions about the new heating season, they can call hot lines . For example, for such phone numbers.

    Hot phones on heating, electricity and hot water supply:

    Hot lines Moscow Housing Inspection for Heating Problems in the Districts:

  • In Moscow, on September 29, heating is turned on in all districts of the city. Muscovites are lucky, but we are freezing and count the average daily temperature. Phones have been published, which are recommended to call in case of any problems, cold batteries and other things. However, complaints have already appeared on the network that it is impossible to get through on some phones. Unfortunately, this is natural at the beginning of the heating season.

    Heating bills are getting bigger and bigger: heat tariffs are rising, but the quality of heating does not always keep up with the price. Probably, many people would like their apartment to be warm and cozy, and the fee for this was small.

    But what about when the apartment is NOT warm (and maybe even cold), and large heating bills continue to come regularly. Agree, this is an offensive situation when you are actually required to pay for services that were provided inappropriately.

    In any sphere of civil legal relations, the issues of interaction between the buyer and the seller in the delivery of low-quality goods are determined by the civil code and the law on the protection of consumer rights. Necessary actions the buyer when buying a bad product is common knowledge. For example, if you buy a faulty TV in an electronics store, then it is not difficult to return the faulty product and get money back for it.

    In the field of housing and communal services, consumer rights are also protected. But the interaction between the consumer and the supplier or utility provider in the delivery of substandard services will differ from the usual interaction between the buyer and the seller. This is due to the fact that if Management Company provides a low-quality heat supply service (for example, there are cold batteries in the apartment or the air temperature is too low), then the consumer does not have the physical ability to fidelity to the consumed heat.

    But in this case, he has the right to pay less for the consumed heat. Or maybe not pay for heat this month at all.

    Unfortunately, few people know how to act in a situation when the apartment has cold batteries: where to complain and go to change the situation. Let's take a look at how the legislation prescribes the actions of the consumer when such a situation arises.

    The normative values ​​of the air temperature in the residential premises are defined in clause 15 of Appendix 1 to the "Rules for the provision of communal services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354. It is indicated that: there must be "the provision of the standard air temperature in residential premises - not lower than +18 ° C (in corner rooms - +20 ° C), in areas with a temperature of the coldest five-day period of -31 ° C and below - in residential premises - not below +20 ° C (in corner rooms - +22 ° C) ".

    In other words, the minimum temperature in the rooms of an apartment must be at least 18 degrees for non-corner rooms and at least 20 degrees for corner rooms. In areas of severe winter and cold weather - even higher by 2 degrees, respectively. That is, it does not legally regulate the temperature of the coolant in the batteries: there may be cold batteries and heating pipes in an apartment, but the temperature must be within the approved norm.

    It should be noted that in accordance with the same paragraph 15 of Appendix 1: "the permissible excess of the standard temperature is no more than 4 ° C; the permissible decrease in the standard temperature at night ( from 0.00 to 5.00 hours) - no more than 3 ° C ;
    decrease in the air temperature in the living room during the daytime (from 5.00 to 0.00 hours) not allowed.

    What to do and where to complain if the batteries in the apartment are cold and the above temperature limits are not respected? On the pages of the portal, we have already described how, according to the law, to calculate the payment for heating in an apartment.

    Here we will tell you how this board according to law can be reduced.

    The law defines in sufficient detail the order of actions of the consumer when providing him utilities inadequate quality. The already mentioned "Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354, contains a whole section devoted to this problem. This section is number X and it is called "The procedure for establishing the fact of the provision of public services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration (clause 104-113 of the Rules)."

    If the apartment is cold, then you need to do the following:

    1. Call the phone or hotline or to the emergency dispatch service of the utility contractor (management company or HOA). A complaint about cold batteries must be filed with a hotline or emergency dispatch officer and provide you with your name, surname and title and the registered number of your complaint about low temperature in the apartment. You can apply in any other way, but you need to keep in mind that it is possible that you will need to prove the fact of notification in the future.

    2. If the employee of the contractor's emergency dispatch service is not aware of the reasons for the cold in the apartment, he is obliged to agree with the consumer the date and time for checking the fact of violation of the quality of the utility service.

    The time for the inspection is set no later than 2 hours from the moment of receipt of a message from the consumer about the violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time has been agreed with the consumer.

    In other words, the employees of the utility contractor must arrive to draw up an act at the apartment at a convenient time for the consumer or no later than 2 hours from the moment of contact.

    3. If, for some reason, the employees of the utility contractor did not arrive by the scheduled date for drawing up an act, the consumer can draw up such an act on his own. However, in this case, in the act, you need to fix the air temperature in the apartment, and sign the act by the chairman of the council apartment building, as well as 2 neighbors - apartment owners.

    4. After drawing up such an act, the contractor is obliged to take measures to provide public heating services of proper quality. These measures can be: settlement of the necessary issues with heating networks (boiler room) to increase the temperature of the coolant, repair of heating risers in apartment building, booster pumps and more.

    If no action has been taken by the end of the month, and the consumer has not been informed of the fact of the start of the supply of heat of proper quality, then the consumer has the right to apply for a recalculation of the cost of heating for the month.

    If the apartment is cold, then the amount of recalculation of the cost of heating is determined as follows: for each hour of the deviation of the air temperature in the dwelling, in total during the billing period in which the specified deviation occurred, the amount of payment for the utility service for such a billing period decreases by 0.15 percent for each degree of deflection.

    For clarity, here's a simple example. The air temperature in the apartment at the time of drawing up the act was 16 degrees. Therefore, the deviation from the norm is 2 degrees. The period during which this temperature was kept was 10 days or 240 hours.

    The size of the reduction in the cost of heating will be: 2 degrees x 240 hours x 0.15% = 72%. That is, the cost of heating this month should be reduced by 72%. With the usual average monthly payment for heat of about 3,000 rubles, this month the consumer must pay 3,000 rubles - 2,160 rubles = 840 rubles.

    To do this, the consumer must write a statement to the address of the utility service provider, attach a copy of the drawn up act, indicate the date and registration number of his initial appeal on the fact of the cold in the apartment.

    An example of a complaint about poor heating in an apartment.

    After receiving a complaint, the contractor is obliged to recalculate the cost of heating.

    If for some reason he does not want to do this, then you can contact:

    1. To the state housing inspectorate with a complaint about the actions of the contractor.

    2. To the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.

    3. To the court with a claim to reduce the cost of heating and forcing the contractor of the utility service to properly fulfill its obligations to supply utility resources.

    At the end of the article, I would like to wish you to live in a warm apartment with hot radiators, while heating bills were not affordable.

    Do you want to know the answer to your question?

    Here you can ask it for free to experts or lawyers of the gkh-konsultant.ru portal.

    (1 estimates, average: 2.00 out of 5)

    Cold or slightly warm batteries in the apartment, especially in winter time, are able to spoil the mood of the residents, and if the resolution of the problem is delayed for a long time, then it can undermine health.

    In this article we will answer the following questions: what is the reason for the lack of heating in the apartment? where to complain about poor heating? how to draw up a claim application? Do I need to pay the heating bill if it was not actually there? Read on.

    Grounds for appeal

    The reason for contacting regulatory authorities can become one of the following:

    • The beginning of the heating season has already started, and the batteries are still cold;
    • The heating system was unexpectedly turned off and has not been connected for a long time;
    • There is heating, but too weak;


    By law, during the period of operation of heating systems, the room temperature should not be lower than eighteen degrees.

    • Heating is unstable, the batteries are hot, sometimes warm, sometimes very cold.

    Reasons for absence

    Many tenants apartment buildings interested in the question: where to complain if the rooms?

    First you need to understand the reasons for the lack of heat. So, Cold batteries can be caused by:

    • clogged pipes... On admission hot water a lot of debris could accumulate in the batteries, which subsequently became the reason for their congestion and lack of heating. To determine if this is really the reason, it is recommended to talk to neighbors;
    • industrial accident at a thermal power plant... If it was she who became the cause of the cold batteries, there will be no heating in the whole house or even the area. A survey of neighboring apartments will help to clarify the situation;
    • neighbors have conceived a redevelopment and install additional batteries / replace old ones / introduce a modern heating system and therefore temporarily blocked the pipes;
    • the utility company servicing the house delayed the start of the heating season.

    Regardless of what the reason for the lack of heating is, if a problem is identified, it is necessary to address it as soon as possible by contacting the appropriate authorities.

    Read about where exactly to go in the next section.

    Calling Instances

    So where should you call when the start of the heating season came into effect two weeks ago, and the apartment is still cold?

    • First, you should call the district emergency dispatch service;


    The contact phone number of the organization can be found by calling the city information center or online. Having phoned, you will need to explain the situation, after which the employee will accept the application and appoint a date and time for the arrival of a specialist who will check the work heating system and will reveal the reason for her absence.

    Based on the results of the check, the specialist will draw up an appropriate act, in which he will outline the essence of the check and summarize its results.

    The survey report will be drawn up in two copies, one of which will remain in the hands of a specialist, and the second will be handed over to the owner of the surveyed apartment.

    If the problem is identified during this visit, it will be resolved shortly after.

    • contact a plumber who is discussing a specific home. If the problem is clogged pipes or a stuck heating valve, he will be able to solve it.

    If the appeal to the listed authorities did not bring any results, the next step will be to appeal to the authorized regulatory authorities.

    Other instances

    If contacting the emergency dispatch service or calling a locksmith did not bring the desired results, the next step is to contact one of the following authorities:

    • which serves this apartment building;
    • homeowners' association;
    • a utility service that serves a particular house;

    If, when contacting the listed authorities, the citizen does not receive any assistance, he will have to apply for assistance by filing a claim petition to one of the following regulatory institutions:

    It is possible both in the course of a personal appearance at the territorial unit, and by sending a letter by post or in electronic form.

    You can send a complaint to a law enforcement agency in the same ways as to the previous instance.

    • Local government bodies;


    You should contact the two extreme listed instances in the case when the tenant has already tried to resolve the situation by contacting the communal service, partnership or inspection. Otherwise, the judicial authority has the right to refuse to consider the claim and start legal proceedings in the absence of an attempt to resolve the situation in a voluntary (non-judicial), and not compulsory (judicial) procedure.

    Drawing up a complaint

    Regardless of the instance of appeal, when drawing up a complaint the following features of content and structure should be adhered to:

    • The full name of the instance of appeal is written in the “header” of the document. Next, the details of the applicant are indicated (full name, address of permanent registration / actual residence (if the addresses differ), contact phone number);
    • Further, in the middle of the page, the name of the document is written, namely - Complaint;
    • The main part of the document describes the essence of filing a complaint. It is necessary to indicate: the exact date when the heating was turned off / the batteries became slightly warm, what attempts were made by the tenant to resolve the situation, where he applied, what happened in the end. If the applicant has any documents on hand (photocopies of complaints to other authorities, written responses from authorities, etc.), this should be mentioned in the application, and the materials themselves should be attached to the complaint;
    • In terms of raising requirements, it is necessary to prescribe the actions that, in the opinion of the applicant (based on the current legislation), should be taken to resolve problems with heating;

    When writing down the requirements, one should rely on specific articles of domestic legislation, which will confirm the legitimacy of the requirements put forward and reinforce the position taken by the applicant.

    • At the very end, the date of submission of the application is affixed, as well as the personal signature of the applicant.


    If several residents of the house have problems with heating at once, then a collective complaint should be filed. As practice shows, complaints filed on behalf of several people always attract more attention than individual complaints filed on behalf of one tenant.

    The number of copies of the complaint depends on the number of participants. So, if a private complaint is filed, on behalf of one owner, two copies are filled in (one for the applicant, the other for the authorized body). But if a collective claim is filed, the number of copies depends on the number of tenants who participate in its preparation.


    Below you can download the bad heating claim:

    Samples of documents


    Regardless of where the complaint is filed, they should not exceed thirty days from the date of submission and registration of the application. However, in most cases, the waiting period is no more than ten days.