Scheme of a two-pipe horizontal heating system. All about two-pipe heating systems

In apartments and private houses an integral part of comfort is to ensure heat. Preferably use water heating. Water heating It happens with a single-tube and two-pipe contour. In the first case, water passing through a closed loop, heavily cools. Each subsequent radiator gets a colder liquid. The two-pipe system eliminates this drawback.

The two-pipe heating system is effective for a private house. These designs have become more popular. The complexity of the installation and a slightly greater consumption of materials pays off with obvious advantages.

pros two-pipe heating:

  1. Each radiator receives the same heated coolant, increasing the air temperature in the room.
  2. The ability to adjust the heat of each battery by installing the thermostat.
  3. When breakdown with one of the systems, you can repair without stopping heating. To do this, you need to hind the locking elements.
  4. For installation, you can use small diameter pipes, significantly saving money.
  5. Installation indoors of any area.

A distinctive feature of the system is to connect to each radiator 2 pipes. Through the first heat enters the battery, the second outputs the cooled liquid from the device. This design Allows you to effectively damn room.

The layout of the pipes of the two-pipe heating system

The two-pipe layout diagram is 2 species vertical and horizontal. In the first case, heating elements are located vertically along one riser, which is characteristic of apartment houses. In most cases, the coolant is supplied up, the removal of signed down.

For horizontal versionBatteries are located on the same line. Such a wiring is inherent in single-storey buildings.

Two-pipe design can be in the open and. Any heating includes elements expansion tank. When heated, the pressure in the pipes increases, and the compensation system allows you to save the required working level. The device is placed at the highest point, usually in the attic of houses. With an open layout, the liquid in the tank comes into contact with air. Part of it evaporates, so such a system requires constant control. IN closed typeThe design is equipped with a membrane, and does not require constant attention.

Advantage of the scheme:

  • A more aesthetic look of the room, the pipes are hidden under the battery and are not striking;
  • For passage to radiators, one hole is required;
  • Thermal loss is reduced.

All heating systems can be made with natural and forced circulation. The choice of design affects the upper or lower water supply. For the bottom feed, it is necessary to establish forced water circulation. Pipes from the boiler to radiators are laid by floor, just below the batteries. All over the perimeter of the room passes 2 pipes: distribution and return. To each radiator they are connected using fittings and tees. Such a system can be constructed from metal plastic or polypropylene pipes Alone, without resorting to the services of specialists.

Option with top wiring in a two-pipe system of the heating of a private house

In private homes, you can install both the bottom and the upper hand. For the upper wiring is preferable to use natural circulation water. Distribution with a hot coolant pulls from the boiler to the ceiling, then stacked around the perimeter of the building.

Design Description:

  • From the top pipe vertically lowered outlets to radiators;
  • In terms of the floor lay the opposite;
  • Connect both pipes to radiators;
  • For physical circulation, the tilt angle must be in 3-5ᵒ, while the compensation tank is installed at the highest point of the circuit.

The heating system of natural circulation begins to work when water is heated. The coolant becomes easier and rushes up, reaching the highest point of the scheme, then the pipes are descended into radiators, cooling and becoming heavier, goes back to the boiler.

The lower the room temperature, the faster the circulation of water in the batteries.

The maximum effect of the top distribution can be obtained in a 2-storey building. Natural circulation will be stimulated by the difference in the height of the batteries on the 2nd floor and the installation of the boiler in the basement. The disadvantage of the upper scheme is an external aesthetic appearance, in addition, part of the heat goes up. You can compensate for the lack of combining one-tube and two-pipe heating. For example, a single-tube to make a warm floor on the 2nd floor, to 1 hold a two-pipe layout.

Accurate calculation of the two-pipe heating system

Before starting work, it is necessary to make a heating scheme, decide on the material, make a hydraulic calculation. It is necessary to calculate the pressure drop in the rear area or to calculate the diameter of the pipe.

The calculation is based on the following factors:

  • The inner surface of the pipes and its roughness;
  • Diameter of the section;
  • The number of flexural pipes;
  • Pressure drop between feeding and reverse;
  • The number of radiators and their cross section;
  • Shut-off elements.

When calculating, formulas and aksonometric table are used. You can use a special program on software. Behind the main object take the most loaded ring or contour. As a result of settlements, optimum speed Movements should be from 0.3 to 0.7 m / s.

For greater speed, heating will be noise, with a smaller - there will be strong temperature scatter.

After the calculations performed, the pipes of effective diameter are acquired, required amount radiators, boiler, fittings, splits, expansion tank, circulation pump, if there is such a need.

Stages of work on the installation of two-pipe heating with their own hands

Installation of the heating system begins with the installation of the boiler. The heat generator on gas and electricity is located in any room. For boilers on liquid and solid fuel required separate niche. When installing radiators, it is necessary to take into account the bias of the pipeline in 1-2% relative to the entire length of the pipe.

Work plan:

  1. Installing the boiler.
  2. The main pipe with the heat generator is derived from hot waterrunning through all radiators.
  3. In parallel, the second highway is held with reverse.
  4. With a compulsory version of heating, a circular pump is cut.
  5. Install radiators. Batteries suspend on special brackets. All radiators should be placed at the same level. For convenience of operation, they are equipped with locking cranes at the input and output points. Batteries are connected in several ways: lateral, diagonal, lower connections. The most effective side and diagonal design.
  6. Finish the heating system by mounting pipes of accompanying nodes, installation of the expansion barrel and additional elements.

The highway should not contain direct and sharp cornersSince it will increase resistance. Cranes and valves must match the size of the pipes. When designing with an upper wiring, the expansion tank is placed on a warmed attic. After completing all installation work, the system is connected.

To do this, overlap all the cranes, and necessarily slowly fill the feed loop.

Next, open the valve of the first battery, and with the help of air to the outlet of a smooth jet. The element is closed, and open the exhaust crane of the radiator. These manipulations must be carried out with each radiator. All detected defects eliminate.

Two-pipe heating of a private house with their own hands (video)

Installing a two-pipe system with your own hands will take more time, ultimately will provide efficient and practical heating, and will save on assembly work. It is important to choose correctly optimal option For home, and make a competent calculation of system parameters. Skillful hands And following the instructions will be transformed by the house by making it cozy and warm.

Examples of heating wiring in a private house (photo)

Developing a heating system for your home, we will certainly think about the laying of pipe laying and connecting radiators. Most often, the creation of projects uses common circuits with two pipes deposited by heated rooms. The two-pipe heating system is more complex in the installation, but it has many indisputable advantages "That's what a conversation goes in our review." We also consider:

  • Structural features of two-pipe heating systems;
  • Their main drawbacks;
  • Varieties of two-pipe systems.

At the very end we will tell about the most effective methods Connecting batteries to heating systems.

Features of two-pipe heating systems

The two-pipe heating system is the most common laying scheme heating pipes and connecting radiators. It provides for the use of two pipes - one of the hot heat carrier is carried out, and on the second it is given to the heating boiler. This scheme is highly efficient and ensures a uniform distribution of heat over all heated rooms.

One-tube heating systems, unlike two-pipe, have a number of shortcomings:

The difference in the operation of one-tube and two-pipe heating systems is well illustrated by this picture.

  • More limited contour length;
  • The uneven distribution of heat for heated premises - suffer the latest rooms;
  • It is difficult to dump multi-storey buildings;
  • Increased hydrodynamic resistance in the heating system;
  • Lack of separate adjustment of the heating temperature in different rooms;
  • Difficulties in repair - you can not remove a faulty battery without stopping the entire system.

Some of the above problems is partially solved using the Leningradka scheme, but it is not a full-fledged output from the situation.

The two-pipe heating system involves the laying of two parallel pipes to which radiators are connected. The coolant from the feed pipe enters the heating devices, after which it is sent to the inverse tube (reverse). Despite the more impressive financial and labor costs, the finished system is obtained more functional and convenient to repair.

Two-pipe heating is actively used for heating rooms and buildings various destination. These include single-storey private houses and cottages, multi-storey apartment houses, as well as industrial and administrative buildings. In other words, the scope of its use is characterized by its breadth.

Advantages and disadvantages of two-pipe heating systems

Two-pipe heating is distinguished by its versatility. It works equally well both in small buildings and in high-rise buildings, including in high-altitude residential buildings. Let's consider the main advantages of two-pipe systems:

When using two-pipe heating, even the most distant batteries in the house will be able to heat at an acceptable level.

  • The elevated length of one line (contour) is relevant when heating the buildings stretched into the length, for example, hospital or hotel buildings;
  • Uniform heat supply to the room - unlike single-tube systems, heat will even in the most distant rooms from the boiler;
  • Two-pipe heating makes it possible to easily organize separate adjustment of the temperature in separate rooms and rooms - for this, the thermostatic heads are put on each battery;
  • The ability to dismantle batteries and convectors without stopping the entire heating system - an important advantage that manifests itself in large buildings;
  • Two-pipe heating as it is impossible to heat the large areas of buildings - for a more uniform heat distribution, certain pipe wiring diagrams are applied and connected heating devices.

Unfortunately, it was not without certain minuses:

  • Large costs of acquiring equipment - compared with single-tube heating systems, two-tuples require an increased amount of pipes;
  • Complexity in the installation - an increase in the number of nodes and the need for the optimal distribution of the coolant for heated premises is affected.

Nevertheless, the advantages completely overlapping the above minuses.

Varieties of two-pipe heating systems

We have already familiarized yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of two-pipe heating systems, as well as with their distinctive features. It remains to talk about their varieties.

Forced or natural circulation

Natural coolant circulation provides for the absence of a circulation pump. The heated water circulates along the pipes alone, obeying the gravity forces. True, for this requires pipes of increased diameter - two-pipe heating with thin plastic pipes It will not be able to provide independent circulation, which is associated with high hydrostatic pressure in the system. Heating with natural circulation is simple and low cost, but it is necessary to remember the limited length of the contour - it is not recommended to do it longer than 30 meters.

The diagram of a two-pipe heating system with forced circulation involves the use of a circulation pump. It is installed next to the heating boiler and provides a quick drive of the pipe coolant. Due to this, the heating time is reduced, the length of the heating circuit increases, the heat energy distribution is significantly improved. Two-pipe scheme Heating with forced circulation allows you to give the buildings of any floor - you only need to choose a productive pump.

Disadvantages of two-pipe heating systems with circulating pumps:

  • Appreciation of installation - good pump It is expensive, while buying cheap does not make sense at the expense of its reduced service life;
  • Possible noise - cheap pumps sooner or later begin to vibrate, the sounds from their work are spread over the pipes even in the farthest rooms. The higher the rotation speed of the pump shaft, the stronger the noise;
  • Energy dependence of the heating system - when the electricity is disconnected, the coolant circulation is terminated.

For the correct operation of the two-pipe heating system with circulating pump It is necessary to envisage reserve source Power supply, otherwise a breakdown of the heating boiler is possible.

It should be noted that cheap circulation pumps are noisy even at the very beginning of operation. Elevated level Noise is most noticeable in heating with metal pipes. And if any section of the pipe will fall into the resonance, the sound will only increase.

It should also be paid to the method of laying pipes - in two-pipe systems of heating with natural circulation, a slope is provided than the normal movement of the coolant is provided. In circuits with forced circulation, no biases are needed.For the same reason, the pipes can be bend as much as possible, bypassing the obstacles - in contours with the natural movement of the pipe coolant should be as direct as possible in order not to create excessive hydrodynamic resistance.

Open and closed schemes

Two-pipe heating scheme open type Provides for the use of a traditional expansion tank, which is mounted at the highest outlet point. Pressure here is minimal, the coolant is in contact with the atmosphere. In the case of excessive expansion, water goes into a special nozzle leaving the tank. Undoubted plus Open contours is the ease of removal of air - it goes through the expansion tank on his own. Only here, along with the departure of the air, evaporating the coolant is observed, so its level must be constantly monitored.

In case of insufficient amount of water in open two-pipe heating systems, water bouffaging is heard in radiators.

Closed heating systems include sealed membrane expansion tanks. The coolant here circulates in a closed space, so it has nowhere to evaporate him. If necessary, you can pour non-freezing ethylene glycol. In order to prevent the concentration of the contour, the air bursts are set in it - automatic or manual.

IN closed systems Heating is necessarily a circulation pump, while in its open availability is optional.

Vertical and horizontal two-pipe heating systems

The two-pipe horizontal heating system is relevant in one-storey houses. There are two pipes on the premises, in parallel with which radiators are connected. If the household or building includes 2-3 floors, then each floor creates a separate horizontal circuit connected to vertical risers. Such a connection scheme provides a uniform distribution of the coolant on all floors and premises.

Vertical systems are most often mounted in apartment houses. Two are mounted here vertical pipes from the top to the lower floor. According to one, a hot heat carrier is served, on the other he descends back to the boiler room. Radiators are connected to both pipes. Most often, the scheme looks like the individual risers serve all radiators in the kitchens, others in the bedrooms, halls and other rooms.

Also, mixed systems are also laid in buildings, which include both vertical and horizontal sites.

Top and Lower Wiring

Distinguish two-pipe heating systems with top and lower layout pipes. The upper layout implies that the coolant first rises to the upper point of the contour, and from there it is distributed from separate vertical sites. A two-pipe heating with lower wiring provides that both pipes pass at the bottom (near the floor or under it), and they are departed from the branch upwards to radiators and individual cascades of radiators.

The upper layout is focused on the creation of two-pipe heating systems with independent movement of the coolant. The pipe from the boiler rises to the upper point of the system, from where the horizontal section begins - it is done under the slope. A similar slope is made in the inverse tube to the heat carrier independently tech to the side of the boiler, obeying the pressure in the contour and gravity.

The second scheme (lower) is optimal where you need to hide all pipes. In this case, the two-pipe system of heating with a lower layout of polypropylene is hiding in the floors or for the ceilings, only radiators and convectors are visible in the premises.

Connecting radiators

We introduced you to the main varieties of two-pipe heating systems. Now you know that the coolant is served here on one pipe, but removed on the other. Thereby ensures a uniform distribution of heat even in the largest buildings. Let's see how it is best to connect heating batteries. Three are provided possible schemes Connections:

  • Side connection - the supplying and reverse tubes are suitable for the heating device on the side. Accordingly, the maximum warm sections will be placed only from one edge;
  • Lower connection - the supplying and reverse tubes are suitable for lower edges of radiators and convectors. Heat losses in such a scheme will be maximum, since the coolant seeks to undergo the internal volume of the "wavelet", according to the most direct section;
  • Diagonal - the most optimal connection diagram, providing a uniform heat distribution along the inner volume of radiators. For example, the supply pipe is suitable for the upper upper input, and the reducing - right lower (or vice versa). In this case, the coolant will mostly heat the entire area of \u200b\u200bheating devices.

The choice of a suitable scheme depends on the design of the heating system and the number of sections in the radiators.When creating two-pipe heating, we recommend making a choice in favor of a diagonal and lateral connection.


When refusing ineffective centralized heating in favor individual system The owner of the apartment is difficult to decide what is better: a single-tube or two-pipe heating system. Thusll, what type of system is better to choose for installation, what is the difference between these connection schemes and how significant it is.

Advantages and disadvantages of one-tube and two-pipe heating systems

The main difference between the two heating schemes is that a two-pipe connection system is more efficient in operation due to the parallel location of two pipes, one of which feeds the heated coolant into the radiator, and the other - the cooled fluid.

A single-tube system circuit is a sequential type wiring, and therefore the first connected radiator receives the maximum amount of thermal energy, and each subsequent heats up is weaker.

However, efficiency is an important, but not the only criterion to which you need to rely on, deciding to choose one or another scheme. Consider all the pros and cons both options.


  • simplicity design and installation;
  • saving materials due to the installation of only one highway;
  • natural coolant circulation, possible due to high pressure.


  • complex calculation of thermal and hydraulic network parameters;
  • problematization of elimination of errors allowed when designing;
  • all network elements are interdependent, with a malfunction of one section of the network ceases to operate the entire contour;
  • the number of radiators on one riser is limited;
  • adjusting the receipt of the coolant in a separate battery is not possible;
  • high coefficient heat loss.

Two-pipe heating system


  • the ability to install the thermostat for each radiator;
  • independence of the network elements;
  • the possibility of cutting additional batteries in the already collected line;
  • easy to eliminate errors made at the design stage;
  • to increase the volume of coolant in heating devices No need to add additional sections;
  • lack of limitations of the length of the contour in length;
  • the coolant with the desired temperature is supplied throughout the pipeline ring, regardless of the heating parameters.


  • complex connection scheme compared to one-tube;
  • greater consumption for materials;
  • installation requires high time and labor.

Thus, the two-pipe heating system in all respects is more preferable. Why do the owners of apartments and houses refuse her in favor of a single-tube scheme? Most likely, this is due to the high cost of the installation and the large consumption of materials necessary for laying two highways at once. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a two-pipe system involves the use of a pipe of smaller diameter, which are cheaper, therefore the total cost of arranging a two-pipe version will not be much larger than one-tube.

Owners of apartments in new buildings were lucky: in new homes, unlike residential buildings of Soviet buildings, a more efficient two-pipe heating system is increasingly used.

Types of two-pipe systems

Two-pipe systems are divided into species depending on:

  • type of contour (open and closed);
  • method and direction of water current (flowing and impasse);
  • method of moving the coolant (with natural and forced circulation).

Systems with open and closed circuits

The two-pipe open type system in urban apartments did not take place due to the features associated with the upper layout of pipes involving the use of the expansion tank. This device makes it possible to monitor and replenish the heating system with water, but the apartment does not always have a place for mounting such a volumetric device.

Flowing and deadlock

In the running system, the direction of water current in the feed and discharge pipe does not change. With a dead-end scheme, the coolant in the feed pipes and return moves in opposite directions. Bypass are installed in such a network, and radiators are located on closed areas, which makes it possible to turn off any of them without disturbing the operation of heating.

With natural and forced circulation

For natural water circulation, the laying of pipes is made with a mandatory slope, an expansion tank is installed at the top point of the system. Forced circulation It is carried out at the expense of the pump installed in the return pipe. Such a system requires air vent valves or cranes of Maevsky.

Components of a two-pipe system of individual heating

Two-pipe network scheme individual heating Apartments include the following elements:

  • heating boiler;
  • thermostatic valves for radiators;
  • automatic air vent valve;
  • device for balancing;
  • pipes and fittings;
  • radiators;
  • valves and cranes;
  • expansion tank;
  • filter;
  • temperature gauge;
  • circulation pump (if necessary);
  • safety valves.

Installation of a two-pipe heating system with upper and lower wiring

The two-pipe system has varieties according to the installation scheme. The most commonly used top and bottom types of wiring.

Upper layout

Laying the upper wiring involves mounting work To fasten the heating system under the ceiling part of the room. To batteries installed in places of cold air accumulation (window openings, balcony doors), branches are served from the main pipeline. In the lower part of the pipeline, which is diverting, the liquid falls, in the process of cooling the cooling process. Such a system is suitable for extensive premises, in one-room or two-room apartments The installation of the heating with the upper wiring is not recommended, as it is from the economic and from the design point of view, it is unprofitable for the owner.

Installation of the heating circuit with an upper horizontal wiring is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The angular fitting required to connect the pipe, directed up, is mounted to the cape of the boiler.
  2. With the help of tees and corners produce horizontal mounting Top Line: Tees are installed above the battery, angles - on the sides.
  3. The final stage of installation of the upper horizontal is the installation of tees with nozzles on a battery, complemented by overlapping valve.
  4. At the bottom branch, the accurate ends are made to the overall return highway, on the plot of which the injection pumping station (circulation pump).

Lower layout

In the network with lower wiring, removal channels and supply heat pipes are mounted. The superiority of the bottom mounting scheme is expressed as follows:

  • The heating pipes are located in the lower, unobthetic part of the room, which gives more opportunities to implement various design projects.
  • Minimum pipe consumption: all installation work is carried out almost at the same level. The wiring point and the radiators nozzles are located at a short distance from each other.
  • Due to the simplicity of the scheme, the installation of such a system will be under power even non-professional.

Important! The lower wiring is mounted only if the coolant circulation will be carried out forcibly in otherwise Water will not move along heating pipes. This scheme is applicable exclusively in urban apartments or single-storey buildings.

One of the minuses of the scheme is the complexity of adjustment and balancing, but the simplicity of installation and reliability in operation blocks these disadvantages.

  1. Mounting works start from removal from the boiler nozzles with an angular fitting downward.
  2. The wiring is performed at the floor level along the wall using two the same pipe diameter. One of them connects the cap of the boiler with the entrance to the battery, the other is summarized to the receiving pipeline.
  3. Connections of radiators with pipes are performed using tees.
  4. The expansion tank is located at the highest point of the feed pipe.
  5. The end of the discharge pipe is connected to the circulating pump, the pump itself is located at the entrance to the heating tank.

All existing heating systems can be divided into two groups:

  • one-tube;
  • two-pipe.

To answer the question: which heating system is better than a single-tube or two-pipe, it is necessary to understand what principle each of them works.

It will clearly indicate the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and will also help make the most optimal choice, both in terms of technical terms and in terms of necessary funds, to understand a single-tube or two-pipe heating system more suitable.

Video about the types of heating systems can be easily found in the World Wide Web.

Advantages of a single-tube heating system

  • fewer materials and means;
  • hydrodynamic stability;
  • less labor intensity design and installation;
  • lack of special infrastructure requirements.

But with all these advantages, it is possible to say with complete confidence that a single-tube system is far from the most best schemewhere heating can be implemented. Still, the main reason why a single-tube system was widespread from us - it is indisputable saving of material.

One-tube heating system: work principle

Such a system has one riser (the main pipe). On it, the heated water (or any other coolant) rises to the upper floors of the structure (if it is a multi-storey building).

All heating devices (aggregates for heat transfer - batteries or radiators) are consistently connected to the downward highway.

Modernization of single-tube heating systems

A technical solution that makes it possible to regulate the operation of each individual heating device, developed.

It consists in connecting special closures (bypass), which make it possible to embed into heating radiator automatic thermostators. What other benefits become possible when installing bypass? Let's talk about this further.

The main advantage of such modernization is that in this case it becomes possible to adjust the heating temperature of each battery or radiator. In addition, you can completely overlap the flow of the coolant to the device.

Due to which such a heating device is repaired or replaced without disconnecting the entire system.

Bypass is a waterfront tube equipped with valves or cranes. For proper connection Such reinforcement to the system, it will reduce the flow of water to riser, bypassing the repaired or replaceable heating device.

It is not difficult to understand that the task of installing such devices in the system is hardly possible to decide, even if available detailed instructions. Without the participation of a specialist in this case can not do.

The system of heating with one mainstream should be equipped with heating devices that have increased characteristics regarding reliability. Any devices in a single-tube system must withstand high blood pressure and high temperature.

Vertical and horizontal rising scheme

According to the implementation scheme, the single-room heating is two types:

  • vertical;
  • horizontal.

If the connection of heating devices occurs from the top floor to the lower - this is a vertical riser. If the batteries are consistently connected to each other in all rooms of the building floor - this is a horizontal riser.

Disadvantages of a single-tube heating system

  • the complexity of the thermal and hydraulic network calculation;
  • the complexity of eliminating errors in the calculations of heating devices;
  • interdependence characteristics of all devices on the network;
  • increased hydrodynamic resistance;
  • restriction of the amount of heating devices on one riser;
  • the inability to regulate batteries and radiators with regulators (in the photo below)

If you connect more than ten on the vertical riser heating devices (for example, eleven), then on the first radiator on the network, the water temperature will be about 105 ° C, and on the last one - 45 ° C.

Single-room heating in individual construction

If heating with one mainstream rummer is mounted in a single-storey structure, then it will be possible to get rid of at least one significant lack of such a scheme - uneven heating.

If such a heating is implemented in multi-storey houseThe upper floors will be heated significantly more intense the lower floors. It will lead to a situation when it is cold on the first floors at home, and on the upper - hot.

Private house (mansion, cottage) rarely has a height of more than two or three floors. Therefore, the mounting of heating, the diagram of which was described above, does not threaten the fact that the temperature will be much higher on the upper floors than on the lower floors.

Two-pipe heating system: advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of a two-pipe collector system

  • It becomes possible to install automatic thermostators for batteries or heating radiators. In this case, such devices are envisaged at the system design;
  • Pipes on such a scheme on the premises are divorced through a special collector system. If one of the elements in the system fails or starts to work unstable, it does not affect the operation of other devices in the chain;
  • In other words, with a two-pipe system, the elements of the thermal chain have parallel connection Unlike consistent - with a single-tube.

The main disadvantages of the two-pipe heating system

  • heating becomes more complex according to the connection scheme;
  • project price requires more funds;
  • installation of the scheme is more time consuming.

Where two-pipe heating systems are used:

  • with individual housing construction;
  • in the projects of the so-called "elite" housing;
  • high-rise buildings (with top wiring)

When designing buildings with a floor of more than 9-10, it is better to use either one-pipe system With a horizontal floor layout, or a two-pipe with an upper vertical wiring.
This will provide better circulation.

Advantages of two-pipe collector heating

  • reduced hydrodynamic resistance;
  • the possibility of independent temperature adjustment in each room.

Before launching collector system Heating requires careful pre-tuning. For proper InstallationMounting and operating a two-pipe system requires an appropriate infrastructure.

Options for the layout of a two-pipe system

Upper layout

The system with an upper layout is suitable when implementing a natural circulation (without the use of pumps) (). It has lower hydrodynamic resistance. In this case, the upper feed trunk tube is partially cooled. Due to this, an additional pressure of the circulation of the coolant is formed.

Lower layout

The system with lower wiring and the feeding and reducing pipes are near.

There are such modifications of the lower wiring:

So, a single-tube heating system or two-pipe? In each case, it is necessary to have preliminary calculations and the project (see), on the basis of which they will be chosen both heating devices and the main pipes themselves (see). The final decision is only for you.

Today there are several heating systems. Conditionally, they are divided into two types: single-tube and two-pipe. To determine bEST SYSTEM Heating, it takes to understand well in principle of their work. With this, it will be easy to make the choice of the most suitable heating system, taking into account all positive and negative qualities. Besides technical characteristics When selecting your financial opportunities should also be taken into account. Nevertheless, a single-tube or two-pipe heating system is better and more efficient?

Here are all the details that are installed in each system. The most important are considered:

Positive and negative properties of a single-tube system

It consists of one horizontal collector and several heating batteriesconnected to the collector with two liners. The part of the coolant moving along the main pipe falls into the radiator. Here there is a return of heat, heating the room and return fluid back to the collector. IN next battery Fluid falls, the temperature of which is slightly smaller. So continues until filling the latter radiator coolant.

Basic distinctive feature A single-tube system is the absence of two pipelines: reverse and feed. This is the main advantage.

No need to lay two highways. It will take much less pipes, and the installation will be simpler. No need to pierce the walls and make additional fasteners. It would seem that the cost of such a scheme is much lower. Unfortunately, it happens not always.

Modern fittings allows you to automatically adjust the heat transfer of each individual battery. To do this, it is necessary to establish special thermostats that have a large passage section.

However, they will not help get rid of the main disadvantage associated with the cooler cooler after entering it into another battery. Because of this, the heat transfer of the radiator included in the total chain is reduced. To save heat, it is necessary to increase the battery power, increasing additional sections. Such work increases the cost of the heating system.

If you make a tip of the device and the pipeline from the pipes of the same diameter, the flow of two parts will be separated. But this is unacceptable, since the coolant will begin to cool quickly when entering the first radiator. In order for the battery to be filled with at least the third coolant flow, you need to increase the overall collector envelope about 2 times.

And if the collector is installed in the big two-story houseWhich area exceeds 100 m2? For the normal passage of the coolant throughout the circle, pipes with a diameter of 32 mm should be laid. To mount such a system, you will need large financial investments.

To create water circulation in private one-story house, you need a single-tube heating system to provide an accelerated vertical collector, the height of which should exceed 2 meters. It is installed after the boiler. There is only one exception, it pump systemequipped with a wall-mounted boiler that is suspended at the desired height. Pump and all additional elements Also lead to the rise in the cost of one-tube heating.

Individual construction and one-tube heating

The installation of such heating having a single trunk riser in a one-story building eliminates the serious shortage of this scheme, uneven heating. If something similar to do in multi-storey buildingThe heating of the upper floors will be noticeably stronger than heating the lower floors. As a result, an unpleasant situation will arise: it is very hot at the top, and at the bottom it is cold. Private cottage It usually has 2 floors, so the installation of such a heating circuit will allow evenly to heat the whole house. Nowhere will not be cold.

Two-pipe heating system

The work of such a system has some difference from the scheme described above. The coolant moves along the riser, getting into each device by the tap tubes. Then the inverse pipe returns to the main pipeline, and from there it is transported to the heating boiler.

To ensure the performance of such a scheme, two pipes are supplied to the radiator: the main supply of the coolant is performed through one, and its return is returned to the total highway. That is why it began to call two-pipe.

The installation of pipes are performed throughout the perimeter of heated building. Radiators are installed between pipes to extinguish pressure jumps and form hydraulic jumpers. Such work creates additional difficulties, but they can be reduced by creating the correct scheme.

Two-pipe systems are divided into types:

Main advantages

What positive qualities Do such systems have such systems? Installation of such a heating system makes it possible to achieve uniform heating of each battery. The temperature in the building will be the same on all floors.

If you fix a special thermostat on the radiator, you can adjust the desired temperature itself in the building. These devices do not have any influence on the heat transfer of the battery.

The two-pipe binding makes it possible to maintain the pressure value when the coolant movement. It does not require to install an additional hydraulic high power pump. Water circulation occurs due to gravitational powerIn other words, gravity. With a bad pressure, you can take advantage pump installation low powernot requiring special service and fairly economical.

If you use the locking equipment, various valves and boy views, it will be possible to mount such systems in which only one radiator becomes possible without turning off the heating of the entire house.

Another advantage of two-pipe strapping is the possibility of using any direction of hot water.

Principle of the work of the passing scheme

In this case, the movement of water along the reverse and main pipe occurs on one path. With a stupid scheme - in different areas. When the water in the system has a backward direction, and the radiators have the same power, excellent hydraulic balancing is obtained. This eliminates the use of battery valves for pre-configuration.

With different radiators, the need to count the heat loss of each individual radiator appears. To normalize the operation of the heating devices, you will need to install thermostatic valves. It is difficult to do it yourself without having specific knowledge.

Hydraulic samonek is used when mounting a pipeline highway having a greater length. In short systems, a dead-end scheme for circulating the coolant is created.

How is the service of a two-pipe system

In order for the service to be high-quality and professional, it is necessary to perform a whole range of operations:

  • adjustment;
  • balancing;
  • setup.

Special nozzles are used to adjust and balancing the system. They are installed at the very top of the system and at its lower point. The air is reset after the opening of the upper branch, and the lower discharge is used to drain the water.

Excess air accumulated in batteries is poured using special cranes.

To adjust the system pressure, is set special container. The usual pump is injected into it.

Using special regulators to help reduce water pressure into a particular radiator, a two-pipe heating system is configured. After redistribution of the pressure, the temperature is equalized in all radiators.

How can you make two-pipe from one-pipe

Since the main differences between these systems is the disconnection of the streams, it is quite simple to perform such a rework. It is necessary to parallel to the existing highway to put another pipeline. Its diameter should be less than less. Next to the last device is cut off and the end of the old manifold is tightly closed. The remaining area is connected before the boiler directly to the new pipeline.

Forms backway scheme Circulation of water. The emerging coolant must be sent by a new pipeline. For this purpose, the supply pipes of all radiators need to be reconnected. That is, disconnect from the old manifold and connect to a new one, according to the scheme:

The process of rework can cause additional difficulties. For example, there will be no place for laying the second highway, or it is very difficult to break through the overlap.

That is why, before doing this reconstruction, you need to think over all the details of future work. It may be possible to adjust the one-pipe system, without moving any alterations.