Rules and norms for cleaning the entrances of residential buildings. Cleaning standards in the entrances of apartment buildings

In any multi-storey building the entrance is a kind of entrance hall for all available apartments. In some houses, such premises are comfortable, spacious, and, most importantly, clean. Other residential buildings cannot boast of this. In practice, cleaning of entrances belongs to the services of LCD services. Therefore, such a task should be solved by a management company, whose employees know how to put things in order at the entrance. As a result, a dirty staircase can become exemplary, and residents are happy with how it is cleaned and cleaned.

The existing law clearly regulates the frequency, timing of execution, as well as requirements for how common areas and stairs should be cleaned. Special documents contain information on operational and technical conditions maintenance of such premises. Therefore, each employee of such services, knowing the adopted law on maintaining order in public places, knows how many times a month he must clean the entrance.

According to the existing documentation, which is determined by the relevant law, tenants are not required to clean and wash common areas, as well as to hire a cleaner to put things in order. Such work should be performed by employees of specialized organizations with whom an appropriate agreement has been concluded, a sample of which can be taken from the department.

This agreement contains information that is fully justified by the living conditions of people in residential buildings and who is responsible for the implementation of all provisions. The document contains several important points, which detail the features of how to clean common areas, namely:

  • the timing and frequency of work to restore order in such a room;
  • the frequency of cleaning stairs;
  • the frequency of cleaning the area near the trash wire;
  • the frequency of cleaning in the elevator room;
  • the frequency of cleaning window sills, windows and lamps in the entrance;
  • deratization and disinfection works.

This agreement clearly sets out how often the floor of common areas in such homes should be cleaned and washed. The person in charge is also indicated who is responsible for the quality of cleaning work for such premises. A sample document can be found in the administration of the service company.

Features of the maintenance and cleaning of premises

The basis for the proper maintenance of common areas in residential buildings is the observance of the frequency
cleaning in such premises. Regulatory part of sanitization work, where it is used special tool, also clearly defines the relevant law. Depending on the available in the entrances special equipment, schedules of cleaning of such territories are drawn up. The installed equipment, which should also be cleaned, includes an elevator and a refuse chute.

The presence of elevator equipment in the entrance increases the degree of stress on the person responsible for cleaning, since he often has to wash the floor in this room and wipe the walls.

In entrances with an elevator on the middle floors, it is enough to clean and wash the floors once a week. The presence of a garbage chute system in a household presupposes its regular maintenance. In practice, the cleaner has to clean the floors every day in front of the trash hatches. This also provides for a contract for cleaning the entrances.

An employee who maintains such equipment must remove all debris from the waste receptacle, and also wash the floors in the garbage room daily. In practice, he should wash the disposable containers. Once a week, the cleaner is obliged, as stipulated by the contract, to clean and clean the garbage loading hatches. Once a month, you need to wash and disinfect, using a special tool, all elements of the garbage chute system, as well as the waste receiver chambers.

How is the maintenance and cleaning of the entrances carried out?

Putting things in order in the entrances is determined by the corresponding agreement, which clearly states how many times these common areas should be cleaned. This agreement allows you to find out how often the person responsible for order is obliged to clean the floors and walls of places that residents consider to be communal property. general purpose... The procedure is based on the quantity and quality of maintenance work in the places where the cleaning lady performs her duties. If the work is not done as specified in the contract, then residents of the entrance have the right to file a complaint with the appropriate writing pattern. This clearly defines the law, the contract, and the instruction.

As determined by the adopted law, the maintenance of such public places implies daily wet cleaning on the lower floors. For this, a wet broom is used, which is used to process the floor and the lower part of the walls. Are subjected to similar cleaning flights of stairs and the floors of the two lower floors, including the entrance area. Upper floors should be swept with a damp broom twice a week. If an elevator car is available, its base should be cleaned in this manner at least once a week. Cleaning up these areas is very important.

Treatment of the territory in front of the garbage chute, as regulated by the relevant law, with the use of a wet broom is recommended to be done daily. Base cleaning on staircases and flights of upper floors, if the elevator is in operation, is usually done once a week. It is recommended to wet the walls of the elevator car with the same frequency. Once a week, it is necessary to clean the grates installed on the ground in front of the entrance to the entrance.

As the law defines, an important measure is the local general cleaning surfaces, architectural elements and equipment in the entrance. Such works are usually carried out once a year. The responsible employee must clean windows, lamps, and dust from ceilings using suitable tools and equipment. It also means cleaning mailboxes and boxes where electric meters are located.

Dirt in an apartment is always unpleasant, and therefore we try to put things in order at least once a week. The entrance of the "high-rise building" is also a place where we often go, and all those impurities that accumulate in the room for many days end up in the apartment together with the shoes. This state of affairs not only causes negative emotions, but can also become a real threat to the health of residents.

Today, the organization of cleaning the entrances to apartment building is regulated by the 2019 regulations and is the direct responsibility of the responsible authority for the maintenance of the residential complex. This provision is fixed in Art. 36 of the RF LCD and has not changed recently. In our article, we will talk about what standards are set for the maintenance of staircases in an apartment building and how often the common area should be cleaned.

According to the law, a cleaner should not be hired for each entrance of a "high-rise building". The responsible person can perform maintenance of several objects at once - from 3 to 10. If the Criminal Code or another authorized body does not provide such a service, it means that he violates the provisions of the current legislation, as well as the established standards. According to the provisions of the decree of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation No. 17 of September 27, 2003, staircases are required to be cleaned by employees of the Criminal Code. It is allowed to conclude agreements with specialized firms.

A new document regulating the organization and conduct of such a procedure was PP No. 290 dated 04/03/2013, where it was stated that cleaning should be carried out by designated persons on the basis of official documentation and with the formation of a work schedule.

What are the rules for performing the necessary work today?

Section 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates which property is common to the house and is in the use of residents of the apartment building. Based on this, the management company is obliged to organize all necessary actions to maintain property in normal condition... Speaking specifically about the types of cleaning, then wet cleaning is mandatory for the plots of the residential complex:

  • corridors and vestibules;
  • window sills, window grilles;
  • elevators;
  • switchboard doors;
  • cells for mail correspondence;
  • stairs and platforms.

According to these provisions, the money donated by citizens for the maintenance of the premises should be partially spent on ensuring cleanliness in the house.

How often should the premises be cleaned in accordance with GOSTs?

It should be noted that according to the technical conditions of GOST 51617-2000 on housing and communal services services, the cleaner must carry out not only all the mandatory work, but also do it with a certain frequency. In this case, we are talking about the following regulations:

Types of cleaning workFrequency of carrying out
Sweep stairways and landings on the first floors of the MKD.Every day, except Sundays and holidays.
Carrying out similar actions, starting from the third floor, if the building does not have a garbage chute and an elevator and if such equipment is available.At least 2 times a week, if there is only a garbage chute and if there is no equipment. Enough once a week when there is an elevator.
Wet cleaning near the garbage loading valve.Daily.
Washing stairs and landingsUp to 2 times in 30 days, and if there is an elevator and a garbage chute - 1 time per month.
Elevator cleaning to clean the floor.6 times a week, except Sundays and holidays.
Wet cleaning in the elevator.2 times a month.
Damp treatment of windows, bars, attic stairs, electricity meter cabinets, mailboxes, and sweeping dust from the ceiling. Washing batteries and risers.At least 2 times a year.
Cleaning the grate, pit and area in front of the entranceIt is performed once a week.

The listed standards and requirements must be strictly observed by responsible persons, otherwise it will lead to a violation of the rights of citizens, and possibly to legal proceedings.

Who is responsible for the cleanliness of the common property?

At the beginning of the article, it was already noted that all responsibility for organizing the cleaning of the entrances in accordance with the current regulations falls on the company that maintains the premises. However, there are some subtleties here. There are a number of engineering and communication units that are prohibited from touching, let alone washing, by people who do not have a certain level of clearance. In particular, we are talking about power grids or other systems.

The management company is obliged to organize dry and wet cleaning of those premises that are not associated with ensuring the supply of certain energy resources. Based on this, cleaning should only concern the organization and conduct of the above activities.

How to resolve possible conflicts?

Today, many residents of apartment blocks complain about the poor quality of cleaning in the entrances, as well as its complete absence. The state of the entrances in most residential complexes is extremely negative, ranging from constant rubbish on the floor to dirt and dust on the walls.

Not everyone agrees to tolerate this state of affairs and often turn to the leadership of the Criminal Code to resolve the situation. In addition to oral appeal, the tenants of the house have the right to draw up and submit a written claim of a collective nature for permanent dirt in the entrances of the house. In turn, representatives of the Criminal Code must take measures and rectify the situation.

Sometimes difficulties arise with the cleaning lady who is hired to do the job. It happens that an employee works carelessly or performs her duties out of schedule. Here you should also file a complaint with the Criminal Code.

If no action was taken by the organization, then it is necessary to submit an application to the Prosecutor's Office and to Rospotrebnadzor. Such appeals are considered within a month, after which the citizen receives a written response.


Cleaning at the entrance is a very important event that is often ignored by the management company. Each tenant has the right to file a complaint with the regulatory authorities and bring the Criminal Code to justice. To do this, you must have general idea on the regulations in force in 2019.

With regard to cleaning the entrance to an apartment building, there are standards that must be observed by employees. They include quantitative (cleaning frequency, mode) and quantitative indicators. What requirements are described in the legislation, and where you can complain in case of their systematic violation, is described in detail below.

The legislation states that the territory of the entrance, elevators, garbage chute is a common building. This means that it is equally (in proportion to the area of ​​apartments) owned by all homeowners (as well as official tenants). Complete list such property is listed in the Housing Code.

Therefore, apartment owners must monitor the cleanliness of the entrance on their own or entrust the responsibility of the Management Company (MC) or HOA. An official agreement is concluded with these organizations, in accordance with which the maintenance of the common area is carried out (cleaning, short-term and overhaul, elimination of the consequences of accidents).

The statement that cleaning at the entrance apartment building produced by the staff of the management company in accordance with accepted standards, can be found in different regulatory legal acts, For example:

Along with these federal acts, there may be municipal documents that should not contradict the first. In the same sources, you can find out what specific requirements are imposed on the quality and quantity of harvesting. They concern not only the cleaning of the floors itself, but also the cleaning of lamp shades, windows, railings, etc.

Frequency of work: features of the mode of rendering services

The standards according to which the schedule for cleaning the entrance to the house is developed are presented in the table.

type of work frequency of
cleaning spans and stairs with a damp broom on the first and second floors daily
cleaning flights and stairs with a damp broom from the third to the last floor inclusive weekly
cleaning with a damp broom the site in front of the garbage chute, where the hatch is located, into which waste is dumped daily
wet cleaning of the entire entrance 1 time per month
wet cleaning of the floor surface in the elevator daily
wet cleaning of wall surfaces, lighting shades, as well as the surface of the flow in the elevator 2 times a month

Sometimes the entrance of an apartment building is equipped with a garbage chute: it is important to know that it has its own cleaning standards.

Also, a schedule has been set for cleaning specific parts, equipment at the entrance. At least once a year(usually in the warm season) the following types of work should be performed:

  1. Wet cleaning of all windows, including dormers.
  2. Flushing the entrance area (vestibule) in front of the door leading directly to the entrance.
  3. Wipe with a damp cloth the surfaces of the walls, the stairs leading to the attic, all doors.
  4. Wipe with a rag shades, mailbox surfaces, as well as general house counters.

As for the cleaning of ceilings (dust, dirt, cobwebs), radiators and window sills, it is carried out at least 2 times a year using a damp cloth.

Quality requirements

Specific quality indicators are not indicated in the documents. However, it is obvious that if the established frequency is observed, the order in the entrance will meet the following requirements:

  1. The floors are free of significant contamination, there are no stubborn stains, dried up dirty stains.
  2. No extraneous debris in a large number(beer cans, pieces of paper, foreign objects, bags, etc.).
  3. There are no cobwebs in the corners, large lumps of dirt, dust accumulations.
  4. The chute is clean, no clogged debris, all bins are clean and ready to go.

INSCRIPTIONS IN THE ENTRANCE. From a formal point of view, there is a standard for cleaning the entrance, which says that the walls in an apartment building are washed once a year. Nevertheless, inscriptions appear, as a rule, much more often. And eliminate them with the usual means household chemicals impossible. Therefore, the cleaning lady is not obliged to display drawings, letters, etc. Residents can wait for the planned repairs when the walls are plastered and painted. To speed up the process, you can organize self-repair by joint efforts.

Where to complain about poor-quality cleaning

In practice, it is often observed that the established standards are not fully met or even directly violated. Even if formally cleaning takes place the prescribed number of times a week, month or year, in fact, the services are provided of poor quality, which is why dirt in the entrance constantly accumulates, and general form quickly deteriorates.

In such situations, you should not go into direct contact with the cleaning lady, since in most cases this will only end in an unpleasant conversation. It is preferable to follow this procedure:

  1. First, they contact the Management Company, which directs the cleaner and other employees to maintain order in the house.
  2. The next instance is the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor.
  3. Then they turn to the Housing Inspectorate, which is located at the Administration of the city (district).
  4. Then you can write a complaint to the Prosecutor's Office, and also go to court. Moreover, in all cases, both an individual tenant and a collective of owners can complain, which is more common.

The complaint itself is drawn up in any form. The application is made to the name of the relevant official - for example, to the head of the Management Company or to an employee of Rospotrebnadzor, the Prosecutor's Office, etc. The text must reflect that the applicant is the owner and regularly pays for the service "". Also, if possible, you should refer to regulations and the contract with the Criminal Code itself.

If similar appeals have already been submitted earlier, their copies are also attached to the complaint. They also apply regulations, acts of services (for example, sanitary and epidemiological), if they have previously analyzed the state of the entrance at the request of residents. In this case, the application itself is always drawn up in at least 2 copies, 1 of which remains in the hands of the owner (s).

After a complaint to the Criminal Code, she must draw up a commission, which is sent directly to the site to inspect the entrance and draw appropriate conclusions about the quality of the cleaning work being carried out. The response to the complaint must come within 30 calendar days... As a result, disciplinary measures are taken against employees (cleaners), up to and including dismissal.

Regardless of where to complain about non-compliance with the rules for cleaning the entrance, it is better for residents of an apartment building to take care of the evidence on their own. Photo and video materials are provided, which confirm the fact of poor quality services. In addition, it is better to sign the application collectively. The ability to deal with the situation is in the interests of all owners.

Alternative option: cleaning by the tenants

In some cases, it is easier for residents to organize self-cleaning work. There are two options:

  1. The owners come to the meeting and choose one person (neighbor) who will clean the premises for a fee. As a rule, he also collects money, and also provides the relevant accounting documents (purchase receipts detergents, mops, etc.).
  2. The owners also organize a meeting, but decide to invite a cleaning lady from the side. A responsible person is selected who will conclude an agreement with the cleaning company, as well as develop a schedule, organize fundraising and reporting.

In practice, the second option turns out to be preferable, since the cleaning of the territory will be carried out by a professional, experienced worker. In any case, the corresponding decision is made in writing in order to subsequently avoid disagreements and other unpleasant situations.

Often, residents of houses make complaints to management company about poor-quality cleaning in the entrances of residential buildings. To avoid such questions and complaints, there are standards, violation of which can lead to criminal liability.

Staircase cleaning

Cleaning work stairwells include:

  • sweeping and washing landings, steps and platforms in front of the entrance to the staircase;
  • cleaning in elevator cabins;
  • wiping dust from ceilings;
  • damp wiping of walls, doors, shades, window sills, window bars, railings and cabinets where electrical panels are installed.

  • All types of work depend on the presence or absence of additional equipment in the house - an elevator cabin and a garbage chute.

    According to the regulations, wet sweeping and washing of staircases and steps of the two lower floors, as well as cleaning of the site in front of the garbage chute, must be carried out daily.

    Wet sweeping of areas above the second floor in buildings where there is no elevator - twice a week, with an elevator and garbage chute - once a week.

    Washing staircases and steps in a house where there is no additional equipment or there is only a garbage chute - twice a month, with any additional equipment - once a month.

    Washing the floor in the elevator car should be done daily, and wet wiping the walls, doors and ceilings twice a month.

    Washing of windows on staircases is provided once a year, and wet wiping of window sills heating appliances- Twice a year.

    Walls, doors, shades in stairwells, as well as window bars and attic stairs, meter cabinets and mailboxes should be kept clean once a year, as well as dusting ceilings.

    Cleaning of the site in front of the entrance to the entrance should be done once a week.

    Infographics website

    Frequency of major maintenance work on waste chutes

    Garbage chute maintenance work includes the removal of garbage from garbage chambers, as well as washing and disinfection of garbage containers.

    All garbage from the garbage chute located at the entrance should be collected in special containers with a capacity of 400 and 800 liters, portable waste bins with a capacity of 80-100 liters or in bins.

    Based on the standards, a preventive inspection of the garbage chute at the entrance should be carried out twice a month.

    Removal of garbage from garbage chambers, as well as their cleaning and washing of removable garbage containers - daily.

    Cleaning of the loading valves of the garbage chute - once a week, disinfection and cleaning of the garbage container - once a month.

    Everyone wants to live in cleanliness and comfort, and therefore the sight of dirt in the stairwells or staircases causes negative emotions. At the same time, users regularly receive receipts for payment for cleaning the entrances, and are obliged to transfer money in a timely manner.

    If citizens independently put things in order in their apartments, then public places are under the control of management companies and homeowners' associations, which are obliged to provide high-quality cleaning. How often the responsible organizations must clean the entrances, and what to do if the management company does not fulfill its duties, we will tell below.

    Norms in the field of cleaning of common areas, incl. entrances

    The provision of housing and communal services to citizens is regulated at the highest state level. Legislators have adopted several regulations and standards, according to which the building of normal relationships between owners and management companies is carried out. They must match current regulations, and cannot violate moral standards.

    The Government of the Russian Federation approved Resolution No. 290 dated 04/03/2013, which touches upon the cleaning of common areas in residential buildings, hotels, and also defines the minimum list of works in this area. This is one of the key regulations affecting the issue of MKD cleaning. The current standards indicate that the managing organization receives the following list of tasks:

    1. Maintaining an acceptable sanitary state of entrances and staircases (no dirty floors, etc.).
    2. Periodic wet cleaning in the entrances, maintaining the overall cleanliness of the apartment building and the adjacent territory.
    3. Providing normal ventilation in the apartment building (each floor). Since this is often impossible, the employees of the management company are obliged to regularly ventilate common areas by opening vents, windows or ventilation ducts.

    The decree is based on GOST standards related to ensuring the maintenance of cleanliness in apartment buildings, as well as affecting other utilities.

    Apartment building entrance cleaning and management company

    Quite often, the question arises, what are the management companies or homeowners' associations with which users conclude service contracts have to do with the cleaning process.

    The legislator claims that the relationship is direct, since it is the Criminal Code (HOA) that is responsible for cleaning the entrances and other public areas in apartment buildings.

    Should the management company or HOA clean the entrance

    A few years ago, many apartment owners in MKD faced a problem when the task of keeping their entrances clean was completely entrusted to their own shoulders. Someone hired a separate cleaning lady, whose salary consisted of the owners' cash contributions, and some cleaned their own staircase, or made duty schedules, etc. Then the situation changed, and cleaning responsibilities were transferred to management companies.

    The law determines that entrances, landings and adjoining territories belong to the category of common property. According to this rule, the responsibility for the maintenance of the common property is assigned to the management companies and homeowners' associations, with which the owners of the apartment premises enter into service contracts.

    It should be noted that in such situations, the Criminal Code (HOA) is obliged to establish and provide users with a specific list of cleaning services and their cost.

    If tenants are dissatisfied with the quality of the performance of services, or even believe that the cleaning is done in an inappropriate manner, they have the right to bring the management company to justice.

    How often the management organization should clean the entrances

    The schedule for the frequency of cleaning the entrances has been developed and approved at the legislative level. All rules and recommendations are specified in the job description of housing and communal services workers, and therefore the implementation of all cleaning activities is carried out with an eye to the accepted norms.

    The law establishes a rule according to which work such as cleaning of entrances should occur regularly, and specific tasks will be carried out at a certain frequency:

    1. The areas in front of the entrances must be cleaned of debris daily. The cleaning lady is obliged to collect all the garbage and leave it in specially designated collection areas.
    2. Cleaning the walls from cobwebs, dust and other contaminants is carried out as needed.
    3. It is necessary to wash the windows in the entrance twice a year - once in the spring and autumn seasons.
    4. Cleaning of doors, cabinets, electricity meters, shades and mailboxes should be done by a cleaner 2 times a year.
    5. Stairwells are swept once every two weeks, but stairwells should be cleaned weekly.
    6. Twice a month the cleaning ladies clean the elevator cabins and carry out wet cleaning.

    These rules are generalized and can be adjusted.

    If you intend to find out a more detailed schedule for cleaning the entrances in a particular house, you need to study the service contract with the management company, or obtain up-to-date information regarding the schedule of clearing events from the representatives of the management company.

    Is cleaning the entrance included in the rent

    Cleaning the entrance is part of the amount that owners are required to pay as rent. Consequently, the cost of cleaning is included in the general rent receipt given to the owner for payment.

    If additional payment is required from the owners of residential premises, then this is a clear violation of valid laws and regulations, and in this case you have the right to file a complaint about illegal actions.

    Cost calculation

    Determination of the cost of cleaning the entrance is carried out in accordance with the accepted provisions and recommendations indicated in the Decree No. 535 of 12/31/2015. It is indicated here that sanitary maintenance auxiliary premises is an paid service, and each owner of an apartment in an apartment building is obliged to pay a certain amount of money every month.

    The law specifies that all ancillary premises are jointly owned by the owners of residential premises. Consequently, their specific share will directly depend on the area of ​​the property they own.

    It can be concluded that the owners of apartments with a large area will pay more, since their share in the common property will be much higher.

    This rule is used not only when determining the calculation of the price of cleaning services for the entrance, but also when providing some others utilities, among which Maintenance MKD, maintenance of elevator systems, etc.

    A similar approach to determining the cost of cleaning activities at the entrances (including the vestibule) is directly related to the fact that when building an apartment building in the cost square meters initially, the costs for the construction of auxiliary premises, roofing, elevator and engineering systems were included.

    2019 Staircase Cleaner Job Description

    The position of a cleaner in the housing sector belongs to the category of working full-time units. This is a very difficult physical activity, which not every person can cope with. When hiring a staircase cleaner, a minimum number of requirements are put forward. So, the applicant is supposed to have hard work, be friendly, honest and know the key provisions of the general culture.

    In the field of housing and communal services, for all employees there are certain job descriptions, according to which the work is carried out and its verification. According to (click to download), the duties of an employee include the following tasks:

    • wet cleaning of areas in front of elevators, carried out at regular intervals;
    • sweeping steps and landings;
    • washing floors in elevator cabins and general premises (also affects situations when it comes to floors in auxiliary premises);
    • the employee must clean the surfaces of the walls from dust and other contaminants;
    • dry cleaning of stairs on technical floors.

    All designated works are not performed daily. Job description provides for a certain time frame (schedule for the frequency of cleaning), which is followed by housing and communal services workers. This approach allows you to maintain the relative cleanliness of the apartment building at the proper level, and creates conditions under which the cleaner does not conflict with the tenants.

    Contract for cleaning the territory with a janitor, sample

    If you want to study a standard sample of a contract with a janitor for cleaning the territory, you can use the capabilities of our portal. We have a website that you can study online, or download. ⇐

    Where to complain if they do not clean the entrance

    Since cleaning the entrances in an apartment building is the responsibility of the management company, which hires people for this work, a complaint about poor-quality cleaning or its absence should be sent to the officials of the Criminal Code.

    It will be much more effective if the complaint is collective in nature, and it was signed by the majority of the residents of the house. Of course, most often the management company will try not to admit its guilt, however, the employees of the Criminal Code will be forced to consider the written document within the 30-day period established by law.

    If the answer of the public utilities is incomprehensible, or is absent at all, or the claims do not arise for the first time, users have the right to complain to the state housing supervision authorities. In addition to the statement, they will need to prepare an evidence base, in particular, take photos and videos confirming the lack of cleaning or poor quality of work.

    A sample complaint to the management company about poor cleaning at the entrance

    If you live in the city of Moscow, and are unhappy with the quality of poor cleaning, you can write a complaint to the management company. Available for download on our website. ⇐