The cleanest beaches and the sea are looking for and finding! What are the two most transparent seas on earth. For sure.

The first place for the purity of water is the Dead Sea, which is located between Jordan and Israel. His sterility is provided large quantity Salt, which makes water absolutely unsuitable for the existence of any living beings - from fish to microorganisms. But this sea helps in the treatment of rheumatism and depression. Nevertheless, purity this object It is under threat, because a person worsens an ecological situation every year.

Sea Wedell

Western Antarctica, Western Beach, Westle's Sea also refers to the cleanest seas in the world. Almost 30 years ago, it was even listed in the book of records on this indicator. The studies conducted then showed that a special disk that the transparency of water was distinguished at a depth of 79 meters from 80 possible. Such indicators would hardly have been possible if it were near a person's accommodation.

Red sea

The inner sea of \u200b\u200bthe Indian Ocean is not only the most saline, but also one of the cleanest seas. Its area reaches 450 thousand square kilometers, and the volume of water in it is 251 thousand cubic meters. Also, the Red Sea does not have equal in the number and variety of marine flora and fauna. Its transparency is explained by the absence of rivers flowing into it, which often carry sand and il. Despite this, every year the ecological situation of the Red Sea deteriorates, because some vessels dump garbage and waste directly into the water.

Mediterranean Sea

The third place for water purity shares with the Red Mediterranean Sea. Next to some coasts of Turkey and Greece, it received even the "Blue Flag" - a prestigious status indicating that the purity of water corresponds to the environmental requirements of the European Union. But on the coasts of France, Italy and Spain, Mediterranean waters are considered pretty dirty due to waste developed industry, which fall into them. These countries were repeatedly fined with representatives of the EU environmental organization.

the Aegean sea

The purity of the Aegean Sea also depends on the coast. Some of the most sterile waters are washed by Greece, but from the shores of Turkey, the Aegean Sea systematically suffers from reset wastewater. During the so-called "red tides" from the depths of this sea, layers containing a large number of Nitrogen and phosphorus. To swim in such water during this period and even more so consume seafood, caught out of it, is not recommended.

In some areas of our planet, there are very beautiful places with incredibly clean water, but no one can definitely explain, as a result of which processes, water in these reservoirs is so transparent. Most of these places are located in the tropical zone, but there are other, which were formed as a result of volcanic processes. We represent the 40 most impressive reservoirs, but on Earth there are much more such places.

In addition to Cozumel, there are several other districts in Mexico with clean and transparent water. This place is very popular, as cruise liners brings tourists here so that they are pounced with scuba and float in crystal water.

If someone likes to swim in the company with sharks, then Hardines de la Reina is perfect place. Many photographers do not miss the opportunity to shoot these ocean monsters in unsafe intimacy.

Due to the clean and transparent water of the sea in Vacatobi, Indonesia, you can enjoy the beauty underwater world, including bright colorful fish, algae, and at the same time do not need to dive deeply. Vacatoba is the Island National Park of Indonesia.

Lake, the middle depth of which is more than 700 m, already 25 million years. When it freezes, standing on ice, you can see far in depth thanks to transparent water.

In the Red Sea, you can swim in the company of dolphins in crystal clear water. The company can also be giant turtles.

The name speaks for itself. "Playa Blanca" means the "White Beach" in Spanish. And indeed on the Canary Islands, on the beaches, white sand. In addition, the water is very clean and transparent.

Sipadadan Island heads list best places In the world with perfectly transparent water for underwater swimming. At the shores of the island, tourists can enjoy swimming in clean water and watch hammer sharks and barrags that are often swimming here.

Mackenzie Lake is off the coast of Queensland, Australia, on a picturesque island surrounded by the jungle and eucalyptus. Fraser is considered the biggest sandy island in the world, according to the Australian Department ambient.

The Caribbean region boasts a large number of beautiful islands, among whom it is worth noting the island of Dog Island in Panama. The coast of the island has so clean water that it seems that it can even drink it. San Blas islands are the most popular among tourists who visit Panama.

In the enchanted river, the water is completely transparent, and you can easily consider floating fish in it. It is said that she received her name as a result of the fact that a person who looks at the water for a long time, like an awesome. Beautiful blue water received the water due to special minerals at the bottom of the river.

Malaysia has another beautiful island, Mabul Island. For several years, he headed the list of places where it is possible to calmly watch fish floating in water.

Perhaps Corfu is very popular among tourists thanks to the climate or the existence of the world's first philharmonic orchestra, or the art school that is on the island. But do not forget that the shores of the beautiful island have very clean water, which attracts to relax and enjoy beauty here.

Tobermori is peninsula on Ontario coast, Canada. At the bottom of the shores of this peninsula, you can count to 50 flooded ships. Water is so transparent that all ships are clearly visible at the bottom. Tourists are happy to pay for the opportunity to swim with scuba around them.

Bonito town, located in Mato Grosso to Sul, Brazil, is famous for the fact that there are very clear water in the local river. Photographer Franco Banfe was able to photograph the river from the bottom of the river over the surface of the water that feed the fish.

The Cana island refers to the territory of the Komodo National Park and is considered to be seven wonders of light. You can rent a bungalow for $ 70 per night. Unfortunately, free numbers are very often not due to low cost.

Not many know about the clean and transparent water of Lake Arnency, which is located in Switzerland. It doesn't swim in it soon, and he soars the air - in any case, it is the impression that is created. Most likely, thanks to low fame, this place has retained its primaryness and purity.

On the Internet a lot beautiful photoswho witnessed the uniqueness of Cala Corsaard on the Maddalena archipelago, Italy. It is not surprising that it was here that George Clooney purchased a house on the shore of Lake Como, which is located at 15 o'clock from Sardinia.

On the island of Ternate there are several volcanoes, and existing ones. Most likely, the volcanic activity is the cause of all the beauty that is waiting for everyone who is going to visit this place.

Bonith among the jungle is the river Prata with clean and transparent water. This is an ideal place for snorkeling and watching floating fish. Real Paradise for Divers.

If you want to go to the most popular movie among stars place, then you need to go to Tahiti. Celebrity such as Orlando Bloom and Nicole Kidman, spent their vacation in this part of the Pacific Ocean, on the island of Bora Bor. Many newlyweds plan their honeymoon right here.
If resting, swinging on quiet waves and watching floating past fish, boring, then you should go to one of

A few centuries ago, the list with the title "The most pure in the world of the sea" could be quite impressive. However, thanks to humanity, the picture has changed today, and so much for the worse, and this process, unfortunately, progresses.

Developing industry and the growth of accessibility of tourism make their job. Technical waste I. great amount garbage steel part of Seas. However, the hopes of people plunge into the water of the clean sea do not leave them. What is the cleaner sea in the world, and what place the sea is occupied by purity, the shores of Russia? In this article we will try to find an answer to these important questions.

The most pure sea in the world

Before talking about the most pure sea of \u200b\u200bRussia, we will provide brief information about the most the best seas World. Unfortunately, swim in the cleanest waters of the planet quite difficult for various reasons. Judge for yourself:

  1. The most pure in the world is located in Western Antarctica. This purest natural reservoir round year Covered with ice and icebergs, so it is both one of the coldest all over the world (-1.8 ° C - water temperature in winter).
  2. Sargassovo Sea is the second in purity. His uniqueness is that he has no shores, and its boundaries are designated approximately, correlating with the ocean currents.
  3. The dead sea is more like a lake, but due to the increased salinity of the water is still called the sea. Life in its waters is impossible even for bacteria, and the fish, accidentally falling into it, almost instantly dies. People can be swimming in it, but it is quite difficult to do it - water immediately pushes onto the surface.

Southern Russian Seas

Among the warm seas, the shores of Russia, the most popular - Azov and black. How clean are they? In this regard, things are worse here than in the world.

  1. The Black Sea refers to polluted seas. On his Russian coast, it is better to rest in places as far as possible from civilization. A huge number of ports, developed shipping, discharges of industrial waste are the main factors that adversely affect the ecology of these places. In addition, at the bottom of the Black Sea there is a layer of hydrogen sulfide, formed, according to scientists, as a result of the decomposition of living organisms in those times, when the water of the sea was flooded with nearby territories. There is practically no living in this layer, and all living organisms of the sea are forced to dwell in its surface waters.
  2. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is much smaller and the warmer of black. And there are also plots and clean, and highly polluted, especially at the end of the beach season. With all this it is almost not inferior to other seas.

Rating of the cleanest seas of Russia

But within the framework of one of the projects of the center "ScanEx", water areas of the 5 seas were studied, whose shores are adjacent to Russia. Studies were carried out using satellite shots of radar. The purpose of such an important project is to assess the ecological state of the Black, Baltic, Caspian, White, Okhotsky and Black Seas. After careful processing of more than fifty pictures, it was found that among them only white does not have anthropogenic pollution. Scientifly reasonable, that this is the cleanest sea of \u200b\u200bRussia.

The media also held some attempt to reveal the cleanest Russian sea through the vote. After the survey, the following votes distribution were obtained:

  • Karskaya (previous Narms) Sea - 37.5%;
  • Caspian Sea - 12.5%;
  • Barents - 12.5%;
  • there are no clean seas in Russia - 37.5%.

It turns out that the Russians' beloved among the Russians - Black, Azov and Baltic, are not at all in the list of such a rating.

White Sea

The cleanest for relaxation sea in Russia is white. This natural reservoir is quite well studied by Soviet and Russian scientists. In their opinion, the cleanliness of this sea there is no equal in Russia.

In hot summer period The water in it is pretty well warmed, and the rest on its beaches differs little from the usual rest on here you can enjoy not only the warm sun, getting a beautiful tan, but also with swimming in the cleanest Russian marine waters. You can also beach rest Perfectly combine with a hike behind mushrooms and berries and fishing. In the summer, sea seals, seals and beluga are sailed to the shores from the whale family.

The worst sea of \u200b\u200bRussia is nevertheless also exposed to anthropogenic effects. Factories and plants that produce paper, cardboard, cellulose and lumber are located in river basins that feed the smallest and shallow water in the north of the White Sea.

Of particular interest and attention to its ecology originated in the spring of 1990. At that time, a huge number of small inhabitants (starfish, etc.), was thrown to the shore of the Dvina Bay storm, and the shaped shaft orange color It stretches then along the edge of the surf for tens of kilometers.

The best beaches of Russia

The cleansing sea of \u200b\u200bRussia is white, but the largest number best beaches Located on the coasts of Black (Crimea) and the Baltic (Kaliningrad region) of the seas.

So, the cleanest beaches of Russia (not only on:

  • "Imeretsky" (city of Sochi) - Beach occupying fifth place, artificial origin, which is one of best resorts Russian coast of the Black Sea.
  • "Sudzhukskaya Spit" (Cemeskaya Bay, Novorossiysk) - fourth place The beach is a magnificent bay, closed from all sides of the winds.
  • "Jemetsky" (Anapa) is one of the best and clean beaches of the Black Sea coast of Russia, which occupies third place In the ranking, has a gentle smooth descent into water.
  • Golden (Crimea, Feodosia) is a huge 15-kilometer sand strip of a width of about 100 meters.
  • Massandrovsky (Crimea, Yalta) - the first beach in the Crimea, which earned the "Blue Flag" and occupying first place in ranking.


Where is the cleanest sea of \u200b\u200bRussia? The Black Sea coast for today is the most popular place among Russians who prefer to rest in the territory of their country. But, as you can see, this is not the most the best way In terms of environmental purity.

Even the White Sea, formed about 12,000 years ago, that according to the standards geological talks about his youth, also needs to be protected due to the fact that every year the danger of the emergence of an ecological catastrophe occurs, which affects most of all seas on the planet.

It is no secret that we start choosing a tour in warm countries from the sea and the beach, where we will spend most of our holidays. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to decide on what shore you will be more comfortable to warm up. What waters do you want to swim endlessly? How did you want to enjoy the most beautiful sunsets?

Read in the article - overview of the beaches of popular resorts. What sand, clean whether, is it possible to relax with children?


See also:

Larnaca is a resort with gray sand and gentle by sunset in the sea (but is close to the airport). Limassol is mainly small and large pebbles. Paphos - Stony Beach, except the famous sandy beach of Coral Bay. The entrance to the beaches is free.

Greece is distinguished by an abundance of a variety of islands with volcanic sand of various colors. Only alone is the island of Santorini, the entire range of shades can be observed. Even in popular and inexpensive Crete there is a pink sand beach - Elafonisi Beach.

Beach holidays in Spain and Italy over the years is becoming more interesting and affordable for Russians. What to choose? Numerous Spanish "Costa" or beaches on the islands, including noisy Ibiza and Belopescian Sicily. In any case, you do not lose - many beaches, even with an abundance of budget hotels, are marked with a blue flag and have clean pleasant sand. In Spain, there is even a black volcanic beach - in the Santa Cruz de Tenerife area. And in Italy, it is possible to improve in thermal sources of Ischia island.

The only, sophisticated beachheads may not like Rimini - the budget direction, but the sea can not be called perfectly clean.

Bright exotic Morocco contrasts with comfortable beaches with a wide stripe of golden sand. For those who miss Egypt - here! The Atlantic Coast of Morocco is cooler, ideal for classes water species Sports.

In the northeast is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and the beach strip stretched almost 1.5 km away. Despite belonging to Africa, the coastal zone is rich in greens - olive trees, palm trees, pines and vineyards. The coast of rocky, forming coves with sandy beaches - well, very picturesque! Bathing season - from April to November.

See also:

The mansion is to stand Montenegro and Croatia - with the purest waters of the Adriatic Sea, the color of dark lazuries. Almost all the beaches of the Adriatic are marked with a blue flag - an international award that eco-friendly beaches. Only in Croatia, the beaches are predominantly sandy, and in Montenegro - small pebbles, with the exception of the Red Beach (speaking name 😉) and the beaches of Ultsinsky Riviera.


The Dominican Republic is famous for its incredible "fluffy" sand, soft and snow-white, with a characteristic creak. As well as purest water gently blue color. The resort of Punta Cana is the most popular - it is located at the junction of the Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, the water here is clean - the bottom can be seen from the shore for hundreds of meters. However, there are also minuses - in local waters a lot of livestock, which often hides in coastal algae. Be careful, and nothing will threaten you.

Cuba is not far away - pure fine sand, warm water. All beaches in Cuba municipal. Some belong to the hotels - they do not allow local and carefully follow the cleanliness. Choosing a beach on the caribbean, just impossible to guess! Always warm sea, amazing beauty nature, pure beaches ... Paradise!

Black Sea

The most favorite, native and cozy, the Black Sea is not very pleased with the sandbox. Separate romance prefer wild beaches - where you can climb on the boulders and slip into a secluded place with clean waters. One of the most uncomfortable, though spiritual seats is the Tuapse Beach, surrounded by oil tanks. Sochi and Adler also do not have a comfortable and wide beach stripe, but it does not stop our compatriots. In the end, do not comfortably go to Russian resorts!

To describe all the beaches, a whole article will be required. The main thing is that on the peninsula you can find sandy beaches in the area of \u200b\u200bEvpatoria, Alushta, Feodosia and partly Koktebel. And the local rocks - the eye does not tear off!

Measurement of transparency of water

The transparency of water is customary to determine using simple adaptation - Disc pieces. This is a white disc with a diameter of 30 centimeters, which goes into the water in a horizontal position. The observer notes that the depth remains visible under water the white spot disc is and will be the result of measuring transparency. The disc can be replaced with a light bulb, but then you need to take into account the amendment, after spending the calibration measurement.

Today, in most of our seas, water transparency, to put it mildly, is no different. Here are some registered results of measurements of the transparency of water: Sargassovo Sea - 66 m, the Mediterranean Sea (off the coast of Syria) - 60 m, the Black Sea - 77 m, the North Sea - 22 m.

A dozen places on the planet with the most transparent water looks like this:

Places on the planet with the most transparent water

  • Maldives. Water here is so transparent that you can see your shadow at the bottom of the sea.
  • "Lake of five colors", China, Valley Jigjaigu. The bottom of the lake is eliminated a kind of carpet formed from the stems of ancient trees, which are covered with a layer of transparent water.
  • Sardinia, the second largest island Mediterranean Sea. The most popular holiday destination for tourists, as well as the habitat of many rare species Fish.
  • Lake Crater, Oregon. Formed about 7 millennia back as a result of a volcanic explosion.
  • Pirts Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia. The territory of the reserve, for immersing to the water here it is necessary to obtain a special permission.
  • Lake Masha, Japan. Located at the foot of the mountain of the same name, from which it got its name. The transparency of water in the lake is 41.6 meters.
  • Lake Sheosar, Pakistan. Surrounded by mountains, this is the most beautiful lake in the form that it can be taken for the creation of human hands.
  • Peito Lake, Canada. Located in the Banff National Park at an altitude of 1860 meters, feeds on the waters of the glacier. The lake is named after the Bill Peito researcher.
  • Lake Baikal, Russia. The deepest lake in the world. In the spring, the transparency of water in the lake is 40 meters.

Sea Weddela

And now - the record holder. The most transparent water in the world - in the sea Weddell, which is located off the coast of Antarctica. Members were held with members of the West German expedition from the Polyarstern vessel at the point with coordinates of 7 ° 23,6' Yu.Sh. 15 ° 2,5' zd. Lowned standard white disk remained visible until the high tag was not 79 meters! For comparison - in distilled water, this value is 80 meters.

Hence, sea \u200b\u200bwater In this place turned out to be perfectly clean. It is worth noting that this measurement was carried out in the month of October, when in Antarctica Spring, and water during this period is the cleanest. In the summer, algae breeded in water and small animals appear, and the transparency of water decreases.