Shamal clay - how to breed this miracle of nature? How to make a lime solution. Chammed clay - how to breed and with what to mix

Clay hair masks.

Green clay supplies hair important trace elements. In order to prepare a "clean" clay mask, you will need 1-2 glasses of warm water and 3-4 clay spoons. In the container with clay water should be lowered and keep hair there for 20-25 minutes. You don't need to use shampoo after mask. Clay just washed off warm flowing water.

You can make a clay mask more diverse in composition. For this, clay must be dissolved with purified water in proportion 1 to 1 (100 grams to 100 grams). The resulting mixture poured 1 tbsp. the spoon apple vinegar. The mask rubs into the skin of the head with massage movements for 10 minutes. The remaining mixture is evenly distributed on the hair itself. After 15 minutes, the mask washed off with running water. You don't need to dry your hair with a hairdryer, they should dry themselves.

Finally, it is worth noting that an important fact that the use of clay in cosmetology does not have contraindications. However, if there are extensive inflamed areas and / or vascular stars - clay, as well as with dry skin of the face, do not hear much.

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How to make a plate

Let us turn to the process of manufacturing a plate, namely, a teahouse - to make it easier. In the center of the pottery, let's post a small plate of clay in height. Its diameter must correspond to the diameter of the planned saucer. By the way, do not forget about the bottom of the saucer, because it is the most fragile part of it and its processing should be paid special attention. The clay in this place should be strengthened as it can be strengthened on the stand and rolling in it.

After the clall is pressed to the stand, we begin to rotate the pottery circle. His slowly rotating, index and thumb We raise clay from the outer edge so that we have formed a thick and rounded rim. Now slightly squeezing the clay, while at the same time smoothed the side of the saucer and pull it out to the sides. The material at this place is better to leave with a margin, because later we can no longer add it.

And now let's bring to of the right quality Our product. Oval pottery edge give the bottom plates fit form, And before that, we do not forget using the curved side of the rib smooth the clay section between the bottom and the rim. Now keeping the wall with your fingers from below, smoothing and her.

Now you need to cut the saucer with lining. To do this, it is necessary to wait until the clay does hardly fully. At the request of the bottom of our saucer, you can arrange a spiral pattern, which is applied to the edge of the pottery rib. On this process of molding is over. After that, the plate need to be processed, or rather, sharpening to give it an absolutely finished look. If anyone wants, he can decorate it.

Plate is one of the most simple species Dishes that even potter can make without experience. If you want to start to engage in a pottery, do not mind immediately for big plates, because the complexity of their production increases directly in proportion to the size. Before starting work, make sure that a special lining is present on a pottery circle. Otherwise, we risk leave a part of the finished plates on the circle.

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Recipes wraps for belly

1. It will take a white clay, water, ground coffee (You can take a coffee thick or caffeine in ampoules - 2pcs.) and citrus essential oil. We mix white clay with water to the state of thick sour cream, add coffee, diluted in a small amount of milk (if we take caffeine, it does not need milk), and a few drops essential oil. Mass are well mixed and applied on the stomach. Wrap a film and a warm scarf around the waist. After 30-40, we wash off warm water and apply nutrient cream.

2. Natural honey and 2 ml of papaverine and caffeine will be required. All components mix and apply to the skin. Wrap my waist with a film and warm things. Leave the composition for 3 hours. At this time, it is advisable to actively move - do household matters, sports, dancing.

3. For this wrapping, we need 2 tbsp. Cinnamon spoons and as many paprika, 2-3 drops of citrus essential oil and 100 ml of vegetable oil. All ingredients are mixed and applied to the skin. Wrapped with a film and a warm scarf for 20 minutes, after mass wash off warm water and lubricate the skin with a nutrient cream.

4. Blue clay, water and citrus essential oil will be required. We divorce clay to the consistency of thick sour cream, add a couple of droplets of essential oil and applied a mixture with a thick layer on the skin. Wrapped with polyethylene I. warm blanket And we are waiting for 20-30 minutes. After clay wash off warm water and moisturizing the skin with milk or cream.

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Recipes for the manufacture of soap "from scratch"
Shaving soap.

Reduction! After you once try this shaving soap - you do not want to return to industrial means.
This is the basic recipe for shaving soap with their own hands. You can pick up other oils or change the proportions according to your skin and oil properties are necessary to solve existing problems. But try to adhere to the ratio of the oils given in the recipe.
The shaving soap for the cooking process is almost no different from the usual soap with a cold way, with the exception of the use of bentonite clay and a high percentage of castor oil, which gives a rich dense foam.
Clay makes the soap more sliding, has a soft effect, and also capable of removing fats from deep layers, toxins, has an anti-inflammatory, absorbing and regenerating effect, which is characteristic of mud.
I prefer a bentonite clay, although you can use kaolin or other clay.
900 gr. Oils take 2 tbsp. l. clay.

40% Olive oil - Stable foam, air conditioning, soft skin
30% Coconut oil - rich foam, soap hardness
22% Palm oil - Stability, hardness (can be replaced by pork fat)
8% Castor Oil - Cream Foam

At 926
360 gr olive oil
270 gr Coconut oil
198 gr palm oil
72 grams Castor oil
Total oils 900 gr.

Alkali (NaOH) - 128.8 (5%-shirt)
Water - 270 gr (30%)
2 tbsp. Bentonite clay
30-40 gr. essential oil

We prepare soap with a cold way, add clay to the next, ethers. It is convenient to pour such soaps immediately into the cup, and you can make the usual soap in your favorite form.

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Mask, which removes acne traces:

For this we need:
- clay 2 h. l.
- Badyaga 1 tsp. (Dry necessarily sold in a pharmacy);
- water 3-4 h. l.
Fall in the mug of 2 teaspoons of clay, 1 teaspoon of badyagi, and 3 teaspoons of water.

All this is mixed and it turns out a dense homogeneous mass. In order to better lay down the clay, the face is better to sleep with water. And already on a wet face smearing the clay.
Carefully all over the face flashed clay. After 20 minutes, if you were not strongly imposed, not a thick layer, then it will all get dry and pulling. Now carefully remove the wet cloth clay. Because of Badyagi, the face will be shaken a little - it does not hurt. After cleanse your face, you need to wash your face - to slip water. When the face serves, we apply a moisturizing cream. For these purposes, I use light cream not for problem skin.
Minutes after 3 remove the surplus cream with a cotton disk.

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In this article we will try to explain those who are not familiar to how to make a clay solution for the furnace. We will tell about the errors that cannot be allowed, otherwise the sinker is an important component of the bricks in the bricks.

Well-kneaded clay solution on brick

So, let's start everything in order. On average, there are three buckets of a one hundred bricks for masonry furnaces. Brick and a solution of clay ideally, practically no difference in composition. They have such a property, how to carry heating over 1000 degrees. Professional focus for the kneading solution, the quality of clay is determined to the touch, and the masonry is performed with a thickness of the seams in 3-4 mm.

If you make thicker seams, the clay will not be able to withstand huge loads from the temperature side and start crumble. In these places, the cracks will begin to form, in which the air will come, and this means that the thrust will deteriorate, the fuel consumption increases and increases the risk that a huge amount of carbon monoxide will flow into the bath.

The golden rule in the furnace masonry is the less clay used, the better its quality. And more, clay is the same material that gives the rights to the mistake of the furnace masonry. For example, if the masonry on cement mortar It can be disassembled, but it is extremely difficult, and the losses will bring a lot due to the fact that Cement is well seized, but the solution made on the clay, it disassembles quite easily and without any loss. During repair work facing material And the brick laid on the clay solution can always be saved.

There is such an opinion that the strength of the solution on clay can be slightly at least to somehow increase with all sorts of additives. For example, add a mustache salt, cement. The proportion is as follows: 10 kg of clay 1 kg of cement, or 100-150 g of cook salt. This will slightly increase the strength of the clay solution. Although our great-grandfathers were unlikely to use cement or a table salt. After all, their ovens stood both in the baths and in houses more than 100 years.

The fact is that if it is sufficient to choose the compound parts, the clay solution will not require any additives, and the recommendations are like a small substrate.

For masonry, the solution should not be rigid, flexible or moderately fat. If you make a solution of fat, with drying it decreases in volume and starts cracking. If it is too skinny, it will not give too good strength. Clay to create a solution is different in plasticity or fatty parameters.

There are such clay deposits, of which they do not need anything at all, there is a solution of normal fat. As a rule, the sand is not added at all. In some cases, it is necessary to make mixing two or three types of clays, which are taken from different deposits and strictly dose them.

To begin with mixing in dry form, then put it with water. If clays are fat enough, then sand is added to them. The amount of sand ranges from 0.5 to 5 parts by volume. The most popular sand and clay ratio in the finished solution: 1: 2 or 1: 1. The amount of water is approximately 1/4 of the volume of the entire clay.

Fat clays require huge number Sand. Here it is necessary to add fine-grained sand without the content of extraneous impurities. It must be sifted through a special clean sieve in the light with cells of 1.5 × 1.5 mm, no less often. If through the measure of the skinny clay, then you have to remove the surplus of sand.

Clay mortar

Ways to check the quality of clay

Imagine when we sculpt the ball from the made solution and throw it about the floor. If our ball will crumble, then this means that there are a lot of sand in the solution, but little clay, if cracks appear in the lump - it means the sand in it is a bit too much. But, and if the ball has completely remained whole - this means that the solution is either greasy or everything is fine in it.

Method number 1.

We take 0.5 liters of clay, add a slightly water to it and carefully kneading your hands before it can draw completely all the water, and will not stick to the hands. When we prepare a steep dough, damp the ball into the diameter of 40-50 mm, and from such a ball we make a cake into the diameter of 100 mm. Under normal conditions, they are dried about 2-3 days. If there are cracks to appear on a tortilla or ball over this period of time, it means that the clay is fatten enough and requires immediate addition of sand.

If there are no cracks or ball after drying, and the ball, while falling from the height of the 1st meter, did not crumble, it means that this clay is fully ready to create a solution. Skinny clays will not crack. They do not have great strength, they need to add a little fatty clays. Clay or sand for several techniques is added, each time controlling the quality of the produced solution.

Method number 2.

We take 2-3 liters of clay, put in some capacitance, pour water, knead the lumps and mix the cheerful. It may happen that it is too attaching to the cheerful clay too (envelops it to the fullest), it means that it is fatty clay. In such a clay you need to add a certain amount of sand. If some separate clots remain on the cheerful, then such a clay will be considered normal. A solution is prepared from it without any adding sand.

It happens that the paddle is covered, but the thin layer of clay. This will mean that it is skinny, and it is required to add fatty clay here in the right quantities. I also want to say that you should not accelerate, otherwise you can get the effect of the opposite. From skinny clay to make too thick or vice versa.

Method number 3.

This method is the most correct to determine what quality is our clay. 0.5 l. Clay seen to the density of very steep dough and carefully kneading with their hands, as mentioned in the first way. From the made clay test, we roll the ball in the diameter of 40-50 mm.

We place this ball between the smooth two (fugged) powders and smoothly give the effort to the top board, gradually squeezing the ball. Compression must be repeated, so far cracks will not be formed on the ball. In this case, one or another degree of fatty clay depends on the nature of the resulting cracks and on the ball flattening the ball.

If the ball was made of skinny clay, with the slightest pressed on it to fall into pieces. Of the fatteral clay, the ball than loaming, with a dress for 1/5-1 / 4 of its diameter already gives cracks. From the normal clay, the ball will give cracks at the crushing for 1/3 of the diameter. But from oily clay, the ball will give very thin cracks when it is compressed by 1/2 diameter.

From oily clay, the flagella is smoothly pulled out, gradually sides, while at the place of the gap forming sharp ends, and during flexion, the crack is not formed at all. From normal clay, the flabby is smoothly pulled out and breaks down when its thickness at the break site becomes slightly smaller than the thickness of the flavor, about 15-20%, but when flexing small cracks are formed. Of the skinny clay, the harness is stretched little, it gives a completely even gap, and during bending a lot of breaks and cracks are formed.

If you try to repeat two or three times such a test as squeezing the ball or flexion of the flagellation, then you should not have any doubts about the quality of clay. Your oven in the bath will stand very hard and reliably.

During the test you have to mix two or three clays, and removing or adding sand into it. In this way, you can find the best proportions of the clay solution. Well, or, as a last resort, if you made a mistake, it is not very scary if this error was in the direction of the fatty solution. Experts argue that for the work of the furnace will not significantly affect.

If you take the opposite, that an excess of sand will appear in the solution, then everything is more dangerous here, the strength of the masonry may seriously affect. The fatter, the more cracks appears when the furnace is plastered. But this is not the worst, these cracks can be eliminated by the grout of a more or less lean solution (a solution with a large addition of sand).

Masonry furnace with clay mortar

Correct mortar

After the clay and sand were chosen, it is necessary to properly mix the solution. This is an equally important part in the masonry of the oven, because clay we picked up, and correctly knead it, you should also have great knowledge.

Method number 1.

To create a solution soaked clay for 2-3 days in a huge wooden drawerwho shares the tin, or in a simple iron "trough." Next, we put on rubber boots and, gradually add sand, weching it up to that condition, so far there will be no lumpster from clay. Clay lumps can be broken by a specially made traam.

Then tall the solution with your hands and grind (or delete) the remainder of clay pieces. Excellent mixed solution, where clay and sand is placed in the correct proportion, should not linger on the steel blade, but on the contrary it is easy to slide. If you apply a uniform layer of solution in (3-4 mm), put the second brick on top, pressing it (knock), after 5 minutes try to raise the top, then excellent quality The solution is the brick that was at the bottom, should not break away from him.

This is a properly prepared solution. If you lower the stick in a normal clay solution, then there will be a completely insignificant trail. Through a measured fatty solution on a stick will leave a kind of film; But the skinny - nothing should leave.

Method number 2.

At the time when the clay is normal, it does not require sand additive, then do it. Mastery flooring from a board or a regular shield in the amount of 1.5x1.5 m, which was nicknamed by a brisk. On Earth, stirring clay is not recommended at all, it is natural that the earth will fall into it and unnecessary impurities.

On the battle, they are applied with clay layers and produce wetting with water. If the clay of softening, it shocks it several times and crushed into a bunch, make a kind of color in a height of 300-350 mm. In length, the garden is done depending on the amount of clay. Further, on this garden, we make shocks by the edge of a wooden shovel, allegedly cutting off the plates of a hunk behind a chop. Close lumps from the blows are broken.

Foreign impurities, and round stones are removed during operation. Then, the clay shovel again, it is crushed into one bed and re-crushed, producing shovel blows. This operation must be repeated 3-5 times, until all lumps disappear.

For example, if you add sand in clay, then you need to act so correctly. I smell the sand in a fairly wide bed, we make a deepening, smear the clay layers, wet the water and fall asleep on top of the sand, withstand opening time, So far, the clay does not completely soften. Then it repeatedly shuffle it, we collect in bed and the member shovel as well as was previously described. It is necessary to argue clay until it fully can shuffle with sand and will not become homogeneous. In this case, clay in solution you need so much to have it to fill the gaps between the sands.

The perfectly mixed solution with the needed amount of water and the sand should not stand on the shovel or trowel, but to crawl, but at the same time they do not spread.

Method number 3.

If the clay is good fat, in which the addition of sand is not required, they fall asleep it in a barrel or box with layers, wetted with water, but, but on top of pouring. It turns the clay in a few hours, then thoroughly stirred and through the sieve with cells in the light 3 × 3 mm fixed. When adding water in the workplace, adjusted to a certain density of the solution.

At the time when sand is added to clay, all components are measured by certain doses, all materials are individually sifted through a sieve. After the clay is splashing, flickering it, adding in the sand, mix and turn again

It is necessary to store clay solutions in a closed dish, in order for some foreign objects in it. The time spent on filling the solution or sifting materials, chimel Masonce pays off with interest.

Ready Clay Masonry Furnace


As we see the preparation of a clay solution to build a furnace in a bath or even in own house The point is responsible. From that will, the quality of the folded oven depends. After all, it is necessary to choose to choose the clay and knead the solution with the mind, otherwise there will be no sense, even if it is engaged in this good specialist on masonry stoves. Therefore, the clay solution must comply with all the rules and standards by 100%.

The clay for the furnace is used in different situations: for home and street stoves, barbecue and fireplace. Unlike other formulations, the resulting mixture is economical and has good stability indicators. Naturally, this result can be achieved only with an accurate choice and preparation of components, as well as observing the mixing technology of the mixture.

To prepare a high-quality solution from clay, it is necessary to choose all the components.

The following main components will be required:

  1. Clay. This is the most important ingredient, it is he who gives the mixture the necessary properties: viscosity, heat resistance, refractory. For this event, not all kinds of material are suitable: different variants (especially occurring in nature) contain many additives that can spoil the final result. It is not always possible to get rid of such impurities, besides, it can be a very time-consuming occupation. And since the main factor in the device of the furnace is tightness, the selected material is pre-tested and is thoroughly checked.
    Clay is the main ingredient in the manufacture of heat-resistant masonry compositions

    On a note! Clay can have a normal, medium and high degree of fatty.

  2. Sand. It is an equally significant component of the solution. To work, the material can also be used, mined independently, but it is necessarily thoroughly cleaned and sieved. As a result, the sand must contain only homogeneous particles without impurities.

    Unlike career, river sand is considered the cleanest

  3. Water. Many mistakenly believe that this ingredient does not need special preparation, this leads to the loss of the qualities of the composition at the first temperature increase. For work, only clean, well-defined water without extraneous inclusions is suitable.

    For the furnace solution, it is desirable to use clean drinking water

  4. Each component is prepared in advance in required quantity, preferably with a slight margin.

    Features of the resulting mixture

    Cleanium It has certain boundaries in the field of use. The most suitable for use are the hottest sections: heat and heat accumulating fragments of the structure. This is explained by the fact that the resulting solution is perfectly withstanding high temperatures and direct impact Flame, but quickly comes in disrete when condensate or essential mechanical loads.

    On a note! Due to reliable clutch, the clay composition is capable of listening to many years even in conditions of intensive exploitation at temperatures up to 1000 o C.

    Clay solution from time immemorial is used for masonry furnaces


  • Ecology. All components have natural origin And do not distinguish harmful to human health substances.
  • Availability. Components can be mined, prepare with their own hands or acquire at a reasonable price.
  • Easy dismantling. If there is a need to shift or replace the furnace site, then work will not require considerable effort. The mixture is well removed, and the bricks remain clean and integer.

But to obtain the necessary positive properties will require serious effort and time.

Ways to check the quality of the clay solution

Before cooking, it is necessary to determine the proportions of the components depending on the fat content of the selected clay, it will help to avoid problems in the future. In the manufacture large number Material Fix errors can be extremely difficult.

To determine the fat content of the main ingredient, you must do the following:

After the experimental batch of composition is ready, it must be checked.

On the plasticity of the samples is determined by the fat content of clay

Method 1.

This technology does not represent a special complexity. Each of the five parts rolls into a small ball and warm up into the cake. It is easy to do, placing it in the center of the palm of the palm and putting the other hand with your fingers. All the resulting pellets are marked with appropriate pieces of sand, sand proportions are indicated.

Drying fragments will take 2-3 days. Initially, a visual inspection is carried out: the pellet should not have cracks and collapse when compressing. If you drop it on the floor, then it should remain the whole. Based on the results of the experiment, the proper ratio of sand and clay is determined.

Method 2.

Rolled balls with a diameter of about 3 cm, each of which is placed between two thoroughly acroking plates. Gradually without unnecessary effort, pressing is performed, the result is periodically checked. If the ball immediately began to crack, then this is a skinny mixture, if the cracking happened when squeezed by half - the composition is too fat. Optimal option The ratios of the components - when most of the ball is broken and will not collapse.

The fat content check by squeezing the clay ball

There are other ways, but general principle Everyone has the same.

How to cook clay for masonry oven

Based on the results of the experiment, appropriate conclusions are made. With high fatty, the amount of sand should be increased at least 1.5-2 times, with low, on the contrary - to reduce.

The ideal proportions of clay and sand for laying furnaces are 1: 1, such a solution is obtained plastic and heat-resistant. But it is necessary to breed the mixture, focusing on the intermediate result. A classic recipe assumes the addition of ¼ liquid, but depending on specific situation The amount of water can be increased.

It is possible to determine the quality of the solution by the number of cracks on the triggered sample

Tip! If it is impossible to accurately choose the proportions of the ingredients, then as an additive, cement and salt can be used (by 10 kg of clay 1 kg of cement and 150 g of salt).

Preparation of clay

Focusing on the volume of work, prepared the right amount Basic substance. But before preparing the solution, the material is pre-training:

If 48 hours later, small lumps are observed, then everything is mixed again, grinds and leaves for another 24 hours.

Kneading solution

Ready clay material can be mounted in several methods, each of which takes into account the peculiarities of the substance:

You can determine the quality and readiness of the solution using tactile sensations. The resulting material is triggered by hand: when forming a homogeneous rough layer on the fingers, the mixture can be used. Externally, the composition should remind a thick sour cream, then the stove will be reliable and will serve for many years.

  • KNEAD in Encyclopedic dictionary:
    , mesh, knead; pregnant; Nesov; what. Mine stirring. M. Dough. M. Glin. M. Dirt (Ind.: Go on a dirt road, ...
  • KNEAD in the full accentuated paradigm on the link:
    message "T, Mesh", I "SIM, ME" Six, Me "Sita, Me" Sit, Me "Syat, Monasses, Mesia" L, Mesia "La, Mesia" Lo, Mesia "Lee, Mesia", Mesia "Those, months, months" School, "Smey", months, months, months, ...
  • KNEAD in the dictionary of the Russian language of Lopatina:
    mes'it, Mesh, ...
  • KNEAD in the full spelling dictionary of the Russian language:
    knead, mesh, ...
  • KNEAD in the spelling dictionary:
    mes'it, Mesh, ...
  • KNEAD in the dictionary of the Russian language Ozhegova:
    mine, stirring M. Dough. M. Glin. M. Dirt (over.: Go along the dirt road, in deep, liquid dirt; ...
  • Knead in the Dalya dictionary:
    mix [or intermitt; This applies to two verbs that therefore and confuse (prevent, but not a month); interfere, interfere, and knead, ...
  • KNEAD in the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Ushakov:
    mesha, Mesh, Nesov. (to blending), which. Mine, knead, stirring (thick substances). Kneading clay. Knead the dough. Knead dirt or knead ...
  • KNEAD in the explanatory dictionary of Ephremova:
    kneading faces. Couch. Mine, knead thick substances, stirring them with ...
  • KNEAD in the new Russian English language dictionary:
    nesov. Couch. Mine, knead thick substances, stirring them with ...
  • KNEAD in a large modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language:
    nesov. Couch. Mine, knead thick substances, stirring them with ...
  • Dan 2. in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree.
    the potter, in the myths of many peoples, the image of God or the cultural hero, who creates people, or her universe (or individual parts) ...
  • Ainov Mythology in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    in the form known to us, formed about 12-15 centuries. n. e. In the environment of the Aynian tribes that inhabited Japanese Islands (in 15-17 centuries ... ...
    Sift flour, half it to separate, mix on the board with oil and, rolling in the form of a square 1 1/2 - 2 ...
  • Fried pies from yeast dough in the book about tasty and healthy food:
    Put a poultry, for what in warm water (or milk) give the yeast, pour half taken for the dough of flour and knead well, ...
  • Finished dumplings in the book about tasty and healthy food:
    Meat processing plants are released on sale frozen ready-made dumplings, which can only be booked at home or fry. In cities, now the mistress is less and less ...
  • Economic buildings
  • Shamotta
    Clean clay when drying and firing has a property to compress much - to sit down, which is disturbed between the particles and the product, cooked ...
  • Tile in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • Pottery pipes in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    there are water or sewer and drainage; Of these, the first are usually glazed and used, in addition, for air and smoke, ...
  • Peat culture in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    or the crop of the marsh aims for the treatment of fruitless marsh spaces to a state suitable for agricultural use. The swamps are divided into moss and ...
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    - county. Mountains Yaroslavl lips., Art. jerk Dor. Located on lowlands, raw terrain with Rostovsky Oz.: It has in the circumference ...
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    the county city of Yaroslavl province, station railway. Located on lowlands, raw terrain at the Rostov Lake (see); It has in a circle about ...
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    From the soils are not suitable for breeding P. Garden only marsh peat and pure sand; The best is considered a loamy with an admixture. Substate ...
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    In addition to the breeds of sedimentary and massive, in the structure of the earth's crust, they are involved, usually covering the latter, special formations, which are obliged to their origin of the activities of the fluid ...
  • Handicraft industry in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    Definition of K. Industry causes a large disagreement between researchers, especially since it has no equal importance ...
  • Brick production in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
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  • in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
  • Pottery production in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
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    (technical. their production and application). Various alumina salts represent the most important drive, used in beautiful and sytic princes and their ...
  • Clay tech. in the encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (Franz. Argile, it. Thon, English Clay) - Well-known earthly powder substance constituting inevitable composite part Surface vegetable layer of land, forms, in ...
  • Economic buildings *
  • Shamotta
    ? Clean clay when drying and firing has a property to shrink too much? Sit down than the connection between particles and the product is disturbed ...
  • Cements in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • Pottery Pipes * in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? there are water or sewer and drainage; Of these, the first are usually glazed and used, in addition, for air and ...
  • Pyrotechnia * in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • Applications * in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    ? In addition to the breeds of sedimentary and massive, in the structure of the earth's crust are involved, usually covering the latter, special formations, obliged to their origin ...
  • Brick production in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • Cafers in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
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    (Crayon, Pencil, Bleistift). The first consumption of K. refers to the last period of classical antiquity, but, apparently, the preparation of such K. was then forgotten. ...
  • Pottery production in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • Glitted hydrays in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (technical. their production and application). ? Various alumina salts represent the most important drive, used in beautiful and sieve and ...
  • CLAY in the encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
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    To the article fats and oils of non-rivary fats and oils? These are fats and oils of animal or plant origin; They are either ...
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    1. Nesov. Couch. Add Something outsider, foreign, stirring. 2. Neskov. Couch. 1) knead additionally. 2) knead, adding something, ...
  • MIX in the new intelligent-word-formative dictionary of the Russian language Efremova:
    1. Neskov. Couch. 1) Sleeping, mechanical, move the movement of some Objects or particles relative to each other. 2) disrupt order in the location ...
  • Create in the Dalya dictionary:
    what, to give being, create, create, create, produce, give birth. God creates one. Tree good fruit good creation, Matt. Master the mind, create ...

The construction of heat-resistant structures, such as furnaces or fireplaces, often does not cost without applying chamotte clay or bricks manufactured on its basis. Knowing what properties has a chamotte clay, how to breed it and with what to mix, you will become the most release wizard in this matter!

Clay chamotte - synthesis of natural and human

Shamot - borrowed from french The word that has recently sounds with new powers. Tired of unpretentious sings and plastic gloss people seek natural materials, among which Shamot occupies a prominent place. However, without the participation of a person, such a material is not possible - a special white kaolin clay need to burn in rotating furnaces at a temperature of about one and a half thousand degrees Celsius, since it is precisely in such extreme conditions that it fully deprives its plasticity, loses all the water associated with its molecules. .

Thanks to this, the shaft acquires properties close to the properties of the stone. The resulting pieces of chamomot are crushed in special mills and already in this form go to the sale in the form of construction dry masses or are used for the production of chamotte bricks. It should be noted that not only builders, but also designers are not indifferent to the sham. Chammed clay has some kind of inexplicable discreet beauty, a special texture, natural spirit, thanks to which things made from this material are able to decorate even the most exquisite interiorTherefore, this method of use is not at all uncommon. In the creative environment from chammed clay make ceramic dishes, tiles, figurines.

The builders, in turn, try to apply the factory shaft not only for the facing of surfaces exposed to high temperatures (all the same fireplaces and stoves), but even for facades of houses!

Clay chamoten in construction stores is found and called Kaolin - the essence does not change. The color of this material ranges from white with cream shades to gray-brown. Shamot is actively used both to create a solution for styling bricks, to knead intimidation solutions and for carrying out plastering. When buying, make sure that the clay did not fit on the shelves for a long time - otherwise, she could lose its properties, because in stores they do not always withstand the conditions they need. The prolonged impact of wet air can spoil the shape at all, just as it happens with cement. Use such a material is more expensive.

Chammed clay - how to breed and with what to mix?

To say that this material is easy to work, it will not be quite right - many newbies that use Shamot complain that on its basis it cracks and falls on, and the masonry on the chamoite solution remains fragile. It should be remembered that under the firing clay almost completely loses its plastic properties, and our problem when kneading a solution at least partially returns these characteristics to it or give them a solution with other components, such as special adhesive or conventional quartz sand.

How to breed and with what to mix chamotte clay - a step-by-step scheme

Step 1: insist the powder on the water

For the preparation of a chamotte clay solution for plaster, we will need a pack of chammed powder. We fall asleep powder into the container, gradually adding water until the powder is completely covered with water. Before breeding the final solution, the chamotte clay must be pushed at least three days.

Step 2: Make the final kneading

After we have withstood the right time, we stir the mixture once again, if necessary, adding some quartz sand and water, if necessary. If the solution is liquid, you can pour out a powder, too thickly distribute the additional amount of water. In terms of its consistency, the solution is ready to remind the sour cream - with such a thick, it will not flush from the surface and sticks well to the wall.

Of course, you can acquire the composition for instant mixing - it is not required to insist three days, but it costs it more expensive. In any case, the prepared composition should be added to the PVA construction glue, it does not prevent the reinforcement of such a solution and crushed fiberglass. For plastering, such a solution of special skills is not needed - simply prepare a large and small spatula in advance and evenly apply a solution to the surface.

Step 3: Cooking the surface

Based on the lowered plastic properties of the chamot, it is mandatory to be the surface you want to plaster, supply the grid, and to improve the adhesion to walk good primer. Since it is most often about plastering furnaces and fireplaces, then the primer should be heat-resistant, and the grid is metallic. In this case, you compensate for the plasticity of the chamot and achieve the highest refractory plaster.

Cooking a solution from chammed clay for masonry bricks

To get, the first chopped shameless shame will not use. Chamottela clay, like cement, has its own brands. The characteristics of this material are dependent on both the fraction of crumb obtained during the chopping or powder and the degree of refractory. In addition to the fraction, it is necessary to understand how material was obtained - it can be both crushed briquettes, specially burned for this, and crushed kaolin brick, discarded in production. The second case is quite easy to determine - the "y" marking is on the bag, denoting the "utilization" origin of the material. Chamotal solution on its basis can not be used in responsible works.

It is best for masonry a solution from chamotte clay from one part of kaolin and two parts of chamotte sand with a fraction of not more than 0.5 millimeters.

Another option, more complex, is to mix 1 part of the kaolin clay, the same amount of blue clay and 4 parts of chamotte sand. Why exactly chammed sand? An ordinary quartz filler has a property when high temperatures Expand, which may in turn lead to the appearance of unwanted cracks in the masonry itself, especially if we are talking about extreme temperatures that are formed inside the furnace. River sand Also unsuitable, as it does not create sufficient adhesion with other components. For higher strength, portland cement is sometimes added to such compositions, but such a chamoite solution will slightly reduce its refractory qualities - the maximum heating threshold will be about 1550 °.

The correct use of shammal clay is combined with chamoten brick. The thing is that they will have the same expansion coefficient when exposed to heat, and this in turn contributes to the greater fortress of the entire structure. To put a red brick or any other of these considerations is not entirely correct, although it is not excluded and such an option if the stove is used not often and do not bring it to extreme temperatures. And yet it is better to put the usual brick on the usual solution, prepared by the classic recipe: one part of clay from 3 to 5 parts of sand (depending on the fat content of the first component) and one part of the cement.