What 25 letter alphabet. Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary

The Khmer alphabet is registered in the number of letters in the Guinness Book of Records. It has 72 letters in it. In this language they speak Cambodia.

but the greatest number Letters contain an Ubya alphabet - 91 letter. Ubeby language (language of one of caucasian peoples) It is considered one of the record holders on sound diversity: according to experts, it has up to 80 consonant phonemes.

Under the Soviet authorities, serious changes were made to the alphabets of all peoples living in the territory of the USSR: in Russian in the direction of reducing the number of letters, and in other languages, mainly towards their increase. After restructuring in the alphabets of many nations living in the territory of the former Union republics, the number of letters decreased.

In modern Russian - 33 letters. According to official sources, the reform of Kirill and Methodius in Russian there were 43 letters, and according to unofficial - 49.

The first 5 letters threw Kirill and Methodius, because there were no corresponding sounds in the Greek language, and for the four gave the Greek names. Yaroslav Wise removed another letter left 43. Peter I reduced to 38. Nicholas II to 35. In the framework of the reform of the Lunacharsky, the letters "Yat", "Fita" and "and Decimal" were excluded (instead, e, f , And), as well as a solid sign (Komme) at the end of the words and parts of complex words, but remained as a separation mark (lifting, adjutant).

In addition, Lunacharsky removed images from the letter leaving only the phonemes, i.e. Language has become without figurative \u003d ugly. So instead of the bookpiece appeared alphabet.

Until 1942, it was officially believed that in the Russian alphabet of 32 letters, since E and it was considered as options for the same letter.

The Ukrainian alphabet includes 33 letters: Compared to the Russians, it is not used, ъ, yu, uh, but are present ґґ, є, ІІ and її.

The Belarusian alphabet has 32 letters for today. Compared with russian alphabet The letters I and ў are not used, but also are sometimes considered to be considered the status of letters Digrafa J and DZ.

Alphabet is used in Yakut language based on Cyrillic which contains the entire Russian alphabet, plus five additional letters and two combinations. 4 difthong also used.

The Kazakh and Bashkir Cyrillic alphabet contains 42 letters.

Now the current Chechen alphabet contains 49 letters (composed on a graphical basis russian alphabet In 1938). In 1992, the Chechen leadership decided to introduce an alphabet based on Latin graphics from 41 letters. This alphabet was limited in parallel with Cyrillic from 1992 to 2000.

Armenian alphabet contains 38 letters, but after reform in 1940 ligature "և »Immediately received the status of a letter not having a title - thus the number of letters has become like" thirty-eight and a half. "

Tatar alphabet after translating in 1939 by Tatar writing with latinized alphabet on the alphabet based on Russian graphics contained 38 letters, and after 1999 the alphabet based on Latin graphics of 34 letters is widely used.

Kyrgyz Cyrillic alphabet adopted in 1940 contains 36 letters.

The modern Mongolian alphabet contains 35 letters and differs from Russian two additional letters: ө and ү.

In 1940, the Uzbek alphabet, as well as the alphabets of other nations of the USSR, was translated into Cyrillic and contained 35 letters. In the 90s of the last century, the Uzbek authorities decided to translate the Uzbek language to Latin and in the alphabet was 28 letters.

The modern Georgian alphabet consists of 33 letters.

In the Macedonian and Moldavian Cyrillic alphabet of 31 letters. Finnish alphabet also consists of 31 letters.

The Bulgarian Cyrillic Alphabet includes 30 letters - compared with the Russian, there are no letters in it, E and E.

The Tibetan alphabet consists of 30 syllables letters who are considered consonants. Each of them, making up the initial letter of the syllable and without having a different vowel sign with him, with pronunciation is accompanied by the sound "A".

In the Swedish and Norwegian alphabet - 29 letters.

Arabic alphabet contains 28 letters. In the Spanish alphabet - 27 letters.

In Latin, English, German and French alphabet - 26 letters.

The Italian alphabet consists of "officially" from the 21st letter, but really numbers 26 letters.

In the Greek alphabet - 24, in the standard Portuguese alphabet - 23 letters.

In the Jewish alphabet of 22 letters, there is no difference between capital and lower case letters.

The smallest number of letters in the alphabet of the Rotockas tribe from the island of Bougainville, Papua New Guinea. They are only eleven (a, b, e, g, i, k, o, p, t, u) - of them 6 consonants.

Taking into account how many letters in the language of one of the Papuass tribes are interesting, the fact that in all alphabets the number of letters gradually change, as a rule, towards the reduction.

The change in the number of letters in the alphabet in all countries of the world, as a rule, is happening with the arrival of a new government so that the young generation turns out to be cut off from the language, literature, culture and traditions of their ancestors, and after a while spoke in a completely different language.

Real Russian alphabet.
Grigori Ovanesov.
Grigory Tevatrosovich Ovanesov.
Alphabet of a single language.
№ __h.z .__ r .__ __ __h.z .__ r .____ № __h.z .____ R .____ № __h.z .___ p.

1__1 ___ A ___ 10__10 ____ g ____ 19 ___ 100 ____ Sh ____ 28__1000

2__2 ___ b ___ 11__20 ____ and _____ 20__200 ____ M _____ 29__2000 ____

3__3 ___ g ____ 12__30 ___ l _____ 21__300 ____ ____ 30 ___ 3000 ___

4__4 ___ d ____ 13__40 ___ x _____ 22__400 ____ N ____ 31__4000 ____ T

5__5 ___ e ____ 14__50 ___ s ______ 23__500 ____ sh ____ 32__5000 ___ p

6__6 ___ З ____ 15__60 ___ ______ 24__600 ____ ____ 33__6000 ___

7__7 ___ E ____ 16__70 ___ H ______ 25__700 ____ H ____ 34__7000 ___

8__8 ___ ____ 17__80 ___ z ______ 26__800 ____ P ___ 35 ___ 8000 ___

No. - number of the letter. FA - Numeric value of the letter. R. - Russian alphabet.
To designate the proposal, it is necessary to consume the same letters with an increased size. It is also meant that the letter H is a soft voice of the letter G, which is applied in Russian, but not in the record and is used in the dialects (adverbs), especially the shepherds when they drive cows reproducing the sound of the HE (GE). Such a pronunciation of the letter G as H is considered non-straining. In addition, the same letter G as a throat thin hoarse sound is written in the form of G. The letters "E" as "Yi", "T" as "TX", "S" as "TC", "z" as "DZ", "J" as "J", R How hard (English) " P "and" Q "as" kh ". In the alphabet there are no diftons (Ya), Yu (yu), E (IE) and E (yo) Since their voice out of individual monosuses is already in the alphabet. Of course, the signs are not letters, as they are not voiced, and cannot be used in the alphabet. In the process of voicing the letters of the alphabet, people actively used wide spectrum Sounds that publish animals and birds, imitating them. Of course, the predecessors of the alphabet in the graphic record are two interrelated alphabet, compiled millions of years ago. They are restored by me for the first time in the world, with the same number of letters that have provided strain, the development of grabbing movements and the creation of the semantic content of words with the sounding of letters. Moreover, restored the two ancient alphabets, I turned out to be their modern creator. In addition, with the help of the ABC, the concepts of the account and the numbers with a replimentary entry and the designation of the hand are entered, the decimal system of the units of the account, the concept of length and time is rocked. Actually the amount of fingers with the intervals between them on the hands and legs of four nines, which together make up the number 36.
Thus, with the help of a single alphabet, a sponged method of recording numbers was created. For example, the number 9999 was recorded initially eaten as Q J G T or 3446 as an Angp (see above alphabet). In fact, it was not easy for me to independently understand the mechanism of the spam record of numbers and numbers. For this, I used only alphabet with numeric values \u200b\u200bof letters. In principle, this is a very serious topic, so I allocated it separately.
Moreover, I first gave a definition and number in the world.
In this case, the number is voiced by the letter or the word number in the record.
So the number is the amount written by contrably or numbers.
Of course, this is how much.
It should be borne in mind that the figure 0 is voiced by the word "zero, zero", the figure 1 is voiced by the word "one, one", the figure 2 is voiced by the word "two, two", etc., and for different languages in your own words.
Moreover, the reflection of the single alphabet in the form of the positions of the fingers and their grabbing movements made it possible to justify how all the numbers were created to the largest from 10,000 and on, which are now used for the account.
Alphabet numerical values Letters determine the order of distribution by columns (groups). In the first nine (first column), digital record numbers of the letters and their numeric values \u200b\u200bare recorded equally. At the same time, the numbers of other three columns of letters are recorded by two-digit numbers. Moreover, the numeric values \u200b\u200bin each column include meaning digits from 1 to 9. Yes, in the second column, one zero is added to each of these numbers, in the third column two zero and in the fourth column three zero. There is also a complete correspondence between each digital recording of the two-digit number of the letter and its numerical value.
It should be borne in mind that in Russian-speaking people, due to the lack of a significant number of letters (monosuses) of the world's first alphabet with the help of which the semantic content of words and their voice, there are serious problems with the study of other adventures of the unified language of the peoples of the world.

The role of the letter in the development of the whole human society cannot be overestimated. Even before the appearance of usual letters, the ancients left various stones on the stone and rocks. At first it was drawings, then they were replaced by hieroglyphs. Finally, the letter is more convenient to transmit and understand the letter using letters. After centuries and the Millennium, these symbol signs helped to restore the past many nations. The monuments of writing played a special role in this case: various vaults of laws and official documents, literary works and memories of outstanding people.

Today, knowledge of the language, language, is an indicator not only the intellectual development of a person, but also determines his attitude to the country in which he was born and lives.

How it all began

In fact, the foundation for the creation of the alphabet was laid by the Phoenicians at the end of 2 millennia BC. e. They came up with consonant letters used for quite a long time. Subsequently, their alphabet borrowed and improved the Greeks: there were already vowels. It was about the 8th century BC. e. Further the history of the Russian language alphabet can be reflected in the Scheme: Greek letter - Latin Azbuka - Slavic Cyrillic. The latter served as the basis for creating writing in a number of related peoples.

Education of the ancient Russian state

From the 1st century, our era begins the process of decaying the tribes that inhabited the territory of Eastern Europe and who spoke on the general Praslani language. As a result, Kievan Rus has been formed in the middle Dnieper area, which later became the center of the Great State. He was inhabited by part of the eastern Slavs, who over time were formed their own special way of life and customs. Received a further development and story about how the Russian alphabet appeared.

The growing and strengthening state has established economic and cultural relations with other countries, primarily by Western European. And for this I needed writing, especially since the first Church Slavonic books began to bring on Russia. At the same time, there is a weakening of paganism and the dissemination throughout Europe a new religion - Christianity. Here, it was the sharp need for the "invention" of the alphabet, thanks to which the new teaching could be conveyed to all Slavs. She became Cyrillic, created by the "Brothers Solunski".

An important mission of Constantine and Methodius

In the 9th century, the sons of noble Solun Greek, on behalf of the Byzantine Emperor, went to Moravia - at that time a powerful state located within the boundaries of modern Slovakia and the Czech Republic.

Their task was to introduce the Slavs who inhabited Eastern Europe, with the teachings of Christ and the ideas of Orthodoxy, as well as to spend worship in his native local population Language. The choice fell on two brothers is no coincidence: they possessed good organizational abilities, showed special diligence in school. In addition, both perfectly owned Greek and Konstantin (shortly before death, after being taking into a monk, he was given a new name - Kirill, with whom he entered the story) and Methodius became those people who came up with the ABC of the Russian language. It was perhaps the most significant result of their mission in 863.

The basis of Cyrillic

When creating an alphabet for Slavs, the brothers used greek alphabet. The letters corresponding to the pronunciation in the languages \u200b\u200bof these two peoples, they left unchanged. To designate the sounds of Slavic speech, absent from the Greeks, 19 new signs were invented. As a result, the new alphabet included 43 letters, many of which were subsequently entered into the alphabets of peoples who once spoken in general language.

But the story about who came up with the ABC of the Russian language, this does not end. Throughout the 9-10 centuries, the Slavs have spread two types of alphabet: Cyrillic (it is told above) and the verbs. The second contained a smaller number of letters - 38 or 39, their inquiring was more difficult. In addition, the first signs were used additionally to designate numbers.

So how did Cyril Azbuka come up with?

For several centuries, the researchers have made it difficult to give an unequivocal answer to this question. In "Zhiuti Kirill", it was noted that "with the help of his brother ... and students ... he was a Slavic alphabet ..." If this is true, then which of the two - Cyrillic or verbolitsa is his creation? The case is complicated by the fact that manuscripts, made by Kirill and Methodius, were not preserved, and in later (related to 9-10 centuries) - none of these ABC is not mentioned.

To deal with who invented the ABC of the Russian language, scientists had a lot of studies. In particular, they compared one and the other with the alphabets that existed even before they appear and analyzed in detail the results. They never came to a single opinion, but most agree that Kirill was most likely the verbolire was invented, and even before the trip to Moravia. In favor of this, the fact that the number of letters in it was as close as possible to the phonetic composition of the Old Slavonic language (designed specifically for the letter). In addition, in its drawing, the letters of the verbs more differed from Greek and little similar to a modern letter.

Cyrillic, who became the basis for the Russian alphabet (AZ + Buki is the name of her first letters), could be created by one of the students of Konstantin - Clerk Ohritsky. He called her so in honor of the teacher.

Formation of the Russian alphabet

Regardless of who invented Cyrillic, it was she who became the basis for creating a Russian alphabet and a modern alphabet.

In 988 Ancient Russia Takes Christianity, which significantly affected the further fate of the language. From this time, the formation of his own writing begins. Gradually ancient Russian language, whose alphabet is based on Cyrillic, is improving. It was a long process that ended only after 1917. Then the last changes were made to the alphabet that we use today.

How Cyrillic changed

Before the Russian alphabet acquired the type that has today, the alphabet-primacy has undergone a number of changes. The most significant reform became in 1708-10 during Peter I and in 1917-18 after the revolution.

Initially, in Cyrillic, very reminded by the Byzantine letter, there were several extra, dupled, letters, for example, and \u003d і, o \u003d ѡ - they were most likely used to transfer Bulgarian sounds. There were various advanced signs that pointed to emphasis, pronunciation.

Prior to the Board of Peter I, the letters denoted the numbers were specially drawn up - it was he who introduced a Arab account.

In the first reform (this was caused by the need to draw up business papers: 7 letters were withdrawn from the alphabet: ξ (KSI), ѕ (bearer) and yoted vowels, I have been added and y (they replaced existing), ε (recycled). This is much simplified Alphabet, and he began to be called "Civil". In 1783, N. Karamzin added the letter E. Finally, after 1917, another 4 letters disappeared from Russian alphabet, and Kommersant (EP) and b (EP) began to designate only hardness and softness of consonants .

The name of the letters has completely changed. Initially, each of them was a whole word, and the whole alphabet, according to many researchers, was filled with a special meaning. The mind and those who came up with the alphabet appeared in this. Russian has retained the memory of the first names of letters in proverbs and sayings. For example, "start with azov" - i.e. from the very beginning; "Fita and Izhitsa - to the lazy whip is nearer." They meet in phraseologiza: "Watch the verb".

Praise Great Saints

Cyrillic creation has become the greatest event for the entire Slavic world. The introduction of writing made it possible to transfer the accumulated experience to descendants, tell the glorious history of the formation and development of independent states. Not by chance they say: "Want to know the truth - start with the ABC."

Centuries pass, new discoveries appear. But those who came up with the ABC of the Russian language, remember and honor. The proof of this is a holiday, the day that annually celebrate on May 24 around the world.

Modern Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters. The alphabet in the current presentation has existed since 1942. In fact, you can consider the year 1918. The formation of the modern Russian alphabet - then it consisted of 32 letters (without the letter E). The origin of the alphabet, according to historical documents, is associated with the names of Kirill and Methodius and belongs to the 9th century of our era. Since its inception and until 1918, the alphabet has repeatedly changed, absorbing and excluding signs. At one time he had more than 40 letters. The Russian alphabet is also sometimes called the Russian alphabet.

Russian alphabet titled letters

On our site for each letter of the Russian alphabet there is a separate page with detailed description, examples of words, pictures, verses, riddles. They can be printed or download. Click on the desired letter to go to its page.

A b b v in g g d d e e zh zh z z and i y y k k l l m m n o p p p p r r s t t u in fd x x Ш Ш и щ ъ ы u u u u i

Often in a written speech instead of the letter ё use the letter E. In most cases, the replacement does not cause difficulties at the reading, but in some contexts it is necessary to use the letter E to avoid ambiguity. Russian letters are the name of the nouns of the middle kind. It should be borne in mind that the drawing of the letters depends on the font.

Numbering letters

In some logical tasks for the definition of the subsequent element in a number, in games at risk of comic ciphers, in contests for the knowledge of the alphabet and in other similar cases, the sequence numbers of the letters of the Russian alphabet are required, including numbers from the end from the end to the beginning of the alphabet. Our visual "strip" will help you quickly determine the number of letters in the alphabet.

  • BUT
  • B.
  • IN
  • G.
  • D.
  • E.
  • E.
  • J.
  • Z.
  • AND
  • J.
  • TO
  • L.
  • M.
  • N.
  • P
  • R
  • FROM
  • T.
  • W.
  • F.
  • H.
  • C.
  • C.
  • Sh
  • Sh
  • Kommersant
  • S
  • B
  • E.
  • YU
  • I

The letters of the Russian alphabet

Frequent questions about the letters of the Russian alphabet are: how many letters in the alphabet, which of them are vowels and consonants, what are the categories called capital and what are the line? Basic information about letters is often found in popular matters to students. primary classesIn tests for erudition and determining the level of IQ, in questionnaires for foreigners on the knowledge of the Russian language and other similar tasks.

Number of letters

How many letters in the Russian alphabet?

In the Russian alphabet 33 letters.

Some people to memorize the number of letters in the Russian alphabet associate them with popular phrases: "33 pleasures", "33 misfortunes", "33 cows". Other people associate with facts from their lives: I live in the apartment number 33, I live in the region 33 (Vladimir Region), I play the team at number 33 and the like. And if the number of letters of the alphabet is again forgotten, then associated phrases help to remember it. Probably help you?!

Vowels and consonants

How many vowels in the Russian alphabet and consonant letters?

10 vowels + 21 consonant + 2 do not mean sound

Among the letters of the Russian alphabet allocate:

  • 10 vowels: A, O, Y, Y, E, I, E, E, YU, and;
  • 21 consonant letter: b, in, g, d, y, z, z, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, sh, uh;
  • 2 letters not meaning sounds: b, b.

Letter means sound. Compare: "ka", "El" - the names of the letters, [to], [l] - sounds.

Capital and lowercase

What are the letters of capital and which lowercase?

The letters are uppercase (or capital) and lowercase:

  • A, B, B ... E, Yu, I - Capital letters,
  • a, B, in ... u, Yu, I am lowercase letters.

Sometimes they say: large and small letters. But this wording is incorrect, as it means the size of the letter, and not its inscription. Compare:
B - large capital letter, b - small capital letter, b - large lowercase letter, b - small lowercase letter.

From the capital letter, names are written, the beginning of the proposals, appeal to "you" with an expression of deep respect. IN computer programs The term "case of letters" is used. Capital letters are recruited in the upper case, lowercase letters - in the lower case.

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Emperor Mikhail III ordered writing for the Slavic language. After the appearance of Cyrillic, ascending to the Greek authorized (solemn) letter, the activities of the Bulgarian school of scribes are developing (after Kirill and Methodius). Bulgaria becomes the center of distribution slavic writing. The first Slavic Book School is created here - Preslav Book Schoolwhich corresponds to Cyril Methodius Originals of the Laudio Books (Gospel, Psalter, Apostle, church Services), New Slavic translations from Greek are made, original works appear in the Old Slavonic language ("On the writing of the Charbris Herbra"). Later, the Old Slavonic language penetrates Serbia, and at the end of the X century becomes the tongue of the Church in Kievan Rus.

Staroslavansky, being the language of the church, experienced an influence of ancient Russian language. It was an old Slavonic language with elements of lively East Slavic speech. Thus, the modern Russian alphabet occurred from the Cyrillic of the Old Slavic language, which was borrowed from the Bulgarian Cyrillic and was distributed in Kievan Rus.

Later, 4 new letters were added, and 14 old were in different time excluded as unnecessary, since the corresponding sounds disappeared. Formerly disappeared by Yoted Jus (ѩ, ѭ), then the big yus (ѫ), returned in the XV century, but again disappeared at the beginning of the XVII century [ ], and Yothenized e (ѥ); The remaining letters, sometimes somewhat changing their value and the form, preserved to this day as part of the Azbuchi of the Church Slavonic language, which for a long time was mistakenly considered identical with the Russian alphabet. Orphographic reforms of the second half of the XVII century (associated with the "Correction of books" during the Patriarch Nikona) recorded the following set of letters: A, B, B, G, D, E (with spelling excellent option Є, which was sometimes considered a separate letter and put in the alphabet in place of the current e, that is, after ѣ), w, ѕ, s, and (with a spelling excellent variant for the sound [j], which was not considered a separate letter), І, K, l, m, n, o (in two spelling distinctions: "narrow" and "wide"), p, r, s, t, y (in two spelling distinctions:), f, x, ѡ (in Two spelling distinctions: "narrow" and "wide", as well as in the composition of the ligature "from" (ѿ), usually considered a separate letter), C, h, sh, sh, b, s, b, ѣ, Yu, I (In two inscriptions: ꙗ and ѧ, which were sometimes considered different letters, sometimes no), ѯ, ѱ, ѳ, ѵ. Sometimes the alphabet also included a large YUS (ѫ) and the so-called "IR" (in the form of the current letter "y"), although they did not have sound significance and did not use any words.

In such a form, the Russian alphabet resided before Peter's reforms I 1708-1711 (and the Church Slavic was as follows), when the tested signs were abolished (which, between the case, "abolished" the letter of the letter) and many double letters were abolished,