Conspiracy on the husband: to refund, by photo, on things, on the former. Strong conspiracy to ensure that the beloved man arrived

Turning black forces (demons). This conspiracy can be carried out only if you are not afraid to roll back, which will surely follow after the conspiracy. Rollback can be very dangerous, up to death. And in this ritual, not a man suffers, but a woman who conducted a plot. What kind of questions will "roll back" and "when it comes to" answer, I can not, since everyone is covered in different ways. Someone is easily separated, break the leg or something in this spirit, but someone gets oncology ...

To hold a conspiracy, you need a knife, some book that your man read and his photo. Conspiracy is held for the third night after the new moon. Important moment - Conspiracy is suitable for any man, at no matter how religion it does not belong.

Conduct a guide

On the third night after the new moon, exactly at midnight, put the book that your man read on the table, put his photo on it and that there are forces stick a knife right in the photo so that he pinch a photo to the book (it's not easy to do it, but you need to stick a knife So that he stood stuck). And immediately, then tell me:

"Diaon-APA, accepting this sacrifice, take it to his demonskie, but I will be sure of his shell, it will be honestly. When I accepted them, completely take it."

Then you need a book and photo, as well as a knife (not getting anything!) To remove anywhere in the box. After seven days you need to divide the big bonfire in the evening and burn it all. All paper must completely burn, and the blade, which will remain from the knife, you need to bring and bury the cemetery from the cemetery gate (outside). As soon as the knife swallow - the trapped man will be completely yours.

Women in relations with men often lack attention. All because for many women, relationships with a beloved man stand on first places, and only then their own interests. So the girl often has to invent different methodsTo attract the attention of men, including magic. You can use a plot in this case so that your favorite come.

How does a conspiracy act?

That, it would seem how to influence the adult, a man completely independent from you, and came to the girl in her will, not her. Such really maybe. The fact is that the spell is working so that it suppresses partially the will of whom you are attracted to yourself. As a result, he is in consciousness, the thoughts of such a magical event appear in the consciousness. Other thoughts, his true is suppressed by conspiracy and man begins to act exactly as it pleases to you, that is, a woman.

In this matter you need to consider one an important nuance. If your favorite guy before this completely did not make anyone interest in you and even the opposite experienced dislike, it could complicate the situation. In this case, your favorite will receive intrapersonal conflict. In this case, two completely opposite opinions will be present in his mind. One of them will be his true, about what he does not like, and another imposed by you that he really likes the girl. Even if such a person joins a girl in a relationship, there may be unpleasant consequences here. They will be that he will have a mood swallow, the attitude towards a beloved woman will be replaced with hatred for love. All because opposite opinions will fight in it. Relations with such a person are not very pleasant. Therefore, if a young man is experiencing dislike, then it is worth thinking whether it is necessary to try it.

But if you at least liked a little man, then the conspiracy will only strengthen and show it a sympathy for a woman for himself. In this case, it is very environmentally friendly to apply such a plot.

When can I use a plot?

In what cases a woman wants a favorite to come to her, and when this can help exactly a conspiracy:

  • Conspiracy so that your favorite come or came can be done if you quarreled with your young man and now do not know how to make it.
  • Conspiracy, so that your favorite came, if it is somewhere far away, and you can not do anything about it. Then such magic ritual Recalls the man that he has a feeling in a woman, and that it means a lot for him. This will speed up his arrival.
  • Strong plotSo that your favorite come will help and in the event that there is an interesting guy in your environment, and you want to pay attention to my attention immediately.
  • If a pretty interested in another woman, the conspiracy is working to make her husband, a man returned home psychologically and physically. Perhaps he would come back, but the ritual will work so that it will happen quickly.
  • Mistress who meets with married man, I can also do this magic rite to ensure that the guy moves to her home. But here the situation is more difficult, to untie married from home not easy. Therefore, you need to spend a series of conspiracies. A man will need a lot of energy so that he himself left the family who was in love triangle, knows about it.

Conspiracy on the sneakers

This ritual is more suitable for the situation when the girl is already in a relationship with a man, perhaps it is her husband, but they don't get laundry something. Perhaps, for this person, the house has already ceased to be attractive, he lost interest in his wife, but before he lived there. It is impossible to force a rationally such person. But remind him of love between you. This conspiracy is made on sneakers. If there is no sneaker in the house, you can buy new men's sneakers that will symbolically belong to him. In the evening during the growing moon, put sneakers on the moonlight and you need to read this conspiracy on them:

"Today, your name I remember the slave of God (the name of the man), today I will send your love to you. Your spirit flies in this house, you can't give myself peace, you don't give little rest. Help I want you, and yourself. Remember how without me the slaves of God (the name of the woman) is bad for you. How the house disappears without you. You want myself to regain myself, a man's loved one. I want to put up with you, I want to love with you. How my soul came to you now, so let your soul come to me, that's what your shoes are ready. Return, I love. Your one. Amen".

This magic ritual works especially well if there is a son or daughter in the house, the child will pull the man home even more. These sneakers put these at the entrance, as if the guy is about to go home, if the son or daughter is waiting for him, he will feel it too.

Boiling water conspiracy

In order for the favorite to come to the house, you can also apply a conspiracy to the longing. This conspiracy with water pots. In a growing moon, after sunset, you need to put a large saucepan with water on fire. Wait until it boils, and then you need to read a plot:

Conspiracy so that your beloved missed.

Conspiracy at the crossroads

This love magic rite is more suitable for those cases when a girl is tired of loneliness and wants an interesting guy to her in life. You need to make such a ritual on a growing moon. When there is a deep evening, go to the intersection, which is from your home closest. Become in the middle of the intersection and read such a magic text:

"There is a red mane girl, incented love, stands and waits and wants to come a handsome guy to her. Come to me cute, heat, I will love to love to me, as no man loved before, you will want the son. And you will love me, we will be fine together. With whatever parties come, I will still accept. Come from where you want. Waiting. "

And come back home.

So that at the wedding did not smooth young: the bride and the bride and did not bring damage to the divorce, before the wedding ceremony you need to read a special plot of the charm for young bride and groom. Before the redemption, before the young man - the groom will go to the house of the bride to pick her up in the registry office or on a wedding, the mother of the groom should be at home to inner side jacket jacket English

  • Conspiracy needs to be read to return her husband to his wife or wife to her husband even after the divorce if a wife or husband sworn each other. It is the most loyal and efficient magic method It can use not only husband to return a wife or wife to return her husband, but also their people (mother, father, sister, brother, children) quarreled. Conspiracy on the reunification of her husband and wife after a quarrel, waving

  • You can contact a person with a plot of a plot from it at a distance. For drying dry, enough photo of a person and knowledge of the words of conspiracy - spells that will quickly bring strong dry car. Take B. left photo of a person on whom you want to bring dry shock and cover it on top right hand Read the words of this

  • If the husband went to his mistress or just going to quit you will help this strong plot against the mistress of her husband who will quickly make that your husband will hate and forget her. The conspiracy will help to embroil them and completely cool their feelings to each other and will make it so that the delibery has extended to your beloved. Reading words of conspiracy - spells need early in the morning

  • Estate a person after parting will help white Magic And a simple conspiracy over water. It happens that people broke up and no matter who was the cause of parting a man - a husband or woman - a wife, a conspiracy will help withdraw the severity of parting and pour out once a native person and relieve love suffering. The text of the conspiracy is suitable for everyone without exception, you only need to change words in it.

  • Soul on love made by this method very strong and has a long effect. The following impression on love is equal to action lung PrivotaBut it is very convenient that the magical words of the spell - there are no bonuses at a meeting with a person and do not require special training besides memorizing by heart the short text of the love dust. If you decide

  • The strongest cemetery love spell is done in the afternoon in the photo right on the cemetery and gravestone. This rite refers to black magic and is made once and for life. Remember, the spell cannot be removed by either independently with the help of sorcerers. To carry out an independent rite for love, take a photo of which you need to be awesome and found in the cemetery

  • This strong love With the help of the photo of the beloved girl and church candles, you can independently do at home. For the love spell, you need to purchase three candles in the church and bring them home to read a deliberate conspiracy. In the evening when the moon appears in the sky, prepare for the rite. Before performing a newsworthy rite, put a photo of your beloved girl on the table and putting

  • This is probably the strongest and fast acting conspiracy on love that you can read on your own at home. To read a love conspiracy, you need to have a photo of a loved one, which during the rite - the love spell will be in disrepair, so consider this when choosing a photo for a love conspiracy. Ritals using a photo of a person are very common and you can read

  • A love spell of your favorite prayers is a very common rite of white magic on love. Magic words to fall in love with a loved one without consequences for himself and read it in the temple. Conspiracies on, will open magic words for you how to fall in love with your beloved person or meet your half that marries you, for this you need to read the most strong spell -

  • Very strong impressive words of the conspiracy said water in a glass of entrance door Call for a beloved strong boredom and make it always come back home. They read a quick affirmative conspiracy on water on any day and at any time - this is a light rite can be performed even several times a day if you suspect your beloved husband or wife in treason. As soon as a person comes out

  • The most complete description in all details - the conspiracy to come to the one who is needed with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

    Conspiracy to call or wrote

    If your favorite man or guy stopped entering and calling does not write and in every possible way to meet you will help you a strong conspiracy so that the right person urgently called you, but this plot acts very quickly. This conspiracy needs to be read to make your beloved call, write or come To the person called him. This ritual will be able catch a melancholy And make him not just remember your existence, but also to call you or come to your meeting. Conspiracy for the call will make someone you need to remember about you and immediately call the phone. To do it yourself trouble-free rite for reminder , go in your home to the opened window and read the words of a strong conspiracy to call the one who loves and read the conspiracy so that the guy opens right now needs 9 times:

    I urge me (your name) you (the name of the man) Already to my porch.

    I put you (the name of the man) guidebook angels,

    Two on the sides, one in front, another behind,

    Cute (the name of the man) you will lead to me

    Thoughts (the name of the man) to (their name) will appear

    Legs (name of a man) to (their name) carry,

    Bring my threshold.

    I remember about, I'm not backing me in a dream.

    • "I needed that a dear husband urgently called me, and he was in the fatherland and very busy. I myself read a conspiracy so that a person called and after 10 minutes a call rang on the phone. Cute man gently talked to me on the phone and all that I wanted to hear from him, I heard. "
    • "The conspiracy to call the right person very urgently helped me in the moments of despair and was able to force the man who loves me and I really need it quickly contacted me on the phone and called himself. Now our relationship has been established and we again with my husband, that's how this strong conspiracy helped me. "
    • "If you want someone to make urgently call you a strong conspiracy so that the right person immediately called the subsidence as it is impossible. I have never believed in such a magic before, but the fate has happened so that one day I had to try myself and read this plot. What was my surprise when the phone rang and it turned out that he had called who I just read the conspiracy words. This is a miracle and conspiracy really acting. "

    Action of the conspiracy to return and the permission is very strong and starts immediately after it. Wherever the loved one, even in another city, he will have desire To see you and will not disappear until he returns to you. In love as in war - all the ways are good and the result depends on the choice of weapons. And if the beloved person went to the rival? Here the best weapon is to read a strong conspiracy on the return of your loved one, this method is very strong and faithful to which the beloved person will not be able to resist him. This vintage conspiracy ritual in ancient times helped to return after a quarrel of her husband with his wife who had left of the house

    There is good white plot To marriage, reading which you can quickly and successfully marry. You need to read this plot for Easter and make it can any woman or a girl who has no groom or he is so much determined that it does not make an offer to get married. This plot will make your narrowed quickly marry the one who has read the words of the Easter conspiracy on the Easter week for him good marriage - Read by

    Conspiracies for love that can be read independently can be done both during the day and at night. At night, the strongest love plot needs to be read in full moon, this time is considered the most appropriate for magical rites. love magic. If you need to quickly shit a person to yourself and read a strong conspiracy on love on him, you can hold a rite for eternal love using his photo and church candles Red color made everything alone. Another very good and quick plot for love is done with candles and needles and belongs to black Magic. As you can see conspiracies for love that you need to read a lot of candles. You can read them

    Conspiracy in the cemetery made to love is committed for life. You can read a love plot in the cemetery land as day with white light and black at night at the light of the moon. All strong conspiracies for love that you need to read in the cemetery is called a cemetery love spell on eternal love and refers to black magic. To independently make a love rite in the cemetery land and read a strong conspiracy need to be a very bold man and a lot to love that for whom you are willing to spend a ritual rite. Conspiracy to open the great secret of black wedding and you will know the best love plots that should be read in the cemetery. Choosing and executed

    Many are interested in how to independently make a conspiracy on love by photograph of a loved one. By itself, this is a very light love rite with reading words. magic conspiracy Causeing severe senses of love in humans. Conspiracy to love can be independently reading both at home and choosing a faster black conspiracy on love using the photo and spend love ritual at the cemetery. In any case, if you have a photo of a traveled person, his presence when you will read a conspiracy for love, not required. Know that the love conspiracy spent on the photo will not be removed by it only once in his life. To

    This magic rite of love magic allows you to quickly find your love and successfully get married you only need to fulfill a simple rite with reading a love conspiracy to a meeting with your loved one. Immediately after reading this conspiracy, the fate will send you your narrowed to whom the fate is destined to become your husband. For the rite, take any small roadside stone that will fit in your hand and take it home. At home seven times under flowing water Rinse this stone reading a special conspiracy on

    In order for each he himself first wanted to make up and apologized for the quarrel, I need to look at him to read a conspiracy plot. In fact, immediately after reading, a friend will strongly want to return to his friendship and will feel the feeling of guilt for a quarrel, and the conspiracy that needs to be read is:

    This white conspiracy will help to quickly make up with any person without causing him any harm and quickly restore friendly relations with him who were to a quarrel. Conspiracy to reconciliation is needed in the church before the icon God's Mother. Very soon after the rite, you will make up and you will no longer quarrel in every trifles constantly finding the compromises that you will arrange. Put her a candle and bowing to read a white plot - prayer to make up with you need

    If there were quarrels with her husband in your family and you have a feeling that it changes, fix this situation and restore happy family life It will help this strong conspiracy on her husband from his change. Immediately after reading a conspiracy from betrayal, her husband would love only his wife experiencing the endless feeling of love and happiness next to her. Conspiracy is read on bread that husband must eat with any food. Before sitting at the table, read this plot over the piece of bread. As soon as the husband will eat conspiracted from the change of bread, happiness will return to your family and the husband will love only his wife and you will become the happiest and friendly

    From 7 to 12 March, the cheese week is the same carnival. Conspiracies on the passenger week that you need to read on your loved one that his love for you has become even stronger. Having read this love plot of the carnival guy or a man so much fall in love with you that soon it will definitely make a proposal to play a wedding and you will successfully marry a loved one for whom we have just recently read love spell. The probimum conspiracy is read on the carnival pancake which you need to treat the person of which you decided to be awesome. Here are the words of the conspiracy that you need

    January 19 On the Baptism of the Lord, it is customary to read a strong love plot for the love of the one who you love. This conspiracy has nothing to do with the spell, but it is so strong that the man on whom the white bachership conspiracy read very much will love his second half and will forever love and keep her loyalty. Many who spent this magic rite on the night of baptism and spoke to light and strong love His chosen is already living together in love and harmony for many years, does not quarrel and without changing each other. Light a church candle holding her in his left hand right pour into a transparent glass of a sip of holy water. Not releasing the candle take the glass into the right hand and

    Conspiracy to love read in pure Thursday Let me be permanent to yourself a loved one. In love magic there are many conspiracies for love that you need to read on your own, many of them act at any distances from the crazy forcing it to return to your favorite after a quarrel, but the strongest conspiracies are those that you need to read church holidays How, for example, a conspiracy for love in pure Thursday, conspiracy to today and tell. Love plot on pure Thursday you need to read on the water, but not a simple from under the tap, but on the sacred in the church, there you need to buy 1 candle which bring home for magic rite For love per day

    To read yourself from longing for your beloved person with whom you broke up will help this light white conspiracy frees from love longing and strong sadness on a beloved and giving peace of mind for a person with whom they broke up. Three times in a row, read the words of the conspiracy from the love longing of sadness and sadness over food or drink that you need to sit down and drink in dinner, after which go to bed. In the morning, waking up you completely get rid of the feeling of love and affection for your former love Thus, once and permanently delivering yourself from love longing. Conspire words from longing and sadness that you need to read eating and drink

    To establish relationships and make up with the loved man after a quarrel (husband, wife, relatives, a friend or friend.) In the old days they read this strong conspiracy to reconciliation. Very often, after reading this conspiracy, the man on which the magical impact was directed, the first is aware of his guilt and looking for a reason to quickly reconcile. For this, in the evening, how it becomes darker, you need to go outside and walking away from the bright light. It is necessary to wait for the appearance of the first star and looking at her three times in a row to read the conspiracy forcing a person first to reconcile after

    After a quarrel with his beloved spouse, a conspiracy to reconcile the spouses who need to read immediately after the scandal and not looking at any circumstances, the spouses will quickly come to any circumstances. A conspiracy that will help to incline a person to reconciliation can both a wife and husband, as well as their parents who are experiencing their children for the happiness. This is a white plot of the prayer of Holy Irina who will help to reconcile spouses and keep peace and love in the family after a strong scandal. Consipient words need to read in front of the holy icon

    Strong conspiracy so that the guy called: Favorite "picks up" you immediately after reading

    There are many rites on the Internet, but they do not act, since there is a plot, but there is no rules for execution. For example, a strong conspiracy so that the favorite guy opens immediately after reading is described quite detailed, but when trying to fulfill it, you are waiting for disappointment. We will try to reveal the secrets of the correctness of the conspiracy on the call of a beloved person.

    Household magic is not alien to modern devices. Unobtrusively remind of myself and by the unconventional method.

    Rules of implementation

    Conspiracy is not just a rhyme or a tarabarshchina, but the wicket in a thin world is hidden in the verbal formula. On the gate - castle. To the castle you need to pick up the key, then your desire-command will find its string in the small world. The string will depend, the magic melody will be separated from the world, taking other strings until the desire is fulfilled.

    To be able to make conspiracies, first of all, you need your consent:

    • Consent first. Do not screens up with a gate, if necessary, there is no need. Conspiracy is not pampering and not a poem, but a burning.
    • Consent second. If there was a need for a loved one, the soul trembles, then call the heart. The heart does not know how to speak a soulless synthesizer: if he loves, then in every word - love.
    • Consent to the third. Do not talk about the skill of the intimate, the strength of him in secret. Every time you talk about the conspiracy of the strangers - we lose a drip of the strength that you will never return.

    Daving three consent, get power to conspiracy. Now in detail how to hold a conspiracy so that the guy opens:

    1. Never do nothing "just so." To make a conspiracy without desire, or to make it curiosity for the sake of the sake of nowhere.
    2. Before plot, gather, I doubt say: "Fuck!". Loves heart? Do not hide, open the gate.
    3. Before plot, you need to submit a lover. Let the image be bright and clear: not a soulless picture, and the boyfriend breathes, blinks and looks with love in your eyes.
    4. The conspiracy is performed by an ointment tone, but with a priviless rhythm. The beginning is calm, by the middle of the emotion splash, then soothing completion.
    5. The last phrase of the conspiracy is pronounced in a confident affirmative form. Intonation should be consonant with the statement "I know!".

    Simple ritual

    Conspiracy to call the one who is needed to read by the rules given above. No need to "try" - act only when such a need really has occurred. Invest in every word feeling, then your beloved will definitely respond.

    "Cute, any, (the name of what you contact) mine!

    I call me that tell me on the heart.

    Essential Vyaz - mobile connectionWe are connected!

    I am a Virgin Queen, there are no more painful, take the phone, you will say "hello!".

    Take the phone, do a dialing.

    I will call - trying to your heart!

    The given conspiracy is read alone, without strangers and ears. Join the formula several times until the heart prompts: "Enough!". It should be borne in mind that this conspiracy is suitable in cases where the relationship has been tied up for a long time, but there was a small tapping. Conspiracy is well suited to make the young man first decided to take a step towards reconciliation.

    Online oracle according to the latest phone numbers

    Here you will find a fairly interesting free online divination by phone number of your beloved person: Guy, Men or Women. Enter the last four digits of your beloved phone numbers and get some life tips from Oracle. Despite the seeming simplicity and jokes of this Oracle, the conclusion of predictions is based on the system of numbered hadal maps Maria Lenorman - and in fact is in some ways randomly by their layout.

    Strong ritual

    Conduct the rite meaningfully, with a pure heart and good intentions.

    We advise this plot for more effective impact. It has a great power than the previous one, since an uncomplicated ritual is used in addition to the verbal formula. As a rule, as a result of this conspiracy, the guy is calling immediately after reading it.

    For a successful ritual, several uncomplicated conditions are needed:

    With items, contact emphasized carefully. Imagine that they are made of very fragile material. Such a fragile, which can be crushed with fingers with a finger. The subjects need to show underlined respect, negligent movements, tapping, twitching are not allowed.

    You will need: clean sheet of paper, photo of a loved one, handle.

    • Sit at the table. Put the handle in front of yourself, a photo of a loved one on the left side of myself, and a sheet of paper is right.
    • Take a handle in hand and read a plot;
    • Put the sheet of paper in front of yourself and read the plot;
    • Write your phone number on paper and read a plot;
    • Put a photo facial side on the written number and read the plot;
    • Turn the sheet along with the photo so that the sheet turns out to be on top of the photo.

    "My pigeon, (the name of the one to whom you turn) mine, my desired-long-awaited!

    Remember, remember! How well we were.

    Remember, remember! I opened you heart.

    Soon soon! My number remembers.

    Soon soon! Meet the appointment.

    Not in the week. Not the other day. This minute!

    Waiting your call Your will!

    Of course, the ritual is executed with a plot without outsiders. Even if the plot was a success - a young man called, no need to rush to the phone and boast before girlfriends. With force, you have a strengthening of secrets.

    For a new acquaintance

    The phone can be used as a magic subject.

    This conspiracy is recommended for the case when you with a young person are familiar with superficial and you have not yet developed a relationship. But before plot, it is necessary to ensure that the young man at least once made you a dialing, then a conspiracy so that the man will call, will work with a guarantee.

    Before plot, it is necessary to find a secluded place. Find the number of one person in the phone list whose call want to achieve, but you do not need to dial the number. As soon as the number will be displayed, bring the phone to the ear and imagine a voice. young man. Let it be a small phrase of greetings like "Hi! How are you? ", But in imagination, the voice should sound in the same way as you would hear it in reality.

    As soon as it happened, with the words of the conspiracy, turn off the phone and immediately, repeating the conspiracy, turn on again.

    "Naval! Reality! Right! I hear your words.

    Right! Naval! Reality! They run to me.

    In the minds, it sounds in reality to appear!

    Conspiracy can work so unexpectedly that you can be confused and start responding to the young man of the Nefple. Of course, it may somewhat spoil the first impression of you, as about the interlocutor. Therefore, before plot, it is advisable to cook and write one or two duty phrases for the answer. Then you do not have to remember you, you wanted to say, but it will be necessary to just read the harvested phrases.

    If he is offended

    This conspiracy has a very strong impact, so it should be used only in extreme cases. It is indispensable if a large quarrel happened between you and the young man. Your beloved in a strong insult, and you do not allow the situation to take the first step to reconciliation. Output one - magical intervention.

    Before the execution of the conspiracy, it is necessary to do a number of steps:

    • The number of numbers in your phone number is divided into two. If it does not share without a residue, let one part of the numbers be more than another.
    • It is necessary to get to the entrance of your beloved and within the court, find pebbles, whose pebbles will be a value of about a ten-meter coin. The number of pebbles should be equal to or a large number of numbers of your phone number.
    • You dial the rest of the pebbles in your yard, the closer to the entrance you will find pebbles, the better.
    • While pebbles, assembled from different yards do not mix! Pebbles need to be well laundering and let die.
    • Spread the pebbles from left to right in the following sequence: Your pebbles (from your yard), his peasons (from the yard of a young man), your peasons, his pebbles, etc., alternating pebbles from different yards.
    • Now, in order of your phone number, write on pebbles pebbles resistant to water marker corresponding numbers.
    • From black fabric natural material Sustrate the bag with risers in such a way that all the plated pebbles are played freely.
    • As soon as the twilight come, burn a couple of candles and, reading a plot, put pebbles into the bag, tightly tie the lace. Lace tie not on the "bow"! We do a triple knot, on each node sentenced a plot.

    Here you are own hands Made a magic object that is configured to help in relationships with your young man.

    "Pebbles on pebbles. Digit on pebbles.

    From numbers number. From the phone number.

    About my heart your beloved

    Take the phone! Amen"

    As already mentioned, this plot is very strong, up to the fact that the young man may have addiction from you. Before proceeding with the conspiracy, make sure that you will be able to calmly that your lover will be called every five minutes.

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    On salt and water

    You will need: candle, white (without drawings) handkerchief, red lace, glass with water and salt with salt.

    • Light a candle and put in front of you;
    • Between the candle and you on the table spread the scarf;
    • On the scarf with a lace, lay out a circle. If the lace is longer, then make a circle of several turns. The greater turns, the better.
    • Put a glass with water in the center of the circle;
    • Take salt in your hand and imagine how young man picks up your phone number and calls you. Put the salt to the place.
    • Grasp the palms with a glass with water and imagine how your beloved is looking to you with a dialing. Put a glass into place.
    • Take a pinch of salt from the salt plug and, without raising your hands, immediately shake the salt in the salt, do it so twice. And for the third time, a pinch of salt is thrown into a glass with water and, reading a plot, we observe how salt dissolves.

    "Like salt in water, Duma about me

    Dissolves in you. High brags

    Among them water, only I am alone

    You need. The circle closes

    Cute smiling phone in hand -

    Rings to me! Amen"

    After a conspiracy, one half of the water is in a pot with a flower with the name of a male genus, and the remaining water is in a pot with a flower that wears the name of the female.

    It is known that the heart of the girl is impatiently, sometimes she wants so much to push a young man to an important step! But not always the girl is convenient to do with the help of words, and then magic comes to the rescue. Conspiracy from the rival read at home.

    Divination on a date

    Waiting for a long-awaited call - try to pay out what will happen to your boyfriend? What awaits you? It's very simple!

    What is the conspiracy to say to call the one who needs?

    A sense of love is always accompanied by numerous experiences. Calls to each other can be a real problem, when one person is waiting for attention or a regular telephone conversation, and the other is hesitated to dial the number, fearing appear to be annoying. Push your favorite or beloved to this can simple plot. There are many rituals intended for such purposes, but each of them is among the least dangerous in terms of magic.

    Simple ways

    Before conducting the ritual, it is important to realize the main rule of conspiracies - to pronounce words, hold rites only if there is confidence in your desires and feelings. For the sake of fun, such methods cannot be used in any way. Any conspiracy, even the safest, is interference in the energy of another person.

    Prayer for a beloved call:

    "My beloved, (name), why don't you call and you do not say with me? I'm a statute girl, fit, for everyone and all good, and for you - loved one. Your phone is, I will soon call. My voice will respond, your heart will scare from happiness faster. Amen".

    Strong conspiracies so that the guy opens immediately after reading:

    "My miles light, my miles light, why did you forget me? Got to contact me, my dial number. "

    "In the pure field, four oaks are in pure expanse, four vortices. Four oak, four vortex go, Laying the slave of God (name) In put in his heart sadness, so that he is about me, the servant of God (name), sad. I'll close my strong conspiracies on the forty castles, I will give the keys to Pike-Fish so that she did not tell anyone. "

    "In the land of the Russian city lies, in the city Tom Static House is worth. In the house, my favorite me lives (chosen name) he calls himself. One (chosen name) misses, happiness with fun does not know at all. I will take your phone in your hand, my numbers will pick up. I will call me on a date, happiness with me only will find it. "

    Rituals using additional attributes

    On any item that was in your hands in your chosen or chosen:

    "Fall, pray, and rising, harvesting. Under the ground worms, and above the ground beasts. Sun and the moon climbed, and I am alone. So let the Lord blesses me, and in my case helps. Key. Lock. Language".

    On phones associated with a red thread (your phone and the device of the chosen one or chosen, the thread must be cut into two parts, one of which is left at yourself, and to put the other to beloved):

    "I call the bell to me. Lovely voice hear every hour I want, every day. Let as asterisks in the sky, like a river in a clik, he needs in me. Let the sparkle fly away between the phones, and the eternal stuck. May it be so!".

    On your phone:

    "Slave of God (chosen name), you do not eat, do not drink, and you will find peace when I call me about yourself."

    For anyone part of the chosen, so that he calls for half an hour:

    "(Name), you are interested in me, you are pleasant to me, but why not call me, you do not speak with me? I am a faithful, pleasant, unusual, pretty, for you kind, you are interesting. Take the phone, my (your name) number type. My voice will respond in the tube, and your heart is joying. "

    On the photo to call the one who loves:

    "My Sokol is clear, my long-awaited, my beautiful! As it was well remembered to me, I heart, heartily abuse. My number is remembered quickly, the date is more likely to appoint! ".

    On the napkin or handkerchief with a diagonal nodules, which kept in the hands of the chosen one (read solely on the growing moon, during the ritual it is necessary to look at the sky):

    "The knot tied on the handkerchief, your name, my favorite, faded. Only to me your heart seeks, and my face will love you. In the morning the phone take and my number type. "

    On the phone (on your device you need to dial the number of your favorite and say words):

    "Call - for you want to hear me. Call - For you want to see me. Call - For you want to love me. Call - For you can not live without me. "

    Strong conspiracy

    If contact with a person has occurred relatively recently, or there was only a familiarity, then the conspiracy to the call must be read by other rules. In order for the right person to call now, you will have to prepare and make a stronger ritual. In those situations where communication takes place regularly, you can apply simple methods Impact (on your own phone or subject).

    An example of a ritual:

    • the table must be covered with bright red cloth
    • in the middle of the table, you must put the red candle in the candlestick or on the saucer
    • before you need to put the phone (screen up)
    • looking at the phone, you need not only to remember the face of a person, but most realistic to present the upcoming dialogue (words should be literally "hearing")
    • after such actions, conspiracy words are read three times:

    Gypsy ritual

    For the rite you will need a glass filled with two-thirds red wine, a red thread and a ring without stones. From the ring and threads need to make a pendulum, light the candle. Having uttered his name to wait for the ring to hit the wall of the glade as many times as the letters in the name (after which the pendulum must be stopped). Similar actions are held with the name of the chosen or chosen. The ring on the thread must be omitted in wine and wait for the combustion of the candle or swelling its flame. After the rite, the wine needs to drink and mentally submit a long-awaited dialogue.

    How to read conspiracies correctly?

    Conspiracies to call special personread at any time. For a ritual, you can use your own energy forces or apply some attributes. Get a photo of a guy or a girl is now much easier. You can use, for example, social networks. If a person is interested in the meeting, you can prepare in advance for the conspiracy, giving him to hold the sheet of paper (even the usual napkin is suitable). The main rule of the ritual is to believe in the success of the rite. In the absence of confidence in their forces, the result may not justify expectations.

    Rules for reading conspiracy on the call:

    • during the rite it is necessary to maximize the features of the face of a man or a woman who reads a plot
    • when performing a ritual atmosphere around should be the most favorable and calm (there should be no children nor animals, no other objects that can distract from the rite)
    • if there is an item that kept chosen or chosen, then when reading the necessary words you need to keep it in one hand, and in another - a lit church candle
    • you can not use a conspiracy for mercenary purposes (for example, if a person has established his personal life, and you want to destroy it)
    • if there is no candle, then the conspiracy is recommended after midnight on the street or on the balcony three times (so that the wind blows the face during the ritual)
    • conspiracy on the call belongs to love magic, so too often use it on different people Do not (negative consequences may arise)
    • it is recommended to read a plot as many times as the candle burns (or until its flame will go out)
    • if the ritual is used mobile phone, during reading a conspiracy, you need to represent the numbers of your favorite or beloved, music that is on the call, and also try mentally reproducing the voice of a person
    • selling words should be as confidently as possible and clearly (knocking, improper pronunciation of words or other similar factors can significantly reduce the magical power of the ritual)
    • simple plots (without the use of additional attributes) can be read at any time of the day, repeating the words 3 or 9 times in a row
    • if there is no photo or subject, which kept chosen, then when reading a conspiracy in hand, you need to keep your cell phone
    • when using a conspiracy, it is important to remember that the ritual does not bind necessary mandoes not affect his feelings, so the upcoming telephone call Maybe almost any subject (working moments, discussion of any situation, etc.)

    Despite the fact that conspiracies are considered to be one of the safest, and the ritual will not be difficult even in the absence of experience, weak rites are difficult to call. With the help of such spells, you can remind yourself of even a person whom you have not seen and have not heard for many years. The only condition for success is the presence of your phone number or chosen.

    The husband goes to the "litter" or goes to live for another woman.

    Options, of course, a lot, but all of them are erected, as a rule, one: the ex-wife begins to look for ways to return her husband home.

    Here, listen that he writes one woman:

    "My husband left me, it's not clear why. And the situation is what: we lived together for four years, two of whom were married. We both passionately were in love, everyone did together. About us said: " Perfect para" Of course, we were also quarrels and discord, but they quickly ended with reconciliation and hugs. But recently everything has changed dramatically. If earlier the husband returned from corporate standards by 23.00, and even time to buy flowers somewhere, now the goulasi could continue until the night or all night. He had new unmarried friends, and drunks went an endless turn. My husband regularly went to work, but now he could not answer my calls. The last time the husband went to the night kiosk behind the cigarettes and returned only to the desired morning. He said that our joint life is over, he does not want to drag the burden of responsibility and strives for loneliness. He could not explain anything: what is the cause of the rupture? Reassured me, they say with me everything in complete order And ... disappeared. Help me! I can't live without him! What should I do to bring my husband? "

    We are very sorry that you pass through all this! We sincerely wish to return to your husband, but to analyze the current situation, it is very important for us to get to the reasons for such a deed and see what we can take practically.

    What is the reason for the care of her husband? Maybe he is just tired of living together and it's inconvenient to admire it? Maybe he made some kind of reprehensible act and now he does not want to disappoint you?

    Many people do not recognize the rights to make a mistake than the life of not only their own, but also all others.

    "Unsecured change" can be caused by many factors:

    • drugs;
    • homosexuality;
    • marital treason;
    • simple irresponsibility.

    Without dealing with the cause of his care, it is quite difficult to assume that you can take to save your family.

    Incorrect, awkward attempts to return her husband quite often lead to a completely opposite result.

    If you can't get home your husband home independently or with the help of a psychologist, try to read folk conspiracy, bonuses and love spells.

    Conspiracy to bring her husband home.

    Through the open window, look into the courtyard and be called quietly called the husband. Then read the plot:

    "The wind, you are my wind,
    Air, you are my air,
    I love you, I live you, I breathe you,
    So would my husband, the slave of God (name),
    Me, the slave of God (name), loved,
    With me one lived
    I was breathing, for me one suffered.
    Wind, you wind, you are my air,
    Bring the slave of God (name) home.
    Let him hurry to me
    Quickly, as the wind itself, flies,
    Let anywhere sleep,
    So far I will not come home.
    Be, my words, strong,
    Lracks, not changeable. Amen".

    Very strong conspiracy from treason.

    Cut the old clothes rope, say a conspiracy over it and put an apartment on the threshold so that the returned husband stepped over her. Immediately remove the rope, cut it into pieces and gradually screen them in pants or panties of your husband. Conspiracy:

    "Father and Son and the Holy Spirit,
    Sorry and help!
    As this rope bends, in the hands of my mock,
    Hanging, not worth the bar
    So the sex dick at the slave of God (name)
    Let the rag, the rope goes, bends,
    Not worth all women in the world,
    In addition to me, his wife, the slaves of God (name).
    On all women in the world, the ring,
    And on me, my wife, solid end. Amen".

    Conspiracy on the smoke of the fire.

    Divide the fire and looking at the smoke, climbing to heaven, read the following plot:

    "Gulia, smoke free, not in the pipe,
    Slava of God (name) along the trail.
    Smoke to the mountain - the slave of God (name) to the threshold,
    So that he does not dreamed, did not eat, did not sleep,
    Could not without me, the slaves of God (name).
    These and at that time, from now on and forever.
    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
    Now, confessed and forever. Amen".