Sales and seasons of discounts in Finland. When it is better to go shopping

In this material we will tell you about winter sales in Finland. Winter in this country is amazing in all respects and Nature itself took care to soften the oppressive effect of the harsh northern climate. Wonderful landscapes, wonderful winter tracks and the opportunity to meet Christmas and New Year in cozy country cottage Enhance here numerous tourists. And immediately after Christmas holidays, winter sales will start in Finland and each self-respecting buyer tries not to miss this event. The quality of Finnish goods is known all over the world and miss the opportunity to purchase them for big discounts will be unreasonable. If you see "ALE" and "Alennus" signs, it means that you come on time.

That is how the concepts of "sales" and "discounts" sound in Finnish. Another magic word is called "Tarjous", it means that there is a special offer on any products. There is still the so-called crowning days, which twice a year for their buyers arranges the largest Stockmann department store in Helsinki. Summer days Large sales begin immediately after Ivanov of the day, and the winter after Christmas. Inscriptions on the price tags -30%, -50%, -70% attract many people willing to acquire a cherished thing at a reasonable price. In addition to traditional interest discounts, there are offers to buy five things at a price of four or three at the price of two. Note that there is not a single store, in which winter sales would be not satisfied.

In Finland, even the smallest shop in a small village tries to please their buyers with some surprise. The greatest price reduction is declared on clothes, shoes, cosmetics and electronics. And now let's talk about the features of Christmas shopping in different parts countries. Let's start. As it relies, the Finnish capital is always crowded here. Moreover, many tourists hurry in this country to meet Christmas and the New Year in this country. Nevertheless, winter sales in Helsinki are most diverse and meaningful and there are several explanations. In the capital, all major major shopping centers and supermarkets are concentrated. Also here you can always buy unique designer things.

All the main are located in the central part, not far from the railway station. Note that in this old city, shopping is perfectly combined with the cultural program. It is also important that the main Christmas and New Year performances are in the capital. Tampere is far away from the Russian border and getting there a little difficult. But it is precisely the most important plus for real lovers to make purchases. Even by the end of the period of discounts, when the winter sales in Finland helped free the shelves of most shops in other cities of the country, the range remains even large enough. Note that all the largest European shopping centers are also presented here.

Photo: Tiia Monto / Wikimedia Commons

130 kilometers from Helsinki is a city of Kouvola and it does not apply to major centers. But the list of stores here is quite impressive and tourists are not so much. Therefore, very decent things can be bought on very good prices. But where tourists with experience are not willing to go to the period of winter sales in Finland, so it is. Explanation Simple: Since this is a border city, then travelers from Russia here are many times more. Already in the first hours of trading, most goods from the shelves disappear. Yes, and owners of trading networks seeing such a blowing of buyers, especially in no hurry to make a large decline in prices.

Photo: Site

Located near our border. The most convenient route will be through the border checkpoint of MAPP Svetogorsk, as it is located just 7 kilometers from this settlement. Imatra is also very popular among our fellow citizens and here you can buy a variety of products from well-known brands and brands with a world name, but because of the large flow of tourists, the range is quite quickly disassembled.

When to go shopping?

Winter sales begin in Finland from December 27, although some shopping points begin to lure buyers from December 22. But serious discounts these days only on Christmas decorations, and the rest of the goods are selling a maximum of 15% cheaper. From December 24, almost all stores and Finland celebrate Christmas. Starting from January 27, the gradual decline in prices begins and wishing to use them a huge set. Until the end of January, the decline of sometimes reaches 50% and only in early February the real holiday begins at buyers.

Photo: Site

The number of tourists has decreased, and quite a lot of goods. Winter sales in Finland ended in early March. True, during this period, the range is already extremely narrow. Many of you have heard of so-called crazy days or Finnish "Hullut Päivät". Their department store "Stockmann" arranges in October and April. The peculiarity of these sales is that the achievements are not stared or goods to be discrected, and the collection prepared for this purpose. However, in this madness lies one not for everyone a secreted secret.

Stockmann, this is one of the most expensive hypermarkets. Therefore, it may well be that the goods with a markup cost as much as in the next shop. Our tourists should not forget that they have the opportunity if they buy goods in the amount of 40 euros. And a few more tips that may be needed during the sale. Be sure to sign or carefully check the thing that is purchased, because in most cases the goods purchased on the sale are not refundable.

During sales, it is often difficult to choose exactly what you need. The greatest decline in fur prices throughout Europe offers trademarks of Finland. You should not take a large amount of money and fit all on your way. Give preference better things practical. We have successful purchases and we hope that our tips will become useful for you. In the following material, you will learn who are held twice a year and with the help of which you will have an excellent opportunity to purchase many products on very significant discounts.

Going abroad, we will become volley-unilies by literally hostages of shops with mantha brands and prices for them. Starts still at the airport when we buy perfume, cosmetics, alcohol in Duty-Free.

And while walking from the plane in some country of the world, we sometimes, and do not mean which abundance of general consumption goods is waiting for us on the shelves of VTCNYS [stores ... Many, going on vacation in one of the countries of the legislators of a particular fashion, bring in Russia additional suitcases.

Where to go shopping with benefit for business? And how not to go into all the grave, forgetting about the financial crisis of the global economic system?

So that shopping was successful

  1. Immediately arm yourself with cards and guidebooks. They are available to guests at airports, hotels and offices of tourist companies. In such brochures, it is described in detail how to find popular shopping points of a city, as well as the time of their work. This is attentive to this, as in most countries the work time of offices and shops is different from the Russian. So, in Italy, all shops are closed from 12 to 16 on a siesta, and on Crete shops work only up to 14 hours.
  2. The most profitable purchases are the goods of local producers. Do not immediately throw on worldwide famous brandswhose name has already fed the urokomin. It is better to look at local brands that are not inferior in any quality, nor appearance. At the same time in Russia, you can boast a wonderful purchase - such a thing will definitely be exclusive.
  3. The main thing is not to forget about TAX FREE. This will be a pleasant addition to the already favorable prices. But take care carefully to how the checks are filled. Moreover, in each country, its own rules for filling and designing Tax Free.
  4. Take care carefully to how you will pronounce your purchases so that there are no problems already on the Russian border. Take care in advance about what can be imported, and what is impossible, and what a declaration is needed.
  5. And, of course, all waste must be thoughtful, and decisions weighed. Then the pleasure of shopping does not overshadow the empty wallet at the end of the holiday.

Shop tours with commitments and without

Shop tours with obligations, first of all, are of interest to businessmen- "Shuttles" - those who resell goods purchased abroad. In order to go to such a trip, you must conclude an agreement with the Agency, according to which you undertake to spend a certain amount of money - usually up to 5 thousand euros.

The remaining expenses will either cost in dear penny, or will be paid by the seller at all (such a system is usually valid in Greece).

As part of such a tour, you will be transported through all relevant warehouses, factories and stock centers, where you can buy good things at low prices.

Shop tours without commitment is, in fact, the usual tourist trip. However, her goal is to acquire some thing. Naturally, for serious trading this option will not pass.

The cost of such a tour without commitment is from the cost of air tickets, accommodation in a hotel and nutrition, as well as the sum that you spend on the purchase.

Depending on the country of destination, the price of the tour will vary: on average from 300 to 700 euros.

In such a round you will be provided with a guide, which will show stores for profitable purchases.

However, it is not necessary to fully trust guides (there were sad cases) - it is better to progress and independently explore the main outlets.

World Capitals Shoping

  • Italy

Naturally, the world capital fashion is Milan. However, it is possible to make profitable purchases in other cities of Italy. Especially if you arrive here in the discount season: from the beginning of January to the first decade of February and from the beginning of July to early September. And the infinite number of outlet (shops where they sell things of past collections with discounts) will make shopping pleasant in any season.

  • France

Paris - cradle of fashion traditions and the brightest clothing designers. However, things (especially branded clothing) are very expensive here. Paris's business card is cosmetics and perfumery. Prices for these goods here in any season are very tempting.

  • Spain

Barcelona is a country shopping center. Tourists most attractive shoes in Spain - high-quality, stylish and good price. Also, arriving in Spain, do not be lazy to visit Mallorca to buy artificial pearls produced here, and Andorra - the duty-free zone.

  • Sri Lanka

This is the center of jewelry shopping. It is on this island that can be purchased amazing beauty. gems, for example, two-color sapphires. Here, the jewelry for you can specially produce - in just two or three days. Shopping lovers should also visit Ceylon and Colombo, where, in addition to tea and spices, you can buy products from leather and textiles at competitive prices.

  • UAE

Dubai is a global trading center. There is even a famous shopping festival, which lasts about a month. You can buy here everything: from household appliances and computers to fur and jewelry. It is also beneficial to buy brand things here - prices are significantly lower than in Europe.

  • Greece

This country - excellent alternative Emirates in the purchase of fur products. Shub tours in Greece - hardly the most popular destination in Russian travel agencies.

The Finns themselves are jokingly say that immediately after Christmas in Suomi begin another holidays - Winter Christmas Sales of Finland. Visit them really stands. At this time, you can not only buy goods with a discount of 80-90%, but also admire the fabulous New Year's shop windows and the Christmas decoration of the Finnish cities.

Christmas sales. Photo:

Where to go?

Christmas sales do not bypass by any Finnish city. We decided to find out where at this time it is worth going for profitable purchases, and where - it is better not to go.


Despite the fact that during the Christmas sales in the shops here reigns the attitude, in the winter for purchases it is best to go to the capital of Finland.

First, it is here that focused the most a large number of shops. Secondly, the several largest shopping centers Helsinki are located in the heart of the city, not far from the Central Railway Station - this is Forum, Stokmann and, of course, Kampi Shopping Center.

Thirdly, in Helsinki Shopping is easy to combine with cultural leisure, visiting the museum or christmas presentation in one of the Finnish theaters.


Getting to this large city, located almost 500 km from St. Petersburg, not too convenient, but for real shopaholics it is rather plus. Even at the end of the Christmas sales, the range of goods with discounts in stores here remains quite large.

The largest selection of goods are famous for the largest shopping centers Tampere: Ideapark, Stokmann, Anttila and Sokos.


The small town of Kouvola, located approximately 130 km from Helsinki, is at the same time the administrative center of South-Western Finland, so that there are enough shops.

In the largest shopping centers of the city of Manski, Hansa and Veturi in the period of winter sales, there are not too many people, but discounts on goods often reach 80-90%.


Alas, it is probably the worst choice for a trip to the Finnish sale. There are not so many stores here, and the influx of Russian tourists is huge because of proximity to the border. As a result, goods at competitive prices disappear from shopping points Literally in a few hours. Moreover, shops, seeing such demand, are not too hurry to lower the prices for goods.


Despite the fact that this city is located just 7 km from the Russian border, it is not as popular among Russian tourists as Lappeenranta. So the "sales" assortment in local stores is quite large. The only minus is that shopping centers in Imatre themselves are quite small and many stamps in them are simply not represented.

When to go to Christmas sales in Finland?

Christmas sales in Finland last from December 27 to the beginning of March. What time is it best to go shopping?

December 22-23

Despite the fact that officially winter sales start only after Christmas holidays, some shops open the "season of discounts" for another 2-3 days before them. True, with a significant "markdown" at this time you can only buy new Year decoration. For other products, discount will be no more than 10-15%.

December 27th

This is the very beginning of the sale. Note that December 24-26, all Finland stores are closed on Christmas holidays. So there is nothing surprising that December 27 in front of the door shopping centers In the morning, queues are built. It makes sense to stand in them only if you really want to buy some particular thing. Discounts at this time usually constitute only 15-30%, and the people in stores are a huge amount.

End of December - mid-January

On this period, the discounts during this period reach 40-60%, but the New Year's attributes and Christmas souvenirs can already be bought with 90% "markdown."

End of January - beginning of February

Optimal time to travel to Finland. The people in the stores are no longer so much, the range of goods is still large enough, and the discounts are 70-85%.

Beginning of February - beginning of March

This period sales can be called "Sweet residues". The range of products is no longer too big, but the prices of them are really attractive. At this time, the stores usually appear racks and hangers with the posters "All at 5 Euro", "all 2 euros" and even "all 50 cents".

7 secrets of Finnish christmas sales

  • Do not forget that during the sale you can also get Tax Free if you purchase products in the same store from 40 euros and higher.
  • Pay attention to additional shares that pass during the Christmas sales. Finnish stores often offer customers when buying two things to get a third as a gift or make an additional discount of 5-10% when purchasing several goods.
  • Before attributing purchases on the cashier, check whether there is a sticker discount on the price tags. It usually looks like a bright sticker with the inscription -50%, -70%, -90%. If there is no such sticker, it is better to clarify the seller how much this thing is worth. The fact is that sometimes the "sales" rack is mistaken by things to which the discount does not work.
  • Note that non-standard (i.e. the largest and the smallest) sizes can usually be bought even at the very end of the sale. But the owners of the most common female sizes s and m will remain without shopping by this time.
  • Do not forget during the Christmas sales to look into the grocery supermarkets - there at this time of the year there are also good discounts.
  • Pay attention to the weather. If winter is warm, discounts on ski clothing, discounts up to 70%

    During the sale on the shop windows and doors of Finnish stores, special inscriptions appear. What do they mean?

    • ALE, Alennus - in the store there are discounts on the goods.
    • ALE JOPA 70% - Discounts on the goods are up to 70%.
    • Tarjous - a special offer is on the store in the store. For example, 2 things at a price of one.
    • Tasarahalla - all at a single price.
    • LOPPUUNMYYNTI, Poistohinta - Sale.

    A large number of our tourists are often wondering when there are discounts in Finland? In this material, we would like to tell you when discounts and sales occur, as well as what months it is more profitable to go shopping. Many of you probably have already heard from our friends about low prices in Finnish stores. It should be understood that discounts are seasonal and special, the latter act in Finland throughout the year. If we talk about huge seasonal sales, then they are in holidays In winter to Catholic Christmas and summer, when the holiday of Ivanov is coming.

    It must be said that this is the most best time for shopping and acquisitions. The biggest sales in Finland occur in Christmas holidays and continue until the end of January. It is safe to say that all trading networks in Christmas holidays provide such prices from which it is really possible to surprise. But you need to remember that lovers to buy goods cheaper is going a lot and here the most important thing, in time to be in right place And at the right time.

    The most favorite slogan of clothing stores, when there are discounts and sales: two shirts / T-shirts of the same style at a price of one or three at the price of two. It must be said that price reduction can reach up to 70%. Note that things and national holidays in Finland are quite acute. You can come for shopping, and all stores will be closed. But it is worth noting that recently some stores and large trading networks that are located next to the Russian border began to work on some holidays.

    In Finland stores, located near the border, there is almost everywhere a seller who speaks Russian, and on the household english language Also speaks almost all service staff. Therefore, there should be no problems with language barriers and you can always ask your questions. In addition to seasonal sales, almost all stores arrange their special promotions and suggestions.

    Special discounts in Finland

    Arriving into this country, you can get on the standard discounts that occur every day in stores and retail chains. When you see the "Tarjous" sign, this means that the store offers a special offer or lower prices for a specific product or markdown. These discounts can be organized, both daily and in various holidays. On the shelves, you can always see such signs. You can also get a discount on a particular product, when paying for discount and "Etukortti".

    Photo: Site

    Large trading networks periodically hold their special promotions. The store can make a discount on the goods if the shelf life is suitable or there are small defects. Moreover, the prices of such goods can also be significantly lower. To save your money even more, you can always save when buying goods more than 40 euros.

    Seasonal discounts in Finland

    1. Christmas sales.

    When you see the "ALE" signs, "Alennusmynti", "Sale", it means that the store has a system of seasonal discounts or sales started. As we have noted earlier, seasonal discounts are 2 times a year and this is the largest reduction in prices that may be during the year. Winter sales in Finland begin on December 26 and continue until the end of January. The decline usually begins with 20-40% and by the end of January can reach up to 50-70% of the elementary price of the goods. The closer to the end of January, it becomes lower. But by the end of the season, most of the goods are already sold out and there is no special choice.

    2. Summer sales.

    These sales are devoted to the Finnish holiday Yuhannus. In Russian, this is the day "Ivan Kupala". Summer discounts in Finland start from June 23 to June 26 and in some stores continue to about mid-August. The size of discounts can reach up to 40%. Note that this is also a pretty favorable time when you can buy many many things at good prices. In the following our material we will tell you. You will learn much better go shopping and what is most profitable to buy at this time of year.

    The biggest sales in Finland pass a couple of times a year, the first of them in winter - Immediately after Christmas, and the second in the summer - after the holiday Juhannus. For separate types of goods discounts can reach seventy interest. Throughout the year there are small stocks in stores. The beginning of winter sales falls in Finland on Christmas Eve. The moving date is considered to be the date from the twenties of December, at this time Christmas toys appear in stores with discounts, as well as New Year souvenirs. In the stationery stores discounts sometimes reach eighty percent. In Finland, shops do not work in Christmas. Immediately after Christmas, the entire range of products start selling at a discount. Initially, the discount of ten percent can grow to the end of sales up to seventy percent, but along with the price decreases the chance to purchase and find a standing thing, because almost all products of popular and running sizes are revealed in the first days when the sales starts, besides, a certain product starts Discounts are valid until this party will end in the store. Wait and risk the owner of a very small sizes of shoes and clothes, but things large sizes Do not lie on the store shelves for a long time. Christmas Sale throughout Finland is held in all cities, but it is worth considering the fact that in the nearest cities, which are located near the Russian-Finnish border (Imatra, Lappeeteranta, Kotka, Hamina). Goods are bought up quickly by Russian tourists and the choice remains quite scarcily. The most "yield" shopping is considered in the metropolitan stores of the city of Helsinki and in cities, which are significantly removed from the Russian-Finnish border (Turku, Tampere, Lahti, Mikkeli, Kuopio). December 31 in Finland shops have the right to work only until six in the evening, but many of them close earlier. In Finland stores, the collection is updated almost every month, and small shares are held in stores round year occasionally. Minimum size The discounts range from ten percent, but most often you can meet discounts in the amount of from twenty to thirty percent, but also they can achieve seventy percent. The Stockmann supermarket is announced their sales, they are held in April and October. They are called Hullut Päivät, in our opinion these are crazy days or the day of the fool, and last four days, from the environment until Saturday. It is impossible to see the exact date of sales in advance, in Stockmann it is declared in advance yet. Discounts do not apply to the entire range, but only on separate species goods. You need to still take into account the fact that it is a very expensive store, and some products can be purchased without a discount, at the same price that with a discount, only in other stores.

    When shopping on sales should be heading common sense and comply with several conditions and advice.

    If you get clothes, then try it in mandatory. As the goods acquired with the markup are not refundable, and even replacement.

    In electronics and furniture stores Announcement about "release warehouse"Or about the" seasonal sale "can be posted throughout the period of the year, and prices reduction therefore it turns out to be mythical.

    During the sale it happens in the store to choose a product that you really use it in the future, so the Finns themselves prefer to look after the purchase on the eve of the sale.

    Do not forget about the design of Taks Free, which applies to the goods that purchased during the sales period or at a discount.