Lenorman combination rider moon ring. Maps Lenorman, their meaning and combination in lovelines

Three golden crowns

Your desire will be very fast!

Two gold crowns and one carriage

Your desire will come true some time later, therefore you should be patient. Do not forget that one desire is not enough - you need active actions.

Two gold crowns and one cross

There are some obstacles on the work of your desire. Eliminate them and then get the desired. Now, as ever is important to focus on something on one.

Three carriers

Your desire will be fulfilled with a small delay. Now the ideal time to go to the far path. All things that will have to decide on the road are crowned with success.

Two carriats and golden crown

To make a desire, you need to make some efforts. It is worth being very neat in solving financial affairs and paperwork.

Two carriages and cross

Alas, but while the time has not yet come to fulfill your desire. Now much more important to do own health and appearance.

Three crosses

Your desire will be very quickly, but the result will not at all like that you would like. Try to learn from the current situation. This is not easy, but perhaps.

Two Crosses and Gold Crown

On the way to your desire you are waiting for great tests, however, if you are persistent in your attempts, everything will be safely.

Two Crosses and Care

Alas, but your desire is still unlikely. How much effort do not attach, and the results will not, as if the Universe itself is against.

Crown, Cross and Coach in any sequence

When your desire is fulfilled, for you, alas, it will not be relevant. You will have long been thinking and dreaming about other horizons.

Before you, one of the most interesting ghosts on the site is "ancient solitaire". It is now difficult to determine when this fortune telling Solitaire appeared for the first time, time hides its creators from us. Rather, this fortune telling is a reflection of folk wisdom, because his symbols are close and understandable to every person and go from life situations, not from the magic of magic or interpretation of some other ghosts.

So, O. happy man Always spoke and say that the sun is brightly shining above him, the symbol of lovers has always been a flower, the shine of swords in man was associated with the war, quarrel. "Kopeyk ruble coats," the people's saying teaches us, and they say - "Meliel Mel, Mill,", etc.

This is this everyday wisdom and formed the basis of the fortune telling you, to which the People's Molver attributes the property to reflect the present and predict the future. So this or not - judge for yourself. However, it is possible to say with confidence: Solitaire folding is really a very exciting occupation. It calms down and precasts your leisure, and unexpected coincidences with certain personal plans and situations will make an inquisitive mind. Like any other fortune telling, Solitaire requires communication with his magical subconscious. To do this, you must free your mind from all thoughts, except for the desire to find out a specific present or future.

So, the rules for placing solitaire. Select it design and folding cards. Cards can be laid out or from the deck decomposed on the screen, or by pressing the button. Clearly formulate the question that makes you most about this time and click the Start Signal button. After that, you will go to the Solitaire page, where the process of folding cards itself begins. The alignment ends after all 20 pieces fall. Cards fall from left to right to 4 in each row. As you noticed, on each card of solitaire marked half the four drawings. If half the cards are half the drawings, then such cards must be combined.

A little more. If on the left or on top of the last feeled card, there is a card with the second half of the drawing on the last card, then such cards must be combined. To do this, click on the word that indicates the coincided pattern. If on the left and on top of the last dropped card are cards with the second half-halves of a picture located on the last card, then you will need to choose only one drawing that you would like to combine. To do this, click on one of the two words that appear that indicate the coincided drawings. You can not turn on your axis previously combined cards.

This solitaire is almost fully automated, so let you not scare some of the confusion of the rules. Good luck!

Try to relax and fully focus on your question, do not get distracted by foreign Summas. After that, as specifically, as you can say your question in the mind.

Man always manified unknown. Immediateness of the centuries to find out what the future prepares and where the problems of the past are hidden, for many peoples was considered sacral. Speaking towards the help of shamans or the interpretation of the fate of the stars, our ancestors every time tried to raise the veil of secrets and get a hint from the universe. There were no various kinds of fortune tells and the OCHA of royal blood. To us came to fortune telling Catherine, who was very loved to induce the empress.

Ways to learn fate

The fortune telling is a kind of guessing the future with the help of various auxiliary items. IN modern world The most common ways of predicting the future are:

  • tarot cards;
  • runes;
  • Ekaterininsky solitaire.

Specialists for each of the listed fortunes can be found as in real lifeand on the Internet. Despite the fact that skeptics are very incredulously refer to online fortune telling, the latter use modern man Special popularity, as a real specialist, we still need to search and allocate time on his visit.

And with the Internet, everything is simple: If the gadget is online, then sites that provide predictions for every taste and color, abound. You need to choose the desired site, mentally ask a question, click on one or more cards (it depends on the chosen defold) and in a matter of seconds the fate of a person will be in front of it with interpretations and explanations.

The most popular way to know what is waiting for a person in the future are Tarot's cards. In the world, more than 40 decks of these mystical pictures are known. Each self-respecting magician or an astrologer considers his duty to make up and create his own a unique deck of tarot.

Runic fortune telling came to us from the Scandinavian countries. There, the ancient Magi and Mages from Generation into generation passed secrets of interpretation of symbol-runes, applied to stones or wood. In modern times, this method of predicting the future and online is found.

The inheritance of the Great Empress

One of the simple virtual ways to look into the future without the help of specialists are Catherine maps, fortune-telling on which several centuries have been quite popular in our country. From where herself great Empress Catherine II brought this way to interpret the future, unknownBut various historical sources have retained a lot of information that it was during her yard that this method of entertainment and communication with otherworldly forces was popular.

It is known that the pains of blue blood loved everything mystical and often kept with the courts of their own predictors and magicians. In order to cope with the enemy or learn about his new plans, emperors and kings before doing something, they consulted precisely with these people who could look at the forbidden curtain of the future.

In order for the Catherine fortune telling on 40 cards told about the future, it is not necessary to be a specialist. At each of the pictures, a specific object is depicted, which, together with the rest, will tell you the information that interests it is invalid. Such cards exist both in printed form and in virtual.

Rules of divination

If there are no printed cards with pictures at hand, you can use online fortune tells. By selecting the desired website, you need to concentrate on the question of interest. The easiest way to ask a virtual deck about the future, past or present. In order for the pictures to respond and understand the gadgets correctly, you can ask, for example, the following questions:

So that everything happens, it is necessary to completely concentrate on the question of the question and do not be distracted for anything. After that, press the mouse to the pointer to virtual cards decomposed or mixed. In despusting, the empress must be pulled out 3 cards, which will prompt the necessary information. For example, in fortune telling Catherine for three cards fell:

  • chain;
  • quiver;
  • candles.

Next to these symbols necessarily interpretation. The chain means that strong bonds will soon appear in the life of a gadget person and, answering the question that he is waiting for him in the future, reports that it is awaiting marriage or a long relationship of both love and professional nature.

Quiver in fortune telling Catherine for the future of 3 cards indicates a person to choose from or achieving several goals at the same time. In a pair with a chain, this symbol denotes that the goals achieved will ensure the stability for a long time or the case that will work out, for a long time will become the main source of its income.

Candles dropped at the end symbolize meditation. In tandem with previous cards, they indicate that the solution to the problem will not be easy, but will be correct. It is it that will lead to further prosperity and will help achieve the intended.

Specialists recommend resorting to the help of Ekaterininsky Solitaire Not more than 2 times a day. IN otherwise Cards can "tired" and speak untrue. Also, the Universe might think that the giggling just plays and does not apply to the scenario of seriously.

Indian Solitaire

It is noteworthy that the imperial way to interpret the future is very similar to fortune-telling with the help of Indian cards. In this case, pictures are also used in the amount of 40 pieces. To obtain answers to questions, it is necessary to collect entire objects from the parts located in the neighboring pictures.

Usually, Indian fortune telling talks about gadaying in the 3 stages. The first suggests what was in the past, pointing to the reasons for what is happening now. The second alignment shows a person what is happening in the present, and the third prepares it to the events of the future.

A characteristic feature of the defold is that if it is burned to someone else, then this person must move your own hand Several squares from the deck towards the arguing. If this is not done, the truthfulness of the information received will be very doubtful.

Despite all the simplicity of virtual fortunes, specialists are not recommended to use them too often. No matter how much the alignment of the alignment is, it's still a way to look into the future. And his, as you know, not to know a person.