Processing the edge of glass at home. When the glass edge processing is required

(Last Updated On: 04.10.2017)

Work with glass belongs to one of the most common types of work performed during home repairs - glass today is very popular in the decoration of the premises and decorating the interior. Working with glass time-consuming and often practically impassable at home, for example, straight processing of glass edges with their own hands, not to mention the creation of a line curve, will be a task with which only the master, having a tremendous experience with glass and special equipment . Nevertheless, some types of glass processing can be performed at home, thereby decreasing the total costs for processing.

Common types of glass processing

Most often, the glass is subjected to the following types of processing:

  • cutting;
  • edge processing;
  • drilling.

Cutting of them is the most common type. It is easy to cut the glass, but you need to follow a certain accuracy and have at least minimal experience.

Glass should be put on a flat and smooth surface, applied along the cut-off pattern - it may be a ruler, wooden rail or tape. Then the glass cutter is taken, it is put almost vertically at the beginning of the cut line. It is necessary to cut on yourself, spending glass cutter only 1 time. It should not be pressed too much on the glass, it is also impossible to create point pressure - to put pressure with the same force along the entire length of the cut. If everything is performed correctly, the characteristic weak crackling will be heard.

If the glass cutter does not cut through the glass, it should be wetted in kerosene. However, this is permissible only if the tool has not lost its sharpness. If the roller fastened, it can be treated on fine-grained emery. In a situation, if suddenly the incision did not work, should not cut on the same line - you need to turn the glass and repeat the incision from the reverse side.

Before choking a cut fragment, you need to sprinkle the glass from bottom to the hammer. If the cut is small, it is more convenient to calm it with the help of special recesses on the glazing sides or pliers.

Processing the edge of the glass with their own hands

Processing edge, including rectilinear processing of glass edges with their own hands, in perfect version Must be performed on special equipment, However, the price of such a machine is very and very large, so you can afford it can afford only a few. Therefore, at home, process the edge of the cut sheet of glass is accounted for using files or a grinding bar. Depending on the glass thickness, a file type is selected:

  • for thick glass - personal file;
  • for thin glass - velvet file.

During operation, the file should not be dry, in the ideal version it should be made it with a 10% solution of camphor in the turmoil, if the kerosene is not satisfied with such a solution, or even simple water.

Straight processing of glass edge should be performed by the movement of glass on the fixed tool forward-back. At the same time you need to be extremely careful not to break the glass. Move the glass across the tool is impossible. It should also be borne in mind that with such a processing the tool is quickly coming in disrepair. Therefore, it will be unreasonable to use a new expensive tool for processing edge - for this better suitable old And already unused for the exact work file or bar.

The processing of glass edges should be carried out in gloves and protective glasses, which will protect the employee from damage by small glass sawdust. Because the basic requirement for any work is its safety.

When we work with glass and carry it from place to place, you need to be especially careful with transportation, as it can easily break. Nowadays, many beautiful items are created from the glass. Before doing them, you need to know how glass is processed. The processing of glass includes a plurality of stages in which you need to maintain accuracy and attentiveness.

What you need to work

Before you understand how this fragile material is treated, you need to know what kind of glass processing equipment is used?

If you do this important process at home your own hands, it is worth noting that all work can be two stages:

  • Grinding.
  • Polishing.

In order for these steps to perform efficiently, several important tools are used. For example:

  • Bulgarian, which can change the speed of rotation, it is important when working with a fragile material; To not overheat it, the Bulgarian should work on revolutions from about 1200 to 1700 per minute.
  • You can also use a drill.
  • A specially created velcro nozzle is necessary, which is used to secure grinding circles.
  • Grinding wheels that have a sandpaper, resistant to water and different grain.

Professional equipment

There are also special glass processing machines that are not used at home.

Such devices are used to perform work securely and efficiently. You can define three main line of equipment for processing, which depend on which type of operation is produced:

  1. Walls for washing, cutting and drilling.
  2. Polishing, grinding and milling stations.
  3. Tools for processing edges and facility.

You can also mention such equipment, which is specifically designed for the work of a narrow direction. For example, there are machines that are created for the processing of figure and large glass.

How treatment is performed

One of the stages of work is the processing of the edge of the glass. Although special machines are used in professional workshops, at home the most convenient to use a grinding bar and a file. There are two types of files:

  • Personal.
  • Velvet.

The velvet file is used for thin, and a personal file - for thick material.
When working with a file begins, it is necessary to moisten it or water, or kerosene, and you can 10 percent of the camphore, which is based on the turpidar.

Two types are also used for the grinding bars:

  1. Carborundovy.
  2. Emery.

Carborundic bars can not be saved. When working with the edge glass sheet, pressed the tool is not advised, as well as movements should be along the edge. It is necessary to remember that you need special caution when the glass is very thin.

A little about the professional machine

You can consider the machine for processing the edge of the glass, which is used to polish and polish the edge sheet material. The equipment has a special air purification system in its composition.

This system consists of three parts, two main filters and one control. If the control is clogged, it becomes clear that you need to clear the main filters. Also on this machine there is a specially equipped tape that processes the edge. There is also a special airbag in this equipment that helps smoothly move the workpiece on the table area. Air is served through special small holes that are made in the table. When this function is enabled, the glass sheet, as it were, steer on the table, is very easily moved to different directions.

Methods Processing

There are two ways with which glass is processed. For example:

  1. Decorative cold.
  2. Chemical.

The first common method refers to sandblasting glass. It is performed by a special apparatus. Compressed air Feeds the sand stream to the surface of the material that is processed.

Cut off. With cutting, keep the glass cutter vertically with respect to the glass, pressing it from above index finger. Cut the glass cutter along the level rail or insulating tape. Start from the end. Drive the glass cutter on yourself, pushing the surface evenly. Cut out only once. Before choking, put a match at the end of the end. Carefully knock the hammer on the incision, so it will turn into a smooth fellow.

Take a file, for thin glass suitable, to better take personal. Put a small jar with kerosene or turpentine to constantly wet the file. You can still apply a solution of camphores in turpidar in terms of 1 to 10. From the grinding bars, use essay and carborunds; By the way, the latter can not be saved.

Start painting the glass along its edge. Work very carefully, especially with a subtle material. To get a straight edge, glass move back and forth on the surface of the bar. Constantly wet the tool in the cooked composition.

For this work, use old emery bars and old files, since scratches are formed in the grinding on bars, and the file is fascinated.

You can also take wooden barber And wrap it with sandpaper. First use coarse-grained, then change it into smaller. Make sure that when processing the ends, the surface of the glass itself does not fall, otherwise the scratches will appear on it.

Works on the processing of the glass edge must be performed in cotton mittens, and it is better to wear safety glasses to protect the eye.

Processing the edge of the glass is a time-consuming process that requires the wizard of marginal accuracy and accuracy. This procedure It can be performed both on special equipment in specialized workshops and at home with the help of an affordable tool.

You will need

  • - glass cutter;
  • - pliers;
  • - sandpaper
  • - carborund stone;
  • - Water.


Remember: glass processing is produced can be in two stages: by grinding the edge of the glass and its polishing. In the process of grinding the edge of the glass remains rough, but it is aligned and becomes more secure. During polishing, the edge acquires a transparent look as well as a smooth surface.

Perform rough processing of glass edges using pliers or glass cutters (more precisely, the excavation on its side side). This procedure is carried out as follows: Capture a 2-3 mm tool of the protruding edge of the glass used and, moving up or down, shake sharp protrusions. If the protrusions are small, they can be "to query", clamping and firmly squeezing with pliers.

Finishing processing is carried out by two methods: straight and curvilinear. Rectilinear processing will allow you to get profiles different types: Trapezoid, flat, rounded, and also shaped

What to cut the glass need glass cutter good quality. Professionals work with glass stacks equipped with a diamond stone. The cost of such a tool is in the range of 150 - 800 UAH. When choosing glass cutter you need to be guided simple rule- The thicker glass, the larger there should be a diamond stone. A natural stone Preferably artificial, it can cope with thicker glasses.

Whatever the glass cutter serves a little more than a few simple rules.

  • Do not touch the diamond to any other subjects. Stone must contact only with a cutting object.
  • Before cutting, glass must be cleaned from pollution, wash and wipe dry.
  • When the stone on one side still ventilate, then it can be turned over to the other side. And on roller glass cutters will have to change the work roller.

Cutting glass

Glass cutting works should be performed in gloves and protective glasses.

The order cutting the glass is next.

  • glass purify from dust, contamination, fat;
  • we lake the glass on a flat horizontal surface;
  • we plan with a pencil or marker line of the cutting line;
  • we take a thick ruler and apply to the markup, we are firmly held in one place. Whatever the ruler moves along the glass, it is possible to stick a rubber strip on its reverse surface.
  • we carry out the glass cutter on the planned line, while withstanding the same pressure on the instrument and ensure the continuity of the line.

Important. No need to put pressure on the glass cutter, otherwise the hand can be treated. The main thing is to hold a line without a stone from the material, with a uniform moderate force.

Now you need to separate the parts of the stele on the applied furrow. It is better to catch a challenge glass from the reverse side along the cut line. Then this line is combined with the edge of the table, and on a hanging piece of glass pressed the rapid movement of the hand. As a result, the furrow should get a smooth break, and the hanging part should remain in hand.

If the break will turn out with flaws, then its edges are poured, rolling with a glass of pliers or a glass cutter device.

Figure cutout do, of course, is much more complicated. We will have to do without a ruler, but to work with glass cutter on the previously drawn line "by hand".

After cutting the face of the glass grind, removing sharp edges, irregularities and giving the edges the strength and aesthetic appearance.

Grinding faces

After cutting glass, its edges remain uneven, with sharp torn offended. At the same time, the glass does not have a proper species, often needs fit of the sizes, its face is not durable and can crumble. Therefore, the edges of the glass after cutting or drilling are grinding, bringing them to a smooth state.

Most simple, this work can be performed by fast-growing power tools equipped with special grinding circles with diamond inclusion. Grain size is indicated on grinding circles In the form of numbers, for example - C20. Such a circle is attributed to the medium-trimmed. Classification, size is as follows:

  • 25 - 40, - large grain;
  • 16 - 25, - average;
  • 4 - 10, - petty.

It will be better if you use several circles with different grain size. Then the edges of the glass can be brought to a smooth, smooth state and without the use of shallow sandwich and handmade. For finishing A fine-grained circle is used, for example C5.

There are special grinding machineswhich work with the use of coolant.

Grinding can be performed in manual without the use of power tools. But this is a very laborious process. Work is performed using waterproof sandpaper. First apply coarse-grained emery paperand then small. The surface of the glass in the process of such a work is wetted with water.

How to drill

For drilling glass, special solid drills are used in the form of a pen. The cost of such a drill may be from 10 to 150 UAH., And the working edge is made either of very solid steel or from a diamond stone.

Glass drilling is performed in the following order.

  • The glass is prepared, cleaned by contaminants, washes and wipes dry.
  • Then the material is placed on a flat and durable basis, better from a tree or chipboard.
  • The glass is planned on the glass.
  • There are special wetting fluids for this process, for example, RD-P070. They apply to improving heat dissipation from the cutting point, and to facilitate the entire process. It should be borne in mind that without the use of cooling, glass can overheat and crack. But if there is no special fluid, - not trouble, you can do and ordinary water. Whatever the liquid is poured useful to make a lamb from plasticine around the hole.
  • Also, in order not to overheat the glass, you can take advantage of the coup of the material. Drilling half, you can turn the glass and drill on the reverse side, it is especially necessary to do when drilling thick glasses.
  • During the performance of work, it is important not to put pressure on the tool, otherwise there may be chips along the edges of the hole or the material cracks will occur.

To get holes big diameter We will have to use the glass cutter. First, on the glass marker, draw the necessary circle.
In the center of the circle drill with a feather drill drill a small hole.
Then the glass cutter is tied with a cord of the desired length, the end of which is fixed in this hole. Gently and slowly, holding the glass cutter in a strictly vertical position, cut on the glass on the marked line of the furrow. The entire circle to be withdrawal, with the help of glass cutter and the line, are exhausted by several furrows from the central opening to the circle. Now it remains neatly leaked blows hammer to smash the segments of this circle, whatever they fell out of the glass. After the entire edge of the obtained holes, grind and bring to a smooth state.

It is relatively simple, however requires limit accuracy.
Glass are put on a completely smooth surface (for example, a plastic table top kitchen table). The glass cutter must be kept so that the index finger is from above, and the tool itself occupied the position close to the vertical.
The glass cutter is operated by a ruler or at a flat rail. Instead of rake, you can also use an insulating tape.
Cut starts from the far edge of the canvas. The glass cutter is carried out on the surface - on itself - only once, evenly pressed on the glass. At the same time, glass should make a weak crackling sound.

If the glass cutter is sharp, but still does not give an end under normal pressure, it must be wetted in kerosene.
With proper operation, a good glass cutter should remain a thin colorless feature. If she looks like a rough scratch white colorSo your movement was wrong or you use stupid glass cutter.
The fastened roller glass cutter can be molded on a fine-grained emery circle.
If the nozzle did not turn out the first time, do not despair - turn the glass and repeat the incision on the other side.

Before choking the glass, put on it at the end of the match of the match. In order for an incision to turn into an even seal, it is carefully tugged down with a hammer, and then laid out. Small pieces are laid down using special side cuts existing on glass cutter, or with pliers.

Well, if you have no glass cutter at your hand? Can be resorted to a somewhat complex, but as much as efficient way - cut the glass with an electric soldering iron.
To do this, on the glass at the beginning of the alleged cut, we need to make a triangular supphyl bowl, then a few millimeters from it along the future cut line to heat the glass stalling of the soldering iron until a crack does not appear from the risks to the place of heating. So, gradually moving the soldering iron, you need to go along the whole line.
To speed up the process, you can cool the glass with a damp cloth from time to time.

Glass edge processing

Glass edge processing - Next stage of working with glass. The edge of the glass on special machines is processed, but at home we will use the file or grinding bar.
For thick glass it is better to take a personal file, for thin - velvet.
(See article)

When working, the files must be wrapped with water, kerosene, turpentine, which is best with a 10% camphor solution in pure turpentar.
From the grinding bars you can use elaborate and carborundov, and the latter is not needed. When working can not be strongly pressed on the glass; I need to paint the glass not across, but along its edge.
The thinner glass, the more worse it is necessary to work.

To obtain the rectilinear edge, glass is moved back and forth along the surface of the bar.
It should be borne in mind that the file and the lumps are very much deteriorated with such a work: the file is stupid, scratches are formed on the bar. Therefore, for grinding the edges of the glass, it is advisable to use old files and old emery bars.
Processing the edge of the glass, you need to wear cotton gloves.

Drilling glass

Small holes in the glass are drilled by the usual, which is preloaded.
The tip of the drill is becoming talked, and then quickly push it into the surgasch and keep until the surguck stop melting.
When drilling, the tip of the drill is abundantly wetted by turpentine.
Small glass items can be drilled in water.

If there was no drill at hand, you can use a piece of ordinary copper wire.
To do this, cook the paste, consisting of a major sandpaper, camphores and turbidar 1 part of the camphor in powder is dissolved in 2 parts of the turpidar and mixed with 4 parts of a major emery. The resulting paste is applied to the place where the hole must be drilled.
A piece of copper wire clamp into the cartridge drill.
Drilling the glass is conveniently through the fane (conductor) having guide holes.
Glass should lie on a solid and smooth surface.

All of the above is suitable if you need to drill a small hole in the glass, and if it should be big?
To do this, use one of the following ways;

1. For drilling holes with a diameter of more than 4 mm in thick glass copper tubesqueezed in the cartridge drilling machine. The diameter of the tube should be slightly less than the diameter of the selected hole. It is very important that the end of the tube is strictly perpendicular to its axis - this is easy to achieve, the test tube on the lathe.
On the glass around the outlined holes are made of plasticine or putty fencing in the form of a ring with an inner diameter of 40-50 mm and a height of 8-10 mm.
The corundum powder is poured into the ring (it is easy to cook it, grinding a piece of the unfounded emery circle). Powder is poured with a small amount of water so that liquid cashem turns out, after which it is proceded.

2. The hole in the glass can also be made using molten.
On the surface of the glass, pre-carefully degradable acetone, gasoline or alcohol, plump a slightly moistened river sand.
Inside the sharpened wand make a conical recess in it and purify the platform from the sand equal to the future hole. The resulting sand shape is poured melted solder with a temperature of 250-300 C.
After cooling the sand solder is removed, and the calery cone is taken out along with the glass circle sticking to it.

And finally, the way to drill in glass round hole Very large diameter.
To cut a large round hole in the glass, you must first drill in the center of the small hole, then strengthen one end of the wire in it, and to another end to attach the glass cutter or diamond and cut the circle to them.
Then the glass cutter or diamond is carried out by a ruler several radii from the hole to the circumference line. After that, take the glass in the hands and on the reverse side it is quietly hit by a wooden hammer handle.
Carved pieces of glass should fall out.
Emboss the cut parts of the glass preferably in water. This reduces the likelihood of damage to the glass processed.

After the cut or, more precisely, after the fracture of both flat and cylindrical glass of the edge along the break line can be uneven, with protrusions, jar and sharp edges. In this case, the edge of the glass must be aligned.
In order to roughly fill the uneven edges after trimming, the pliers are used, which are not laid out sticking pieces of glass, and, carefully pressing the edge of the glass with the most ends of the flat lip of the tool, gradually and gradually crumble or crushed the edges of the glass.
Glass edge processing technology is similar to the processing of glass edge when cutting it.