Where does mole come from. How does a wrapping mole appear

Every person faces mole. Staying invisible, it spoils clothes, food and furniture. In order to successfully get rid of it, you need to know where the mole in the apartment is taken from and what the reasons for its appearance are taken. Most often, the housing is settled by a wrapping or food type. The first larvae feeds clothes, other food. Insect can get into the room through ventilation system or open windows.

General information about moth

This is a small insect, leading twilight lifestyle. Pests are its larvae. Moths have similarities with moths, and their peculiarity is the lack of a trunk. Food pests consume with the help of the oral apparatus - the jaws, which they swallow the bones of fruit and seeds of plants.

The energy supply will be copied in their organism. Grown, insects cannot eat and digest food, their main task is to postpone eggs. Livestone from two weeks to one month. At this time, little moves, it flies only in the dark time of day.

The development of moths, as the insect breeds can be described like this:

  • The female lays eggs, of which caterpillars appear in 15 days at a temperature of +20 ° C.
  • The larvae energetically feed and turn into a caterpillar.
  • Outping, the caterpillar is pumped. In a cocoon, it is up to two months, then an active butterfly appears from there.

The wings of homemoli reach 7 mm and the folded form resemble a triangle. The insect may slightly differ in the color, but the butterfly is always inconspicuous and unspoken. Proper quickly - for 60, and sometimes 45 days. If the eggs are postponed at the beginning of autumn, the larvae winter, hiding in the woven cocoons. Those who stay in the warm room continue to eat. But not all types of insects can transfer the winter.

The mining mole lives on trees and plants. She is not able to overweight at the age of the caterpillar, only the pupa can be defended from frost due to the cocoon. After winter hibernate, butterflies fly out of cocoons. Agricultural crops suffer from this.

Varieties of a moth in the house

In the apartments most often there are two types of pest:

Possible causes of appearance

The owners are interested in why moth start in the apartment and how to deal with it.

Food. In the kitchen, the pest falls through products brought from the store. At the plant, stock or in the store food product is incorrect, or in a leakage packaging.

Often, products infected with moth are sold at discount prices. The hostess buys such a product and enters insects to the apartment. Pupae, eggs and larvae fall into the house with furniture or croups, spices. Sometimes the pest falls into the dwelling through the ventilation systems.

If there is a food store on the first floor of the house, the moth can move from there.

Hardware. If this kind of moth appeared, the owners need to remember, whether they were acquired lately:

  • Woolen natural carpets.
  • Upper clothes (fur coats, coat).
  • Footwear with natural fur.

If Belyanka appeared after the purchase, the larvae was already in things, it is necessary to find them. After settling, the pest breeds and spoils other things.

Former in use of furniture serves as a place to move moth. Sometimes the insect penetrates housing on pet wool, but such cases are rare. Whatever the way in the pest in the house, you need to prevent its reproduction.

Mole in the apartment: photo

Preventive actions

For food moth favorable conditions habitats are:

  • Stores, closing cabinets in the kitchen.
  • Twilight.
  • Unfailed premises.
  • No sharp odors. Fragrances, unpleasant moths: lavender, citrus, eucalyptus, vinegar, tobacco.
  • Feed. Without food, the pest is not able to multiply. He needs a source of food.

In order to prevent the appearance of food moth, it is necessary to carefully examine the goods brought from the store: cereals, dried fruits, herbs and spices.

To get rid of the dressing butterfly, it must be found. All new things should be carefully examined. Purchased thing for two days squeeze on the balcony. So that fur or wool is not spoiled, do it in clear sunny weather.

You can decompose orange peel or lavender in the closet, put an open bottle of essential oil of these plants, before storage put in pockets of cigarettes or put things with newspapers.

You can bring clothes to the balcony in the cold season. The pest will perish. Or on the heating battery in winter. Mol on knitted and woolen things will be destroyed.

Insect fighting agents

Get rid of whitefish is difficult. The methods of struggle vary depending on the type. You can destroy the pest not only washing and mechanical cleaning, but also with chemical preparations. There are the following varieties:

  • Fumigational - Plates and tablets placed in the insect probability places. Their evaporation kill pests.
  • Contact - aerosols and insecticidal solutions are applied to the affected surface. Caterpillars crawling and drinking things dying.

Many chemicals effectively destroy the insect. Mole can be eradicated, for example, with such drugs:

  • Mittoks.
  • Support.
  • Arous expert.
  • Desmol.
  • Antimol.

When combating it is impossible to spray products with chemicals. Infected food reserves throw away.

The fact that Belyanka visited the products, the bonded lumps of grains, a web and raids gray. You can get rid of larvae by placing a crum for warming up high temperatures In the oven or leaving for several days in the freezer. Kitchen furniture It is necessary to wash, rub with table vinegar. Room ventilate.

Each type of pest insect leads a specific lifestyle and has characteristic qualities. Measures, effective in the fight with a wrapping moth, will not give an effect against furniture. For complete destruction of the insect to each species, an individual approach is needed.

ATTENTION, only today!

Almost every resident of our country found a variety of pests in his home. But the most common question that occurs even in clean housewives is how to find mole and its larvae. After all, the studies of housing gray butterflies are chosen only at night. It is even more difficult to find the laying of eggs and larvae, as they are in secluded places, the existence of which you need to know. Before you begin to combat insects, you need to get acquainted with the paths of penetration and spread of insects.

Before finding the place of dislocation of moth, it is necessary to determine its species affiliation. After all, food, wrames and grain species appear in the house. Groceries feeds food variety of insects. They consume flour and spices, grain and sugar, dry foods and fruits. Set the presence of an insect is easy. The larva in the course of eating the croup forms a cocoon of silk. From the grain or flour of the worm make peculiar lumps that are used for pounding. Since food moths are poorly developed wings, it almost does not move throughout the house. The main path of its penetration is acquired cereals or dried fruits. In the apartment there may be a wrapping mole. To lay eggs, this type of pest uses fur things or wool products. It is necessary to search for her larvae.

Food butterfly detection

Worms prefer solid and natural nutrition. They consume patches, cereals, vegetation, as well as nuts and dried fruits. Imago does not consume nutrientsSince their oral apparatus is poorly developed. The lifespan of adult moths in the house ranges from 7 to 21 days. This time is enough, so that the insect has formed several masonry.

Find the pray nest is easy. To do this, review the cereals, fur products and vegetation. IMAGO Eggs in a preformed nest. Over time, worms and dolls appear. Characteristic signs The appearance of gray butterflies:

  • Pautinc.
  • Lumps.
  • Fortune in clothing.
  • Vault at the bottom of the cabinet.

To detect pests, you need to revise products and periodically check the wardrobe.

Causes of appearance

Before you find the food or wrapping mole in the apartment, you must familiarize yourself with the main reasons for its appearance. To infect residential premises, only one fertilized individual will be required. Gray Butterfly chooses those houses and apartments in which there is suitable conditions. To the main sources of moth appearances in the apartment:

  • Penetration through holes in building materials and doorways.
  • Penetration through windows that are not covered with a mosquito net.
  • Purchase of clothes or food products that were infected with larvae.
  • Penetration ventilation holesas well as air ducts.

To exclude a similar outcome, you need acquired cereals, things and other items to revise. By installing where the pest moves, it is easier to cope with them.

Signs of presence

Determine what mole started, easy. After all, in secluded places insect leaves eggs. But to find the pest brood problematic, since eggs differ in small sizes. Inspecting kitchen headsets and wardrobes, you should pay attention to the presence of a pile and cobwebs. Indeed, in the process of eating a cereal or natural pile of the larvae form cocoons from silk.

If the insect in the house is one, then find a flying mole housewives can not. With excessive infection of the premises, gray butterflies are chosen out and are engaged in searching for secluded places.

How to protect housing

If mole starts, then the damage can be quite serious. After all, cereals in which the insect postponed eggs, it is impossible to consume. To prevent housing infection, as well as to get rid of insects, you should use folk and chemicals.

Folk remedies

Installing where a gray butterfly or larva lives, you need:

  1. Prepare a solution including vinegar or strawberry and laundry soap. This solution is used for cleaning. kitchen headset and other surfaces. It also happens that they carry out additional processing.
  2. To scare off pests bay leaf, garlic, lavender or citrus crusts. Since over time, the fragrance evaporates, make a replacement of crusts or laurels.
  3. You can scare insects with cedar twigs and pieces of wood.
  4. Essential oils are suitable for the protection of wardrobes, as well as extracts. They are used to apply on cotton disks or pieces of fabric.


Manufacturers supply a variety of drugs and devices that are eliminated from the wrapping or food moth. Among the extensive range allocate:

  • Aerosol preparations. They are suitable for treating objects infected with larvae and pupae, as well as pest habitats. Rapator aerosols are used to protect, as well as a clean house.

Excessive purity is not yet a guarantor of the absence of moth. In the absence of other moths, gray butterflies come across the eyes more and more. In fact, the appearance of this pest does not depend on the purity in the dwelling. On his appearance affects a large number of other factors.

First of all, it is important to determine the type of pray in the house. There are two varieties: food and wrapping. They are very similar among themselves, but in the house are completely different ways.

How mole falls into the apartment

To determine where the mole is taken from the apartment comes from, think about how often you bring products from a supermarket or another store to the house. As a rule, the insect falls in the housing through the factory packaging. The first reason for this is the absence of tightness, as well as the wrong way to store in warehouses and in other premises.

Food Mol adores the following products:

  1. Cereals.
  2. Seeds.
  3. Nuts.
  4. Dried fruits.
  5. Milk mixtures.
  6. Flour.
  7. Pet feed.
  8. Dried berries.
  9. Herbs.

How does a wrapping mole appear

  1. Carpets made of natural wool.
  2. Fur or woolen clothing.
  3. Furniture with natural upholstery.
  4. Knitted, woolen things.
  5. Shoes in which there is a natural fur.

If you notice that the pest appeared after such acquisitions, then it can be safely argued that the larvae was in the goods purchased. As soon as the pest falls in the apartment, he will spoil everything that will meet from things on his way. As practice shows, even expensive shops do not boast of "clean" clothes and other things.

The main reasons for the appearance of food moth

The most favorable conditions for the lives of food moth are the following:

If you correctly identified the source of moths in the apartment, then a fairly competent approach to the struggle with the pest.

To avoid reproduction of wrapping moth, you need to carefully examine all things that fall into the house. Buying expensive fur coats does not exclude the fact that it can not be mole. Therefore, spend inspection right in the store! Houses post things for a few days on a balcony on sunny days.

Lavender or orange peels will help fragrant prevention from wrapping moth. Essential oil of any plant will also be an excellent tool in preventive work.

Those who prefer finished products, we recommend paying attention to special sections against moths. It is enough to hang such a means in the closet - and the case is done.

Basic rules of combating food species Moth are almost identical to the foregoing. At the arrival of home from the store carefully examine all the products where it can potentially be mole. If nothing has been discovered, fold for storage in linen bags or glass containers.

Regularly ventilate the room and lockers in the kitchen. Wipe the shelves with vinegar. You can put inside the lavender or orange peel.

Do not need to be very stocking with cereals and nuts in large quantitiesBecause over time in these products, mole may start independently and form a whole focus.

Mol is an unbroken gray butterfly leading mainly a night lifestyle. In nature, there are several hundred species of this insect. Some of them prefer to dwell in the human housing, turning into malicious pests. Their favorite food - fur, wool products, as well as food. To find out how to deal with this insect, you need to know where the mole comes from, what types of this pest are inhabited by our homes and apartments, as well as the features of reproduction.

A few words about the insect

Mol refers to the detachment of scales (butterflies), for which small size and mostly twilight lifestyle are characteristic. Serious harm can apply the larvae of moths. The adults of the individual when reached puberty, only the reproduction feature is performed (eggs are matered and postponed).

A distinctive feature of moth lies in the absence of a trunk. With this organ, ordinary butterflies mined nectar hidden in plants inflorescences. Moth larvae are more primitive and less whimsical to food. They have a well-developed oral apparatus, which allows them to even turn out plant seeds and fruit bones.

The lack of a trunk does not interfere with the normal life of the insect. This is explained by the fact that mole, staying in the stage of the caterpillar, with the help of jaws consumes food and accumulates the energy supply in the body for the future. Grown, insect not only deprived of the opportunity to eat, but cannot digest food. The main task of an adult individual is to output the offspring.

Since mol is able to cause harm while in the caterpillar stage, it is pointless to fight with adult insects. Before you notice flying butterflies, their larvae will already have time to settle in a dark secluded place and harm your things and food. And they will be not so easy to find them.

How Mol has multiplied

The development of moths, like butterflies, is held in several stages:

  1. Egg.
  2. Larvae (caterpillar).
  3. Doll.
  4. Adult butterfly.

The life expectancy of the butterfly is on average about 3 weeks. Some types of moths live just a few days. During this short period of time, the female has time to postpone from 40 to 200 eggs, from which white translucent larvae is incremented. As soon as the caterpillar appears on the light, it begins to actively eat and form a spind-shaped cocoon from the surrounding environment. It is in the stage of the larvae, mol causes the main damage. After a month and a half, the larva is pounding, after which a butterfly appears from the doll to the light. An adult individual literally from the first days of life begins to reproduce offspring: puts the eggs in dark secluded places and in a short time he dies.

Thus, under the proper conditions, the reproduction of moth is the process is incessant. The duration of the development cycle depends on the type of insect, the habitats and varies from 1 month to 2.5 years.

Varieties of home moth

As for the varieties of winged pests, most often in residential premises you can find a wrapped and edible mole. It is worth noting that both species look like outwardly, but have different gastronomic addictions, they lead different lifestyles and do not claim each other's territory. Simply put, if you have noticed a wrapping moth in your home, then you can not worry about the preservation of reserves.

Hard and from where it takes

Mole in the apartment can spoil fabrics and materials of natural origin - wool, fur, cotton, flax. Such a type of moth is called a wrapping.

Where does the mole come from? Washing pests can start independently of the purity and well maintenance of the room. It can be like a wretched and fashionable apartments. And in the second case, the chances of the appearance of the uninterested guests are much higher, since the owners of expensive apartments are just on the pocket buying fur coats, clothes, furniture and carpets from natural materials.

The greatest appetite of the wrapped moth causes long-term things with the smell of sweat and epidermis particles. Moreover, in order to get to the favorite delicacy, the pest will not stop even before polyethylene and the cellophane package bursts in two bills.

How to recognize such a kind of moth looks like a small butterfly up to 8 mm. Her wings have a monophonic golden-beige color and fringe edges. Adults of this insect are poorly flying and most often move curious, and they do it enough.

Handling mole is able to postpone up to 200 eggs. The lifespan of the caterpillars, as a rule, ranges from 70 to 200 days and depends on temperature ambient. In cold conditions and in the absence of food, the larva wrapped moth can live up to 2 years. During the year, only one generation of such moth is born, which is explained by the conditions of caterpillars and the duration of their development.

Find out where the mole is taken in the house, it is not always possible. But if after buying a woolen or fur thing you will begin to notice flying malicious moths, it means that the insect larvae has already dwell in the product.

Where does the mole come from? In addition to the human factor, the fault of the pest appearance in the dwelling can be a pet, which only performs the role of a vehicle when moving from the street to the house.

Finding moths in the dwelling can also contribute to the open window or ventilation system.

Food mole

If relatively wrapped moth, the situation is more or less clear, then where does the mole come from in the kitchen? IN residential buildings, warehouses, shops and granaries prefers to settle food mole.

There are several types of such moths, and each of them causes irreparable damage to food. So, the flour mole is started in the croups and flour, fruit - in dried fruits, spices, mushrooms, herbs and nuts. For ordinary person All varieties of food moth look the same - this is small gray butterflies with a dark pattern on the wings. It is on a dark pattern that the food mole is determined.

Where this pest comes from, it is not always possible to find out. But as a rule, infection with larvae of moth occurs during the storage of products on food warehouses, where the mole can be unhindered with eggs. Therefore, do not be surprised where black mole come from in the apartment comes from, because you can put the pest along with a cereal bought in the store. Moreover, such a product will not save hermetic factory packaging, as it has already been infected at the time of storage in the warehouse. Of course, immediately after buying worms in the package may be absent, but after some time you will begin to notice flush butterflies in the kitchen, and in the package with croups, we will find moths and caterpillars.

Based on the foregoing, it follows that in most cases mole brings the person himself.

Wrestling Wrestling Moth

The fight against moth larvae - the occupation is not easy, as the pest postpones eggs in the most secluded places. It is worth noting that the wrapping mole is much easier than food.

The methods of combating paying mole are as follows:

  • inspection of things for the presence of eggs and larvae;
  • drying clothes and hats in the sun or washing at a temperature of 60 degrees;
  • spraying in the habitats of insect special aerosols in order to destroy the larvae;
  • placing means for scaring the pest (Lavender, essential oils, Fumigators) among things on the shelves and walls of cabinets.

How to get rid of food moth

To bring the food mole, you need to make a lot of effort.

First of all, it will have to throw away all infected foods: cereals, flour, herbs, root and so on.

Against flying moths can use special aerosol means. Kitchen cabinets must be treated with acetic solution or intended for these purposes tools that are sold in a business store.

After getting rid of moths and larvae as a prophylactic agent on the shelves, the twigs of lavender or other specialists that prevent pest appearance are possible.

In addition, in order to not be asked in the future, where moles brought from the Crupes store must necessarily need to be calcined in the microwave or oven. Such a procedure will help kill eggs together with larvae.

This insect is able to spoil the objects of clothing, food and even harvest, which is grown quite painstakingly.

Who is this moth?

Mol is a representative of an insecual butterfly from the detachment. Everyone private view This pest has a direct impact on external characteristics and insect size.

The classification ranges to a row of home moles the following types:

  • furniture;
  • handling;
  • food;
  • grain.

Adults, belonging to these species, differ from their other relatives in small dimensions that do not exceed 15 mm, and coloring that helps them remain invisible. Colors can be dirty brown or gray-green.

Another difference is the method of eating insects.

The larvae and caterpillars of these moths have a powerful apparatus for nutrition. This allows them to consume solid food, for example, stems or leaves, beets, cabbage.

Usually, favorite delicacy displays the name of the pest type. Some adult individuals during their development and metamorphosis lose the oral apparatus, as a result of which they cannot eat. Therefore, the term of their life does not exceed one week.

Habitat These insects are chosen either next to the power source or directly in it. Initially, a slot is formed, where moth larvae develop. A prerequisite for the placement of the nest is the proximity of the location to the source of food.

Adults are sexually extinguished during the second day since the appearance. This is due to the fact that the lifetime of adult individuals is a small period of time. After the butterfly is fertilized, it does not have a limited time in order to find a suitable place and postpone eggs. At one time, the female lays out of several to 150 eggs.

What are the reasons and signs of moth appearances?

How to understand where mole appears in an apartment or house? In order for the pest population of its activity in the room, it is enough for one butterfly to get on its territory, which is fertilized and the presence of confortable conditions for the existence of moth conditions.

To get into the apartment or house insects can three ways:

  • fly through an open window;
  • move from the street with things or shopping;
  • throw through the slots in the walls from the neighbors.

There are a number of signs indicating that mole appeared in the room. The complexity of detection is only insect eggs due to their little size. Larvae and pupars moth simply notice, manifesting a little attentiveness. It is easiest to find adult individuals.

If more than one moth flies around the apartment, then this is a faithful sign that there is a need to carefully examine the wardrobe, especially things from natural materials, as well as kitchen bedside tables and cabinets, devoting special attention Places of storage of dried fruits and croup.

Methods of struggle

Due to efficiency chemical substancesTheir help is resorted first.

You can get rid of insects with chemicals by using modern insecticidal substances this may be:

  • fumigators;
  • aerosols;
  • sections.

Their difference between themselves lies in the speed of exposure and the specifics. It is important to remember because the sections are used in defense purposes, while other chemicals helps to bring out the population already settled out of the apartment.

Fumigators have a slower effect on insects, but provide higher protection than aerosols that have a higher impact speed on the insect.

The use of aerosols is a rather time-consuming process that helps withdraw insects. The complexity is that not only the clothes subjected to infection, but also all surfaces of the cabinets, is subject to aerosol processing. This means that for complete processing, you will need to apply multiple aerosol places. After it passed 3-4 hours from the moment of processing, the room in which the aerosol was used, it is necessary to control high quality and no less well wash.

Things that were also processed, you need to wash.

In addition, the use of aerosols in the event of the appearance of kitchen moth is the most limited as possible. This remedy is suitable in order to poison adult flying individuals. However, it is impossible to kill the insect larvae with an aerosol, since the struggle against these moths in the kitchen with this tool will spoil food and make them unsuitable for use.

Today to the most effective aerosolsused in order to overcome flying insects:

  1. "Arch".
  2. "Clean house".
  3. "Raptor".
  4. "Mosquitall" Protection against moth. "

Each of them has the aroma of lavender and is quite effective in order that the mole appeared in the apartment left your home and no longer bothered by his presence.

How to get rid of moths in the house using fumigators? Their use in the case when I started mole, meets less often than aerosols. However, this method is easy enough to use and also showed itself effective toolWith whom it is possible to fight with a mole in the apartment.

In order for the fumigator to start its impact on insects, you need to insert a flask with a fluid or a plate into the device, and the device itself is connected to the power grid. The heating of the substances of the fumigator is accompanied by the release of a specific odor that does not affect the person, but is intolerable for moths and other insects.

To bring out these moths from the house, you can use fumigators used to destroy mosquitoes, namely:

  • "Mosquitall";
  • "Raid";
  • "Dick-3".

If there is mole in the house, the use of such chemicals The struggle, as sections, will help prevent further insect reproduction. Adults are an individual of moli under the influence of substances used by sections, leave the territory of the house, while pending eggs and larvae are not exposed.

For this reason, the section is more used as a prophylactic measure against moths, and not as a means of combating it.

How to overcome the pest without chemicals?

This question was asked by many people concerned about how to bring mole in the apartment. At the current time there are a number of physical funds that use the fight against mole in the house.

One of simple methods Wrestling can serve a vacuum cleaner. How to remove mole with it? Very simple. Having found a nest with larvae, it can be simply removed using this subject.

Flying butterflies can be captured using adhesive tape, which is often used for flying flies. If the larvae appears or the moth are moth in food, for example, croups, one of the physical ways to eliminate it is considered to cancel in the oven for 30 minutes. The temperature should be 60 degrees Celsius.

Using folk recipes

Our ancestors got rid of molia using simple and effective meansprovided by nature itself. Their effectiveness is no less high and today.

What to do when at home is the individuals of moths? How to get rid of moths folk remedies? Quite often in private homes, people use the smell of plants that are considered intolerable for the insect. It can be geranium, lavender, tobacco or citrus.

The use of the aromas data will allow you to scare the pests from the apartment or at home for a long time cut. It is also possible to use such a means as naphthalene, but its use is outdated and not recommended.

What to do if there is not enough time to make moths?

There are situations where to bring mole from home or apartment becomes problematic due to the lack of a person's time.

In this case, you can call specialists who will certainly be able to save a house from moli for a long time short times, guaranteeing the success of the struggle.

Experts who have the necessary knowledge and skills can also help those people who have been able to start large populations of moths.

And a few words about prevention

Insects in any case are quite difficult and laborious. Therefore, to carry out timely prevention. To do this, you can use sections that have already mentioned earlier. This protection means affects insects through the use of natural oils that exuded the fragrances intolerable moth.

Also for preventive purposes can be used people's recipewhich is simple enough and effective. For its implementation, you need dried branches of lavender, tobacco leaves and crusts from citrus.

These ingredients are put in the bag, which is then hanging in the closet, where clothing objects or food are located. The contents of such bags are replaced as the fragrance intensity decreases at about three to four weeks.