Registration of a small bathroom. Little Bathroom Design Development

Create interior design of a small bathroom - the occupation is very exciting. Options even more than it may seem, consider 50 the best photos Bathroom repair ideas.

Interior design bathroom combined with toilet

Can there be a house with a cozy and stylish without a sparkling and honeying bathroom? Most likely no. Boring old tile And rusting pipes do not cause the desire to enjoy the adoption of the bath, and I want to quickly wash and run away. It is even more scary in this room if the bath is combined with a toilet. Therefore, a good hostess is very important to select the design of the bathroom of a small size so that it is pleasant to be in it and it would be proud to demonstrate to guests.

In the spacious bathroom you can get raised and apply various design ideas and modern technologies. But those who have a very small bathroom, also want to make it stylish and most useful to use every corner.

Little combined bathroom - the trouble of many owners of Soviet. So what to do? I want to live beautifully! So we will think how to add such a bathroom chic and glitter.

It is impossible to rearrange the toilet and bath to other places. It will require harmonization in BTI, and there are no permission. Let's leave everything as it is, and we will work with walls, floors and ceiling, as well as consider various plumbing models.

Tip! What materials can be covered with walls and floor in the bathroom? Standard answer -! But, fortunately, not only! Now there are many materials to create a magnificent, exquisite design Bathroom.

Popular interior materials:

  • decorative plaster;
  • mirrors;
  • mosaic;
  • marble;
  • ceramic tile.

In our opinion, for a small space, mirrors or decorative plaster will be very successful.. Mirrors will increase space, it is understandable. They can be located all over the perimeter of the room. Thus, the effect of bulk space will be. Mirrors can be combined with any other material, because the walls are completely separated by them not practical: it will require careful daily careOtherwise, splashes, lodges and stains literally destroy all the magnificence. An alternative to ordinary mirrors can be matte or corrugated glass.

Decorative plaster is characterized by applying it much faster than to lay out the tile, thanks to it you can create any color transitions, and with stencils, we apply various drawings. Doesn't it give the sophistication of the most standard and prose bathroom? It seems that such an option will be amazed by our imagination!

Mosaic and marble - the most expensive materials. If you "freeze" seriously, this is the most. In itself, the layout of the mosaic is serious, at all times it was considered art. Blue, gentle pink or lilac combined with white will create the desired spacious effect and will just delight the eye.

If the mosaic is liked, but "in moderation", then you can limit mosaic tiles. It also looks stylish, but it will be much cheaper.
Another way to stand out is to lay out your miniature marble bathroom. As far as it is advisable, it is better to decide on your own. In any case, the marble bathroom will look extraordinary, besides, this material is very reliable and will serve "faith and truth" long years.

How to enlarge a small bathroom with the right ceiling

Pondering the interior of the bathroom, we can completely forget. It seems no one looks at him. But it is worth allowing a mistake, and it will immediately rush to the eye. What can not be allowed in the design of the ceiling of a small bathroom?

  • At low height, it is impossible to choose dark tones.
  • Give up the temptation to make multi-level ceilings.

If suddenly the height of the ceiling "good" (it happens in old houses), then you can beautifully beat the contrast of colors. For example, we make a light "bottom and dark" top ". But when the ceiling is usual, at the entrance to such a room it will seem that he is about to spread us. This is an unpleasant feeling, and they should be avoided.

Fashionable and, of course, beautiful multi-level ceilings in a small bathroom will look cumbersome.

We want to achieve at least some spaciousness, at least visual.

What will help us?

  • The use of light tones or transparent materials.
  • Bright lighting.

Remembering this, you need to choose correct options Ceiling finishes in the bathroom. The material must withstand the constant impact of moisture, temperature drops and be durable. It is unlikely that someone wants to make repairs annually and reflect on the next design project. Therefore, you need to stay on the proven and popular methods for designing the ceiling:

  • rack aluminum ceiling;
  • mirror ceiling.

We chose those that bestly decorate the interior of the mini-bath, make it delightful and cozy. And with a tensioning ceiling it is simpler, because some kind of drawing and pattern can be embodied. With it, instead of the ceiling, we can have a blue sky with clouds or a glade with flowers. Built-in spotlights Repeat the light and give the interior mystery and romanticism.

Rack Aluminum Ceiling - Fashion Squeak and Find For Waning to Create Something Pattern on Standard square meters. Of course, these beautiful "things" are perfect for our tiny room. Long glossy panels are simply created in order to create the illusion of high ceilings and a large area.

The mirror ceiling, as well as the walls, visually increase the bathroom, and, moreover, they look very stylish. But! Here the main thing is to keep the balance and not overdo the mirrors. Otherwise, the elevation of the interior will disappear, or rather, the "raisin" will be too much, and this is not interesting. Leave either mirror walls or ceiling.

If the finish figured out a little, then you can think about the furniture.

Choose furniture

We love this part of the apartment, and we want to arrange there some necessary things that are completely inconvenient to constantly run into the room. I just perfectly put in a bathroom with a spacious bedside table and hang shelves.

Usually in small baths free space remains under the sink, as well as on the walls. You should not forget about it, because every centimeter of space is important for us.

There are many lockers that are placed under the sink. Most often they are sold with her. Therefore, changing the fitting of the bathroom, it is best to buy a new sink with a built-in bedside table. There are very comfortable sets with a long table top, which is located on the bathroom.

It is possible that there is a place for a high and narrow cabinet-polar. If it is nowhere to stem, then you need to use loose walls. Such is over the toilet (in combined bathrooms), over a sink, bath or washing machine.

Of course, shelves or lockers should not be heavy and overloaded. We will use them for storing towels and hygiene products. In the usual tube you can put a bucket, basin and detergents. Usually, all this is stored in the bathroom, but I do not want anyone that the economic things are in sight and the interior caused.

Basic requirements for furniture:

  • compactness;
  • ease;
  • strength;
  • moisture resistance.

Where to put a washing machine

We, hostess, very convenient when washing passes traditionally in the bathroom.

But it seems that our bathroom is unable to accommodate a washing machine. And what if you have anything else to put it? We have to look for a way out.

If there is no free space, you can put the technique for the sink, only not the usual, and flat shape. Smart manufacturers have already provided such a way of saving space and began to make sinks under a certain size of washing machines. You can buy them complete and install simultaneously.

In addition, there are narrow models machines with vertical loadingIt can be sinking between the sink and the wall. But only not entirely close, a small gap must necessarily stay for ventilation.

With the placement of a washing machine in a small bathroom options. If there is a place, you are very lucky. If not - invent something else. At the very least, you can sacrifice the sink.

Without mirrors in a small bathroom, Nowhere

Indeed, is it possible to do in a large bathroom without mirrors? Even if we choose as design mirror decorationAnd over the sink it will not be, it will still have to hang.

Discussing furniture, we said that all possible lockers would be good on the wall. Here they are practically equipped with mirrors. Buying one of them, we solve two questions at once.

Place all that I want, will not work in the compact bathroom. Always have something to come. If you do not put a washing machine along the wall, then you can hang a large mirror in full.

Mirrors can be of different shape and "work" to the basic idea of \u200b\u200bdesign. With pronounced marine themeWell, it would be good to find a mirror in the form of a fish or marine animal.

If certain geometrical forms prevail in the bathroom, then the mirror is desirable to pick up the same.

What kind important details should consider when choosing a mirror?

  • Well, the mirror will be illuminated (take care of the backlight).
  • Who will care for him (can buy a heated model, and forget about stains?)
  • How long will it last (for the bathroom there are special mirrors, resistant to moisture, and the usual will quickly lose sight).

Remember! A good mirror "will save" any interior!

If in the bathroom shower

For home - ingenious invention. This is what is needed for a small bathroom. The models of such cabins are many, we will most suit the corner or simple, but compact. Fortunately, on sale their mass.

Shower cabin provides the following advantages:

  • saving place;
  • saving water (when taking the shower it is consumed less);
  • comfortable process of washing (especially if the model has a hydromassage function);
  • modern, stylish view of the bathroom.

Replacing the shower bath, we can find a place for the washing machine, and for some small cabinet. However, I want to warn lovers to all forcing and littering!

Even the most spacious bathroom can be so closed, it will seem a shed. In a small room, this risk increases many times.

No need to put something in every corner. Better we put in the bathroom only the most needed. And only then she will look spacious, and it will be much more pleasant to enter it.

The only minus of this solution is the lack of space for swimming small children. Here you can offer two ways:

  • either put a small bath at the bottom of the cabin;
  • either wait until the children grow up.

Another spare way is bathtubs with a shower, they are ideal for a large family, in which there are fans of the soul, and taking the bath. But putting it in a close room, we will not save space. Although, in general, such a combined option is very convenient.

The decision on the feasibility of all this should be accepted individually. And this time you have to choose between comfort and scoring.

Repair Ideas for Hrushchev residents

Two types of bathrooms designed in apartments with such a sonorous name, so in three-room apartments we have a separate bathroom with a tiny bathroom, and in and two-room - toilet and bathroom are combined.

The tiny bathroom "Treshki" destroys all attempts to fantasize over its arrangement. Here are all the advice that we gave about the design of the walls and the ceiling in a similar room.


  • use several spectacular mirrors;
  • make a glossy stretch ceiling with spotlights;
  • refuse dark shades;
  • do not hang the shelves and cabinets (one over the sink is enough);
  • if possible, change the bath on the shower cabin.

A successful design of such a bathroom implies maximum simplicity, no extra details and jets.

Combined in screws more spacious. On the contrary entrance door It is a toilet, near the sink and a bath. Near the door there is a free space that is usually given to the washing machine.

What can be done with this prosaic situation? How to add her chic and glitter?

Option first

We change the plumbing. Select toilet, sink and bathroom square form. It is advisable for the sink with a long table top moving to the bathroom. It can be placed on it all the means of hygiene and other necessary trivia.

Mirrors over the bathroom and shell also preferably hang square. The ceiling is finishing with solid aluminum panels. Paul and wall laying up a mosaic tile.

Option two

We set the toilet bowl with the mount in the wall, select a flat sink bundled with a washing machine, hang a large mirror over them. Bath replace the corner shower, there is a narrow high rack between it and the wall. We leave the wall next to the door, you can only put a small basket for linen.

Wall and ceiling offered to cover decorative plaster Pastel tones, and put the floor with a tile of a contrasting shade.

The ideas of the design of the combined bathroom in the bathroom can be a lot. Fortunately, now there are all materials for incarnation of any dream.

Bathroom in a private house

Designing a bathroom in your home, you can plan in advance where you place the plumbing and furniture. There are no restrictions of an apartment building.

If the house is wooden, then the walls, and the ceiling can be sewn with moisture-resistant wooden rail. The floor is best covered conventional tiles in the tone of the tree.

Excellent, if there is a window in the bathroom, in a small room it greatly increases space. It can be originally realmed with rolled or. This will add a bathroom comfort, which sometimes seems "cold" and raw.

An important feature of the window and in the possibility of airing and drying, which is especially relevant during a wooden finish.

IN brick house The walls of the bathroom preferably "refer" to ceramics or stone. Ceiling in this case can be decorated with any kind suspended ceilings: They are aesthetic, reliable and inexpensive.

The private house is good because the repairs in it can be done and redid infinitely: nothing can be heard about the neighbors. However, I want to repair the repairs qualitatively that all elements of the interior serve for many years until they are bought.

To do this, you just need to use reliable materials and follow our advice.

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A small bathroom is most often perceived as trouble: there is closely, narrow, uncomfortable. But these are not the flaws of the builders, it is. This problem and wants to help solve the edition of Homemyhome, offering different interior solutions. So, the bathroom, photo, design for a small bath - we understand whether it is actually a problem.

Beauty and comfort we do ourselves, everything is in our hands

Different ideas for a small bathroom can hit the imagination. All of them seem successful, because in the photo we see.

The main task in increasing useful Square Through the correct placement of furniture and. It should certainly be opened out, as the door that opens inward, always grows up the space for malewes.

Also, if the room is very small, it is better to abandon the traditional bath, but prefer the shower cabin.

If it is possible, it is better to remove the partition between the bathroom and the bathroom. This will increase the area and place for interior maneuvers.

Article on the topic:

In the publication, we will look at the design in the styles: Classic, Loft, Retro, Art Deco, as well as the choice of furniture, materials for finishing, organization of lighting, specialist advice.

What is better repairs in the bathroom of small sizes: ideas and tips with photo examples

A very small bathroom requires a lot of attention at the planning stage and. It is significant and the material itself, and the texture of surfaces, and.

Repair of the floor Little Bath

Repair, it means repair: do not give up good advice - and. In the first case, you yourself save yourself from the possible repair of neighboring premises in the event of a pipe leakage, and in the second, eliminate the likelihood of colds due to cold floors.

Good recommendation will cover concrete slab Bituminous primer and polymer waterproofing film. On top of her, the base of the future floor sprinkled with fine-grained quartz sand, heating is stacked on it, and then the finish coating in the form of ceramics.

How to repair the ceiling in a small bathroom (with photos of variations)

Recent technological solutions offer to use a stretch film with a gloss or mirror effect. Such a coating will be resistant to humidity and steam evaporation, will serve at least 10 years and looks beautiful and aesthetically.

Painted ceilings update annually. Instead of painting it is better to mount or.

Article on the topic:

What can I say about the finishing of the walls of a small bathroom

Walls can be separated by ceramics, plastic, lay out artificial stone And even blew moisture-proof wallpaper. Chic selection!

For any material, surface preparation is needed. It is necessarily aligned, ground, covered the frame in the case of panels.

If you wish to see painted walls, it is worth buying an acrylic or silicone paint or water-dispersion.

Important little things: We select tile design for a small bathroom with photo examples

Ceramics is represented by such a large assortment that it is not wonderful to get confused in sentences. Why should you stop the choice on ceramic tilesIt is quite clear: quality, abrasive resistance, moisture stamina and temperature modes, non-slip layer of floor tiles and rich design.

Horizontal pattern of drawing visually makes the room wider.

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Design of small bathrooms in the apartment with photos of options: comfort, comfort, convenience

You can always contact ready solutions Little Bathroom Design, seeing a suitable option in the photo. Often, it greatly helps to determine their own preferences, as not everyone is born with an impeccable taste and a little in design. Let's see how to equip a small functional room with a toilet and without it.

Design of a small bathroom without toilet with photo examples

The design of a very small bathroom requires sometimes more attention than the overall room of another apartment: the task is not only an exterior aesthetics, but also saving space. Let's see how solved the problem little metraha Proper layout and successful design.

Little Bathroom Design with Toilet

When it comes to the design of a small combined bathroom, it starts difficulties: how to sum up the communication is unnoticed which plumbing models will suit each other.

Article on the topic:

Fit plumbing for small bath design

Modern manufacturers know the price of high-quality thoughtful things, therefore you can always find a suitable object for your taste. Let even this sink, a toilet or bath. If you want to real savings Places, it is worth buying a semicircular sink, preferring to her rectangular or square.

It is necessary to remove from the eyes into the wall or find a narrow high model.

Bathroom bathrooms

Let's talk about bowls - swimming the thing is necessary and bringing pleasure. Therefore, the item itself will be important. It will be about angular, standard and sedentary baths.

Standard and Sitting Baths

Standard baths are steel, cast-iron and acrylic. Each material has its own performance features and variety of models.

The most long-term option is cast iron, but acrylic is still becoming more popular, although not so stable for the appearance of scratches.

The form of a standard bathroom can be rather unusual, which makes it as a non-standard. But we dictate the conditions of a small female room.

A seating bath is used not only by elderly or people with disabilities: this is a modern stylish design.

The font may be with a minimum width of 70 cm, the length of the sedentious bowl can be 100-110 cm.

Enter the angular bath in a small bathroom

Corner plumbing is always more compact and saves place indoors. Externally, this is a stylish item, which makes the space more interesting.

Often such designs are chosen in the color of the entire plumbing, but a model with a transparent front wall is particularly popular.

Shower cabin in a small bathroom with photo options

It makes sense to think about the best design of a small bathroom with a shower. This is the top of practicality and prudence, because indoors becomes much more spacious, especially if the bathroom is combined.

Article on the topic:

: varieties, features, standard sizes, sales and disadvantages, functionality, overview of popular models and consumer reviews.

The zone of the sink in the bathroom small sizes: the necessary subject

How to equip a small bathroom? Pick up suitable interior items! Sink for a tiny room and itself can be tiny. Let's see which models are especially successful for our search for compact products.

Washing machine in a small bathroom: how to place it better

We remember, about the condition to choose the most compact models, otherwise it makes no sense in the councils as such. It will reduce all the recommendations for its placement in a small room.

Under, in the corner and even hang over the toilet, it is especially actious in rooms in 2-4 sq.m. The question of how to hide communications should also be solved.

Tip! Plumbing is better to care and organize a draining machine directly into the sewer.

We select furniture for a small bathroom: ideas with photos in the interior

The interior of a small bath may seem to the royal, if you think about what furniture where to install. The layout will tell you where to enter the shelves and, where, and what items it will be, the room will be perceived.

Storage System: Cabinets and Shelves

In this room, even with a high level of humidity, many things are still kept, at least bath accessories. It makes sense to install suspended shelves, dryer for towels, or put a vertical cabinet penalty.

Even in the bathroom, you can organize a storage system, as under it.

Mirrors and accessories

The mirror has long been a mandatory attribute of bathing. The best and traditional location for it is still the place over the sink.

The shape of the mirror will help play with visual perception of the room.

Lighting a small bathroom: Principles and accommodation options

About the hanging light source is better forget: the size of the room will tell you the hard "no". Instead, it is advisable to choose several lamps, just without incandescent bulbs. These lamps have no appropriate performance characteristics for the functions of this room, but the LEDs have everything in order.

Video: Interesting Bathroom Design Solutions

What layout do you think the most successful? If you have your own solutions to ergonomics issues, share them, please, in the comments.

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In most standard apartments of our country, bathrooms are more than modest on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. At 3.5-4 square meters, it is necessary to place plumbing with accessories, storage systems and in some cases even washing machine. With all this, it is important to create not just a functional room, but also an aesthetic, comfortable atmosphere, in which you can relax at the end of the working day and recharge your tone at the beginning of the next one. The task is not easy, but done. For many years of working with small-sized utilitarian spaces, designers have accumulated considerable experience in creating a rational design of the room. If there is no possibility to physically increase the volume, then it is necessary to ensure at least a visual expansion of space with the help of effective design techniques. Examples of similar design methods, as well as effective schemes Location of plumbing within small bathrooms you will find in our selection with 100 modern, practical and externally attractive design projects of bathrooms.

Before repaid

The smaller the space, the more carefully the preparation should be prepared for its design. The designer is taking advantage of total planning - absolutely all elements of the interior are selected - from the water pipes to accessories such as soaps and towel holder. Detailed preparation To repair, it will help you not only to withstand the overall concept, without missing any little things, but also save time and money. So, to choose from the design of a small bathroom, the following factors will influence the layout of the location of the plumbing:

  • form of the room (in standard apartments, private bathrooms almost all have the same layout, in private homes or apartments after redevelopment - options are possible);
  • passing communication lines (with rare exceptions, any engineering systems that are held in bathrooms can be transferred for the convenience of the location of the plumbing);
  • location of the doorway, availability of the window (take the door so that it is not opening the bathroom, but in the corridor, bedroom or hallway);
  • possibility of installation forced system Ventilation (as a rule, this item does not arise problems in apartments of the most diverse modification).

It is also necessary to think in advance the plumbing models, which you will be installed in the bathroom, because not only the layout of the premises depends on their dimensions and design, but also its appearance. Modern manufacturers have a rich selection of bath models, shower cabins, shells and toilet bowls of various shapes and sizes - to find a suitable option for the bathroom. The owner can be able to find a bathroom with any wallet size.

Decide with the style of design of the bathroom. Unfortunately, options for creating a truly original, exclusive design as part of a room with an area of \u200b\u200b3.5 sq. M. Designers recommend adhere to a modern style, which is minimalism. Simple and concise design with a minimum amount of decor, a strict set of plumbing, without bulky storage systems - optimal option For the design of the bathroom small sizes.

Color gamut for small bathrooms

Russians who are accustomed to the need to decorate small utilitarian premises (and others have rarely met in the apartments of the time of the last century) perfectly know that light shades will help to issue a modest bathroom in the area not only with the introduction of lightness and freshness in the interior, but also visual expansion of space . For most of us, it is white color is a symbol of purity and freshness that are so necessary in a room for water and sanitary-hygienic procedures.

But it is not necessary to dwell on light surfaces only due to the fact that the bathroom has modest sizes. Color accents are also necessary to deliver all households from persistent associations with a hospital chamber or an operating room, which is certainly pure and even sterile, but absolutely uncomfortable. But the bathroom, whatever small it, is intended not only to perform basic features to provide opportunities for water proceduresBut for relaxation. In large families, the bathroom is often the only place to privacy. Agree that such a space needs to be issued with special care. So, what can diversify bright shades (which will definitely be prevailing in design small premises)?

The abundance of white surfaces always creates a somewhat cool atmosphere of the room. Designers recommend to "dilute" a snow-white tone integration wooden surfaces. These can be facades of storage systems (most often these are small boxes under the sinks, less often - mounted lockers and open shelves), imitation of the tree on the ceramic tiles, which is used to finish the floors or design apron over the bathroom, washing.

Even in a very small room, it is impossible to perform all surfaces in white. Outdoor coating must be performed at least 2-3 tons of darker. It is necessary to create a favorable, in terms of emotional state, interior paintings. If the floor covering is made in the light tone, like the walls, and the ceiling of the bathroom, it creates a feeling of lack of form by the room, the person literally "leaves the earth from under his feet." You can use the imitation of a tree or stone, choose a tile with a motley ornament or in a monophonic version, but not light

In addition to white color, There are a lot of color opportunities to create a bright, calm finish, which will not waste the image of a small room and will help create a relaxing atmosphere. All pastel shades are suitable as the basis for wall decoration in a small bathroom. Light beige tones, among other things, help create a warm, relaxing atmosphere. Besides, on the background beige walls Snow-white plumbing looks more spectacular. You can bring the contrast to the light image of the room with the help of darker color solutions for outdoor coating or execution of storage systems.

Various shades gray You can use to finish a small bathroom room. On a gray background, not only the whiteness of plumbers look great. But also the brilliance of chromium accessories for the bathroom - various holders, mixers, cranes. The light gray tone can be taken as the basis, and with the help of darker, deep shades - to emphasize the geometry of the room or select one or another functional zone.

Not only with the help of choosing a color for finishing the main surfaces can be influenced by the visual perception of the room, its size and boundaries. Small color inserts, various edging, the location of the print on the tile - with the help of various design techniques you can achieve positive effects to create a comfortable image of a small bathroom. For example, the location of the unintent border or color insertion is not in the middle of the room, but a little higher, will allow visually to increase the height of the room.

Can there be such a small bathroom designer receptionas an accent wall highlighted with saturated color? Designers in one voice answer that yes. Standard size bathroom and even room incorrect form Can win from the presence of colorful finishing of one of the surfaces. It visually will not reduce the space, but emphasizes the form of utilitarian premises. Most often for bright or contrasting dark design, the zone of the shower cabin is selected, but can use the wall behind the bath or sink with a mirror as an accent surface.

Plumbing for a modest bathroom area

Modern manufacturers are focused on customer needs. The demand for compact models of sanitary devices does not fall, despite improving the quality of life, an increase in the possibilities of utilitarian spaces in apartments and private houses. Pay your attention to the suspension models of plumbing - toilets and sinks. They are embedded in a niche specially created for them, within which all engineering systems can be hidden. Console models will help save so necessary centimeters of the useful space of small rooms. Not to mention the aesthetic side of the question, because the suspension toilet or sink, which seems to be mounted in the wall without any pipes - a great solution for the modern and stylish image of the bathroom.

If your bathroom is the room is an irregular form or looks like a strongly elongated rectangle, which, on the background of a small area, it becomes a particularly problematic option for registration, then only a compact shower cabin is capable of significantly saving the useful space. In the line of modern producers, there are models with pallets of 70x70 and 80x80. Such modest sizes of hydrobocks are effectively embedded in niches (or occupy the entire width of a small bathroom), but at the same time perfectly perform their main functions.

If a shower cabin as an alternative to taking a bath is not an option for your family, then embed the largest plumbing device of utilitarian premises is necessary in the width of the room. In this case, you will have to choose the model, the most precisely appropriate size of the room, despite your personal preferences and even the growth of households. In small spaces, it is often necessary to sacrifice partial comfort for the correct layout of sanitary devices.

If your family has those who like to soak in the bath and those who prefer the invigorating effect of a contrasting soul, then it will be necessary to equip the bath with additional elements. So that you can freely take a shower, standing in the bath, you need not so much - the holder for the cheap watering can be mounted in the wall and a glass partition that protects the bathroom space outside the improvised shower. The glass partition will not waste the image of the bathroom, but at the same time it is securely protected from splashing water throughout the space.

Decor and lighting in small space

For a small space, light is one of the most important elements of the interior image. It is he - the main assistant in business visual increase The volume of the room. Reflecting from mirrors, glossy and glass surfaces, the light spreads through the entire volume of the small utilitarian room. That is why one ceiling lamp will not be enough. Point lighting around the ceiling perimeter, mirror highlighting, using tape lighting or combining various designs and modifications of lamps - even in small space options are possible.

The mentioned non-mirrors can be attributed to both functional and decorative elements of the interior. No bathroom arrives without a mirror, and in a small space it becomes not only a means for reflection of objects, but also performs the function of the visual expander volume of the room. If, instead of an ordinary mirror over the sink, install a large mirror canvas, it may occupy the entire width of the room, the boundaries of such a bathroom will literally erase. Not to mention the repeated reflection of artificial light.

In mirror surfaces, which often serve not only with reflective elements over sinks, but also aprons, you can drill holes for mounting lamps or output of communication systems to install the mixer. To effect the perimeter of such a mirror panel or at the bottom, you can set the ribbon backlight.

If you decide to use attachment storage systems over the sink, you can safely acquire a locker with mirror doors. As a result, you will receive a multifunctional object of the interior - a storage system, a mirror surface for reflecting the light and a visual increase in the volume of the bathroom and the original design element. Mirror facades can be smooth or have accessories. It is important to understand that fingerprints will remain on the smooth door, without a handle.

For decorating in a small bathroom, often there is often no possibility. In order to avoid crushing the image of the room into small parts, designers are not recommended not only not to get involved in the interior decoration, but also minimize all accessories and additional elements of the interior. And yet, we always have the possibility of bringing color, originality and simply a variety in a bright and often boring image of the room with the help of items, without which no bathroom has bright towels or shower curtains. The rug before the sink or bathroom, the original sets of bath accessories, various dispensers and holders.

Functional interior items such as mixers, shower watering can, cranes, heated towel rails, paper holders, towels, various dispensers can also be decorative elements. Original design Or an unusual material of execution (surface coating) not only diversified even the most trivial interior, but also raise degrees of the unique design of a small bathroom.

Under the conditions of severe saving space effective storage It becomes a priority direction in organizing a bathroom environment. It is important to distribute the necessary content items and bath tools in the lowest number of storage systems. There are also dividing liners for drawers, and hidden hangers, hooks and other devices, which are a lot in modern stores of plumbing and accessories for bathrooms.

A close bathroom is not the one where architects have been taken under the bathroom too few square meters, and the one where the interior space is incorrectly organized. Even the room with a minimum number of "squares" can be turned into a sample of advanced designer thought into a sample. The main thing is to get rid of unnecessary. Consider photos of different design options for the bathroom.

The first thing to do is to ensure that the interior of the small size of a small size has become much spacious - remove everything too much. We continue according to tradition:

  • keep things not where they actually place
  • keeping at hand not only what is needed, but all that "suddenly need"
  • use bath non-destination

It is because of our inorganizedness and by virtue of the habits established since childhood, decorative cosmetics, washing clothes, 5 shampoo bottles or shower gel (when one), washing powder and cleaning agents (their place - in a separate cabinet or pantry).

IMPORTANT! With competent zoning and design, the combined bathroom can look much more attractive than the bath in the imperial style.

Interior of a small bathroom

For small bathrooms (a in the post-Soviet space, in almost all houses of the planned building, bathrooms are small) Minimalistic design is perfect. Baroque, motley ornaments and many details will make a small bathroom even closer. Ryushi, ruffles, roses and complex curls are not our option. In a small space, clear lines of objects and decor will be more appropriate.

Note! Wall mirror - good way Visually expand the room. However, remember that in high humidity conditions in the bathroom, the mirror will sweat. One of the main conditions stylish design Bathroom is sterile cleanliness (walls, floors, glasses and faience).

Another way to visually increase the space - checkout the interior in bright colors with separate bright accents. Do not get carried away clean white color. In an absolutely white room, it is difficult to stay for a long time. In addition, white tile requires daily care and washing. It is better to choose a light shade of any color, and supplement the box with elements of a contrast or the same shade, but more saturated.

Note! The design of the premises works the same rule as when choosing clothes. Horizontal strips on the walls make a room wider, and the vertical "lift" the ceilings.

Instead of mounted or floor cabinets in a small bathroom, it is better to use built-in furniture - or mount the shelves with a solid "web" without gaps, so that they are completely covered with the wall. It seems that this option will reduce the space. In fact, the feeling of crashes is caused not so much by the actual area, how much how many separate items can distinguish the person. The built-in wardrobe or solid rows of shelves are perceived as a whole, and the bathroom seems more thanks to the psychology of the perception of space. For the same reason, everything that can be hidden into the closet must be hidden in it.

The more the smallest things and accessories will remain in sight - the closer looks like a bathroom.

The mirror in the bathroom can be equipped with point backlight, but it is not necessary to refuse from the upper light. Uniform filling of space with light is another way to expand the bathroom.

The door opens an additional half the door. Change the loops and install the doors that open out - or put sliding. This option is more convenient, but more expensive in montage and arrangement.

Design combined bathroom

Even if the bathroom is separate, one of the options to expand space is to combine these premises.. So do not be sad if the bathroom combined in your apartment.

Popular layout options for combined bathroom:

  • plain - The bathroom is located in width, the rest of the furniture is built along a longer side.
  • without corners - A niche semicircular shape is formed around the bath. Some of the useful space is "eaten", but it is easily compensated by the placement of a large mirror in the bathroom.

Combined bathroom is an inconvenient decision if a whole family lives in the apartment, with parents and children, grandparents. In this case, you can use a decorative screen that looks more attractive than the adhesive curtains, and is completely hidden in the closet after the filming of swimming (as opposed to the curtains that create visual noise, even asleep "in the corner").

How to make an angular bathroom

Corner bath - a compromise solution between the abandonment of the bathroom and the usual oval rectangular shape. It saves a place in a small bathroom. And in the form of a room, close to the square, the angular bath would have to take place the standard "sister" in type layers.

With the placement of the corner bath, everything is easier than with rectangular. The angular bath is square or oval - must be in the corner where she and place.

The rest of the rules remain exactly the same as when the bathroom is cleaned with a standard oval bath. In addition, the angular bath does not necessarily have to be in the form of a square. Modern plumbing manufacturers offer any configurations:

  • oval (with rounded edge)
  • square (with straight and clear lines)
  • circular (not the best option for closer premises, but it exists)
  • curved shape (edge \u200b\u200bof the bathroom complex formwhile the straight angle is saved)

How to choose furniture

All furniture for this premises should be moisture-resistant. This rule does not depend on the style or on the size of the room. Who wants to change all the interior items a year after the purchase? A reasonable person does not want for sure. So, first of all, when choosing, they are not focused on the design, but on the quality of execution. Basic materials from which bathroom furniture are performed:

  • plastic
  • glass
  • natural or artificial stone

Natural tree - practical and beautiful material. But, unfortunately, not in our realities. European manufacturersUsing natural materials In their collection for bathrooms, focus on the model layout of Europe, where the usual bathroom size is from 4 to 9 square meters. Typical bathroom in our conditions usually does not exceed 4 "squares". Natural wood furniture will not survive high humidity And flavored. Do not torment her nor herself (prices and prospects of re-equipment of the premises in the coming years) - stop the choice for more practical materials. Or choose furniture of elite producers from exotic, but moisture-resistant wood varieties. You will fit:

  • wenge
  • zebrano
  • iroko

Cabinets or shelves?

In close room, the cabinets are not a place! The more detached interior items - the closer it seems the room. The ideal solution There will be a built-in cabinet to the ceiling.

Additionally, it is possible to expand the bathroom at the expense of the mirror walls of the cabinet. But remember - they will have to regularly wash off the plaque. More than once a week, but daily.

A solid rack of the cabinets can be replaced from open shelves Without doors, or with sliding doors.

Basket for linen

Store underwear in a washing machine to washing - no way out. But from the basket in the bathroom it is better to get rid of - move to the pantry or other room. The main task is to make the lingerie basket not stand out on a general background. If you remove it at all nowhere - hide this "object of the interior" from the eye to the embedded cabinet. Similarly, you can enroll with a washing machine if the loading mechanism is not upper, but the frontal one. By this, you will decide two problems at once: the things are eternally left for a typewriter will not attract a look, and the machine itself works organically as the lower cabinet element to the ceiling.


The mirror is also better to choose Wall and Flat (Without a concomitant locker), but the maximum size. An ideal for a small bathroom can be considered a mirror in full growth. If you do not scare the prospect of laundering of large mirror planes - you can refuse the mirror as an interior object and make a mirror wall.

Modern manufacturers of mirrors cover them with a special film that prevents fogging. Such mirrors are much more expensive than the "room", but also serve longer. Perhaps it is worth saving for cleaning forces and funds on household chemistryAnd immediately purchase a mirror, "adapted" to high humidity.


Minimalism rule says: the smaller the room, the less individual items in it should be. And those that necessary must be minimal size. Glass for toothbrushes, bottle for liquid soap Or soap, other small, but important items, should be combined in color with the walls and not attracting a look. The same applies to the bathrobe (if you store it in the bathroom) and towels. To arrange accents, it is better to place several thematic decorative elements in a bathroom - exotic sink, picture or moisture wound plant. This approach will add to our extremely functional bathroom a little bit of carelessness, without cluttering the space with extra details.

How to equip a stylish bathroom in Khrushchev?

Khrushchev - not a sentence. It is quite possible not only comfortable, but also stylish. And the bathroom is also.

The first thing to do with the bathroom in a typical Khrushchev is to get rid of the standard bath and replace it with modern. The angular bath will save a little space. So what that the previous "cast iron"? High-quality acrylic keeps the temperature is not worse. But we released a little space for the washing machine, which is not sick. Instead of hiding a washing machine in the built-in wardrobe, you can place it under the sink. The designer, who thought of this witty decision, deserves a monument from all grateful residents of apartments with a typical Soviet layout. You can completely abandon the sink in the bathroom.

Another popular and modern method Save space - install instead of the outboard toilet bowl. Visually, the room becomes easier. The answer to the usual question: no, will not fall. Fastening for suspension plumbers withstand the load up to 200 kg.

How to choose a tile?

It would be worth starting. After all, the repair and decoration of the bathroom begins with the selection of colors, shades, style and selection of tiles for the floor and walls. The smaller the bathroom - the smaller the size you should choose a tile. The psychological effect works very simply - we see not the size of the tiles, but their number. Many tiles - space seems more. If you allow the means and patience, you can lay out the walls with a ceramic mosaic. But do not overdo it with contrasts. Too gentle mosaic on the walls of a small bathroom will create a kaleidoscope effect, and the room will look even closer.

It is not necessary to follow the popular advice and lay out the bottom of the room with dark tiles, and the top - light. Such a "design" divides the space that we diligently try to combine.

The glossy tile for small rooms is suitable better than matte. It is more difficult to care, but reflects the light and performs the same role as the mirror - visually expands the room.

How to make a modern design

Design styles hardly more than the interior designers themselves. In the case of a small bathroom from all directions working with the theme "under the old", you will have to refuse. But it is rather a forced plus, no matter how strange this wording seemed.

The wealth of finishing, gold and shine in the elements of the interior, coupling ornaments, the abundance of drapes and non-functional "decorations" - all this was invented in the era of stone locks with spacious halls. What in the Middle Ages there was no need, so it is in extra square meters. Modern manliving in the house layout can not afford to dilute the precious space.

The best solution for a typical bathroom will be a high-tech or minimalism styles. A classic works well, if you adapted it a little. Fortunately, all three styles do not come out of fashion, develop and remain relevant.

Less details, practicality, pure straight or smooth lines - current trends in modern designwhich is not suitable for a small bathroom.

Bathroom Design with Shower Cabin

If you want not only to create a feeling of additional space in the bathroom, but also really get a little extra free space - maybe you don't need a bathtub?

If you can live without a bath - install the shower. If the minimum size of the "lying" bath is about 140 cm in length, then the cabin takes from 70 cm. A half-meter died in architects planning old houses - by the standards of modern bathrooms, this is an unconditional victory over space.

If a life without a bath is not at all joy - you can find a compromise option. For example, install a shower cabin, at the bottom of which is a seating bath. Of course, to fully lie and relax in hot water will not work anyway - but you can sit and relax in hot water.

The walls of the shower cabin in a small bathroom should be transparent, not matte glass. And always clean. Then it will not attract attention to himself, dissolving in the interior.

How to organize repairs

The main problem of repair in the bathroom in the House of Soviet buildings is not close, but communications. The pipe outputs are strictly fixed, and capital redevelopment requires considerable effort and costs - if it is generally possible. In second place in difficulty - alignment of the walls. plays only on perfectly smooth walls. If your plans are not worth a periodic sticking of the tiles of tiles, the repairs should begin with putty and plaster walls.

Before re-equipment of communications, it is worth paining the project of your new bathroom. There are several programs for performing such tasks - they are easy to find on the Internet. But you can perform a project and in the old manner, by hand, on a sheet of paper. The main thing is that you exactly imagine what you want - and what place the area has for the embodiment of designer fantasies. Do not forget to read the same way with our material about!

bathroom design!

The bathroom of small sizes is not so rare, and in front of many owners the question arises about how to make this room (which is visited daily) as convenient as possible, functional and more attractive.

Consider several designer ideasSuppose not only to visually expand the space, but also accommodate in a small room of the bathroom as much as possible for personal hygiene objects.

Bathroom is exactly the place where the home improvement begins. There are several reasons here: the first - with a small harvest, it may be necessary to redevelop the walls, and their permutation will lead to a set of dust and noise. Second - installation new plumbing needs check, and in the case of incorrect connection It is possible to fall, which will be undesirable when expensive repairs have already been made across the entire apartment.

Stylish interior of a small bathroom, where mirrors are your assistant

To avoid further reflection, where to determine the desired washing machine or another locker, which indicates all furniture and plumbing, which the owners want to see in the bathroom. When the wishes of all living in the apartment are painted on paper, we begin to measure our desires with opportunities, namely, the room with the desired "stuffing".

Luxurious design of a small bathroom

Interesting. To facilitate the task to accommodate everything you want, you can use special modeling programs. They can be found on special sites created by manufacturers of plumbing or from sellers who often enjoy such assistant programs. As a rule, all sizes of furniture have already been made to such programs, and the buyer remains to be selected for themselves. suitable option Settings.

3 square bedroom designs. m.

In cases with young bathrooms, it is very difficult to accommodate all items, and at the same time leave space for the passage. But it is still possible to cope with the task, using one of the following tips:

For bathroom 4 sq.m.

Visual increase in space in the bathroom

A wide role can also play a visual increase in space, which will hide her small dimensions and give more comfort. It is possible to achieve such an effect using:

  • combining mosaic and tile: Give the effect of zonality and visual increase in space. The zone where the shower or bath is located, it will be good to look at it, if you make it tile, but the space where the washbasin is located, the toilet and various shelves are made up with a mosaic. The main thing when choosing finishing materials avoid dark shades. Unobtrusive frieze in bright colors is best suited for Khrushchev small bathrooms;
  • Combination of tiles and mosaic

  • visually pull out the room will help finishing material with horizontal lines, and in the case when you want to increase the height, use vertical pictures;
  • Horizontal lines expand the room

  • the flow of light in the room plays a last role in its interior. Point lighting Always makes the room visually more, while one lamp, illuminated not all items evenly, the space cuts. When selecting lamps, special attention should be paid to their ability to work in high humidity;
  • Spotlights

  • large mirrors Always give the room a larger space. Good decision will serve two mirrors installed in the corners, while you can choose them different sizesThat will also become a highlight.
  • Mirrors reflect light and increase space

    Installing a washing machine

    Washing machine in the bathroom takes a lot of space. Good option It will serve its installation in the kitchen. But after all, if the solution was taken after the bathroom, you can use several options:

    In the case when even the above examples do not help to enter a washing machine in the bathroom interior, you need to try to free it for it. You can achieve this bath replacement (which takes half the space) on the shower room, which is much more compact. The resulting additional space should be enough not only under the machine, but also for the container, which will contain dirty underwear, as well as for various lockers.

    Significantly saved the space in the bathroom. But what model is preferable to choose for a small room? The most compact model is the cabin with the doors, which opens inside. But such models have a minus for those people who have overweight.

    Sliding doors or doors "Garmoshka" can be served as a good option, equipped with roller mechanisms.

    Also, many owners of young bathrooms prefer to buy booths in separate parts. Doors, plumbing and pallet can be selected individually for each room. You can more accurately adjust the size and location.

    With this selection, first of all pay attention to the pallet itself. It is from him that the sizes of the future shower cabinet depend. The smallest in size is considered pallet 70x70 cm. But, as a rule, it does not differ in particular functionality. If still there is a place for a pallet with dimensions of 90x90 cm, the owners will be able to provide a sauna, hydromassage, foot massage, programming temperature mode Water and other amenities.

    Pallets can be not only different on the material of the manufacture (wood, steel, plastic), but also in depth. And putting a shower in the pedestal, you can save space for communications.

    While creating designer solution For a small bathroom, you should not forget about the main rule: the more indoor furniture items, the more free space remains.

    Some more options for the interiors of a small bathroom