How to find a hornet's nest in a private house. How to get rid of a wasp nest


With the onset of the sweet time of ripening of berries and fruits, ruthless wasps begin their activity. Most often, the invasion of stinging insects occurs in a private house or in the country. The owners of the apartments were more fortunate, but even in a cozy high-rise building, it is quite possible to meet insidious wasps.

The sweeter the smell of cooked jam, the more likely it is to attract a myriad of striped insects with a sweet aroma.

Wasps are representatives of Hymenoptera insects. Thanks to their thin waist, popularly nicknamed "aspen", they can fold in half and plunge their sting into the offender from almost any angle. Such resourcefulness helps the wasp to win in battles with opponents, which are larger than it.

Wasps can live both individually and in a collective, interacting with the caste representatives of the family. The most common wasp species are:

  • floral;
  • paper;
  • lustrous;
  • sand;
  • road;
  • digging;
  • German wasps;
  • typhia;
  • scolia;
  • real wasps;
  • hornets.

Treat for wasps on a personal plot

There is an opinion that wasps eat any food: from fruits to meat products. In fact, insects are quite picky about food. Sweet and fermented fruits and juices become an essential dish for an adult wasp.

The larvae, on the other hand, are avid predators, preferring to feast on a piece of meat.

Nature made sure that immature insects did not die from prolonged starvation due to food competition. However, flower wasps are vegetarians. They diligently collect nectar for themselves and growing individuals.

How long do insects live?

The lifespan of adults depends on the function of the insect in the family. At the end of the summer season, queen bees and wasps living alone fly away from the nest in search of wintering. This can continue for 3-4 years. Working wasps leave their nest in an unknown direction, dying in early autumn at the age of 2 months.

The appearance of nests of stinging insects near a person is associated with the choice of a suitable dark and cool place for the wasp.

It is a stone's throw to food, and you can comfortably feed the growing offspring. This is exactly what family wasps do in search of wintering.

How dangerous are wasps?

Wasps are quite aggressive insects. If they sense a likely threat, then an attack from their side is imminent. Therefore, the emergence of wasps is fraught with the emergence of considerable dangers:

  1. For buildings: destruction building structures when expanding your own nest.
  2. For plants: damage to crops and ornamental plants.
  3. For animals: death of defenseless animals due to a strong wasp bite.
  4. For humans: discomfort during an insect bite, poisoning of the body with toxins when attacked by a swarm of wasps.

Favorite habitat: attic, roof, garage, balcony

Wasps equip their home in secluded places. Insects prefer those corners where there are no bright sun rays and strong gusts of wind. Wasp nests are often very difficult to find: striped pests hide exactly where a person can hardly detect them:

  • in attics;
  • in darkened balconies and loggias;
  • in the cavities between the walls of the house and inner lining walls;
  • in secluded places on summer cottage and garage;
  • under the flooring;
  • in pipes
  • on the roof.

Experienced owners find hornets' nests by hanging a piece of meat in a conspicuous place. Insects will immediately smell and fly in for tasty food. This is where it is necessary to closely monitor the "flights" being made.

The place where the wasps will transport food for the larvae will become an approximate area for nesting.

Summer or spring: when is the best time to get rid of wasps?

The destruction of the wasp dwelling should begin in the cold season, when the insects have not yet woken up or began to hibernate. The main thing is to track down the location of the nest in advance. In summer, an exterminated family of wasps can cause a lot of trouble with its aggressiveness, therefore, the elimination of individuals should be dealt with either with the onset of spring or late autumn.

When there is no strength to endure an unpleasant neighborhood, you can begin to destroy the wasp family at sunset. Wasps become less aggressive in the evening.

Methods for getting rid of a wasp nest in an apartment and in the country

Eliminating the wasp family requires careful equipment and an action plan. The occupation is quite dangerous, so it is necessary to carefully study and choose a means for the destruction of wasps.

Use of chemicals

Professional products will help you get rid of the wasp family.

When choosing, you should pay attention to how dangerous the drug is for pets. After all, the strength of the action of the agent is much greater than that of a conventional mosquito insecticide.

Chemicals to get rid of wasps come in various forms:

  1. Spray can.

Using the spray is very simple: just spray the can into the hole wasp nest... Those insects that will fly out through the entrance to the hive will also be exposed to toxic substances. It is better to carry out such processing several times at intervals of one day. When all insects are guaranteed to be destroyed, the wasp dwelling should be removed and set on fire.

  1. Insecticidal powders.

Ideal for wasp nests in burrows on land. In the dark, the powder scatters around the insect dwelling. The drug will gradually begin to penetrate the soil layers, poisoning it. As a result, individuals will die under the influence of toxins. After a few days, the hole is filled with boiling water and filled up with soil or stones.

  1. Spraying fluids.

The bottle is filled with a special concentrate, which is subsequently diluted in certain proportions. The insecticide in this form is quite economical to use. The prepared solution is sprayed onto the wasp shelter. To improve efficiency, you can repeat the treatment. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the treated surface near the nest is also toxic. Insects crawling through the poisoned place will soon die.

  1. Insecticide gels and adhesives.

The funds are used as poisonous baits. Wasps flock to the smeared surface, and after gluing and subsequent poisoning they die.

  1. Scarers.

The device is an artificial hornets nest with powerful electromagnetic radiation. The principle of fighting wasps is based on scaring away adults in view of the possible attack of such a family.

Due to the possible harm to humans, scarers are installed in non-residential premises or in summer cottages.

A portable device in the form of a keychain, which can always be carried with you, is also based on the principle of radiation of electromagnetic waves.

In addition to the standard uses of commercial chemicals, there are some clever ways to destroy the aspen family. Making a small trap is the most effective one. A piece of meat is poured over with the preparation and placed on a plate in an accessible place. Wasps carrying food to the nest spread chemical granules and thereby poison all individuals.

Another method involves wrapping the nest with an insecticide bag. A tightly tied "cocoon" will not allow the wasps to fly out of the dwelling, and individuals will die from exposure to the chemical.

Methods using improvised means at home

When there is no suitable insecticide at hand or the owner is opposed to harsh chemicals, various folk methods getting rid of wasps.

  1. Burning out.

The wasp's nest must be watered abundantly with gasoline and set on fire. This method is quite dangerous, but effective. It can be used only if the nest is located away from flammable surfaces: foliage, boards, old trash.

  1. Chlorine.

The principle of wasp poisoning is based on exposure to chemicals containing chlorine. Even in any dacha there is a similar cleaning agent. A solution is prepared from a powder or liquid and the wasp's dwelling is sprayed. It also makes sense to fill the nest with a cleaning chlorine-containing gel or drown the "building" in a diluted solution.

  1. Kerosene.

The nest is completely filled with flammable liquid until all individuals leave their shelter. The procedure is performed for several days in a row. The action of kerosene is based on impregnating the wasp's little body and blocking its breathing.

  1. Table vinegar.

Vinegar essence has a foul odor that wasps cannot tolerate. The product is poured into a spray bottle, after which the entire space in the house or on the balcony is sprayed with vinegar. Of course, this method is more suitable for loggias or country houses where people are practically not.

Before directly throwing the bag onto the nest, the hornet's dwelling is generously treated with dichlorvos. The bag is tied securely at the base of the hive mount. After 2 hours, the nest quickly breaks down and is burned at the stake.

  1. Boiling water.

The method is more suitable for the extermination of earth wasps. The entrance to the hole is poured with steep boiling water. There is also such an option: a hornet's nest is cut off directly above a bucket of boiling water, while the container should immediately be tightly closed with a lid.

The process requires care and extreme caution.

  1. Homemade device.

A hand-made wasp trap is in no way inferior to analogues sold in specialized stores. It is made from plastic bottle... At the container, the neck is cut off at a distance corresponding to 1/3 of the length of the bottle. The lower part is filled with poisoned bait, and an inverted cut neck is placed on top. Wasps will be able to easily crawl for prey, but to get back out will not. The trap is suspended from a tree branch, balcony wall or any structure.

In this video, a craftsman tormented by wasps explains how to make traps.

If wasps live in an inaccessible place?

In cases where the hornets' nest is located in an inaccessible place, the usual methods of getting rid of the stinging insects are not suitable. Comes to the rescue of ingenuity and several effective ideas:

  1. If the wasps have made a hive under the floor, try to push a small piece of carbide into the gap. Then pour water into the hole. But you need to be careful: when exposed to water, carbide releases a poisonous gas, from which the wasps die instantly.
  2. If you find a nest between the logs, you should use a vacuum cleaner and an insecticide in the form of an aerosol. Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the largest number insects, and spray the hive through the inlet. After that, the entrance is tightly clogged.

Professional help

All existing methods for the destruction of striped insects are suitable for to a greater extent for open space or a country house.

Apartment owners have to look for best options, one of which is the challenge of professionals. At the same time, the owners will not need to worry about overalls, the purchase of chemicals and the process of knocking down the nest.

Experts will do everything impeccably, you just have to contact a company that is engaged in the extermination of rodents, insects and other pests.

Safety regulations

Taking care of your health is the first priority that any owner should think about. Therefore, small recommendations will help not only to avoid a wasp sting, but also not to poison yourself with chemicals:

  1. Work on the destruction of stinging insects should be carried out only in special clothing and a mask used by beekeepers. As a last resort, things should be tight and have long sleeves with elastic cuffs.
  2. It is better to exterminate a family of wasps at night. Insects at this time of day are inactive, less aggressive and, importantly, all are in their house.
  3. During the poisoning of the wasp family, emphasis should be placed on the destruction of the nest and the insects inside. A single spraying of adults will only anger the rest of the brethren.
  4. If the wasps flew out of the nest en masse during processing, you should slowly move away and repeat the procedure after a few hours.

How to help with a wasp sting?

In a situation where the wasp still stung, it is necessary to take several decisive actions:

  • gently remove the sting;
  • to relieve swelling, attach a piece of ice or any frozen product;
  • the bite site can be lubricated with prednisolone ointment, blotted with soda solution, apply a clove of garlic;
  • if an allergic reaction occurs, give Suprastin or Fenkarol to the victim;
  • to summon ambulance if the person's condition has worsened.

Actions to prevent the appearance of wasps

So that the rest on the summer cottage is not overshadowed by the invasion of the wasp family, or the balcony "does not buzz" from uninvited neighbors, there are preventive measures... Their implementation will help, with the maximum probability, to protect the home from striped insects. This requires:

  • refuse to store unnecessary trash on the loggia;
  • close up the existing cracks on the balcony;
  • view periodically the ground in flower pots;
  • install a fine grate at the end of the drain pipe;
  • carefully inspect the lining of the dwelling, the attic for the detection of hornets' nests.

Having noticed a couple of wasps flying by, there is no need to immediately run to the store for chemicals. We need to keep track of the insects. Perhaps they just flew in to gain strength and eat a little. Another question is, if the wasps settled down near the dwelling, they bring people not only discomfort, but also pose a real threat to their health.

Wasps in the house how to get rid of

Good day. Sometimes in our village there are situations that both laughter and sin. One day a neighbor comes running to me with a face that has turned white with fear.

For the first minutes I could not even say a word, just waving her arms towards her house.

It turned out that she had discovered a huge hornet's nest in the attic of her house. As I saw, I immediately ran away. She is terribly afraid of them, so such a reaction. I had to act in order to rid the house of unwanted guests. Wondering how to get rid of wasps in your home? How to do everything quickly? Then read the article below.

Wasps in the house: how to get rid of?

Acquaintance with wasps begins in childhood. Most likely, there is not a single person whom this striped beast would never bite. Wasps live in whole swarms and settle in a nest, where thousands of individuals can be at the same time. They feed on the nectar of flowers, but do not hesitate to waste.

They are attracted by the remnants of fruit, wine, beer, sour compote - everything where sugar is at least a little felt. Only females are poisonous, they are sensitive to potential danger, they always attack first. The most interesting thing is that when bitten, the insect does not die and can bite several times at the same time.

Not only can there be an allergy to their poison, some people have an intolerance to the enzymes that wasps secrete, they also spread diseases. Wasps can be found in the trash heap, right on the road, where someone dropped the candy, in the slaughterhouse.

Debris, bacteria adhere to the paws, and then they sit on you and, if bitten, can infect the wound.

Neighborhood with wasps is dangerous to health, especially if there are children or elderly people in the house. There are folk, chemical and mechanical methods get rid of these insects. You choose the one that suits your particular case. How to deal with wasps in wooden house?

If insects start in the country

Wasps can appear on your site at the beginning of May, if scouting insects think that your house is an ideal place for a colony, and the rest of the team will also fly in. They choose a quiet place where it is dry and calm. Most often, the nest appears where wasps once lived. It will not work just to poison the insects, new ones will arrive.

An effective method of struggle will be to destroy the nest so that no trace remains.

A large number of insect bites occur in late summer and early autumn, when wasps feel the approach of cold weather and become angry. Regular aerosols will not help fight them. Wasps are acutely aware of odors and will only get angry if poison is sprayed near the nest.

Many people use bait with a substance to attract wasps to kill wasps. If insects hear the scent of atrakan, the consequences may be unexpected, instead of destroying your wasps the atrakan will attract all the insects that are within a radius of several kilometers, and this is far from a harmless case.

Construction country house, overhaul should include insect control. How to deal with wasps in a wooden house? Get rid of the wasp nest and do everything so that insects do not like your site.

The destruction of insects should take place in the evening or at night when all the wasps have flocked home to sleep. In the daytime, there are practically no insects in the nest.

If you remove the nest during this time, then when the wasps return, they will be wildly angry. Better not to anger these insects, you cannot get out of own home no bites.

Chemistry in the fight against wasps

Chemicals can be effective if you contact a company that disinfects the area and controls household insects for them. What kind of chemistry should you use? Topical drugs such as:

  • microcapsular agent "Smelnet" (manufacturer Netherlands), it has no aroma and is effective against flies, cockroaches, wasps, bees and ants. The effect of the treatment lasts about 9 months;
  • the drug "Moskitol" is used to treat rooms in which no one lives, but they are used to store things, crops or goods. Barns, hangars, attics, warehouses and other structures are treated with this tool;
  • an interesting tool for fighting wasps - "Gett", it acts locally. They treat the nest and the entrance to it, places where insects are visible. They, stepping on it, carry poison throughout the territory where they are.

Thus, you can kill all the wasps from the family. But, it takes several days for the insects to die. At this time, it is recommended to be careful, insects will bite more than ever.

How to deal with other methods

Wasps don't like the smell of vinegar. You can spray curtains on windows with it, textiles in the house and insects will soon fly away from your house, trying not to approach it. But, vinegar has a pungent sour smell, so it will interfere with not only the wasps, but also you.

This method of dealing with wasps can be useful for a summer cottage or a barn, in a residential building the event will be irrelevant.

You can fight wasps with the help of Velcro tapes, which are hung in places where insects accumulate. You can save yourself from insects in the midst of their anger with ribbons, but you should not hope that it will turn out to catch everyone.

Wasp traps are made from plastic bottles. Take a bottle, cut off the shoulders, pour in a sweet compote, preferably sour, and leave it where the wasps fly. Turn the bottle over so that the compote does not spill and there is an entrance for insects.

The wasp climbs inside, but cannot get out and dies. It will be possible to catch a small number of wasps in this way, to destroy completely - no.

There is another interesting insect control method. You need to take a few slices of melon or watermelon, sprinkle with insect poison, which is odorless, and put away from the house on the site. Soon this place will be strewn with dead wasps.


If there are birds or animals on the site, try to prevent them from finding your treat, otherwise you can kill your pet.

When a wasp nest is found close to the ground in the evening, you need to pour boiling water over it. One saucepan or bucket is not enough here, you need 20 liters of very hot water. After that, the nest is abundantly covered with earth and the soil is tamped. Usually this is enough for the entire family of wasps to die.

You need to work quickly, if some wasps escape before you bury the nest, there will be many bites. Given that insects do not die when they bite a person, you could be seriously injured. To destroy wasps, you can use poisonous substances such as Diflofos, you need to spray directly into the nest.

It is advisable that at this time no one went outside from the house, all windows and doors were tightly closed. You need to work in protective clothing, respirator, gloves, mask against bees. The fact is that insects do not die from poison immediately, in order not to be bitten, you need to defend yourself in advance.

The nest was found at a height, but in an accessible place? Take a bucket or bowl that is the size of your nest and fill it with water. Remember to wear protective clothing and a mosquito net. Leave a bowl of jam or syrup nearby. This is necessary so that the wasps, which are not in the nest now, do not interfere. They will flock to the delicacy, but they will not care about you.

Come to the nest with a container of water, quickly dip the nest completely into the water and wait 10-15 minutes. During this time, the wasps that were in the nest will die, and the nest itself will get wet. You remove it into a container, cover it with a lid and leave it. The place where the nest was must be well cleaned and treated with odorless poison. Dispose of dead wasps with water.

When you cannot reach the nest and it is inconvenient to work with the container, you can go the other way. Take a large bag, sized for jacks, tape, or buttons. Work in a protective suit and a mosquito net, put jam nearby.

You abruptly get to the nest and dip it into the bag, fasten the bag to the ceiling with tape or buttons wooden beam... Carefully cut a corner of the bag and spray inside a can of insect poison, quickly glue the corner. The nest is left in this form for 2 hours. After the insects die, the nest is removed and disposed of.

Scrape off the place where it was previously attached with a scraper, treat with hydrogen peroxide, then with potassium permanganate. Next to this place, hang sticky tapes for wasps that miraculously survived or were flying somewhere at the time of processing. Spray the area with unscented poison. High-quality processing according to the above scheme should scare away insects from your home for a long time.

During the extermination of insects, you need to be extremely careful and wear protective clothing, but this does not guarantee that you will not be bitten. You can use the methods that were written above, you can do it easier and call a special service.

There are entire companies whose work is aimed at eliminating household insects. If the nest is small and the wasps are still small, their destruction will cost you up to 300-500 rubles per nest. In especially neglected cases, the treatment of the site against insects will cost from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles.

The price for the service depends on the complexity of the situation, the methods used by specialists, drugs and the brand of the company itself. A company that everyone knows will take 3 times more money than a small company about which little is known. This does not mean that little-known people perform poorly, they just spend much less on advertising.

How else can you kill wasps

You can spray the nest with poisons "Fufanol", "Karbofos", "Byron" and other drugs that poison plant pests and domestic insects. Smoke bombs help well in the fight against wasps.

But, please note that "Futimox" checkers will not be relevant specifically for wasps.

Timely preventive actions and timely destruction of wasps, will keep your site from these insects for a long time.


If a stinging threat has settled on a balcony or attic

It is unlikely that anyone will be pleased with the neighborhood with a wasp swarm, which has settled under the roof of a balcony or in the attic of a house. The desire to get rid of such "neighbors" is quite understandable.

In order to successfully resist wasps, you need to know at least in general terms how they winter, build nests and reproduce.

Like bees, the wasp queen is at the head of the wasp swarm. It is she who, having successfully overwintered, takes up the construction of the nest. Having fixed the first row of cells, the uterus lays eggs in them and starts building the next row, followed by laying eggs.

The nest built by the uterus does not at first exceed the size of a walnut. It is only later, the worker wasps hatched from the eggs, will be engaged in its completion and expansion, allowing the uterus to concentrate exclusively on laying eggs. Towards the end of summer, the wasp swarm noticeably increases in number, and the size of the wasp nest also increases with its population.

With the onset of the first cold weather, young females, old queens, and working wasps leave the nest. If the last two, with the approach of frost, become inactive and die, then young fertilized females find secluded shelters under the bark of trees, in the crevices of buildings, under fallen leaves, rotting stumps or trees.

Having successfully overwintered, due to the production of an anti-freezing substance by the body, with its properties reminiscent of automobile antifreeze, the females get out of their shelters and start building a new nest, and everything starts anew.

Treating the nest with chemicals

On the modern market for chemicals for controlling hymenoptera insects, there is a large arsenal of agents for controlling wasps. It makes no sense to list the names of the drugs, since in addition to the old, time-tested chemicals, new, more effective ones regularly appear.

When processing a hornet's nest, take care not only of protecting the body and head from insect bites, but also of the respiratory system from poisonous and not at all useful chemical substances contained in the preparation against wasps.

You can avoid the use of chemicals by using gasoline or kerosene to treat the wasp nest. The effect will be just as good.

Mechanical removal of nests

Since with the onset of cold weather the hornet's nest becomes empty, the most in a simple way to get rid of it, it will be removed from the supporting part of the structure in winter time... After cutting off the nest with a knife, carefully clean the surface of its remnants

The method is simple, but not effective, since it does not guarantee that next spring the new uterus will not choose the attic of your house or balcony as a new home.


A more effective way to get rid of wasps is to remove their nest during the warm season, when it is filled with striped inhabitants. It is advisable not to wait until the end of summer and the beginning of autumn, when the number of wasp swarms is maximum, but to act immediately upon finding a nest, when the wasp family is still relatively small.

It is best to carry out the operation at night, when the wasps are sleepy and inactive. You need to act together.

One person holds a plastic bag (or preferably two nested inside each other) or a large saucepan under the hornet's nest, while the other, with quick and confident movements of a knife or a wide metal spatula, cuts off the nest at its base.

At the end of the operation, the bag must be quickly tied, and the pan must be closed with a lid. When using a saucepan, it is better to fill it hot water or even boiling water. To avoid the wasps returning to their original place, do not forget to scrape off the trail from the nest and treat it with chemicals.

Setting traps

If there is no way to get to the wasp nest, annoying insects can be exterminated using the simplest traps. Sugar syrup or honey dissolved in water is poured into a plastic bottle about half of its volume.

After that, the bottle is screwed with a cork, holes with a diameter of 8-10 mm are made slightly above the liquid level in the side walls of the bottle. The bait is installed near the wasp nest or the entrance to it.

Attracted by the mouth-watering scent, wasps can easily penetrate through the holes into the bottle and then fall into the syrup. After some time, unable to get out of the trap, they die.

Another version of the trap: the neck of a plastic bottle is cut off, the cork is screwed on, the neck is turned over so that it is inside the bottle, and the cut is fixed with tape.

Using a vacuum cleaner

An original and effective way. The tube of the vacuum cleaner must be lengthened by extending it with any tube of a suitable diameter.

Now it remains to install the pipe of the vacuum cleaner with a bell to the wasp manhole, fix it securely with a homemade tripod and turn on the household appliance.

Attracted by the sound made by the vacuum cleaner, the wasps will approach the pipe and, carried away by the air flow, fall into the dust container.


How to get rid of wasps in the wall of a house

Wasps are insects that are quite dangerous for humans, because one bite can become very painful and can even cause severe allergies. Naturally, a normal person tries not to collide with wasps, but what if they themselves build their nests near houses and even inside them, fly into the premises?

If she flew into the house

In summer, it's hot enough at home and you want to open the windows as wide as possible. Sometimes curious wasps take advantage of this and fly into rooms. How to get rid of wasps at home? Unless you intend to kill live insect, then you can open the window wider, remove the curtains and arm yourself with a towel, with which you will drive the wasp back out the window.

It is enough just to swing, directing the insect out the window. The wasp itself will be afraid of your actions and will rush to fly away from the rag. When you chase the wasp away, close the window for a while so that it does not come back. After a few minutes, you can open it again.

What if you are so scared that you are ready to do anything to get rid of the wasp? In such a situation, people often kill wasps using various chemical aerosols (for example, "Dichlorvos"), thick rags, slippers, newspapers, and so on. You need to wait for the insect to land on some surface and attack.

Wasps on the balcony

How to get rid of wasps on the balcony? If insects have made a nest, then you need to act more harshly, because when the wasps are near their nest, they are extremely aggressive and capable of attacking a person in a large swarm. We will tell you how to get rid of the nest below.

And if a few unpleasant wasps are just flying on the balcony, it will be enough to act on them with "Dichlorvos" and stick adhesive tapes on the balcony.


Wasp's nest is one of the worst and most dangerous options. You need to get rid of it carefully, but completely. In particular, people are often frightened by wasps in the country. We will now tell you how to get rid of them.

First, protect yourself from possible wasp attacks. To do this, put on tight clothing and gloves on your hands, protect your face with a net or a mosquito net, on your head - be sure to wear a hat!

And now about the options on how to get rid of the wasps:

  • a dense large plastic bag, throw it over the nest and tie it quickly and tightly from the bottom or top. The bag should be taken as far from home as possible.
  • Option two, also with a package. Put the bag on the nest, tie it, but make a small hole through which you need to attack insects with "Dichlorvos" for several minutes. The wasps will die, and you will need to get rid of the nest with them. You can direct a stream of poisonous spray through the notch - the hole at the bottom of the wasp nest.
  • Use a container that can fit the nest, fill it with hot water, but not completely, so as not to burn your hands. Take the container with both hands and position it so that the nest is as submerged as possible in the water. You need to hold the container for about 10 minutes. After that, the nest is cut off and disposed of.

As a result, the nest must be taken away from the house as far as possible, and the place where it was located must be carefully processed: remove the remnants of the nest and get rid of them, wipe the place thoroughly with potassium permanganate, treat it with a chemical spray and hang the insect sticks. All these measures are needed to prevent the reoccurrence of the nest.

Anyone who knows what a hornet or a wasp bite is, knows how painful and often dangerous it is. Usually, a hornet or wasp bite causes pain, slight redness and swelling of the bite site. But if an insect stung a person allergic to bee venom, then the consequences can be much more serious: difficulty breathing, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, and sometimes death.

Most people do not know if they have an allergy, this is revealed only after the bite. Usually, honey bees do not attack a person without a reason, but this cannot be said about wasps and hornets - they are much more aggressive than bees, and can easily attack you, your children or pets.

Hornets, wasps and bees often create hives and nests in the immediate vicinity of human dwellings, and sometimes in attics, on window sills, or even in the walls of houses. What if you have such dangerous neighbors? Before you do anything, you need to learn a few rules.

It is best to seek the help of a professional insect control or relocation professional.

If you want to get rid of honey bees, contact beekeepers - they know how to properly handle these insects, and will also try to preserve the colony and use it in their household. With wasps and hornets, you can not stand on ceremony like that.


If in your yard or house appeared Bee hive or a hornet's nest, stock up on an antidote that will help alleviate suffering and even save the life of a stung person or animal.

If wasps and bees made a hive inside frame wall, you can't just block the entrance - the insects will look for a way out, they will become very aggressive, and if they can get out, they can attack a person. If bees or wasps cannot find a way out, their corpses will attract other harmful insects.

Make sure there are no children or animals nearby before taking any action.

If bitten by a hornet, wasp or bee, remove the sting immediately. Do not try to squeeze the sting out as you usually do with a splinter. When squeezing the skin in the area of ​​the bite, even more poison will enter the body.

After the destruction of the colony that has settled inside the wall, the remains of insects must be removed. You can only destroy small colonies of wasps, hornets and bees on your own.

Materials and tools for the destruction of a colony of bees:

  • Beekeeping net
  • Leather gloves
  • Big bag
  • Smoker
  • Insect repellent (insecticide) and spray bottle
  • Ladder (if the bee hive is high)

How to eliminate insects

  1. Prepare necessary materials and fixtures.
  2. Choose the right time for your treatments. It is best to apply the insecticide in the evening, when most of the insects return to the hive.
  3. Wear protective clothing that does not leave exposed skin.
  4. Fumigate the hive with a smoke before using the insecticide. The smoke calms the insects and makes them lethargic. This procedure minimizes the likelihood of an insect attack.
  5. Use a spray bottle to spray the insecticide inside the hive. Make sure to use enough product and to clean the entire bee hive. Close the hive entrance.

Remove the hive and place it in a large bag. When all insects are dead, tie the bag and dispose of it. In the case of a hornet's nest, the algorithm of action remains approximately the same.

How to get rid of a wasp nest under the roof of a country house?

First, let's figure it out: what kind of wasps are they and should we get rid of them? Most often, paper wasps live under the roofs of summer cottages. They are so called because the substance from which they build nests is made according to the same principle as paper: fine wood fibers are rubbed by wasps with their jaws and moistened with saliva.

Although it is believed that there is no harm from them, I have seen fences and walls of country houses gnawed by wasps in places where they are especially widespread.

The presence of wasps on garden plot may be of some benefit: for feeding its larvae, this predatory insects brings flies, caterpillars, beetles, sawfly larvae and other garden pests. However, the effectiveness of wasps in the fight against insect pests is low, and they will be successfully replaced by specialized entomophages.

Adult wasps feed on flower nectar, sweet apples, raspberries, gooseberries, pears, and grapes. They are especially attracted by burst overripe berries. While getting food, wasps are not too aggressive, they can be driven away. But during the period when the wasps are in the nest, they can attack without any reason on your part.

You can often hear such recommendations: "do not touch the wasps without reason, and if the wasp starts circling around you, stand still and it will lag behind." In practice, everything is different. Since the wasp does not leave a sting in the wound, then, unlike a bee, it can sting several times in a row, and after being bitten it does not die, so the decision "to bite - not to bite" she often takes in favor of the former.

Therefore, if wasps have settled next to you, know that one day they will bite you. It is definitely necessary to get rid of the wasp nest, especially if someone in the family is allergic to Hymenoptera bites.

Shooting down old large nests in late autumn or winter, which is often done in summer cottages, is an energetic but pointless undertaking. Such nests have already served; wasps do not hibernate in them. With the onset of frost, worker wasps and their larvae perish, and female founders hide in cracks for the winter in order to start building a new nest in spring.

In the spring, you should carefully examine the attics and verandas from the inside - are there any new small nests, they are at this time the size of Walnut... When you find such a nest, quickly remove and destroy it. Having returned, the female will twist a little and, not finding her house, will fly away to another place.

Thus, you will get rid of wasps in the country for the whole summer. Sometimes especially stubborn females build five ¬ six houses in a row in the same, apparently, favorite place. But be more persistent - having lost another house, the insect will decide to move to a safer place.

But if your dacha is far from the city, and you yourself are not afraid to take risks, then you can use the old proven method. To do this, you need to pick up equipment: gloves, several layers of thick clothing (a quilted jacket or army pea jacket is ideal), a mesh on the face and a long stick.

It is necessary at night (when the wasps are sleeping, preferably at 3-4 hours), collect boiling water in a bucket (the water should reach almost to the brim), put the bucket under the nest and knock it down with a stick directly into the boiling water, and then quickly cover it with a lid so that the wasps are boiled.

If it's scary to touch the nest, you can simply cover it with a tight bag or bag containing cotton wool soaked in insecticide and keep the bag closed until all the wasps are dead.

Another method that I have used repeatedly: processing with dichlorvos. It is better to do this at night too, but with sufficient skill you can cope during the day. The dichlorvos can is placed against the hole of the nest and the whole is etched away (it will take from 3 to 5 minutes), while trying to turn it so that the aerosol gets into all the layers of the paper.

This method is good if the wasps have settled under a beam or in another hard-to-reach place, and it is not possible to quickly knock down the nest. Be sure to protect your face and hands when using this method as well.


Wasps in the house - how to get rid of

It is quite difficult to meet a hornet's nest in an apartment in medium-sized and large cities, but the owners of a private house or summer house in the village encounter such settlers quite often. Almost every summer, many have to fight wasps in the country.


Of course, such insects bring certain benefits, because they fight small pests in the garden, but still there are situations when the destruction of their nests is simply necessary.

For example, the location of a wasp nest under the roof of a house or an outbuilding will bring a lot of inconvenience to the owner. After all, it is not always clear how an insect will react to a meeting with a person. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of wasps in a wooden house worries many summer residents and residents of private houses.

Who is this?

Insects with a black and yellow striped abdomen often become guests in the house. Most often these are paper wasps. They earned their name because of the special material that they use to build their nest.

It looks a lot like thin sheets of paper. Such wasps settle in groups and together take care of their offspring.

The wasps themselves eat the nectar and juice of the fruit, and already their offspring in the form of larvae are fed with insects. In most cases, wasps sting at a short distance from the home to protect it from strangers.

The wasp family consists of a huge number of workers and only one queen. Working family members take care of food. The offspring menu depends on what they bring to the hive.


The queen-to-be initially begins building the hive on her own. In early spring from the bark, it forms a pair of cells in which it lays an egg. She is faced with the task of raising working insects for herself, which will provide her in the future.

After the larvae of the first workers pupate and an adult appears, the queen is no longer engaged in foraging. Now she exclusively lays the larvae, and controls the order in the hive.

It should be noted that for summer period the hive grows into a family that can already contain up to several hundred wasps.

In the autumn period, not working individuals are formed from the eggs, but females and males, which begin to mate. Before winter, working wasps and males die, and females are immersed in suspended animation in order to repeat the cycle again.

Also in nature there are wasps that lead an isolated lifestyle. There are enough of them. They arrange their nests in burrows underground or in a clay attic, sometimes a tree acts as a dwelling, or rather a hollow in it. Sometimes solitary wasps unite in communities and build a common hive, which is divided into separate "apartments" for each female.

Each type of wasp chooses the most suitable place of residence for itself, but in most cases not far from a person's dwelling. It is worth noting that such a neighborhood for wasps almost always ends in the same deplorable - the destruction of the nest.

If they settled on the site

As noted, wasps are found different types and they choose different housing. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to get rid of a wasp nest is different for each case. First, you should find where the wasps are located, and only then think about how to get rid of them.

Common wasps are located in buildings or under roofs, but earthen ones settle on plots, especially where a person's foot rarely steps. Also, insects prefer to choose dry places.

You should take the wasps out of the house as soon as possible. Indeed, over the summer, a small hornet's nest grows into a real swarm, which can bring a lot of harm to a person and disturb his peace.

If a nest is found on the site, then you should get rid of it quickly. Wasps in or around a house are always unpleasant.

There are many ways to effectively fight, and each owner will be able to choose the most acceptable option for himself, how to deal with wasps.

It is most difficult to get rid of insects that have chosen a land plot, since their nest is underground, and it is rather difficult to estimate the size and number of its inhabitants.

How to get rid of wasps in the country, every owner should know, because no one is immune from their appearance.

Rules and methods of struggle

You can lead different methods, but of all, there are three main ways to bring wasps underground:

Burning the nest. It is the most reliable and proven summer cottage option to get rid of wasps. To implement it, you will need to purchase 1 or 2 liters of gasoline or kerosene, which are poured into a nest with insects.

Also, a path 3-4 cm long from a combustible liquid is drawn from it, which is subsequently set on fire. The wasp nest in the ground burns out quickly enough, because it contains great amount paper honeycomb.

Fill the nest with boiling water. This method is less effective, since very often one procedure will not be enough. And it will have to be repeated several times until it is completely destroyed. It is always worth remembering that after boiling water is poured into the nest, you should close the entrance with a stone so that the remaining wasps do not fly out, because they are very angry and aggressive.

Destruction using insecticides. This option for removing insects is, on the one hand, quite effective, and on the other, expensive. For such purposes, drugs such as Solfisan, Aktara, Cucaracha, Karbofos, Get are suitable. A saturated solution of any drug is poured through the entrance to the nest, which is then closed with a gag soaked in a solution of the same drug.

For people who have patience and time, you can use poisoned baits, but such a fight against wasps will be very long. This version of a means of effectively dealing with wasps will require not only time, but also patience.


A saucer with juice or honey is placed near the wasp dwelling, in which it is preliminarily stirred boric acid or insecticide without smell. Wasps will certainly want to feast on. If you regularly refresh the bait, then the wasps can be eliminated in one or two weeks.

A huge number of chemicals and physical methods have been developed to help the owner. Each of them is effective in its own way and has the right to be used. The best results can be achieved by using them together.

Chemicals... There are a lot of drugs of this nature. How to quickly get rid of wasps in this way is described in detail in the instructions for the drug. But this option, despite its high efficiency, is quite dangerous.

On the one hand, not observing safety rules, you can get poisoned with a poisonous drug, and on the other hand, you can get a lot of bites from angry insects.

Anyone can be used to fight. effective remedy from wasps:

  • Insecticidal dust “Sevin 5 Garden Dust”. The principle of operation is based on the fact that the dust is distributed over the surface of the insect nest, especially near the exit, and the wasps themselves will carry it inside.
  • "Pesticide aerosol", which is applied to the entire surface of the insect dwelling and inside. After a while, the insects die, and the hornet's house can be removed.
  • Dichlorvos is most effective in confined spaces.
  • "Raptor", which is produced in blue bottles.
  • A highly poisonous but effective Raid spray that kills insects quickly.

Physical methods... Thanks to such methods, it is possible to destroy the wasp dwelling without the use of poisons.

True, you should protect yourself as much as possible: put on tight clothes, carry out liquidation at night, close all open areas of the body.

Place a thick plastic bag over the nest and wrap it tightly with tape. The nest is torn off and incinerated in a closed container. Place a bucket of boiling water under the nest. Then knock it down with a stick so that it hits the bucket and quickly cover it with a lid.

If the nest is located in a hard-to-reach place, then you can fill the entrance there with polyurethane foam. Insect glue should be applied to the surface of the hive so that it gets inside. Insects will congregate in these places, clogging the entrance to the hive with their bodies.

Folk methods of struggle... There are a huge number of methods for getting rid of wasps in the house that have been used for a long time. Each of them is quite effective, despite the fact that it does not require material investments.

Regular kerosene treatment will cause the insects to eventually leave the nest. It is worth dousing the nest at a sufficient distance from the enema every day until it disappears.

With perseverance, you can drive out the unforgiven inhabitants by fumigating with pine smoke. The stove-stove should be moved to the room where the nest is located and heated using fresh needles and plastic. It is very important to try to direct the smoke towards the nest and repeat the procedure as often as possible.

Previously, such insects were driven out using a sticky mass that forms on the bark of apple and pear trees. They put a red rope on it and broadcast it near the nest. After a while, the tenants leave the hive.

What to do if the nest is under the casing

But how to destroy a hornet's nest if it is located under the cladding of the house? Difficult but real. You can use several methods, but first you need to find the exact location of the hive itself. Pick up the best option how to get wasps, every owner can. It is best to organize the fight in the dark.

Also, do not light the nest itself, because you can wake up its inhabitants.

It is worth remembering that wasps do not see red, so you can take a flashlight with you with just such a lamp or cover it with red tape.

To remove such nests, you can:

  1. Pour kerosene into the nest.
  2. Fill chemical preparation through the entrance.
  3. Use bait.
  4. Fill the entrance to the socket with polyurethane foam.

Each of these methods has already been described above, so it's not worth repeating again.

Preventive actions

It is worth remembering that such insects are very fond of building their nests in places where they previously lived. Therefore, after removing the nest, all its remnants should be carefully destroyed. And the surface of the wall where the hive was located should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and insecticides.

So, it seems, you can't call wasps pests, but they can annoy them just as well. For the time being, they are invisible, but in August they are irresistibly drawn to human habitation - I suspect that to the mouth-watering smells of jam and compotes. And here already one desire remains - to get rid of this misfortune, and, moreover, as quickly and reliably as possible.

My wasps made several small nests under the roof of the house and one huge one in the dressing room. Moreover, the "bath" nest grew literally before our eyes, until it reached a completely frightening size. But while its inhabitants behaved peacefully and quietly, we happily coexisted with them. According to the principle “you don’t touch us - we don’t touch you”. And so it began ...

At first, these insects almost deprived us of our traditional Saturday bath: a couple of weeks ago, they suddenly became aggressive. Then they began to prevail already in the house: it is not pleasant when a dozen wasps are constantly circling around you. The victims also appeared: Alenka stepped on the wasp with her bare foot and was stung; Murzik also "tasted" a wasp sting while trying to catch an insect. It became impossible to postpone the search for methods of struggle further ...

To begin with, I looked into the discussion of this burning issue on our website:

Traps and baits

In practice, I have experienced the simplest traps: containers with any sweet liquid. The conclusions are as follows:
  1. It works - the wasps flock to the bait. But in this way it will hardly be possible to completely eliminate them - only to reduce the "livestock". Well, and, possibly, distract from other "objects".
  2. The container must have a narrow neck, preferably one arranged according to the funnel principle. Insects are taken into jars, bottles, and a bowl of jam, but it is important that it is as difficult for them to get out of there as possible.
  3. The odorless liquid in the trap is preferable to ordinary sweet water - jam, honey, fermented liquids attract insects more.
  4. A thick, viscous bait "catches" wasps better than a liquid one. For example, old jam is suitable (if it is sugar-coated, very thick, dilute it a little with water).
I also found advice from an experienced winegrower: add an ampoule of any insecticide of gastrointestinal action to this liquid (funds from colorado potato beetle, for example). He says that they don't fly far from such a treat.

On sale there is wasp traps factory-made, but they act, in general, on the same principle as ordinary home-made ones, so if you have 5-10 minutes of free time, an unnecessary plastic bottle and "very skillful pens", then go for such purchases there will be no need.

But what I plan to look for in stores is a special poison for wasps. Having eaten such a bait, the insect dies after a while. Moreover, having taken a "treat" for its relatives, the wasp brings death to other inhabitants of its nest.

According to summer residents, watermelon (option - melon) peels, poured without a pronounced odor (for example, Intavir), also help well. Such a bait can be left in any suitable place - having eaten a poisonous treat, the wasps die.

In our catalog, which includes offers from many major online stores, you can choose various means to combat wasps. .

Reserve (concentrate) for the ejector from flies, wasps and other insects Dr. Klaus (Dr. Klaus), 1 l 557 rbl

If the socket is not available ...

... then we have a problem with you. Because without destroying the wasp dwelling, we will not get rid of them completely. And wherever they do not get a residence permit: in the cracks under the floor, in metal pipes, under the wall cladding - in any secluded corner.

If turning your own dwelling to get to the wasp is not part of your plans, try using the "advice of the experienced": those who have come across this situation recommend first lime insects with the help of chemistry (the same dichlorvos is quite suitable, and specialized means - all the more so), and then tightly seal up all the inputs and outputs leading to the nest. On a note: polyurethane foam not good - wasps gnaw it (according to eyewitnesses).

You can remove the wasps from the shelter using a conventional vacuum cleaner, as the author of the following video does:

But this operation, as we can see, is rather unsafe, long and laborious, and the effect of it, according to the "inventor" himself, is very short-lived.

Safety engineering

Going to battle with wasps, it is very important to remember about self-defense. The bites of these insects pose a real threat not only to health, but in some cases to life: if there is a predisposition to allergic reactions (which you may not even guess about for the time being), even one or two "injections" that are harmless for absolutely healthy person, enough for serious swelling, suffocation and other "pleasures" that send the victim straight to intensive care.

When planning to destroy an inhabited wasp nest, be sure to take care of appropriate equipment: thick cloth clothing (and preferably with a hood), gloves (thick rubber or leather), mosquito net or other face protection device.

If wasps live in the country, be sure to keep suprastin, adrenaline and prednisolone in the first aid kit. Even if you personally and your family members have not been allergic to bites, these precautions may not be superfluous. Ice and tourniquets should also be on hand in case of a bite. Why this is important, and how to use it all, - in the next video. Retelling the recommendations of a professional is a thankless task, so it's better to spend a few minutes watching, this is really important

Do you have wasps in your dacha? What are you doing to get rid of them? What methods of struggle do you consider to be the most reliable and effective?

Getting rid of a dangerous neighborhood: how to remove a hornet's nest

Wasp's nest in country house or at personal plot- a serious problem, since wasp bites, especially multiple bites, pose a threat to health and even human life. Knowing how to remove a hornet's nest, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from dangerous insects.

How to remove a hornet's nest

Before proceeding with the removal of a wasp nest, make sure that you are not allergic to bee or wasp stings. If you are allergic to insect venom, do not try to clean the nest yourself. Ask someone you know or call a special service.

Source: Depositphotos

Protect yourself with tight clothing and ski goggles before removing the hornets' nest.

If you do not have allergies, you can try to get rid of the wasp hive yourself. It is best to do this in winter, when the bulk of the insects have died and the queens have left the hive.

    • Protect yourself: wear tight pants, high boots, sweater, sweatshirt or hooded jacket, cover your eyes with ski goggles, and cover your lower face with a thick scarf. If you can get your hands on a beekeeper mask, use it.
    • Take a large, heavy-duty plastic bag. Place the bag over the nest, then quickly separate the hive from the surface with a sharp spatula. Close the bag and tie it tightly as soon as possible.
    • In a bucket or metal barrel, burn a package with a nest, after pouring it with any flammable liquid and pressing down on top with a load.

If you decide to leave the wasps alive, take the nest as far as possible into the forest and shake out the bag. Remember to protect yourself with clothing, just in case, and make sure there are no other people nearby.

How to clean a hornet's nest in the country in the summer

If you find a wasp dwelling in the midst of the summer season and it is not possible to wait until winter, try using the previous method, observing all safety measures. Clean up the nest better at night when most insects are dormant.

You can also try other radical methods:

    • Spray the wasp nest generously with kerosene. It penetrates well both through the walls of nests made of small fibers of wood, and through the chitinous integuments of insects, causing respiratory arrest.
    • You can try using a vacuum cleaner: put a funnel from a plastic bottle on the branch pipe, in diameter larger than the hole in the nest, and wrap it tightly with tape, and insert a disposable paper bag into the vacuum cleaner. Typically, it takes 10-15 minutes of vacuuming to remove insects from the den. Then the branch pipe must be tightly sealed, and the bag must be destroyed using the method described above.

If the nest is in an inaccessible place or there are several of them, it is better to invite extermination specialists.

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Neighborhood with insects with the onset of the warm season can become really dangerous, because, in addition to relatively harmless butterflies and dragonflies, nature can be rich in much more disturbing surprises. These, without a doubt, include the appearance of wasps - striped buzzing pests that can cause a lot of problems. It can be quite difficult to get rid of them in the country or in a private house, on the balcony of an apartment building on your own.

The choice of the method by which the destruction of the wasp nest will be carried out depends on a number of factors. If it is located on the site, fixed on the roof rafters or is in difficult access, it will take a lot of time to "smoke out" the insects. Moreover, unsuccessful attempts will be more likely to annoy the pests than to cause them real damage. If the hive has already been found, find effective method pest control will be easier. But you have to be extremely careful, because the bites of these insects can cause severe allergic reactions.

What means of struggle are there?

Before the owner of the site begins to carry out activities on his own, it is worth taking care of safety measures and learning more about the life of these insects. Just place the discovered hive in paper bag will not be enough. Finding a suitable remedy for an unpleasant neighborhood helps professionals to observe without haste and caution. So why not follow suit? Moreover, there are several popular areas of struggle:

  • treatment with household insecticides;
  • the use of folk remedies;
  • the use of traps and baits;
  • mechanical impact.

Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages. Define suitable solution a balanced approach to the situation will help. First of all, it is necessary to determine the localization of the wasp nest and to protect children, the elderly, pets, people with allergic reactions.

In search of a wasp hive

Regardless of the choice of the method of struggle, the destruction of a wasp nest always begins with a search for it. Most often they are placed hidden away from the scorching sun rays. The most common places to attach a hive are - attics, eaves of apartment buildings, balcony structures, in holes in the ground, holes in the surface of walls, in the locations of ventilation and sewer pipes.

Site specialists advise:

Trying to resort exclusively to the mechanical destruction of hives found in the house or on the site, you need to remember that they really pose a serious danger. If there is no free access to the habitat of insects, you need to choose a method that will make it possible to remotely destroy them - the safest for humans and excluding the likelihood of getting painful bites.

Preparatory activities

In order for the discovered habitat of a dangerous insect to be neutralized quickly and without harm to the people around it, the exterminator has to take very serious measures. Special equipment should ensure effective prevention of bites and associated allergic reactions. For example, when in contact with the hive, care should be taken to protect the hands with durable, heavy-duty gloves or mittens. Protective mosquito nets and special devices, masks, helmets are used as face protection. When choosing shoes, it is better to give preference to rubber or leather boots with a tight bootleg.

Eye protection will be provided by special glasses. It is better to cover the legs and body with a special suit or, if it comes to independent struggle, with cotton pants and a jacket that can prevent the tip from contacting the skin. A massive insect attack is not uncommon when dealing with wasps. In this case, it is worthwhile to provide for convenient and quick access to a safe shelter in the immediate vicinity of the fight site.

Where to begin?

The first thing to think about when dealing with insects is right choice season. The best time in order to get rid of the wasp nest - spring, when the insects awakened from hibernation are just starting to build the hive. In the middle and late summer, pests become much more active and protect their home, making every effort to defend it. Another important point is the choice of the time of day. Only professionals can afford pest control in daylight - they have protective suits and all the necessary devices for quickly neutralizing insects. In the absence of access to them, it is worth choosing the time when wasps that are active during the day go to bed.

It is important to prepare everything for a quick and massive attack. If most of the inhabitants of the hive manage to leave it before the moment of destruction, it will take a long time to meet angry and aggressive insects on the site or, even worse, inside the building. That is why it is best to entrust specialists with the necessary work from the very beginning.

Will folk remedies help?

Years of experience and popular wisdom offer many ways to eliminate the threat posed by wasps. It is proposed to use:

  1. Dishwashing detergents. They are poured into the hive. Of course, it is better to get rid of the dispenser on the bottle. Enveloping abilities chemical agent will provide a shutdown of access to oxygen. And most importantly, soap solution prevent insects from leaving the tray.
  2. Smoke screen. Fumigation of the hive is enough safe way struggle, but it will not prevent the population that left the facility from exercising their right to build a new facility. After driving out insects with smoke from an inhabited house, you should immediately use an insecticide and destroy the dwelling itself.
  3. Catching single individuals. For this, baits and traps are used. This approach does not fundamentally solve the problem, but it allows ensuring safety on the territory of the site.

Household chemicals


Chemical pest control is the simplest solution that allows you to fully cope with pests. But here, too, there are some subtleties. It is necessary to select a drug taking into account the characteristics of the pest's vital activity. Standard tools with a wide range actions here will be useless. But specialized aerosols will quite successfully cope with the task. The emphasis during processing is placed at the entrance to the hive - this is where the main blow should come. The procedure is performed multiple times, using a directed stream of the drug. The range between procedures is at least a day. When all pests are destroyed, they are burned.

Powdered substances

The use of insecticidal preparations involves careful selection of the appropriate agent. Ground wasps locate their nests in scraps of pipes, abandoned animal burrows. In this case, only the entrance remains on the surface. It is it that is used in order to ensure the penetration of pesticides inside. Here, powdered insecticides are most effective. They are not poured inside, but scattered around, on the surface, so that the drug penetrates into the nest gradually, with atmospheric moisture. It is important to understand that a day after such treatment, the discovered entrance is closed with a heavy stone or other devices, after spilling boiling water.

How will the "site" help?

If wasp nests are located in hard-to-reach places, and their self-destruction turns out to be fraught with certain risks, you should turn to professionals to destroy them. The specialists of the site company are ready to offer their assistance in solving this issue. Professionals work by taking advantage of opportunities to quickly and efficiently eliminate the source of the hazard. At the disposal of specialists, generators of cold and hot fog, allowing to ensure the prompt implementation of all the necessary work. The exterminators will also take care of the implementation of preventive measures to ensure the prevention of re-infection of the territory. All you need is to contact the specialists and agree on the provision of services with departure in Moscow and the Moscow region.