Dream interpretation pregnant woman drinking red wine. Why dream of wine according to the dream book - "Vanga's Dream Book"

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Wine is a symbol of a peaceful life, economy, prosperity, vice. Seeing wine on the table among other products and nearby weapons is a symbol of the fact that the world will be preserved as long as the tradition of the ancestors - hospitality - flourishes in the state. To see pale pink wine in a transparent glass - a dream portends a catch, deception, murder through poisoning, which will be sanctioned official services and is set up by familiar people so that no one suspects anything, especially you should be afraid of pleasant acquaintances with the opposite sex. See huge vineyards and wine making strong men with red hair - this dream testifies to a blood connection with Germany and the opportunity to go to live in their historical homeland, where success and prosperity, material wealth and prosperity await, observing local traditions. Seeing large antique amphoras filled with wine means that you will have to puzzle yourself before you dare to answer a question that will soon fill your mind and soul, but this is possible only if you maintain contact with representatives of previous generations and knowledge of the pedigree ... Seeing that a person has been poisoned with wine is a symbol of the good luck that this person will bring you. Be prepared for a lot of random luck since 2001. To see the river of wine, from which wild and domestic animals drink and fall exhausted on its banks, is a sign that in summer time it will be an extremely good time for entrepreneurship, because all kinds of people will be very peaceful and will be able to make compromise decisions. If in a dream you drink wine from a golden cup, in reality you will be so carried away by your illusions that you will lose touch with the real world. Seeing in a dream how you spill wine on your clothes is to make a rash decision that will affect your relationship with the person on whom your material well-being... Drowning in wine is a forced loneliness. If in a dream you are treated to wine, excessive frankness will only harm you, and your ill-wishers will give you a reason to gloat.

Dreamed of wine

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing in a dream how you drink wine portends you joy and strong friendships. To break a bottle of wine means that your love and passion will go beyond all boundaries. Seeing barrels of wine portends great luxury. Pouring wine from one vessel to another is a sign of a variety of pleasures, entertainment and travel to famous places. Pouring wine means your job will pay well. For a young woman to dream that she is drinking wine is a harbinger of marrying a rich and noble man. Descending into a cellar full of bottles and barrels of wine promises you the most pleasant experience.

Why is wine dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

drink, but not drunk - fun, joy, money; to treat - funeral or parting; pour out - unfortunately; drinking alone - bad news, accusations; serve, pour - a quarrel; try - new offers; to buy (wine, vodka) - your own or someone else's deception; unexpected betrayal; see Get drunk.

The meaning of a dream about wine

according to Freud's dream book

If you saw or drank wine in a dream, this is a sign that in reality a fair amount of alcohol may push you to have sex. It stimulates you, arouses sexual desire, and under its influence you forget about all those principles that you adhere to soberly. Hmm, well, at least this way you will have fun, if you cannot otherwise.

Why do grapes dream

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

there is - tears; grape red clusters - fright (for a woman); receive as a gift - an acquaintance; a branch of grapes - happiness in love.

Dreamed of grapes

according to Miller's dream book

Eating grapes in a dream means that great worries will temper you; but if you only see the bunches hanging in abundance among the foliage, then you will soon achieve prominence in society and will be able to impart happiness to others. For a young woman, this dream is one of the most promising. She will fulfill her most ardent desire. Riding a horse through the vineyards, picking and eating grapes - means a profitable job and a dream come true. If the grapes that you eat in a dream seem unpleasant to you, this dream portends the emergence of fears and doubts about business, but gradually you will regain peace of mind.

The meaning of the dream about grapes

according to Freud's dream book

Dreamed grapes personify pleasure, voluptuousness. So, if you dreamed how you treated yourself to grapes in a dream, it means that in real life you attach increased importance to the sexual side of your life. What is outside the huge bed does not bother you or concern you. You are used to solving all family problems and complications exclusively in bed. I must say that so far you are doing well, but someday this method may bore your half - and then you will have to look for completely different methods of reconciliation and resolving conflicts.

Why is the vineyard dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

abundance; relationships in the house.

The meaning of a dream about champagne

according to Freud's dream book

Drinking champagne in a dream - this dream speaks of an imminent quarrel with a close friend (or girlfriend) over some trifle. In order to prevent a spat, you just need to not date for a while. If you neglect the advice and do nothing to prevent a quarrel, then later you will have to grieve a lot because of this conflict, because reconciliation will not come very long. Taking a bath of champagne - you are tired of the routine and have long secretly dreamed of some kind of emotional outburst, a change of scenery. according to Freud Sharmanka, organ-grinder according to Freud Seeing an organ-grinder in a dream is a sign that you have to listen to the complaints of some woman who is not all calm in her personal life. If a female representative had such a dream, then, in general, nothing terrible will happen - a cup of tea, a glass of brandy, and all the problems of your unfortunate abandoned or deceived girlfriend will be smoothed out. But men who saw a barrel organ in a dream need to be more careful, because a sincere conversation can go too far and there is a risk of getting bogged down in adultery completely unnecessary for you. Play the hurdy-gurdy yourself - do not so persistently seek the location of the person you like. Intrusive attempts to establish an acquaintance may be perceived by him as an encroachment on freedom, and then no continuation will follow. A broken or very old, shabby hurdy-gurdy is a symbol of the fact that not everything is in order in your family, and until the situation gets out of control, you should deal with the troubling problem.

Dream interpretation red wine

Such a noble drink as wine, seen in a dream, speaks of good health and material prosperity. Thick, red, aromatic - it can also mean the sensual sphere of personal relationships. However, one should accurately explain what heady night dreams come to, because in some cases, the dreamer will want to rest in a noisy company, and in others - exceptional caution in his statements and plans.

If you dreamed of fragrant red wine in a glass, expect treats from not very close friends. The table will be really rich, and the offer that will be made to you there will be extremely profitable. Spilling red wine on a clean white tablecloth - in reality tarnishing the reputation, such a dream tells a woman that her new romance will not lead to anything good

When dreaming about this heady drink, it is important to remember the main details of the dream:

  • Just see the wine in a bottle or glass, but don't do anything with it.
  • Drink it yourself or treat other people.
  • A dream in which you prepare a drink with your own hands.
  • It is important to analyze your own sleep experience.

What does sleep mean

If a woman dreamed of red wine

In order to understand what such dreams come to, you first need to figure out what role wine plays for the dreamer in real life. If it is used extremely rarely, on exclusively festive occasions, then it dreams of pleasant surprises: receiving a gift or a new promising position.

When wine in reality accompanies almost every lunch or dinner, then it dreams of minor but pleasant troubles. For a woman, such a dream may indicate her sensual affection for a man.... But if the glass in her hand cracked, then this connection will not lead to anything good.

How wine was used in a dream

To make the interpretation easier to impose on the realities of the dreamer's life, it is important to remember how and for what the wine was consumed. To contemplate simply a beautifully served table with a full bottle or a poured drink by the glass is an invitation to a holiday. But buying wine to treat friends or arrange a feast is for a joint business, but you will be solely responsible for its outcome.

Drink it yourself

If you dream that you are drinking wine from a beautiful glass at a perfectly served table full of varied food, then this is a very good sign. Most likely, you will very quickly move up the career ladder or receive significant material rewards for a job well done.

Why dream of pouring red wine

  • First, enjoy the color and smell of the drink in the glass, and then drink it with pleasure - you have accurately and correctly thought out your plan of action, and you should not deviate from it, advises modern dream book... However, the taste of an imminent victory can intoxicate you even before it is achieved, and then everything that you aspired to will become inaccessible to you.
  • I dreamed that you were pouring yourself and drinking alone at an empty table - you are too selfish and demanding of people. This attitude has led to the fact that your mental sorrows are simply eating away at you from the inside. A glass of wine in a friendly company will help you relax, however, if it is followed by a second and third, you risk losing even the remnants of friendship that you have at the moment.
  • If you dream that you are very thirsty and greedily absorb wine from a jug or straight from a bottle, quickly getting drunk at the same time - a very disturbing dream, warns the family dream book. He says that your idea of ​​reality does not correspond to it at all.

Treat others

Buying wine to have a banquet or treat friends in a dream is a good sign. He speaks of the breadth of the soul and significant material opportunities that you know how to use for good.

Receive wine as a gift in a dream

  • Laying the table, putting bottles and waiting for the arrival of guests, drinking with everyone - if you have business negotiations, then such a dream suggests that whatever you strive for is quite achievable. However, if in the process you relax, or if you drink at least a drop of alcohol (even for the sake of maintaining the necessary ritual), then the negotiations will completely fail.
  • If you dream that you are pouring red viscous wine into glasses, treating friends at the table - you will have a solemn event, and even, quite possibly, a wedding, says the ancient Slavic dream book.
  • A dream in which I had to drink wine with friends at an empty table is a very alarming sign. He says that you are a very cunning person who will stop at nothing to achieve your own goals. If you dream about this, then you should still think carefully before starting your plan.
  • Giving a woman or a girl red wine in a bottle, drinking it with her is an early wedding, a family dream book predicts. If a man dreams of a dream, then his family life will be happy, and if a girl received such a gift, then her future husband will be a very wealthy man.
  • He dreams that a young man, courting a girl in romantic setting, pours red wine into glasses, drinking it with a girl - a long and pleasant relationship, a joint life and the imminent birth of children is possible.

Contemplative dream

Just seeing red wine in a dream is a very good sign. It is a symbol of wealth earned by honest, hard work. If you dream that you are in your own cellar with huge barrels of red wine - you have to receive a significant inheritance, but in order for it to bring a stable profit, you will have to work hard.

Drinking wine at a rich table

  • I dreamed how you set a magnificent table, serving completely strangers - working in a public office. If you are asked to pour wine into glasses, your charm can achieve what you have been striving for for so long, but if you overdo it, you will lose everything.
  • See strangers feasting on wine in huge numbers- you will have to defend your own point of view in public, the psychological dream book warns.
  • She dreams that a stranger wanted to pour wine into glasses, but spilled it on the tablecloth, and it drips onto the floor - a disturbing dream. It is better at this moment to completely abandon alcohol and not attend any celebrations. Excess alcohol contributes to extreme aggression.
  • Pouring wine without taking it to the table - your carelessness will cost a lot, says esoteric dream book... Before signing papers, you need to read and understand everything well, down to every comma.

Make wine

An exceptionally good dream is a dream in which you had to prepare wine yourself. He speaks of a strong entrepreneurial streak in the dreamer, which can bring him a stable and reliable source of income. It is possible that you will be offered a new project, but you, over time, will become its owner, and not just a leader.

  • To crush grapes with your feet is a difficult but honorable job, says the dream book from A to Z.
  • Stirring young wine in a glass, enjoying its sparkling aroma - in order for everything you aspired to become a reality, you need to start acting. Fate will soon give you a great chance, you should take it without hesitation for a minute.
  • Pouring mature red wine into bottles - enjoying your own victory, to which you have been going for a very long time, the White Magician's dream book promises.
  • A bottle of collection wine kept in the family cellar is an iconic dream. He says that you have to become the keeper of the joy and his family values. Perhaps you will have to do something completely uninteresting for you, however, over time, you will understand that this was the best decision in your life.

Analysis of your own feelings

Dreamed of spilled wine

In order for the interpretation to be complete, it is also important to take into account your own feelings during sleep, as well as immediately after waking up. If it was pleasant for you to look at wine in a bottle or glass, and also liked to drink it, then the dream can be considered good. But in the case when you woke up with a little drunkenness in your head, as if you actually drank too much, this is bad. Most likely, they want to deceive you, passing off wishful thinking.

  • Anxious anticipation of guests and the holiday, when they put wine in a bottle on the table - you know for sure that the upcoming event will be important. However, you should still prepare for it with special care - you will be made a tempting offer.
  • Pour on the table, experience disappointment or bitterness - difficulties will arise in a new project, and it will only depend on you whether it will work in the near future.
  • Drinking sour or bitter wine is communication with deceitful friends, Miller's dream book warns.
  • Feeling pride in buying a very expensive collection drink is a high social status and a serious position in society.

In ancient times, wine symbolized wealth in the house and the complacency of the owners, so it was an obligatory attribute. festive table... Now this drink is treated much more simply, but true gourmets still have a sense of reverence for it. Most interpreters interpret the wine in a dream as a feeling of guilt that will oppress the dreamer in real time. If we take into account some of the details of vision, then the meaning of sleep can change dramatically.

Why does wine dream: the opinion of popular interpreters (Miller, Wanga, Islamic dream book and others)

  1. Islamic dream book... According to the Islamic dream book, any kind of wine is a good omen, since this drink is dreamed of to great joy and an improvement in the financial situation.
  2. Miller's dream book. Miller's dream book also portends wealth. Moreover, the more wine you dream, the more large sum the dreamer will receive. If the sleeping person in his vision descends into the cellar, which is filled with barrels of grape wine, then in reality he will have pleasant impressions.
  3. Dream interpretation of Wangi. The seer Vanga considered wine in a dream a symbol of joy, prosperity, wealth. If the sleeping person accidentally spills a wine drink, then this indicates his excessive wastefulness. The interpreter assures that the dreamer must reconsider his attitude to money. V otherwise he will put all his savings to the wind and will soon drag out a miserable existence. A cellar with wine products in a dream indicates a difficult job, a series of important matters.

    Wine in a dream most often means that the sleeping person is feeling guilty about the events taking place.

  4. Large universal dream book. A whole barrel of wine symbolizes luxury. If the sleeper sees large ancient amphorae with Burgundy wine, then he will have to solve difficult questions, the answers to which he will hardly be able to find on his own. The dreamer may need the help of influential friends, whom he also previously provided a favor to.
  5. Dream interpretation Hasse. According to Hasse's dream book, if a person drinks wine in a dream, therefore, in reality he experiences a feeling of anxiety, worries about some unfinished business. A blood-red drink in a bottle predicts a good mood and pleasant events. Why dream of white wine or champagne? If in a dream I dreamed of white wine or champagne, it means that all the requests and desires of the dreamer will be satisfied.
  6. Dream interpretation of Semyonova. Semyonova's dream book, like most other interpreters, claims that dreams, the plot of which is associated with wine, indicate pleasant changes in the dreamer's life, good news, a meeting of close friends
  7. Freud's dream book. Freud's dream book usually has a different opinion. Wine seen in night dreams is also interpreted by this interpreter in a very peculiar way. According to him, this image indicates that in reality the wine drunk will make the dreamer more relaxed and inspire a close relationship with the opposite sex. Probably, alcohol acts like a catalyst on the sleeper. It is thanks to him that he frees himself up and temporarily forgets about the conventions and rules of behavior, which he obeys to a sober head.
  8. Dream interpretation of Simon Kananit. Seeing wine in a dream and being indifferent to it means visiting an unpleasant company for yourself. If you dreamed about a wine drink (for example, vermouth), it means that the sleeping person will experience a feeling of anxiety, insecurity.

    A glass of red wine dreams of great love

  9. Dream interpretation of Nostradamus. Wine symbolizes prosperity, prosperous and peaceful life. A richly set table with bottles of wine, among other products, means that higher power warn the dreamer that a prosperous and well-fed life can quickly end if he does not adhere to the traditions that have long been revered in his family
  10. Esoteric dream book. Esotericists interpret red dense wine as passionate feelings that the dreamer will soon experience. If you dreamed of white wine, it means that the sleeping person is too idealizing himself, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Who had a dream: an unmarried girl, a woman or a man

What did you do in a dream: chose, poured, received wine as a gift, drank, treated with a drink

  1. By People's dream book, if a person drinks red wine in a dream, then a fun party awaits him. The interpreter gives a completely different characterization to white wine drunk while sleeping in a dream. The authors of the dream book assure that this image promises sad events, quarrels with relatives. The interpreter advises the sleeping person not to pay attention to the attacks of relatives, to try to behave with them correctly. This behavior will help the dreamer to avoid major quarrels and subsequent troubles.
  2. Why dream of drinking red wine? According to the French dream book, if in a dream the sleeper decided to drink with a woman he knew, but a bottle of wine accidentally breaks, then this indicates that fleeting sympathy may develop into a strong feeling. And if now the dreamer is not serious about this lady, then soon he will regret it and will take steps towards rapprochement.

    For those in love, drinking wine together in a dream guarantees a long and happy relationship.

  3. Tsvetkov's dream book warns the sleeping man that if he was treated to wine in a dream, it means that in reality he talks too much. The interpreter advises not to dwell on their plans, otherwise they will not be destined to come true. Ill-wishers out of envy will try to harm the dreamer and make his life almost unbearable.
  4. If in a dream a person himself treats someone to wine, it means that in reality he will be the organizer of an event where many people will gather. Unfortunately, this does not always indicate a pleasant event; it is quite possible that the sleeper will have to manage the funeral of acquaintances.
  5. The dream book advises to pay more attention to the spouse if it is she who treats the dreamer with white wine in a dream. If the sleeper does not heed the advice, then it is likely that he will soon have to go through major family quarrels.
  6. Why dream of drinking wine with a dead man? Many believe that this is a bad dream, but a dream in which a deceased person pours a glass of wine to a sleeping person only indicates that he has not visited the graves of his ancestors for a long time. The interpreter recommends that the dreamer remember his loved ones and visit their burial places, because the deceased will not bother the living just like that.
  7. If a woman drinks wine with her deceased husband in a dream, then this suggests that she cannot believe in the death of this person and still does not let him go.
  8. To get drunk yourself - to sad events. Perhaps one of the close relatives will feel ill.
  9. Diluting fortified wine with water in a dream means that the dreamer does not conduct his business very honestly. Some dream books give a different explanation for this vision. In their opinion, such a plot indicates that the sleeper will soon be able to improve his financial affairs at the expense of the woman.

    A bottle of good wine dreams of a happy prosperous life

  10. The English dream book claims that if a sleeping person buys wine in a shop, it means that ill-wishers will try to ruin the dreamer's life. This will be done out of envy, so it is better for the sleeper to spread less about his successes. Also, this dream can speak of the spoiled reputation of the sleeper.
  11. Pouring wine from one container to another means that the sleeping person in real life cannot decide and choose the right decision. Probably, he rushes about, trying to do several things at once, but in the end he cannot complete any of them to the end.
  12. The modern dream book believes that if a person drinks wine from a glass in a dream, it means that he will have a joyful meeting that will bring a lot of positiveness into his life. If you had to taste a drink from a small crystal glass, it means that the dreamer's plan will soon come true, all that remains is to gain a little patience.

Bottle or shot glass

Red or white, sour or sweet

  1. White wine in a dream often indicates that the sleeper will be able to avoid temptation, or he himself will act as a tempter. Red wine characterizes the sleeper as a person who is very popular with the opposite sex. However, the dream book advises him not to go too far, since such behavior can lead to major troubles.
  2. Sour wine, which the dreamer uses in a dream, indicates the presence of ill-wishers who spread bad rumors about him. To avoid trouble, the sleeper must rely only on himself, without resorting to the help of unfamiliar people. In addition, sour wine can indicate a love affair on the side, which the sleeper will never forget.
  3. Tasting a drink made from apples is a little joy that will quickly be forgotten. Why is sweet wine dreaming? A pleasant drink is a messenger of a prosperous, rich, eventful life.

A cloudy drink poured into an ugly glass is a sign of sadness, and bitter wine portends difficult life filled with troubles and troubles.

Other interpretations: pour the drink into glasses, see the river of wine, refuse tasting, etc.

  1. If there are a lot of people at the table and the dreamer is pouring wine into glasses for everyone, it means that in reality he will get a high-paying job, which he has been striving for for a long time.
  2. A dream in which a person sees a river of wine indicates that he has an entrepreneurial streak. Interpreters advise him to engage in trade, as this will bring him a good income and ensure his continued existence.
  3. Buying a collectible bottle of wine in a dream is an increase in the salary that the sleeper will spend on travel or other entertainment.
  4. Wine spilled on the interlocutor means that in reality the sleeper considers him to be guilty of the events taking place and will certainly express his claims to him.
  5. To refuse wine is to deny any involvement in an incident.
  6. Forced hermitage prophesies a dream in which the sleeper sees himself drowning in a river of wine.

If you dreamed bad dream, the interpreters recommend not to worry too much, because most often night visions are a common game of the subconscious, which does not have any meaning for the sleeping person's life. As a last resort, in order to save yourself from trouble, you can open a window and say the magic phrase: “Where is the night there and sleep. The bad - go away, the good - stay. "

Wine is a very popular drink, without which one can hardly imagine any feast. It was invented in ancient countries many centuries ago. Today, its medicinal qualities are recognized when consumed in small quantities. This drink is always associated with a fun pastime. All this is taken into account when decoding dreams in which wine appears.

Interpretation of sleep by the type of wine

The type of wine that was dreamed is very important. You also need to consider where the wine came from, whether you drank it yourself or treated someone. When you see a bottle of corked wine in front of you, it means that you have not yet fully discovered your natural talents, so you have much to strive for. And when the wine is already open, it portends a fun time with friends.

Why is red wine dreaming

Quite often the question is, what is the dream of red wine for. This type of wine is a symbol of a person's love. If you dreamed of red wine, then, most likely, the dreamer is in love, but is afraid to admit it. Your feelings in reality are especially pronounced if red wine appears in a bottle in a dream. But at the same time, you should not allow emotions to overwhelm you, since later you will have to repent of your actions.

Red wine in a glass

But if you dreamed of red wine in a glass, then this portends the onset of difficult times associated with the emergence of difficulties in almost all areas. Sometimes such a dream is a harbinger of danger. Other plot variations are interpreted as follows:
    If you dream that you are pouring wine into a glass, then this portends a quick trip. Most likely, your close friends will go on a journey with you. When you dreamed that you spilled red wine, then your plans are not destined to come true in the near future. Also, after such a dream, difficulties in the professional sphere are possible due to the prevailing unfavorable external conditions.

Drink red wine

If a girl has to drink red wine in a dream, then this predicts early marriage... In addition, red wine for a girl can predict an interesting vacation in an exotic place. When, according to the plot of the dream, a woman who is carrying a child had a chance to drink red wine, this portends that she will have a healthy and strong child. If a man dreamed that he was drinking a red wine drink in a dream, then a favorable development of events in his personal life awaits him. It is highly likely that the dreamer will meet in reality the woman he has long dreamed of. Also, maybe the guy will receive consent to the marriage from his chosen one.

It is also imperative for the correct interpretation of the dream to remember what taste you had to drink red wine in a dream:
    A sweet drink predicts a monetary profit. Sour wine warns that in the near future you will need to save on yourself. A fortified drink portends victory over your enemies.

Dreaming about white wine

When dreaming about white wine, it symbolizes that a person is calm about his shortcomings. He managed to overcome all his complexes and therefore now enjoys life. If you dream of a glass of wine, it means that soon there will be an opportunity to take advantage of permissiveness. But try to be careful when doing this so as not to get into an unpleasant situation. A bottle of wine in a dream is a positive symbol that symbolizes well-being in life. There is often the question of why you dream of drinking white wine. If, according to the plot of the dream, you arranged gatherings with a friend, then this means that it is quite possible to entrust him with your innermost secret. And if you have to drink white wine with family members, it means that childhood memories will flood over you in the near future. Perhaps this is a recommendation that you need to arrange a meeting with old friends. Drinking white wine for a woman means that she is in real life. positive mood... And if at the same time a bottle of champagne is in the hands, then this portends the fashion of pleasure and positive emotions.

Dreaming of buying wine

A very common question is why you dream of buying wine. Often such a dream is associated with pleasant life events. If in a dream you have to buy a collection bottle of red or white wine, it means that in the near future it is possible to make a good profit. Its recommended to spend rest and entertainment.

A bottle of wine on a showcase

If, according to the plot of the dream, you happened to see a bottle of wine in a shop window, then soon you will make a major purchase that you have dreamed of for a long time. But if wine appeared in night dreams self-made, then soon you will be able to realize your own most daring creative projects... But you should prepare yourself for the fact that this will take a lot of effort.

Wine drink pouring from a bottle

If you dreamed of a wine drink pouring from a bottle, it means that someone will share their secret with you. And if you managed to pour wine into a glass without spilling a drop, then this means that you are a reliable guardian of the secret entrusted to you.

Broken bottle of wine - dream book

If you dreamed of a broken bottle filled with wine, then this symbolizes the passion for love that in real life swept the dreamer. When, in a dream, the dreamer's clothes were splashed in the process of pouring wine, this indicates that in reality it is necessary to behave impeccably so that spiteful critics, spreading gossip and rumors, cannot harm. But if another person was splashed with wine, then trouble threatens him. Therefore, if you saw a familiar person in such a situation in your own night dreams, then you should warn him about possible troubles.

Wine in the wine cellar

If in a dream the wine was dreamed of in barrels in a wine cellar, then this promises to receive joyful news in reality. Night dreams with the appearance of wine cellars mean that events will take place in life that will cause pleasant impressions. This, for example, can be trips or meetings with friends. When in a dream a lot of barrels have dreamed, then prosperity awaits you in real life.

Whether you are drinking wine or dreaming about abundant wine cellars, the dream book promises you a holiday and extraordinary luck. Everything that this sweet, intoxicating drink dreams of will certainly delight the dreamer. This auspicious symbol foreshadows the fulfillment of the most cherished desires capable of drastically changing life for the better. According to some interpretations, now is the period when any tricks get away with it.

The dream concerns such important aspects of life as well-being, love and the creation of a family, friendship and acquaintance with high-ranking persons, which, as you know, sometimes come in handy. The only danger that can lie in wait for the dreamer is his own greed. Having succumbed to the euphoria of permissiveness, it is so easy to grab what you absolutely do not need.

Why dream of drinking red wine, the dream book often associates with dizzying popularity among the opposite sex. Agree, it is unwise to miss such opportunities. And yet, know when to stop, otherwise such confusion will begin in your personal life that there will be no time for fun - this is what wine is dreaming of.

Seeing a bottle of wine in a dream, an integral attribute of festive feasts, is considered a favorable sign of upcoming pleasures and romantic adventures that can turn your head in earnest. Knowing what the wine in the bottle is dreaming of, even in a fit of passion, behave wisely, avoid slippery situations.

Who pays for the banquet?

If you are lucky enough to drink sweet wine in a dream at someone else's expense, the dream book encourages you to keep your mouth shut. Keep in mind that there are many envious people in your environment who strive to find out the secret of your success not at all in order to be happy for you - this is why an unexpected treat with wine is dreamed of.

When the dreamer himself has to treat friends or colleagues with wine in a dream, what he saw in a dream can be interpreted literally: you really will soon have to organize a banquet. It is possible that the occasion for the feast will be the funeral of a distant relative or not very close acquaintance.

When you have to buy wine in a dream, and not simple, but collection, the dream book promises you unexpected financial support. True, he does not specify where exactly - let it be a surprise. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that you will spend the dumped wealth on rest, entertainment and pleasure.

Miller's dream book considers wine a harbinger of a fun feast in a friendly company. Support, understanding and pleasant experiences await you. Barrels full of wine symbolize luxury and abundance. If you are pouring wine by the glass, you will have a journey to pleasant places. A dreamer woman can count on a successful marriage.

If you happen to drink white wine in a dream, two scenarios are assumed: either you will not be able to resist the temptation, or you yourself are the very tempter. In any case, it will not be boring: a great intrigue awaits you.

When wine is spilled in a dream, the dream is both an auspicious sign and a reminder. The dream book secretly informs that fate has prepared a wonderful gift for you. Just treat it with care, appreciate it. If you break your happiness through negligence, a black streak will come in life.

Interpreting why a glass of red wine is dreaming, the dream book warns of the impending euphoria of permissiveness. Not for a minute doubting the dreamer's law-abidingness, the dream book warns that now there is a very high probability of involuntarily falling into the cycle of dangerous events. The start can be a pleasant acquaintance and that very glass of wine.

According to the dream book, pouring wine in a dream is usually entrusted to those who are going to make a profitable offer in reality in the near future. We can talk about a prestigious high-paying position or about mutually beneficial cooperation. Right now, a girl can receive a long-awaited offer from a wealthy groom.

According to another interpretation of the dream, wine is often a reflection of events that took place in reality. If the dreamer really does not mind drinking wine, in the near future the dream book recommends not pressing the wine, especially during business negotiations... In a contract that is tempting, at first glance, something is added in small print.

If in a dream you managed to pour red wine, the dream book delicately hints that your love of love goes beyond all boundaries of what is permitted. Envious of your dizzying success, ill-wishers strive to spread bad rumors in order to tarnish your reputation a little bit.


Why is red wine dreaming?

Red wine in a dream, as a rule, symbolizes the inner state of a person, his thoughts and desires, sexual relations with the opposite sex, etc.

But it happens that wine can portend some kind of misfortune - it all depends on the circumstances under which the dreamer drank red wine in a dream.

A very auspicious sign is to drink red wine in a dream. Such a dream portends excellent health, happiness, wealth, success in any endeavors, a long and interesting life.

Drinking wine in a dream with friends or relatives - a significant event will happen soon, perhaps a wedding.

For a man, red wine in a dream is good sign: meeting with the chosen one, a positive response from the woman he loves, marriage, the birth of children, a strong and friendly family.

But if the dreamer spilled wine, it means that minor troubles, conflicts at work, disagreements with the authorities, minor losses, resentment of a friend await him.

For a person who is engaged in business, drinking wine in a dream is a good sign: financial profit, failed plans of competitors, profitable deals.

If we talk about married women, then many dream books give the following explanation of what red wine is dreaming of: an insidious homeless woman, betrayal of a loved one, discord in family relationships, hatred, resentment, nervous breakdown, hard times, melancholy and despondency.

If a person is unhappy in marriage and is haunted by failures, then a dream where there is red wine portends only good: all adversity will soon pass, relations with loved ones will improve, prosperity and well-being in the family will appear, spouses will reach mutual understanding, children will delight their parents with their successes, fate will show favor and make an unexpected gift.

Very thick wine - a person will go crazy with love, but it is worth considering that these relationships can bring not only joy, but also grief; such a dream warns - no need to show excessive gullibility to a loved one, he shamelessly uses it.

A young girl who dreamed of a bottle of wine will soon marry a rich man and give birth to a child; her marriage will be happy, and she herself will be surrounded by the attention and care of her husband.

If the dreamer saw that he was sitting and drinking wine, but at the same time did not get drunk, this characterizes his personal qualities: a person thinks too highly of himself, has a bad and difficult character, treats people badly, is capable of deceit and cunning, has specific goals in life, for the achievement of which, he can "go over their heads."

Pouring red wine into a glass is a good sign: a pleasant pastime with friends, interesting conversations, new and successful plans, a fast-paced career, a good reputation, an exciting trip in the company of loved ones.

If someone outside pours wine, there is a secret admirer who has high feelings for the dreamer and will soon make itself felt: he will invite you on a date, present an expensive present, and will give compliments.

Choking on red wine in a dream is a bad sign: serious trouble, intrigues of ill-wishers, loss of money, unprofitable enterprise, betrayal of friends, rumors and gossip, disagreements with a loved one. There is a danger to health, possibly a serious illness or even death.

To break a glass of red wine in a dream is a good sign that promises victory over enemies, fulfillment of hopes, love and understanding in the family, profitable work, and respect from the authorities. Giving someone a bottle of wine is a new and loyal friend.


What does Wine dream about, dream book Wine to see in a dream what does it mean?

Dream interpretation of the gypsy Seraphim

Why does Wine dream in a dream?

Interpretation of the dream book: Wine - in the ancient language of biblical parables, wine meant the highest level of understanding of esoteric truth, implying that truth that leads to our highest spiritual development, as the dream book tells - the fortuneteller.

Dream interpretation of the healer Evdokia

Why does Wine dream in a dream?

Seeing Wine in a dream means Wine. Drinking wine - to joy, friendship, fun, success in business. To break a bottle of wine is to experience passion, be careful not to overstep the boundaries of what is permitted. Wine barrels - wealth, luxury. Pouring wine into other dishes - for travel, entertainment. Working on the bottling of wine is an opportunity to get a good deal, a profitable job. Going down to a cellar filled with barrels and bottles of wine is a pleasant experience, an empty wine cellar is a hassle. For a young woman to drink wine in a dream is to meet a wealthy person (or to marry such a person), this is how such a dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Freud's dream book

What is the dream of Wine according to the dream book?

To see Wine in a dream - If you dream of wine, it means that you will have sex under the influence of alcohol. Perhaps you will drink too much at a party or other event, which will make you too liberated (liberated) in choosing a sexual partner. As a result, you will forget all your beliefs and go over all the boundaries of what you think is permissible, as the dream book predicts - the interpreter.

Ancient dream book

Seeing Wine in a dream what does it mean?

According to the dream book Wine - If in a dream you drank or at least just saw wine, then in reality you may be faced with the fact that a fairly accepted dose of alcohol will contribute to your intimate relationship. He will finally be able to drown out the voice of reason in you, because of which you constantly deprive yourself of sexual pleasure. Your sobriety and lack of desire prevent you from enjoying life to the fullest. Moderate your conservatism and relax

Summer dream book

Why see Wine in a dream?

Dream interpretation: Wine - Seeing yourself in a dream wine drinkers in very large quantities and not intoxicated - you have a great opinion of yourself, but those around you perceive you in a completely different way, as the dream book says about this dream.

Port wine (wine). - Port wine can dream of a feast.

Psychological dream book

Why does Wine dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Wine - Drinking wine - be guilty, they bring you wine and you drink it - you will be accused of something, but if you refuse, the accusations will not be supported by evidence and you can avoid an unpleasant situation. If wine is spilled on you, it means that someone behind you is trying to blame you.

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Wine, which means sleep:

Seeing Wine in a dream - If you saw in a dream that you were drinking wine, you have joy and strong friendships ahead of you. If a young woman saw this dream, then she will marry a rich and noble man. We poured wine from one vessel to another - a variety of pleasures, entertainment and travel await you. Spilled wine - soon your salary will be increased. A barrel of wine is a dream of luxury. They drank red wine in a dream - a serene life ahead, entertainment with friends. Broke a bottle of wine in a dream - your love and passion will cross all boundaries. Just spilled wine - know that women love you and things are going well. A girl who dreamed that she was drinking wine will soon marry successfully and live in love and harmony. A broken bottle of red wine is a warning of libel. Nostradamus considered wine a symbol of a peaceful life, economy, prosperity and ... vice. According to Nostradamus, pale pink wine in a transparent glass is dreaming of some kind of trick, deception, and maybe poisoning, which will be rigged by familiar people. Beware of "pleasant" dating with the opposite sex. Huge vineyards and men preparing wine dream of the opportunity to go to live in their historical homeland. There you will find success and prosperity, material wealth and prosperity, but only if you observe local traditions. Large antique amphoras filled with wine dream of some puzzling question that will be very difficult for you to solve. If in a dream you saw that a person was poisoned with wine, then this person in real life will bring you good luck. You have "random" luck ahead. We saw a river of wine, from which wild and domestic animals drink, - the summer is an extremely favorable time for entrepreneurship. All kinds of people will be very peaceful, and you will be able to make compromise decisions. If in a dream you drank wine from a golden cup, remember that you should not get too carried away with illusions, otherwise you can lose touch with the real world. Spilled wine on your clothes - in reality, beware of rash decisions. They can negatively affect the relationship with the person on whom your material well-being depends. Drowned in guilt - forced loneliness ahead. If in a dream you were treated to wine - do not be too frank in reality. Such openness will only harm you, and will give your ill-wishers a reason to gloat.

Madera - Drank Madeira in a dream - you will soon find yourself in a society of people whose material and cultural level is much higher than those with whom you usually spend time.

Spring dream book

Why see Wine in a dream?

According to the dream book, Wine, which means in a dream - Wine - drinking red wine - for fun, white - for a quarrel, sour - for gossip, sweet - for love joys.

Vermouth - Drink vermouth - you are worried about the upcoming meeting; to see how others drink - they will try to have an adverse effect on you. A spilled bottle of vermouth means missed opportunities and lost money. Offering a drink to someone else - trying to establish a close relationship with that person

Dream Interpretation Wine Cellar - A dream about a wine cellar portends that you will be able to make some savings. A person who sees in a dream that he is sitting in a dark wine cellar is in great trouble. If in a dream you took coal from a wine cellar, peace and tranquility will reign in your house.

Port wine - you will fail in your business.

Autumn dream book

Why see Wine in a dream?

Why is Port (wine) dreaming. - Seeing port on the table is for a feast.


Dream interpretation to drink Wine

Why dream of drinking Wine in a dream according to a dream book?

If you dreamed that you were drinking wine in a pleasant company, you will be invited to an entertainment establishment, where you will have a fun and carefree time. There will be an opportunity to escape from worries and drive depressing thoughts out of your head. If the drink was tasty and sweet at the same time, you will receive good news, which will become a balm for the soul.

Who did you drink wine with in your sleep?

The meaning of a dream in which you had a chance to drink wine with a man

If a married woman saw in a dream that she was drinking wine with a man, it means that her thoughts are occupied by some male acquaintance, to whom she has sympathy. This does not mean her willingness to engage in extramarital affairs, this person can be pleasant, like an interlocutor or friend.

For unmarried girls, such a vision means a pleasant pastime in the company of a person to whom there is a spiritual attraction. The emergence of a romantic relationship with the man he saw is possible.

For a man, this vision promises an unpleasant conversation with a good friend. It may not come to a quarrel, but an unpleasant aftertaste will remain for a long time. There is a possibility of a weakening of friendly feelings after an unpleasant disagreement.

Why dream of drinking wine with a dead man

A dream in which you drink wine with a dead person means your skepticism about what you have been doing for quite some time. It starts to seem that the chosen path is wrong and the designated goal is not what you really want. However, do not jump to conclusions without bringing the matter to completion. As a result, you will be pleasantly surprised by the result you get.

If in a dream you had to drink wine with the enemy

According to Felomena's dream book, drinking wine with your enemy means that there is an imaginary friend next to you. His friendship will end at the first trouble that happens to you. He will be there exactly until the moment when he can benefit from your relationship. It is better to get rid of such a person as soon as possible.

What kind of wine did you drink in your dream?

Interpretation of a dream in which you had a chance to drink sweet wine

If you drank sweet wine in a dream, life will give you the opportunity to enjoy its benefits in full. Your dream, which you have already ceased to hope for, will come true. This will give self-confidence and hope for the fairness of fate.

If someone else treated you to a sweet drink, remember this person and in reality do not trust him under any circumstances. He has very evil intentions on your account and a great desire to carry them out. The motive for such behavior may be a long-standing resentment that you have already forgotten about, or banal envy of your success.

You should not abruptly break off relations with him, as he can go all-in and use all the information he has accumulated against you. Let him be near, but do not give the opportunity to find out about all the plans and secrets.

Why drink delicious wine in a dream

Drinking delicious wine in a dream means that your lifestyle suits you completely and you are not going to change anything in it. You have found a balance between work and personal life, which is very diverse. If any unpleasant moments arise, they are easily resolved and do not cause anxiety, so there are no negative thoughts in my head.

What did you drink wine from in a dream?

What does it mean to drink wine from a bottle in a dream

According to the dream book, drinking wine from a bottle means that soon changes in social status are foreseen, and the bachelor life will end. This can mean both the upcoming marriage and the beginning of a new relationship that will turn out to be long and happy.

For married people, such a vision portends a strengthening of the union, a favorable atmosphere in the family. If an unmarried girl has seen such a picture, she will have to find a successful match for a profitable marriage in all respects.

For a man, this is a reflection of his relationship with friends and acquaintances. He is surrounded only by time-tested comrades who will not leave in difficult times. The dreamer understands this very well and values ​​friendship very much.

How are other dream books interpreted?

Dream Interpretation of Miller Dream Interpretation of Freud Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov Islamic Dream Interpretation Muslim dream book


Wine is considered a symbol of abundance, celebration and relaxation. When dreaming about wine, you need to pay attention to its color, taste and effect. If you drink wine without getting drunk, you will find joy and fun in the house. it happy dream... But if you quickly got drunk, then you are in for a not very pleasant surprise and you will have to be ashamed of something. Drinking wine in a dream with someone for brotherhood is a warning dream. He suggests that in reality it is necessary to refrain from rash actions. If after drinking wine, you cannot stay on your feet and fall all the time, sleep promises illness.

If the wine in your dream is red, the dream warns that you can become a participant in a big fight. White wine says you will soon find a source of inspiration. It is also a dream that portends success. Sweet wine - to the fulfillment of desires, and sour - to your act, because of which you will feel guilty for a long time.


Dream Interpretation Drink, why dream about Drinking in a dream to see

Idiomatic dream book Why dream about Drinking from a dream book:

Seeing in a dream Drink - "Drink sorrow and sorrow", "drink from a sacred vessel" (grace), "drink the wine of love", "thirst for glory", "quench a thirst" (satisfaction), "sip grief", "drink from grief ".

Dream interpretation of psychologist A. Meneghetti Dream interpretation: Drink if dreaming

According to the dream book, what is the dream of Drinking - a Positive symbol, especially if it is associated with other vital functions. Five milk, water, good wine means the desire for love, strength, power, fertility. If a person drinks directly from a bottle, this image reflects a person's unconscious desire to return to the period of infancy at a time when he was protected, cared for, when he did not need to cope with the horrors of daily life himself. On the other hand, this image can reflect a feeling of resistance to parents, friends, someone who treats the subject like a small child. If a person sees someone drinking from a horn, then this reflects his faith in this person and an unconscious desire to treat him like a younger one and nurture him. Drink alcoholic beverages most often symbolizes a good mood, pleasant company, joy, fun. This image usually reflects a person's desire to enjoy life. However, if a person with alcohol problems sees himself drinking wine, then this image has a negative sound. The unconscious reminds him that he is a failure, that he lacks the strength to control himself. Drinking can have many different interpretations, so it is very important which people are involved in this action and what feelings a person has towards them.

An old Russian dream book What does it mean when you dream of Drinking:

Interpretation of the dream book: Drink - See articles in the dream book: wine, water, oil, drinks and beer.

Dream interpretation of esoteric E. Tsvetkov Dream interpretation: What does it mean to drink

Drink - Thirsty - chores, urgent worries; clean water- a good thing; dirty - a disease; kvass - health, according to the dream book - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI Century Why Dream of Drinking?

See in a dream

Drink - Drinking from glassware in a dream is a danger; drinking good drinks to a healthy person - to well-being, to a sick person - to recovery; drinking water from an iron container in a dream is a sign that you need to beware of falling with a bruise. Drinking something bitter in a dream - to a quick profit, an improvement in the financial situation. Drinking hot drinks is a harbinger of happiness in love, weddings. Salty drinks are a dream for joy. Drinking for brotherhood is a warning against rash actions.

Small Velesov dream book Why does one dream about Drinking in a dream:

Drink - Good drinking is happiness; from a round vessel - calmness; from glass - danger; clean water is a good deed, wealth; dirty water - illness, grief; kvass - health; want to drink - empty chores; drinking drinks in moderation - consolation in grief, help; excessive - shame, illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Drink - Receive refined energy, pleasure, pleasure - satisfaction or dissatisfaction. Hot is happiness in love, marriage. Suck - a child's need for something (eg, caress, attention). See Add. R. Sensation (thirst).

What does it mean when you dream of Drinking - See Separately in p. Drinks, in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

French dream book To see in a dream Drink, why?

The dream book interprets: Drink - Drinking in a dream is an unkind sign, beware of a protracted illness. If you saw in a dream a person drinking cold water, this is a happy omen; hot water - to a health disorder.

What does it mean to see in a dream? Drink - Drink clean water - success or marriage awaits you. Agree to any offer that has come to you now Drink milk - you need help. But, before you get it, you need to master new knowledge. Sign up for courses. Read useful book Drinking tea, coffee, juice - you will have a meeting with friends. Do not avoid her Drinking wine, alcoholic beverage - Someone will disappoint your expectations. Count on yourself better, you have the makings of a creative person

Dream interpretation of psychologist G. Miller Why dream about Drinking in a dream:

Drink - If in a dream you are offered a sip of alcohol, this is a sign of rivalry or quarrel over small property. Thinking in a dream that you quit drinking or found that others did it portends that your current position in society will improve and material wealth will bring you satisfaction.

Culinary dream book If you dream of Drinking in a dream:

Drink - Drink good well-being drinks in a dream; drinking from a clean and round vessel is an honor or receiving a large profit, and often an inheritance. Drinking simple wine is a big loss and a quarrel with neighbors. Drink beer, porter or anything thick - attack or illness.

Dream interpretation of medium Hasse Dream interpretation: Drink in a dream

Drink - From one glass - publicity of secrets; from gold or silver dishes - happiness in all enterprises.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Drinking:

Drink - Clean (transparent drink, water) you are closer to the truth or learn the truth. Thick, viscous, dark you have to learn the depth of your "I", plunge into the world of the subconscious. Dirty, unpleasant, tasteless truth will be bitter. You will have to learn some of the dirty sides of life. Don't lose yourself or get depressed.

Dream interpretation of the witch Medea Drink according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream Drink (water) - Drinking in a dream means absorbing the surrounding atmosphere - joy or sadness (see also Alcohol, Glass). Drinking cold clean water - to good health. Drinking warm, unpleasant water - to illness. To be thirsty is a need for help (if there is no physiological thirst in reality).

Lunar dream book Why dream about Drinking?

As the dream book interprets: Want to drink - Have chores.

Explanatory dream book Why dream about Drinking from a dream book?

What to see Drinking from glass dishes - Danger; to drink good drinks for a healthy person - well-being, for a patient - an ailment; drinking water from an iron dish - a fall with a bruise.

Eastern dream book based on Feng Shui What does it mean if you dream about Drinking in a dream according to Eastern traditions?

Seeing in a dream Drinking alcohol - Seeing yourself drinking alcohol is a symbol of wealth. If someone drinks alcohol - to the loss of money. Seeing a woman drinking alcohol in a dream is a great disaster.

Islamic dream book Why dream about Drinking in a dream?

What does it mean to see in a dream? Drinking - drinking an unknown drink or fresh water in a dream - is a sign of guidance on the True Path and the acquisition of knowledge. And whoever drinks cool, fresh water will acquire wealth obtained by the way permitted in Islam.

Assyrian dream book Why dream about Drinking from a dream book?

What does it mean to see in a dream? Drinking - Since water is a symbol of the unconscious, drinking water can mean saturation with the unconscious. Drinking alcoholic beverages can symbolize either pleasure or escape from reality. Alcoholic intoxication is sometimes used as a symbol of divine ecstasy, so drinking in a dream can mean a "thirst" for spiritual experiences.


Drink sweet wine

Dream interpretation drink sweet wine dreamed why in a dream Drink sweet wine? To select the interpretation of the dream, enter keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation of dreams with a letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Drink sweet wine by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Drink red wine

You will be slandered.

Dream interpretation - drink wine

Profit; merge it.

Wealth on dreambok.pro.

Dream interpretation - Sweet

Eating sweet in a dream means carnal pleasures, joy, pleasures. If you dream that someone is treating you with something sweet, then beware of deception. Sugary sweetness in a dream is a sign of loss or betrayal.

Dream interpretation - Wine

Dream interpretation - Wine

Dream interpretation - Wine

Pouring wine is a joy.

Red wine is fun.

Muddy wine - to sadness.

Dream interpretation - Wine

Dream interpretation - Drink wine in a dream

To resolve doubts.

Dream interpretation - Wine

For a long time, wine has been an integral part of the table of many nations. It symbolized the prosperity and efficiency of the economy. To this day, wine (Cahors) is part of the rituals carried out by the church. Not only wine is popular among the people, but also its "underripe" version - mash.

Since wine requires painstaking production, it is a symbol of relaxation and a desire to relax, to celebrate a significant event. In Greece, wine was prepared for the day dedicated to the god Dionysus. On this day, celebrations were held, characterizing a special freedom of morals - saturnalia, part of which were orgies. Wine helped people get rid of unnecessary worries, complexes and forget about problems.

Seeing a wine cellar - a dream promises hard work, an unusually strong and incessant stream of urgent matters.

Buying a bottle of collection wine is a symbol of relaxation, which will turn up at the most unexpected moment, at the same time, this symbol can portend an acquaintance with a wealthy woman.

Seeing yourself drunk with a bottle of wine in hand is a showdown, a dispute that will not bring satisfaction, a quarrel.

Seeing a noisy feast with an abundance of wine on the table is a good deal, getting a lucrative contract, concluding an agreement with a good specialist.

Drinking wine at someone else's expense - this dream warns you against waste and portends the appearance in your life of creditors for very long debts, debts that you have long forgotten about.

Making wine - you are willing to spend time on something that can bring results; painstaking occupation does not scare you; You will not back down until you get your way.

Dream interpretation - Wine

Drinking wine in a dream - in reality, experience the joy of communicating with faithful friends. Drinking wine from a jug is a harbinger of good health and a sign that you will be favorably received in all walks of life, charging everyone around you with your optimism. Drinking wine from a bottle - to contentment in the house, a successful trip. To break a bottle of wine - your love and passion will reach the highest limit. A bottle of champagne is a profitable business, drinking from it is positive emotions, no stress.

White wine - entertainment is coming, which should be kept silent in the family. Red wine is a fun walk or a trip out of town. Apple cider - happiness may smile at you if you do not waste time on dubious pleasures; drinking it or seeing others drink, - you will fall under the influence of unfaithful friends.

Being in a wine cellar is a feeling of imbalance. Seeing many barrels of wine is a luxury at someone else's expense. Straining wine from a barrel into a smaller container or dish is a harbinger of all kinds of fun, entertainment and travel to famous places.

Pouring wine from a bottle by glass means higher wages, new business meetings, connections and acquaintances. Spilling wine on a tablecloth is to break your happiness, get a serious wound or even bloodshed. Drinking wine diluted with water is a disease, and for a young girl a harbinger that she will marry a rich and noble man.

A box or basket full of bottles of wine - you will be seized by a vain alarm.


Drink hot wine

Dream interpretation Drink hot wine dreamed why in a dream Drink hot wine? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Drinking hot wine by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - Drink muddy wine

To sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Hot

To feel hot air in a dream and breathe it through force means that in reality you will be persuaded to commit an evil act. Drinking hot water in a dream - happiness will smile at you, hot milk portends a struggle, in the end of which you will achieve wealth and fulfillment of desires.

Taking a hot poker or other iron object in a dream with your hands means that you will meet the trials that have fallen to your lot fully armed.

Basking in a dream by a hot stove or stove suggests that in real life you are dearly loved in your own family and appreciated in the circle of friends for your selflessness and kindness.

Getting burned on a hot heating device means that in reality you will meet resistance from competitors.

The hot feelings that you show in a dream to someone speak of your passion and love.

Dream interpretation - Hot

"hot head" determination, fearlessness.

"hot days" are difficult times.

"get excited", "boil over" to be indignant, to be impatient. In a child's play, "cold-hot" "hot" means close.

"hot love" is very strong.

Dream interpretation - Drink red wine

You will be slandered.

Beware of intrigue due to women, and also do not associate with gypsies.

Drinking white - to illness and melancholy.

Dream interpretation - drink wine

Fun, and to others mental anxiety; muddy wine.

Profit; merge it.

Wealth on dreambok.pro.

Dream interpretation - Wine

Seeing wine in a dream is a sign of guilt. Drinking it in a dream portends that you should take care of your health and not overload your body. To dream of a glass of wine and drink from it is a joyful meeting. If you drank a little wine from a small glass, then prosperity awaits you, and if a lot, then expect failure or an accident. Drinking a little wine in a dream, but in a large company - to quarrels and troubles. Drinking wine on some solemn occasion is good only for the rich, and for the poor, sleep predicts setbacks and troubles. Drinking muddy wine in a dream - to annoyance and bad news. Drinking red sweet wine drunk in a dream means that some influential patron will love you and achieve honors and wealth for you. Drinking wine alone is bad news. See interpretation: drinks, drunk.

Selling wine is a quarrel. To meet a wine merchant is a warning that you can get into a bad company and your reputation can be damaged. If in a dream you are treated to wine, then soon you will hear accusations against you. Pouring wine into one container - to reconciliation and pleasure. Pouring wine from one vessel to another is a waste of time on empty entertainment. Pouring wine in a dream - to chagrin, unhappiness, sometimes means that you yourself will harm your happiness. Sometimes for women, such a dream predicts a marriage of convenience, which will be unsuccessful. Breaking a bottle of wine is a sign of getting rid of anxiety. For lovers, such a dream predicts unbridled passion. See interpretation: bottle, glass, glass.

Pouring yourself on wine and dipping something in wine is a sign of guilt. See interpretation: clothing. Pouring white wine - to joy, red - to strife, muddy - to sadness. To wash with wine or wash - to losses and damages. To regale with wine - to sad events, funerals. To see apple wine in a dream is to chagrin. Seeing in a dream how wine is made is a sign of success in business.

Dream interpretation - Wine

You saw in a dream that you were drinking wine - you have joy and strong friendships ahead of you.

If a young woman saw this dream, then she will marry a rich and noble man.

We poured wine from one vessel to another - a variety of pleasures, entertainment and travel await you. Spilled wine - soon your salary will be increased.

A barrel of wine is a dream of luxury.

They drank red wine in a dream - a serene life ahead, entertainment with friends.

Broke a bottle of wine in a dream - your love and passion will cross all boundaries.

Just spilled wine - know that women love you and things are going well.

A girl who dreamed that she was drinking wine will soon marry successfully and live in love and harmony.

A broken bottle of red wine is a warning of libel.

Nostradamus considered wine a symbol of a peaceful life, economy, prosperity and ... vice. According to Nostradamus, pale pink wine in a transparent glass is dreaming of some kind of trick, deception, and maybe poisoning, which will be rigged by familiar people. Beware of "pleasant" dating with the opposite sex.

Huge vineyards and men preparing wine dream of the opportunity to go to live in their historical homeland. There you will find success and prosperity, material wealth and prosperity, but only if you observe local traditions.

Large antique amphoras filled with wine dream of some puzzling question that will be very difficult for you to solve.

If in a dream you saw that some person was poisoned with wine, then this person in real life will bring you good luck. You have "random" luck ahead.

We saw a river of wine, from which wild and domestic animals drink, - the summer is an extremely favorable time for entrepreneurship. All kinds of people will be very peaceful, and you will be able to make compromise decisions.

If in a dream you drank wine from a golden cup, remember that you should not get too carried away with illusions, otherwise you can lose touch with the real world.

Spilled wine on your clothes - in reality, beware of rash decisions. They can negatively affect the relationship with the person on whom your material well-being depends.

Drowned in guilt - there was a forced loneliness ahead.

If in a dream you were treated to wine - do not be too frank in reality. Such openness will only harm you, and will give your ill-wishers a reason to gloat.

Dream interpretation - Wine

Barrels of wine are a harbinger of your wealth and prosperity, for a girl such a dream promises a successful marriage.

Pouring wine in a dream - in reality to receive a good reward for your work.

Pouring wine is a joy.

Pouring wine - to wealth.

To see white wine in a dream - to good ideas, upcoming success.

Red wine is fun.

Champagne - your ideas will succeed.

Drinking wine means having many friends.

Muddy wine - to sadness.

Drinking sweet wine - to the fulfillment of desires and well-being in everything.

Apple wine - to noisy joy.

Drink vermouth - you will reproach yourself in vain.

Drinking red wine - to a good mood.

Drinking wine with someone is a quarrel.

They invite you to drink wine - to good health and longevity.

Young wine in a dream - may be a warning to you that it is necessary to restrain an impulse of passion, not to sink to base delight.

Drinking liqueur in a dream or treating someone with it - for guests, a feast.

Drinking champagne in a dream and hearing the flapping of corks means that you may soon be deceived by those you trust. Its consequences will be not so much unprofitable for you, but simply offensive.

You open champagne in a dream - good news or a surprise awaits you.

To pour over champagne - to the fulfillment of desires.

Drinking Cahors in a dream - to remorse in reality.

To see a wine merchant in a dream is a dangerous acquaintance.

Being in a dream in a wine cellar - soon you can become a topic for conversation and gossip.

Outside, looking at the wine cellar is a good investment of money, useful savings.

Dream interpretation - Wine

Wine is a symbol of a peaceful life, economy, prosperity, vice. Seeing wine on the table among other products and nearby weapons is a symbol of the fact that the world will be preserved as long as the tradition of the ancestors - hospitality - flourishes in the state.

To see pale pink wine in a transparent glass - a dream portends a catch, deception, murder through poisoning, which will be sanctioned by official services and arranged by familiar people so that no one suspects anything, especially you should be afraid of "pleasant" acquaintances with the opposite sex.

Seeing huge vineyards and the preparation of wine by strong men with red hair - this dream testifies to a blood connection with Germany and the opportunity to go to live in their historical homeland, where success and prosperity, material wealth and prosperity are expected, while observing local traditions.

Seeing large antique amphoras filled with wine means that you will have to puzzle yourself before you dare to answer a question that will soon fill your mind and soul, but this is possible only if you maintain contact with representatives of previous generations and knowledge of the pedigree ...

Seeing that a person has been poisoned with wine is a symbol of the good luck that this person will bring you. Be prepared for an abundance of "random" luck since 2001.

Seeing the river of wine, from which wild and domestic animals drink and fall exhausted on its banks, is a sign that in the summer time there will be an extremely good time for entrepreneurship, because all kinds of people will be very peaceful and will be able to make compromise decisions.

If in a dream you drink wine from a golden goblet, in reality you will be so carried away by your illusions that you will lose touch with the real world.

Seeing in a dream how you spill wine on your clothes is to make a rash decision that will affect your relationship with the person on whom your material well-being depends.

Drowning in wine is a forced loneliness.

If in a dream you are treated to wine - excessive frankness will only harm you, and your ill-wishers will give you a reason to gloat.

Dream interpretation - Drink wine in a dream

To resolve doubts.


Drinking wine with a late husband

Dream interpretation - Drink

Drinking from glassware is a danger.

Drinking good drinks for a healthy person is for well-being.

A sick person drinking water from an iron container is a sign that you need to beware of falling with a bruise.

Drinking something bitter means quick profits, better financial situation.

Drinking hot drinks is a harbinger of happiness in love, weddings.

Drinking salty drinks - dreaming to joy.

Drinking for brotherhood is a warning against rash actions.

Dream interpretation - Wine

Seeing wine in bottles, barrels, drinking it in a company is a symbol of joy, fun, health.

For a young woman - the arrangement of her personal life.

Breaking a bottle of wine is a sign of ardent passion.

Sparkling wine is a special wealth and luxury.

Pouring wine - a variety of pleasures, entertainment.

Going down to the wine cellar is a pleasant future experience.

Spilled wine - to bloodshed, misfortune.

To treat with wine - to sadness.

To trade is a quarrel.

Dream interpretation - Husband

If the husband is healthy, cheerful, looks good, this is a sign of family well-being.

Pale, thin, sad - to the illness of one of the family members.

To see your husband dead is very unfortunate.

To quarrel, even to fight with your husband - to peace and harmony.

If the husband leaves you in a dream for no reason, then in reality there will be a temporary cooling between you.

If you dream that your husband is leaving for another woman, you must fight monotony and routine. family life as your relationship suffers from it.

Leaving her husband, falling in love with another - to loneliness in the family and dissatisfaction.

If a girl dreams that she is married, she should take more care of her attractiveness to men.

To feast with her husband - to separation.

Intimacy is someone else's interference in affairs, someone's influence.

Traveling with your husband is a loss of property.

Giving your husband a drink is fortunate.

Dream interpretation - Husband

Husband and wife beat each other, fight - portends the imminent establishment of harmonious relations.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head jewelry - portends parting in

Husband and wife enter the market - heralds the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feast together - portends parting.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - portends parting.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

You walk with your spouse (wife) somewhere - soon there will be misfortune.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

The wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A man or husband suddenly turns into a nun - a misfortune.

You hug your husband - portends a happy event.

Dream interpretation - Wine

Drinking red wine in a dream - to a serene life, entertainment with friends. Spilled wine is evidence that women love you, your business is going well. If a girl drinks wine in a dream, it means that she will soon marry successfully and will live in love and harmony. A broken bottle of red wine is a warning that you will be slandered and you will experience significant moral difficulties.

Dream interpretation - Husband

If a woman dreamed that her husband was leaving her for no apparent reason, then a short-term alienation would arise between her and her husband, which would sometimes be replaced by full agreement.

Oddly enough, a dream in which your husband showered you with undeserved accusations is very favorable: he promises trust and respect in real life.

If you dreamed of a husband, pale and tired, then one of your loved ones may get sick.

But a cheerful husband who appeared in a dream will bring prosperity to your house and open up new horizons for you.

If you dreamed that your husband is in love with another, you should take a critical look at your life - is it too monotonous.

But when you yourself dream that you have fallen in love with another, then you are alone in the family and are not satisfied with your position.

A girl who sees herself in a dream in the role of a married lady should take care of her appearance.

Dream interpretation - Drink

To be thirsty is to be preoccupied with troubles.

The dream that you are drinking good drinks, clean cold water promises well-being.

Drinking oil or dirty water is a disease.

If you are invited for a drink - also to health and longevity.

Drinking water from an iron container - to a fall and injury or other accident.

If in a dream you think that you quit drinking, or found out that someone else did it, this dream promises an improvement in your financial situation and strengthening your position in society.

Dream interpretation - Drink

Drink clean water.

Tip of the day: success or marriage awaits you. Agree to any offer that comes to you now.

To drink milk.

Tip of the day: You need help. But, before you get it, you need to master new knowledge. Sign up for courses. Read a helpful book.

Drink tea, coffee, juice.

Tip of the day: You are about to meet with friends. Don't avoid her.

Drink wine, alcoholic beverage.

Tip of the day: someone will disappoint your expectations. Count on yourself better, you have the makings of a creative person

Dream interpretation - Drink

Drinking wine in a tall mansion - portends the arrival of a rich and noble person.

Drinking wine with someone - portends a squabble.

Drinking water portends great benefits.

Drinking water nonstop - you will gain great wealth.

Drinking water non-stop is a great wealth.

Drinking vinegar is fortunate.

Drinking wine drunk - portends illness.

Sitting in a boat, drinking wine - the arrival of a guest from afar.

Dream interpretation - Husband

If you dreamed that your husband was cooking something, someone fell in love with you. To prevent this love from leading to conflicts with your husband, take a bath with rose petals at night.

If you dreamed that your husband died, someone is trying to take him away from you. To keep your family together, give your husband a keychain or pendant with your photo and make sure he wears it.