The names of the most powerful demons in men. The true names of all the demons of hell

Entities that make people fearful exist, perhaps, in myths and legends. different nations... Their appearance goes back to the origins of folklore. As a rule, a variety of terrible supernatural monsters carried evil, death or were an instrument of punishment. higher powers... In our review, the most terrifying and terrible entities from different cultures.

1. Pishachi

Pishachi are some of the most fearsome carnivorous demons in Hindu myths. They were depicted with dark faces, bulging veins and bulging red eyes. The pishachi have always hunger for human flesh.

2. Vetals

Vetals are ghostly creatures from Hindu mythology. They are spirits that move into corpses, after which they stop decaying and gain the ability to move like zombies. However, vetals can also leave a corpse at on their own.

3. Ronove

In demonology, Ronowe is considered the marquis and great earl of hell, who commands twenty legions of demons. He is most often depicted as a kind of vague monster who holds a staff in his hand. It is also believed that he collects the souls of people and animals that die.

4. Rakshasa

These demonic spirits come from Hindu myths, but they can also be found in other religions such as Buddhism. They are known as cannibals, and devour their victims while still alive. According to Hindu traditions, they were so filled with lust for blood that when they were created they tried to devour their creator - the god Brahma.

5. Preta

Preta spirits, also known as "hungry ghosts" can be found in some Indian religions. They are doomed to wandering and suffering from terrible hunger and thirst, which they cannot satisfy in any way. According to these religions, people who were greedy, corrupt, jealous and greedy during their lifetime become preta.

6. Lemurs

In ancient Roman religion, lemurs were evil, restless spirits of the dead who were known for their terrifying appearance. It was also believed that they were associated with the Greek monster Lamia, after which they were named.

7. Yorogumo

According to ancient Japanese myths, the yorogumo is a bloodthirsty monster. In most fairy tales, he is described as a huge spider, taking the form of a very attractive woman, who seduces men, lures them into her den and devours them.

8. Hongdong

Hundong is a faceless evil, which in Chinese mythology and cosmogony is considered the source of catastrophe and chaos. The strangest thing about this demon is how ancient it is. According to Chinese beliefs, it existed before heaven and earth were separated, that is, before the Big Bang.

9. Eligos

Edigos is the great duke of hell who rules over sixty legions of demons. He discovers hidden things and knows the future of wars. Eligos is usually depicted as a pious knight carrying a spear, a banner and a serpent.

10. Genie

Jinn are supernatural beings in Arabic as well as Islamic late mythology and theology. The Qur'an says that the jinn is composed of smokeless and "scorching fire", but they are also physically capable of interacting with people and objects.

11. Barbatos

Barbatos in demonology is the duke of hell who rules over thirty legions of demons. He has four kings as companions who help him command the legions. It is believed that he can lead people to the treasures that were hidden by the magic of wizards, but for this he asks for a very high price - souls.

12. Barakiel

Barakiel is the ninth observer of the twenty leaders of the two hundred fallen angels mentioned in the Book of Enoch. His name means "lightning of God", which is not surprising since Barakiel is believed to have taught people astrology before his fall.

13. Hazi Dahaka

Hazi Dahaka is a storm demon from Iranian mythology and religion. It was claimed that he steals livestock and attacks people. It is a serpentine monster with three heads and six eyes, which also personifies the oppression of Iran during the time of Babylon.

14. Agares

Agares is the Duke of Hell who owns its eastern part and commands thirty-one legions of demons. He appears astride a crocodile and has a hawk on his arm. It was believed that Agares could bring back deserters and put enemies to flight. He can also exalt people, teach all languages ​​and cause an earthquake.

15. Abaddon

In the book of Revelation, an angel named Abaddon who looks like Satan is described as the king of the locust army. He holds a trident, has frightening wings, a serpentine tail, and an evil face with cruel eyes. His name in ancient translation from Greek means "destroyer".

16. Asag

In the ancient Sumerian religion, Asag was a grotesque demon who looked so scary that his presence killed fish in the rivers. His name translates as "causing disease."

17. Dybbuk

In Jewish mythology, Dibbuk is an evil spirit that infiltrates a person and lives in him until his death. This harmful creature leaves the body of its owner only after it has fulfilled its nefarious purpose.

18. Abizu

In the myths of the Middle East and Europe, Abizu is a female demon. She is accused of miscarriages and infant mortality, since Abizu allegedly envies people, being sterile.

19. Ghoul (ghoul)

The ghoul is one of the most famous creatures in the ancient Arab religion and is first mentioned in The Thousand and One Nights. He is described as an undead who can also take on the form of an intangible spirit. As a rule, ghouls live in cemeteries and feed on carrion.

20. Succubus

Those who think that only men commit rape are deeply mistaken. Succubus is a demon who, in medieval legends, invaded the dreams of men and boys in the form of attractive women, and then seduced or raped them.

21. Xin Tian

Xin Tian is an evil divine giant in Chinese mythology who fought against the heavenly emperor Huang Di. Even after he was defeated and beheaded, Xin Tian continued to fight, creating a face on his torso: eyes from the nipples and a mouth from the navel. However, he was armed with an ax in one hand and a shield in the other.

22. Boer

Buer is a demon who was first described in the demonological literature of the sixteenth century, where he is described as the great president of hell, commanding fifty legions of demons. Buer was described as having the head of a lion and five goat legs surrounding his body so that Buer could move in any direction.

23. Azazel

According to the Book of Enoch (an apocryphal book in the Jewish religious tradition), Azazel was one of the leaders of a group of fallen angels who took human women as wives and taught people a lot. After he was thrown into hell, without being able to kill (the archangels were sent to "eliminate" the fallen angel), Azazel became the most mysterious supernatural being in sacred literature.

24. Belphegor

In Western demonology, Belphegor is a demon who was originally an ancient Semitic god and later became one of the seven princes of hell. The sixth of ten archdemons offers people ingenious inventions that can make them rich in return for souls.

25. Nephilim

According to ancient biblical texts, the word Nephilim means "giants". They were known as great warriors, born of "sons of God" who were divine beings and "daughters of Adam" who were mortals. God condemned his sons for rebellion and connection with people, and that is why their offspring were called "Nephilim" or fallen.

The doctrine of demons (from the ancient Greek "daimon" - deity, spirit, in English it is written daemon) is called demonology. It includes their names, descriptions of appearance, behavior, rituals to summon evil spirits, methods of control and fight against them.

The doctrine is classified as black magic and is considered quite dangerous for humans. It is practiced by a demonologist with extensive knowledge of the supernatural world.

Different peoples have their own ideas about demonology. Allocate directions:

  • Christian- the origin of demons is due to the expulsion of angels from Paradise. One of them became proud of his power and rebelled against the Lord. The name of this bright angel was Lucifer (Dennitsa, in Heylel - morning star).

    He gathered a third of the heavenly army and intended to take the place of God. However, the Archangel Michael and his army successfully resisted the rebels.

    The rebels were thrown into the Underworld, so the fallen angels turned into demons. According to the Bible, for human souls and everything that exists, there is a constant struggle between the dark and light sides.

  • Slavic- mythology explains the structure of the world by the influence of demonic forces. Natural phenomena are influenced by atmospheric Spirits, family relationships, economy - sorcerers, witches, brownies, life after death is represented by mermaids, ghouls, water, werewolves and so on.

    A feature of the direction is considered to be the reckoning of human states (diseases), processes (fate), events (days of the week) in the category of mythological.

  • Japanese- the Chinese and Japanese religions Shintoism means the presence of gods - kami everywhere in the world: in objects, phenomena. Demons O-bake, Youkai, Yurei, and others of a lower rank than the Kami.

    Demon Youkai

    Demon Yurei

    At the same time, a person is able to interact with them in a good or fraudulent way.

  • In occultism- magicians can use demons to fulfill their own desires. For this, the mystical traditions of Goetia (Goetia) are used to summon evil spirits, create talismans and other practices.

Perhaps an occult direction, which consists in the worship of demons (demonolatry).

Famous African Voodoo rituals to summon evil spirits, guardian angels.

Characters in demonology are different, including images of animals, plants, mythical creatures, asexual and sexually, creepy and attractive, capable of changing appearance (Alruns) or infiltrating mortals. Their connection with people is widespread: half-man - half-goat, centaur, minotaur, and so on. Almost all have horns. The teaching describes a half-demon-half-human (Ashgar), who is recognized as one of the most powerful beings.

There are many books on the topic of demons and magic in bookstores. Among the names of their authors are Kalashnikov V.I., Kontanistov Alexander and Golban Marina, Crowley and Fuller, and so on. Information about demons is presented in the teachings of the Christian Church: the books of the prophet Ezekiel, Job, the Revelations of John the Theologian, and so on.

Names of demons: list and photo

There are a great many inhabitants of hell, since ancient times demonologists and theologians have tried to calculate how much this number is approximately. The numbers in different interpretations differ significantly: in the II century the number of demons is indicated on the order of 30 thousand, in the 15 century Alphonse de Spina increases it to 133 306 608. In the 16th century, the biblical “number of the beast” was taken as a basis for calculating the number of monsters, as a result it turned out 66 infernal princes, leading a legion of 6,660,000 supporters of darkness.

Of the total number of representatives, according to Jewish beliefs, 12 demons of the Gates of Hell take sinful souls to the Underworld.

The list presented includes descriptions of the common names of the infernal inhabitants, in accordance with various interpretations.

Lucifer (Satan, Satanael, Devil)

He was a beautiful, powerful and beloved angel of God. After his failed attempt to seize the throne of God, which is why Lucifer was expelled from Paradise to Hell, he acquired the name Satan (translated as "slanderer"), became the Prince of Darkness, the main leader of Hell and demons.

His beautiful appearance has become ugly and ugly. He is considered the most powerful representative of the dark forces, who opened knowledge to people and leads centuries of opposition to the light side. The name Devil is also his title, and is translated into Latin Satan (enemy). There are various assumptions about whether Satan has a son or daughter. The magicians and inquisitors of the Middle Ages believed that all demons that are not fallen angels originated from the connection between Lucifer and Lilith. Moloch is named among the sons.

According to another theory, the children of the Devil are people who have denied God. Many are interested in when Satan's birthday is, while May 1 is often present - the holiday of gathering evil spirits on Walpurgis Night. However, the real date is not known for certain. The direct creator and father of Lucifer is the Lord, the mother of the ancient grimoires indicates Lucida - inanimate stellar energy.

Astaroth (Asterot, Astoret)

A high-ranking demon, the guardian of the treasures of hell, in the hierarchy takes place after Satan and is his right hand. He was cast down into the underworld along with Lucifer. Strong, talented, charming, charming. The archdevil is able to give a person intelligence, invisibility, power over snakes. Possesses people, making them possessed. More often than other demons, he appears in human form, holding a viper in his right hand. Astarte is his wife; in some sources, the spouses merge into the image of one fallen angel.

Beelzebub (Verzaul)

A powerful demon of Power known as the Lord of the Flies, commander of the infernal legions. It is considered a companion and co-ruler of Satan, sometimes represented by the Devil and bears his name.

The appearance of the epic archdemon is diverse: from a fly-like to a monster with 3 heads. Bufovirt is recognized as the wife of Weselvole. The demon received his nickname for the fact that insects obeyed him from childhood, together with flies he sent a plague to Canaan.


The Supreme Demoness, the Devil's wife. Sometimes she is identified with Lilith, but Kasikandriera is considered the first wife of Lucifer. The Queen of Hell originated from the supreme astral world - the abode of the Gods. What the Queen of the Underworld looks like is shown in the photo.

She came to Hell of her own accord, where she won favor, thanks to her disposition and beautiful appearance... Kasikandriera is considered a good devil, who is characterized by compassion. Her power is so great that the girl is able to destroy Hell, Paradise and humanity. However, the main demoness observes neutrality, and does not participate in the confrontation between good and evil.


It is considered the first wife of Adam, created before Eve. She was distinguished by an obstinate disposition and, due to her unwillingness to obey her husband, was expelled from Paradise. In the underworld, the demoness becomes Satan's friend.

Mentions about her were excluded from the Bible so as not to set a bad example for women. There is a version that Lilith was a snake that entered into an alliance with Adam, and then became jealous of the created Eve, treating her to the Forbidden Fruit, and also persuaded Cain to conceive.


One of the consorts of the Great Unclean One.

Her line of work was in the placement of personnel in Hell. She was distinguished by cruelty towards humanity, shed a lot of blood. The demoness was 4 meters tall, and her head was crowned with seven horns.


That was the name of Astaroth's wife, Demoness of pleasure and lust, Queen dead souls, a warrior.

Born in the union of Satan and Lilith. Likes to play with people, is emotional, hysterical. The Phoenicians worshiped her as the goddess of love, fertility, hunting, war. The cult of Astarte was accompanied by orgies, with which the Old Testament prophets fought.


Beelzebub's wife, demoness of Power, her sign is the Fly.

Differs in refinement, beauty, decency, loyalty. Before marriage, she was a demon of the Force. Miloris is the firstborn of the couple.

Valak (Volak)

A powerful governor of Hell, appearing in the form of a boy with angel wings, sitting on a dragon with 2 heads.

He commands 30 legions of spirits, reveals to the caster information about the hidden treasures, voluntarily gives the snakes.

Belial (Beliar)

The leader of the dark forces, the main priest, close to the Lord.

The demon of lies is not hostile to man, which is different from the Devil, in medieval Christianity he advocates hell against the forces of light for the right to possess over people. Belial (in other words, Velizar) is recognized as a liar, patron gambling, note his cheerful character, unwillingness to take on the appearance of terrible monsters.


Demon of lust, fornication, jealousy, family troubles, hatred and revenge. Prince of the Hammer of the Witches.

He is considered to be close and friend of the Lord and can act on his behalf. He is cruel and merciless, while appreciating the concept of honor. The temper is contradictory, it is considered a psycho and the delight of Hell.

Baal (Baal, Bel, Bael, Wael)

The Duke of Hell, a powerful and cruel demon of treachery and deceit, his image is widespread in the guise of a bull.

Idolatry included human sacrifice, large-scale orgies. A terrible ritual was performed to ensure the fertility of the earth. Mostly children were sacrificed, a child under 7 years old was thrown into a fire. However, modern research has established the fact that usually the child was already dead before the ritual.


Advisor, Chancellor of Hell, in charge of the Devil's wardrobe. It is presented in the guise of a man with a mule head and a peacock's tail.

In the Old Testament, it is mentioned as a Separvaim deity, which was characterized by fire sacrifices, in which babies were burned at the stake.

Gremory (Gomori, Gemori)

Grand Duke, appears as beautiful woman wearing a crown riding a camel.

Tells about the mysterious events of the past, present and future, about the places of hidden treasures. Provides love for women, especially girls.


Demon of Brotherhood, has no wife, children, parents. There is a sister Voloyan. Considered a great and cruel warrior, he cannot put up with insolence and rudeness. Has a striking appearance: red hair, fiery wings and red horns.


Duke of the Infernal Empire, demon of robbery.

Inclines to steal, until it is brought to the "gallows". Appears with the body of a lion and human head with a frowning expression on his face.


The Duke of Hell, appearing as a man with the head of a unicorn.

Creates or inspires mortals to create harsh, gruesome music. Allows you to hear the sound of instruments, at the request of the necromancer obeys the trees to bow.


Belongs to the group of Asmodeus, is considered the son of Satan and Lilith. He has many children, is married to Lamia, but does not maintain a relationship, as she is serving a sentence. He loves alcohol and to play with mortals, is interested in the history of Hell. Appears in the form of an attractive man with blond hair with long bangs, dark horns, impressive wings.


Marquis endowed with great power. Appears in the mythical image of a wolf with a snake's tail, then transforms into a man with a raven's head or with teeth like a dog's.

Solves disputes, tells the past and future, provides protection and love.

Arabas (Orobas)

The Prince of Hell is presented in the form of a centaur, because when falling from heaven into the abyss, he merged with his own horse. Orabas commands 20 legions of spirits. It tells about past and future events, provides titles, patronage of friends and enemies. Loyal to the magician.

Dantalian (Dantalion)

The Duke has many faces: men, women, girls, guys. He holds a book in his hands.

Reads the thoughts of mortals and changes them, prompting them to evil deeds. Gives knowledge, teaches art, can evoke love.


Demon of greed and wealth. Mamon taught a man to dig the earth in order to steal treasures. Sent to Hell among the last, walks with his head lowered.


The great avenger and the Executioner of the underworld. Also supervises Public Works. Demon of retribution, evil, which possesses the avenger. Recognized as one of the most violent representatives of Hell.

Abbadon (Abbadona, Apolion)

A powerful demon of death, a military adviser to Hell, a destroyer, a pseudonym - Apollyon, in the Middle Ages his name was mentioned as a designation of Satan, close to the King of Darkness, his faithful assistant. He is cruel and merciless, does not retreat to anything.


Who is Moloch mentioned in Old testament... The Babylonians worshiped a demon-deity, the inhabitants performed a purification ceremony for children: girls and boys were forced to jump over the fire.

However, the historical interpretation claims that the offspring were burned alive. The Hebrew Bible forbade giving children to worship Moloch, the punishment was deprivation of life.

Waalberite (Valberite, Baalberite)

Chief secretary, archivist who seals agreements between mortals and the inhabitants of the Underworld.

In some interpretations, he appears as the God of Death. The devilish representative inclines people to slander, murder, and suicide. Mentioned in The Satanic Bible by La Vey.


The female demon belongs to Judeo-Christian mythology. Who it is and about the deeds of Abiz was told by King Solomon, to whom she appeared. The demoness harmed women in childbirth, trying to strangle the newborn. According to the description, the creature's body was not visible, only hair fluttering like snakes, and green eyes shone.

Naberius (Nebiros)

Marquis, Field Marshal of the Underworld, who rules 19 legions of Spirits. Gives mortals knowledge, skills, especially in rhetoric. Appears in the form of a circling black crane.


The Demon of the Brotherhood, Close to the Devil, a disciple of Asmodeus, is worthy of his rank. The wife and children are absent. Demonic warrior, fearless, demanding and diligent.


A general in the Underworld who only obeys Lucifer. A real villain, leads 3 powerful demons and the Spirit of water.

Has the ability to manage the past and the future, to reveal the secrets of the power of any state.


The sinister prince and governor, gives mortals philosophical knowledge, evokes love and hatred, is able to deprive a person of sensitivity, make him invisible, reveals events of the past and future.


A dissolute demon who inflamed the female sex with love for men, driving them to madness. Made the girls sterile. During intercourse, he could change the appearance of a woman. Men were persuaded to homosexuality.


An inferior demon, a servant of Satan, responsible for entertainment and fun in Hell. Those who live in the Underworld enjoy all human vices.


Dark Demon Slayer, Marquis. If the opportunity arises, it will easily kill the magician and his comrades, communication with him requires increased caution. Its purpose is to create disagreements and disagreements. Appears in the form of a man with the head of a raven or an owl, riding a wolf.


The Marquis and Count of Darkness, appears in the guise of a terrible teacher with a stick, which brings up careless students. Gives knowledge of languages, favors friends and enemies. The demon teaches rhetoric well, prepares excellent servants.

Merezin (Merazin, Meris, Metiris, Merihim, Mererim)

A demon with many names. Prince of Air Power, Chapter 6 Rank. Causes contagious diseases, leads to epidemics and disasters. Likes to fly in the air among lightning.


The demon is responsible for making and maintaining a fire in Hell. During the rebellion, he offered to set fire to the heavens, for which he was also expelled. Represented as a dwarf making fires in the Underworld.


Approximate of the Lord, demon of Brotherhood. Strong, courageous, ruthless, eager to fight. Appreciates the concept of honor. Has no wife or children. He is fond of playing the flute; when drinking alcohol, he loses its adequacy. Outwardly beautiful and powerful.


Governor in the form of a lion. Tells about hidden secrets, gives knowledge and skills in mechanics. Able to transform people into other creatures, send and heal diseases.


Demon of Power, close to Satan. On his instructions, he was in the human world for some time. Dangerous, powerful, ruthless, wears things made from the skin of demons and demons. He also makes whips. Hero of Hell, lower demons and demons are afraid of him.

Shaxx (Shah)

The marquis in the guise of a dove. At the request of the magician, he blinds and deafens people, deprives them of understanding, brings things to the caster. Steals money, returns after 1200 years.


Strong Governor, appearing in the form of a raven. Builds houses, towers, reads and communicates the thoughts and knowledge of enemies, their actions. Bestows good friends. Has a hoarse voice.

Abigor (Eligos)

The Grand Duke knows the events of the future, knows and reveals secrets. Appears in real life in the guise of a knight in armor. Provides love and patronage to powerful people. Outwardly attractive.

Belphegor (Velphegor)

The demon of wealth, laziness, greed, seducing mortals with material goods. Revered by women, because it has an impressive size of the penis.

The center of the rituals of worshiping the greedy demon was nudity, excrement was used as a sacrifice.


A demon of incredible strength, strong constitution and enormous stature. Appears in the form of a man with a bull-shaped head. His ability is to uproot trees along with the roots.


One of the administrators of the Underworld. An archangel cast down from heaven. Aroused in people hatred and cruelty towards the poor.


A prince with a leopard head and griffin wings. Fueled passion, sexual attraction between the opposite sex. He urged me to be naked. Taking the image of a person, he was distinguished by beauty.


The standard bearer of the infernal army, the lord of the desert. As a Cherubim, he entered into relations with earthly women, as a result, giants (half-human-half-angel) appeared who participated in the rebellion against God.

As punishment, Azazel was chained to a rock in the desert until the Day of Judgment, when he would be thrown into the fire. The magicians who met the demon disappeared without a trace. A black goat was sacrificed to him every year.


Demon of Brotherhood, Approach of the Great Unclean. Married to Cali. He was trained by Asmodeus, a strong and loyal warrior, his merits are marked by the Sovereign. Loves alcohol and dancing.


A duke who is able to find a hidden treasure, foretells the future, gives an understanding of the language of animals, birds and other creatures. Smooths out conflicts, reconciles friends and government officials.


Demon of the Order of Power. Belongs to Paimon's suite. It is believed that if a demon possesses a virgin, it will defile her purity.


A demon in the guise of a deer. Causes love between the opposite sex. Controls thunder, lightning, storm, hurricane.


The King and the Earl, appearing as a lion on horseback. Finds hidden things, exposes the witch's tricks and themselves, endowed with the gift of prophecy. Can cause a storm, at the request of the magician to build or destroy walls, houses.

Agares (Agvares)

The Duke, represented as an old man sitting on a crocodile.

Instantly teaches languages ​​and dialects, causes earthquakes, deprives of ranks. Causes an army to flee, but can also bring back those who have escaped. Dance organizer.

Samael - Angel or Demon

The meaning of the name of the representative of the Underworld is translated from Hebrew as "poison and God." Samael is not represented in the general list of demons, since it occupies a separate place.

He is considered the head of the infernal army, as well as the Angel of Death, who are usually outside the concept of good and evil. It is believed that Samael is in eternal confrontation with the Archangel Michael, whom he tried to take with him to Hell. In some interpretations, it is believed that he was the Serpent-tempter of Eve. Samael is the Angel of Death who appeared for Moses.


A generally accepted classification of demons has not been developed, therefore, they are divided by type, according to certain characteristics.

According to the type of activity of the monsters, categories are distinguished:

  • poltergeists- commit small pranks at night (move objects, spoil things, and so on);
  • parks- female demons influencing destinies;
  • service- minions of witches;
  • incubi and succubi- female and male seducers;
  • clean- attack the saints;
  • nightmare demons- appear in dreams and so on.

Habitat classification determines representatives associated with fire, water, air, earth, as well as those living under it and in remote areas of hell (lucifuges and heliophobes). The demon Mulciber was considered the architect of the Underworld itself.

Division by rank:

  • First- Pseudo-gods and Prince Beelzebub;
  • Second- Spirits of lies led by Python;
  • Third- The vessel of iniquity, headed by Belial;
  • Fourth- Punishers of atrocities with Prince Asmodeus;
  • Fifth- deceivers with the leader Satan;
  • Sixth- Air authorities led by Merezin;
  • Seventh- Furies and their master Abaddon;
  • Eighth- Prosecutors and spies, led by Astarot;
  • Ninth- Tempters and spiteful critics with Prince Mammon.

Demonologists distinguish types of demons in relation to the heavenly bodies: the spirits of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon.

The classification according to the area of ​​influence is considered the most convenient for practicing magicians:

  • love andlust- this category includes Lilith, Asmodeus, Astarot;
  • revenge, hatred, anger, war- Abbadon, Agaliarept, Andras;
  • healing and life- Belial, Verrin, Verrier;
  • death-Babael, Waalberite;
  • luck, wealth- Beelzebub, Belphegor, Mammon;
  • knowledge, witchcraft, sacrament- Python, Ronwe and so on.

The division of demons according to 7 committed mortal sins is known: pride (Lucifer), avarice (Mammon), lust (Asmodeus), anger (Satan), gluttony (Beelzebub), envy (Leviathan), laziness (Belphegor).


There is no universally recognized hierarchy either, as the underworld has always been considered a place of chaos and disorder. Demonologists put forward many variants of the demonic structure in order to systematize knowledge, to determine the difference in the powers of individual representatives.

The supreme rulers, who are the main ones in Hell, are established by Lucifer (emperor), Beelzebub (prince), Astaroth (great duke). They are subordinate to 6 spirits of a higher rank, many small ones.

In other sources, a fourth is added to the indicated leaders: Moloch, Leviathan or Belial.

The magical treatise "Lemegeton" notes 72 main demons, while they have the titles of kings, earls, dukes, marquises. There is no information about the subordination of some to others in the source of information.

The minor and inferior representatives of the Underworld include Demons (service personnel), Nols (working class), Succubus, Incubus.

Succubus and incubus

Such names are given to the smaller servants of Satan. These are a variety of tempting demons who persuaded people to have sexual intercourse in their dreams. Succubus is a priestess of love who specializes in men. Appears in the form of a beautiful girl, as seen in the Gothic photo.

Incubi, on the other hand, harass female love appearing in an attractive male guise.

Demons of gluttony, drunkenness, carnal pleasures are recognized as hunters for sinners, they prefer not to attack the righteous. They feed on the energy of the victims, devastating them.

Vampire names

Vampires are classified as undead. The source of food and energy for them is blood. They are distinguished by strength, speed and dexterity, do not have a reflection in the mirror. Hate sunlight and holy water that burns their bodies.

Allocate the names of vampires in mythology different countries:

  • Adze is an African bloodsucker.
  • Algul - Arabic.
  • Strigoi is Romanian.
  • Brooks is a female vampire demon.
  • The Alps is a German monster.
  • Danag is a bloodsucker from the Philippines and so on.

The name of the Romanian vampire Count Vlad Tepes Dracula has been imprinted in literature and cinema for centuries.

Demonic creatures

In the mythology of various countries, in addition to demons in the form of people or humanoid monsters, there are creatures of creepy appearance that carry evil.


A mythical creature of enormous size with glowing eyes. He has 3 throats, from which a flame bursts out. 2 people keep his mouth open. From the belly of the beast, the screams of countless damned souls are heard.


The legendary monster is a guardian guarding the entrance to the cave of the sorcerers.

A distorted person with a twisted leg, mutilated hands, fingers, nose, and mouth is also used by the Warlock as a tool for curses and revenge. Creates a sorcerer creature from an ordinary nine-month-old child kidnapped or bought from parents.


Christian demon of carnal pleasures (gluttony), taking the form of animals.

Induces mortals to sinfulness, manifestation worst damn thing character. An example of a demon is the cat Behemoth from the work of M. Bulgakov "The Master and Margarita".


A huge, multi-headed sea monster. In some interpretations, it is considered a fallen angel, in others - a serpent-tempter of the first people, in the third - a creature created by God before all living things.

Some sources indicate that the Lord destroyed the beast in prehistoric times, but there is also an opinion that in the future a mortal fight between Leviathan and Behemoth is expected.

Glasialabolas (Glasia Labolas)

Governor of the underworld. Represented as a dog with griffin wings.

Can make a mortal invisible, teach instantly art, arouse the love of friends and enemies. The culprit of murder and bloodshed, obeys Nebiros

The topic of this article is the names of the demons of Hell, as well as their classification. Hell has a certain structure, as well as a vertical of power. This vertical is called the hierarchy of demons. It determines what place one or another of them occupies in the structure of Hell, as well as the tasks and goals that he must fulfill.

Demons of Power

The highest level belongs to the Demons of Power. They include the Lord (Lucifer), as well as Beselvul and Astaroth. These demons of Hell share their position with their spouses, but at the same time the leading role in the management of Hell belongs to men. The role of women is not diminished or limited. They can also make important decisions, but only on their own personal responsibility. Let us describe in more detail what the highest demons of Hell are.


The ruler of Hell is Lucifer. His parents are Nokaniel and Jehovah. His wife is the demon Kasikandriera. Lucifer has no children. He possesses greatest strength of all demons. All natural phenomena, beings, energies of the worlds subject to him, are held by him. Lucifer outwardly has a strong physique and great growth. His skin is red, he has dark hair and large horns on his head. Lucifer also has large dark wings. This demon only cares about his world and the creatures living in it. He is trying to improve their lives.


Astaroth is also the Demon of Power. He is the deputy of the Overlord and his first assistant. All energies and forces of Hell in the absence of Lucifer are closed on him. Astaroth is married to Astarte. Their firstborn is Perochul. Astaroth left Paradise with the Lord. This is one of Lucifer's closest friends. His character is sociable and cheerful. Astaroth is popular with women. Outwardly, he is very handsome. The skin is pale with a bluish tinge, the hair is bright black, deep dark eyes always shine. Astaroth also has huge wings.


Weselwul is the Master's second assistant. His wife is Bufovirt, his son Miloris. This fallen angel, or demon, is a master of his craft, takes all matters seriously. He is a true patriot of Hell, who helped the Lord in the creation of the world and its development. Beelzebub's appearance is individual: short dark hair with long bangs, a serious facial expression, the skin is gray-blue, pale. It has large dark reddish wings and large gray horns. His personal sign is a fly, since insects obeyed Beselvole as a child.

Approximate Ruler

In the hierarchy, the next level is occupied by the demons of Hell, who are the Approximate of the Ruler. They have the right to act on his behalf in resolving various government issues.


Belphegor is the Demon of the Brotherhood, one of the Lord's Closest associates, and also one of Lucifer's best friends. He leads a group of demons, can act on behalf of the ruler in solving various issues. Belphegor is married to Depinpeak. He is one of the most powerful fighters of Hell, knowing no mercy or pity in battle. He is also merciless towards lawbreakers. It is believed that there are two main merry fellows in hell - Belphegor and Asmodeus. This demon is outwardly beautiful. His skin is bright blue, his hair is dark blue, his eyes, horns and wings are also blue.


Asmodeus is the Demon of the Brotherhood who leads a group of demons. He is an approximate of the ruler, he also has the right to act on behalf of Lucifer. He has no wife or children. Asmodeus became the leader of the group of Demons at the age of 7, and at 12 he became an Approach, which is considered a unique phenomenon. The character of Asmodeus is controversial. At the same time, he is called both the charm and the psycho of Hell. This demon has pale skin with a blue tint, dark long hair to the shoulders, gray eyes, a strong physique, large dark gray wings and large horns.

The number of Lucifer's associates also includes other demons of Hell, who are not only his friends, but at the same time the main assistants in resolving issues in the life of Hell and in current affairs. But they cannot act on his behalf. Let's briefly describe them.


Abbaddon is the Demon of the Brotherhood who leads a group of Demons. He is the approximate of the Overlord. He has no wife or children. This is a strong and brutal fighter. Knows no mercy in battle. Abbaddon is a conqueror of women's hearts. He is handsome, his skin is light peach blossom, he has blond hair, a strong build, blue eyes, straight white horns, light blue wings.


Adonai works in the group of Asmodeus, is the Approach of the Lord. He is married to Lamia and has many children. He has a difficult history of existence in Hell, as well as an uneasy relationship with the Overlord. For violation of the law, his spouse is currently serving a severe sentence, performing hard work... Adonai does not maintain any contacts with her. Outwardly, this demon is quite attractive. He has red eyes, dark brown skin, blonde hair with long bangs, dark horns, large brown wings.


Belial - Approximate Ruler, High Priest. This is one of the most powerful Demons in Hell. He has no wife or children. He oversees the work of the priestly directions, devoting himself entirely to work. Belial has practically no free time. He is quite demanding and cruel, does not give anyone indulgences. This demon does not tolerate rejections and excuses in his work. For such things, he personally severely punishes up to the expulsion of the soul of the guilty person into the mortal world. Belial, like other priests, makes various items in which he invests a certain energy. Outwardly, he is handsome. Skin color - blue, purple eyes, brown hair. Belial has large black wings and bull horns.


Kadumar - Approach of the Lord, Demon of the Brotherhood. He has no children and no wife. This is a strong fighter. Has fiery skin, red hair, solid crimson eyes, large horns, and wings with a black and red pattern. The physique is strong.


Lokysor is a Demon of Power. Not married, no children. For some time Lokysor stayed on Earth, where he performed tasks assigned to him. Wears clothes only made from the skin of demons or demons. He makes it himself and sometimes sews. Lokysor also makes whips. He has blonde hair, blue skin, blue solid eyes, black bull horns, and black wings.


Olotan was formerly the Demon Gatherer, now the Demon of the Brotherhood. He is not married, he also has no children. This is a fairly strong fallen angel, or demon. He came to the group of Asmodeus at his invitation, before that he led the group of Demon Collectors. Olotan studied with Asmodeus and then began his work. Demanding on duty. He has peach-colored skin and constantly changes his hairstyle. Olotan has large horns that go slightly to the side and then straight. He, like all demons, has large wings.


Palatem is another Demon of the Brotherhood from the Asmodeus group. Married to Cali. Palatem led a group of Power Demons for some time, and took this place at a young age. Then Asmodeus noticed him and invited him under his leadership to the Demons of the Brotherhood, taught him personally. He has brown skin, long blonde hair with bangs over his eyes and slight yellowness, solid brown eyes, large horns, and dark wings.


Pichtion is also the Demon of the Brotherhood. He has no parents, wife and children. Only Voloyyan, his sister, is one of his close relatives. He works in her group. This is a rather cruel demon, does not tolerate rudeness and insolence, a strong fighter. Has red hair, emerald eyes, fair skin, fiery wings, and red horns.

Brotherhood demons and priests

Priests and Demons of the Brotherhood occupy the next step in the hierarchy. A group of priests has certain privileges, but they, at the same time, have stricter norms of behavior than other Demons, as well as huge responsibility for their actions.

In their internal structure, the Demons of the Brotherhood have several different directions, the main of which are the following: Ricot, Motolu and Panora.

Panora is a type of demons responsible for the observance of order and law. They participate in on-site inspections and also fix violations.

In the direction of Motolu are demons who are elite scouts and fighters.

Ricot are demons who are the leaders of the groups.

In addition to maintaining order and law, all the Demons of the Brotherhood participate in battles. The head of all of them is Satan. All demons in this group obey him, except for the priests.


Satan is the Head of the Weed, the Demon of the Brotherhood. The names of the demons of Hell, who are known as his children: Adonai, Astarte, Kaido, Grongad and others. He is a strong fighter who has achieved his status on his own through hard work. Satan's appearance is asphalt-colored skin, no hair on his head, small gray eyes, a weak body (one shoulder slightly higher than the other), large curved and crooked horns, asphalt-colored wings.

More about priests

Priests are very powerful demons who are able to subdue and control energies. They distribute the limits of these energies to the Demons of Power, and also monitor the state of egregors and the movement of energies, they can restore their correct circulation. Belial is at their head. There are certain directions in the priesthood: Priests of Chaos, Priests of Animals, Priests of Nature, Priests of Fire, Priests of Mystery.

Other inhabitants of Hell

The classification of demons is not limited to this. There are other inhabitants of Hell as well. In addition to the above, Strong, Medium and Small demons are distinguished in its structure. Small ones are succubi and incubi, as well as Demons of Dreams. Succubus and incubus work in the same direction. They are responsible for maintaining communication with different worlds and differ in sex: in the incubus it is male, and in the succubus it is female. Demons and nols are at the lowest level of the hierarchy (they are no longer demons).


In Hell, demons are slaves or attendants. They do not have a great mind, their activity is not directed towards a creative channel. However, they have power, albeit small. Imps are capable, like demons, of telekinesis and teleportation, as well as telepathy. They resemble humans in appearance and do not have horns or wings, with rare exceptions. They are terribly untidy and slovenly, as well as fearful, they carry rumors and gossip, they hate and fear demons.


The Nols are the working class. However, they are engaged in creation, unlike demons. They have no strength, but they are endowed with intelligence. Neat appearance also distinguishes them from demons. The Nols are mortal inhabitants of Hell. Like demons, they create families in which not only zeros, but also demons can be born. However, if nol is born into the family of a demon, he is thrown away, since it is considered shameful for a demon to raise such a child. Special institutions exist for the Nols, where they are taught various crafts for free.

The hierarchy of the demons of Hell was briefly described by us. Of course, we limited ourselves to describing only the main ones. As you know, the main demons of Hell, as well as its smaller inhabitants, have wives. The characteristics of some of them are also very interesting. The description of the demons of Hell, as you understand, is devoid of scientific accuracy. It is impossible to prove their existence. However, the strongest demons of Hell are described in many sources in about the same way. This leads to certain thoughts. Perhaps the above classification of demons is not just someone's invention.

Demons are fallen angels, immortal powerful spirits serving the Prince of Darkness - the Devil, Satan. The names of the demons play a key role when calling them - the sorcerer must know, based on the desires of the person, how the spirit will help him. To receive your demon assistant, and conclude an agreement with the Devil, you can leave a request by e-mail: [email protected] site

The names of the demons of Hell - a complete list of demons, how to summon them

The names of demons and their classification according to the connection with seven sins

This type of classification was based on the idea that demons incite a person to sin. So, in 1589, the demonologist Binsfeld gave the following interpretation of higher demons with vices:

  • Lucifer - pride and complacency
  • Mamon is greed;
  • Asmodeus - lust and debauchery;
  • Satan is anger;
  • Beelzebub - gluttony, addictions;
  • Leviathan - envy;
  • Belphegor is lazy.

The names of the demons are great importance for black sorcerers and demonologists. In 1801, the occultist Francis Barrett published in London the book Magus or Celestial Intelligencer, in which he changed the connection between demons and sins. According to Barrett

  • Mamon is a demon of tempters and seducers;
  • Asmodeus is the prince of the avengers;
  • Satan is a demon of deception and lies;

Beelzebub is the lord of false gods.

In addition, the following were added to the list of demons:

  • Python is the prince of the spirits of lies;
  • Belial is a repository of vice;
  • Merihim is the leader of the spirits that cause infectious diseases;
  • Abaddon is a demon of wars;
  • Astaroth is a demon of accusers and inquisitors.

List of demons of Hell

The names of demons differ from people to people due to the peculiarities of the language (for example: Astaroth - Astarte - Asterot)

    Abduscius is a demon who uproots trees.
    Abbadon is the ruler of the abyss.
    Adramaleh is a demon who was considered an advisor and was responsible for the Satanic wardrobe.
    Abigor - a skilled warrior, demon rider
    Azazel is the bearer of the banners of the mighty army of hell.
    Amon is a marquis.
    Amduszias is a musician.
    Anku - a ghost with a carriage portending death (Brittany).
    Andras is a great marquis.
    Astaroth - the great duke of the underworld, kept hellish treasures.
    Asmodeus is a demon of lust, family difficulties and great passions.
    Astarte - the goddess of motherhood, war and fertility - from the ancient.
    Astarte is the great infernal duke.
    Acheron is a monstrous hellish demon, his eyes glowing.
    Barbatos is a predictor of the future, he also knew how to find hidden treasures.
    Balthazar is a tailed half-demon-half-man.
    Belphegor is the one who seduced people with wealth.
    Baphomet - was a symbol of the satanic goat; most often depicted as a half-man-half-goat or in the guise of a man with a goat's head.
    Waalberith is the chief secretary of hell.
    Baal is a demon of deceit and treachery, a great infernal duke.
    A vampire is a living corpse who drinks the blood of people.
    Valafar is the patron saint of robbers and robbers.
    Warlocks are male witches.
    Beelzebub - lord of the flies, commanded the legions of hell
    Belizar is a demon of lies and one of Satan's strongest allies
    Verdelet is the Master of Hell.
    Golem - this is the name of a terrible person who was created by magic in Jewish folklore.
    Dantalian is the one who pushes people to do bad deeds, thereby feeding on their energy.
    Dagon is the baker of hell.
    Devil - Christian teachings say this is Grand Duke evil.
    Dis - Dante gave Satan such a poetic name.
    Dubbuk - according to Jewish mythology - a wandering spirit.
    Zepar is a demon that drives women to madness
    Ishtar - from Babylonian and Assyrian mythology - the great mother goddess.

In order to summon a demon, the sorcerer must know his name.

Devils have the deepest knowledge of everything. No theologian can interpret Holy Scripture better than them, no lawyer knows the laws and regulations, no doctor or philosopher better than them understands the structure of the human body or the power of stones and metals, birds and fish, trees and grasses, earth and heaven.

Types of demons

Alphonse de Spina established 10 types of demons:

  1. Parks. These demons were credited with the power to interfere in the fate of a person, helping him in gaining wealth.
  2. Poltergeists are evil spirits who perform petty dirty tricks at night in the house: they move things, do not let them sleep at night, do not do much harm;
  3. Incubi and Succubi are demons who have sexual intercourse with a person, seducing him. Especially the nuns are susceptible to the attacks of these demons, according to the author;
  4. Marching ghosts appearing as a crowd of people making a lot of noise;
  5. Household spirits are geniuses, amulets of witches and sorcerers, as well as all other spirits that imitate the angel from the book of Tobit. A person can find his own guardian demon;
  6. Nightmares are demons that cause terrible visions in dreams;
  7. Demons formed from male seed - demons that lead men to fantasize about women in order to obtain seed, to create other demons;
  8. Deceiving demons - demons who fool people by appearing in human guises;
  9. Pure demons are demons who attack only saints;
  10. Demons who deceive old women, instilling in them the idea that they allegedly flew to the Sabbath.

Many people know that there are several levels in the earthly dimension:

  • the level at which we exist in our daily life;
  • fairies level;
  • the third is inhabited by gnomes and elves;
  • the fourth is inhabited by mythological creatures such as unicorns, flying horses (for example, Pegasus) or cyclops;
  • the fifth, sixth and seventh levels are the lower ones, and they are said to be inhabited by terrible creatures.

The lower levels do not really exist, but since so many people think of these creatures, they become tulpas, like Bigfoot or Nessie. For example, the ancient Greeks believed that there were three types of vampire demons - Lamia, Mormo, and Empusa. Lamia and Mormo, it is believed, drank the blood of children (Lamia also attacked pregnant women), and Empusa seduced young men, and then killed by drinking blood and eating entrails.

Demon tempting a married couple

In India, Paku Pati (whose name literally means "lord of the flock") is considered the king of all, vampires, witches and ghosts; in some classical Hindu texts he is called the god of death, like Yama. Some uneducated people in India still consider Paku Pati to be an omnipotent force, as he can move into corpses and revive them - which gives rise to the legends of "immortal" vampires and zombies.

The word "nightmare" in English language comes from the combination of two words, one of which in Anglo-Saxon means a demonic spirit that attacks people during sleep. In England, it was believed that this spirit sits on a person's chest, which causes tuberculosis (this is how the appearance of this disease was explained in the Middle Ages).

Stories about demons have always been controversial and were present even in the pre-written history of man. It seems that everything inexplicable, be it volcanic eruptions, disease, plague or natural phenomena, were explained through the participation of "evil spirits." Obviously, the only way for man to explain unhappiness was an evil being or the wrath of God, who had to be propitiated by offerings or sacrifices.

Given all the suffering that man has gone through in his entire history, it is understandable that we came up with our own mythology to explain life's difficulties.

People almost need to blame something external, invisible evil forces for their problems, in order not to take responsibility for what they have done.

This is how the existence of some known demons is explained.

Demon Lilith

Lilith, about whom we know from the Talmud and the Bible, was believed to be able to make a woman sterile or lead to a miscarriage, and make a man powerless (note that, although negatively, it is recognized that a woman gives life and deprives her of it). Her father was the sky god Anna, the creator of the universe.

In the "Alphabet of Ben Sirach" Lilith is called the first wife of Adam, like him, made of clay. But she demanded equality with Adam, which he refused her, so she entered into a relationship with demons and gave birth to numerous demonic beings (I don't know about you, but to me this story seems to be another attempt to belittle a woman in comparison with a man). Legends say that if a person wears protective amulet, Lilith will not harm him.

Based on this belief, and thanks to the fear of death and destruction, amulets appeared, which are believed to give the wearer good luck and protection. And today we continue to use them, wearing a crucifix, crystals, zodiac signs and similar symbols. I do not believe that the amulet itself has any power; his abilities, on the contrary, appear due to the forces that we give him, as well as due to his historical significance ..

Archaeologists have retrieved countless amulets from the ground over the years; the British Museum in London even exhibits some of them that protected women from the infamous Lilith. Francine claims that Lilith is not evil, and in fact controls the fairies and the lower powers of the earth.

Banshees and sirens

Celtic folklore tells the story of numerous spirits that have a female appearance, both good and bad. One of the most famous perfumes in Ireland and parts of Scotland is banshee- they say that when a person is close to death, you can hear the cry of a banshee.

I was in the British Isles and talked to some people, quite intelligent and educated, who heard these screams before they died. close person... I've heard about it so often that I asked Francine about it. At first it was very difficult for me to accept her explanations, but they turned out to be more meaningful than any other.

She told me that before a person dies, his soul, or psyche, already knows that leaving this world is inevitable. The soul emits a scream audible in the ear, even before the death of a person, and because of the heavy and humid air In the British Isles, this "silent" cry is often heard - and it was attributed to the banshee.

Here you can remember the sirens and mermaids from ancient legends, who, with their singing or loud screams, brought sailors to death, directing their ships to invisible reefs. Could this be a warning from the subconscious of the sailors about the proximity of shoals or reefs?

Incubi and succubi

Incubi and succubi are male and female demons who seduce people of the opposite sex, usually at night or while sleeping. This myth dates back to the witch hunt, when many women were burned at the stake.

People who believe in them believe that succubi appear in front of a man in the form of a beautiful woman and seduce him, then, after sex, they turn into disgusting old women. Incubi appear before women in the form of an attractive man and after intercourse they usually take the form of a demon or a sorcerer. Such actions of incubi and succubi drive their victims to madness.

The myths about incubi and succubi make it possible to explain unwanted pregnancies, the birth of children out of wedlock, the deformities of children at birth, and the like in a form convenient for everyone. Belief in them also allowed the inquisitors to look for signs on the human body in the form of moles or birthmarks, which would indicate that these people were seduced by demons in the guise of a man or a woman. People seem to have been seized by a massive frenzy that arouses suspicion; when all this hell was invented, the Church had a reason to burn the unfortunate at the stake. Tragically, the remnants of this hysteria persist to this day.


Many of the gargoyles that you may have seen on the walls of cathedrals seem to be statues of demons. Gargoyles (they were also called "grotesques") are mythical creatures, masons put them on roofs to decorate pipes leading from the roofs rainwater... The word "gargoyle" is translated from French like a "throat".

In ancient Roman architecture, gargoyles were used to decorate walls (similar ones were discovered as a result of excavations in Pompeii), as well as to protect against evil spirits. Because of their appearance, it seems to me that in order to prevent the penetration of evil into the room, they had to assume the appearance of evil themselves. I have always believed that it was tasteless to expose such so-called mythological statues outside the prayer room.

I do not think that too much attention should be paid to myths that have arisen because science or tradition has failed to explain certain phenomena. In other words, why be afraid of the demons that were created to intimidate the crowd if it only makes it worse? Again, if we can't explain something, we make it negative ... as if we have nothing more to worry about — like AIDS, war, murder, or the proverbial bacteria that always elude scientific understanding.

Medicines change, myths mutate. After all, people with epilepsy have been thought to be possessed by the devil for centuries. At the beginning of the development of science, when bacteria and genes were not yet discovered, the “bad humors” that enter the body were blamed for everything. People were bled to rid them of bad humors, and some, such as George Washington, bled to death as a result of this treatment. We may never be able to get rid of the idea of ​​curses or infesting demons. Would you believe that in our time so many people turn to me to check if there is a curse on them? They simply do not want to take responsibility for the way of life that they have chosen on the path to perfection according to the will of God.

Demons certainly don't enter our bodies, but negative energy or a heavy person can really make you feel worse. In my lectures, I often said that bacteria do not make us sick, but people and situations can - for example, we cannot "digest" life situation, and therefore stomach problems appear, or we strain too much in business and earn back pain, and so on. Our body literally tells us: if you continue to tell everyone that your heart is broken, then you will have heart problems, if from communication with another person your blood "boils", then you will develop high blood pressure.

The most creepy demons from world religions


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