Interesting house building ideas. How to build an inexpensive house - reasonable savings at every stage of construction

Recycling is serious and profitable business, which has great prospects. The problem with garbage has become very acute, in Russia it has accumulated up to 3 billion tons, they need to be disposed of. Their number is growing every year. Up to 96% of waste is sent to landfill, while most of it can be recycled. Garbage is a valuable raw material. How to properly start your own successful business in this area, we will tell in the article.

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What makes this business promising?

  • availability of inexpensive domestic equipment;
  • the emergence of small and medium-sized production processing recyclable materials;
  • introduction of a ban on waste incineration in the near future.


To start a waste sorting business you need to get a license. The document is received at the Ministry natural resources... The production facility is undergoing an environmental audit by the local environmental department. Based on its results, a conclusion is made, which is valid for the period of operation of the enterprise. Before you get authorization document, you should obtain consent from the fire inspection, SES, municipal and water authorities with the provision of a project with detailed description technological process. According to the requirements of the SES, there should be a sanitary zone of 500 m around the plant. The paperwork takes several months. Every year, the department must obtain a permit for the conservation of solid waste in a certain area.

Waste recycling

The average waste bin contains 50% polymers, 10% is paper and cardboard, a fourth is food waste, the rest is metal, rubber, textiles, and so on. It must be sorted first. For example, construction waste contains wood, pieces of metal, brick and concrete.

The purpose of disposal is to recover metal particles.

Production is divided into the following stages:

  • large parts are crushed;
  • then they are split;
  • metal is removed;
  • particles are sorted by size.

Such utilization results in the production of secondary crushed stone. This is important for improving the environmental situation. As the pace of construction increases, many old structures are being demolished. The resulting waste can be recycled on site using a complex that crushes and sorts the waste. Secondary crushed stone is poured into the recesses for the foundation during construction, which reduces the cost of concrete by a quarter.

In world practice, buildings are not demolished, but dismantled, at the same time sorting and using 80% waste. It is preferable to choose a certain type of waste for recycling.


The best option is to recycle plastic bottles. As waste comes different varieties plastics. Plastic containers serves as a raw material for flex. It is applied to the production of the same plastic bottles, film, artificial bristles, etc.

Plastic recycling goes through the following stages:

  • bottles are sorted by color;
  • remove stickers, dirt;
  • the raw material is pressed.

Grinding is carried out on the line, then processing takes place in a steam boiler, it removes the remaining dirt, rinsing and polishing.

Paper and cardboard

50% of the used paper and cardboard is recycled. It can withstand 3 to 5 recycling cycles. Paper is sorted into 12 types by categories, by type of wood, shade white, density, etc.

The simplest technology is performed in the following sequence:

  • waste paper dissolves in water;
  • unnecessary items are removed.

Recycling of cardboard is carried out using thermomechanical processing. 75% recycled material is used to make cardboard for packaging and toilet paper... The rest is used in the production of roofing material.

Tires and rubber products

Burning rubber is harmful to environment and unacceptable for entrepreneurship.

Tires are recycled in 3 ways:

  • the most commonly used method is crumbling. It is used as a filler in soft outdoor surfaces. So, crushed rubber is suitable for the construction of sports and playgrounds. In addition, the rubber is crumbled to make it more convenient to transport it for release production.
  • the most promising method is pyrolysis. It consists in decomposing rubber waste into:
    • carbon black product;
    • artificial oil;
    • raw material for metallurgy.

It's a good idea for individual entrepreneurs... The release products are in demand, and the correct organization of the case will bring considerable profit.

Wood waste and sawdust

Wood raw materials include softwood left over from sanitary deforestation, waste from logging (stumps, roots, twigs), sawdust, wood chips. When recycling wood waste low-grade waste is converted into high quality gasoline or diesel fuel, combustible gas and electricity.

Glass breakage and glass containers

They dispose of broken and non-standard containers, such an activity is profitable. You can buy broken glass at factories, there will always be defective products. Remelting glass requires a lower melting point (energy saving). When preparing glass breakage, it is cleaned, crushed using a special installation that will melt and filter the crushed mass. This production is also used in the production of abrasives, ceramics, insulating products, tiles and bricks.

Waste metals

Recycling of metal recyclable materials has a positive effect on the economy. It is used in the manufacture different types products.

Waste metal:

  • obsolete metal objects;
  • industrial waste;
  • old machines, mechanisms, etc.

Such wastes are environmentally harmful, for this reason, their collection and processing must be timely, complete and of high quality.

When recycling waste you need:

  • dismantle and collect waste;
  • transport them;
  • verify;
  • to separate ferrous metals from non-ferrous and from various impurities.

Organization of production


An entrepreneur will need a land plot, premises for production and storage, special equipment and transport, staff. The equipment will cost at least $ 60,000. It includes a screening plant, a crusher, a storage hopper and a press.

It is better to have a small plant, as the giant factories are expensive up to $ 20 million. Small and medium-sized entrepreneurs will find a mini-plant more affordable, the price of which is up to $ 50,000.

Nice place for such a business, a workshop will be located near a landfill or an industrial zone, using the buildings of abandoned factories. You can buy mobile, processing plants and relocate production. They are operated manually and automatically; equipment can be purchased at different prices - from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars.


The number of employees will depend on the production capacity and the amount of waste processed. For a small enterprise, their number will be 10-15 people.


With a good organization of waste processing production, the business will bring good profits. The license costs about $ 30 thousand, it can vary depending on the region. This business does not require special knowledge, it pays off for a relatively short term... You need to find clients from whom you can collect garbage. First of all, it is a housing stock and a landfill. The profitability can be up to 80%.

Waste recycling - profitable business... It is distinguished by:

  • relatively simple paperwork;
  • high profitability with the correct formulation of the case;
  • lack of competition.

Business advantages and disadvantages

The benefits include:

  • simplicity of documents, since the state is interested in such enterprises.
  • high profitability, quick return on costs.
  • high incomes. Such a business brings in profit from 10 to 30 billion rubles a year.


  • lack of separate waste collection. For Russia, this issue remains a distant prospect. With undivided garbage automatic lines on recycling can extract only 25% of secondary raw materials.
  • Businessmen themselves have to ensure the production of solid waste for recycling.
  • High costs of setting up a business.

A true entrepreneur makes money on what society needs. Over the past decades, the need for waste processing complexes has increased several times, which makes this area a promising area for earning money.

If you locate a waste recycling plant near big city or at an equal distance from several small ones, then the flow of raw materials will be constant.

According to sanitary standards, each city should be equipped with a collection point for municipal solid waste... The area of ​​such a cluster depends on the area of ​​the city and sometimes reaches several thousand square meters.

Benefits of opening a factory

The following main advantages can be highlighted:

  1. Constant flow of raw materials.
  2. Manufacturing of products that can be applied in various fields.
  3. Stable demand for services.

If the city is constantly growing and expanding, then after a while the place of collection of solid waste is located within the city, which is a violation. Therefore, any city administration will be interested in a waste processing plant located at a short distance from the city.

It will help to free up significant areas within the city, improve the environmental situation and create new jobs. Another plus of the waste recycling plant is the manufacture of the products that are used in construction and large industries.

The cost of secondary raw materials is always lower than the original source, so the demand for services will be constant.

How to open a waste processing plant?

The opening of any production is always a laborious and very costly process. It is very rare when an investor company has all the necessary resources.

But there is an advantage here: the state and various funds subsidize part of the costs of opening such a production, because waste processing plants fit into the development strategies of urban formations. Therefore, to open such a complex, the following resources will be required:

  1. Own funds of the company.
  2. Investment from funds.
  3. Subsidies from the regional government or city administration.
  4. The land plot on which the production will be located.
  5. Technological equipment for sorting and pressing waste.
  6. Human resources to be trained.
  7. Transport for the collection and delivery of raw materials to the plant.
  8. Technical conditions for connection to gas, water supply and electricity networks.

This is far from complete list those resources that will be needed by investors who have decided to open a waste recycling plant.

An investor company at the local level may have difficulties in obtaining a land plot and technical conditions for connecting to networks. In this case, it is imperative to contact the leadership of the region. Since 2014, the maximum period for document approval is no more than 100 working days, and if local officials delay the process, they may lose their jobs ..

Also read about how to open.

Target market and competition analysis

The main audience using the services of a waste recycling plant will be individuals, peasant farms and small urban enterprises. The procedure for working with them is as follows: with the appropriate agreement with the city administration, residents simply receive payments, where one of the expense columns is indicated services for the removal and disposal of solid waste... The work of the plant is shown in the video:

The company assumes all the costs of garbage collection from residential buildings. Parallel to this residents of the city can call the service for the removal of bulky waste(tree trunks, remnants of demolished buildings, etc.). Such services are paid separately.

Let's look at an example of how to compose.

Only the same plant or a local solid waste landfill can compete with a waste processing plant if the city administration does not want to meet production requirements.

Considering that the regional leadership will be interested in the implementation of the project, a similar plant will not appear nearby, and it will be possible to agree with the local authorities by order issued from above.


The plant makes a profit twice: when receiving garbage from the population and when selling secondary raw materials. This is practically a unique business model, where both raw materials and products do not bring any costs. But it should be understood that of the raw materials received, about a third will be used for further resale.

The rest will be pressed into briquettes and buried at the solid waste landfill. Based on this, the profitability of a waste processing plant is about 45-50 percent. But even in this case, the plant pays for itself in just three to four years, which is a very good indicator for production.

Equipment for the plant

The main expenditure part when creating a waste processing complex is buildings and equipment. In a simplified form, the entire technological process as follows:

  1. Collection of solid waste.
  2. Delivery to the enterprise.
  3. Sorting on several lines, separating plastic, glass, metal, paper and polyethylene.
  4. Sorting on secondary lines.
  5. Recycling of secondary raw materials and pressing of inappropriate production.
  6. Sale of secondary raw materials and burial of pressed briquettes.

Equipment capable of performing the entire production cycle is quite expensive.

Special companies from Germany and England produce such lines, implement and customize them.

Financial expenses

As mentioned earlier, the opening of any production is an expensive pleasure. Waste processing complexes that require large areas are no exception:

  1. Land lease - from 100 rubles per square meter.
  2. (The administration of the territory may agree to reduce the rate, but do not forget that the land tax is sometimes the only thing the local budget earns on. Therefore, one cannot hope for a zero rate).
  3. Connection to networks - from 10 million rubles.
  4. Equipment for one sorting line - from 540 million rubles (10 million dollars).
  5. Purchase of trucks - from 50 million rubles.
  6. The salary of one person is from 22 thousand rubles. The general salary fund of a state of forty people is 880 thousand rubles a month, more than ten million a year.
  7. Unforeseen expenses - from 25 million rubles.

In total, the opening of a waste processing plant on an area of ​​10,000 square meters with five sorting lines and a staff of forty people will require 2.7 billion rubles.

Part of this amount will be able to finance the regional budget, but at least half will need to be sought independently and to involve banks in this.

Where to begin?

It is necessary to go through the following steps:

  1. Draw up a business plan, decide on investments.
  2. Enlist the support of the regional leadership and local authorities.
  3. Obtain a land plot for a plant and a solid waste landfill.
  4. Receive technical conditions to join communications.
  5. Erect facilities to house sorting lines.
  6. Purchase equipment, install it, configure it.
  7. Train personnel to operate the equipment.
  8. Purchase transport for the collection of solid waste.
  9. Find buyers for the plant's finished recyclable products.
  10. Start work on the collection, recycling, sale and disposal of waste.


The environmental situation requires the construction of such factories. If the government had free resources, factories were built near every city with a population of 100 thousand people or more. But so far the financial situation is developing in favor of the business and it has a chance to occupy this niche first.

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