The Wolf Among Us. Parsing the Wolf Among Us The wolf among us character history

1 episode
1) I gave money because I didn't want her to get it from the pimp. And I liked her very immediately. Straight love at first sight: D
2) I lied to the Monster, tk. promised Beauty not to tell him anything about her. And you need to keep your promises. The man said - the man did))
3) I went first to Lawrence, managed to save him from suicide, which was later extremely happy. I have never regretted my choice. And when at the end of the episode I found out that I could not have saved him, I was glad that I didn’t go to Zhabbu first, such relief is direct (it was just that my hands were itching to go to him first, but then something stopped me)
4) I didn't tear off Glen's hand, although I wanted to do it very much at that time, but I restrained myself
5) I grabbed the Lumberjack (I don’t really know why, I regretted the choice)
Episode 2
1) Was rude to Crane (pathetic guy, pissed off from the very beginning)
2) I talked to the Lumberjack and beat him a couple of times with his fists
3) I took Snowball with me, because I don’t need to obey Crane: D I love going against him
4) Georgie broke one thing in the club, prescribed it a couple of times
5) I don’t know about what kind of money you’re all writing here, but I really didn’t have such a choice. All the time I answered no, I don't want to meet with you, and she stupidly went to Georgie herself.
6) The monster did not hit, because the lady asked again: D Yes, and it became a pity for him
Episode 3
1) Did not interrupt Snezhka's speech because there was no need for this, and plus it's a funeral after all
2) I went first to the bar, then to the brothers' office, did not go to Crane's apartment
3) He offered a job to Mukholov, a harmless guy, it was a pity. And plus Crane bastard fired him
4) Burned the tree: (I regretted my choice, I felt sorry for the witch. I didn’t just want her to continue her activities with illegal charms.
5) He slammed one of the brothers, freaked out. I regretted the second choice in a row.
Episode 4
1) I left Colin at home, he is a good chatterbox, but I liked him. And friendship is still more important than rules.
2) I did not even try to remove the tape, they dispersed peacefully, promised Nerissa not to tell anyone about our conversation.
3) First I went to the pawnshop and in vain, by the way, in the first episode I made the right choice, then I screwed up to the fullest. Eh, I had to go first to the butcher ... Well, okay, what's done is done :) The butcher was scammed, hit the butcher at the very beginning, then pushed him to the door. In the end he apologized and promised protection.
4) Paid Toad, if only he fell behind. It turns out I didn't send it to the farm.
5) In the end I lit a cigarette, in my opinion it was the best choice :)
Episode 5
1) Snapped, kicked the table and ran over the Gnarled guy
2) I decided to arrest my uncle, he disappeared into the portal with his Bloody Mary, and Georgie and his blonde were also dragged after the fight.
3) Purely by accident I jumped on Georgie's car (it was wildly offensive, because I was hunting for my uncle), but I didn't overact, I don't like it.
4) I ended up with two of them at the club. The girl committed suicide by removing the tape. I didn’t leave Georgie to suffer, I finished it off.
5) The crooked one would have killed one hundred percent if he had not foolishly promised Snowball to return him alive. Due to the fact that the promise must be kept, I gritted my teeth, but fulfilled. I thought for a long time and in the last seconds I still chose: come with me, took the pistol and punched him.
6) The crooked one was handed over to me for joy. Without hesitation, he threw him into the witch's well, which he was wildly happy about! He clapped his hands with joy and ran all over the apartment: like DAAAA, GET *******, INFECTION! It's good that no one was at home) Otherwise, it was kapets.
7) I went after Nerissa. During the conversation, I wanted to take her hand, but she did not give it to me: (Straight pichalka

Independent developers and publishers rolled into one Telltale Games, on whose account there are already about 25 games, they differ in one characteristic feature. All of the studio's games are mostly released episodically, uniting in themed seasons, just like in the world of modern TV series. The company also includes game adaptations to popular films, television shows and comics. True love and devotion from fans Telltale Games earned after the release of the reference first season " The walking dead» (« the walking Dead). Since then, the company's games have received a huge credit of fans' trust, and the new project - "", instantly riveted the public's attention. And as the release showed, it was definitely not in vain.

  • Name
  • Developer: Telltale Games
  • genre: Adventure, Graphic Novel
  • Year: 2014
  • Metacritic: 77 out of 100

“The whole world is theater. In it women, men - all actors "© W. Shakespeare

"Is an interactive graphic novel based on the comic book universe Fables for authorship Bill Willingham... Here, the characters of fairy tales, myths and legends are forced to buy Enchant in order to hide their real appearance from the inhabitants New York where they settled. Life is by no means easy, but money is Enchantment not everyone has enough. In the world "" Big Gray Wolf, well known for the fairy tale " Little Red Riding Hood”, And part-time - the main character of the game, works as a sheriff on guard of order, and tries to atone for his past sins. Snow White is the deputy local manager, Gorgeous and Monsters understand the relationship, against the backdrop of a deteriorating financial condition, and Mermaid and a number of other heroines of fairy tales are completely forced to engage in prostitution in order to somehow make ends meet.

And all this is done in an excellent noir style. Noir here is not the same as in the recent film "", but it may well rival him. An extravaganza of bright colors plays on inflated contrast, all these purple shadows, orange light and coal darkness create a unique look for the game.


The first episode, right after the atmospheric cutscene, throws the player into the thick of things. Bigby- the same gray wolf arrives at the call of mister Toad complaining about noise and unrest at neighbors. Arriving at the place, he is faced with Lumberjack and a girl named Vera. Bigby gets involved in a conflict that has arisen, which leads to a very brutal fight with a spectacular fall out of the window. The girl thanks for saving, but not a day goes by when the main character discovers the girl's severed head on the threshold of his house.

He will remember it

Telltale Games from the first minutes of the episode, they delight fans of their work with a corporate style, variability of decision-making, an intriguing plot and an interesting action based on quick time events. By and large, since the times of the same " Walking Dead»The mechanics have not undergone any noticeable changes. We continue to explore locations, participate in cutscenes where you need to press buttons on the controller in time to dodge hits or jump over obstacles, we conduct entertaining dialogues with numerous characters, where their further attitude towards the main character will depend on the choice of lines. And here doubts begin to creep in, will the decisions we made so strongly will affect the further development of events? There is a strong impression that from whether we are rude to everyone, use force and behave like an immoral person, or throw all our strength to help and solve the problems of other characters, nothing will change in the finale, and all decisions will affect only the attitude of those most characters to Bigby... But, somehow, the developers once again manage to make the player feel feelings for the characters and quite get used to the role of the main character, trying, together with Bigby, prove to others that he is not as bad as everyone used to think.

"Smoke and Mirrors"

And if the creators of the game succeeded in the relationship between the characters, then the difficult moral choice, which the main character faces several times during the game, turned out to be not so difficult. If in the first season “ The walking dead", The player desperately tried to choose the lesser of two evils in the inexorably elapsing time, after which he was panicky afraid that the choice he had made would turn out to be wrong. But there was no right choice as such.

Those emotions are not here. The player, by and large, does not care where the main character goes first. The suspicion that the choice made in the end will not really affect anything, increases more and more as you progress through the game.

"A Crooked Mile"

As you can see, the mechanics have not changed, but its components are made at a slightly different level, which is beginning to be perceived somewhat differently. And if the dramatic moments and situations where the player is torn apart by conflicting feelings and torments of choice, the game has become not so much less as the intensity of the passions themselves has decreased, then the decision to cut the research element will appeal to many. Now it is not necessary, as it was in " Sam & max»Travel back and forth in search of an object that was accidentally missed, and without which the plot does not want to move on. Research in "" is mainly reduced to investigations at the scene of incidents and / or crimes, with the construction of inferences and modeling of events. And this is done an order of magnitude better than in "", where investigations were put at the head of the entire gameplay.

"In Sheep's Clothing"

Taking a brisk start in the first episode, "" is blown away, and in all other episodes, it shows itself rather sluggishly. Basically, we talk with different characters in different locations, and after 2 hours we find another sudden turn of events, we look "in the next episode" ... Up to the final episode, Telltale Games as if swinging to stun the player in the final. And, in fact, it is so. The final episode, not only can boast of an abundance of action and richness of events, so splashes out all the decisions made earlier by the player. And if they, not to say that they radically affect the development of further events, they make you feel nervous and remember, and sometimes regret this or that action. What is the final judgment! In general, the fears that arise in the course of 2-4 episodes are dispelled, if not completely, then to a large extent.

"Cry Wolf"

But the ending evokes conflicting feelings. On the one hand, it dramatically changes the player's perception. According to the law of the genre, everything turns out to be far from what it seems. But it turns out that the entire first season is by no means an original completed project, but only a grandiose plot for the continuation, which now definitely will be! Telltale Games there is still something to surprise us, but the company has not lost its grip.


Look and design: 10
Plot: 9
Stability: 9
Graphics quality: 6
Sound and Music: 8
Replay value: 9
Gameplay: 7

Visual style and noir
Variability and twisted plot
Improved research component

There is no past drama and intensity of emotions
Technically, the game is outdated
This is just a big start for the next season.

The phenomenal success of The Walking Dead seems to have turned Telltale's head; The Wolf Among Us is easy to describe in the words "like TWD, only in the setting of the Fables comics." The developers, apparently, believe that the proven scheme can be repeated in other worlds, with other heroes and other stories, and in this they, of course, are mistaken.


The hero of The Wolf Among Us is Bigby Wolf, the sheriff of Fabletown, located somewhere in the outback of New York, in which fairy-tale characters try to live a normal human life. As in the outside world, Fabletown is in decline, people disenchanted with a corrupt bureaucratic machine are turned into crime, and the sheriff is having a hard time. Especially considering that thanks to his heavy temper and gloomy past (how many atrocities the big gray wolf managed to do in fairy tales!), There are many reasons to fear and hate Bigby among those whom he has to protect in his duty.

TWAU is dedicated to investigating the chain of murders that shocked Fabletown, and the player in this investigation is destined for the role of a passive observer: until the Wolf examines all the important places and exhausts the dialogue threads (which almost always lead to the same thing), the story will not move further. The basis of the game, in fact, remains building Bigby's relationship with the inhabitants of Fabletown by choosing the appropriate answer or reaction, but they develop too weakly, sluggishly and selectively. The plot of The Walking Dead could be as linear as you like, but it was built on a fairly long interaction of the protagonist with several characters who were really ready to recall the wrongs inflicted on them. Bigby, in the game, constantly communicates only with Snow White, and she alone regularly reacts to his actions and speaks about them. Most of the other heroes can be roughly divided into two categories: the old acquaintances of the Wolf, like the lumberjack who saved Little Red Riding Hood, whom he encountered more than once before and will obviously face more than once later, and the characters that exist strictly within the framework of the story told in The Wolf Among Us.

Many players, ourselves included, thought that "Glass him" meant "clink glasses". You can't do that, Telltale!

The Wolf Among Us serves as a prequel to the comic, and this not only imposed some restrictions on the developers, but also deprived the players of a certain intrigue that could contribute to greater emotional involvement: even a person not familiar with the original will understand that Bigby is not destined to die. Moreover, this predetermination of the future of the heroes greatly devalues ​​the player's choice: although this is not shown in the game itself, one Wolf's comrade, regardless of your decisions, will go to the Farm, where he will find his death in the sixth issue of the comic.

Of the characters in The Wolf Among Us, only about half were taken from Fables, and it should be noted that the characters created by Telltale not only organically fit into the story dedicated to them, but are also very charming in themselves. The developers decided to go beyond old folklore and literary tales and turned to urban legends. So, in the game you can find the Devil from Jersey and Bloody Mary.

Mary is pretty damn good.

Unlike Lee Everett, who found himself in an extreme situation and poorly understood what was going on in a world engulfed in madness, Bigby was very clearly aware of what he was doing. Only the answer to the question of why he is so interested in catching the killer can differ: of course, his search belongs to the direct duties of an investigator, but The Wolf Among Us suggests that Bigby will experience additional motivation. Perhaps the detective will be motivated primarily by the desire to avenge the girl who has been treated so cruelly by life, perhaps most of all he wants justice to finally triumph in Fabletown. In any case, the answer to this question (and Bigby's adversary will not miss the opportunity to ask it), at best, will add only an insignificant touch to the portrait of the Wolf looming towards the end and will not affect the course of the story in any way. Of course, these words apply in many ways to The Walking Dead: after all, in fact, most of the choices in the game were fiction. But it is precisely because of the role that Lee and Bigby play in the narrative that a situation arises when annoying but tolerable disadvantages in one case turn into a significant disadvantage in another.

Bigby is by no means the character in whose place it is easy to put oneself in, and the point is not only in the inhuman nature of the hero and other characters: although they are all practically immortal, this does not prevent them from being short-sighted and infantile and experiencing the most ordinary fear, sadness and gratitude ... Much more important is the fact that the Wolf initially appears before us not only as an already established personality with an already existing biography (the same could be said about Lee Everett), but this biography, not subject to the player, becomes his responsibility. Through the lips of Fabletown residents, irritated, disappointed, The Wolf Among Us repeatedly makes it clear that one of the causes of their disasters is the sheriff's inaction, indifference to the needs of those who once hoped for his help. And although the game does not always force you to choose the right line in response to reproaches, the topic of Bigby's past mistakes comes up constantly. It is impossible to get rid of it, and as a result this can lead to an awkward situation, when the player who has got used to the role is forced not only to make excuses, but also hardly change the already outlined line of behavior due to the involuntarily arising feeling of guilt. At the same time, despite the fact that lives sometimes depend on the decisions Bigby makes ( the death of one unlucky hero, for example, can be prevented by relying on intuition), there are very few really difficult dilemmas in all five episodes. But the authors of The Wolf Among Us are ready to catch a player who adheres to double standards: Bigby is endowed with powers and is forced to constantly balance between duty and personal likes and dislikes, which is not easy to abstract from, given the specifics of his work and its ingratitude.

From an aesthetic point of view, The Wolf Among Us is a reference detective story, in which all the necessary genre clichés are present, but in a strict dosage. There's sleepy New York, flashing streetlights, a patron bar, and a nightclub full of sad dancers run by a cheeky pimp. There is corruption, visible but irresistible. There are heaps of papers, packs of smoked cigarettes and the investigator himself, not devoid of cynicism, tired, with invariable stubble on his face.

"You won the fight. Do you want to finish off the lying man?" - that's the whole difficult choice.

At the same time, the direct detective component in the game looks almost a convention: the Wolf is collecting evidence only at first, and even then not too diligently, and interviewing witnesses comes down to squabbles and even skirmishes. The absurdity of this is well emphasized by the ending, in which the Wolf directly admits that he has absolutely no evidence on the basis of which it would be possible to pinch the villain, and in the end it all comes down to a verbal skirmish in which the sheriff tries to convince the townspeople that bureaucracy is better than criminals. And the more often he played the role of a bad cop, the worse it would be for him.

However, in the end it turns out that the culmination does not really matter: everything will end in the same way, and the epilogue, instead of putting an end to the story, at the very end will throw out the most unpleasant somersault and leave the player with a question mark - say, guess yourself how it really was. But no matter how you approach this final "raft-twist", the whole story will not work: here and there a contradiction will emerge. And for a detective story, contradictions are especially destructive. You can guess for a long time about the reasons for this, remembering that the second episode had to wait an extremely long time and that the scenes shown in the episode announcements did not appear in these episodes themselves, but regardless of whether Telltale really rewrote the entire plot after the first episode or not, we got this what you got. Alas, there is no other "Wolf".


  • Impressive design
  • Vivid characters
  • Intriguing story


  • The detective story lacks adequate gameplay
  • Lots of redundant battle scenes
  • A very controversial denouement


The Wolf Among Us is a good "kinzo": stylish, interesting until the very end, with good acting - but from the game it takes only the most minuscule, the most basic interactivity, which helps to get a little more involved in what is happening on the screen, but that's all. Telltale - or at least those of its employees who did not leave the studio after the completion of the first season of The Walking Dead - did not understand exactly where the strong point of Lee Everett's story was, and simply copied the game mechanics that the audience loved in the game, where it was not so appropriate.

Telltale continues to stride with a victorious gait, delighting all fans of high-quality quests and simply unusual games. A year ago, the entire gaming community was delighted with an interactive comic strip with elements of a quest based on. The developers, in turn, appreciated the scale of their own success and decided to present a game that differs from the walking dead only in the story told. It happened so The Wolf Among Us- a very atmospheric detective story with characters from children's fairy tales in the lead roles.

But the heroes of fairy tales do not mean at all that the game has become childish or frivolous. On the contrary, we have before us a cruel noir detective story with a sullen protagonist. By the way, his name is Bigby Wolfe and he is the sheriff. Sheriff who is called to maintain law and order among the fabulous creatures living in the modern metropolis. Make sure that a piece of the fairy-tale world remains hidden from the eyes of ordinary people. Indeed, in fact, cute, kind and brave heroes are completely psychopaths and immoral personalities, but these are details that are more pleasant to reveal yourself, plunging into the cycle of events of The Wolf Among Us.

In fact, Bigby Wolfe is not only the sheriff, he is also the same big and terrible gray wolf from fairy tales. However, in his alternative life, he is a stern defender of the law. For him we have to play. If you spent at least an hour or two on last year's The Walking Dead, you are actually already familiar with the gameplay, which will be discussed further. The game is built on the principle of an interactive comic strip. The heroes communicate with each other, and from time to time we need to choose one of the phrases to keep the conversation going.

This not-so-important remark can have serious consequences. Characters in The Wolf Among Us memorize your words and actions, which subsequently entails a response. It doesn't have to happen in the next scene, no. It's just that the non-linear plot of the game, after your phrase, will follow a completely different path and nothing can be returned back.

In our free time from chatting, the game will give us a little classic quest. Wandering around the location, collecting and using items. Compared to The Walking Dead, the interface has tightened up a bit, it has become clearer and more logical. In this case, the quest component is still pushed not even to the second, but to the third plan. The game is built around a plot in which the player is more of an observer than a participant.

Occasionally, the gameplay is diversified with action scenes. This will be right at the very beginning of the game, as if revealing all the possibilities of The Wolf Among Us. The essence of these scenes is to quickly and timely touch certain points on the screen, or perform swipes. Bigby Wolfe will do the rest himself.

The picture has taken a noticeable step up from the previous Telltale game, but is still stylized as comics. Of course, given such a bias in the game towards interactive scenes with the participation of the player, it should be noted how high-quality and scrupulously worked out the characters' images. At the same time, it becomes possible to compare the classic characters of fairy tales with their versions from the game. The sound is also at the level, the dialogues are voiced in English, but there are no Russian subtitles, so knowledge of English is not only welcomed, but also a necessity.

The conclusion is pretty simple. If you are a fan of quests or simply unusual games, then the next game from Telltale cannot be missed. The Wolf Among Us is a fascinating and damn atmospheric project, inspired by a series of comics, based on the heroes of fairy tales known to everyone and everyone. At the same time, the game is a full-fledged detective story, moderately cruel and gloomy. While only the first episode is available, looking back at The Walking Dead, there is no doubt that new ones will not be long in coming.

Version 1.0 genre Graphic adventure game Age
rating ACB: MA15 +- Mature 15+
ESRB: M - Mature
PEGI: 16
Creators Supervisor Nick Herman, Dennis Lenart Producer Dan Connor, Kevin Brunner, Brett Tosti Game designer Ryan Kaufman Screenwriter Pierre shorette Programmer Keenan patterson Painter Vahram Antonian, Kim Lyons, Jason Findley, D. Reed Monroe Composer Jared emerson-johnson Technical details Platforms Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, OS X, PlayStation 3, iOS, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Android Game engine Telltale tool Game mode Single player game Interface language Carrier Digital distribution Systemic
requirements Control Gamepad, keyboard and mouse Official site

Game process

The Wolf Among Us is an adventure game with a "point-and-click" interface, where the player is given the opportunity to explore the environment and interact with characters on behalf of the main protagonist of the game - Bigby Wolf ( Big Bad Wolf *). Like the studio's previous game (" The walking dead") The player can choose the further development of the plot using multivariate dialogues with other characters, as well as directly actions during the game, which will affect not only the events of the current game, but also affect the development of the next episodes. For example, the choice of a suspect or the further direction of the investigation. As in The walking dead important decisions of the player are recorded, and on their basis statistics of the choice of all players is compiled, shown at the end of each episode.

Episode 1. Faith

Summary rating
GameRankings(PS3) 87.00%
(PC) 86.14%
(X360) 80.96%
Metacritic(PS3) 85/100
(PC) 85/100
(X360) 82/100
Foreign language editions
PC Gamer (US)90/100
Russian-language editions
gambling addiction9.0 / 10 (site)
8.5 / 10 (log)

The action of the first episode - "Faith" - begins with a conversation between the anthropomorphic frog Toad ( Mr. Toad) and Sheriff Bigby Wolf, during which we find out that a strange loud noise is coming from the Lumberjack's room. Having risen to the second floor to the Lumberjack's room, Bigby intervenes with him in a fight when he learns that he threatened and beat a stranger, and soon both fall out of the window (Bigby accidentally falls on Toad's car). After that, the Lumberjack tries to strangle the Sheriff, but at the very last moment the stranger rescues Bigby by driving his own ax into the Lumberjack's head. During the farewell conversation, Bigby thanks her for her help, and the woman says to him - "You're not as scary as everyone says" - and leaves.

Returning home, Bigby learns that Colin, one of the Three Little Pigs, has once again escaped from the Farm - the place where Tales live, which cannot afford the money for Enchantment. After talking to him, Bigby goes to bed, but later he hears a knock on the door. On the doorstep of his apartment, the Sheriff sees Snow White, who asks him to go down with her to the entrance to the Woodlands Luxury Apartments. There, under the guard's jacket, Bigby finds the severed head of a stranger and realizes that someone deliberately left her on the doorstep, and Snow goes to Deputy Mayor Ikabod Crane to tell him about what happened.

Crane orders Bigby and Snowball to find the culprit, until all Fabletown - the place where the Tales that use the Charm live - find out about the killer. After that, in the book, Bigby and Snowball find information about the murdered woman (who is called Vera) and her husband, Prince Lawrence, and soon Toad calls, informing that someone has entered and is prowling in the Lumberjack's room. The player is faced with the first "difficult" choice - to go to the Toad or to Prince Lawrence, who will later influence the plot of the episode.

In the end, it is revealed that Tru-la-la, one of the two assassin twins, has visited the Woodman. Toad (in the first version of events) tells Bigby and Snow that Tru was looking for something in the Lumberjack's apartment, but did not find it, and the villain also warned Toad that if he told anyone about the incident, the twins would return and kill his son - T.J. At the moment when Bigby and Snow come to Prince Lawrence, where they find Tru hiding in the closet (in the second version of events, Bigby and Snow come to the prince before Tru-la-la and hide from him in the closet until a certain moment), who escapes from the scene, but the sheriff manages to catch up with him. After a short conversation, Tra-la-la quietly sneaks up on Bigby and hits him on the head, knocking him out.

Soon, Snow brings Bigby to his senses and reveals that after the Twins beat him, they fled. Having ordered a taxi, the sheriff says goodbye to Snezhka, and he himself goes to the bar "Clatter of hooves", where he meets the Lumberjack. Bigby charges him with Vera's murder, but Lumberjack objects, stating that he is innocent. Then, a certain Gren attacks Bigby to protect the Lumberjack, but the sheriff, angry and partially losing the effect of Charms, defeats Gren.

At this moment, Tru comes to the bar, and the Lumberjack has a chance to hide. The player is faced with a new "difficult" choice - to grab Tru-la-la or the Lumberjack. After that, the shocked Bigby discovers the police, who have found a new head at the doorstep to the "Luxury Apartments of the Woodlands", this time - Snowballs.

Episode 2. Smoke and Mirrors

Foreign language editions
Game Informer7,5/10

Bigby is at the West Side Police Station being interrogated by the female detective Brannigan about the severed head of Snowball found at the Woodlands Luxury Apartments. Suddenly, the detective and all the police personnel faint, and Ichabod Crane enters the office, explaining that it all happened because of the spell he used to erase memory.

After that, they return to the Woodlands office to question the Woodcutter or Tru-la-la (depending on the player's choice) about the two murders. The shock for everyone is when Snezhka enters the interrogation room, whom everyone considered dead. She tells the sheriff that after their goodbye at the Hoofcatter Bar, she received a call from Mr. Toad again, informing that his son T.J. had found the body of a fake Snowball and is now crying. After talking with the toad boy, Bigby and Snow go to the Witch's Well, where, after checking the corpse, the body unexpectedly transforms into a troll, which turns out to be Lily - Holly's sister, the barmaid and the owner of the bar, who went missing a few weeks ago.

They go to Holly to tell her the truth about her sister, and she tells them that the last time she saw her was in a real "junkyard" - the "Sweet Dessert" club. Bigby goes there and meets the owner of the bar Georgie Porgie and one of his strippers - the former mermaid Nerissa, after which the player is given a new "difficult" choice - to defeat the club or just ask the owner to give the sheriff a book in which all the club's strippers are recorded. Nerissa goes to the girls' room and Bigby follows her to inquire about Lily, and she reveals that she last saw Lily with someone nicknamed "Mr. Smith" who rented room "207" at the Hugs Hotel.

The hero goes to the hotel, where he learns that Beauty works there at the reception to pay the rent. The sheriff asks her to open the room, but suddenly the Beast comes to the hotel, with whom Bigby has a short fight and they break the door to the room. There Bigby, Beauty and the Beast see a terrible picture: a bed with flowers and blood. While checking the room, they find a photograph of Ichabod Crane making love to Lily in the guise of Snowball. All this is observed by Crane himself through the Magic Mirror, which is broken by the Magic Lamp.

Episode 3. A Crooked Mile

Foreign language editions
PC Gamer (US)8,8/10

The episode begins with Bigby holding a photograph of Crane and Lily enchanted by Snow White. Bigby goes to Lily's funeral to warn Snow White about Crane. After their conversation, they are attacked by Tru and Tra. As a result, Bigby, Gren and Holly are injured. After Bigby is bandaged, they learn that Crane must meet with the witch who supplied him with the Charm. At this moment, Bluebeard enters with a demand to search Crane's apartment, and the player has a choice: to go inspect Ichabod Crane's apartment, Tru and Tra's office, or go to the Hoof Clatter bar and inspect Lily's things, the further plot of the game may depend on the player's choice. In any case, the player will find out where this witch lives. However, when you come to her apartment, you do not find anyone except a little girl, the daughter of a witch. But it turns out that this is the witch. From her we learn that Crane took the "Dispersion" ring from her, with the help of which he wants to remove the spell of silence from the girls from the strip club "Sweet Dessert". When Bigby and Snow White arrive at the club, they find Crane interrogating one of the strippers. As it turns out, Crane is madly in love with Snow White, and he did give Charm to prostitutes to make them look like Snow White, but he assures that he didn't kill them. Snow White believes him, but he is still arrested for stealing money from the treasury of Fabletown. They leave the club, and then they are surrounded by cars, and Tru and Tra and Bloody Mary come out of them. They want them to give Crane back. But Bigby refuses. The twins shoot Bigby with shotguns, and Bigby falls, but after a moment he gets up and goes to the twins, simultaneously transforming into a Wolf. The twins are running out of ammo. Bigby throws Tru at Bloody Mary or at the sign. Then he pushes Tra to the wall, and then the player has a choice: to spare or kill Tra. In the case of the murder, Bigby will rip out his Adam's apple. But when Bigby is distracted by Snow White's reaction, Bloody Mary fires a silver bullet at him. Bigby falls, Bloody Mary takes the Lumberjack's ax and is about to chop off Bigby's head. Snow White gives her Crane to save Bigby. Before leaving, Bloody Mary breaks Bigby's arm and drives off with Crane. This concludes the third episode.

Episode 4. In Sheep's Clothing

Foreign language editions
PC Gamer (US)80/100

The episode begins with how Dr. Pigheart removes fragments of a silver bullet from Bigby's body in his apartment, the latter setting his own broken arm. Snow White and Colin are with them. The Doctor warns Bigby's next silver bullet could be fatal and leaves. Snow White further states that since she is now the Deputy Mayor of Fabletown instead of the kidnapped Crane, she wants all Tales that do not use Enchant to return to the Farm. This annoys Colin. Leaving Bigby's apartment, Snow White tells him that Nerissa is waiting for him in the office. From the subsequent conversation between Bigby and Nerissa, it becomes clear that Nerissa cannot tell the whole truth because of the enchanted pink ribbon around her neck (by the way, Lily and Vera had this). If you try to remove it, you will scare Nerissa. At the doorstep, Snow White appears in the office and says that Beauty and the Beast have called, who want to talk. Upon exiting the office, Nerissa gives a hint to Bigby and Snow White that they are thinking in the right direction. Bigby enters Beast and Beauty's lavish apartment, making him suspicious of where they got the money for. The phone rings - the anonymous representative of Gnarled Uncle threateningly reminds them of their debts. The beauty admits that she borrowed money at the Lucky Pledge establishment, which belongs to Uncle, where she saw the Lumberjack's ax, and the Beast admits that, while working in the shop of the butcher Johann, he saw Bloody Mary. The player is faced with a choice: go first to the "Lucky Bail" or the butcher's. If you go to the “Lucky Bail”, then Jack, who works there, admits that Mary came here, and Bigby also sees an empty display case with a sign “Lumberjack's Ax”. Then two people will come in - the Devil from Jersey, who runs this store, and the Lumberjack himself, who will be furious that the ax is missing. A fight starts, during which the Devil shows his real fabulous ugly appearance. The Lumberjack's ax appears in a locked cabinet, with which the Devil is pacified. He says that Gnarled Uncle cannot be found, he is always "in the shadows", even Crane tried to do it with the help of the Magic Mirror, and Mary brought the shard from the mirror to the butcher shop. At the butcher's shop, Bigby meets a frightened salesman, Johann, who turns on the alarm button under the counter and retires to the refrigerator compartment. There, the conversation continues and it turns out that Johann's business was taken over by Uncle and Mary. Bigby opens the door to the cell, behind it is an underground chemical laboratory, and those who worked there managed to escape because of the alarm that Johann turned on. Bigby finds Crane's bloody jacket with a shard from a mirror. Bigby returns to the Fabletown Administration, using the last shard of Bafkin to repair the mirror. First, it shows Crane, whom Mary orders to fly to Paris and not stick his head out, but she senses that a mirror is watching her and eliminates the magical surveillance. Later, the mirror shows Uncle's location, the heroes realize that his door is constantly moving (the Uncle's symbol appears on different doors in Fabletown and eventually disappears) and at the moment the portal is in the park. Bigby goes there and jumps into the portal. He finds himself in a church building, where he is met by little Tim, who leads Bigby to Uncle's office. There are Gnarled Uncle himself, Jersey Devil, Georgie, Vivian, Tru and Tra (in case Bigby spared him in the third episode). Uncle invites Bigby to talk.

Episode 5. Cry Wolf

Foreign language editions

At the beginning of the final episode, they show a flashback of the main events of the previous episodes, after which they show Gnarled Uncle's office where Uncle, Georgie, Vivian, Tru and Tra are located (in case Bigby spared him in the third episode). Uncle confesses that Georgie killed Vera and Lily. After their conversation, Bloody Mary appears. A fight breaks out. Bigby stabs Tru and Georgie with a knife. Tru and Tra (depending on the choice) remain in the office, while everyone else escapes through the portal, including Bigby. The wounded Georgie and Vivian get into a small car, while Uncle and Mary get into the limousine. A chase begins, during which the player is given a choice: to catch up with Georgie or Uncle. In any case, it turns out that Uncle himself ordered Georgie to kill Vera and Lily. And the ribbons on the girls' necks were made by Vivian. These ribbons tie the heads of the girls to their bodies and if they are removed, the head breaks off from the body. This is the reason why Vera and Lily had a cut on the neck. Vivian breaks down and takes off his ribbon. The player then has a choice: kill Georgie himself or leave him to die. Anyway, Bigby leaves them at Sweet Dessert after that. When Bigby arrives at Sheppard's Metallurgy, a violent fight ensues between Bigby and Bloody Mary. During the fight, Mary regains her true face, and Bigby turns into a huge wolf, the size of a double garage. Eventually, Bigby kills Bloody Mary and finds Uncle. Here the player will have to make a choice: bring Uncle to Snow White alive or dead. Snow White and the other townspeople are waiting at Bigby's Witch's Well. If the player leaves Uncle alive, he will have to make one more choice: throw Uncle into the well, rip off his head, or put him behind bars. If the player kills Uncle, then Bigby will throw him into the well, and the townspeople will understand him. The next day, Bigby meets Mukholov, who is about to leave for the farm with Toad, his son and (depending on the choice) Colin. Bigby first wants to talk to Snow White, but she has urgent business, so Bigby immediately goes outside. He sees Zhabba (and Colin) off. TJ asks Bigby to give Snow White the Alder Lurker. The player can agree or not. As they drive away, Bigby sees Nerissa on the sidewalk. He walks up to her to say goodbye. She admits that she and the other girls wanted to escape from Sweet Dessert. They came up with an escape plan and Vera had compromising evidence on Uncle's people. However, Nerissa told Georgie about everything. Georgie, realizing that he was betrayed, killed Vera. And Nerissa left Vera's head on Bigby's doorstep. She wanted him to figure it out. It seemed to her that Bigby would be able to fix the situation. Finally, Nerissa tells Bigby the familiar phrase: "You are not as scary as everyone says." Then Bigby begins to remember the dialogue with Vera. Vera, just like Nerissa, used to say such phrases: "You are not as scary as everyone says", "Do you like my ribbon?" Bigby realizes that Nerissa is not who she claims to be. The player will have to make a choice: follow Nerissa or let her leave.