". Presentation on the topic "May 9 - Victory Day!" Presentation on the theme of memory of May 9

Last days of the war! German troops took up defensive positions along the western banks of the Oder and Neisse rivers. On the approaches to Berlin and in the city itself, a grouping of troops was concentrated, which included 62 divisions (including 48 infantry, 4 tank and 10 motorized), 37 separate infantry regiments and about 100 separate infantry battalions, as well as a significant number of artillery units and divisions. This grouping consisted of about a million people, tanks, guns and mortars, combat aircraft. German troops took up defensive positions along the western banks of the Oder and Neisse rivers. On the approaches to Berlin and in the city itself, a grouping of troops was concentrated, which included 62 divisions (including 48 infantry, 4 tank and 10 motorized), 37 separate infantry regiments and about 100 separate infantry battalions, as well as a significant number of artillery units and divisions. This grouping consisted of about a million people, tanks, guns and mortars, combat aircraft.

By the beginning of the operation, the Soviet troops numbered 149 rifle and 12 cavalry divisions, 13 tank and 7 mechanized corps, 15 separate tank and self-propelled brigades with a total strength of more than 1 people. The 1st and 2nd Armies of the Polish Army participating in the operation consisted of 10 infantry and 1 tank Soviet troops by the beginning of the operation consisted of 149 rifle and 12 cavalry divisions, 13 tank and 7 mechanized corps, 15 separate tank and self-propelled brigades with a total strength of more than 15 people. The 1st and 2nd armies of the Polish Army participating in the operation consisted of 10 infantry and 1 tank

On May 1, at 03:50, the Chief of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht Ground Forces, Infantry General Krebs, was delivered to the command post of the 8th Guards Army, declaring that he was authorized to negotiate a truce. However, Stalin ordered no negotiations except for unconditional surrender. An ultimatum was delivered to the German command: if consent to unconditional surrender is not given before 10 o’clock, a crushing blow will be dealt by the Soviet troops. On May 1, at 03:50, the Chief of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht Ground Forces, Infantry General Krebs, was delivered to the command post of the 8th Guards Army, declaring that he was authorized to negotiate a truce. However, Stalin ordered no negotiations except for unconditional surrender. An ultimatum was delivered to the German command: if consent to unconditional surrender is not given before 10 o’clock, a crushing blow will be dealt by the Soviet troops.

Having received no answer, the Soviet troops at 10:40 opened heavy fire on the remnants of the defense in the center of Berlin. By 18 o'clock it became known that the demands for surrender were rejected. After that, the final assault began on the central part of the city, where the Imperial Chancellery was located. All night, from 1 to 2 May, the fighting for the office continued. By morning, all the premises were occupied by Soviet soldiers. Having received no answer, the Soviet troops at 10:40 opened heavy fire on the remnants of the defense in the center of Berlin. By 18 o'clock it became known that the demands for surrender were rejected. After that, the final assault began on the central part of the city, where the Imperial Chancellery was located. All night, from 1 to 2 May, the fighting for the office continued. By morning, all the premises were occupied by Soviet soldiers.

More than 2 million soldiers and officers, tanks and self-propelled guns, guns and mortars, aircraft took part in the Berlin operation. More than 2 million soldiers and officers, tanks and self-propelled guns, guns and mortars, aircraft took part in the Berlin operation. The losses of the Red Army turned out to be huge: according to official data, during the Berlin operation, the Soviet troops lost a man dead and a man wounded. The losses of the Red Army turned out to be huge: according to official data, during the Berlin operation, the Soviet troops lost a man dead and a man wounded.

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Last days of the war

German troops took up defensive positions along the western banks of the Oder and Neisse rivers. On the approaches to Berlin and in the city itself, a grouping of troops was concentrated, which included 62 divisions (including 48 infantry, 4 tank and 10 motorized), 37 separate infantry regiments and about 100 separate infantry battalions, as well as a significant number of artillery units and divisions. This grouping numbered about a million people, 1,500 tanks, 10,400 guns and mortars, 3,300 combat aircraft.

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By the beginning of the operation, Soviet troops numbered 149 rifle and 12 cavalry divisions, 13 tank and 7 mechanized corps, 15 separate tank and self-propelled brigades with a total strength of more than 1,900,000 people. The 1st and 2nd armies of the Polish Army participating in the operation consisted of 10 infantry and 1 tank

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On May 1, at 03:50, the Chief of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht Ground Forces, Infantry General Krebs, was delivered to the command post of the 8th Guards Army, declaring that he was authorized to negotiate a truce. However, Stalin ordered no negotiations except for unconditional surrender. An ultimatum was delivered to the German command: if consent to unconditional surrender is not given before 10 o’clock, a crushing blow will be dealt by the Soviet troops.

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Having received no answer, the Soviet troops at 10:40 opened heavy fire on the remnants of the defense in the center of Berlin. By 18 o'clock it became known that the demands for surrender were rejected. After that, the final assault began on the central part of the city, where the Imperial Chancellery was located. All night, from 1 to 2 May, the fighting for the office continued. By morning, all the premises were occupied by Soviet soldiers.

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Wilhelm Keitel signs the act of unconditional surrender of Germany

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More than 2 million soldiers and officers, 6,250 tanks and self-propelled guns, 41,600 guns and mortars, and 7,500 aircraft took part in the Berlin operation.

The losses of the Red Army turned out to be huge: according to official figures, during the Berlin operation, the Soviet troops lost 78,291 people dead and 274,184 people wounded.

Victory Day is one of the most important holidays in the countries of the post-Soviet space, on this day we celebrate the victory over the Nazis and the end of the Great Patriotic War, which claimed the lives of many of our compatriots. Victory Day is also celebrated in France, Great Britain and the USA.

Every year, Victory parades are held on Red Square in Moscow and in every city, and events dedicated to this great day, the Victory Day of our troops over the enemy, are held annually in every school.

On this page you will find V-Day PowerPoint presentation templates designed by users of our website. They are ideal for:

  • classroom hours;
  • evenings of meetings with veterans;
  • extracurricular activities;
  • history lessons;
  • etc.

On the presentation templates for May 9 (namely, on this day we celebrate Victory Day), we depicted the symbols of war and symbols of victory: St. George's ribbon, tulips, memos to soldiers, etc.

These templates can be used not only to create presentations, but also to make diplomas, thanks, invitations based on them - just fill out and print the desired A4 slides on a color printer.

For our English-speaking visitors

There are many free Victory in Europe Day templates and Victory in Europe Day backgrounds for using in the PowerPoint presentations. Please choose a more suitable template and click green button for download. It needn't registration and any payment.

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Victory Day is a celebration of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

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Introduced in 1945, but since 1948 it has been a working day. Fireworks on Red Square Nevertheless, the holiday retained its significance, holiday cards were issued and congratulations were addressed to the front-line soldiers. It was first widely celebrated in the USSR only two decades later, already under Brezhnev. In the same anniversary year of 1965, Victory Day again became non-working. During the existence of the USSR, military parades on Red Square on May 9 were in the anniversary years of 1965, 1975, 1985 and 1990; parades were held annually on 7 November.

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In April 1945, the Red Army came close to Berlin. German troops took up defensive positions along the western banks of the Oder and Neisse rivers. On the approaches to Berlin and in the city itself, a grouping of troops was concentrated, which included 62 divisions (including 48 infantry, 4 tank and 10 motorized), 37 separate infantry regiments and about 100 separate infantry battalions, as well as a significant number of artillery units and divisions. This grouping numbered about a million people, 1,500 tanks, 10,400 guns and mortars, 3,300 combat aircraft.

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On May 1, at 03:50, the Chief of the General Staff of the Wehrmacht Ground Forces, Infantry General Krebs, was delivered to the command post of the 8th Guards Army, declaring that he was authorized to negotiate a truce. However, Stalin ordered no negotiations except for unconditional surrender. An ultimatum was delivered to the German command: if consent to unconditional surrender is not given before 10 o’clock, a crushing blow will be dealt by the Soviet troops.

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More than 2 million soldiers and officers, 6,250 tanks and self-propelled guns, 41,600 guns and mortars, and 7,500 aircraft took part in the Berlin operation.

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For many years, May 9 has been the most sincere and touching holiday. No other holiday can be compared to it. Until now, the symbol of a strong Fatherland is a veteran, whose chest is in orders and walking with his grandson by the hand. There are very few such veterans among us, they could become a real symbol of a strong connection between generations. On Victory Day, each of us feels especially proud of our history. This pride strengthens our belief that we can overcome any adversity.

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May 9 is a holy holiday for each of us. On this day, we honor the heroes who liberated the world from fascism. All living on earth are obliged to pass on the memory of the victory to their children. Thus, we will be able to transfer the tradition of celebrating Victory Day into the future. The wide development of the Internet and the urgent delivery of flowers allow you to conveniently and quickly place an order and congratulate your grandparents, veterans on this bright event. Victory Day is a new countdown of saved human life. This is a holiday with tears in the eyes and pain in the heart. In the former Soviet Union, grief came to every family during the war. Thousands of husbands and sons went to the front, many of them did not return. On the shoulders of women and children lay back-breaking work in the rear. All the people stood up to defend the Fatherland and were able to defend the right to life under a peaceful sky. Kudos to them for this.

Irina Zykova

On June 22, 1941, German fascists attacked our Motherland. They attacked like thieves, like robbers. Enemies attacked us unexpectedly. They had more tanks and planes.

Adolf Hitler was the head of Germany, and therefore of the entire fascist movement. He wanted to seize our lands, our cities and villages, and either kill our people or make them his servants and slaves.

German planes bombed cities, airfields, railway stations. Bombs rained down on hospitals, houses, kindergartens and schools.

The radio informed all our people about the outbreak of war. Naturally, our people stood up to defend the Motherland. The Great Patriotic War began. It lasted for four years. The battles were on the ground, in the sky, at sea.

Millions of people, including children, worked at factory machines and in the fields of the country. Soviet people (Soviet Union - that was the name of our country in those years) did everything to stop the Nazis. Even on the most difficult days, they firmly believed: "The enemy will be defeated! Victory will be ours!"

During rare hours of rest, soldiers wrote letters to their relatives and loved ones. Soldiers wrote letters on a piece of paper and then folded them in a special way to form a triangle. Such triangles were given to military mail. They were unmarked. But only with the seal of the field mail.

The soldiers tried not to lose heart, and wonderful songs were born in the fire of this terrible war.

And then came that long-awaited day - Victory Day! The Soviet army drove the Nazis from their native land. It happened on May 9, 1945. A red banner of victory was hoisted over Berlin!

Since then, this day has become our great holiday - Victory Day.

VICTORY DAY celebration begins with PARADE

Ends with SALUTE!

On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, people put on their clothes a St. George ribbon as a sign of memory of the heroic past, expressing respect for veterans.

Ribbon colors - black and orange - mean "smoke and fire"

and are a sign of the personal prowess of a soldier, shown by him in battle.

The St. George's Ribbon bears the medal "For the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" - the most common award.

Eternal flame - a constantly burning fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of soldiers who did not return from the war, unknown soldiers ..

A lot of time has passed since that terrible time when the Nazis attacked our country. Remember with a kind word your grandfathers and great-grandfathers, all those who brought us victory. Bow to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Heroes of the great war against the Nazis