Colon. Large intestine Checking homework

Lesson objectives: educational: to reveal the meaning
large and small intestines, concepts
absorption, the role of the liver and
developing: teach correctly
take care of yourself and watch
for health;
educational: expansion

Homework check

1. Why the lack of food for several
weeks almost always leads to death?
2. How does food change in the digestive organs?
3. What changes occur with food in the stomach?
4. What is the role of hydrochloric acid in the stomach?
5. What is in the gastric juice?
6. What are enzymes?
7. Under what conditions do enzymes work?
gastric acid, breaking down proteins?

Small intestine

The small intestine is
the longest department
digestive tract
(5-6 m).
The diameter of the small intestine is not
uniform: in
in its proximal part, he
equal to 4-6 cm, in the distal
- 2.5 - 3 cm.

Digestion in the small intestine.

In the small intestine
enzymes that
together with enzymes,
generated by
pancreas and
contribute to
splitting food into
individual components.
It also happens here

Intestinal villus.

Intestinal villus wall
formed by a single layer
epithelium. Inside the villi there are blood vessels, a lymphatic vessel, and nerve fibers.
Protein breakdown products
(amino acids) and carbohydrates
(glucose) enter
blood vessels.
Fat breakdown products
(glycerin and fatty acids)
absorbed by the epithelium
villi. In his cells
fatty substances are formed,
characteristic of this


The interior of the colon
lined with mucous
a shell that facilitates
stool advancement and
protective wall
intestines from harmful
digestive enzymes
and mechanical damage.
Colon muscles
work independently of their will


Appendix -
length 8-13 cm.
This is a secure storage
for bacteria in which
usually misses
intestinal contents,
thanks to which the body can
be peculiar
"Farm" where

Large intestine functions.

Water absorption.
The final
synthesis of vitamins.

The barrier role of the liver.

The liver is not only
juice - bile, but also
the most important
poisonous substances.

Liver functions:

1) harmful substances are rendered harmless,
entered the body through the digestive system;
2) destroyed erythrocytes are retained;
3) toxic products of protein metabolism are converted into
less toxic urea;
4) bile is produced;
5) a number of amino acids and most proteins are synthesized
blood plasma;
6) excess glucose is converted to glycogen and stored
in this form, and with a lack of blood sugar again
translated into glucose.


1. The small intestine is a section of the human digestive tract,
located between the stomach and colon. In thin
the intestine, in the main, the process of digestion takes place.
2. Large intestine - lower, terminal part
the digestive tract, namely the lower intestine,
in which water is mainly absorbed and
the formation of food gruel (chyme) formed
feces. It is a derivative of the hindgut.
3. Absorption of nutrients, water, electrolytes
carried out mainly in the small intestine. Suction
nutrients in the colon are negligible.
4. The liver performs the most important function of detoxification
poisonous substances.


How does the intestinal villi function?
The epithelium of the villi absorbs glycerin and fatty
acids, and synthesizes fat from them. Is it different from
edible fat?
Why the liver is called the main chemical
laboratory of the organism?
How the liver maintains a constant internal composition
environment of the body?
Where is the cecum with appendix located?

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

1 slide

Slide Description:

2 slide

Slide Description:

Lesson objectives: educational: to reveal the meaning of the large and small intestines, the concept of absorption, the role of the liver and appendicitis; developing: teach how to take care of yourself and monitor your health; educational: broadening one's horizons.

3 slide

Slide Description:

Checking homework 1. Why is it that lack of food for several weeks almost always leads to death? 2. How does food change in the digestive organs? 3. What changes occur with food in the stomach? 4. What is the role of hydrochloric acid in the stomach? 5. What is in the gastric juice? 6. What are enzymes? 7. Under what conditions do enzymes of gastric juice that break down proteins act?

4 slide

Slide Description:

Small intestine The small intestine is the longest section of the digestive tract (5-6 m). The diameter of the small intestine is not uniform: in the proximal part it is 4-6 cm, in the distal - 2.5 - 3 cm.

5 slide

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Digestion in the small intestine. In the small intestine, enzymes are produced that, together with enzymes produced by the pancreas and gallbladder, contribute to the breakdown of food into individual components. Absorption also takes place here.

6 slide

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Intestinal villus. The wall of the intestinal villi is formed by a single-layer epithelium. Inside the villi are blood vessels, a lymphatic vessel, and nerve fibers. The breakdown products of proteins (amino acids) and carbohydrates (glucose) enter the blood vessels. Fat breakdown products (glycerol and fatty acids) are absorbed by the villus epithelium. In its cells, fatty substances are formed, which are characteristic of the given organism.

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Colon. The interior of the large intestine is lined with a mucous membrane that facilitates the movement of feces and protects the intestinal walls from the harmful effects of digestive enzymes and mechanical damage. The muscles of the colon work independently of the will of the person.

9 slide

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Appendix. The appendix is ​​a vermiform appendix 8-13 cm long. It is a reliable storehouse for bacteria, which usually does not get the contents of the intestine, due to which the organ can be a kind of "farm" where beneficial microorganisms multiply.

10 slide

Slide Description:

Large intestine functions. Formation of feces. Water absorption. Final protein breakdown. Microbiological synthesis of vitamins.

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The barrier role of the liver. The liver not only separates the digestive juice - bile, but also performs the most important function of neutralizing toxic substances.

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13 slide

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Liver functions: 1) harmful substances that have entered the body through the digestive system are neutralized; 2) destroyed erythrocytes are retained; 3) toxic products of protein metabolism are converted into less toxic urea; 4) bile is produced; 5) a number of amino acids and most of the blood plasma proteins are synthesized; 6) excess glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in this form, and with a lack of sugar in the blood, it is again converted into glucose.

14 slide

Slide Description:

Conclusions: 1. The small intestine is a section of the human digestive tract located between the stomach and the large intestine. In the small intestine, the process of digestion mainly takes place. 2. Large intestine - the lower, terminal part of the digestive tract, namely the lower part of the intestine, in which the absorption of water and the formation of formalized feces from food gruel (chyme) occurs. It is a derivative of the hindgut. 3. Absorption of nutrients, water, electrolytes is carried out mainly in the small intestine. The absorption of nutrients in the colon is negligible. 4. The liver performs the most important function of neutralizing toxic substances.

15 slide

Slide Description:

Anchoring. How does the intestinal villi function? The villus epithelium absorbs glycerin and fatty acids, and synthesizes fat from them. Is it different from dietary fat? Why is the liver called the main chemical laboratory of the body? How does the liver maintain the constancy of the composition of the internal environment of the body? Where is the cecum with appendix located?

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Presentation slides text content:
Lesson topic: Functions of the small and large intestines. The role of the liver. Lesson objectives: educational: to reveal the meaning of the large and small intestines, the concept of absorption, the role of the liver and appendicitis; developing: to teach how to take care of oneself and monitor health; educational: broadening one's horizons. Homework Check 1. Why is it almost always fatal not to eat for several weeks? How does food change in the digestive organs? 3. What changes occur with food in the stomach? 4. What is the role of hydrochloric acid in the stomach? 5. What is in the gastric juice? 6. What are enzymes? 7. Under what conditions do enzymes of gastric juice that break down proteins act? Small intestine The small intestine is the longest section of the digestive tract (5-6 m). The diameter of the small intestine is not uniform: in the proximal section it is 4-6 cm, in the distal - 2.5-3 cm. Digestion in the small intestine. In the small intestine, enzymes are produced that, together with enzymes produced by the pancreas and gallbladder, help break down food into its individual components, where absorption occurs. Intestinal villus. The wall of the intestinal villi is formed by a single-layer epithelium. Inside the villi are blood vessels, a lymphatic vessel, and nerve fibers. The breakdown products of proteins (amino acids) and carbohydrates (glucose) enter the blood vessels. The breakdown products of fats (glycerol and fatty acids) are absorbed by the epithelium of the villi. In its cells, fatty substances are formed, which are characteristic of the given organism. Colon. The interior of the large intestine is lined with a mucous membrane that facilitates the movement of feces and protects the intestinal walls from the harmful effects of digestive enzymes and mechanical damage. The muscles of the colon work independently of the will of the person. Appendix. The appendix is ​​a vermiform appendix 8-13 cm long. It is a reliable storehouse for bacteria, which usually does not get the contents of the intestine, thanks to which the organ can be a kind of "farm" where beneficial microorganisms multiply. Large intestine functions. Formation of feces Absorption of water Final breakdown of proteins Microbiological synthesis of vitamins The barrier role of the liver. The liver not only separates the digestive juice - bile, but also performs the most important function of neutralizing toxic substances. Liver functions: 1) harmful substances that have entered the body through the digestive system are neutralized; 2) destroyed erythrocytes are retained; 3) toxic products of protein metabolism are converted into less toxic urea; 4) bile is produced; 5) a number of amino acids and most of the blood plasma proteins are synthesized; 6) excess glucose is converted into glycogen and stored in this form, and with a lack of sugar in the blood, it is again converted into glucose. Conclusions: 1. The small intestine is a section of the human digestive tract located between the stomach and the large intestine. In the small intestine, the process of digestion mainly takes place. 2. The large intestine is the lower, terminal part of the digestive tract, namely the lower part of the intestine, in which the absorption of water and the formation of formalized feces from food gruel (chyme) occurs. Derived from the hind gut. 3. Absorption of nutrients, water, electrolytes is carried out mainly in the small intestine. The absorption of nutrients in the colon is negligible. 4. The liver performs the most important function of neutralizing toxic substances. Anchoring. How does the intestinal villi function? The epithelium of the villi absorbs glycerin and fatty acids, and from them synthesizes fat. Is it different from dietary fat? Why is the liver called the main chemical laboratory of the body? How does the liver maintain a constant composition of the internal environment? Where is the cecum with appendix?

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