Openwork metal platbands. How to make carved metal window frames

Today, many companies offer to buy window trims in Moscow. They can be purchased as standard or can be ordered individually. Of course, this will increase the cost of the product, but they will satisfy the needs of customers as much as possible. The market offers to buy window frames made of wood, but the demand for them in Moscow is gradually decreasing. This is due to the high cost of the material, as well as the increasing popularity of metal-plastic windows. Products made of PVC, a material that are easier to care for, are inexpensive. Affordable prices for metal frames for windows.

The ubiquitous plastic

The sale of platbands for plastic windows breaks all records. Here are the benefits:

  • beautiful design, uniform color and richness of color schemes, imitation "wood-like" is available;
  • products of any configuration can be ordered in Moscow;
  • resistance to aggressive environment, moisture, temperature fluctuations, insect damage;
  • non-susceptibility to deformation;
  • long service life;
  • easy care;
  • light weight;
  • no need for additional processing or finishing;
  • low prices.

It is very simple to buy window trims in Moscow, it is just as easy to install them. Plastic products are mounted on an adhesive in a short time. There is also an opportunity to order inexpensively, where you can hide the wiring. If the house is finished with vinyl or metal siding, then you will need special plastic window trims, the price of which is slightly higher than usual. They differ from simple models by a carefully thought-out installation system. Higher cost - for non-standard profiles, for example, carved.

Metal profile

Metal window trims are a good choice! This finish is practical and durable, beautiful and affordable. And carved window frames, the price of which will be slightly higher than the cost of standard models, will allow you to create a unique look for any home. They are made from thin-leaved non-ferrous metal and decorated in any color scheme. It is preferable to buy window frames rather than PVC: they have the same advantages plus additional benefits. For example, they do not burn, they are resistant to mechanical damage. The only drawback is that their installation will take longer and will be a little more difficult, so it is better to contact a specialist. Also, craftsmen need to correctly measure the openings, because if the plastic is easy to adjust to the desired dimensions on the spot, then cutting a metal profile at home is quite difficult.

It is up to the buyer to decide which product to give preference, having carefully studied all the pros and cons.

Platbands made of galvanized steel, coated with a layer of polymer coating, are increasingly popular in the construction of housing and non-residential buildings. This type of shaped elements is intended for upholstery from the outside of window and door openings. The EuroMet website presents high-quality accessories and platbands, which you can buy at an affordable price, wholesale and retail.

Metal frames for windows and doors of various colors:

  • perform a decorative function, give the building a complete look;
  • close the gaps between the window / door and the wall, preventing drafts;
  • increase the degree of noise and heat insulation.

Steel additional elements are ideally combined with metal siding. The building, decorated in the same style, looks harmonious and elegant.

Why is it worth buying metal trims

Finishing strips for edging window and door openings are made of plastic, wood. However, metal products have a number of advantages over their counterparts made from other materials:

  • wide range of colors;
  • long service life;
  • fire resistance;
  • attractive appearance;
  • ease of care.

The peculiarity of the platbands is in the individual production of four planks strictly in accordance with the dimensions of the opening. Instead of the lower part, an ebb can be installed. Installation is carried out on site.

Platbands for windows in Moscow from "EuroMet"

The company produces fittings from high-quality galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.5–0.7 mm. Metal products are protected from adverse environmental conditions by several layers of coating:

  • galvanized;
  • primer;
  • anti-corrosion protection;
  • polymer layer;

Platbands are made of domestic steel. The quality of the products meets the standards and specifications.

Why is it worth ordering fittings from us

  1. The price of platbands is affordable due to the presence of our own production. You do not have to pay extra to intermediaries.
  2. We work on an individual order, we will help you choose products that are ideal for the facade in color and size.
  3. We organize our own delivery in Moscow and the region. We ship to other cities of Russia by commodity transport companies.

If you are looking for where to buy ready-made window trims, contact EuroMet. We will produce facade elements in the shortest possible time and offer additional accessories for fastening.

Who of us, seeing in front of us beautiful, old, chopped houses, decorated with intricate carvings of openwork platbands, with rich kokoshniks on the roofs carved like a royal crown, did not admire the fabulous beauty that has come down to us from the depths of centuries. But to see such beauty and admire her is one thing. And making a fabulous palace out of your home is not an easy task.

And the point is not even that someone lacks the skills of an artist or lacks imagination in the construction of twisted patterns, the catch is in the fragility of external wooden elements and structures. Unfortunately, wooden platbands and carving elements retain their original appearance for many years, only in indoor, dry rooms. In an external humid environment, wood quickly warps, cracks and chips, especially in places with fine carvings. The external environment, the sun and rains quickly destroy paintwork, forcing it to spend more money on paint and repaint everything every two or three years.

Despite some difficulties that may seem at first glance, you should not give up the desire to turn your gray house into a teremok. The abundance of materials in hardware stores allows you to replace wood with a more durable material. In this master class, you will learn how to make carved window frames with your own hands replacing wood with flat iron.

Flat iron, or flat sheet, as it is correctly called according to the factory classification, is a thin sheet (thickness 0.40-0.70 mm), which comes from the factory in rolls of 20, 30 and 50 meters. The standard factory width of a sheet in rolls is 1 meter 25 centimeters. Flat iron is dyed in different colors, from white to dark chocolate. All iron sheets are covered with a protective film that protects them from scratches during transportation.

Materials and tools

For the manufacture of carved window frames, we need:

  • a flat sheet of tin iron with a standard width of 1 meter 25 centimeters;
  • a roll of wallpaper for making templates for a casing pattern;
  • paper clips for fixing templates during the translation of drawings and for the subsequent fixation of finished parts to each other;
  • connecting brackets size 3-4 mm;
  • simple pencil;
  • eraser;
  • ruler;
  • a drill 8 millimeters for drilling holes for a jigsaw, in the places of the cut off parts of the upper overhead platband;
  • small drill 3-4 millimeters for drilling holes in riveted parts;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • saw for metal with fine teeth;
  • fine and medium sandpaper for sanding burrs on the back of parts;
  • a riveting machine and a rubber hammer for straightening workpieces.

The process of making carved platbands

Starting to manufacture window frames, it is necessary to make and install slopes on the windows in advance. One option is white iron slopes.

After we make and install the slopes, we remove the exact size from the window, taking into account the edges of the slopes protruding onto the walls. When the size is removed, we calculate the width and length of the platbands. The standard width is 30-35 centimeters, the length of the window plus the width of the casing.

Having removed all sizes, we make templates for the platbands from any smooth roll of wallpaper. Having chosen a sample of the drawing, we prepare two templates. One long side and one short for the bottom and top of the window. Fold the cut out strip of paper in half and draw a sketch so that the center of the pattern is formed at the fold. When the drawing is cut, its second half will automatically be ready, so you get the correct even template.

We prepare the workplace, for this we put two tables, of the same height, next to each other in length, we leave a gap of 7-8 cm between the tables, this is a place for working with an electric jigsaw. Platbands are made of two metal colors (the simplest option). The upper invoice color will be white, and patterns are cut out on it. The second color is any to choose, it is the background lining under the upper carved sheet.

We take a sheet of flat iron, cut the strips for the platbands of the required width.

We turn the blanks of the upper overhead part of the platband face down, and fix the template with paper clips on the reverse side, translate the openwork pattern of the platband.

When the drawing is ready, we take an electric drill, insert an 8 millimeter drill bit and drill through holes at the edges of the drawing for a jigsaw file and start cutting out the platband.

We cut out the platbands for the iron windows.

We put the strip of iron on the table so that the cut out part is in the center of the table, and we begin to cut the pattern along the contour.
Having cut out the upper part, we proceed to the manufacture of the lower, background part of the casing. To do this, we also cut the iron sheet into strips of the size we need, taking into account the edging. The width of this sheet should be 4-5 centimeters wider.

We turn the sheet face up. We put the finished upper blank of the casing face down on it. We circle the outer edging along the edge of the picture 4-5 cm wide and start cutting.

Having prepared both blanks, remove the protective film from them and put them on top of each other.

We fix them with paper clips and make 1-2 holes with a 3-4 mm drill. We make a control hitch with a manual riveting machine so that the parts do not come apart. After that, we drill and rivet the entire structure. The window frame is ready.

Installation of carved platbands on the window

After the platbands are made, we begin their installation on the wall, here you will need a ladder or stepladder.
When installing platbands on a wooden wall, you will need:

  • hammer;
  • small nails 5-6 centimeters;
  • assembly syringe;
  • mounting liquid silicone (white as the color of the casing or colorless) for filling gaps;
  • a small art brush, and paint the same color as the trim for nail head putty.

When installing platbands on stone walls, we need:

  • electric drill;
  • drill with a diameter of 3-4 mm with a victorious tip;
  • plugs for screws (in the absence of plugs, you can adjust and hammer homemade wooden plugs into the hole in the wall);
  • syringe and mounting liquid silicone;
  • small artistic paintbrush and paint according to the color of the platband for sealing screw heads.

Platbands are fitted close to the edges of the protruding window slopes and are attached to the wall.

Then all cracks and uneven places are coated with mounting silicone. And the heads of nails or screws with a thin brush are painted over with paint according to the color of the casing. The work is ready, carved platbands are installed on the windows.

Durable, maintenance-free, painted in hundreds of colors and in a variety of designs - these are the metal trims we produce. These technological and decorative elements contribute to reliable fastening of even weighted structures. At the same time, the integrity of walls, window frames, roof and facade is not disturbed. The result is a harmonious, sophisticated home design.

The platband is the front part of the building facade decoration, and we advise you to carefully consider the choice of this detail and the rest of the mating elements of the facade space decoration.

What is a metal window trim?

Among the additional elements for siding, the casing made of metal stands out and is very popular. Galvanized platband is a component of the edging for door, window and other openings, which looks solid and soundly and can not do without it in any house. It carries in itself not only a practical function, used for edging windows, doors and other elements of the facade, but also an aesthetic one, decorating the facade, giving it uniqueness, individuality, originality, solidity.

Metal options have many advantages over similar products made from other materials: wood, plastic and others.

Buy window frames and you will receive:

  • the ability to create original, complex shapes;
  • attractive appearance;
  • durability;
  • strength, resistance to damage;
  • combustion resistance;
  • design in different colors (the entire range of the RAL catalog).

From the history of the appearance of metal platbands

Window platband is a convenient and functional device. Its history goes back to the distant nineteenth century. Already in those days, people decorated the windows of their houses with beautiful openwork trim. So they protected the home from evil spirits and various slander. They created a comfortable atmosphere and gave a unique look to the entire building. Then most often wooden materials were used for manufacturing.

Over the years, the tree began to be replaced by lighter and more economical counterparts. And in the twentieth century, heavy and expensive options were replaced by galvanized metal casing. It weighed less and gave ample opportunity to obtain a wide variety of configurations. In addition, there was no need to paint such a finish every year.

Resistant to moisture and sudden changes in temperature, it retains its original qualities for a long time. And at the same time, it looks as elegant and luxurious as wooden structures. Skillful hands of masters create such masterpieces that they can rightfully be considered works of art. Such a strip for decorating a window or doorway of a building looks very impressive. Painted decorative elements on the entrance lobbies immediately catch the eye. In addition to the interior function, they protect the building in the cold season and retain the required level of heat.

Taking care of galvanized metal platbands is a snap. It is sufficient to carry out regular checks for rust, cracks and other imperfections. The surface has a smooth, even shape.

Installation of galvanized platbands

The platband made of galvanized metal, like any other, is made for each window or doorway individually, after carefully measured measurements in order to achieve maximum conformity along the contours. Otherwise, it may turn out to be slightly less or, conversely, more than is needed for a particular window or door. Platbands are assembled from four parts: lower, upper and two lateral ones, which are assembled into one structure already in place, directly when edging the openings. If there is an ebb on the windows, the lower part of the window casing is not installed.

Metal platband from our factory

Our company offers high-quality and inexpensive samples of window frames. We use multifunctional equipment and durable materials for our production processes. These conditions make it possible to obtain products with flawless performance characteristics.

The products of our plant are made only from high-quality Russian metal. We do not pursue cheapness and do not use low-grade raw materials or metal of thinner thickness, since quality is obtained only with strict adherence to production conditions.

Platbands for windows, which you can buy from us:

  • Classic, rectangular shapes.
  • Refined, designer samples for the decoration of building elements.
  • Painted metal options in various colors.
  • Products with a polymer coating.

Our experienced specialists will carry out any individual project. They will ensure not only high quality products, but also think over all the details to transform an ordinary building into a beautiful and unique structure. Such our products are not afraid of harsh winters, hot summers and rainy autumn.

All orders are carried out according to the worked out scheme. First, we agree on the specifics and personal preferences with the client. Then we start working operations. Our task is to create, giving a complete image and with a long service life.

Reinforced-plastic windows are a multifunctional modern product for glazing window openings. The final stage in the installation of plastic windows is the finishing of the external slopes. For this, various finishing materials can be used: plaster, paint, PVC panels, drywall, but most often metal windows are trimmed. Installing a metal slope on windows can be done by hand.

Slope function

The decoration of windows from the outside with metal slopes performs decorative and protective functions. By installing the slopes on the windows with your own hands, you can close the assembly seam and thereby protect it from the effects of precipitation and direct sunlight.

Metal slopes play a protective and decorative role

The mounting foam used to seal the joint between the frame and the window opening is a porous vapor-permeable substance that allows moisture to pass through from the room. As a result, moisture and condensation accumulates on the surface of the window slopes, which leads to the formation of mold and the destruction of the integrity of the structure. Moisture from the street can penetrate through the assembly seam and cause fogging and freezing of the window in winter.

When installing metal slopes on windows, you do not have to worry about these troubles, since metal is a strong, durable and unpretentious material with high performance indicators.


Metal exterior slopes serve several important functions:

The metal trim of the windows should be installed immediately after the installation of the windows in order to exclude the absorption of moisture by the assembly foam. If this cannot be done in the near future due to work on finishing the facade, then the assembly seams on the windows can be temporarily closed with polyethylene.

Advantages over other materials

There are several types of finishing materials, using which, you can give the window opening a complete appearance. These are plaster, drywall, plastic and paint. But in terms of their technical characteristics, none of these materials can compare with metal slopes. When deciding how to make slopes, it is necessary to study the characteristics of finishing materials.

The polymer layer of the steel slope protects the product from rust

When using plaster, one must be prepared for the fact that the plaster layer will crack over time. If moisture gets into the gaps between the window frame and the plaster layer, it can cause mold.

Drywall as a finishing material for slopes is only suitable for interior work. Even gypsum plasterboard of the GVLV brand is not able to withstand the direct effects of atmospheric precipitation. In a short time, it will swell, lose its appearance and collapse.

The use of plastic panels for finishing external slopes leads to the fact that in the sun the plastic burns out and acquires an unpleasant yellowish tint. And with a sharp drop in air temperature, the plastic becomes brittle and may lose its integrity after a slight mechanical impact. Therefore, plastic is best used for finishing interior slopes, especially in the kitchen.

Metal slopes are not affected by weather conditions

The advantages of metal slopes are obvious, since the material of their manufacture is galvanized steel, which at the production stage is covered with a protective polymer decorative layer... This protects the products from corrosion and rust.

Pros and cons of the material

Despite the fact that external metal slopes are more expensive than other types of finishes, their positive qualities are more than covered by this drawback:

It is recommended to install sound-absorbing tape together with the slopes.

Of the minuses, we can note the high cost and the presence of sound effects arising from the fall of drops or hail on their surface. This can be dealt with if you use a special sound-absorbing sealing tape when installing metal slopes.

Another disadvantage of the metal slope is the impossibility of its installation in arched openings.

Preparing for installation

Do-it-yourself installation of modern metal slopes on windows will require the preparation of special materials and tools for this type of work:

  • metal sheets;
  • level;
  • fasteners;
  • polyurethane foam and silicone sealant;
  • screwdriver and bits;
  • painting knife;
  • scissors for metal;
  • roulette.

Excess polyurethane foam must be cut off

Surface preparation consists in removing construction dust and dirt from it. Excess polyurethane foam is cut off with a paint knife, and seams and joints are treated with silicone sealant. Do-it-yourself installation of a metal slope on windows should be done after the seams have dried.

Sequence of work

The installation of metal slopes on the windows involves measuring work. The width and height of the product will correspond to the internal and external parameters of the opening. The top, bottom and side metal elements are manufactured by cutting them out of the prepared metal sheet in accordance with the measurements obtained.

At the second stage of work, the ebb is installed, the horizontal position of which is controlled by the building level. The bottom joint of the wall and the window frame is equipped with a special heat-insulating material and diffusion tape for noise reduction and protection from moisture.

First you need to install the ebb

During the fixing of the ebb, the foam is applied to the window opening and to the ebb from the inside. So that it does not bend due to the expansion of the foam, it is pressed tightly for a while. After the ebb is fixed, proceed to the installation of metal slopes.

Before installing metal slopes, it is necessary to treat the places where they will come into contact with the window frame with a sealant.

Metal slopes are fixed with polyurethane foam

First, the side elements are installed observing the required slope from the inside to the outside. The upper and lower parts are adjusted with a knife depending on the level of the inclination.

The side elements must be installed in an upright position and tightened with screws. The upper part adjusts to the side elements. It is aligned with the outer corners and secured with self-tapping screws.

At the final stage, all contact points are treated with a sealant.

When installing slopes on a corrugated facade, horizontal lintels are used

In the case when the facade of the house is sheathed with corrugated board, when finishing window openings, it is necessary to use horizontal lintels. These are side shelves made of profiled sheet, which are attached to the wall on the one hand, and to the metal profile on the other. Steel platbands add a finishing touch to the façade.