How to increase lysuine at home. Lizun needs proper care and care! How to make it so that lysun has increased

What is lysun? This is an ordinary children's toy, the consistency is very similar to thick jelly, soft and pleasant to the touch, elastic and not tearing apart. It does not leave after himself traces on smooth surfaces, as well as on hand. Many adults such a toy can also come along the moral. In addition, Lizuuna can be used as an anti-stress device, compressing and sprinkling a fist. Such a toy is sold in almost any store, where there are products for children's games, as well as it can be easily made at home with their own hands from girlfriend. It is easy and even interesting. But far from everyone knows how to care for lysuns, so key points for care will be described in this article.

What should Lizun live

If you choose to a toy from the store, then you do not have to think long, what jar pick up toys as a house. Manufacturers took care of this in advance and sell Lizun right in that container, which is ideal for its stay.

But if you decide to make a toy with your own hands, then you have to find it for it any container that has a tightly closing lid. The jar should not get air.

Usually these very simple rulesHow to care for lysuns are prescribed by manufacturers on the packaging, pay attention.

Try always at night a container with a toy to put in the refrigerator. In no case in the freezer - there he will get sick and can perish.

If during the game you will notice a lot of bubbles on Lizun - he is tired and wants to sleep. Return it to the house and put the straight light to the toy.

Than to "feed" lysun

Not many know, but Lizun needs to feed. Otherwise, it will begin to stick to the walls of the container, your hands and any other surfaces. So that your toy lives as long as you live and looked as if you just bought it - do not forget to "feed" it.

To do this, water is poured into the container, it is squeezed by several pinch of salt and lower the lysuns there. Caring for such a plan they are simply necessary. And do not forget to close the cover tightly and shake a little when the toy is immersed in the nourishing medium for it.

Such procedures are sufficient to carry out 1 or 2 times a week. Someone feeds him, introducing a slight amount of salt water with a syringe directly to the toy itself. The main thing is not to rearrange.

Not knowing how to properly care for Lizun, you can feed it with sugar, it is impossible to do - he will die.

Than lysuins get sick and how to treat it

If you did not know how to care for lysuns, then you know, they can also hurt. And in order to help them - they need to be treated.

There are only three types of diseases of such toys: excessive softness or hardness and refusal of food.

If Lizun became too soft, then with a high probability it can be said that he is either very tired or experienced strong stress, or you just stopped and gave him an overly large amount of water. To cure your favorite toy enough to feed him a few pinchs of salt and try to take time (1-2 days) not to play with him, give him a rest.

If the lysun suddenly became too solid, then one of the reasons may be the usual fatigue (you are too often playing with him), and the other is a banal "overeating" of salt. This is also fixed and is treated just that you are 2 or 3 times more than usual pouring water into the house toys. Remove into a darkened place and leave for 3 hours. Then excess water is poured.

It happens that there are no lysuns. Care In this case, the toy is very simple - do not feed 1 or 2 days so that it comes to normal. Specific reasons for such a disease are difficult, they are all different.

How to clean Lizun

It often happens that your toy contaminated. Therefore, it is important to know in this case how to care for lysuins and bathe them correctly. Do not try to do it in the sink - will float. It is better to pour water into a separate deep container and place lysuine into it. For bathing enough for 1-2 minutes, you need to rinse a toy a little in the water and then return to the house.

If lysun polluts too much - it will die very quickly. So try not to take it with dirty hands. Make sure that it is not on the sand, woolen clothing or land. Lysuns absorb everything like sponges. Because of which gradually begin to become smaller and less, while they do not die at all.

How are the lysons multiply

Lizuuna can multiply. It does not depend on their sexuality (and it is practically impossible to determine it). It is very important to understand in time, whether the lease toy is pregnant, how to care for her during this period and what is better not to do.

The first signs of reproduction - the presence is very large number Small bubbles. In no case try to burst them, it is better at all at the time of pregnancy, put Lizuun and do not play with him. Such a state will last 3 or 4 days. After that, on the surface it will be possible to notice a small stain of another shade. It should be separated and placed in a separate container. Now you can grow the second lysuine!

Lizun, which is also called slim (from the English. Slime - "mucus"), we got their name from the character of the film "Ghost Hunters". In the picture, he looked like a mucous green creature with two skinny hands, several chins and without legs.

Lizuuna homemade manufacture Recently, the subject of adolescent is the subject of self-expression, and for someone and the way. For example, a sixteen-year-old girl from Canada became famous like a superstar of homely sleeves.

What makes this thing doing?

Chemically leasing consists of polymer substance molecules (for example, glue), forming a thread like spaghetti. They are connected with each other due to the addition of a kind of sauce from sodium tetrabrate - boras. This ensures such properties of the slide as elasticity in response to the blow and softness in response to the pressure with a finger.

The slide make in different ways. Most recipes include sodium tetraborate, it is about 2%. How Products Are Made Lizuuna. The second component is PVA glue (water emulsion of polyvinyninyl acetate). Often how component The slider is indicated by shaving foam. The desired color is attached by adding the edible dye. The main volume of lysus is purified or distilled.

On the Internet, it is proposed to make slides using substances of natural origin:

  • Guar gum (gum of the horn tree), which is obtained from the beans of the Cyamopsis Tetraganoloba plants.
  • Methylcellulose, which is mainly obtained from wood. This activated vegetable polymer Methylcellulose Fiber fiber fiber, it is in toothpaste.
  • Corn starch.
  • Gelatin.

Wow. Can this be dangerous?

Yes. News appeared in the media 9-year-old girl made Lizun's houses and got heavy skin diseasethat the nine-year-old Israeli after the game with a homemade leasing, which she found the recipe on the Internet, the skin was inflated on his palms. The girl took long treatment.

Here are the components of the slide that can harm.

PVA glue

Polyvinyl acetate (PVA) is considered to be non-toxic low hazard compound. He has nasty smellwho drown out flavors. This smell signals that the substance highlights the volatile particles. In this case, these are solvents of glue and polyvinyl, which in low concentrations are not dangerous.

In passport Safety passport material The safety of PVA glue one of the manufacturers is written that it is necessary to work with it when adequate ventilation, in protective glasses and rubber gloves. It is impossible that the glue fell into the eye, and if it gets and washing with water does not help - you need to turn to the oculist.

On the package should stand the mention "Bear from Children". If the glue falls inside the body - when swallowing or inhalation, droplets - it is dangerous for health.

In addition, the glue cannot be merged into the sewer - it kills aquatic organisms.

Bura, or sodium Tetraborate

Bura is a salt boric acid. Abroad is sold as a means for disinfection. Also, the bora is contained in solutions for processing and storing contact lenses.

Solution with a content of 20 g of sodium tetraborate in 80 g of glycerin Sodium Tetraborate solution in glycerin It is used in medicine as a means for treating candidiasis (disease caused by Candida fungi). When using it, allergic reactions, burning, redness can be observed. It is contraindicated for children, pregnant and nursing, as well as during skin damage.

In the Register of the National Institute of Security and Hygiene of the USA US Card Sodium Tetraborate. This substance scares.

Ways of entering the body The substance can be absorbed into the body when inhalation of the aerosol, when admitting inside and through damaged skin
Risk when inhalation Evaporation at 20 ° C is insignificant, but the harmful concentration of particles in the air can be quickly achieved when dispersing (the formation of small droplets or dust in the air), especially in the case of using the powder
Influence of short-term impact The substance annoys the eyes, skin and airwaysmay have an action on the central nervous system, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract with admission inside, with high dose or through damaged skin
The effect of long-term or repeated impact Repeated or long contact with leather can cause dermatitis. The substance can have an effect on the respiratory tract.

Therefore, the contact of the child with concentrated solutions, especially with a pure drone, should be deleted. Drins ingestion - in swallowing or inhalation - is dangerous for life.

Natural components

Starch, gelatin and cellulose are a nutrient medium for and mold mushrooms that can live in a toy. Over time, Lizun can become their source, and the game with it is to lead to skin infection. Microbes can cause violations in the operation of the gastrointestinal tract during particle swallowing or when the skin of the hand is hung.

What should I remember that the toy does not harm?

  1. Long-term contact lysoon with skin can be dangerous - it is impossible to be the only and permanent leisure version.
  2. Do not let the slim children who pull in your mouth or love to lick your hands. Usually all the kids and some preschoolers are prone to this.
  3. Control all the stages of creating the slide and then follow its suitability for the game. Lizuuna from natural components Keep in, and when mold appears, raid or unpleasant odor - Throw away.
  4. If there are abrasions or other damage on the skin of the hands, it is impossible to take slim into hand.
  5. The child should not be contacted with a clean brown and its concentrated solutions.
  6. Prepare lysuine only in a well-ventilated room.
  7. Eyes secure protective glasses. During operation with PVA glue and solutions, put on gloves.
  8. Recipes that are published on the network are not tested by control bodies. For the safety of their children, in case of use, you are responsible.

Somewhere with the last spring, my 12-year-old daughter began to learn from me 6 hryvnia "on lysunov". In the house there were small plastic jars filled with multi-colored chatty mass. These lumps of Polina's mucus constantly twist in their hands, shifted from the bank to the jar, sprinkled with salt and watered water. Watching it was honestly, disgusting.

It climbed on the Internet to the parent forums, found out that all new is not enough forgotten old. Our lysun worldwide is known as Slim - a toy created from substances possessing the properties of Newtonian fluid and used in the food industry was first released in 1976 by the American company Mattel.

In the CIS, Slise, renamed to lysuins, became popular after displaying the television of the animated series about the catcher of ghosts, in which one of the characters - green ghost was called Lizun. The convened dads on the forums in vain remembered how and where they lied their lysun, and what a bold spot he left there. This inspired fears.

However, in my apartment, nothing terrible happened. Only a daughter's table began to resemble the laboratory of Alchemist. With her girlfriends, she discussed than to feed the lysunov and where to keep them, and Vkontakte was registered immediately in three groups: "Lizuny-Lizuny-Lizuuna", "World of Lizunov" and "Lizenov lovers club".

I was positive moment In a new hobby. Daughter began to ask about various chemicals, their properties and reactions in which they enter. I had to figure out who are such lysuins and what they eat.

Polinka admitted that she liked the lysun at all with her mucosa, but by the fact that they were almost like alive. And indeed it is! This toy is male and female, eats, drinks, grows, breeds, sick and dies, if it does not care for her.

Prices for lysunov vary from 1.5 to 20 hryvnia. The cheaper, the less size And worse quality. It is good that in some stores the sellers are allowed to check immediately, whether the lysun is healthy, which he is not pregnant.

Healthy Slim should take almost the entire jar and do not leave pieces of their body on a flat surface if it is rolled through it.

The girl from the boy is also distinguished to the touch. Lizuuna is put on the palm, slightly spreading fingers. If the toy proceeds through them on the table, you have a girl if you hung on my hand - boy.

Lizunov can be pregnant and girls, and boys, but on the weak floor it turns out is still better. You may be lucky, and you immediately buy a pregnant lysuine. It is simply determined: small bubbles should be formed on the surface of the toy. Five days later they are alone in one big bubble. If you burst, then inside you find a small lump of another color. As Polina explained, the child is of the same or even similar to the parent color is born extremely rare. If the newborn Lizuun is good to feed and steal, then it will grow to the size of the shop.

Lysuns will be pregnant with themselves from good care. But it is possible to carry out an operation on artificial fertilization. To do this, from the boy you need a needle syringe to take a small piece (1-2 mm), and then enter it into the body of the girl. After that, with Lizun it is better not to play and store it in a shady spot.

The procedures for changing gender are carried out. To do this, simply change the power system. Typically, lysunov feed 3-5 pinch of salt and shed 5-7 drops of water per day. If you want a girl to turn into a boy, transfer it to a salt diet, that is, do not cover, and increase the amount of salt. On the contrary, the boys turn into girls if they only poke them.

If you regularly, feed your lysuine, wash him a box, and the toy itself wipes with alcohol, it will grow big and healthy. But from poor leasing care is sick.

There are three types of lysun diseases. The first view is a disease of high softness (BPM). With such a disease, the boy suddenly becomes a girl with this, and the girl generally turns into a liquid. Treatment here is one - salt diet for two weeks.

In the illness of high hardness (BPT), the girl becomes a boy, and the boy is so hard that even retains the outlines of the cans. Treatment - 2 weeks of a water diet.

The third type of disease - the BPZ - sickness of the opposite odor. These are infections. Toys pick them up from dirty hands and dirty surfaces. The patient is recommended complete peace. 2-3 days Lizuun is better not to touch, just sniff - check whether the symptoms of the disease passed.

Having learned about Lizunov's diseases, I sighed with relief: nothing threaten nothing in my apartment and our clothes. Polina said that from contact with tissues and paper lysuns often sick. I did not tell her yet what helpful advice deducted at the parent forum. Some mothers recommend using lysunov (I understand, better boys) for cleaning clothes. Especially effectively written, animal wool removes. It is clear that after such use, the toy will be spoiled, so I still do not experiment.


Newtonian liquid is any liquid, the flow of which is due to the law of viscous friction of Newton. According to this law, the fluid will continue to have fluid properties regardless of which forces they act on it.

How to make Handgam yourself - a toy from substances with the properties of Newtonian fluid, read.

Lisuins are not losing their popularity, and they are known all over the world. Keep lysoune needed in any container with a tight adjacent lid. It is impossible to make dust and dirt hit, otherwise it will be quite difficult to clean it.

In general, Lizun helps well from stress, but just rolling it in his hands is not very interesting, or just tired. I want to do something unusual with him. Even if this is something does not always return Lizena last shape and view.

Want to know what you can do with lysun at home? Read and watch the video below about three insane experience with lysun, which can be carried out under an adult supervision. Thanks to these experiments, you will understand what Lizun is afraid, and what not.

First you will check if it is possible to fry it, then you can freeze it and, finally, what will happen if you scroll through the lesna in the meat grinder.

Experiments with lysome

Experience number 1

And this experience we learn what will be with Lizuun if you fry it.

So, we take a frying pan, put it on a moderately preheated burner and wait until it gets warm. Then we take Lizun and put it on a frying pan.

Lying in a skillet, lysun immediately spreads into the jelly-like mass, bubble and sin. At the same time, its properties do not change - he still stretches well and is going to a homogeneous mass. The only thing - from the frying it can slightly decrease in volume, because high temperatures Part of the moisture will have to evaporate.

Experience number2

Now let's see what happens if freeze lizen.

We take Lizuun and put it in some form and send to the freezer for two hours. During this time, he must freeze.

After lysun a frost completely, pull it out. I will leave frozen lysun on the table and do not do anything with him, waiting for his defrosion. This process takes about 1 hour. You can speed up the defrost process using warm water or microwave.

As it turned out, after defrosting, Lizun almost completely loses its stretching properties. Flakes appeared in it and it is no longer uniform.

Experience number 3.

And what if you scroll through the lesna on the meat grinder?

We put lysuine into the meat grinder and turn it on. From the holes of the meat grinder, Lizun is shown in the form of long vermicelles, which immediately stick together. The oblong beautiful ropes seemed to them and remain such.
But it is enough to take this mass in hand, as Lisun will turn the original look again.

It does not spoil from twisting and again becomes an inextricably linked mass. The meat grinder remained clean, nothing nalipped, and if it was nalya, then you can easily clean.

As a result, three insane experiences with Lizun showed that the frying and twisting the lysun moved to excellent, and after freezing it remains only to throw it out.

Now you can show a fantasy, and come up with even experiments with lysun, for example, mix it in different liquids and observe the reaction. Well, if you need an antidepressant, you can simply scroll through the lesna on the meat grinder. All stress is going somewhere, and Lizun will remain in order and nothing will be with him.


Slime (SLIME) is a toy that consists of a viscous jelly-like material. For the first time, Mattel was released in 1976. We have this toy is known as Lizun. Most likely, this name was accustomed after watching the film "Hunters for Ghosts", in which there is a character with such a consistency.

Lizun - a toy that is different unique properties. The material of its manufacture is similar to the mucus, but it is easily going and does not appear. If Lizuun leaves alone, it spreads over the surface. With sharp exposure begins to be compacted.

The slider can be played, but the hands will not be wet.

The lysun toy is interesting for children of any age. Even many adults use slim as an antistress toy to distract, relax and have fun.

Games with this mucus are developing small motor and thinking, concentration of attention, logic, memory.

From what age can you buy a child toy lysuun?

I would not advise this to do before 4-5 years. As a child in more early age Everything pulls into the mouth, and this is fraught with the consequences. Lizun is manufactured from artificial materials, it is very slippery, so it is impossible to take it in the mouth. Some lysuins leave traces in their hands, so after the game with them you need to wash your hands right away. Therefore, it is best to buy such a toy kids who understand that it is impossible to taste it.

What is the toy lysun?

Absolutely nothing special this toy is not. It looks like a jelly mass. As soon as you take it in your hands, I no longer want to release. The toy is bright, pleasant to the touch, elastic, so attracts the attention of kids.

Slies are sold in small plastic boxes. Their sizes may be different.

When shutting up from hand to hand, lysuns smoothly flow.

How to care for lysun?

Some special lease care does not require. But, there are rules that are still better to observe:
1. If the child is not played, the slider is best stored in the box in which it was sold.
2. It is not recommended to throw lysun on the floor. He is pretty sticky and can collect all the dust, garbage.
3. If you notice that Lizun began to crumble, dry, add some water to the jar and leave it in the water at night.
4. If, on the contrary, Lisun has become too liquid, do not hurry to throw it away, add a little salt into the jar.

Summing up a small result, I would like to note that the advantages of this toy there is that it is funny, fascinating,. And the minuses is its composition and the presence of dyes in it.

Please note that children are interested in throwing Lizun about the wall and watch what the result will be. So this is not worth doing. Since a fat trail with a leson paint can remain on the wallpaper (wall). And if you do it out on the street, he will collect all the dust.

What is Lizun?

The main components are polysaccharide and a bora. These health harm components are not carried, but the dyes that are added is doubtful.

If the child wanted to play such a toy, it is better to make it himself. On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes. In addition, the baby can be attracted to creativity. It will be even more useful.