Intruting street care. Primories - Growing and Care, Application in Garden Design

Minor arrival - it's sadic culture. In the people, it is called primrose, a clavicle, a talisman of happiness, a lamb or an Easter flower. Her buds are diverse and very beautiful. The plant is unpretentious, flowering is observed early. Thanks to all of his own positive qualities This flower won the love of lovers and landscape design masters.

Primula perennial photo

Primula refers to the family family. This long-term culture blooms at the beginning of the spring, but there are species that bloom closer to the middle and even the end of the summer, and there are those, the bloom of which is observed twice for the season! There are more than 600 species in the wild environment. They are met throughout Europe, Asia, America. Mostly they grow in the forests, on the plains, where the wet, enriched ground.


Interesting! Primulus "Knight", "Yulia", "Berengyan" and "Daryalskaya" are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

In gardening, about 200 species of plants are popular. Their main advantages: gentle aroma, beautiful, varied flowers, rapid reproduction and decorative leaves. Primories Perennial are popular as decorative cultures on flower beds and flower beds. You can grow them not only in the garden, but also at home, in pots. Usually for the winter flowers transplanted into the pot to in early spring They gave the first flowers.

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Types of Garden Primulus Photo

Many varieties are very much, it's hard to list everything. Below are the most unusual and popular species.

    "Ushkovka Primula" It has leathery, dense leaves of saturated, green. Flowers with a diameter of up to 2 cm. The color depends on the subspecies. Famous varieties: "General", "Blue Vev", "Gianta", "YUPP", "Max".

    "Own" Minor arrival has compact size. It is growing up to 15 cm. Flowers are located on releasing flowers up to 15 cm high. Buds are collected in inflorescences of 5-15 pieces. Flowers from May to the end of June. Her main feature - Resistance to frost.

    "Small-raised" Primula gives spherical, large inflorescences consisting of a large number of snow-white, purple, burgundy or purple flowers with a diameter of 0.5-2.5 cm. In general, the inflorescence has a diameter of up to 10 cm. Floweros are high, about 23 cm. Blossom lasts from April At the end of June. Interestingly, the leaflets of these primulus are covered with a raid and it is desirable to not allow the drops of water on them! Varieties: "Alba", "Rubra", "Welet".

Important! So that the flowering of the primulus was lush and long, it is recommended to loose ground under them, moisturize, and in the spring it is necessary to feed the fertilizer of Kemira according to the instructions.

    "Primula Floration" It has long blossom from the beginning of June to the end of August. Her buds are in the form of bells. Loves moisturized sections, often grown near reservoirs. For the winter need mandatory shelter. Varieties: Race Ruby, Rad Shaidees.

    "Ordinary Primula" Or "Sustal" has a short rhizome and a very short stem, from where and the name goes. Lancel leaves, big. Snow-white, gentle yellow or purple flowers, single, are located on short spacing. Two-dollar petals. During the flowering period from March, covered with an abundance of colorful buds. Among the most popular varieties: Cerulea, Virginia and Giga White.

    "Multi-year Japanese minimal" characterized late blossom - Since June. The flowering period is up to 40 days. Form of inflorescences Kandelabarova. Inflorescences are on an elongated flower view up to 40 cm high. As part of each inflorescence of 5-7 boutons. Each adult primrose on a flower model can be up to 6 tiers. Varieties: "EPL Blossom", "Millers Krimson", "Postford White".

Varieties of primory photos

There are several methods of breeding primulous.

    Shining. For this process on top of the root, a longitudinal incision is made, not more than 1.5 cm. It will provoke the appearance of the kidney. Then the cuttings are planting into light soil, to a depth of up to 3 cm and provide traditional care.

    Seeds to multiply the culture can be, but inefficient. Typically, breeders use this method. Seed seeds immediately after aging into open ground or containers. Shoots appear approximately after 3 weeks if the seeds were seeded in the fall, and if in the spring, then 1-2 weeks later.


Interesting! According to English ancient legends, Fairy and forest gnomes live in buds in buds.

    The division of the Kistica arrows a long-term reconcile quite often. This method is popular if you need to rejuvenate a bush. It is held for 3-5 years of growing culture when the bush will grow greatly. It is done after flowering or in August. The earth is fading well so that the bush is easier to dig. When the bush is dug, the earth with the roots shakes and the roots are washed in water. Sharp knife bush shared on the right amount parts so that each has a renewal point. Slices are powdering the earth or ash. Now it remains only to plant deeds, and in the next 2 weeks to water regularly.

Primulus: landing and care

Primories prefer fertile, rich in humus land. It is possible to plant them on a sunny or shaded area (half-length preferable), although it is best to navigate the features of the species and grade of primors, because they can have their own preferences in terms of landing space.

Many years of primuor is possible in the middle of spring, when the air temperature is established within + 14 ... + 16 degrees Celsius. This is usually April or May. If the flower is being seated, which earlier grew at home, in a pot, you need to handle it a week before landing on the street. In the fall, they are usually planted by those primroses that were sown over the year before. Sowing seeds are usually carried out in the fall, for the winter, to spring the seeds sprouted.

Minimal arrogant is almost the same as any other flower in open ground. Planting time is morning or evening, before the sun becomes the most active. Between the colors, the distance of 15-20 cm is observed - depending on the type. In the process of growth, bushes should practically be accurate, because these plants do not like a lot of free space around - they need a small thickening. If the landing is carried out in the fall or seed seeds for the winter, it is important to mulk them from above so that they do not extinate.

Photo of Garden Primula

Primulous garden long-term careful to care, but to get beautiful flowers From year to year, it will have to make certain efforts.

    The plant is drought-resistant, and still it is desirable, if possible, maintain the normal moisture content of the Earth. If an earthen comes to disperse often, the plant can begin to hurt.

    In the period of active vegetation, you need feeding. In the case of open soil, use simple manure. It is bothering with water and pour about 3-4 times under the bats for the whole season, it is possible and less often if the culture is already growing and blooms.

    For the prevention of diseases, the bush is usually not sprayed, but we are stolen the earth around it. This allows you to protect it from Rotina and some other diseases. The treatment of chemicals or folk substances is usually carried out if the disease is detected.

    When the jug of primors grows, it root system It grows greatly, and roots may appear on the surface of the earth. So that it does not lead a bush to death once a year under it it is worth lumping a little soil, especially in the fall, front of frosts or in the summer in drought.

    For the winter, the bushes need to be covered with a layer of dry leaves at 10 cm so that they do not frozen, although, in general, this winter-hardy plant - frosts are not afraid.

Primors are incredibly beautiful flowers growing with a small bush. They can very often be seen on the flower beds or in the decoration of the stone slide, lawns. They are often decorated with garden tracks, places near reservoirs. It is good to surf the primor of a long-term with iris, tulips, spit-shaped phloxes, daffodes.

Primula - gentle flowering plant From the family of color. Its name can also be translated as "primrose". In the natural medium, the flower is found on the slopes of the Alps, as well as in the Moderate Climate of Eurasia and North America. The cap of gentle colors at low rigs appears in the middle of spring and keeps very long. Today, Primulus is grown not only in the garden, but also at home as a room plant. There are many varieties with a different flowering period and external appearance. Florists are able to force this beauty to bloom at the right time, so for the holidays the pot with multicolored primers appear in abundance.

Plant Description

Primula - perennial, and occasionally an annual herb plant. It is characterized by compact sizes. The height during flowering period does not exceed 20-50 cm. Nouries the plant urine branched rhizome, which is located in upper layers Soil. Immediately above the surface of the Earth is formed a dense leaf outlet. It contains seating or tuber sheets of oval, lanceal or egg-shaped. They are painted in a gray-green shade without a picture. The surface of the sheet is smooth or embossed, sweeping between the veins. The edges of the leaves are suitable or finely small. Because of the short pile of foliage seems fluffy and soft.

From the center of the socket grows a long naked bloomon. Its tip is decorated with a dense brush or an umbrella, although there are varieties with single colors on short legs. The right whines consist of five petals of oval shape with a rounded or, on the contrary, a pointed edge. At the base of the petals, they will grow into a narrow, long tube, and they are abruptly rejected along the edge. The color of the flower is very diverse (monotonous or motley) - white, purple, lilac, pink and red. The center is almost always yellow. Flowers replace each other for 3-8 weeks.

After pollination, insects ripen the oblong seed boxes with soft edges. Inside contains small elongated seeds with a smooth dark brown or black surface.

Variety of Primulus

A very varied genus of primroses includes about 400 species of plants. Conditionally they are divided into 38 sections.

Primulus Ordinary (Vulgaris) or Securebell (Acaulis). This species is particularly popular with gardeners. The height of the plant is 5-20 cm. Oval leaves with a corrugated surface grow on short stiffs. They have a bright green color without spraying and grow up to 25 cm long, up to 4 cm wide. Voronkovoid flowers with a diameter of 2-4 cm differ in a variety of color. They are grouped in a dense umbrella inflorescence and dissolve in April-July.

The inhabitant of alpine slopes is growing more denser, oval leaves with a smooth, shiny surface and grayish spraying. In the center of the sheet outlet there is a cylindrical stem length of up to 20 cm with a dense corpid inflorescence of 6-7 yellow fragrant colors.

A rather large type of up to 30 cm high is growing wide oval leaves with a wrinkled surface and gear bokes. The length of the sheet reaches 20-40 cm. On a long stem, a dense spherical inflorescence is blooming about 10 cm in diameter. It consists of purple, purple, red or white tubular colors with a diameter of up to 15 mm. Flowering falls on April-May and lasts up to 40 days.

Primula inverse (Obconica). Herbal perennial with many round or oval leaves grows up to 60 cm in height. Wavy cherry leaflets in diameter reach 10 cm. A large umbrella of white, pink or purple colors rise above them.

The plant forms a dense outlet of openwork paddle leaves. Outside of them grow by the pubescent red-brown flowers with a length of 30-35 cm. Each is only a few large (4 cm diameter) of colors.

Perennial garden species with elongated lanceal leaves that form a symmetrical outlet. A 40-50 cm flowercoux contains several umbrella inflorescences, which are arranged by mutants. This species belongs to the group of candelabrow primulus. Diameter of tubular colors di different shades Red color is 3 cm.

The inhabitant of the south of Europe is growing wrinkled oval leaves with small teeth along the edges. The length of the leaflets is 5-20 cm, and the width is 2-7 cm. Beautiful gentle flowers with a diameter of 2 cm have a light yellow color with a brighter center. They are grouped into an umbrella inflorescence of 5-15 units. The height of the blooming is 10-35 cm. Blossom starts in April and lasts up to two months. Varieties:

  • Primula Colossse - larger flowers with raspberry petals and yellow asterisk in the center;
  • Duplex - Dark yellow Zev surround bright cherry petals.

Based on species primulous breeders brought many varieties primulus Mahova. They are distinguished by a large number of petals compared to ordinary. Missed buds look like small roses with softer petals. Special popularity enjoyed the Roseanna. Buckets with a height of about 15 cm are covered with a dense hat of narrow colors of white, apricot, yellow, pink and red colors.

Methods of breeding

Primulus is grown from seeds, and also determine the division of the bush and leaf cuttings. It should be noted that when sowing self-collected seeds, the varietal properties are not particularly terry, the varietal properties are not saved. The seeds themselves quickly lose their germination, so they sow them as early as possible.

Pre-grow seedlings. To do this, in the middle of February, the shallow boxes with a mixture of turf, sand and leaf land are prepared. Small seeds try to distribute evenly on the surface. They are only slightly pressed into the ground. To preserve humidity, the container is covered with film and put in freezing Camera 25-30 days. You can make a box on the street. The air temperature during this period should be at level -10 ° C.

After stratification, the simulated seeds are transferred to the illuminated windowsill, to the room with a temperature of + 16 ... + 18 ° C. Shoots appear not soon and inhomogeneously. When seedlings reach the age of 2 weeks, the shelter is removed. Plants with 2-3 real leaves are divened to another box with a greater distance. As it grows a few more pickles. For open soil, the premils will be ready only after 2 years.

Busty of 4-5 years is recommended to divide into several parts. This allows not only to get more plants, but also to rejuvenate existing. Do it in August-September. Pre-plants watered well, digging and carefully free from the ground. The roots wash in warm water, and then the knife cut plants on the decene with 1-2 points of growth. Slices are treated wood coal And immediately planted flowers to a new place.

For drawing, a sheet with cushion and a kidney at the base is used. It is rooted in a sandy peat substrate. At the same time, half of the leaf plate is immediately removed. Contain the cutlets are needed in warm (+ 16 ... + 18 ° C) with a bright, but scattered light. The emergence of new kidneys testifies to a successful rooting. After that, the cuttings are transplanted into separate pots with soil for adult plants. In the spring, they can be sent to the garden.

Rules landing

In the open ground, the primulus is planted in spring or at the beginning of autumn. Most plants are characterized by good frost resistance. In moderate climates and more southern regions, they normally winter under the shelter from the leaves. A landing place should be protected from wind and slightly shaded. Plants are placed near shrubs or under the bright crown of garden trees.

The soil should be loose and nutritious, without water stagnation. Primulus on loams are best developed. Before boarding the area is drunk and, if necessary, sand, manure, crushed moss-sfagnum. Depending on the height of a particular variety, the distance between the plants is 10-30 cm.

Homemade primulus should be transplanted annually after flowering. The cuts are separated into parts. As a result, the leaflets will be brighter, and bloom is rich. The ground for indoor primulus is made up of peat, leaf and turf soil with the addition of river sand. At the bottom, the pot is definitely laid out a thick layer of drainage material.

Caring for Primulus

With the right choice of place, the care of the primura does not deliver special hassle.

Lighting. Straight sun rays The plant is contraindicated, burns quickly appear on it. It is better to contain it in the shaded places where the sun falls in only early in the morning or at sunset.

Temperature. Optimal temperature Air for primrose is + 16 ... + 22 ° C. Most of the time, flowers contain on the street or regularly ventilate the room. To bloom last longer, you need to place plants where the temperature is maintained + 12 ... + 15 ° C.

Humidity. Usually all types of primroses adapt well to natural humidity. However, they gratefully respond to periodic spraying. In too dry air, the edges of the leaflets are folded and dry.

Watering. The soil in the roots of primroses should always be slightly wet, but not wetlands. It is better to water it often, but gradually. Water should be soft, well purified. Upon completion of irrigation flowering, reduce.

Fertilizer. Several times during the season, the plants are fed by a low nitrogen complex with a mineral complex. Begin to make fertilizers early in spring. During the bootonization and blossoms, feeding stops and renew only at the end of summer.

In landscape design

Garden primulus thanks to a wide variety of colors allows you to create an amazing ornament on the site. Since the bloom varies greatly in terms of time, it is possible to choose a variety that replacing each other will delight from April to August. Flowers are used to decorate the Rabatka, alpine Gorki, flowerbeds in the shade of trees, edging border, shrubs, high shores of the reservoir. They look good in the neighborhood with muskari, tulips, daffiders, iris, flocks, soapy. Some types of inflorescences on long stems are cut to compile bouquets.


Primories - Growing and Care, Application in Garden Design

Planting primroses and care for it in the open ground is quite easily given by even novice dachensons. And it is very popular garden flowerhaving many varieties. Exists great amount varieties and hybrids affecting their beauty and not requiring painstaking care. But to enjoy all the charms of the flower fully, some subtleties of landing and care should be studied. Tell about the most important.

Garden primroses: landing and care in open soil

Almost all primors love halftime and coolness, with the exception of some southern species and varieties. In such conditions, the flowers open from all of their best sides - the size of the leaves, buds, saturated and bright colors color. Moreover, the plant can develop well even on poor soils, but not wetlands.

Some primors begin to actively grow up from the second year after landing. They should be disassembled, otherwise the roots of young bushes will be on the surface of the earth and young plants will die. If, before the onset of the cold, there is no possibility to divide the primroses, to the spring they can be emphasized or closed by humus.

How to plant Primulus

Before planting plants, it is necessary to enrich the soil, make a reworked manure and some wood ash. It is possible to improve the structure of the earth by plugging a small amount of sand or vermiculite. The bushes of tall primulus are planted at a distance of 40-50 cm from each other, and the lowered 10-20 cm. This is a standard, recommended scheme, but if you wish, you can put a flower a little bit.

Important! Primories are planting in cloudy weather or in the evening. Strong the bushes are not necessary, a sufficiently moderate watering.

When landing, it is archived not to bu in the point of growth, otherwise the plant is sick and dying.

In general, the flower is endowed with a strong immunity to various diseases and pests. However, some risks still have:

  • extremely rare primulus can hit such diseases like jaundice, rust, puffy dew, bacterial spottedness, cucumber mosaic virus, and rotted stalks and root cerpection and anthracnose;
  • in the thickening of the planting, primers may be interested in fleas, hoarse, weevils, springs, slugs and nematodes.

From time to time you need to inspect the bushes. When the very first symptoms of the appearance of diseases or pests are immediately proceeded. Especially need to pay attention to the purchased primubles in the pots, which are expelled to the holidays. Here is a useful video about preventing the appearance of root rot from Charming Natalia, the leading project "Garden World":

While purchased primors wait for disembarking into the garden, remove the yellowing leaves on time, watering the plants from above, and in the pallet, excessively drain. When the soil loaned, do not fall asleep the point of growth (when disembarking in the ground, also follow the deepening of the growth point).

Also, the surface of the soil "embarrass" ashes and each 3-p watering is also carried out using the phytoosporin-M solution (it is the cheapest of natural preparations). There is also a powder antighel of the same Bashkir company created for processing vegetables in storages. Well, the strongest biofungicide from this line - resuscator-M, designed to treat already affected plants. All listed drugs are based on live disputes and cells of useful soil microbes Bacillus subtilus.

It is also useful in the root to put 2 glyocladine tablets, or weekly water with a solution of Triphoderma Verde - these are useful soil mushrooms that enhance the immunity of plants.

Remember that if weakened plant fall into the garden, pests will be pounce and completely eaten. We have repeatedly seen slugs eat purchased primors, although already adapted instances are already growing nearby. So, we do not just need to keep primulus in pots until spring, and strengthen her immunity. Recently, we all save all purchased seedlings, even indoor roses we try to immediately transplant and disinfection soil.

How to care for primoses

Grow the plant is a pleasure - everything that primulus is needed is the removal of weeds, the soil looser, watering and light feeding. This is, of course, if the mulching layer is not used. In the cord, the soil crust is not formed and the loosening is not necessary.

To prolong the flowering period of bushes, you should delete all the faded inflorescences.

In hot periods of watering are carried out often. The first feeding is carried out when they begin to grow inflorescences, if you do it before, all the food will go into the leaves. The second time the primer fertilize after flowering. A organic or organicerine complexes will suit. Once in 4 or 5 years carry out mandatory searches (division) of bushes.

Important! In the shelter for the winter only young bushes and thermal-loving species and varieties of primulous are needed. Old foliage, as well as garden strawberries, cut off the bushes only in spring.

How to propagate primulus garden

There are 2 methods - vegetative and generative. The division of the bush is carried out before or after flowering, in spring or autumn. Some primors can be started to share from 3 years old, while others are only five-year. In order not to get confused, it is better to consult with flowers.

In detail about the methods of reproduction, primulous:

  • delivery - the plant is neatly digging and washed with roots with water, without damaging them. Now the bush should be cut so that each decene contains the recovery kidney, developed roots and a rosette of the leaves. Sections of sections are immediately treated with wood ash, and immediately sear the primroses in a new place. Within 2 weeks after landing, seedlings are watered daily. If the division is carried out in the fall, the landing is covered with foliage or sweetheart;
  • shining - for the procedure choose the largest, developed enclosures. In the spring or summer after flowering, the plant dug up and cut off the part of the thick roots. So that the kidneys are formed faster on the upper side of the cuttings gently make longitudinal cuts. Now the segments of the root are laid in the wells are not deeper than 4 cm, rushing the earth. Care for saplings in conventional method;
  • rooting - This method is suitable if the premails have not yet reached a suitable age. The procedure is carried out in the fall or in the summer. From the very base of the root, the sheets of the sheet are separated along with the kidney (the leaf plate is trimmed by a third) and put it in the sand mixture and garden land. The pot with a sapling put on a light windowsill. It is important that direct sun rays do not fall on the sheet. The soil is periodically moistened, the room temperature is maintained at 16-18 ° C. Kostik will be ready to transplant as soon as young shoots will be processed;
  • seeds - in this way you can breed many, but not all varieties and hybrids. For example, grow a beautiful copy of the collected seeds of terry primruts. The grains are practically not stored, they must be sowed for 1 or 2 years, and only the sowing material has the best germination. Sowing most often spend in autumn, then the plants will bloom the next year.

Important! Primulus can be grown ensureBut it is worth remembering that stratification is needed to seeds from almost all types. Exceptions - ordinary and fine-grained primors. Seedlings develop slowly.

Pulling Primulus

For the spring surveillance of the flower, most types of garden primroses are suitable, especially short. Plants must achieve two-year-old age. The bushes of older primulous before the procedure must be divided.

In late autumn, the plants dig up, roll together with a lump of land into a common box and put it in a room with a temperature not lower than 1-3 ° C. In the first days of February, the primulus is cut off old leaves and stems, searched bushes along a small pots (with a diameter of 10-12 cm). Earth can use any. It is not necessary to plunge the plants strongly, the rosette of the leaves is located at the level of the soil surface.

Now the primors need to be rearranged onto a light window sill, the temperature is raised to 10 ° C. Watering plants as needed, moderately. Feed bushes when buds are formed. You can use comprehensive fertilizer (1% water solution). After flowering, primroses are planted back to the garden.

Primula in landscape design, combination with other colors

In any garden there are areas covered with shadows from fences, walls or crowns of trees - ideal conditions for primulus. Flowers can be combined with other plants, and also look at the flower beds, where different varietiesThe types and hybrids of the primulus continuously bloom one by one.

What can be decorate with bright and unpretentious primoses? Yes, anything - borders, reservoirs, rocaria, as well as stony slides, flower beds of all types, lawns, etc.

The flower grows well in containers and suspended caspoSo they can decorate the porch, gazebo, balcony or stairs. The main thing is to create a flower suitable conditions.

Primulus enjoy the glory of good companions, they simply cannot crush their neighbors. They will direct their growth there, where there is a free place, with no one out. Next to primoses are flowers and herbs with similar preferences - scattered shadow and constant, moderate soil moisture. From the most successful neighbors, ferns, astilbies, miniature coniferous and hosts can be distinguished.

Love for primubles is for a long time, putting only one flower, it will definitely want to want. Stop it later becomes difficult, the more there are so many of them and they are all so different! Universality and the special unpretentiousness of the plant only strengthens the interest of the flower water. So we safely recommend putting at the site of primroses, landing and care for them in the open soil will not burden you badly.


Varieties of primroses (photos and names of colors for open soil)

Garden Primulus They fell in love with many summer houses, but not everyone knows what varieties and types are suitable for open soil. After all, the genus primulus is extensive and diverse, and it is difficult to say how much the species. In some sources, they write that they are about 300, in other 550. And if you recall the varieties and hybrids bred by breeders and hybrids, then they are completely confused, because they often do not even have approximate signs of the source plant. Flowers can argue for a long time and persistently argued about variety of grazing, but they will all come out in the opinion that this gentle primrose deserves its place in any garden.

Garden Primories: varieties and views from the photo in the landscape

Primulus bloom in early spring, from here the name went - primrose. However, it can not be applied to all varieties - there are summerturing species. The leaves in the plant leathery, covered with a soft flush. This feature became a reason to come up with a primer, another name - the rams. In England, the exhibitions of the flower are held annually, there is easy to find the most rare and unique varieties.

Primula (Primula) is a small, beautifully mixing grassy plant (a biennial and many years), refers to the family of colorful, orders of herald. Different types and varieties of flower are scattered almost all over the world. Somewhere there are legends about it, and in some countries, the leaves are used for the preparation of spring salads and medical tea. But it is worth it to be careful, for example, Opconica Primulus is dangerous for allergies.

One of the most common legends tells about the guard of the heavenly monastery, which lost the keys to paradise. Falling on the ground, they sprouted with incredible beauty with flowers - primrose, which in some places, following legend, refer to the clavies. In Switzerland, primulous is considered a talisman that brings happiness. The belief associated with the flower can be described infinitely, and everywhere Introduces is a positive value, it even attributed magic (probitive) properties.

Varietary, species and hybrid variety of primulous (description and photo)

For some reason, it is considered to see a forest plant, although in nature it is also found off the coast of reservoirs, in the mountains, on the Alpine meadows, and even near the snowflies. Sometimes the flower is found in such extreme conditions, where others, even the most endless plants can not worry. And what is noteworthy, such primors are almost impossible to grow in a flower bed.

Botany, because of the most huge variety of introduces, divided the genus to 23 sections, and amateur flower makes several groups. In culture there are also separate species, varieties and hybrids, it is extremely difficult to describe them, consider the most popular.

Section Oreophlomis

These are miniature and medium primories blooming as soon as snow comes. The leaves are unawnish, on the edge of small-grained, flowers in the original types of pink with yellow zev. Bright Section Representative - introduction Pink, her flowers are small, single or collected in loose umbrellas, the bloody height is about 15 cm. Blooms the view at the end of April or in May, and the leaves are growing after the wilting of buds. Pink primula loves wetlands.

Section Auricula

In total, there are 21 types of primulus, they are miniature, originally from Europe. The leaves are fleshy, oval, all the plant is covered with a torment raid. The most beautiful is considered outskaya Primula - leaves in the roasting rosette evergreen, dense up to 20 cm long, on the edge of fine-grained. Flowers about 2.5 cm in diameter are collected in umbrella inflorescences. The height of the blooming can reach 25 cm, surface roots, all the plant is covered with a torment raid. Flowers from April to June.

The source view has yellow flowers, And the grades and hybrids of the Ushka Primulus are pleasing to the variety of paintings. There are two-color and terry forms. The plant is unpretentious and frost-resistant, loves moisture, grows well only in fertile, rich in calcium, draned by the soil on a bit of shaded areas.

Another bright representative of the section - (hybrid of the above-described type). It has an incredible number of diverse garden gradeswhich eventually divided into several groups:

  • terry - lush flowers, varieties are relatively unpretentious, although they require frequent feeding. Blooming in June (Hopley Coffe, Fred Booley, Susanna, etc.);
  • belgian - plants without mild raid, flowers with yellow zev monophonic or two-color;
  • border - varieties with a mild ripple, obtained in the open ground, undemanding and durable, bloom before the rest. Colors of monophonic, without a ring around the center (Old Irish, Joyce, Blue, etc.);
  • british - bushes are covered with a torment raid, flowers with a white center, from which thin strips of petals go;
  • alpine - without milded plaque, flowers are bright, different by coloring options. Mostly, the varieties of this group of naughty are more often grown in greenhouses or southern regions (Bradfort City, Snooty Fox, Sirius, etc.).

There are also groups of exhibition aucrikul, but it is impossible to grow them in the garden. From other primulations included in the section, it is also possible to distinguish such species like hasty, small, delegalza, bordered, shaggy and carniol launch.

Section of gear-hearted primulus

The most interesting - introduces finely furious with spherical inflorescences on half-meter flowers. Wrinkle leaves, elongated (about 20 cm), a bush is covered with a yellow mild ripple.

Blizzard begins in April, but even a socket of young leaves with non-scratch buds looks very beautiful. Unpretentious, frost-resistant, easy-to-grow species with flowers of various shades:

  • Alba - the diameter of white flowers up to 2 cm, and inflorescence about 15 cm, loves shaded, wet places;
  • Welet - inflorescences just in less than the previous variety, violet buds, blooming not higher than 30 cm;
  • Rubra - Ruby-red flowers, the parameters of the plant are the same as the Vailet variety.

Voilet. Alba. Red

Section includes primulu Gollyutyu (Perennial, rarely biennial plants), all parts of Kusta have a torment raid, it is especially thick on the reverse side of the foliage. Steel up to 30 cm in height. The bells with the toothed edges of the flower are collected in flat-circular, head umbrellas. Flowers from mid-June to the first nights of August. The appearance of the shady, moisture and relatively frost-resistant. Varieties:

  • Mura is characterized by a powerful bush and wrinkled foliage, thickly covered with a torrential raid;
  • curly - without a fall.

Section of Kandelabrow Primulus

All plants included in this section require good shelter for the winter. Buds in inflorescences are located rings. The most stands out - the stem is not above the half-meter, the flowers up to 3 cm in diameter are collected in the mutters, which are located tiers (from 4 to 6). The color of the petals can be pink, raspberry and white.

The plant is more comfortable in wet soil, in half. Flowers from the beginning to mid-summer. Varieties:

  • Valley Red - Cherry Flowers with a Red Tint;
  • Miller's Crimson - Raspberry, very bright flowers with dark zev;
  • Apple Blossom - Pink, tender flowers with a red middle;
  • white flowers - Alba and Postford White.

Also you can not notice primulus swimming. In nature, it grows in China's swampy locations and is the most decorative in this section. Flowers up to 3.5 cm in diameter, their color depends on the variety, they can be different shades of pink. A bush was covered with a torrential damping, the stem up to 1 m in height contains about 8 tiers.

Section of Cortizobid Primulus

Sections are collected species with funnel -ide flowers, located in loose umbrellas, and sweet leaves, there is no bloom on all parts of the bush. All of them are very unpretentious. Primula Cortizobovidaya With oval, gear leaves and stems (up to 60 cm). Flowers up to 3 cm in diameter with deep sealing in the middle. At the source species they are red with a purple tint. Flowers in May and June.

It is also worth noting primulus rock - Flowerines up to 30 cm, Blue-lilac buds, wrinkled foliage, dissected. Flowers view from mid spring before summer. It develops well on moisturized, loose loams in the sun, often used to decorate the stony slides.

Other Interesting Types:

  • zibold;
  • n. Multi-rod;
  • p. Rejected.

Muskarioide Section

The section includes 17 species of two-year and perennial Primulus with cylindrical pointed inflorescence. All of them require abundant irrigation and shelter for the winter. The brightest and memorable perennial from this section is considered primula Vialya - The height of the stem is 50 cm, the inflorescence is made of small fragrant flowers. Buds open from the bottom up. Large leaves, uneven toothed. Flowers view in June and July. It develops well in rich, loose, moistened soils, in partial shadow or in the sun.

Section of mild primulus

It contains about 90 varieties with a mild ripple (white or yellow) on the leaves, especially noticeable on the reverse side. Plants prefer wet, fertile and permeable soil, shelter requires for the winter.

Mostly dominate two-year species, from perennials can be selected primulu Norwegian. A bush is not higher than 25 cm, flowers pink, dark and bright, they are located in loose umbrella inflorescences. Flowers in the first half of summer. Another view that does not require frequent update, which takes attention -. Coloros are up to 30 cm, the leaves of fine-grained, flowers up to 1.5 cm in diameter pinkish-lilac with a white or yellow middle.

Section Primula

This includes the most unpretentious and most common plants in decorative flower growing without milded plaque on bushes. Primula high - Leaves up to 20 cm in length, wrinkled, blooming about 35 cm, sown, inflorescence umbrella, sometimes drooping. Flowers from April. The view has a huge number of incredibly decorative hybrids, we will pay a little attention to popular varieties:

  • Alba - blooming no higher than 20 cm, white flowers with yellow zev;
  • Erfurt giants (ZarortoSheria) - the maximum height of the bloomon 30 cm. Inflorescences are large, flowers of various shades;
  • Colossus - a mixture of colors of flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, often with yellow zev and white rims;
  • Big Ben is also a magnificent blem of color with 2.5 cm flowers in diameter. Floor height 25 cm;
  • Rose is a diameter of 2.5 cm flowers, the height of the stem is 20 cm. Flowers can be different shades of pink, sometimes in combination with yellow;
  • Cerulea - Bright flowers, dark blue velvety with yellow zev. Arrow height up to 15 cm.

Primula polyanthovaya or multi-detective - Flowers up to 6 cm in diameter, are collected in thick umbrella inflorescences, their color depends on a variety or hybrid. Flowers view from May. The view is very gentle, requires careful shelter for the winter. Varieties:

  • Blue jeans - white flowers with blue streaks;
  • Francesca - corrugated lemon green flowers with yellow yawn;
  • File (Assorteria) - Colors A very expressive color, with unusual combinations;
  • Super Nova (Assorteria) - blooms how snow comes down. Suitable only for southern regions.

Primula Spring - Very unpretentious view with wrinkled, uneven toothed, wavy along the edges of the leaves. Flowers are collected in loose umbrellas. It has a huge amount of varieties and hybrids, terry forms are found. Primula ordinary or sustalit grows in the south, blooms up to 20 cm, flowers are single. Varieties:

  • Potsdam Giants (Assorteria) - very large flowers of various colors, and a baby's chest;
  • Primillery (Sortirery) - terry flowers, color is diverse;
  • Danova (Assorteria) - large-flowered varieties with flowers, almost closing compact leaves;
  • Bicolor (Association) - large two-color hats of colors covering small leaves;
  • Delight (zoomeria) - large-sized flowers with a characteristic red rim around the yellow center;
  • Blue zebra - striped flowers, blue-white with yellow zev.

Section of Julia

Allocated only one species - primula Julia And his hybrid primulus Puronitskaya. Small plants (not higher than 10 cm) with oval, long-cooled leaves, flowers up to 3 cm in single diameter. Blooms the appearance in April and pleases the eyes for 3 months. Varieties:

  • Sneeuwwitje - White with lemon zev flowers;
  • Blue Julianas - Lilac blue flowers with a yellow middle;
  • Riga-6 - Pink flowers with a yellow center;
  • Wanda - Raspberry-purple flowers with yellow yawn.

As for the groups of primulus isolated by floweries, they are divided into species, various in size and form of inflorescences - spheroid, pillow-shaped, umbrellas, multi-tiered (candelabrone) and bellolcholchids. It is under such names that primillas can most often meet on flower shops.

This is the selection of varieties and types of primroses for open soil. And we, of course, described the smallest of garden perennials, but this information is enough to make a choice. The flower is good because it is very easy to grow (read it in the next article): His requirements are minimal. Except, of course rare species And varieties - they need special care. The variety of plants allows you to widely use it in the decoration of the territories.

Minor, landing and care for which does not require much time and forces - one of the most common types of perennial herbatous plantswhich can be both leafy and perennial. Another widespread name is primrose: it is believed that with the beginning of the flowering of primroses and the real spring comes. But the British believes that primroses are housing of small dwarfs and fairies. Another name of Primulus - Keys. One legend says that the apostle Peter once dropped the keys to paradise. Falling on the ground, they sprouted - so appeared with amazing beauty flowers, hence the name.

Garden Primulute: Variety of species

Primula Garden Perennial has about 500 species, of which in our latitudes can be grown about 76. Among this set, we note the most popular at the gardeners:

  • primula ordinary - or home-made-resistant - one of the most common species, with strong corrugated, bright green leaves. Flowers - yellow, white, red-burgundy, blue-lilac - assembled in the center of deciduous sockets on short flowers
  • primula medication - Also known as the primrose of the spring, primer is a large-sized, rampers, God's stream. Leaves have an ovoid shape and are collected in a root rosette. One (several) stems will grow from the rhizoma, on which small, golden yellow, fragrant, with a tubular ribbon flowers are collected in an umbrella inflorescence. In the flowers and leaves, the premils of the drug contain flavonids and ascorbic acid, essential oil, saponins, carotes and vitamin C. Infusion and decoction of leaves can be used as a means of chronic fatigue, avitaminosis, anemia, in the absence of appetite, as well as gout and qing, is actively used in the treatment of laryngitis, bronchitis, cough and lung inflammation.
  • introduced high - from other species is distinguished by wrinkled leaves, which are collected in a root rosette. Coloros - high, up to 30 cm, topped with light yellow flowers with a diameter of 2 cm. Blossom starts at the end of April and lasts 40-45 days. Grand Primula has many varieties: colosue (raspberry flowers with yellow yawn), Alba (white flowers), Ceroua (flower of dark blue with yellow zev), Rosea (dark pink flower with bright yellow yawn)
  • polician Primula - A complex hybrid based on primrose. It features attractive corrugated leaves and a variety of colors. Flowers are large, 5-6 cm in diameter, collected 5-15 pieces in inflorescence 15-30 cm high. The beginning of flowering falls on the middle of May and lasts until the end of June. Poliant arrows are very unstable to frosts, so require compulsory shelter for the winter
  • ohkovaya - evergreen, leaves are dark green, leathery, dense, with a torrential chain, round or lanceal shape, loosely cluttered around the edge. Flowers are yellow, up to 2 cm in diameter. It is much more decorative for its hybrids, in which flowers can have 3-4 kolars (white, green, yellow, dark brown, red), which are correct circles, while the center is almost always yellow. Inflorescences - umbrellas, located on the flowers reaching 10-25 cm in height
  • sconper - its more often than other species are grown at home. Leaves - on long cutters, in shape resemble a heart, wavy, rounded, rough on the edges. Flowers - up to 4 cm in diameter, on long blossoms, usually pink, white or red, are much less likely there are purple or blue shades.

Primula in Landscape Design

Some gardeners apparently too literally perceiving the name "primrose", see the primrose solely spring flowers. In fact, variety of varieties allows you to choose a combination on klumberbethat they take turns, replacing each other, will bloom from the beginning of April and before the beginning of August.

To add a plot of attractiveness and color, grant of varieties with bright color placed along garden tracks. It will be good to look at Primories in Rabatka, they can land on the lawn with a motley group, often chests are used for decorating stony Gorons and corners. Fragrant Alpine or Sikkim Primories are used for landing around artificial small reservoirs. Primories are well suited for different garden compositions, they are wonderfully combined with hosts, fern, astilbami and dwarf coniferous plants. They will make a good company for low irises, spit-shaped phloxes, daffodils, soapy, tulips and muscari.

For the creation of borders, gear, weary and polyanth-polynth-altitudes are well suitable, they will look great around flower arrangements or flower, without closing them at the same time. For the Alpine Garden, the best primroses will be used primroses, which will be very suitable for additional drainage inherent. At the base of the rocarium or alpine slide (against the background of stones), it will be good to look at the high, fine-grained, Japanese or Osh, Introduction of Julia.

Low species and varieties of primulus are planted with dense groups, so that the soil is not visible under them. For group landings, it is better to use polyanth grazers, an ordinary, high primulus, Primulus, Julia.

Seed reproduction - the worslet-blooded, grazing seeds are very small, it is necessary not to skip the moment when the boxes are revealed. In reproduction, the seeds do not necessarily keep signs of source, maternal seedlings, but it is possible to obtain unexpected colors of the plant. In addition, the seeds arrive quickly lose their germination - the collected seeds are better to sow or in the same year (in this case, before planting the seeds, it is better to withstand in the cold). The seeds are sown not deeper than 5 mm, the first sprouts (depending on the species) appear after 4-6 weeks, while the germination can be very uneven. Plants are picked after the appearance of the first two real leaves. Suspended seedlings are planted after the end of spring frosts.