Fertilizer Humat potassium instruction application. Humat potassium for high yields: methods of application, dosage

Potassium humate liquid, the use of which is useful for any species of plants, easy to use at home. This fertilizer is suitable for garden and gardening cropsas well as for decorative and potted flowers. It can be added to water for watering, as well as spray green parts of plants. Potassium humate improves the properties of the soil, thereby positively affects the growth rates and fruiting crops, stimulates flowering indoor plants. It is sold in the form of powder, but there is a liquid concentrate, convenient for use.

Composition and mechanism of fertilizer action

Humat potassium is a salt of humic acid. Compounds are present in any types of soil and are the main element of humus. This is an organic substance that is formed in the process of overloading organic substances Soil and takes part in all biochemical transformations. From the concentration of humus in the soil determines the degree of its fertility.

Potassium humate is a fertilizer that consists of 80% from humic acids. In addition, there are proteins and amino acids, enzymes and growth stimulants, natural antibiotics. Fertilizer reduces soil acidity, activates the activities of useful soil microorganisms and stimulates the development of cultivated plants. It is recommended to use for soils with a neutral or acidic reaction, and in alkaline soils and fertile black soils, the substance will not show the necessary efficiency.

There are several types of potassium humate:

  • powder - applied after pre-dilution with water;
  • liquid form - is a concentrate, which also needs to be diluted before use;
  • humat potassium "Sufler" - the use of fertilizer is useful at frequently, and receive it from sapropel (deposits at the bottom of fresh reservoirs).

Liquid humate potassium is an active darker brown concentrate. It is extracted from peat, and before use is bred in large quantities water.

Results after use of potassium humate

The use of liquid humate potassium is useful for any plant species. He comprehensively affects root system And overhead parts, stimulates growth and increases yields.

Its introduction to the soil causes the following positive effects:

  • the rapid restoration of the properties of the soil, even exhausted by heavy crops;
  • accelerating the timing of the formation and ripening of fruit (some cultures begin to be fron with 1-2 weeks earlier);
  • improving the characteristics of the crop, including its ability to prolonged storage;
  • improving immune protection of plants, their resilience unfavorable factors external environment, temperature drops;
  • improving the germination of seeds and the survival of seedlings in the open soil;
  • stimulation of flowering decorative crops.

Humat potassium is easy to use. In addition, fertilizer is considered very economical. 1 g of dry powder is equivalent to 1 ton of organic additives (or humus), which significantly saves the place to store feeding. Another advantage of humate - they relate to environmentally friendly fertilizers. They do not accumulate in the soil and parts of plants, especially in the fruits. Even the dosage excess does not affect the quality of yield and will not cause poisoning with fruits.

Humat potassium liquid - Application for different types of plants

In the instructions for the use of potassium humate, dosages are indicated, the method of breeding and features of use for different species cultures. The drug is sold both in small bottles and in the canes and is represented by the brown liquid. This is a concentrate that is diluted before use. ordinary water - Enough add 0.1-0.2% substance.

  1. Seed soaking - a procedure that significantly improves the indicators of germination. There are enough bulbs in a diluted solution for 8 hours, seeds - for 24 hours. Seeds of cucumbers and decorative flowering plants You can leave for 2 days.
  2. Spraying is the easiest way to make fertilizer. The substance is perfectly absorbed through the green mass of plants and is used to maintain biochemical processes. The solution is distributed from the spray gun using a respirator and a protective suit. For potted plants You can take a bottle with a special nozzle-pulverizer.
  3. - This method of making fertilizers is used if there is a need to improve the properties of the soil. The procedure is better to spend at the beginning of spring, several times with an interval of 10 days. By one plant can be made from 500 ml to 1 liter of working solution of potassium humate.
  4. Soil treatment - for this method it is better to purchase a fertilizer in the form of a powder. It is connected to conventional sand and scatter on the surface of the soil in early spring. 10 m 2 is enough 50 g of the drug. The substance is absorbed into the ground with melt water, but you can make it in the warm season, and then switch the site.

The use of liquid humate potassium in a complex with other mineral and organic fertilizers significantly increases its activity. The exception is phosphoric feeding - they form resistant insoluble compounds with humates, so they are brought separately.

Dosages for different types of plants

Humat potassium is universal fertilizerwhich is useful for different cultures. For each of them, it is important to observe the drawing scheme so that the plants receive a sufficient amount of nutrients.

  • carrots, zucchini, white cabbage, beets - 4 spraying per season, as well as soil treatment before planting;
  • potatoes - additional soaking or spraying tubers before falling into the ground;
  • cucumbers and tomatoes - at least 3 spraying for the warm season, soaking seeds;
  • greens - watering in the amount of 3-10 liters per meter of landings;
  • - It is important to make fertilizers in early spring, as well as in the period of flowering and the tie of fruits;
  • houseplants - 1 Spraying in 2 weeks during the warm season, 1 processing per month in winter.

Liquid humate potassium is a useful additive that improves the endurance and yield of cultures. It can also be used for decorative plantsBecause humus in pots is not produced. In the instructions for use, it is indicated how to breed humate potassium for room colors, vegetable and fruit crops, garden plants and greens. The remedy is stored in a concentrated form, so it will be necessary for processing large areas in a minimum number.

Undercoupes Cucumbers Gumat Potassia - Video

Potassium humans are used in crop production for more than half a century as organic fertilizers for soil and stimulants of growth and development of plant crops. Multifunctionality and versatility of this substance make the area of \u200b\u200bits use is very extensive. This is the improvement of the composition and structure of the soil, and accelerating germination of seed material or rooting seedlings, and an increase in the decorative properties of plants, their yields.

Applying humic substances can be used throughout the vegetation period of plants. It is very economical and effective even in small doses, and at the same time is environmentally safe. We will tell about this fertilizer and its application in detail.

The available humats differ in origin, form of release and composition. What are these differences?


Gumates from natural and artificial raw materials are produced.

For reference. The reaction with sodium alkali gives a similar product product - sodium humat. But his sphere of influence is not so extensive. In addition, it has an alkaline reaction, so it is not recommended for application in alkaline ground. Although in general the differences between these drugs are not too large.


Potassium humate is well compatible with many other plant useful to plants, so it is often released not only in pure formbut in comprehensive compositions. These include a gumatized carbamide or a popular "phytoosporin" at the gardeners.

The quality of the product and the concentration of the active substance in it is of great importance. Some manufacturers under the guise of humic fertilizers sell a solution of ordinary peat. Outwardly, it does not differ from the "right" means, and the humins are present in it, but it is clear that it is no effective. Therefore, it is better to buy concentrated preparations created by well-known manufacturing companies.


Form release

In sales, potassium humate can be found in different kinds, and choose the most convenient form for use.

  1. Liquid concentrate that is independently divorced by water in the required proportions. Available in a container of different volumes, which is very convenient and large farmers, and summer houses, and lover of houseplants.

  2. The most economical and convenient for transportation form of release - paste, from which they are preparing liquid fertilizer For watering and spraying.

  3. IN bully video (Granules, powders) Potassium humate is convenient to put into the soil at its resistance. And also when fertilizing large areas. The drug is scattered over the surface of the Earth before plowing or by taking the snow. This method is very effective for fertilizing lawns.

  4. The most efficient development is the gel containing active molecules. The liquid preparation prepared from it has increased penetration.

    Rashless fully soluble humate potassium - gel

Regardless of the form, all these drugs are equivalent in action. Differences are only in the method of making, preparation of solutions, dosage.

Instructions for use

Depending on the composition, form of release and manufacturer, potassium humate can have a different concentration of the active substance, so there is its own instruction developed by the manufacturer for each drug.

Watering solution or extra -orn subordinate The leaves are prepared by diluting with water of any form of the drug according to the proportions indicated in the instructions. Since the danger from overdose of the drug is absent, it is often bred for irrigation without compliance with clear proportions, simply making a solution similar to the color of a fastening tea.

Note. A solution of powder or granulated potassium humate may contain insoluble mechanical impurities. If it is preparing for spraying, it is recommended to strain it.

Approximate consumption of the finished solution


8-10 liters per square meter of crops.

10 liters by 50-100 square meters.

Strictly according to the instructions

When using a bulk fertilizer, its flow depends on quality composition Soil:

  • fertile soils - 100 grams per 100 square meters (one weaving);
  • poor or infected soils - 300-500 grams per hundred.

Water temperature for solution ambient And the processing time does not have.

How it works

The principle of operation of humic substances is still not completely understood by scientists. But it was established that they have the ability to associate some chemical compounds, attracting them to yourself. For example, they block the soil contained harmful substanceswhich includes salts of heavy metals, radionuclides, pesticides. And from the seeds they pull compounds negatively affecting their germination, and block the penetration of infections into them.

Another useful property Gumates - the ability to penetrate the cell membranes of plant crops, improving their nutrition, circulation of beneficial substances and fluid movement.

Regular use of this substance allows you to achieve the following results:

  • increase the fertility of the soil and the settlement of its useful microflora, neutralization of toxins contained in it. Potassium humate helps break a heavy clay soil and make a more moisture light sandy;
  • acceleration of rooting cuttings, germination of seeds and bulbs, obtaining friendly and healthy shoots;

  • acceleration of ripening of fruits, approaching the timing of decorative cultures;
  • increasing plant resistance to infections and insect pests, as well as sustainability to such negative factors as frost or drought;
  • improving yield.

Note. Especially obvious the effectiveness of potassium humate when used in the regions with a harsh climate and poor soil. In the black earth zones, the Earth itself contains a lot of useful humus, and a favorable climate does not create problems for growing garden and vegetable crops, so people living in areas often arise doubts about the benefits of the drug.

Video - Humat potassium in the country. Improve the structure of the saline

Highly good results When growing vegetable and decorative crops, it can be achieved by applying potassium humate throughout the season. Moreover, the methods of use can be the most different :.

  1. It is possible to start with early spring, scattering the granules of the drug throughout the planned area of \u200b\u200bthe site, including not only the garden and greenhouses, but also a lawn, land under garden trees, flower beds. Especially efficiently such introduction of fertilizers in the snow: they will dissolve and together with teal waters Suction in the soil.

  2. Then the humate potassium is then used to soak seeds before planting, as well as purchased seedlings and their own cuttings for stimulating the root formation and accelerate the survivalability in a new place.

  3. Seedlings before picking or disembarking in open sad It is useful to make a solution of the drug or pour after these events.

  4. Watering and spraying is recommended and throughout the growing season, especially during periods of cooling, formation of uncess, ripening fruit.

  5. In the fall, after harvesting, the liquid or powder fertilizer is recommended to be made to the sections where pesticides were used.

  6. Humat potassium accelerates the transformation of organic waste into compost and saturates its useful microorganisms. Therefore, it is very useful to shed a compost bunch with a solution of this substance.

If you compare potassium humate with other fertilizers, it has a lot of advantages, which includes low cost, environmental safety, simplicity and all-season applications, unlimited shelf life, versatility. What makes it so attractive for professionals and lovers.

Gumus and its derivatives of humates, humic acids are the most important components of the soil defining its fertility. They are the main elements of soil biochemical processes. For crop production purposes, industry produces humate potassium - organic View Fertilizers containing a large percentage of humic acids.

In the process of decomposition of plant residues in upper layers The soil is the formation of humic acids, their salts (sodium, potash) are called humats. These natural compounds are needed by soil microorganisms. Consumeing them in the process of life, they change mechanical and chemical composition Soil for the better, make it more water permeable and air conductive.

  • sapropel;
  • peat;
  • coal (brown);
  • lingnosulfates (secondary products obtained in the production of cellulose).

The release of two varieties of humic fertilizers was established: fearless, ballast. The first species is used in the form of feeding, the second type stimulates the growth of seedlings, strengthens the immunity of garden and vegetable crops. Forms of release: Granules, tablets, powder, gel, paste, liquid concentrate.

The beneficial properties of the drug determines the composition: 80% - humic acids, 20% - enzymes, growth activators, peptides, amino acids. Purpose of humic drugs:

  • change for the better characteristics of the soil, restoration of its fertility;
  • growth in the activity of soil microorganisms;
  • pH normalization;
  • more effective use organic matter introduced into the soil;
  • reducing the norms of application nitrogen fertilizers by 50%;
  • improving the effectiveness of fungicides, insecticides, herbicides;
  • positive effect on appearance, taste of vegetables and fruits, preservation of their health, environmental purity;
  • formation of stress resistance (weather, infection) in all types of plants;
  • restoration, strengthening the root system;
  • improvement of the soil (elimination of harmful impurities).

The use of humic means on panstone It does not have a negative impact on humans, pets surrounding nature. These drugs are not inferior mineral fertilizersSuperope them by indicators: price, environmental cleanliness.

Humine fertilizers can be combined with most of minerals (carbamide, agriculture ammonium, KAS-32). Gardeners noted the increase in yields after the first year of their application. Fruits, vegetables collected from plants receiving during the growing season this kind of food, retain product qualities longer, nutritional value.

Instructions for use

In packaging with any form of humate potassium there is an instruction for use. Release it in the form of a liquid concentrate and brown powder. When using fertilizer, you need to take into account the pH level of the soil. The desired effect of the use of humic fertilizers is obtained on soils with an alkaline reaction.

Before applying any humic fertilizer, in the fall (spring) in the soil exhausted or requiring annual restoration, the organic (humus, compost, manure) is introduced. Immediately before making the ground loan, moisturizes.

It is forbidden to introduce humate jointly with fertilizers containing phosphorus (P.), potassium (K.), calcium (CA.). This requirement must be observed that in the soil no synthesis of insoluble compounds worsening its quality. At first tuki, which contains CA, K or P, and only 5 days later - humate potassium or its analogues.

Liquid Potassium Potassium Humat

Dachnips like the liquid form of fertilizer . They produce it in the form of a concentrated liquid of brown color. The raw material for production serves peat. For different types of treatments, a certain concentration of active substances is recommended, achieve it by the preparation of the working solution, the base of which is cold water.

  • from 0.1 to 0.2% of the volume of fluid in the preparation of the soil processing solution;
  • 0.01% of the volume of fluid in the preparation of the solution for processing plants of any kind.

There is a peat gumat of potassium, enriched with microelements complex. It has more wide spectrum Actions on plants, so enjoys greater popularity among lovers (vegetables, flowerflowers, gardeners).

The concentrate is bred in different proportions. The norm of humate per unit volume depends on the purpose of the application:

  • solution for soaking seeds - ⅓ tablespoons per liter;
  • root feeding - 1 tablespoon for 10 liters;
  • extra-corner feeding - 1 teaspoon for 10 liters.

Humat potassium Saufler.

Liquid variety of potassium humate. Due to the rich composition of organic substances and minerals, the drug belongs to the category of universal organineryer fertilizers. The use of the souflar is shown when growing vegetable crops, colors, fruits.

With regular use, its properties are fully manifested during the entire growing season:

  • plants are faster and easier to take root after the transplant;
  • sharp weather changes do not reduce immunity;
  • the storage period of fruit increases.

Peat Powder Potassium Humat

The solid form of fertilizer is represented by a brown powder, which, when dissolved in water, saturates it with all the necessary trace elements. Present the nutritional value of the means easily: 1 kilogram of powder in its action is equivalent to 1 ton of humus.

This type of fertilizer facilitates the difficult work of the dacket, speeds up the ripening of the crop. When using potassium humate, the collection starts 2 weeks earlier. The future solution is not prepared, it must be used immediately after cooking.

Potassium peat humate powder is detoxified after the use of pesticides. 50 grams of funds are consumed on the area of \u200b\u200b10 meters of square; It is mixed in equal proportions with dry sand. The mixture is scattered on the ground.

For accelerated maturation The organic powder is added in a volume of 10 grams per 10 kilogram of compost, humus, manure. The organic mixtures under plants can be made 3 months after processing potassium humate.

How to apply for garden and garden

The benefit of the use of fertilizer of potassium humate in the garden, in the garden, has evaluated many vegetables, gardeners, flowerflowers. Neutral pH level of this category of funds does not cause soil watering. Huminic drugs are indispensable when processing before planting tubers, cuttings, seeds.


The solution of potassium humate is treated to sowing seeds of grain crops. The flow rate of the liquid concentrate per 1 ton of the seed material is 100 grams, it is bred in 10 liters of water. The drug accelerates the development of the root system of plants, ensures the emergence of friendly shoots.

  • strong immunity;
  • drought resistance;
  • friendly shoots.

Landing grain sprayed with a solution up to 2 times per season. The first processing is carried out during the bunning, the second - during the colet.

Gumat potassium on vegetable crops

The first processing is presenior. Soak planting material In solution prepared from 1 liter of water and 0.5 grams of the drug. The dose is measured by a medical syringe. Time of soaking (clock):

  • seeds - 24;
  • bulbs - 8;
  • tubers - 12 hours.

Vegetable vegetables are treated from 2 to 6 times. With root feeders, a concentration is 100 milliliters tools for 10 liters of water. Consumption per unit area depends on the type vegetable culture, It is listed in the instructions for use.

Saplings for iodine humat - humat + 7 iodine (how to water the seedlings are well referred to, indicated on the packaging of the drug). It contains important trace elements and iodine. The concentrated solution is prepared by separating 10 grams of means in 10 liters of water.

The resulting liquid (1 liter) is first diluted with 9 liters of water, then watered vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers), spending ½ fertilizer buckets per 1 meter square. Over the season, the vegetables are feeding 3-4 times, the first time - when the first flowers appear.

Fruit and berry cultures and grapes

Fruit trees berry shrubs Feed along the sheet - by spraying, or under the root, combining watering with a solution of fertilizer with pesticides.

Tomatoes today are a very popular vegetable grown on all Russian gardens. They contain many healthy substances. This culture requires careful supervision. For getting good harvest It will be necessary to correctly grow seedlings, move it into a soil or to a greenhouse, to feed, water and protect against pests and diseases. In order for tomatoes to grow well and let juicy and healthy fruits, experienced vegetables are recommended to feed them with a humate potassium.

What is useful in potassium humate for tomato seedlings

It is used to increase the yield of culture. It is obtained by fertilizer from the remains of plants, peat, dung, lake-slim hoods. Sometimes used and brown coal for this fertilizer. Natural components strengthen the plant and stimulate its growth.

In the humate potassium there is a lot of potassium and phosphorus, it is also filled with humic acids and useful trace elements. It is considered useful for grated, potatoes and beets. They improve the growth, rhizomes are strengthened, yield improves (in particular, taste qualities and fruit size).

In addition, humic acids improve the state of the earth around the plant, develop microflora in the soil.

Humat potassium for seedling tomato

Most often used for roasting and leaf feeding. When fertilizer, you need to clearly follow the instructions on the package, because the excessive amounts of substances will not bring better results.

When soaking seeds add 20 ml of substance in a glass of water. Seeds are soaked for a day so that they are disinfected. Cuttings can be processed for better rooting.

To water the tomatoes by this means needed under the root for the entire period of growth of no more than three times (50 ml per bucket of water). In the same proportions, breed fertilizer for spraying foliage.

In order to restore the fertility of the Earth, you need to dissolve 500 ml of the drug in 10 liters of water and after steaming the site, it is plentiful to hide the ground.

Fertilizer has a variety - humate 7, containing all 7 microelements, useful during plant vegetation. Humat 7 trace elements Method of use for tomatoes through mixing with nitrogen and mineral feeding (for example, barrel and 4 buckets).

The use of Gumat 7 iodine for tomatoes is characterized by the fact that it is recommended to make it possible for two months (May-July). It strengthens the plant and makes it resistance to diseases is more resistant.

There is another kind of this fertilizer - Gumatem. It is used to combat pests as colorado beetle and TLL. You can shoot them not only tomatoes, but also potatoes, and other cruciferous.


Caline Ecorgian humate - fertilizer to improve the state of the soil, but also contributes to the development of roots. Reduces the amount of heavy metals in the ground and nitrates in the fruits.

Gumatized gera fertilizer for tomatoes is often used as an analogue of potassium humate. Contains a set of trace elements to improve growth. It has the same properties as potassium humate for tomatoes seedlings.

With this drug, you can carry out a microelement feeding of seedlings in the greenhouse, in domestic boxes, in the open ground.

His liquid state makes it possible to penetrate well into the soil and get it, rooted - draw everything useful material And hard to host the barrel. Convenient when spraying. Does not scoring holes.

Watering with this fertilizer is held three times with an interval of 14 days. It is best to start watering after disembarking a culture in a soil or greenhouse. The second fertilizer should be done when buds begin to get toned. Last time to pour a culture at the time of flowering. The concentration of fertilizing solution is a tablespoon of a dining room for 10 liters of water.

Council. In order to improve the state of the Earth in the garden, you can scatter fertilizer over the site and switch or use the liquid solution at a certain place. You can mix the humate fertilizer and ash and scatter in the garden of early spring, when the snow is still lying. Thus, you can speed up its melting and focusing the land.

Often, the humatic fertilizers are used to process and improve the properties of composts. Due to the large presence of humic acids, the organic processing is accelerated, and the compost ripens faster. A fertilized soil by humus compost, with the addition of humate, and improves the useful microflora.

To the question of how this fertilizer affects the shoots of tomato, it is possible to answer that his introduction to the young seedlings will not prevent its growth, on the contrary, it will accelerate and strengthen the plant. But before applying the fertilizer for young vegetation, the tomato is better to pay attention to the instructions on the package, so as not to burn the faint roots of the plant.

Interesting. It is better that fertilizer works in a podzolic or alkaline ground. But in acidic land gives the opposite effect and the palette of culture. In the chernozem does not give any effect at all.

Compared to other fertilizers, potassium humate is used for many cultures and garden trees, colors and fruit plants. The drug has a comprehensive effect: increases growth, immunity, strengthens the roots, makes more resistant to disease, improves adaptation after moving into the ground, removes radionuclides and nitrates, contributes to the emergence of useful microflora in the soil.

Interesting. This fertilizer deserves positive reviews Vegetable breeding and gardeners of Russia.

Tomato fertilizer folk remedies

In addition to purchased drugs, you can use fertilizers made by yourself. But it is necessary to carry out the feeder after the seedlings moved to the garden. For independently cooked fertilizer solutions, dung, cowborne or chicken litter. But not in pure form, but with the addition of feeding drugs in small quantities. Such mixtures give an excellent effect for the growth and development of tomato.

It is best to prepare and make nitrogen-containing or potash fertilizer. it cow manure And nitroposka mixed in a bucket of water.

Another good feeding will be chicken litter and potassium sulfate.

Good use fresh manure with yeast and ash (woody), korovyat and boric acidinfused in water for roasting irrigation.

While plant blooms, you can add infusion of ash and water, mixed with potassium humate.

The easiest way to fertilize tomatoes is to mix yeast and sugar, after their three-day fermentation add wood ashes. The use of such bait gives a good tomato harvest and fills the plant with useful elements.

Any feeder must be made carefully, in small quantities, so as not to burn the plant and its roots.

Such as well as, have long become popular. They are easy to use, but at the same time very effective.

Humata - what it is

Consider the humats better and determine what it is. Humata is a numerous group of drugs, they are made of sliced \u200b\u200bslices, which are easily soluble.

Such drugs used B.:

  • medicine;
  • drilling;
  • construction;
  • land restoration;
  • ecology.
Humaths are produced as ballast and non-banging fertilizers. Downtown have a greater content of active substances, so they are called; And ballasts are called fertilizers.

Types of Gumatov

Let's look at what humic fertilizers are and what kinds they are. Depending on raw materials (its quality and characteristics) that was used to produce humate, they are divided into types. There are two main types of humate - this is humate sodium and potassium.

Given the fact that the humats of sodium and potassium are natural feeding, they are favorable affect on:

  • physical properties of the soil;
  • mechanical structure of the soil;
  • chemical and hydrological soil structure;
  • biological characteristics of the soil;
  • protectory properties of the soil.
Sodium humate and humate potassium is both that have tread and biotimulating properties, so they contribute:
  • cultivation of environmentally friendly agrofroducts;
  • reduce in products content of biotoxins, radionuclides and heavy metals;
  • increase the content of vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates;
  • improve commodity type grown products.

Also the use of humate in and promotes:

  • reduce costs for the use of feeding up to 50%;
  • an increase in efficiency, and up to 30%;
  • improving the quality of the harvest and due to this increase in the selling price within production.

Gumat sodium

Consider more about what. This species is a growth stimulator to increase the growth of shoots, reduce foaming; Increase resistance to factors that during the growing season are stressful for the plant: cold, wet and dry years.

This growth stimulator is not toxic, does not have cumulative properties, has immunostimulating and adaptogenic properties.

Humat potassium

Useful properties of humate in the cultivation of garden crops

Advantages Gumates are:

  1. Organic raw materials, which is used to produce humate;
  2. When using potassium humate rises from 20 to 50%;
  3. It is comprehensively affected by the entire plant: stimulates photosynthesis, increases the ground part of the plant and the root system;
  4. Growth stimulator is a solution of potassium humate. Fruption begins earlier for 1-2 weeks, which helps to obtain several yields per season;
  5. Humate potassium helps to strengthen the immunity of the plant;
  6. Potassium humate contributes to an increase in the fertility period and an increase in yield;
  7. The uniqueness of the soil microflora contributes to an increase in germination pace;
  8. Sodium humate will protect the plant from a number of viral and fungal diseases and helps to increase frost-resistant;
  9. Sodium humate after planting reduces stress;
  10. Sodium humate is compatible with most feeding, as well as biological and chemicals To protect plants.

Features of the use of Gumatov

In the production of humate is enriched with microelements, which are easily absorbed by plants.

recommend to use on the:
  • Alkaline soils in which there is a lack of iron;
  • Sand soils that have low content of humus;
  • Acidic podzolic soils, with low humus content;
  • Saline soils.
A feature of the use of humate is that they are applied in different Plant development:
  • When soaking seeds;
  • When seedlings are held;
  • When disembarking;
  • When landing and fruit and berry crops;
  • When room plants are transplanting;
  • During ;
  • In vegetation;
  • When preparing for wintering plants.

Did you know?The humats were created by Professor of Christ Lydia more than 60 years ago. And at the moment they are one of the popular fertilizers, thanks to their environmental friendliness. They are produced worldwide: in Australia, USA, Germany, Italy.

Humaths are sold in liquid form, powders and tablets. Liquid humats are diluted with water; The powder is stirred with a small amount of water, then brought to the desired volume by adding a liquid; Tablets first need to be frozen and used further as a powder.

Premodest treatment

Seed treatment is carried out by humic potash and sodium feeders for better development root system of plants and rapid germination of seeds. Plants after treatment are becoming resistant to fungal diseases and poor natural conditions.

To process seeds, it is necessary to dissolve a 1/3 teaspoon of humate in a liter of water. Seeds or bulbs need to be mashed in the solution of humate potassium and sodium: seeds - for a day, and bulbs are 8 hours.

In the solution of humate sodium, the seeds are soaked to two days, and the cuttings are 15 hours. After that, the seeds either the bulbs can be planted in. When using humate in liquid form, 10 ml of concentrate is necessary to dilute with 10 liters of water, the soaking of seeds lasts 10-15 hours, soaked for 24 hours. To learn how to dilute the humate potassium and sodium to feed the plants, it is worth following instructions: you need to breed 3 g of fertilizer (this is a complete teaspoon) in 10 liters of water. The concentration of humate is lower than when the seed soak, because it is used directly as spraying on the plants. This method is not only economical, but also convenient in terms of application.

Fertilizer plants

At the beginning of the growing season, fertilizer of potassium and sodium humats is carried out, the method of use is: two or four times depending on the type of plant treated. Watering plants produce 0.5 liters per plant, then the dose increases to the liter.

There is another recipe preparations: It is necessary to take 10 tablespoons of feeding and dissolve in hot (no higher than 60 ° C) water. It is necessary to leave for a day, periodically stirring. This concentrate can be kept month. Now it will be convenient to use a concentrate, diluting 100 ml per 10 liters of water.

Also for sale fertilizer concentrate. Consider how to apply and fertilize potassium and sodium humate in liquid form. The solution is prepared as follows: 100 ml of the concentrate is bred in 10 liters of water. Apply diluted liquids follows according to the scheme:

  • are processed 4 times. The first processing occurs when the first leaves appears; The second - during the bootonization period; Third - when flowering; Fourth - when fruits appear.
  • processed 4 times. The first - when the leaf appears; The second, third, fourth - the processing interval of 15 days.
  • It is processed 3 times. First processing - 2 days after landing; The second - when Zauri Kochan; Third - after 10 days.
  • It is processed 3 times. The first - when will go; The second - when the leaves appear; Third - after 10 days.
  • processed 2 times. The first - when the Plentry is formed; The second is in 20 days.
  • It is processed 2 times. The first - when the leaf appears; The second is 30 days.
  • are processed by humate with trace elements 4 times, the instructions for use are as follows: first processing - after 7 days after the end of flowering; The second is at the very beginning of the extinguishing of the wound; the third - during the kidney bookmark; Fourth - when the active growth of fruits begins.
  • It is processed 3 times. The first - in the period of bootonization; the second - after the phase of flowering; The third is a period of development of berries.

Soil processing

Detoxification is carried out to improve the structure. Gumats are used exclusively in powder form.

The humic potash and sodium fertilizer is scattered on the ground, 50 g of humates is used at the rate of 10 square meters.

It is more convenient to use the feeder before connecting with sand. After the manipulation, the fertilized area must be loosened with robbles.

Thus, if the autumn made feeding, and in winter and in the spring there were severe precipitation, most likely there would be a lack of potassium and nitrogen soil.

Phosphoric feeders are considered sedentary, they are delayed in the soil layer, which was fertilized, and with superficial they almost remain in place.

Sand soils are distinguished by the fact that they often have a lack of magnesium, and carbonate soils - iron deficiency. Thus, the humic potash and sodium fertilizers must be made in the soil in the fall and spring.

Using humans with manure

To achieve such an effect, the manure is mixed with humats three months before making fertilizers. The proportions of use are: for 10 kg of manure to use 10 g of humate.

Humat potassium and humate sodium: what is the difference and what is better

Sodium and potassium humat - treated with alkali of humic acid salts. When processing plants with a humate potassium, they also get potassium, which is an important element Nutrition.

Humat sodium, on the contrary, prevents potassium plant plants, increasing the content of toxins in the soil. But at the same time, sodium feeders also have a favorably affect the plant and the soil.

Humine sodium fertilizers have a plus that their production significantly cheaper Potash, respectively, this fertilizer is popular among the population due to the cheapness.

Sodium humat and potassium humate, although they are considered almost the same, they act differently on the soil and plants. Sodium humate is a growth stimulator, and potassium humate - affecting both the development of the plant and on the state of the soil.

The quality of humic feeding, regardless of the type, is directly related to the type of raw materials from which fertilizers are manufactured.

Important!If the fertilizer is produced from brown coal, it will contain impurities of heavy metals. Therefore, when choosing a fertilizer, pay attention to it.

Thus, it is necessary to choose fertilizers that were produced from low-lying peat. And the type of fertilizer each selects individually, depending on which result he plans to get.

Summing up, it should be noted that the humats are highly efficient fertilizers that proper use Contribute to obtaining large, high-quality and environmentally friendly.

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