Chubuschnik (Garden "Jasmine"): varieties, description, landing and care. Chubuschik or Garden Jasmine in Siberia - Common Views, Reproduction, Care Subtleties

- This is a plant related to the Hydrangea family. This bush with beautiful white flowers and sweet aroma can be confused with jasmine. This article is about why it is worth landing a garden jasmine and how to do it right.

We will also consider the correct care for it and the types of reproduction of the plant and the year of the year, when it is worth putting the canbushnik. We will analyze the beneficial properties of a garden jasmine and learn how to fight pests and Diseases of the Chubuschnik.

Did you know? The plant began to call the Chubushnik because letters and mouthpieces for smoking pipes were made from his wood.

Planting Chubushnik

Garden jasmine leaves have a salad color. At the parish of autumn, the color changes to the bright lemon.

Inflorescences by smell resemble strawberries.

Looks like a chubushnik about this:

Now that we know how it looks, you should start the landing of the Chubusnik.

Selection of place for landing

The pot of the sun loves the sun, but at the same time perfectly feels like in the shade. If you plant a garden jasmine on the sunny garden section, it will bloom abundantly and beautifully, and if in the shadow, then the flowers are gradually minor, and the branches are pulled out.

The most comfortable soil for the garden jasmine is the gerbil. But on the very moistened land, the Chubuschnik feels great. The main thing is to use drainage (crushed stone or pebbles).

Garden jasmine does not tolerate water stagnation near the roots. He is also resistant to temporary drought. The soil should contain in its composition leafy land, sand and humus.

Basic landing rules

Now that we know what place is best for the landing of the Chubushnik in your garden, go to the rules of planting this plant.

Correct Cabinet Care

Caring for the Chubuschik Garden Will not work. In this section we will look at right watering And feeding the soil, as well as the correct circumcision and thinning of the shrub.

Watering and feeding soil

Watering a shrub is very often necessary. If the canbusnik is not enough moisture, the leaves begin to fade and lose elasticity. Only if you pour it again, the plant acquires a new look.

Also during the cultivation of the canbushnik, it is necessary to fertilize the plant at least three times.

First feeding of Chubuschnika held in early spring. To do this, take the mineral fertilizer of "Agrikola" and bred 2 tbsp. on 10 liters of water. This mixture is poured one bush.

Second subcord passes before flowering. This time we use organic fertilizers, For example, "Effectton". It is divorced in the same way as "Agrikola".

You can still add liquid fertilizer Ross. One bush now takes 2 buckets of diluted feeding.

Third It is carried out in the autumn period. It strengthens the plant on winter time. Apply superphosphate and sulfur-acid potassium. In 10 liters of water added 1 tbsp. Each fertilizer.

Watering now follows half rod every shrub. If suddenly in winter a bush is a fruit, do not worry, it will quickly recover.

Earth, preferably in the Prikorno Circle, it is worth loose a couple of times in the summer. Also, do not forget about mulching in winter, layer up to 4 cm.

Trimming and Sleeping Shrub

Find out when and how to cut a garden jasmine.

Do it stands annually. The Chubuschnik needs to remove the ridiculous colors and pruning shoots over 12 years old. You can also form crowns at your discretion.

Early spring should be cut off half the strong branches, which will contribute to the development of normal growth on them. All procedures help the potassium to grow rapidly.

In winter, cold can cause freezing young shoots, but if next year Crop them, then young processes will restore the appearance of the pot. In adult plants, trunks are condensed and shared. Such bushes should be trimmed.

At the end of winter or early spring trunks are cut up to 40 cm. The rest are cut to the ground.

Important! After trimming, treat sections with garden water.

The shoots that grow up in the fall, the next spring should be deleted, leaving 3 outputs on each hemp.

Next year, new bushes are formed from these processes. After a couple of years, the Chubuschnik will bloom in full force.

Transplantation of Chubushnik

In this section, we will deal with how to transplant the pots without harm to the plant itself.

Since Garden Jasmine easily tolerates a transplant and is quickly restored, a part of foliage should be sacrificed and, unfortunately, to lose the year of flowering plants. You need to transplant the Chubuschnik until mid-September.

It is worth waiting for a rainy or cloudy day. Before digging a shrub, it should be well pouring and leave for a day. It is then removed half of the old shoots under the root, and the rest are shortened.

After that, they dig a chubushnik and move it to a new site, watering it before it and compact the soil. So that the garden jasmine is quickly adapted in a new place, after the transplant we advise you to take a little soil under the bush and hide it.

The reproduction of the Chubudnik

To multiply the Chubuschnik will not be a lot of work. It can be breeding with the help of seeds, cuttings and chains, which will be discussed in this section.


In this way, the species canopies are multiplied by species, and not born plants. Sowing is held in autumn, in winter or spring.

If you decide to sow in winter, then it should be done at a temperature not lower than 10 ° C, in weather without wind. Slow directly in a layer of snow to a depth of 30 cm and cover the seeds of straw. From above, you can press large branches. In the spring, the shelter is removed and samples appeared.

If you put the planting in the spring, then the seeds are planted into greenhouses or greenhouses. Before sowing, future plants are put in a gauze bag and immerse them at an hour and a half into water at room temperature.

Then the seeds in the bag are shifted into wet sawdust or peat. On the 3 day, when the seeds are swelling, they are mixed with dry sand and sowed, and then sprinkled with humus.

After the sprouts sprout, they must be contacted.


In order to multiply the Chubuschnik with cuttings, it is necessary to tear off a small twig from the bush favorite. You should take half-hearted cuttings during or after flowering.

On the cuttings go side branches with flowers. It follows a sharp movement to tear off the branch from the main escape. It should remain a piece of wood with a bark.

To root the cuttings, pour a layer of drainage to the bottom of the dishes (for example, clamzit) and fall asleep with a mixture of peat and sand in equal proportions. Before mixing we advise them to moisturize them. From above, we smell the sand with a layer of 3 cm and pour a solution of fungicide.

The preparation of cuttings is also very simple. To do this, cut the lower leaves and flowers on the cuttings and soaked them in the epin solution for 12 hours.

Sleep cutter Scoop into powder for stimulation of root formation. The cuttings land in the tank of 40 degrees.

Important! The lower cutters of the leaves should not dive into the sand.

After landing, cover with a transparent package or a jar of cuttings and transferred to the shadow in the garden. Also we advise you to spray the cuttings every day in order to successfully have rooted.

When the cuttings were put on the roots, landed them together with a room of land at a permanent place, at first shadowing it.


The canchousenik easily forms grooves, which are rooted by 70%. Pre-bushes are cut to hemp (height is about 5-7 cm from the ground). It stimulates the growth of young shoots.

In the spring, they hammer the ground around the pots, roll up with robbles and feed fertilizers. After that, they make a drawing of frightened at the bottom kidney to the ground and fasten with wooden studs. The drawing should be done using a soft wire.

After fixing, the shoots fall asleep soil. By the end of the growing vegetation, the grooves, they independently develop in bushes with good roots.

The next spring they dump them and cut off by the port from the bush. Move the chapels follows for two years.

Chubushnik in garden design

The landscape design is used in large unformed hedges as the main shrub.

The plant is well combined with lilac and hydrangea. You can also plant several types of varieties of the potassium, creating unusual compositions and color game. They may differ in the form of the crown, height and texture of foliage.

Example landscaping Garden with the help of the Chubuschik:

Useful properties of the Chubuschnik

Chubuschnik is not only beautiful decoration your garden but also possesses useful propertieswhich will be discussed in this section.

Garden jasmine is used in cosmetic and therapeutic purposes. The smell of the plant well affects nervous system And eliminates anxiety and nervousness.

For medicinal purposes, flowers, leaves, young shoots and the roots of the Chubuschnik are used.

Did you know? From the thin rods of the canbushnik, the baskets fly.

Plant flowers begin to collect in July and until October. It should be done in clear weather, about 5 am or at night. After collecting flowers, they are spread with a thin layer in the shade and dried. Thus, part remains essential oils And fragrance.

Garden jasmine is dried in the oven at a temperature of 35 ° C. When the flowers dry completely, they are folded into glass jar and closed with a lid.

Garden jasmine oil has disinfecting and healing properties. Also, decoctions and infusions will also help you withdraw pain.

From the flowers of jasmine you can make an oil tincture. To do this, put flowers into a glass jar and pour in any vegetable oil and close the lid. The bank rises in dark paper and put in the sun. You should leave it there for 40 days, daily twice shaking.

Did you know? Jasmine is used as an additive in green tea.

Jasmine oil does not require trigger and is used externally under the following diseases:

  • Cold;
  • Migraine;
  • Convulsions;
  • Paralysis;
  • Nervous trembling;
  • Inflammation of the sciatic nerve;
  • Dyeing skin.
The oil is stored in a dark and cool place.

Essential oil is used in aromatherapy. And in cosmetic applications restores the youth of the skin and tones it.

Pests and Diseases of the Chubushnik, Fighting them

Deformation, drying, twisting and falling leaves occurs due to lack of humidity of air, poor watering or direct influence of the sun's straight rays. If you have such problems, you should transplant the plant in the shaded place and constantly spray and water.

If the letters started the buds and do not want to bloom, it means there is little light plant. If the flowers began to darken, then it says about dry and warm air.

Also, the Chubuschnik can damage gray rot on the leaves and shoots and septoriasis.

This disease is developing with strong temperature differences and high precipitation. The whole plant is affected by the gray rot.

The causative agent is the Mushroom genus Botrytis. Brown blurry spots appear on the mushrooms incorrect form. They dry quickly, crack and fall out.

The fight against this disease is simple: you need to spray burgundy fluid bush and remove fallen leaves and sick shoots.

The causative agent of this ailion is SEPTORIA Mushroom. Signs of the disease - the appearance of small round spots of dark brown color on the top plate of the leaves. Diameter these stains 2-6 mm.

The blooming Chubuschnik or, as his people stubbornly continue to call, Jasmine will not leave anyone indifferent. For 2-3 weeks, he becomes a real king of the garden, eclipsed by all with snow-white beauty and dumby fragrance. A description of the varieties of the Chubuschnik with a photo will help everyone, in love with this shrub, find its plant - tall or dwarf, with simple or terry inflorescences, strongly smelling or with barely noticeable aroma. Gardeners love to collect the Collections of Chubudnikov, extending the "jasmine period" to 2 months.

Quintessence of tenderness and pristine purity

Perspective for landscaping Natural species

Most natural species Chubudnik, and about 50 are representatives of a moderate belt, although in Russian gardens there are no more than 4-5. Despite the abundance of a beautiful-flowing variety material, the semi-dialos with small simple flowers decently occupy their niche and do not hurt her to give way. Among their advantages is natural stamina and vitality, a fitness to cold climate, annual and long-lasting flowering, saturated fragrance.

  • Chubudnik ordinary is a multi-resistant shrub, in an adult form a spacious fountain with a height of 3-4 m. Opens a period of flowering of garden jasmine. Flowers are simple, white with a slight cream tint, fragrant. Among the advantages of the species - winter hardiness (up to -25 ° C). The genotype of the plant lay down the basis of many varieties, the first of which was the Chubushnik Virgin or Virginal.
  • C. Large-flowered hit Russia two hundred years ago. As follows from the name, the main advantage is large snow-white flowers, although the aroma is weaker than that of C. ordinary. Two weeks will bloom later, but the outfit does not reset for almost a month.
  • C. Fluffy is unusual narrow crown shape with vertically growing shoots. Flowers are small, with a weak fragrance, in form more than others similar to the bell. It is distinguished by an abundance of inflorescences located not only on the top, but also along the entire length of the shoots of past years. It blooms almost all of July.
  • Chubuschnik Vernaya weling Guest In the gardens of the Moscow region, where it is more often represented by dwarf and variegated forms. In natural form, it is also good - slim, spread, flowers are quite large (up to Ø4.5 cm), with a cream tint, tasty smell. Withstand low temperatures (-25⁰ C), in case of frost, is rapidly restored.
  • C. Meltsolite - low (up to 1.5 m) shrubs, while flowering completely covered with small flowers, smelling strawberries with notebooks of pineapple. Mom to many lemoan varieties.

Note! Sometimes the pets are distinguished in a separate look. This is a group of varieties and hybrids derived by the French firm of Lemuns on the basis of Dijoros - Ch. Ordinary, Melo-Choir, etc. is represented by a large assortment with terry and semi-grade colors.

Chubuschnik Corn forms picturesque thickets in a small private garden and urban gardening

Drafting sorts

Choosing the Chubuschnik for the garden, it is difficult not to get lost in abundance of varieties. Conditionally, they can be divided into two groups - with simple colors and multi-treatments (terry, semi-marginal). The first, as a rule, is fragrant, the second is good. Although there are exceptions, especially among old Lemoan and Vekhov varieties - terry and pleasantly smelling.

With simple flowers

A varietal jasmine with simple colors for many parameters resembles natural species, but does not repeat them, but represents the improved version.

Interesting! The French avalanche variety was improved by the Soviet breeder N. Vekhov. So it turned out the Chubuschnik Snow Avalanche. He "added" to his winter hardiness - new Sort It is easier to transfers frosty winter, blooms one of the first.

With multi-skinned (terry) flowers

The terry potatoes conquered the heart of not one gardener. They are so elegant that even the absence in some cultivars smell does not reduce their popularity. On the contrary, it makes the culture available, for example, allergies.

  • The Snowstorm's Chubushnik is a strong, tall (up to 3 m) shrub with small but densely christmas colors. Dazzling white fluffy inflorescences have been reminded of fresh snow flakes. This association employs elongated, diluting, as if wet petals. Refers to the category of winter-hardy varieties, can be grown without shelter.

    Luxury Sultans Snow Storms

  • CUBUBUSHNIK VIRZHINAL - Veteran among terry gradeswho began his procession in Europe more than 100 years ago. Vertical shoots form a bush-fireworks with a height of 2-2.5 m, decorated with loose brushes, in each of which up to 9 fluffy bells. Winter hardiness is not bad, but not for winters with 40-degree frosts.
  • Chubuschnik Mountain Mantle will like fans of low-spirited compact shrubs. 0.8-1 m high, he is growing a large number of Thin side twigs with generative kidneys, so that summer the whole bush is covered with flowers. The crown with a diameter of 2.5-3 cm consists of two rows of petals, and the internal already external. Mountain mantle has the longest period of flowering - up to 1.5 months.

    Dropshots of the Chubusnika Manto d'Ermin are very similar to the mountainous tails

  • The Pearl's Pearls received his name for the unusual pearl brilliance of petals, collected into thick milk-white roses with a diameter of up to 6 cm. The bush itself is middle-grade, bright green, blooms in the second half of June. Another variety chip is a pleasant vanilla fragrance.

    Pearl solestets Lemoan pearls

  • Mont Blanca is a large scruffy shrub, in an adult skeletal shoots slightly drench, as if forming the arch. Cream fragrant flowers are collected in bouquets from 3 to 9 pieces, retain decorativeness for 3-3.5 weeks. One of the lemoan varieties has successfully passed test conditions middle strip.
  • Chubudnik Komsomolets against the background of other terry varieties is highlighted by early start of flowering (almost at the same time with a snowy avalanche). His flowers are elegant, with narrow slightly curved petals. They are collected in short and dense brushes located on the tops of last year's shoots.
  • Chubudnik Schneeshetort is a young generation that happened from Virgin's variety. A high three-meter bush with thin wrecks effectable in bloom. Huge fluffy bouquets are collected from large (Ø4.5-5 cm) pure-white colors, similar to a rose in a semi-dissolution.

    Grade Schneeshesturm - Static Maching Handsome!

  • Chubuschnik Minnesota Snowflake is a slim two-meter shrub with snow-white colors collected in a bunch of 5 pieces. The varieties are recognizable in the form of a flower - round row of an outer row of a corona framing narrow internal. Among other advantages - frost resistance, early bloom.
  • Choothousenik Zhilandol is a low, compact variety with good resistance to adverse weather factors. Flowers are large and densely, in a closed form resemble roses buds. The smell is barely catchy, but pleasant.

    Stylish "Roses" of French variety Zhilandol

It is interesting! The mansion is the unconcerning the low-spirited varieties of chubuschniks - the dwarf and the dwarf, derived by the milestone as a curb shrub. This is an excellent alternative to the samshes, which are not quite suitable for our climate.

Jasmine Fair Sortes

The concept of the best varieties of the Chubushnik everyone understands his own way. Someone puts decorative qualities on the first place. Than north of the region more important Acquires the winter hardiness of culture. And the owners of small gardens appreciate compact forms in plants. Let's try to approach the selection of the varieties of a beautiful shrub complex.

Winter horse

On Russian gardens "walks" many natural types of shrubs and what we call folk selection. This garden jasmine is most adapted to cold winters, almost does not freeze. From natural species to the conditions of the middle band, Ch. Ordinary, Ch. Vernaya, Ch. Fluffy.

Further, in the endurance ranking, the Chubuschnik of domestic varieties with simple flowers, they are more winter-hardy than terry. The chance of survival in the cold winter will be more at the Yunnata, air landing, the Arctic, a snowy avalanche. But the lemoan avalanche (Avalash) is unlikely to stand more -15⁰ S.

The terry varieties are initially more utmost and capricious, more often frozen, especially young shoots. From the Chubudnikov Lemuca in Russia, the mountainous mantle, Mont Blanche, Dam Blanche, Innoenter, Minnesota Snowflake, Zhulandol. Winter-hardy domestic varieties from the Makhrova Collection - Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Moonlight, Academician of Komarov, Ballet Motalka, Snowstorm.

Snowstray is not terrible frost and cold


For gourmets loving delicious flavors, the varieties of the canbushnik with a strong smell will enjoy. The undisputed leader among those such - Avalash. Saturated strawberry fragrance with admixture of pineapple in hybrids air landing, Yunnat, Buke Blanche, Mont Blanc, Snow Avalanche, Erectus, Vanilla smells like a pearl grade.

Note! Very beautiful, but the Academician of Komarov Ballet Motalkov, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya, Charm, Elbrus, Almost do not smell.


Now it has become fashionable to plant two-color varieties of jasmine. They are not so many, almost all of them are created on the basis of Ch. Ordinary, having a pale pink spot at the base. Here are some representatives of this group.

  • Bicolor is a low bush, fired by single and collected in inflorescences of 2-3 pieces with large white flowers with a pink base.
  • Chubuschnik Bel Eel is one of the most fashionable two-color varieties in Europe. The flower itself is medium-sized, simple, but the raspberry middle gives it special effect.
  • Unusual - our variety and fully justifies its name. He is frost-resistant, flowers with a bright purple middle, have a strong and pleasant smell.

Fashionable and spectacular two-color hybrid BEL ELECTOR


The beauty of this shrub is that most varieties feel perfectly in our climate. Frozen bushes are quite easy to restore. Unfortunately, the threat to the canchousenik represents not so much a stable minus as a sharp cooling or refundable frost in spring.

Picking the varieties of the Chubuschik for the garden in the suburbs, proceed yet from their winter hardiness. The most enduring in this plane of the Cultivar Snowstorm, auger, a snowy avalanche, Moonlight, Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. From the banks of Lemuca will not freeze the hybrid Pyramidal, Mont Blanc, Gületcher.

Russian varieties of the Chubushnik will fit both for the Urals, but Lemoan hydrides will regularly freeze. Nevertheless, if I really want, there is an option to plant short-lived forms, for example, the mountainous mantle, Zhilandol, chamomile and to cover them for the winter.

Video about the types and varieties of the Chubudnik:

Many will have to do gentle aroma Blooming shrub in parks, alleys, gardens and gardens. The culprit of this is a plant called - ordinary, and the famous all-famous - jasmine. His beauty and unpretentiousness serve as defining factors when choosing decorative shrubs both for public places and for the personal site.

Jasmine is a shrub, whose height, depending on the type, ranges from one and a half to two and a half meters. He is pretty thin stems, on which there are no big dark green leaves of oval shape with a pointed end.

It blooms mainly from the end of spring or early summer, about about a month. His flowers are located on branches of several inflorescences. They are white color, With a possible some tint. Flowers jasmine abundantly, reminding the bushes, covered with snow. One flower has dimensions from three to five centimeters in diameter. Depending on the variety, the flowers have different fluffiness from several petals to terry.

The Chubuschik is distinguished by his unpretentiousness, and the ability to adapt to various conditions. It grows perfectly both in the sun and in the shade. Resistant to droughts and frosts, thereby can be found in any region.

Optimal landing place

As noted above, Jasmine wonderfully feels almost anywhere. It adapts to certain conditions and in accordance with them will differ in its appearance.

So, for example, in the shade shrub stretches up, and the flowering period of inflorescences will be rare, but large. On the arid sunny side, on the contrary, Jasmine grows into breadth, and the flowers are smaller, but frequent.

Destructive for this plant will be the presence of constant excess moisture, Water stagnation. Wind and smallestness do not apply much harm to him.

The optimal place for jasmine landing is an open area, with a half-time daytime. The ideal soil will be light loam, rich in humus and moisture.

How and when correctly multiply

The Chubuschnik is multiplied by three ways:

  • Range with the root. It is understood by the division of the maternal root system or growing at the time of the molding to the ground.
  • Separated cuttings. At the same time, shoots from the main bush are cut.
  • Seeds. They are going after flowering.
  • Reproduction with gangs can be two options.

First, you can touch the annual young shoots to the ground, having taught and consolidate them. It must be made early in spring (before the appearance of the leaves) or in the fall. A few weeks will allow its own roots in a few weeks, and it can be launched into the nearest spring or autumn, again before the appearance of foliage.

Secondly, young shoots can be dug from the main bush, with a division of the root system, and planted in a separate place. The journey time is also early spring or autumn.

Somewhere about July, young bushes can be transplanted into open sadFor autumn they should grow to about a quarter of a meter. Usually on the second, sometimes on the third year, seedlings are sent to a permanent place where they are fixed for subsequent abundant flowering.

It follows from this that the grooves and cuttings will give you the desired flowers a few years earlier than the reproduction of seeds. The main thing to comply with the basic rules for each way.

Basic care

Although jasmine plant and unpretentious, which can adapt to the habitat, for its beautiful external view Requires a certain care

It is as follows:

  • Trimming
  • Safety

Special attention to the watering of the Chubushnik should be given during the flowering period and during reproduction. When the color is clicked, it is advisable to water twice a day, on average for water bucket (if dry and warm weather). Watering is also needed after disembarking bushes in the ground. During the rest of the time, Jasmine can not watered, it basically grabs moisture thanks to a large root system.

Speaking about pruning, it should be noted that it is thanks to her a bush will take gorgeous branchiness and will delight abundant color. After landing, the weak branches of the bush should be cut, and also to make the main stems. This will allow to gain strength to the plant and give large quantity kidneys, respectively, colors.

When Jasmine wonders, you should once again remove behind the branches, giving the opportunity to dial more confident shoots by autumn. For them by October, you will notice a large number of new branches that bloom the next year. Old and dry stems just need to trim, updating gradually thus all the bush.

The pruning procedure is produced in spring and in the middle of summer so that the sections of the plants manage to drag on the frost.

The question of the feeding of this bush will consider separately.

The pruning procedure should be carried out only with a clean, sharp secateur. For disinfection you need to use a strong mortar of manganese, chlorine, alcohol. If you neglect this measure, then an infection may fall into the wounder after trimming.

This shrub like most others need sanitation trimming. Conduct it at the beginning of the spring, before the start of the juice movement. It is important to remove not only dry, patients, frozen branches, but also those that thicken the canbushnik, grow inside the bush.

Too fascinating the process is not worth it. For this, the rabid is required mainly to support form and recovery as needed.

Fertilizers for jasmine

Certainly feasting the Chubuschik, it will be much stronger and stronger. The color on it is respectively rich, the bush is more larger. Forms especially need young chains and cuttings, as well as bushes, growing from seeds. It is her fertilizer who helps not to heat.

Starting from the second year of life, the shrub is recommended to feed the manure, while breeding it with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. This is done in the spring.

Later, somewhere a month before flowering, you can feed with special mineral fertilizers based on superphosphate, potassium sulfate and urea. They are also bred in water and plants are poured according to the instructions. In the fall, Jasmine is recommended to feed ashes, putting her bare parts of the stems.

Pests of the Chubuschik and the fight against them

It should be noted that the Chubudnik ordinary is very strong and stable in the plan of pests. However, there are still those who harm this shrub.

Among them should be noted:

  • Custom tick
  • Sheet green weevil

TLL starts to hit jasmine during color set. Little dark insects, similar to painting cereals, very quickly and largely multiply. They just sleep young shoots, bearing colors buds. The leaves on the affected branches are twisted and dried.

Recommended at the beginning of spring Always spray the plant special tool To combat insect pests, one of the most common is carbofos. This procedure will help to destroy the eggs survived the winter on shoots.

If you notice this pest later, then the speedy treatment of the bush on a sunny day with such means as:

  • Infusion Machorka
  • Solution of potash soap
  • Broth millennica
  • Carboophos or Rogor.
  • Infusion of black whlen

When damaged by the web tick, the leaves and branches begin to pale and dry under the influence of the rapid spread of the web along their surface.

For prophylaxis, it should be sprayed early in the spring against insects, and in the case of "capture" will help with the treatment with celtan or phosphamide. The procedure will need to repeat a couple of times with a weekly interval.

Green leaf weevil gnawing jasmine leaves. It is a certain beetle. The fight against it for the prevention is made in the same way, in the spring, but in the presence of an insect and its larvae, the processing of chlorophos or another special means is required. You can also shake the beetles from the plant and destroy.

In order to the plant, pests were attacked, it is necessary not only to carry out prophylactic spraying, but also to fulfill several recommendations. It is necessary to remove the OPEAD, as well as another garbage from the site, especially under the bushes. In dry leaves and the grass often breed and pests.

Soil is desirable to drag with fertilizer. For proper care The plant has high immunity. Especially in this regard, feeding with phosphorus and potassium are important.

Plant thickening often provokes diseases, as well as active reproduction of pests, as well as poorly drained soil. In case the ground is heavy, peat, sand and some ash are added gluly.

So that sadovy cultures The trouble did not start, it is necessary to get rid of the anthills, because their inhabitants often bred TRU. Also, you can land some plants whose smell does not like pests. It may be wormwood or calendula.

As for drugs, wide spectrum Actions possesses accility. But it should be noted that this is a very strong means. It is possible to apply it only using the means of protection, and the plant itself can loosen for a while.

Of the non-phytotoxic drugs, we recommend to protect phytodeterm.

It is worth a regularly inspecting the plant to begin treatment while the pest population has not increased, carry out the prevention of early spring and before flowering. It is important to process the entire garden, otherwise malicious organisms simply move with one culture to another.

Strong and weaknesses of jasmine

When choosing blooming shrubs, many will stop on Jasmine due to its unpretentiousness and endurance. This plant is even simply putting and forgetting about him, can adapt, grow and blossom, let not so abundantly, as in case of proper care.

Among the main advantages of the Chubushnik, we note:

If you are puzzled to decorate your site blooming shrubshowever, you want to get a beauty that will not require you time for permanent carethen you need an ordinary chubushnik.

While watching the video you will learn about the Chubuschnik.

Chubudnik, or as he is often called in the people - Garden Jasmine, is the perfect decoration for the summer garden. If you correctly pick up a variety, from June to August you can enjoy fragrant snow-white flowers.

Not all the pots are capable of growing safely in the unstable medium strip climate. We tried to choose the most frost and unpretentious shrubs for you.

Variety of Cubean Cubean (Philadelphus Coronarius)

In the middle lane, the Chubuschnik is blooming the first - in early June (if spring is warm, then at the end of May). This shrub grows pretty quickly and can reach a height of 3 m. The plant lives for about 30 years. In the gardens most often cultivate such decorative varieties, as:

Aureus (Aureus)

In the spring, this shrub with a spherical crown is decorated with bright yellow leaves, and in the summer and autumn they are yellowish-green. Thanks to the bright foliage, this Chubudnik is decorative all season, and not only during flowering when it is covered by numerous simple flowers White painting with yellow stamens in the center, exacerbating a strong fragrance. Chubuschnik Vernaya Aureus It grows well at sunny plots, puts out and half-day, but then blooms poorly.

After flowering needed sanitary trimming.

Variegatus Variegatus

This straight shrub reaches a height of 1.5 m. In addition to creamy-white fragrant flowers, slightly gear leaves are very attractive (up to 5-9 cm long) motley (and some and completely white) color.

Tricarcated Chubuschny varieties (Philadelphus Tenuifolius)

This shrub has a height up to 2.5 m, an unusual spherical crown: young sprigs of the plant form plexes in the form of hexagons. Leaves - egg-shaped, pointed, slightly gear. Slow-white flowers exuded a very weak fragrance. Blossom is observed in June-July.

Shrub withstands frost to -29 ° C.

Multiflora (Multiflora)

This plant is characterized by large brushes consisting of 11-13 white flowers.

Variety of Chubuschik Lemoine (Philadelphus Lemoinei)

The French gardener Lemoan made a significant contribution to the spread of the Chubuschik around the world, so his name is called a whole view. It belongs to the hybrids of the Chubudnik of the ordinary and Chubuschnik of the Meltsolet. Publiknik Lemian is widely distributed in countries with temperate climates. True, the plants of foreign selection are less winter-hardy, so more often cultivated in regions with a softer climate. However, they are so attractive as in the middle lane, some gardeners are not lazy to grow with winter shelter These garden jasmine. They bloom at the end of June and July.

Virginal (Virginal)

This hybrid chubushnik is also called devoty, virgin or innocent. A bush reaches a height of 2 m. During flowering, it is covered with fragrant terry flowers (with a diameter of about 5 cm), which are collected in inflorescences of 5-7 pieces.

Avalanche (Avalanche), or avalanche

This Chubuschnik - with the smell of strawberries, so in the people it is often called strawberry. At the shrub (about 1.5 m high) thin brown shoots, narrow light green leaves (2 cm long) and many simple white flowers (diameter up to 3 cm), which are located 1-3 pieces on short stuffing shoots and exude a pleasant Strawberry fragrance. Lush flowering Observed in July.

The disadvantage of this plant lies in the fact that it does not withstand frosts below -15 ° C.

snow avalanche

Since variety Avalanche It turned out to be insufficiently winter-hardy for the middle strip, the breeder of N.K.Tukhov improved him and received the Rannether winter hardy gradeswho called snow avalanche. This is a more elegant bush with a height of up to 1.5 m with curved falling branches, green leaves up to 4 cm long and numerous semi-grade flowers (diameter up to 3 cm), smelling strawberries.

Ballet Motalka

This variety is often mistakenly called. Flight Motalka. The tall and powerful shrub is attractive with its asymmetric form of semi-world flowers of cream color and with a thin aroma. Inflorescences are slightly protruding over the leaves, so the impression is that white butterflies are circling around the shrub.

Aerial landing

On a compact bush (about 1.4 m tall), thin twigs are inclined under the weight of inflorescences (8-9 cm long) with 7-9 freely located small and simple flowers in the form of a bowl. They resemble parachutes and is also pleasant to smell strawberries.


A chubushnik bush of about 2.4 m is covered with numerous terry flowers (with a diameter of 4-4.5 cm) white painting with a delicate smell.


Shrub reaches a height of 1.3 m. Its strong stems are located at an angle of 80 degrees. Soothes (about 10 cm long) are slightly curved up. In the middle of summer, they are covered with terry flowers (about 4.5 cm with a diameter of a snow-white color. Lower petals - oval, internal - narrow and more oblong. Among them, yellow anthers are barely noticeable.


This variety was loved by many flowers due to the unusual form of flowers. They are almost flat and at the same time with narrow and long petals. Externally, such flowers resemble a chamomile - hence the name of the variety.

Snow avalanche, ballet Motalka, air landing, salute, Komsomolets, chamomile and other varieties of domestic selection are often united into a group with the name "Vekhov's variety". These are the most frost-resistant varieties of the Chubushnik.

Chubuschnik or Jasmine garden with its magnificent beauty and indescribable aroma begins to delight in spring. The wondrous aroma exuded abundantly blooming snow-white or cream flowers of a long-term plant. The shrubs flowers may have a diameter of 2-5 cm. Their forms are simple, terry and semi-mounted. Collected in the brushes, they grow at the ends of young shoots.

Leaves "Jasmine Garden" have a length of 2-7 cm. Depending on the variety, there can be different shapes: simple, broad-shaped, elongated egg-shaped. Whole leaves of bright green color are placed on a shrub opposite. In the fall, the leaves are yellow, but there are views of evergreen bushes.

"Jasmine Garden" is a leafy shrub. His straight trunks are covered with thin gray crust. Height of plants dwarf varieties Total 70 cm. The Rural varieties grow to 6m. Flower Jasmine pleases with its beauty and aroma about two or three weeks. So that white clouds of colors enveloped garden For a longer time, you can pick up the varieties of the dubbed with different flowering times.

Varieties and types of pots

Thanks to the fruitful work of breeders, many new varieties of this plant are derived. Let's talk about the most common types.

Chubushnik ordinary (pale). This species develops well and blends perfectly on fruitful and well-humidified soils. His cream-white flowers are very fragrant. Shrub can have a height of 3 m. Its leaves are weakly pubescent, from above - bright green , bottom is pale green.

Chubushnik cornist. This shrub can reach a height of 3 meters. His flowers have cream and white shades. Flowers with a diameter of 2.5-3.5 cm are collected in inflorescences of 7-9 pieces. Large leaves of 8 cm long are located on strong shoots. This species blooms in mid-June, has several forms, for example:

  • terry, it is a very beautiful shrub having an extraordinary decoration in the form of multi-row flowers;
  • yellow-beard or goldistant, so amazing for summer period The color of the leaves looks very effectively on a common garden background until mid-July.

Chubuschnik Lemuca . A leafy shrub has a height of 3 m. Its splashing branches covered with white, large, very fragrant flowers and egg-lanceal leaves.

Mountain mantle. This species is a record holder for flowering duration (up to 50 days). Shrub height up to 1 meter. This variety is interesting in semi-world white flowers located on hanging stems. It is like a mantle from the mountainous skins. Shrub has an amazing aroma of strawberries.

Chubuschnik "Avalanche". A low face shrub has light green leaves and arcuate shoots. This species is different abundant blossomwhich lasts three weeks.

Chubuschnik "Air landing". Tall (up to 3 m.) Spaded bush with drooped bell-trees, similar to small parachutes.

Chubuschnik "Mont Blanc". From low species, these shrubs deserve special attention. Their denominations and strongly smelling flowers are pleased with their beauty for about a month. The maximum height of the bush of this type is 2 m.

Chubuschnik "Ballet Moths." Flowers - "Moth" of this charming variety as it were "flutter" over high (up to 3 m) and a wide shrub. The semi-world petals of a greenish shade create an illusion of a night butterfly.

Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya. Very popular variety of pots. A 2 m tall bush possesses large terry flowers having a greenish tint. Their aroma is weak.

CUBUBUS. Landing and care


To strengthen the growth of young shoots and giving the Kustachnik Kustachnik of a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to carry out its regular trimming. This is done in the early spring. Weak branches are shortened by half, too long cut down a bit.

The rejuvenating trimming is carried out when the bush branches are taken and begin to drown the plant itself. This species does not adorn the plant at all.

Sanitary trimming is carried out every year. Flowers who have lost an attractive look are necessarily removed. Extra shoots are cut off, the bush is thinned.

The reproduction of the Chubudnik

The plant breed seeds, gag or cuttings.

  • Seeds are sulfied into a pre-prepared land before the onset of strong frosts. For the winter, the beds with sealed seeds are covered with fir branches. In the spring, the snow melting under the sun applies moisture seeds, and young shoots will soon appear. Grown from seeds more persistent, they are less than illnesses. But this method The reproduction is very long. The plant blooms only in 7-8 years.
  • Reproduction is carried out in spring. For this, the strongest weighing branch leans towards the ground and stacked in advance prepared grooves. For good fixation, you can fasten the escape in several places with wire. The grooves fall asleep with a layer of sand, then peat. New shoots will appear on a drop in 1.5 months. For the entire growing season, they must be emphasized a couple of times. In autumn, shoots are separated and dive to a permanent place.
  • Cuttings are cut only from well-developed shoots. This must be done in June. Their length is about 5 cm. Bottom leaves and inflorescences are cut off with sharp scissors. There should be no more than three pairs of leaves and one interstice on each cutlets. The cuttings are successfully rooted in a mixture of sand and peat. First, a small recess is made in this mixture, then the cuttings are inserted there at a tilt of 30-40 °, and all this is neatly crimped. Cuttings need to be covered The bushes of the Chubuschnik many varieties are quite high and are suitable for creating the shade, which can be considered, thinking landscape design of his site

    Diseases and Treatment of the Chubudnik

    Dangerous pests for the plant can be cobed tick, TLL and leaf weevil.

    You can drive the tick by spraying the shrub fufanom. The TLL dies when spraying with the infusion of potatoes tops. A small amount of weedons can be simply shaken with the branches, or to peck them with the same fuffan.